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GEMSTONE ASTROLOGY: ONE EXPERIENCE Palmistry and Numerology are t e !a"ourite to#i$s o! all o!

us% T ere &ill 'e at least one in our !amily or among our a$(uaintan$es & o &ill a"e so)$alled $om#eten$e in t is su'*e$t% And t is s$ien$e is $onsidered to 'e "ery sim#le es#e$ially & en #erson is told any gem to 'e use!ul !or im% +ere it as to 'e understood t at t is tas, may seem sim#le 'ut a$tually it is not so% T oug A$ aryas o! astrology de#artment as stressed on t e !a$t t at gem related to As$endant $an 'e &orn 'y anyone and t ere is no #ro'lem in doing so% -ut t is is merely a su#er!i$ial tal,% Many times a lot o! t in,ing as to 'e #ut 'e ind !ollo&ing t is rule% .or e/am#le Lord o! as$endant 0Lagna1 is "ery &ea, or is o! de'ilitated 2odia$ sign and is $ausing a lot o! #ro'lems% T en3 4nder su$ $ir$umstan$es5 one as to t in, di!!erently% Generally any ordinary student o! Astrology does not $onsider t e de#t o! rules and use t em literally and as a result o! & i$ ama2ing results are o'tained and sometimes3 +ere one more !a$t needs attention t at & at &ould 'e t e &eig t o! gem & i$ you are #res$ri'ing !or t e #erson% It is de$ided 'y seeing t at in & i$ 2odia$ sign are related #lanets residing in t at #erson6s oros$o#e%

On$e u#on a time5 one !riend s o&ed me is oros$o#e% At t at time5 I used to study astrology more% So I *ust sa& and said t at 7iamond gem &ill 'e use!ul 'e$ause it &as A(uarius Lagna oros$o#e% My !riend as interest in &earing only stone5 e &as not !a$ing any #ro'lem% -ut it &as not &ritten t at & at s ould 'e &eig t o! diamond% Sadgurude" 8i as gi"en one rule t at gem s ould 'e at least o! 9 Ratti 0&eig t e(ual to : grains o! ri$e1% -ut t is &eig t $an in$rease de#ending u#on t e 2odia$ sign% +o&e"er5 minimum 9 Ratti s ould al&ays 'e t ere% No& not ing &as gi"en a'out diamond a$$ording to 2odia$ sign% So I told my !riend t at at least diamond s ould 'e o! t is mu$ &eig t;%%and to#i$ &as o"er% Ne/t day5 same !riend met me and &as "ery angry% I said & at a##ened% +e told t at Today5 I &ent dire$tly to 8e&eller6s s o# and en(uired a'out diamond% S o#,ee#er as,ed me t at it is a"aila'le5 & i$ range do you &ant3 I told instantaneously t at it s ould 'e at least o! 9 Ratti% S o#,ee#er &as astonis ed and said t at sorry5 #lease do not !eel 'ad% I told im #lease tell5 I &ill not% +e told t at e"en t ose dri"ing Toyota $ar does not &ear 9 Ratti diamond% I as,ed & y3 +e told t at it &ill at least $ost 9<= la, s% I said *ust t is mu$ ;

>e 'ot smiled% T en I said t at no& I understood & y t ere &as no &eig t gi"en in 'oo, $orres#onding to diamond% >ell5 ne/t day &e &ent to 'iggest s o# o! t e $ity and as,ed a'out Sa## ire 'e$ause Sa## ire is 'est gem !or t ose a"ing A(uarius as$endant% T at s o#,ee#er s o&ed so many Sa## ire stone% I did not !ound any o! t em $on"in$ing% I &as saying no to ea$ stone 'e$ause t ere &as small line in some gem5 some &ere slig tly 'ro,en5 some &ere irregular)si2ed and some &ere loo,ing little 'it strange; T ere &as no gem in is s o# & i$ satis!ies t e standards o! S astra% +e said t at i! you &ant $om#letely #ure gem5 t en no'ody &ill ta,e it 'e$ause it &ill $ost you many times more% It &as "ery astonis ing t at s$ien$e & i$ &e $onsider so mu$ t en su$ ;%3 T ere!ore A$ aryas a"e a$$e#ted su')gems 'e$ause on t e one and t ey are e$onomi$al and on t e ot er and one get desired #urity le"el su') gems% Same t ing a##lies in $ase o! er's% +o&e"er5 it is not a##ro#riate to &ear stone &it out doing Tantri$ #ro$edure or doing its $om#lete #oo*an% -ut & o as got t e time to do so% T ere!ore stressing on $om#lete #ro$edure is *ust &astage o! time% And it is (uite ama2ing t at &it out all t is 5 gems a"e su$ an astonis ing

e!!e$t 5 many #erson & o &ore t ese gems &it out all t ese #ro$edures 5 t ey got ama2ing results 5 t at too in all !ields o! li!e% T is !a$t $om#els us to t in, t at i! gem is $om#letely #ure and tantri$ #ro$edure is done on it5 t en o& mu$ $a#a'le it &ould 'e and o& mu$ #erson $an #rogress &earing it% > at is needed is to understand t is su'*e$t and s$ olars & o $an $arry out ne$essary #ro$edures $orre$tly% Sadgurude" 8i as gi"en so many rules regarding t is su'*e$t & i$ $an 'e !ollo&ed 'y $a#a'le one as &ell as students% > at $an 'e said a'out aus#i$iousness o! t ose !e& & o got gems !rom Sadgurude" and t ey a"e attained ig )#osition in t eir res#e$ti"e !ields% So today is t e time to understand Gemstone S$ien$e and $a#a'ility o! gemstones%

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