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Top 10 largest banks in Romania

2 Iulie 2009
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Be the first to leave a reply | Romanian version The ranking of ten largest banks in Romania underwent five major changes while the leading ten players lost !"#$ of the market"

The ranking of the nations largest banks in Romania by assets underwent major changes in 2008 only !"R and !R# remained on the same $ositions% while &olksbank and 'l$ha !ank joined the to$ league straight to (rd s$ot and )th res$ecti*ely% while Raiffeisen sli$$ed one $osition% according to +!R, Therefore% the aggregated market share of the fi*e largest banks eroded by -,2 $c% from ).,/0 to )/,(0,

%&' Bank is ranked tenth, The bank has increased its market share from (,(0 to (,)0 in 2008, The banks total assets stand at -0,9 billion lei 12,2( bln euros3, I+4 !ank re$orted a ..0 increase in gross $rofit last year% to -09 million lei 129 million euros3% as the banks total assets reached --,09 bln lei at the end of last year% u$ (.0 from end5 2002, I+4 !ank Romania re$orted a ))0 growth in net re*enues for last year from $rior year% u$ to )(2 mln lei, ()( Bank takes u$ the ninth $osition% with /,(0 market share and total assets of -(,)( bn lei 1(,(9 bn euros3, "6" !ank $osted a net $rofit of (.. mln lei in 2008 1nearly -00 million euros3, 'nother bank that lost ground last year% now standing in the eighth $osition is Bancpost% with a market share of /0, 674 6urobank% majority shareholder of !anc$ost said its net $rofit for Romanian o$erations slum$ed .0 in 2008% u$ to 22,( million euros, !anc$ost managed to increase share in the banking system in 2002% after its total assets skyrocketed 220% to -(,2) bln lei% grabbing a market share of ),(0, !y contrast% a year earlier% !anc$ost had recorded total assets of 2,2 billion lei, !anc$ost is the sole bank in to$ ten re$orting loss in first 8uarter 2009, The 4reek5based 674 6urobank $osted a net loss of /,- million euros% largely dri*en by its o$erations in Romania, In 2008% Banca Transilvania fell three $ositions% down to se*enth% with a ),/0 market share and total assets under management of -2,0- billion lei 1/,22 bln euros3, !anca Transil*ania $osted for last year a net $rofit of (98,2( million lei 1-08,2- million euros3% u$ -20 from a year earlier% ).0 of the gain stemming from the sale of its e8uity $osition in 'siban, *ni(redit Tiriac Bank holding the same market share of ),)0 as 'l$ha !ank% but total assets lower 1.2,9 million lei3 kee$s the si9th $osition in the ranking of the banking system in Romania, :ni"redit Tiriac !ank said its net $rofit climbed (20 in 2008% u$ to ()8,( million lei 192,29 million euros3% from a year earlier% as in the same inter*al% the total assets under the banks management edged u$ at roughly the same $ace% (.0, +lpha Bank took u$ the fifth s$ot% with a market share of ),)0 of the local banking industry% based on last years results, 'l$ha !ank Romania $osted 20,80 increase in $re5ta9 $rofit% u$ to /),8 million euros% as the bank set aside ((,2 million euros in the form of credit risk $ro*isions, Raiffeisen Bank sli$$ed to fourth% with a market share of .0, In the $re*ious annual ranking% Raiffeisen was standing on third $osition% with .,(0 market share, 't the end of 200.% Raiffeisens total assets amounted to -(,82 bln euros% and the market share was 8,0(0, ,olksbank climbs to third $osition% with a market share of .,80, &olksbank Romania $osted a $re5ta9 $rofit u$ by a staggering )/0 ;o;% u$ to (2,8 million euros% as the banks total assets rose at a similar $ace, ' year earlier% the banks $re5ta9 $rofit was 2/,) mln euros,

BRD-'roupe Societe 'enerale remained the second largest bank in Romania by assets according to 2008 results% slightly increasing its market share by 0,20 to -),20, !R#s market share fell last year to -),)0from -.,280 in 200., B(R kee$s its leading $osition similarly% e*en though the market share by net assets dro$$ed (,)0 to 20,(0, The downward trend of !"Rs share in the market continued from 2002 when it fell from 2.,-80 to 2(,80,

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