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Experiment -12- Fluid Friction

xperiment -12-Fluid Friction


Fluid flow in the direction of decreasing pressure and the decrease in pressure is caused by the frictional losses in a pipe network system. It is essential to know the total head loss in a pipe network so that a pump with a suitable power can be employed upstream to overcome the friction and to have the flow of the fluid. he resistance due to the friction on the internal surface of pipe! sudden contraction or expansion! fittings used in plumbing! elbows! valve! "unctions! all cause head losses. In this experiment! the head loss through a smooth bore pipe will be determined experimentally and will be compared with prediction made using the #$$%& diagram. he effect of roughness on head loss and on the friction factor will be investigated. It will be shown that the head loss in a pipe fitting is also proportional to the velocity head of the fluid and the fitting factor is constant for a fitting. Furthermore the use of differential head devices such as venture meter and pitot tube for determination of the fluid flow rate and velocity will be demonstrated.

o determine the relationship between fluid friction coefficient and 'eynolds number for floe of water through a different type of pipe. o determine the head loss for a fitting


Experiment -12- Fluid Friction

he head loss due to wall friction in fully developed flow along a

circular pipe is defined as h f

P1 P2 where (1 and (2 are the static g

pressures of the fluid at location 1 and 2 along the pipeline. )ead loss is generally computed from the %arcy- *eisbach e+uation,
hf = f L V2 D 2g

-1. $ther symbols appearing in the above relations have the following meaning, / and % 0 length and diameter of the pipe! 1 0 average velocity over the cross-section! g 0 acceleration due to gravity!

0 absolute roughness of the pipe wall!

0 density of water 222kg3m4!

0 dynamic viscosity of water 1.15617-4 8s3m2 at 15 79!

0 kinematic viscosity.
:se of E+. -1. re+uires knowledge of the functional dependence between the friction coefficient! relative roughness and 'eynolds number! or the specific functional form for E+. -2.. )owever! this function can be determined analytically only in the case of laminar flow! i.e.! 'e ; 2777. he result is known as the law of )agen(oiseuille! f 0 <=3'e -4.

Experiment -12- Fluid Friction

>ut in the case of turbulent flow the friction factor cannot be represented by simple formula as was case for laminar flow. his is due to the random and fluctuating movement of the fluid particles. For turbulent flow! experiments have shown that the friction factor is function of not only the 'eynolds number but also the relative roughness of the pipe f = f Re,
. D


he relative roughness is defined as the pipe inside surface roughness

divided by the pipe inside diameter

'elative roughness 0

o determine the value of the friction factor for use in e+.1 we use the #oody diagram.


2.'ough pipe %01? mm Flow A -lBmin. 1elocity 1 -mBs. ) -mm. hf

5.@mooth pipe %0 1<.5 )-mm. hf

Experiment -12- Fluid Friction

In addition to losses due to friction in pipe! there also are energy losses in valves and fitting such as tees! elbows! and bends. Cs a result! experimental techni+ues are used to determine losses. est have shown that head losses in valve and fitting are proportional to the s+uare of the velocity of the fluid,
v2 H L = K 2g

he constant of proportionality -D. is called the D factor of the valve or fitting Flow rate 47.277 elbow 12.=57 elbow 1E. >all valve 1?. Function

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