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University of the Cordilleras Graduate School ED MGMT 511 Human Behavior in Organizations Prof.

Joy Lumabas-Tio Mondays, 5:30-9:30 PM Assignment No. 4 1. In very concrete yet simple ways, explain how physiological, behavioral, and psychological outcomes of stress impact on the productivity and efficiency of the organization. The negative outcomes of stress basically have no place in the organization's aim at an increased productivity and efficiency in the workplace. Stress itself depletes performance and what more can its outcomes cause? Poor health puts the company at risk. Let's say for example one of the members of a firm is about to have an important meeting involving a large deal that could save the company from the effects of recession and if they were successful in carrying that out they may save the company's reputation and even prevent the imminence of a turnover. All members of the firm trust the ability of this person and he has contributed a lot for the company though, apparently, he works compulsively. On the big day, he is unable to attend the meeting and when the boss calls for him, he became resentful after knowing that he couldn't come because he was rushed to the hospital due to high blood pressure. Same applies to other employees. Poor health lowers their performance and consequently they fail to reach the quota or fail to accomplish paper works on time and they may even desert major tasks because eventually their bodies have turned against them. Moreover, high levels of sickness absence are the consequences of high levels of psychological burnout and this is because these employees don't take breaks, don't tell their supervisors they're stressed and don't detach from work even in their off-time. Job dissatisfaction is the salient psychological effect of stress but this also include "tension, anxiety, irritability, boredom, and procrastination", amongst others. We can expect that a person who has a low emotional well-being is unlikely to work productively and even last in the organization for a long time. People with psychological symptoms may be difficult to work with especially in collaborative tasks since they are detached and less involved and they stew their own emotions and some of them refuse to seek help. People with different behavioral symptoms also put a lot of risks to the company and losses even. Many negative behaviors cause problems inside the organization. Unresolved conflicts in the workplace generate communication barriers; bullying affects work relationships and only encourages grudge and idleness; harassment and violence can lead to legal consequences; drug use can stain the credibility of the company; alcoholism, eating and sleep disorders, increased smoking--all of these apparently

affects the organization that lead to decreased productivity, absence and, worse, turnover. 2. What would probably be the most common stressor for a high school teacher? The nature of the job of a teacher which involves preparing plans, gathering student outputs, checking and computing these outputs, and running deadlines (that is, the final grades of the students that they have to submit) is consequential to a high level of work stress. These task demands often lead to burnout especially when teachers are exposed to a lot of paperwork and they only have little time to pamper themselves so they feel depleted and exhausted at work that in turn may lead to a high level of psychological strain. Tasks demands are the primary stressor for a high school teacher. Also another stressor that I see are the role demands especially for teachers who have families since they have to be a teacher and at the same time a mother or a father and be successful at them. Intrarole conflicts also can cause stress in the workplace especially when there are factions in the school when, for example, the principal implements a regulation or intervenes with the general instructional method that all must follow and the teacher is confused if he will do what the principal wants or join his colleagues by not complying. 3. If you were a high school principal, what specific stress management program covering the 3 major strategies would you implement for your teachers? In an educational institution its quite unlikely that teachers will take responsibility in reducing their stress levels by involving themselves in timemanagement techniques, exercise or other wellness programs. In the same way, pure encouragement will not suffice since teachers are too stressed at work to be even thinking on their own about how to relieve their stress so a principal telling faculty members to "take it easy" may even offend the teachers. So as a principal, it is best to resort to organizational approaches that can help the teachers to have a positive wellbeing. The stress management program that I would implement for my teachers if I were a high school principal will be a one week sabbatical at the end of each grading period which will involve wellness programs, realistic goal-setting, and timemanagement training Wellness programs--this may be the most common program fit for stress reduction but is most helpful. This does not only mean strenuous exercise but teachers can have a variety of choices ranging from yoga to aerobics to different dance classes. Realistic goal-setting--people perform better when they have specific and challenging goals. Goals can actually reduce stress and at the same time provide motivation especially when supplemented with feedback. As a result, teachers

experience less frustration and role ambiguity. In here, teachers will be grouped by specialization and they will engage in a planning workshop and goal-setting activities to help them stay on track. Time-management training--many people are poor at managing their time. In here teachers will be trained on how to manage their time in school and other work-related tasks to help them increase their self-efficacy, organize their tasks and lessen their job strain.

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