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College Life

Character descriptions: (G)George He majors in Environment Science. His roommates are Ken and Tida. They have a bad relationship. He thinks happiness is more important. His girlfriend is st!dying and doesn"t like to be blamed. (T)Tida He doesn"t #ant to spend time making friends #ith Ken and George. He likes to comm!nicate #ith others by comp!ter. $omp!ter is his life. ( ) ancyShe is George"s girlfriend. She doesn"t have her o#n ideas. She #ants to be #ith George all the time. %eca!se of the reason& she ignores 'nnie"s feelings. (')'nnie She is thinking. Plot( There are three roommates #ho have a bad relationship& b!t a motorcycle accident changes their lives).. Scene (*n Girls" +orm) ( * like to eat noodles at H!ng,-in beca!se everything"s so cheap there. '( * kno# yo!r favorite food is noodles beca!se yo! can eat it as m!ch as yo! can. So yo!r l!nch is noodles& and dinner noodles& too. .o! al#ays say& /'nnie& let"s go eat at H!ng,-in. (They #alk hand in hand.) ( 0e"re friends. 1!r friendship #ill last forever. (They look at each other& and cross their fingers.) 1S( $ontrary to the girls& Tida& Ken and George have a bad relationship. They don"t like each other. Scene (%oys" +orm) ancy and George go to the room #ith la!ghter. ( 0hat"s the most important thing for yo!2 G( Happiness. * think happiness is the most important thing in the #orld. ancy"s good friend. She likes ancy. She is very #eird so she hates ancy"s friends. She #ishes ancy and George to break !p. %!t she doesn"t like her evil ancy. (K)Ken He fools aro!nd all the time. He doesn"t kno# #hat kind of life he #ants. He hates

( 0o#).* like yo!r point. 0hen yo! la!gh& the #hole #orld la!ghs #ith yo!. %!t #hen yo!"re sad& yo!"re the only one that"s sad. T( %e 3!iet& 1K2 * can"t concentrate on playing the comp!ter games. 1h4 * lost. K( *t"s too lo!sy for me to fall asleep. (George and ancy j!st keep talking.) ( George& yo!"re so h!moro!s. T( (hits the desk) 5o more talking. ('t the same time& Ken r!ns o!t of the room by slamming the door lo!dly. 'nnie calls '( ancy.) ancy. ( Hello& this is

ancy& it"s 'nnie. 0here are yo!2 *"ve been #aiting for yo! for an ho!r. 0hat happened2

( *"m sorry& 'nnie& * forgot o!r appointment. 5o# *"m #ith )George).. '( *t"s okay& b!t * hope yo! can spend some time #ith yo!r friends. ( * kno#. 5e6t time #e"ll go o!t to have f!n together. Scene (*n class) K( Sorry& *"m late. (Everyone la!ghs at Ken beca!se he looks f!nny.) K( 0hy did yo! lock me o!t2 * co!ld"t take my book bag& or change. * told yo! that * #as j!st going to the toilet for a min!te. G( 1h. *t"s not my fa!lt. * #ent o!t first& yo! can ask Tida. T( * didn"t hear #hat yo! said. * j!st concentrated on my comp!ter games. K( $ome on4 're yo! kidding2 *"m not happy abo!t that. 7lease don"t do that again. T( 1h)1K. '( Hey& ancy. Ho# #as the movie yesterday2 ( Hmm)*"d like to see the movie& b!t * had a date. '( 0ho #as #ith yo!2 George2 ( .es). '( ancy& *"m so disappointed that yo! fell in love #ith George& and yo! forgot me. .o! said #e #ere friends forever. %!t ).no# George is all yo!r life. ( 5o matter #hat yo! said& #e are friends forever. '( * don"t think so. K( Hey& Tida& George and ancy are gl!ed together all day. * think they come to o!r room too often to bother me doing home#ork. T( * agree #ith yo!. * can"t play my comp!ter games #ell. (The bell is ringing. Everyone is o!t of class.)

Scene (1n the road) ( 0here are #e going2 G( 0e"re going to a nice place. * have a big s!rprise for yo!. .o!"ll be very interested in it. ( 0o#& *"m so e6cited. %!t yo!"re riding too fast. G( That"s 1K. 1h& no4 ( George and Scene (*n the hospital) ( 're yo! 1K2 G( 1h)*"m 1K. +on"t #orry. Ho# abo!t yo!2 ( 8!st a little h!rt. G( *"m so sorry. ( 5o& don"t say that. G( %!t the s!rprise ). ( That"s 1K. 0e can go to that special place ne6t time. The doctor said #e can leave. $an yo! #alk by yo!rself2 G( aybe * need a #alking stick. ancy have a motorcycle accident.)

Scene (*n the boys" dorm) K( 0hat happened to yo!2 G( * had a motorcycle accident. T( 're yo! 1K2 G( *"m fine& b!t it h!rts a lot.. K( Ho# did it happen2 G( 0hen * #as making a t!rn& * #as riding too fast& so * skidded. T( 1h. 0hy did yo! ride so fast2 G( %eca!se * like the feeling of riding motorcycles fast. That"s so e6citing4 K( %!t it"s dangero!s. .o! might get killed. T( .eah& Ken"s right. Safety is the only #ay to go home. G( 0ell& *"ll be more caref!l in the f!t!re. Thanks for yo!r advice. T( .o!"re h!rt. Ho# are yo! going to class later2 K( 0e can help him go to class. T( That"s a good idea.

G( * really appreciate yo!r help. *n the past #e had a bad relationship& b!t no# #e"re good friends. K( .eah& * sho!ld find something meaningf!l to do& and make my life happy like yo!rs. T( * think that * sho!ld open my mind& then life #ill be happier than before. Scene (*n the girls" dorm) '( 1h& my)'re yo! 1K2 ( * feel j!st a little painf!l. '( $an yo! forgive me that * mis!nderstood yo!2 ( *"ve already forgiven yo!. 'ny#ay& #e"re best friends. '( Thanks& *"ll treat yo! to dinner). ( 9eally2 0here #ill #e go2 '( H!ng,-in& of co!rse. ( 1h& no

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