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Cadi Ayyad University ENCG Teacher: Mr.

BENLAHCEN Hicham Class: S1


eys t! S"ccess#"l Leadershi$

Leadership is a skill, and it can be learned. You can develop the qualities of a successful leader. In fact, the best leaders never stop growing. If youre looking to improve your own leadership skills, you may want to focus on one or more of the following key areas.

%isi!n: For us to be leading, someone must follow. o follow, they want to know where they are going first. !re you clear about your vision" !re others clear about it" !re they inspired by your vision and motivated to help you reali#e it" A&areness: he only moment in which we can take action is the present moment. !wareness of whats happening right now is critical to successful leadership $ from self%awareness to the awareness of others, your team, your organi#ation, and your environment. &ow aware are you in the present moment" 'nte(rity: 'eople want to follow someone they can count on and believe in. hey want to see that what you say lines up with what you do. Integrity leads to trust, respect, and credibility. !re you in alignment" !re you true to yourself and your team" Leadin( )!"rsel# *irst: If you know how to lead yourself, youll know what it will take to inspire, motivate, and encourage others. Leadership development is really self% development. !re you willing to grow and develop" !re you willing to cultivate the confidence and discipline to lead yourself" 'n#l"ence: (ltimately, leadership is influence. )e all influence each other, every day, one way or another. )hat kind of influencer are you" !re you influencing others in the direction of your vision" Attit"de: !ttitudes are contagious. If youre negative, youll bring others down. If youre positive, youll lift their spirits. )hatever situation comes your way, you have a choice about how you will respond. *o you take full responsibility for your attitude" Ev!lvin(: Leaders create positive change. You dont always have to be the creator or innovator, but its important to recogni#e and support good ideas. It doesnt matter whether you came up with them or not. !re you challenging the status quo" !re you willing to e+periment" *o you recogni#e and support others good ideas" Learnin(: ,ome leaders make the mistake of thinking they need to have all the answers. ,uccessful leaders never stop learning $ especially from their mistakes. Learning requires keeping an open mind, listening, and e+ploring. )hat are you learning right now" )hat do you want to learn ne+t"

Cadi Ayyad University ENCG Teacher: Mr. BENLAHCEN Hicham Class: S1

C!nnectin(: !uthenticity and emotional intelligence are critical elements of leadership. )hen you encourage others and show you care about them, you draw them forward even when they face challenges and obstacles. *o you communicate with others from your heart" *o you foster community within your team" *o you recogni#e and celebrate accomplishments and milestones" Em$!&er +thers: )e become more powerful when we empower others. -reat leaders unleash the leader within each person $ liberate them to use their own power. )e all want to know that we make a difference. &ow are you empowering and serving others" )hat are you doing to help your team grow and develop" )hat can you do to help them be their best"

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