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Resume Template

Finished school - some formal work experience

If youve completed Year 12 and have some work experience (whether full-time, part-time, casual or voluntary) your resume should hi hli ht your academic achievements as well as the skills and a!ilities youve ained at work" How to use this template: #his template has !een desi ned as a startin point for you to write your own resume" You can choose to leave out some sections and expand on other sections" You mi ht not feel comforta!le providin a career o!$ective, for example, dependin on your particular skills and experience" If you et stuck youll find heaps more tips and advice in our %o!s & 'areers section (check out our (pplyin for %o!s section to et started)" Tip # 1 Your resume should !e no lon er than three pa es" If it)s lon er, there)s a ood chance that people won)t want to read it" #his template resume is a !it lon er than three !ecause weve included tip !oxes and options for you to choose from" Tip # 2 *e specific" +ont $ust include the name of the company you worked for - specify the position you held and (if relevant) list tasks you completed or outcomes achieved"

Your resume should include: Your academic track record - either your results or what you studied, or !oth kills !ou"#e de#eloped throu h work experience (it doesnt matter if the work youve done in the past is different from the kind of work youre lookin for - focus on core skills that you can adapt to any work situation)

Thin$s !ou"#e achie#ed at work

The roles !ou"#e pla!ed in teams and the way you interact with others

Matthew Richards
%&'&(& 1,"-2"1.,/rovide your full name (or the name you like to !e called),
not $ust your initials You dont le ally have to include your date of !irth - its up to you whether you want to

/rovide your usual postal address, includin the postcode

Personal Details
/rovide your daytime phone num!er (home and0or mo!ile)" 1ake sure your phone has a clear voicemail messa e or that there is someone availa!le to take a messa e for you

)ddress: 12 2rchard 3rove, 4i hfield, 5-25 *o+ile: 6666 666 666 ,mail: matthew"richards7xmail"com
/rovide an email address (it looks more professional to use an email address with your name in it, rather than one you use with friends e" " su arcoated7ornery!u s"com)

Career Objective

( career o!$ective explains what youre lookin for and what you can offer, and shows that youve thou ht a!out what kind of work you want to do You can use your career o!$ective to demonstrate how your work experience has shaped your future career or $o! oals 8eep it !rief (one or two sentences)- it can !e written specifically to suit each $o! you apply for or it can !e more eneral to suit your overall career or $o! oals

I am keen to !uild on my hospitality skills and experience in a challen in professional environment" I take pride in my attention to detail and a!ility to effectively mana e my time" (s my 9ualifications and work experience demonstrate I am a!le to work under pressure and to a consistently hi h standard"

Skills & Abilities

Communication skills :tron written and ver!al communication skills

( reat way to show your suita!ility for the $o! youre applyin for is to list your skills under the same su!-headin s used in the $o! advertisement or position description (e" " if the $o! ad states the successful applicant must have stron communication skills you should include a ;'ommunication :kills headin in this section) +ont for et that work is not the only place you can develop skills and a!ilities" #hink a!out what youve learned from clu!s or interest roups or from helpin out at home or in your community

<xperience and ease communicatin with a ran e of people includin customers, suppliers, mana ers and work collea ues <xperience and ease providin customer support (!oth ver!al and written) includin descri!in , su estin and demonstratin products0services Technical skills

'ertified in responsi!le servin of alcohol 'ertified in :enior =irst (id

)dministration skills <xperience with a ran e of office duties includin telephones, mail, filin , inventory and orderin ,#ent mana$ement skills

:tron or anisational skills <xperience with mana in venue hire, caterin and
uest lists -omputer skills 4ands-on experience with standard office and retail software includin >ord, (ccess and <xcel

Em lo!ment "istor!

?ist the position, workplace and period of employment for any $o!s youve had, includin volunteer positions or holiday $o!s" :tart with the most recent and work !ack from there

Include a !rief list of work skills and achievements for each $o! - this is a useful way of promotin your a!ilities and achievements You can also include voluntary work

Second #ear $nternshi % &onderland Tours Se tember '(() -ore skills: office administration, client liaison and data!ase mana ement *acation work% "i+h,ield "otel- October '((. / 0ebruar! '(() -ore skills: or anisin and preparin food, presentin food, cleanin and maintainin kitchen premises and providin responsi!le service of alcohol -asual work: The Tea -os!. waiter. %ecem+er 2//0 present -ore skills: customer service, preparin and servin espresso coffee, and cleanin premises and e9uipment

Education & Trainin+

/rovide a summary of your education history includin your last year of secondary school and any course youre doin now" :tart the list with your current studies and work !ackwards

ample )

2//1 - present (achelor of Tourism and Hospitalit! *ana$ement 23443)* )5643 35 T3T7T, 2//1 Responsi+le er#in$ of )lcohol -ertificate

+ont for et to include any additional relevant trainin youve completed (at school or otherwise) e" " short courses, first aid certificates

enior First )id 8 t 9ohn )m+ulance: 2--@ ;ictorian -ertificate of ,ducation H36HF3,4% ,-'5%)RY -'44,6,
Tertiar! ,ntrance core: <=&1 8,n$lish. ;,T Hospitalit!. Further *athematics. >s!cholo$!. (usiness *ana$ement: -ompleted -ertificate 333 in Hospitalit! 8'perations:

Academic achievements
If relevant you can list the su!$ects you studied and marks achieved A its up to you


4i hfield :econdary 'olle e B<# 4ospitality (ward (for receivin the hi hest study score of the class)

?ist the name of the course and the name of the place you studied it, as well as an overview of the skills that you developed as part of the course


Cational finalist A >orld:kills B<#i: competition (=ood & *evera e) 1em!er of :tudent :oup 8itchen (cooked and sold soup at school to raise funds for charity)


ample (

2//1 - present (achelor of Tourism and Hospitalit! *ana$ement 23443)* )5643 35 T3T7T,


;ictorian -ertificate of ,ducation H36HF3,4% ,-'5%)RY -'44,6,

Skills develo ed
?earned and continually improved my skills in food preparation and presentation while completin 'ertificate III in 4ospitality (2perations)" #ested my knowled e and application of skills in the =ood & *evera e section of the >orld:kills (ustralia B<#i: competition in which I won re ional and state !ased rounds and went on to compete as a national finalist (2--@)"


>ritin a !it a!out what you do in your spare time helps an employer et to know you" Its another chance to draw attention to your a!ilities and achievements Include thin s like team mem!erships, lon -term interests and any informal trainin youve done throu h a social clu! or community roup

'yclin A participant in 3reat Bictorian *ike Dide 2--E and 2--F 'ommunity work - volunteer mentor with *i *rothers *i :isters 2--E A present

9enn! mall B<# 4ospitality #eacher, 4i hfield :econdary :chool 1o!ileG 6666 666 666

Terr! 7nderwood 1ana er, 4i hfield 4otel /honeG 66 6666 6666 (>ritten reference enclosed)
2ritten references >ritten references are very useful to add to your resume to hi hli ht your skills" (sk potential referees to write you a reference that descri!es your !est skills and 9ualities

3ncludin$ referees 1ake sure you provide up-to-date contact details for your referees and always check that it)s okay with referees !efore includin them in a resume" It also helps to tell referees a !it a!out the $o! youre applyin for so they can think a!out how your skills and a!ilities are relevant to the $o!

2ho can +e a referee@ :omeone who knows you well, like a collea ue, team-mate, coach, mentor, teacher or another mem!er of the community youve worked with or helped out

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