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UNIT I BASIC MEASUREMENT CONCEPTS 9 Measurement systems Static and dynamic characteristics units and standards of measurements error

ror :- accuracy and precision, types, statistical analysis moving coil, moving iron meters multimeters Bridge measurements : Maxwell, Hay, Schering, Anderson and ien !ridge" UNIT II BASIC ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENTS 9 #lectronic multimeters $athode ray oscilloscopes !loc% schematic applications special oscilloscopes: delayed time !ase oscilloscopes, analog and digital storage &scilloscope, sampling oscilloscope ' meters (ector meters )* voltage and +ower measurements ,rue )MS meters" UNIT III SIGNAL GENERATORS AND ANALYZERS 9 *unction generators pulse and s-uare wave generators, )* signal generators Sweep generators *re-uency wave Harmonic distortion spectrum :- digital spectrum, (ector /etwor% 0igital 1,$,) measurements, 0igital )1$ meters" UNIT IV DIGITAL INSTRUMENTS 9 $omparison of analog and digital techni-ues digital voltmeter multimeters fre-uency counters measurement of fre-uency and time interval extension of fre-uency range Automation in digital instruments, Automatic polarity indication, automatic ranging, automatic .eroing, fully automatic digital instruments, $omputer controlled test systems, (irtual instruments" UNIT V DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEMS AND FIBER OPTIC MEASUREMENTS 9 #lements of a digital data ac-uisition system interfacing of transducers multiplexing data loggers computer controlled instrumentation 2### 344 !us fi!er optic measurements for power and system loss optical time domains reflectometer" TOTAL= 45 PERIODS TEXT BOOKS: 1. Al!ert 0"Helfric% and illiam 0"$ooper Modern #lectronic 2nstrumentation and Measurement ,echni-ues, +earson 5 +rentice Hall of 2ndia, 6778" 2. #rnest &" 0oe!elin, Measurement Systems- Application and 0esign, ,MH, 6778" REFERENCES: 9" :oseph :"$arr, #lements of #lectronics 2nstrumentation and Measurement, +earson #ducation, 677;" 6" Alan" S" Morris, +rinciples of Measurements and 2nstrumentation, 6nd #dition, +rentice Hall of 2ndia, 677;" ;" 0avid A" Bell, #lectronic 2nstrumentation and measurements, +rentice Hall of 2ndia +vt 1td, 677;" 3" B"$" /a%ra and <"<" $houdhry, 2nstrumentation, Meaurement and Analysis, 6nd #dition, ,MH, 6773" =" :ames " 0ally, illiam *" )iley, <enneth >" Mc$onnell, 2nstrumentation for #ngineering Measurements, 6nd #dition, :ohn iley, 677;"

Unit I Basic measurement concepts

1. What is meant by measurement? Measurement is an act or the result of comparison between the quantity and a Predefined standard.

2. Mention the basic requirements of measurement. The standard used for comparison purpose must be accurately defined and should be commonly accepted. The apparatus used and the method adopted must be provable. 3. What are the 2 methods for measurement? Direct method and Indirect method. 4. E p!ain the function of measurement system. The measurement system consists of a transducing element which converts the quantity to be measured in an analogous form. the analogous signal is then processed by some intermediate means and is then fed to the end device which presents the results of the measurement. ". #efine Instrument. Instrument is defined as a device for determining the value or magnitude of a quantity or variable. $. %ist the types of instruments. The types of instruments are Mechanical Instruments !lectrical Instruments and !lectronic Instruments. &. '!assify instruments based on their functions. Indicating instruments Integrating instruments "ecording instruments . (. )i*e the app!ications of measurement systems. The instruments and measurement systems are sued for Monitoring of processes and operations. #ontrol of processes and operations. !$perimental engineering analysis. +. Why ca!ibration of instrument is important? The calibration of all instruments is important since it affords the opportunity to chec% the instrument against a %nown standard and subsequently to errors in accuracy. 1,. E p!ain the ca!ibration procedure. #alibration procedure involves a comparison of the particular instrument with either. & primary standard & secondary standard with a higher accuracy than the instrument to be calibrated or &n instrument of %nown accuracy. 11. #efine 'a!ibration. It is the process by which comparing the instrument with a standard to correct the accuracy. 12. -ame the different essentia! torques in indicatin. instruments. Deflecting torque #ontrolling torque Damping torque

13. -ame the types of instruments used for ma/in. *o!tmeter and ammeter. PMM# type Moving iron type Dynamometer type 'ot wire type !lectrostatic type Induction type. 14. 0tate the ad* of 1MM' instruments (niform scale. )o hysterisis loss *ery accurate 'igh effuiciency. 1". 0tate the disad* of 1MM' instruments #annot be used for ac m+s ,ome errors are caused by temperature variations. 1$. 0tate the app!ications of 1MM' instruments m+s of dc voltage and current used in dc galvanometer. 1&. 2o3 the ran.e of instrument can be e tended in 1MM' instruments. In ammeter by connecting a shunt resister In voltmeter by connecting a series resister. 1(. 0tate the ad* of #ynamometer type instruments #an be used for both dc and ac m+s. -ree from hysterisis and eddy current errors. 1+. 0tate the ad* of Mo*in. iron type instruments .ess e$pensive #an be used for both dc and ac "easonably accurate. 2,. 0tate the ad* of 2ot 3ire type instruments #an be used for both dc and ac (naffected by stray magnetic fields "eadings are independent of frequency and waveform.

1art B
1. #iscuss different type of 0tandards of measurement? c!assify and e p!ain the different type of 0tandards of measurement? "ef/ Pg no/1021 to 10 1 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 2. #iscuss basic characteristics of measurin. de*ices? "ef/ Pg no/103 to 1024 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 3. #efine and e p!ain 3ith e amp!es the different types of possib!e errors in measurement?

"ef/ Pg no/10 1 to 10 5 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 4. With neat dia.ram e p!ain the construction4 3or/in.4 torque equation and ad* 4 disad* of 1MM' instrument? "ef/ Pg no/2014 to 2016 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi ". E p!ain any one brid.e circuit for measurement of inductance? "ef/ Pg no/ 0 4 to 0 1 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi

Unit II Basic E!ectronic measurements

1. What are the constructiona! parts of dynamometer type 3attmeter? -i$ed coil Moving #oil #urrent limiting resister 'elical spring ,pindle attached with pointer 7raduated scale 2. Write do3n the def!ectin. torque equation in dynamometer type 3attmeter. Td 8 *I #os9 3. 0tate the disad* of #ynamometer type 3attmeter. "eadings may be affected by stray magnetic fields. &t low power factor it causes error. 4. -ame the errors caused in #ynamometer type 3attmeter. !rror due to pressure coil inductance !rror due to pressure coil capacitance !rror due to methods of connection !rror due to stray magnetic fields !rror due to eddy current. ". 2o3 the errors caused by pc inductance is compensated. 2y connecting a capacitor in parallel to the resister. $. 2o3 the errors caused by methods of connection is compensated 2y using compensating coil. &. -ame the methods used for po3er measurement in three phase circuits. :i;ngle wattmeter method :ii; wattmeter method :iii; wattmeter method. (. What are the specia! features to be incorporated for %15 3attmeter? Pressure coil circuit #ompensation for Pressure coil current #ompensation for Pressure coil inductance. +. #efine 1hantom !oadin..

Method by which energi<ing the pressure coil circuit and current coil circuits separately is called phantom loading. 1,. 0tate the use of phantom !oadin.. Power loss is minimi<ed. 11. -ame the methods used in Wattmeter ca!ibration. 2y comparing with std wattmeter. 2y using voltmeter ammeter method. 2y using Potentiometer. 12. What are the types of ener.y meters? !lectrolytic meters Motor meters. #loc% meters 13. -ame the constructiona! parts of induction type ener.y meter. #urrent coil with series magnet *oltage coil with shunt magnet &l disc 2ra%ing magnet "egistering mechanism. 14. 2o3 *o!ta.e coi! is connected in induction type ener.y meter. It is connected in parallel to supply and load. 1". 2o3 current coi! is connected in induction type ener.y meter. It is connected in series to the load. 1$. Why 6! disc is used in induction type ener.y meter. &luminum is a nonmagnetic metal. 1&. What is the purpose of re.isterin. mechanism. It gives a valuable number proportional to the rotations. 1(. What is the purpose of bra/in. mechanism. It provides necessary bra%ing torque. 1+. #efine creepin.. ,low but continuous rotation of disc when pc is energi<ed and cc is not energi<ed. 2,. 0tate the reason 3hy ho!es are pro*ided in 6! disc. To avoid creeping holes are provided on both sides of &l disc.

1art B
1. E p!ain the main parts in '78 "ef/ Pg no/601 to 6013 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 2. E p!ain the main parts in '79 "ef/ Pg no/602 to 60= Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi

3. E p!ain 3ith b!oc/ dia.ram of 03eep frequency .enerator . "ef/ Pg no/3054 to 3052 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 4. E p!ain 3ith b!oc/ dia.ram of dua! beam osci!!oscope. "ef/ Pg no/60 1 to 60 2 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi ". E p!ain 3ith b!oc/ dia.ram of dua! trace osci!!oscope. "ef/ Pg no/6025to 60 4 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi $. E p!ain the 3or/in. princip!e of a *ector *o!tmeter 3ith the he!p of a neat b!oc/ #ia.ram "ef/ Pg no/5051 to 5062 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi &. With a neat b!oc/ dia.ram e p!ain the function of a .enera! purpose osci!!oscope "ef/ Pg no/601 to 6012 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi (. E p!ain different types of po3er measurement. "ef/ Pg no/6062 to 6063 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi

Unit III! .enerators and 6na!y:ers

1. What is the basic princip!e used in potentiometer. In potentiometer the un%nown emf is measured by comparing it with a std %nown emf. 2. -ame the potentiometer materia! used. 7erman silver Manganin wire 3. #efine standardi:ation. It is the process by which ad>usting the current flows through the potentiometer coil to ma%e the voltage across the std cell is equal. 4. 0tate the app!ications of potentiometer. (sed for m+s of un%nown emf (sed for ammeter calibration (sed for *oltmeter calibration (sed for wattmeter calibration ". 0tate the ad* of crompton potentiometer. More accurate !asy to ad>ust $. What are the practica! difficu!ties in ac potentiometers. More complicated &ccuracy is seriously affected Difficulty is e$perienced in standardi<ation. &. '!assify ac potentiometers. Polar potentiometer #oordinate potentiometer.

(. 2o3 the phase an.!e is measured in po!ar type potentiometers. It is measured from the position of phase shifter. +. -ame some ac potentiometers. Drysdale Tinsley potentiometer 7all Tinsley potentiometer 1,. 0tate the ad* of ac potentiometers. #an be used for m+s of both magnitude and phase angle #an be used for m+s of inductance of the coil. It is used in m+s of errors in #T, 11. 0tate the app!ications of ac potentiometers. M+s of self inductance. &mmeter calibration *oltmeter calibration ?attmeter calibration. 12. 0tate the ad* of instrument transformers. (sed for e$tension of range Power loss is minimum 'igh voltage and currents can be measured. 13. 0tate the disad*anta.e of instrument transformers. #annot be used for dc measurements. 14. What are the constructiona! parts of current transformer? Primary winding ,econdary winding Magnetic core. 1". -ame the errors caused in current transformer. "atio error Phase angle error 1$. #efine ratio error. The ratio of energy component current and secondary current is %nown as the ratio error. 1&. 2o3 the phase an.!e error is created. It is mainly due to magneti<ing component of e$citation current. 1(. 0tate the use of potentia! transformer. (sed for m+s of high voltage (sed for energi<ing relays and protective circuits. 1+. -ame the errors caused in potentia! transformer. "atio error Phase angle error.

2,. 2o3 the '9 and 19 are connected in the circuits. #T is connected in series and PT is connected in parallel.

1art B
1. E p!ain 75! .enerators 3ith neat boc/ dia.ram. "ef/ Pg no/ 3013 to 3026 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 2. E p!ain 3ith b!oc/ dia.ram of s3eep .enerators. "ef/ Pg no/ 305 to 305= Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 3. E p!ain the 3a*e ana!y:er "ef/ Pg no/ =01 to =05 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 4. #ra3 and e p!ain the 3or/in. of spectrum ana!y:er "ef/ Pg no/ =03 to=012 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi ". E p!ain the frequency synthesi:er in detai!. "ef/ Pg no/ 305= to 3062 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi $. #escribe the 3or/in. of function .enerator 3ith the a b!oc/ dia.ram "ef/ Pg no/ 30 = to 3054 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi

Unit I; #i.ita! Instruments

1. '!assify resistance. .ow resistanc Medium resistance 'igh resistance 2. What is the ran.e of medium resistance? "esistance of about 1 ohm to 144 %ilo ohms are called medium resistance. 3. -ame the methods used for !o3 resistance measurement. &mmeter @ voltmeter method Potentiometer method Aelvin double bridge method Bhm meter method. 4. -ame the methods used for medium resistance measurement &mmeter @ voltmeter method ,ubstitution method ?heatstone bridge method #arey foster bridge method.

". Where hi.h resistance m<s is required? Insulation resistance of cables 'igh resistance circuit elements *olume resistivity of a material ,urface resistivity. $. 0tate the ad* of Wheatstone brid.e method. -ree from errors The balance is quit independent of source emf &. 0tate the ad* of =e!*in doub!e brid.e method. !rrors owing to contact resistanceC resistance of leads can be eliminated by using this Aelvin double bridge. (. What are the constructiona! features of doctor ohmmeter? Permanent magnet #urrent coil Pressure coil 2attery Pointer with graduated scale . +. #efine The megger is an instrument used for the measurement of high resistance and insulation resistance. 1,. -ame the parts of It consists of a hand driven dc generator and a direct reading true ohm meter. 11. What is the ran.e of !o3 resistance? "esistance of about 1 ohm and under are included in this class. 12. What is the ran.e of medium resistance? "esistance of 144 %ilo ohms and above are usually termed as high resistance. 13. What of resistance can be measured by usin. doctor ohmmeter. 4 to 644 micro ohms 4 to 6 milli ohms 4 to 64 milli ohms 4 to 644 milli ohms 4 to 6 ohms. 14. 2o3 resistance is measured in direct def!ection method. The deflection of galvanometer connected in series with the resistance to be measured gives a measure of the insulation resistance. 1". '!assify the cab!es accordin. to their sheathin.. &rmoured cables (narmoured cables. 1$. -ame the !eads present in !arth lead .ine lead 7uard lead.

1&. 2o3 resistance is measured by usin. ohm meter method. ,eries ohm meter method ,hunt ohm meter method. 1(. 2o3 resistance is measured in !oss of char.e method. In this method a capacitor is charged and discharged for a specific time period and from this resistance is measured. 1+. 0tate the ba!ance equation used in brid.e methods. The product of opposite branch resistances are equal. 2,. 0tate the ad* of price>s .uard 3ire method. In this method lea%age current does not flows through the meter and therefore it gives accurate reading. 21. 2o3 the earth resistance is measured. 2y using earth megger the value of surface earth resistance can be measured.

1art B
1. #iscuss brief!y *arious types of di.ita! *o!tmeters "ef/ Pg no/ 105 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 2. E p!ain 3ith b!oc/ dia.ram4 the operation of 7amp type #;M. "ef/ Pg no/ 10D to 1012 Measurements and Instrumentation by ba%shi 3. E p!ain the 3or/in. of a di.ita! mu!timeter 3ith a schematic b!oc/ dia.ram. "ef/ Pg no/ 102= to 1021 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 4. #ra3 and e p!ain the circuit of di.ita! frequency meter "ef/ Pg no/ 10 1 to 10 3 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi ". Write note on measurement errors in frequency counter "ef/ Pg no/ 10 D to 1054 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi

Unit ; #ata acquisition systems and fiber optic measurements

1. 0tate the use of ac &# bridges are used for the m+s of self and mutual inductance and capacitance. 2. 0tate the ba!ance equation used in ac The product of opposite branch impedances are equal. 3. -ame the brid.e circuits used for the m<s of se!f inductance. Ma$wellEs bridge Ma$well0?ein 2ridge &nderson bridge 'ayEs bridge.

4. -ame the brid.e circuits used for the m<s of capacitance. De ,autyEs bridge ,chering 2ridge ?ein bridge ". -ame the brid.e circuits used for the m<s of mutua! inductance. The 'eaviside #ampbell bridge The #ampbell bridge. $. Which type of detector is used in ac *ibration galvanometers are used. &. -ame the ac sources used in ac &# supply with step0down transformer Motor driven alternator &udio frequency and radio frequency oscillator. (. In 3hich cases audio frequency osci!!ators are used as ac source. -or high frequency ac requirement audio frequency oscillators are used. +. -ame the sources of errors in ac brid.e m<s. !rrors due to stray magnetic fields .ea%age errors !ddy current errors "esidual errors -requency and waveform errors. 1,. 0tate the ad* of Ma 3e!!?3ein brid.e. The balance equation is independent of frequency and therefore more accurate. 11. 0tate the disad*anta.e of Ma 3e!!?3ein brid.e. This method needs a std variable capacitor. *ariable #apacitor is costliest. 12. 0tate the disad* of 2ay>s brid.e. The balance equation is dependent of frequency and therefore any changes in frequency will affect the m+s. 13. 0tate the use of Wein brid.e. It is used for the m+s of un%nown capacitance and frequency. 14. What is the use of 'ampbe!! brid.e? This is used for the m+s of mutual inductance. 1". What is meant by inductometer? The std variable mutual inductance meter is called as inductometer. 1$. #efine @?factor of the coi!. It is the ratio between power stored in the coil to the power dissipated in the coil. 1&. -ame the components of iron !oss.

!ddy current loss 'ysterisis loss. 1(. -ame the fau!ts that occurs in cab!es. 2rea% down of cable insulation ,hort circuit fault Bpen conductor fault. 1+. -ame the !oop test methods used in !ocation of fau!t. Murray loop test *arley loop test. 2,. 2o3 !ea/a.e errors are minimi:ed in ac brid.e circuits. 2y using high grade insulation.

1art B
1. With the he!p of b!oc/ dia.ram e p!ain di.ita! data acquisition system "ef/ Pg no/ 1405 to 1406 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 2. E p!ain di.ita! to ana!o. mu!tip!e in. "ef/ Pg no/ 1401 to 14015 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 3. )i*e a b!oc/ dia.ram of computer based data acqutistion system. E p!ain each b!oc/ e!aborate!y "ef/ Pg no/ 140D to 1401 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 4. E p!ain sequence of operation in case of IEEE ?4(( bus system "ef/ Pg no/ 11014 to 11012 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi ". What are the ad* of the optica! time domine ref!ectometer A89#7B o*er a system !oss measurement technique? "ef/ Pg no/ 12011 to 1201 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi B.E<B.9E'2 #E)7EE EC6MI-69I84 M6D<EU-E 2,,& 0EME09E7 I; E%E'978-I'0 6-# '8MMU-I'69I8- E-)I-EE7I-) E'12"" F ME60U7EME-90 6-# I-097UME-969I81679 F 6 A1,G2H2,B 1. What are the different types of standard in measurement? International standards Primary standards ,econdary standards ?or%ing standards

2. What is a transfer instrument? The instrument which can transfer one form of measurement value to another form. 3. 2o3 is the e!ectron beam focused to a fine spot on the face of the cathode ray tube? The electron gun section of the cathode ray tube provides a sharply focused electron beam directed towards the fluorescent coated screen and it appears to be a visible spot. 4. %ist the disad* of ana!o. stora.e cathode ray tube The waveform can be preserved for finite amount of time only &s long as the image must be storedC the power must be supplied to the tube. It is not finite ?riting rate of storage tube is less It is e$pensive It requires additional power supply. ". )i*e the functions of an attenuator in a! .enerator The attenuator provides amplitude control. &ttenuator is a device which reduces the power level of the signal by fi$ed amount. $. What are the dra3bac/s of tuned circuit ana!y:er? Tuning must be correctC tuning elements must of proper values. &. What is the importance of .ate time in frequency counter? If the frequency to be measured is lowC then the accuracy of the frequency counter decreases as less number of pulses are connected to the gating circuit. Thus in low frequency region it is better to measure period rather than frequency. (. 2o3 is time error reduced? 1. Bscillator calibration error can be overcome by using simple calibration technique. 2. #rystal stability error can be reduced by using long gate times such as 14s and 144s during frequency measurements. +. #istin.uish bet3een ana!o. and di.ita! data acquisition systems 6na!o.I when the lower accuracy is tolerable or when wide frequency bandwidth is needed it is used. #i.ita!I if the quantity to be measured has very narrow bandwidth. ?hen the high accuracy with low per channel cost is required it is used. 1,. 2o3 much e!apsed time 3ou!d occur to ref!ection from a brea/ in an optica! fiber of 1.4=m if the inde of refraction of the core 3as 1.""? ! F hc+G

1679 B? A"G1$ H (,B 11 aBiB With a neat dia.ram e p!ain in detai! the construction of a 1MM' instrument. "ef/ Pg no/ 2014 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB 2o3 do you measure !ar.e currents in 1MM' instruments? "ef/ Pg no/ 2014 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiiB What is 6yrton 0hunt? "ef/ Pg no/ 2023 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 bBAiB #iscuss in detai! about =e!*in doub!e brid.e "ef/ Pg no/ 01 to 015 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi AiiB E p!ain about 2ay brid.e in detai! "ef/ Pg no/ 0 D to 052 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 12 aB With a neat dia.ram e p!ain about ramp type and 0uccessi*e appro imation #;M. "ef/ Pg no/ 103 to 1011 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 bB With a neat dia.ram e p!ain about ;ector impedance Meter. "ef/ Pg no/ 5051 to 5062 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 13BAaB With a neat dia.ram e p!ain about frequency di*ider type of! .enerator 3ith frequency modu!ation "ef/ Pg no/ 302= to 3021 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 AbBAiB E p!ain .enera! purpose spectrum ana!y:er "ef/ Pg no/ =03 to =012 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi AiiB E p!ain phase !oc/ed circuit for the first !oca! osci!!ator of a spectrum ana!y:er. "ef/ Pg no/ =016 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 14 aBAiB What method can be used to increase the frequency ran.e of frequency counter. "ef/ Pg no/ 10 4 to 10 3 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi AiiB 2o3 can this be achie*ed 3ithout de.radin. the accuracy of counter? "ef/ Pg no/ 10 4 to 10 3 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi

87 bB #iscuss about AiB )atin. error AiiB 9ime based error and !e*e! error. AiiiB Ma imum accuracy achie*ed for frequency measurement. "ef/ Pg no/ 10 D to 10 1 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 1"aBAiB What are the requirements of 6utomatic test system. "ef/ Pg no/ 1102 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi AiiB E p!ain about IEEE 4(( system. "ef/ Pg no/ 110D to 11012 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 bBWith a neat b!oc/ dia.ram e p!ain AiB 8ptica! po3er meter. AiiB6uto 1o3er meter. AiiiB 89#7 "ef/ Pg no/ 1201 to 12011 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi

B.E<B.9E'2 #E)7EE EC6MI-69I84 -8;<#E' 2,,$ 0EME09E7 I; E%E'978-I'0 6-# '8MMU-I'69I8- E-)I-EE7I-) E'12"" F ME60U7EME-90 6-# I-097UME-969I81679 F 6 A1,G2H2,B 1. 1recision is a necessary but not sufficient condition for accuracy. 9rue or fa!se? Justify True Precision/ it is the measure of consistency or repeatability of measurements &ccuracy/ it is a degree of closeness with which the instrument reading approaches the true value of the quantity to be measured. 2. What are the 2 conditions to be satisfied to ma/e an 6' brid.e ba!anced? H1 H5 F H2 H I1JI5 FI2 JI 3. What is a *ector *o!tmeter? The vector voltmeter is basically a new type of amplitude and phase measuring device. 4. Eustify? a '78 can be re.arded as a C?D recorder The electron beam can be deflected in two directions/ the hori<ontal or K0direction

and the vertical or L0direction. Thus an electron beam producing a spot can be used to produce two dimensional displays thus #"B is regarded as K0L recorder. ". What are the requirements of! .enerator? The output frequency of signal generator should be very stable. &mplitude of the o+pt signal should be controllable. &mplitude of the o+pt signal should be stable 'armonic content in the o+pt should be as low as possible !ffect of humC noiseC >itter and modulation should be negligible. $. What is rea! time spectrum ana!yser? The spectrum analy<er which presents the effect of changes in all the input frequenciesC on its spectrum display is called real time spectrum analy<er. &. Enumerate the ad* of di.ita! meter o*er ana!o. meter. #I)I96% accurate 2i.h speed 8ccurrence of error is !ess Easy to read the readin.s -ot accurate %o3 speed 8ccurrence of error is more difficu!t to read the readin.s 6-6%8)

(. Why is period mode preferred for measurement of *ery !o3 frequency in a frequency counter? If the frequency to be measured is lowC then the accuracy of the frequency counter decreases as less number of pulses are connected to the gating circuit. Thus in low frequency region it is better to measure period rather than frequency. +. What is meant by IEEE 4(( standard and )1IB? The most significant interface for computer operated test equipments is I!!! std 5DDC digital interface for programmable instrumentation. The revised form of I!!! 5DD bus is referred as the general purpose interface bus :7PI2; 1,. What are the *arious instruments used in computer contro!!ed instrumentation system? "ef/ Pg no/ 11012 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 1679 F B A"G1$H(,B

11. a. AiB E p!ain types of errors and a!so discuss their causes and remedies. AiiB 6 resistance is measured by *o!tmeter ammeter method. 6mmeter sho3s 3.226 on a 1,6 sca!e and the *o!tmeter sho3s +$.$; on 3,, *o!ts ran.e. Both ammeter and *o!tmeter are .uaranteed to be accurate 3ithin K ,." L of fu!! sca!e readin.. 5ind the indicated *a!ue of resistance and the !imitin. error 3ithin 3hich you can .uarantee the resu!t. "ef/ Pg no/ 10 2 to 10 5 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 b. AiB E p!ain ho3 0cherin. brid.e is used for the measurement of un/no3n capacitor. #eri*e its ba!ance equation. AiiB E p!ain ho3 the qua!ity factor can be obtained usin. 0cherin. brid.e? "ef/ Pg no/ 05 to 05= Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 12. a. AiB #ra3 and e p!ain the b!oc/ dia.ram of di.ita! stora.e osci!!oscope and the modes of operation of di.ita! stora.e osci!!oscope. "ef/ Pg no/ 60 = to 605D Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi AiiB What are %issaJous patterns? 2o3 are they used for frequency measurement? "ef/ Pg no/ 6062 to 6065 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 b. iB E p!ain ho3 the @ meter can be used for the measurement of @ factor and effecti*e resistance and discuss the sources of error. iiB 6 coi! 3ith a resistance of 1,M is connected in the direct measurement mode. 7esonance occurs 3hen the osci!!ation frequency is 1., M2: and the resonatin. capacitor is ser at $" p5. 'a!cu!ate the L error introduced in the ca!cu!ated *a!ue of @ by the ,.,2 M insertion resistance. "ef/ Pg no/ 50 D to 50 1 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 13. aB iB #ra3 and e p!ain the b!oc/ dia.ram of s3eep .enerator co*erin. entire frequency band iiB What is mar/er .enerator? 2o3 does it o*ercome the disad* of a s3eep .enerator? "ef/ Pg no/ 3056 to 305= Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 bB iB #escribe the operation of a superheterodyne spectrum ana!y:er?

"ef/ Pg no/ =016 to =013 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB What is the dynamic ran.e of a spectrum ana!y:er 3ith a third order intercept point of N 2"db and a noise !e*e! of ?(" db? "ef/ Pg no/ =016 to =013 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 14. aB iB With a neat schematic4 e p!ain the operation of a dua! s!ope ana!o. to di.ita! con*ersion "ef/ Pg no/ D011 to D021 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB 6 dua! s!ope 6#' uses a 1$ bit counter and a 4M2: c!oc/ rate. 9he ma imum input *o!ta.e is H1,;. the ma imum inte.rator o<pt *o!ta.e shou!d be ?( ; 3hen the counter has cyc!ed throu.h 2 counts. 9he capacitor used in the is ,.1Of. find the *a!ue of the resistor 7 of the inte.rator. "ef/ Pg no/ D021 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 bB iB With a b!oc/ schematic4 e p!ain the Pfrequency mode> and the frequency ratio mode operation of a frequency counter. "ef/ Pg no/ 10 2 to 10 3 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB What is meant by .atin. error in a frequency counter? 2o3 does it arise? 'an it be e!iminated? "ef/ Pg no/ 10 D Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 1". aB iB E p!ain di.ita! data acquisition system and !ist out its ad* o*er ana!o. data acquisition system. "ef/ Pg no/ 1405 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB What are the *arious techniques of mu!tip!e in.? #iscuss any one in detai!? "ef/ Pg no/ 14011 to 1401 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 bB iB #ra3 the schematic dia.ram of a computer? contro!!ed measurement system for testin. a radio recei*er usin. an automatic system. "ef/ Pg no/ 1102 to 1106 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB E p!ain the *arious mana.ement !ines and data byte transfer !ines of )1IB. "ef/ Pg no/ 11012 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi

B.E<B.9E'2 #E)7EE EC6MI-69I8-4 617<M6D 2,1, 0EME09E7 I; E%E'978-I'0 6-# '8MMU-I'69I8- E-)I-EE7I-) E'12"" F ME60U7EME-90 6-# I-097UME-969I81679 F 6 A1,G2H2,B 1. What is the difference bet3een accuracy and precision? Precision/ it is the measure of consistency or repeatability of measurements &ccuracy/ it is a degree of closeness with which the instrument reading approaches the true value of the quantity to be measured. 2. 2o3 is the abso!ute ampere determined? The current to be measured is passed through the coil which deflects due to the current effect. This directly produces the deflection in the pointer attached to the coil. 3. %ist the source of error that affects measurement accuracy of @?meter. Error due toI 1. ,hunt resistance 2. Distributed capacitance . "esidual inductance 5. ,hunt effect of voltmeter 4. What is aquada.? What is purpose of aquada.?
". %ist the app!ications of the 3a*e ana!y:er

To measure the harmonic distortion of an amplifier It can be used to separate and display about 64 harmonics To measure relative amplitudes of single frequency components in a comple$ waveform To measure the amplitudes in the presence of noise and other interfering signals To carry out complete harmonic analysis.

$. What is the minimum detectab!e! of a spectrum ana!y:er 3ith a noise fi.ure of 2,db and usin. a 1=2:4 3db fi!ter? &. What are the prob!ems that are associated 3ith the measurement of pu!sed!s? (. E p!ain ho3 presca!aer can be used to e tend the ran.e of a frequency counter. +. What !imits the data rate in the IEEE 4(( bus? 1,. What is the acceptance an.!e of a fiber 3ith a core inde of refraction of 1.4& and a c!addin. inde of refraction of 1.4"? 1679 F B A"G1$H(,B 11 aB iB #escribe types of standards of measurement "ef/ Pg no/ 1021 to 10 1 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB E p!ain the b!oc/ dia.ram of a true 7M0 readin. *o!tmeter. "ef/ Pg no/ 501D to 502 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 bB iB E p!ain the 3or/in. of a hay brid.e and ho3 is it different from Ma 3e!! brid.e? Mention its ad* and disad* "ef/ Pg no/ 0 D to 052 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB Which ac brid.e is used for measurements of capacitance and e p!ain its measurement procedure. "ef/ Pg no/ 05 to 053 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 12 aB iB #escribe the basic e!ements of an e!ectronic mu!timeter. "ef/ Pg no/ 50 6 to 50 = Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB E p!ain the e!ectrostatic focusin. system of a '79. "ef/ Pg no/ 602 to 60= Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 bB iB E p!ain the @?meter measurement of a hi.h impedance component in the para!!e! connection. "ef/ Pg no/ 50 D to 50 1 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB E p!ain in detai! 75 *o!ta.e and po3er measurements.

"ef/ Pg no/ 5051 to 5062 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 13. aB iB What is a 3ideband s3eep .enerator? What are its basic e!ements and e p!ain its 3or/in. 3ith a b!oc/ dia.ram. "ef/ Pg no/ 305 to 3055 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB E p!ain the indirect method of frequency synthesis 3ith a neat dia.ram. "ef/ Pg no/ 305= to 3062 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 bB iB #ra3 and discuss the functiona! b!oc/ dia.ram of the heterodyne 3a*e ana!y:er. "ef/ Pg no/ =0 to =05 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB E p!ain the app!ications of the spectrum ana!y:er in detai!. "ef/ Pg no/ =013 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 14. aB iB E p!ain the basic b!oc/ dia.ram of a frequency counter. iiB E p!ain the effects on accuracy and reso!ution for frequency counter 3ith fi ed modu!us presca!ar. "ef/ Pg no/ 10 4 to 10 5 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 bB iB #ra3 and e p!ain the circuit arran.ement for time period measurement. "ef/ Pg no/ 10 6 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB E p!ain the 3or/in. of a manua!!y tuned heterodyne frequency con*erter for e tendin. the frequency ran.e of frequency counters. "ef/ Pg no/ 10 4 to 10 2 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 1". aB #escribe the schematic representation of the IEEE 4(( instrumentation bus in detai!. "ef/ Pg no/ 11014 to 11012 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 87 bB iB With a b!oc/ dia.ram e p!ain optica! time domain ref!ectometer. "ef/ Pg no/ 2011 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi

iiB E p!ain automatic test system to ana!y:e a radio recei*er 3ith a b!oc/ dia.ram. "ef/ Pg no/ 1102 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi B.E<B.9E'2 #E)7EE EC6MI-69I8-4 617<M6D 2,11 0EME09E7 ;I E%E'978-I'0 6-# '8MMU-I'69I8- E-)I-EE7I-) E'23"1 F ME60U7EME-90 6-# I-097UME-969I8A7e.u!ation 2,,(B 1679 F 6 A1,G2H2,B 1. Mention the si.nificance of measurements? The standard used for comparison purpose must be accurately defined and should be commonly accepted. The apparatus used and the method adopted must be provable. 2. 'ompare mo*in. coi! 3ith mo*in. iron instruments? Moving coils will only respond to dc current Moving iron will respond to both ac and dc current

3. #ra3 the interna! structure of '79 and !ist its functions. "ef/ Pg no/ 2D Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 4. What are the t3o si.nificant prob!ems 3ith diodes 3hen used for 75 rectification? ". What is Bar/hausen 'riteria for sustained osci!!ation? The Bar/hausen stabi!ity criterion is a mathematical condition to determine when a linear electronic circuit will oscillate. It states that if is the gain of the amplifying element in the circuit and is the transfer function of the feedbac% pathC so is the loop gain around the feedbac% loop of the circuitC the circuit will sustain steady0state oscillations only at frequencies for which/ 1. The loop gain is equal to unity in absolute magnitudeC that isC 2. There must be a positive feedbac% i.e.C the phase shift around the loop is <ero or an integer multiple of 2M/ 2ar%hausenNs criterion is a necessary condition for oscillationC not sufficient.

$. #ra3 the b!oc/ dia.ram of spectrum ana!y:er. "ef/ Pg no/ 2 4 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi &. What are the ad* of di.ita! instruments o*er ana!o. instruments? They are very easy to read. ,ince there are very few moving parts in the electronic instrumentsC they are usually more accurate than the analogue instruments. !ven the human error involved in reading these instruments is very lessC which adds to the accuracy of digital instruments. The electronic items tend to be cheaper than the mechanical items. The data from the instruments can be recorded for future reference. The output of the digital devices can be obtained in the computer

(. What are the different types of di.ita! *o!tmeter? -on inte.ratin. type Inte.ratin. type +. #ra3 the b!oc/ dia.ram of #i.ita! #ata 6cquisition 0ystem. "ef/ Pg no/ 551Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 1,. What are the /ey features of fu!!y automatic di.ita! instruments? 1679 F B A"G1$H(,B 11. AaB AiB What is the need for standards of measurements? 2o3 they are c!assified? E p!ain A(B "ef/ Pg no/1021 to 10 1 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi AiiB 2o3 the un/no3n frequency is measured usin. Wein brid.e method? A(B "ef/ Pg no/113 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r AbB AiB What are the different types of errors in measurement? E p!ain? A( B "ef/ Pg no/1= Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi AiiB 2o3 do you measure the un/no3n inductance usin. 2ey Brid.e? A(B "ef/ Pg no/14D Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 12. AaB AiB #ra3 the b!oc/ dia.ram of samp!in. osci!!oscope and e p!ain the princip!e.

"ef/ Pg no/ = Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi A(B AiiBE p!ain the measurement of qua!ity factor of a coi! "ef/ Pg no/561 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r AbB AiB #iscuss the measurement of #' and 6' *o! and currents usin. an E!ectronic Mu!timeter. A(B "ef/ Pg no/53= Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi AiiB #ra3 the b!oc/ dia.ram of 9rue 7M0 readin. *o!tmeter and e p!ain its operation. A(B "ef/ Pg no/2=4 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 13. AaB AiB E p!ain ho3 function .enerator .enerates sine 3a*e4 trian.u!ar 3a*e and square 3a*e. A(B "ef/ Pg no/242 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi AiiB #ra3 the b!oc/ dia.ram of s3eep?frequency .enerator and e p!ain. A(B "ef/ Pg no/212 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r AbB AiB What is 3a*e ana!y:er? 2o3 it ana!y:es the harmonics? E p!ain. A(B "ef/ Pg no/225 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi AiiB E p!ain the *ector net3or/ ana!y:er and !ist its app!ication. "ef/ Pg no/226 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 14. AaB AiB 2o3 computer contro!!ed measurement system is used for testin. radio recei*er? A(B "ef/ Pg no/ 140D to 1401 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi AiiB What is *irtua! instrument? %ist the ad* of *irtua! instrument o*er con*entiona! instrument 8r AbB AiB With necessary dia.rams e p!ain 7amp type di.ita! *o!tmeter. A(B "ef/ Pg no/ 23 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi A(B A(B A(B

AiiB #ra3 the b!oc/ dia.ram of di.ita! frequency meter and e p!ain. A(B "ef/ Pg no/ 12 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 1". AaB AiB What are the factors to be considered 3hi!e interfacin. transducers to e!ectronic contro! and measurin. systems? "ef/ Pg no/ 5=1 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi AiiB #ra3 the b!oc/ schematic representation of the IEEE 4(( instrumentation bus and e p!ain. "ef/ Pg no/ 5 3 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r AbB AiB E p!ain the optica! time domain ref!ectometer 3ith a neat dia.ram. A(B "ef/ Pg no/ D5 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi AiiB Write a detai!ed note on data !o..ers. "ef/ Pg no/ 14 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi B.E<B.9E'2 #E)7EE EC6MI-69I8-4 -8;<#E' 2,11 0EME09E7 ;I E%E'978-I'0 6-# '8MMU-I'69I8- E-)I-EE7I-) E'23"1 F ME60U7EME-90 6-# I-097UME-969I8A7e.u!ation 2,,(B 1679 F 6 A1,G2H2,B 1. 6 ,?1",; *o!tmeter has a .uaranteed accuracy of 1 percent fu!!?sca!e readin.. 9he *o!ta.e measured by this instrument is (3 ;. 'a!cu!ate the !imitin. error in percent. 2. What is the difference bet3een a primary and secondary standard? Primary std0 highly accurateC main function is calibration and verification of secondary std. ,econdary std0 less accurateC used by calibration laboratories in industries. 3. %ist the parameters that can be measured usin. '78. *oltageC currentC periodC frequencyC phaseC amplitudeC pea% to pea% valueC duty cycle etc. 4. What is the use of de!ay !ine? The delay line is used to delay the signal for some time in the vertical sections. ?hen the delay line is not usedC the part of the signal gets lost. ". What is 3a*e ana!y:er? It is an instrument designed to measure the relative amplitude of single frequency components in comple$ waveform $. What is the use of attenuator in sine 3a*e .enerator? &ttenuator provides amplitude control. &ttenuator is a device which reduces the power level of the A(B A(B A(B

signal by fi$ed amount. &. %ist any t3o ad* of the #;M. *ery high speed of the order of 144 readings per second possible. The method of &D# is ine$pensive. The resolution up to 6 significant digits are possible. (. What are the components required for a computer?operated test system? Programmable attenuatorC filtersC &+D converterC local oscillatorC I- filters. +. What are data !o..ers? The data logger is the application of a data acquisition system. The basic function of data logger is to automatically ma%e the record of the readings of the various instrumentslocated at different parts of the plant. 1,. What is the *e!ocity of ! in a .!ass 3ith an inde of refraction of 1.3(? 1679 F B A"G1$H(,B 11.aB iB #ra3 the schematic dia.ram of a brid.e 3hich is used for measurin. the hi.h @ coi!s and deri*e the ba!ance condition.A1,B "ef/ Pg no/5031Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB 9he ac brid.e is in ba!ance 3ith the fo!!o3in. constantsI arm 6B4 7 H 4", ohmQ arm B'4 7 H 3,, ohm in series 3ith ' H ,.2$" micro faradQ arm '#4 un/no3nQ arm #64 7 H 2,, ohm in series 3ith % H 1".+m2. 9he osci!!ator frequency is 1 /2:. 5ind the constants of arm '#.A$B "ef/ Pg no/5011Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r iB E p!ain the different types of errors in measurement. "ef/ Pg no/ 1051 to 1061 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB 6 ,?1 m6 ammeter has 1,, di*isions 3hich can easi!y be used to the nearest di*ision. What is the reso!ution of the meter? A$B "ef/ Pg no/ 10 =Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 12.aB What is @?meter? E p!ain the different measurement methods. "ef/ Pg no/ 50 D to 50 1 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r bB With a neat dia.ram e p!ain the function of 0tora.e osci!!oscope. A1$B "ef/ Pg no/60 5 to 60 D Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 13.aB #ra3 the b!oc/ dia.ram of pu!se 3a*e .enerator and e p!ain. "ef/ Pg no/30 2 to 30 6 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r bB #ra3 the b!oc/ dia.ram a .enera! purpose spectrum ana!y:er and e p!ain.A1$B "ef/ Pg no/ =03 to =012 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 14. aB E p!ain the fo!!o3in. iB 5requency counters "ef/ Pg no/ 10 4 to 10 5 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB 1eriod measurement

"ef/ Pg no/10 5Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r bB E p!ain ho3 dua!?s!ope 6<# con*erter is used for #;M "ef/ Pg no/=0 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 1".aB E p!ain the e!ements of #i.ita! data acquisition system. "ef/ Pg no/ =05 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r bB #iscuss about the fiber optic transmission. "ef/ Pg no/ 1201 to 12011 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi B.E<B.9E'2 #E)7EE EC6MI-69I8-4 M6D<EU-E 2,12 0EME09E7 ;I E%E'978-I'0 6-# '8MMU-I'69I8- E-)I-EE7I-) E'23"1 F ME60U7EME-90 6-# I-097UME-969I8A7e.u!ation 2,,(B 1679 F 6 A1,G2H2,B 1. What are the *arious static characteristics of an instrument? The various static characteristics are accuracyC precisionC resolutionC errorC sensitivityC thresholdC reproductivityC <ero driftC stability and linearity. 2. #efine accuracy and precision. 6ccuracyI It is the degree of closeness with which the instrument reading approaches the true value of the quantity to be measured. 1recisionI It is the measure of consistency or repeatability of measurements. 3. %ist the practica! app!ications of mu!timeter. a; for D# voltage measurement b; as an &mmeter c; for measurement of &# voltage d; for "esistance measurement 4. Write short notes about the @ meter. & O meter is a piece of equipment used in the testing of radio frequency circuits. It has been largely replaced in professional laboratories by other types of impedance measuring
device, though it is still in use among radio amateurs.

". Why 3e need to use di.ita! 7%' meters? $. Brief!y e p!ain about the frequency synthesi:er & frequency synthesi<er is an electronic system for generating any of a range of frequencies from a single fi$ed time base or oscillator. & frequency synthesi<er can combine frequency multiplicationC frequency divisionC and frequency mi$ing :the frequency mi$ing process generates sum and difference frequencies; operations to produce the desired output signal. &. #efine the term automation in *o!tmeter. (. )i*e the comparision tab!e bet3een ana!o. *o!tmeter and di.ita! *o!tmeter.

DI7IT&. accurate 'igh speed Bccurrence of error is less !asy to read the readings )ot accurate .ow speed


Bccurrence of error is more difficult to read the readings

+. %ist the *arious e!ements of a di.ita! acquisition system. a; Transducers b; ,ignal conditioners c; Multiple$ers d; ,ignal converters e; &+D converter f; &u$iliary equipments g; Digital recorders 1,. What is meant by transducers? & device which converts a physical quantity into the proportional electrical signal is called a transducer. 1679 F B A"G1$H(,B 11. aB )i*e the detai! ana!ysis and e p!ain the fo!!o3in. terms. iB Mo*in. coi! meters "ef/ Pg no/ 2014 to 2016 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiBMo*in. iron meters "ef/ Pg no/ 2013 to 2021 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r bB #escribe in detai! about the *arious brid.e measurement system. "ef/ Pg no/502 to 5064 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 12. aB iB )i*e the detai! comparison tab!e bet3een di.ita! stora.e osci!!oscope and ana!o. stora.e osci!!oscope. "ef/ Pg no/60 5 to 6055 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB #escribe in detai! about the 75 *o!ta.e and po3er measurement instruments. "ef/ Pg no/3013 to 302=Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r bB 0/etch the basic b!oc/ dia.ram of a di.ita! stora.e osci!!oscope and e p!ain the operation. "ef/ Pg no/60 D to 6055Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 13. aB E p!ain in detai! about the operation of the fo!!o3in. items 3ith neat dia.ram. iB ;ector -et3or/ 6na!y:er "ef/ Pg no/ 226 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB Wa*e 6na!y:er. "ef/ Pg no/ 225 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r

bB E p!ain in detai! about the operation of the fo!!o3in. items 3ith neat dia.ram. iB 2armonic #istortion 6na!y:er "ef/ Pg no/=02 to =0 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB 0pectrum 6na!y:er. "ef / Pg no/=03 to =012 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 14. aB E p!ain the architecture of computer contro!!ed ;irtua! instrumentation and mention its app!ications in *arious fie!ds. "ef/ Pg no/1102 to 1101DMeasurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r bB Write short notes on the fo!!o3in. topics. iB 6utomatic po!arity indication "ef/ Pg no/2011 to 2012 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB 6utomatic "ef/ Pg no/2014 to 2011Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiiB 6utomatic :eroin.. "ef/ Pg no/ 2012 to 201 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 1". aB iB Brief!y discuss about the IEEE4(( bus. "ef/ Pg no/ 5 3 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi iiB #ra3 the b!oc/ dia.ram of data !o..ers and e p!ain in detai!. "ef/ Pg no/=01 to =014 Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi 8r bB #escribe in detai! about the fiber optic measurements for po3er and system !oss. "ef/ Pg no/1201 to 12011Measurements and Instrumentation by 2a%shi

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