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Su01i--ed: %o2e10er 2&, 2012

Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 6(11): 20 !"20! 1, 201# $SS%: 20 0" & !'( e"$SS%: 20 0"& 6& )*a+,ellScien-ific.rgani/a-ion,201# Accep-ed: January 0&, 201# 3u0lished: July 2!, 201#

Prestressed Steel Reinforced Concrete Frame Applied to Outer-j acketing Structure and its Restoring Force Model Based on IDARC
Jing Ji, 4en"fu 5hang, 6hao"7in 8uan, 9an 8ang and :ei ;ing School of 6i2il Engineering, %or-heas- 3e-roleu1 <ni2ersi-y, 9a7ing 16##1=, 6hina 2 >eilong?iang @ey Aa0ora-ory of 9isas-er 3re2en-ion, *i-iga-ion and 3ro-ec-ion Engineering, 9a7ing, 6hina

A stract! A ne, s-yle of fra1e s-ruc-ure 1ade up of encased >"shape s-eel pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e 0ea1s and angle"s-eel concre-e colu1ns ,i-h or = angle"s-eels is pu- for,ard and ?oin- cons-ruc-ions of -he fra1e are gi2en in de-ailB This fra1e is fi- for recons-ruc-ing -he e+is-ing 0uilding using ou-er"?acCe-ing s-ruc-ures for s-ory"addingB .n -he 0asis of analy/ing applica-ion of 3AR@ -rilinear res-oring force 1odel in $9AR6 analysis sof-,are, reco11ended res-oring force 1odels of 0ea1s and colu1ns of pres-ressed s-eel reinforced concre-e fra1e 0ased on $9AR6 in seis1ic response analysis are gi2en as ,ell as -he 1e-hod regarding fra1e ?oin- as rigid regionB $- pro2ides 0asis for elas-ic"plas-ic seis1ic response analysis of pres-ressed s-eel reinforced concre-e fra1e applied -o ou-er"?acCe-ing s-ruc-ure for s-ory"addingB "e#$ords! Angle s-eel concre-e colu1n, $9AR6, ou-er"?acCe-ing s-ruc-ure for s-ory"adding, pres-ressed s-eel reinforced concre-e fra1e, res-oring force 1odel I%&ROD'C&IO% A- presen-, ,i-h -he -ransi-ion of 6hinaDs cons-ruc-ion indus-ry fro1 pri1arily ne, cons-ruc-ion -o ne, and re-rofi- cons-ruc-ion, -he recons-ruc-ion of -he e+is-ing 0uilding using ou-er"?acCe-ing s-ruc-ures for s-ory"adding has already 0eco1e one of -he hoissues in 6hinaEs ci-y cons-ruc-ion (5heng et al., 200!)B This s-udy cons-ruc-s a ne, s-yle of fra1e s-ruc-ure 1ade up of encased >"shape s-eel concre-e co1posi-e 0ea1s and angle"s-eel concre-e colu1ns, if necessary, -he 0ea1s for fra1e can 0e e+er-ed pres-ressing effec-B The fra1e s-ruc-ure can 0ear self",eigh- in -he process of -he cons-ruc-ion and i- is con2enien- for layou- and anchorage of pres-ressing -endons, so i- is sui-a0le for -he recons-ruc-ion of -he e+is-ing 0uilding using ou-er" ?acCe-ing s-ruc-ures for s-ory"addingB Res-oring force 1odels of encased >"shaped s-eel pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e 0ea1 and angle s-eel concre-e co1posi-e colu1n are -he founda-ion of elas-ic"plas-ic seis1ic response analysis of -he fra1e s-ruc-ure 0y $9AR6B $n 2ie, of -he li--le research of res-oring force charac-eris-ics of angle s-eel concre-e colu1n, so i- is sugges-ed -ha- reinforced concre-e colu1ns replace angle s-eel concre-e colu1n ,hen -he res-oring force 1odel is es-a0lishedB The res-oring force 1odel of fra1e 0ea1s is es-a0lished according -o -,o s-ages for -he pres-ressing -endons of encased >"shaped s-eel concre-e co1posi-e 0ea1B &() S)*)C&IO% OF O'&)R-+AC")&I%, S&R'C&'R) S-S&)M 6o10ined ,i-h ou-er"?acCe-ing recons-ruc-ion pro?ec- of Suifenhe Fingyun 1arCe-, -he idea of -he cons-ruc-ion phase self"suppor-ing floor ,as pufor,ard (5heng et al., 200!), -ha- is, during -he cons-ruc-ion self",eigh- of fra1e 0ea1s and cons-ruc-ion loads are 0eared 0y -he pres-ressed s-eel -russ and in"ser2ice phase -he added loads are -aCen 0y ou-er"?acCe-ing fra1e,orCB The floor sys-e1 can noonly 0ear ne, cons-ruc-ion loads and ensure -he nor1al use of original 0uilding in -he cons-ruc-ion process, 0u- also achie2e -he in-egra-ion of force s-ruc-ure and cons-ruc-ion 1easures, so sa2ing in2es-1en- and reducing cons-ruc-ion period can 0e achie2edB >o,e2er, al-hough -he self"suppor-ing floor sys-e1 during -he cons-ruc-ion phase has 0een applied in se2eral pro?ec-s, so1e pro0le1s s-ill e+is-B Gy co1posi-e fra1e ins-ead of concre-e fra1e, ou-er"?acCe-ing s-ruc-ures for s-ory"adding can 0e cons-ruc-ed fas-er and -he cons-ruc-ion period ,ill 0e reduced, a- -he sa1e -i1e, i- can 0e a2oided -hacons-ruc-ion load is -rans1i--ed -o -he original roof during -he cons-ruc-ion phaseB >o,e2er, 0ecause -he original housing generally is ,ider, so i- is necessary -o e+er- pres-ressing -o s-eel fra1e co1posi-e 0ea1 or s-eel reinforced concre-e 0ea1B $f solid",e0 s-eel reinforced concre-e colu1ns and 0ea1 are adop-ed, iis difficul- -o arrange and anchor pres-ressed -endonsB

Corresponding Aut.or! Jing Ji, School of 6i2il Engineering, %or-heas- 3e-roleu1 <ni2ersi-y, 9a7ing 16##1=, 6hina

20 !

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(11): 2045-2051, 201#

:igB 1: 6oncre-e colu1n ,i-h four angle"s-eels

:igB 2: 6oncre-e colu1n ,i-h eigh- angle"s-eels

(0) E7ui2alen- reinforced concre-e colu1n :igB #: Sec-ions of -,o Cinds of colu1ns

Therefore ,e reco11end -ha- ou-er"?acCe-ing pres-ressed s-eel reinforced concre-e fra1e is for1ed 0y >"shape s-eel pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e 0ea1 as fra1e 0ea1 and -he angle s-eel concre-e colu1n 1ade of or = angle s-eel as fra1e colu1n, >"shape s-eel -hrough -he gap in -he angle s-eelB The cross"sec-ion 2ie, of -he colu1n ,i-h four and eigh- angle s-eels is sho,n in :igB 1 and 2 respec-i2elyB The longi-udinal angle s-eel of colu1n is ,elded ,i-h hori/on-al s-irrups -o for1 -he spa-ial s-eel sCele-on( i- can share e+-ernal loads ,i-h cons-rain- concre-eB There is no 1ore longi-udinal reinforce1en- ou-side -he angle, so -he concre-e pro-ec-i2e layer of angle s-eel sCele-on can 0e reduced and is roughly -he sa1e as ordinary reinforced concre-e colu1nB %o- only can -he le2er ar1 of -he angle s-eel increase -o 1aCe -he colu1n play a grea-er

:igB : SCele-on cur2e

role, 0u- also i- is easy -o chisel a,ay s1aller pro-ec-i2e layer concre-e and ,eld a 2arie-y of s1all co1ponen-sB The area of four angle s-eels ,i-h a ,ide of 200 11 and a -hicCness of 2 11 is roughly e7ui2alen- -o &6H2! 20 6

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(11): 2045-2051, 201# s-eel 0ar, so i- is feasi0le -ha- angle s-eel concre-e colu1ns are adop-ed as ou-er"?acCe-ing s-ruc-ure fra1e colu1nB According -o -he principle of -he sa1e area, cons-an- neu-ral a+is and s-rong, angle s-eel concre-e colu1ns ,i-h four angle s-eels and e7ui2alen- reinforced concre-e colu1n are sho,n in :igB #, i- can 0e seen fro1 :igB #, angle s-eel is used ins-ead of s-eel 0ar in -he ou-er"?acCe-ing fra1e colu1n, -his 1e-hod sol2e -he -horny pro0le1, -hais, i- is difficul-y for longi-udinal reinforce1en- -o layou- a- -he 0ea1"colu1n ?oin-sB PAR" &(R)) *I%)AR R)S&ORI%, FORC) MOD)* I% IDARC

A- presen-, -hree linear res-oring force 1odels ,hich are pu- for,ard 0y 3arC et al. (1'=&) are recogni/ed as -he 1os- co1prehensi2e 1odel, -his 1odel can 0e--er consider -he pinch effec- and s-reng-h and s-iffness degrada-ion pheno1enon and i- is applied -o -he s-ruc-ural nonlinear analysis progra1 $9AR6B The Cey of -he progra1 applica-ion is -ha- -he res-oring force 1odel of -he s-ruc-ural 1e10ers is accura-ely reflec-edB Res-oring force 1odel of s-ruc-ural 1e10ers in -he $9AR6 progra1 includes -he sCele-on cur2e and hys-ere-ic rules, -he sCele-on cur2e can 0e achie2ed in -,o ,ays: one is -ha- -he sCele-on cur2e is de-er1ined 0y -he progra1 -hrough inpu--ing -he a+ial force, s-ress"s-rain rela-ionship of longi-udinal reinforce1en- and concre-e, sec-ional reinforced area, dis-ance of -he cen-re of -he s-eel 0ar -o cross"sec-ional surface, -he dia1e-er of -he s-irrup, s-irrup spacing and cons-rain- effec- (Ialles et al., 1''6)( -he o-her is -ha- sCele-on cur2e of s-ruc-ural 1e10ers res-oring force 1odel is inpu- direc-ly 0y calcula-ing, -he sCele-on cur2e is sho,n in :igB B JJJ J and Js-and JJJ for for,ard and re2erse cracCing

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Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(11): 2045-2051, 201#

:igB !: S-iffness degrada-ion during unloading 1o1en- and -he corresponding cracC cur2a-ure(
JJ Js-and JJ J and

for for,ard and re2erse yield 1o1en- and -he


corresponding yield cur2a-ure( for,ard



s-and for

and re2erse -he li1i- 0ending 1o1en- and -he corresponding ul-i1a-e cur2a-ureB A0o2e anyone 1anner is adop-ed -o for1 sCele-on cur2e for res-oring force 1odel, -he hys-ere-ic rules of res-oring force 1odel need -o 0e de-er1inedB >ys-ere-ic rules include s-iffness degrada-ion, s-reng-h degrada-ion, slip degrada-ion and hys-ere-ic 1odeB The hys-ere-ic rules of differen- cons-ruc-ion 1e10ers can 0e si1ula-ed realis-ically 0y se--ing -he s-iffness degrada-ion para1e-ers (K), s-reng-h degrada-ion para1e-ers1 (L1, L2), -he slip degrada-ion para1e-ers (r) and selec-ion of hys-ere-ic 1odeB The physical 1eanings of degrada-ion para1e-ers, calcula-ion for1ula and -he hys-ere-ic 1ode are as follo,s: Stiffness degradation! S-iffness degrada-ion of s-ruc-ural 1e10ers res-oring force 1odel a- unloading s-age is of-en referred as -he s-iffness degrada-ionB The ini-ial s-iffness line is re2erse e+-ended -o a poin- -ha- -he 2er-ical ordina-e is KJJ and unloading line poin-o -he poin- un-il i- is in-ersec-ed ,i-h J a+is, -hen re2erse loading line poin- -o -he 1a+i1al poin- ,hich is pre2iously reachedB $f -he pre2ious 1a+i1u1 poin- is in elas-ic range, i- ,ill poin- -o -he cracC poin-B :or,ard s-iffness degrada-ion diagra1 is sho,n in :igB !B 6alcula-ion for1ula of for,ard and re2erse unloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficien- is as follo,s:

20 &

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(11): 2045-2051, 201# :igB &: Slip and pinch degrada-ion

M S-iffness degrada-ion para1e-er, KNO2,200P


and re2erse ini-ial elas-ic s-iffness

M :or,ard and re2erse unloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficien-

Strengt. degradation! S-reng-h degrada-ion is used -o descri0e -he pheno1enon ,hich sCele-on cur2e of s-ruc-ural 1e10ers reduces under cyclic loading, for,ard s-reng-h degrada-ion is sho,n in :igB 6B The for1ula is as follo,s:
Q ! Q !0


"# E U V "

Y) ]U




E #

Q c%& Q ( Q

Q 0


Q c%&



M The yield 0ending 1o1en- af-er for,ard and re2erse degrada-ion JJJ JQJ M :or,ard and re2erse ini-ial yield 0ending

,here, JJ JQJ M :or,ard and re2erse yield 0ending 1o1enJQJ M :or,ard and re2erse -he unloading

0ending 1o1en:or,ard and re2erse

-he unloading poin-

cur2a-ure 1o1enM :or,ard and re2erse 1a+i1u1 cur2a-ure -ha- hys-eresis loop reached M :or,ard and re2erse li1i- cur2a-ure M The degrada-ion para1e-er 0ased on -he duc-ili-y M The degrada-ion para1e-er 0ased on -he energy( L1, L2 J O0B01,1P 20 &

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(11): 2045-2051, 201#

(0) Ier-e+ -o,ards 1e-hod :igB =: >ys-ere-ic 1odes in $9AR6 # M A0sor0ed energy 0y co1ple-e hys-eresis loop #% l t M Energy ,hich -he hys-eresis loops for,ard and re2erse -he ul-i1a-e 0ending 1o1en- poin- and li1i- cur2a-ure poin- e+is- can a0sor0 ,i-houany degrada-ion

Pinc. and slip degradation! 3inch and slip degeneracy pheno1enon ,ill 0e produced in res-oring force 1odel of s-ruc-ural 1e10er 0ecause -he concre-e cracC and closeB $n 3arC 1odel, para1e-er ^ is used -o descri0e slip degrada-ion and for,ard slip degrada-ion is sho,n in :igB &B $- can 0e seen fro1 -he :igure, ,hen ^ is e7ual -o 1, no slip degrada-ionB *r and "& are -he 0ending 1o1en- and cur2a-ure 2alues corresponding -o -he firs- seg1en- end poin- for considering cracC effec- and -he physical 1eaning of o-her sy10ols are -he sa1e ,i-h a0o2e 1eaningB (#steresis mode! T,o Cinds of hys-ere-ic 1ode are pro2ided in $9AR6 res-oring force 1odel of 1e10ers, -hey are yield -o,ard 1e-hod ,i-h considering -he slip effec- and 2er-e+ -o,ard 1e-hod ,i-hou- considering slip effec(Ialles et al., 1''6) and 0o-h are sho,n in :igB =B 1"' represen- -he process of hys-eresis and -he sy10ols physical 1eaning are sa1e ,i-h a0o2e onesB :or,ard load s-iffness ,hich is ="' process is sho,n in :igB =, i- is de-er1ined respec-i2ely according -o -he yield -o,ard 1e-hod and 2er-e+ -o,ard 1e-hodB Re2erse loading s-iffness as "! process is de-er1ined according -o -he follo,ing 1e-hod, if -he pre2ious larges- poin- in elas-ic range, -hen i- ,ill poin- -o cracC poin-, on -he con-rary ican 0e de-er1ined 0y -he yield -o,ard 1e-hod and 2er-e+ -o,ard 1e-hodB R)S&ORI%, FORC) MOD)* OF A%,*) S&))* CO%CR)&) CO*'M% BAS)D O% IDARC Determination of t.e skeleton cur/e! $n $9AR6, sCele-on cur2e can 0e 0uil- 0y firs- ,ay 0ased on -he cons-i-u-i2e rela-ionship of 1a-erials for reinforced concre-e colu1nB :ro1 :igB #, angle s-eel concre-e colu1ns ,hich are adop-ed in -his s-udy can 0e regarded as reinforced concre-e colu1n, -herefore, according -o -he firs- ,ay -he sCele-on cur2e of angle s-eel concre-e colu1ns is 0uil-B SCele-on cur2e can 0e de-er1ined 0y $9AR6 progra1 and -he res-rain- effecare rele2an- -o -ype of s-irrups in -he sec-ionB The 2alue is sho,n in li-era-ure (Ialles et al., 1''6)B 6ons-i-u-i2e 20 =

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(11): 2045-2051, 201# rela-ion ship of concre-e and s-eel in $9AR6 is sho,n in li-era-ure (Ialles et al., 1''6)B Determination of t.e four parameters and .#steretic mode! $n $9AR6, -he four para1e-ers in hys-ere-ic rules of res-oring force 1odel of 1e10er ,ere respec-i2ely gi2en four differen- degrada-ion cases and -he corresponding 2alues, -he four differen- degrada-ion cases ,ere se2ere degenera-ion, 1ediu1 degrada-ion, sligh- and no degrada-ionB $n $9AR6, i- is reco11ended -ha- 1ediu1 degenera-ion can 0e used for -he four para1e-ers of -he res-oring force 1odel of -he reinforced concre-e colu1nB $n -his s-udy, -he angle s-eel concre-e colu1n can 0e regarded as reinforced concre-e colu1n and 1ee- -he a0o2e re7uire1en-s, -herefore, 1ediu1 degrada-ion can 0e used for -he four para1e-ers of res-oring force 1odel, -he corresponding 2alues is 10, 0B#, 0B1!, 0B2!B The yield -o,ard 1e-hod considering -he slip effec- is adop-ed in hys-ere-ic 1odeB R)S&ORI%, FORC) MOD)* OF COMPOSI&) FRAM) B)AM BAS)D O% &() IDARC Determination of t.e skeleton cur/e! $n $9AR6, sCele-on cur2e of >"shape s-eel pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e fra1e 0ea1 can no- 0e gi2en direc-ly 0ased on -he cons-i-u-i2e rela-ionship of s-eel, concre-e, s-eel 0ar and pres-ressing -endonB $n 2ie, of -his, ,e use -he second ,ay -o es-a0lish sCele-on cur2e of -he co1posi-e fra1e 0ea1B :or -he pres-ressed reinforce1en- of >"shape s-eel pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e fra1e 0ea1, i- can 0e considered in -,o s-ages: -he firs- s-age is fro1 -ension -o -he effec-i2e pres-ressing )pe, -he idea of -his s-age is pres-ressing force is e7ui2alen- for e+-ernal loads and is

20 =

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(11): 2045-2051, 201# :igB ': 9e-er1ina-ion of yield poin- using currenyield 1o1en- 1e-hod applied -o -he s-ruc-ureB The second phase is pres-ressed reinforce1en- is e7ui2alen- for non pres-ressed reinforce1en- of -ensile yield s-ress for * ") and pro2iding resis-ance -oge-her ,i-h addi-ional configura-ion s-eel 0ar for -he 1e10ersB This s-udy used plane sec-ion assu1es and sec-ional s-rip 1e-hod, recConed in -he affec-ion of a+ial force genera-ed 0y -he -ensioning pres-ressed reinforce1en- and -he role of fra1e,orC 0ea1 concre-e flange, co1piled -he calcula-ion progra1 for 1o1en-"cur2a-ure rela-ionship ( " cur2e) of -he >"shape
py pe

0ending 1o1en-, re2erse si1ilarlyB :igB 10: Sec-ion of encased >"shape s-eel pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e fra1e 0ea1s a- supporDetermination of four parameters and .#steretic mode! $- is -he crucial linC for descri0ing -he res-oring force 1odel for >"shape s-eel pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e fra1e 0ea1 in -he $9AR6, -hafour para1e-ers and -he hys-ere-ic 1odel is accura-ely de-er1inedB The s-iffness degrada-ion para1e-ers are 1os- i1por-an-, so -he de-ailed descrip-ion is sho,n as follo,s: <nloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficien- calcula-ion for1ula of 1e10ers res-oring force 1odel in $9AR6 is sho,n in for1ula (1), for for,ard unloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficien-, -he follo,ings can 0e o0-ained fro1 -he :igB 6: * ++++++++++++++++++++++ "" (++++++++)() (#) $ ,here, physical significance of * , * , *cur, " , " and "c%& are -he sa1e as -he for1erB 4e ,ill handle a0o2e e7ua-ion in-o unloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficien- for1ula (1), 4hen K is a fi+ed 2alue, -he unloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficien- J is -he func-ion of, i- is recorded as func-ion 1B <nloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficien- for1ula of solid" ,e0 s-eel concre-e fra1e 0ea1 res-oring force 1odel is gi2en in Ai-era-ure (;ue and 5hao, 2000), -ha- is: " c% " 0B=!(
% ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++! c%& c%& ! ! % ! y u ! % J & !

pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e 0ea1 ar0i-rary cross"sec-ion and -hen -he for,ard and re2erse cracC 1o1en- and -he corresponding cur2a-ure " 2alue, -he for,ard and re2erse -he ul-i1a-e 1o1en- and cur2a-ure 2alues on ar0i-rary cross"sec-ion sCele-on cur2e can 0e o0-ained 0y -he processB The for,ard and re2erse cracCing 1o1en- corresponds -o -he 1o1en- ,hen -he concre-e on -he upper and lo,er edge of -he concre-e fra1e 0ea1 ,as pulled cracCingB The e+peri1en-al resul-s of s-eel concre-e 0ea1s loaded proper-y in li-era-ure (5hang, 200!( *salle1 et al., 2010) sho, -ha- i- is no- 0ig difference 0e-,een -he load of -he s-eel concre-e 0ea1 ,hen -he concre-e is crushed and peaC load, so -he 0ending 1o1en- and -he corresponding cur2a-ure ,hen upper and lo,er edge concre-e of fra1e 0ea1 reached -he ul-i1a-e co1pressi2e s-rain ,as designa-ed as for,ard and re2erse -he li1i- 0ending 1o1en- and -he ul-i1a-e cur2a-ureB The for,ard and re2erse yield 1o1enand corresponding cur2a-ure 2alues are de-er1ined according -o -he general yield 1o1en- 1e-hod and i- is sho,n in :igB 'B Tangen- ,as 1ade -hrough -he origin poin- . of *"J cur2es and in-ersec-ed ,i-h -he hori/on-al line ,hich is -hrough hori/on-al ul-i1a-e 0ending 1o1en- _ poin- a- -he > poin-( 2er-ical ,as 1ade fro1 > poin- and in-ersec-ed cur2e *"J a- $ poin-( . and $ ,ere linCed, -hen e+-ended and in-ersec-ed ,i-h >_ a- #c , 2er-ical ,as

Q )


( ) The sugges-ed 2alue of , is 0B6B R is also func-ion

of "c%& and is recorded as func-ion 2B $- is re7uired in li-era-ure (;ue and 5hao, 2000) -ha- s-eel sec-ion si/e of solid",e0 s-eel concre-e fra1e 0ea1 and fra1e 0ea1 cross sec-ion si/e should 0e si1ilar and coordina-eB 4hile $n -his s-udy -he >"shape s-eel concre-e co1posi-e fra1e 0ea1 is 6oincide ,i-h -he a0o2e re7uire1en-s, -herefore, -he >"shape s-eel concre-e co1posi-e fra1e 0ea1 unloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficien- for1ula is -aCen as func-ion 2B Gy selec-ion $ -he -,o func-ion cur2es a0ou- R are in

1ade fro1 #c poin- and in-ersec-ed cur2e *"J a- G poin-, G poin- ,as yield poin-, i-s le2el ordina-e is -he yield cur2a-ure and -he 2er-ical ordina-e is yield

20 =

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(11): 2045-2051, 201#

Ta0le 1: 9a-a of sCele-on cur2e for sec-ion JJ J J (1"1) JJ J J (%Q1) 3oin"""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""""""""""""""" Ialue #B6e! "!B& e! 2B e" "#B!e"

JJ J (%Q1)

"""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2B!e6 "2B!e6


( 1 " 1 )

JJ J (nQ1)

"""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2B&e"# "#B2e"#

"""""""""""""""""""""""" #B2e6 "#B#e6


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Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(11): 2045-2051, 201#

arranged 0y -hree para0ola linCsB The da-a sho,n in Ta0le 1 are -he da-e ,hich correspond -o for,ard and re2erse direc-ions cracC poin- and e+-re1e poin- of -he fra1e 0ea1

(0) Re2erse :igB 11: S-iffness degrada-ion coefficien- cur2es of fra1e 0ea1s good agree1en-B Si1ilarly, -he a0o2e -,o func-ion cur2es for re2erse unloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficien-s JJ are in good agree1en- -hrough selec-ion -he sa1e $ . :or,ard and re2erse unloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficien- of res-oring force 1odel of >"shape s-eel pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e fra1e 0ea1 can 0e descri0ed in $9AR6 progra1 -hrough selec-ing accura-ely K 2alueB Suppor-ing sec-ion of >"shape s-eel pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e fra1e 0ea1 in one"layer -op of an ou-er"?acCe-ing s-ruc-ure is sho,n in :igB 10B 4e -aCe i- for an e+a1ple -o illus-ra-e ho, -o selecs-iffness degrada-ion para1e-er $ . :ra1e 0ea1 1ediopres-ressed Reinforce1en- (Ap1 M 2`# 3S) is arranged 0y single para0olic linC, <pper pres-ressed reinforce1en- (Ap2 M 2`& 3S) is 20!0

Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(11): 2045-2051, 201# Suppor- sec-ion sCele-on cur2e and is calcula-ed 0y co1pu-er progra1, -he yield poin- da-a is de-er1ined 0y general yield 1o1en- 1e-hodB Gased on -he func-ion 2, for,ard and re2erse unloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficien- cur2e of -he a0o2e sec-ion res-oring force 1odel is sho,n as cur2e 1 in :igB 11a and 0B Gased on -he func-ion1, in $9AR6, ,hen $ is 2B!, and 6, -he for,ard and re2erse unloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficiencur2e of -he sec-ion res-oring force 1odel is sho,n as cur2e 2, # and in :igB 11a and 0B :ro1 :igB 11 ,e can see, for,ard and re2erse unloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficien- cur2e 2 is good agree1en- ,i-h unloading s-iffness degrada-ion coefficien- cur2e 1 ,hich 0ased on func-ion 2, ,hen

res-oring force 1odel can 0e -aCen as 0B1!, 0B0=, 1 respec-i2elyB Ier-e+ -o,ard 1e-hod ,i-houconsidering slip effec- is used in hys-ere-ic 1odeB PROC)SSI%, O% +OI%& R),IO% OF O'&)R+AC")&I%, FRAM) I% IDARC $n $9AR6, $n order -o sho, fra1e,orC node area, 6olu1n and 0ea1 in-erchange are need -o gi2e do1ain area leng-h, 6olu1n do1ain area leng-h -aCe half of -he 0ea1 sec-ion heigh-, 0ea1 do1ain area leng-h -aCe half of -he 6olu1n sec-ion heigh-B CO%C*'SIO%

is e7ual -o 2B!B + This s-udy cons-ruc-ed a -ype of fra1e s-ruc-ure $- is Cno,n -ha- solid",e0 s-eel concre-e fra1e ,i-h >"shape pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e 0ea1 --a hys-ere-ic cur2e is plu1p and spindle" 0ea1s as -he fra1e 0ea1s and angle s-eel shaped (6hen, 2011), sCele-on cur2e s-reng-h concre-e colu1ns e7uipped ,i-h or = angle degrada-ion is rela-i2ely slo,, -herefore, -he s-reng-h s-eel as fra1e colu1ns, -hen -he s-ruc-ural for1 degrada-ion para1e-ers .1, .2 of a0o2e fra1e 0ea1 of fra1e nodes is gi2enB The fra1e s-ruc-ure is ar0i-rary cross sec-ion res-oring force 1odel can 0e sui-a0le for -he recons-ruc-ion of -he e+is-ing respec-i2ely selec-ed sligh- degrada-ion and sliding 0uilding using ou-er"?acCe-ing s-ruc-ures for degrada-ion para1e-ers ^ are considered -o no s-ory"addingB degrada-ion in -he $9AR6B The fra1e 0ea1 sho,n + Gased on -he $9AR6, res-oring force 1odels of in :igB 11 is accordance ,i-h -he re7uire1en-s for >"shape pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e fra1e solid",e0 s-eel concre-e fra1e 0ea1, so -he s-reng-h 0ea1 and angle s-eel concre-e are proposedB degrada-ion para1e-ers .1, .2 and ^ of suppor- sec-ion


Res. J. Appl. Sci. Eng. Technol., 6(11): 2045-2051, 201#

+ Gecause -he span of ou-er"?acCe-ing fra1e is larger, -he

original roof canno0ear ou-er"?acCe-ing cons-ruc-ion loads, so fra1e 0ea1s cons-ruc-ion load is 0orne 0y >"shape s-eel 0ea1 (or pres-ressed >" shape s-eel 0ea1) -hrough hanging for1,orC cons-ruc-ion -echnologyB $n ser2ice s-age, -he follo," up load is 0orne 0y >"shape s-eel pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e 0ea1sB The res-oring force 1odels of >"shape s-eel pres-ressed concre-e co1posi-e 0ea1s on -he -,o s-ages are needed -o s-udyB AC"%O0*)D,M)%& 3ro?ec- (20122#2212000 ) suppor-ed 0y Special Scien-ific Research :und of -he 9oc-oral 3rogra1 of >igher Educa-ion in 2012 8ear (The %e, Teacher 6lass)( 3ro?ec- (12!11022) suppor-ed 0y -he >eilong?iang 3ro2incial 9epar-1en- of Educa-ion Science and -echnology research of 6hina( 3ro?ec(!11&=0=&) suppor-ed 0y The %a-ional %a-ural Science :ounda-ion of 6hinaB R)F)R)%C)S 6hen, *B8B, 2011B Elas-ic"plas-ic seis1ic response analysis of ou-er"?acCe-ing pres-ressed concre-e fra1eB *BAB Thesis, in EngB, pp: 6&"& B

*salle1, 8B, >B @asse1, :B Jac7ue1in and AB 3oi-ou, 2010B E+peri1en-al s-udy of -he induced residual s-resses during -he 1anufac-uring process of an aeronau-ic co1posi-e 1a-erialB ResB JB ApplB SciB, EngB TechnolB, 2(6): !'6"602B 3arC, 8BJB, AB*B Reinhorn and SB@B @unna-h, 1'=&B $9AR6: $nelas-ic da1age analysis of reinforced concre-e fra1e"shear",all s-ruc-uresB Technical Repor- %6EER"=&"000=, S-a-e <ni2ersi-y of %e, 8orC a- Guffalo, %8, pp: "!6B Ialles, RBEB, AB*B Reinhorn, SB@B @unna-h, 6B Ai and AB *adan, 1''6B $9AR6 29 2ersion B0: A progra1 for inelas-ic da1age analysis of 0uildingsB Technical Repor- %6EER"'6"0010, S-a-e <ni2ersi-y of %e, 8orC a- Guffalo, pp: 2#" &B ;ue, JB8B and >BTB 5hao, 2000B Elas-oplas-ic analysis of seis1ic responses for s-eel reinforced concre-e fra1e 1odelB JB GuildB S-ruc-B, 21( ): 1!"26B 5hang, FB;B, 200!B E+peri1en- and analysis of fle+ural proper-ies of encased s-eel"concre-e co1posi-e 0ea1B *BAB Thesis, in Engineering, pp: &="'#B 5heng, 4B 5B, 8B 4ang, TB Aiu and JB Tan, 200!B Though-s and unders-anding of re1odelling of adding s-oreys around e+is-ing 0uildingB $ndB 6onsB, #!( ): 1"!B


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