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TIME/CNN Death and Dying Poll

Results of the latest TIME/CNN poll of 1278 people conducted epte!"e# $%7& 2'''( The !a#gin of e##o# is ) 2(7*(

Multiple Responses Allowed

Total %

Age 18-34 %

Age 35-49 %

Age 50-64 %

Age 65+ %

33a. Have you experienced or are you currently experiencing -- the death of a parent, close friend, or other relative?

Yes, parent





Yes, close friend





Yes, other relative






Yes, currently experiencing (any one of above)







Not sure

Did Not


TIME/CNN Death and Dying Poll

Results of the latest TIME/CNN poll of 1278 people conducted epte!"e# $%7& 2'''( The !a#gin of e##o# is ) 2(7*(

Multiple Responses +llo,ed Total * +ge 18%-. * +ge -/%.0 * +ge /'%$. * +ge $/1 * --a( 2a3e you e4pe#ienced 5 o# a#e you cu##ently e4pe#iencing %% the death of a pa#ent& close f#iend& o# othe# #elati3e6

7es& pa#ent

2' 0 22 -/ 10

7es& close f#iend 11 1' 0 1' 1/

7es& othe# #elati3e 2' 2/ 1. 1$ 28

7es& cu##ently e4pe#iencing 8any one of a"o3e9 / . . 7 0

No .0 // // -0 -7

Not su#e % 1 % % % +s:ed of those pa#ent 8n ; 2-09 +pplied ,ho ha3e e4pe#ienced death of a

* Did Not +pply * Not u#e * --"( Please tell !e ,hethe# each of the follo,ing desc#iptions applied o# did not apply to you# pa#ent<s death( If "oth of you# pa#ents ha3e died& please ans,e# in #elation to the pa#ent ,ho died !ost #ecently( 7ou# pa#ent=

E4pe#ienced !o#e pain than ,as necessa#y Total -. $18 % -. /1 .$ -/ % .0 .$ .0 / /' 5 $. 10 70 2

$/1 2' 77 -

Died at ho!e

Total .' $' % 18 % -. -1 $0 % -/ % .0 .1 /0 % /' 5 $. ./ // % $/1 -. $$ %

Died ,ith fa!ily o# f#iends p#esent in the #oo!

Total $. -. 2 18 % -. $' -7 -/ % .0 $7 -2 1 /' 5 $. $7 -% $/1 /7 .%

Died ,ith dignity

Total 87 1' 18 % -. 71 2$ -/ % .0 8$ 11 /' 5 $. 02 $ 2 $/1 02 . . > ?oluntee#ed #esponse Death 8 epte!"e# $%7& 2'''9

Total *

+ge 18%-. * +ge -/%.0 * +ge /'%$. * +ge $/1 * -.( Do you thin: docto#s 5if they so choose% should o# should not "e a"le to p#esc#i"e fatal doses of d#ugs to patients ,ho a#e dying and a#e in g#eat pain6

7es& should /1 /7 // .7 -8

No& should not .'

-/ -8 ./ .8

Not su#e 0 8 7 8 1.

Total * +ge 18%-. * +ge -/%.0 * +ge /'%$. * +ge $/1 *

-/( @hich of the follo,ing "est desc#i"es ho, often you thin: a"out you# o,n death6

Daily o# al!ost daily 1' 12 8 $ 1/

Ane o# !o#e ti!es pe# ,ee: 10 1. 1$ 1/

Ane o# !o#e ti!es pe# !onth 10 2.

10 1$ 11

+ fe, ti!es each yea# -8 -1 ..$ -1

Ne3e# 18 21 1$ 12 21

Not su#e 2

% . 7

Total * +ge 18%-. * +ge -/%.0 * +ge /'%$. * +ge $/1 * -$( Thin:ing a"out you# death& ,he#e do you thin: you a#e !ost li:ely to die6

In a hospital 22 2/ 22'


In a nu#sing ho!e . -

In a hospice 2 . 1

+t ho!e ..1 .1

.. .8

o!e,he#e else> 8 11 8 / -

Depends> 2 2 2 2

Not su#e 10 1$

10 21 2$ > ?oluntee#ed #esponse

Total * +ge 18%-. * +ge -/%.0 * +ge /'%$. * +ge $/1 * -7( +nd if you had a choice& ,he#e ,ould you p#efe# to die6

In a hospital 111 11.


In a nu#sing ho!e 1 1 % 1 1

In a hospice 1 / -

+t ho!e 777 71


o!e,he#e else> . . $ 2 1

Depends> 2 2 % -

Not su#e . .

. / $ ?e#y fea#ful * o!e,hat fea#ful * Not 3e#y fea#ful * Not at all fea#ful * Not su#e * -8( 2e#e a#e so!e specific conce#ns people ha3e a"out thei# o,n death( Please tell !e ,hethe# you a#e 3e#y fea#ful& so!e,hat fea#ful& not 3e#y fea#ful& o# not at all fea#ful a"out each of the follo,ing ,hen it co!es to you# o,n death(

Dying in pain Total -2 -12 21 2

18 % -. .2 -2 1' 1/ 1 -/ % .0 -' -121 /' 5 $. 2$ .' 11 22 1 $/1 2. 2/ 18 28 /

Dying alone Total 10 2.

10 -7 1 18 % -. 2$ 2/ 10 20 1 -/ % .0 17 2$ 10 -$ 2 /' 5 $. 17 2/ 18 -0 1 $/1 1. 1. 18 /' .

Not :no,ing ,hat ,ill happen to you afte# you die

Total 1' 11 10 /8 2 18 % -. 10 1. 21 ./ 1 -/ % .0 8 12 18 $' 2 /' 5 $. . 1. 1$ $$ % $/1 1 . 10 71 /

Bea3ing you# lo3ed ones "ehind Total -$ 28 122 1 18 % -. .0 -' 0 12 % -/ % .0 .1 28 12 10 % /' 5 $. 2-2 1/ 28 2 $/1 1. 2' 2-0 . > ?oluntee#ed #esponse

Total * +ge 18%-. * +ge -/%.0 * +ge /'%$. * +ge $/1 * -0( 2o, !uch co!fo#t do you# #eligious "eliefs gi3e you ,hen you thin: a"out you# death6 @ould you say they gi3e you=

+ g#eat deal of co!fo#t /8 .0 $1 $2 $7

o!e co!fo#t 2/ 27 2/ 2/ 10

Not !uch co!fo#t $ 8 / $ .

No co!fo#t at all $ 1' / . .

I a! not #eligious> . 2 2 -

Not su#e 2 2 2 1 -

Total * +ge 18%-. * +ge -/%.0 * +ge /'%$. *

+ge $/1 * .'a( Do you ha3e a legal docu!ent such as a Bi3ing @ill o# +d3ance T#eat!ent Di#ecti3e that states ho, docto#s should t#eat you if you can no longe# co!!unicate you# ,ishes& o# don<t you ha3e one6

7es -' 12 -' .2 //

No& don<t ha3e one $0 87 7' /7 ..

Not su#e 1 1 % 1 1

Do not ha3e a legal docu!ent such as a Bi3ing @ill o# +d3ance T#eat!ent di#ecti3e 8n ; 8289 Total * +ge 18%-. * +ge -/%.0 * +ge /'%$. * +ge $/1 * .'"( Do you thin: you should ha3e one o# not6

7es 77

7/ 877 $$

No 2' 21. 10 -'

Not su#e 2 . .

+s:ed of those ,ho ha3e a legal docu!ent such as a Bi3ing @ill o# +d3ance T#eat!ent Di#ecti3e 8n; -/89 Total * +ge

18%-. * +ge -/%.0 * +ge /'%$. * +ge $/1 * .1a( @ho did you use to help you ,#ite the docu!ent6

+ docto# 0 11 11 8 $

+ la,ye# $' /1 /8 $$/

Coth a docto# and a la,ye# . 8 1 / .

o!eone else 2$ 28 -' 22 2/

Not su#e 1 2 % 2

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