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Summary of Hazard Communication Presentation, Lincoln High 2011-2012 -Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) provide detailed health

and safety information and precautions for handling hazardous substances, including emergency and first aid procedures. MSDS are on file with Mr. E. amirez, C.S.C. ( oom !"#). $lease familiarize yourself with any hazardous substance before using it. -California Public Schools Science Safety Handbook %he Science Safety &andboo' for (alifornia $ublic Schools has been prepared to help science teachers, administrators, and other school staff members understand and avoid situations in which accidents might occur in the science laboratories or on field trips and outdoor education e)periences. %o access MSDS or Science Safety Handbook and a lin' to OEHS website visit E. amirez on the *incoln web page, clic' on +links,, and change section to +Teacher Resources,. Note: do not our any ha!ardous "aterials#li$uids into the sink% Please refer to MSDS or contact Mr% E% Ra"ire! for su&&estions on ro er dis osal% -n the event of a chemical spill. Evacuate and prevent access to area. /otify the site administrator (Mr. ubalcava, Mr. amirez, or any available administrator). Do not as' untrained individuals to clean up. (all the 0E&S (1!") 12!3"!44. Summary of Hazard Communication Presentation, Lincoln High 2011-2012 -Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) provide detailed health and safety information and precautions for handling hazardous substances, including emergency and first aid procedures. MSDS are on file with Mr. E. amirez, C.S.C. ( oom !"#). $lease familiarize yourself with any hazardous substance before using it. -California Public Schools Science Safety Handbook %he Science Safety &andboo' for (alifornia $ublic Schools has been prepared to help science teachers, administrators, and other school staff members understand and avoid situations in which accidents might occur in the science laboratories or on field trips and outdoor education e)periences. %o access MSDS or Science Safety Handbook and a lin' to OEHS website visit E. amirez on the *incoln web page, clic' on +links,, and change section to +Teacher Resources,. Note: do not our any ha!ardous "aterials#li$uids into the sink% Please refer to MSDS or contact Mr% E% Ra"ire! for su&&estions on ro er dis osal% -n the event of a chemical spill. Evacuate and prevent access to area. /otify the site administrator (Mr. ubalcava, Mr. amirez, or any available administrator). Do not as' untrained individuals to clean up. (all the 0E&S (1!") 12!3"!44.

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