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(1) Who is the currently the president of NASSCOM? (a) Mr. Rastogi ( ) Mr. !iran !arni" (c) Mr. Sunil #oshi (d) Mr. Shya$ Munshi

(%) Cal&in !lein 'nc. is a (holly o(ned su sidiary of (hich group? (a) )ouis *hillippe ( ) Ray$ond (c) +an ,ueson (d) Reid - .aylor

(/) +irgin Co$ics is all set to enter ga$ing 0ones in $o iles through (hich net(or"s? (a) ,utchison 1ssar ( ) Airtel (c) 2SN) (d) Reliance Co$$unications

(3) Which co$pany has tied up (ith far$ers to launch 'ndia4s first natural &anilla Crea$ in order to help far$ers? (a) ,a&$our ( ) A$ul (c) +adilal (d) Mothers 5airy

(6) What is the na$e of the Mahindra Renault4s first car to e launched in 'ndia in #anuary %778? (a) Regan ( ) )ogan (c) Sho(gun (d) None

(9) Which 'ndian co$pany is the first to get listed on the Singapore Stoc" 1:change? (a) 2harti 1nterprises ( ) 'nfosys (c) .CS (d) Megha$ani Organics )td. (8) Who is eing appointed as the rand a$ assador of OM1;A (atches? (<) Who scored second fastest century in O5' after Shahid Afridi in 33 alls? (a) Mar" 2oucher ( ) Mahendra Singh 5honi (c) R.Sar(an (d) #aysuriya

(=) +ideocon 1lectrolu: (ill set up a ;reenfield facility at (hich place to $anufacture Air >conditioners? (a) ,ydera ad ( ) ?ttaranchal(c) ,aryana (d) ;u@arat

(17) Which title after (inning tennis legend Martina Na&rotilo&a declared retire$ent fro$ professional tennis this year? (a) Arench Open ( ) Wi$ ledon (c) ?S Open (d) A.* Cha$pionships

(11) ;eneral Mushraf (rote the contro&ersial oo"B C'n .he )ine Of AireDE ut can you na$e the oo" that our president 5r. A dul !alaa$ had (ritten so$e ti$e ac"?

(1%) Aegis is the 2*O fir$ of (hich fa$ous usiness group? (a) Cogni0ant ( ) .CS (c) 1ssar ;roup (d) 'nfosys

(1/) Which co$pany $ade a deal (ith the fa$ous 5a a(allahs in Mu$ ai to help the$ set up a supply chain syste$? (a) Mico 2osch 'ndia ( ) *etronet (c) .esco 'ndia *&t. )td (d) Reliance 'ndia

(13) .he na$e of the operation launched y 'ndian Na&y in order to e&acuate 'ndians and Nationals of SAARC fro$ the (ar ra&aged country )e anon (asF? (a) Operation 2luestar ( ) Operation SAARC (c) Operation Su"oon (d) None

(16) .he leading ca$corder electronics specialist *anasonic launched a uniGue product fe( days ac". What (as it? (a) AlatHScreen .ele&isions ( ) 2road and net(or"s (c) )u:ury Massage Chairs (d) Mo ile phones

(19) Whose slogan is IShortcut .o Aa$e4E (hintJ .he latest scooter in to(n) (18) Whose punch line is CKour *otentialE Our *assionD? (1<) Can u na$e the co$pany (ho has launched the cool IAppy Ai04 drin"s in the $ar"et? (a) *epsi ( ) CocaHcola 'ndia (C) 5a ur Real (d) *arle

(1=) Who (as gi&en the ;andhi *eace A(ard %776? ,e (as een a(arded on recent %nd Octo er %779 on the e&e of ;andhi #ayanti? (a) Megha *at"ar ( ) Arch ishop 5es$ond .utu (c) Angela Mer"el (d) 5alai )a$a

(%7) .aglines of fa$ous co$paniesJ (a) ( ) (c) (d) (e) *utting Ne(s AirstH What $a"es you Special? H Spoil KourselfH Spread .he S$ileH Can4t li&e (ithoutH

Answers to above questions:

(1) (%) c (/) d (3) (6) (9) d (8) A$ita h 2achhan (<) a (=) (17) c (11) .he (ings of fire (1%) c (1/) a (13) c (16) c (19) 2la0e (18) Microsoft (1<) *arle (1=) (%7) .aglines (a) ( ) (c) (d) (e) 22C '2N .A.A 'ndigo Sunfeast )i&eHinH#eans


(1) Who is the C1O of the 2ritannia 'ndustries? (a) Aalguni Nayar ( ) Shi"ha shar$a (/) +inita 2ali (3) )alita gupte (%) With (ho$ (ould you associate Renu"a Ra$nath? (a) 'C'C' 2an" ( ) ,S2C (c) 'C'C' +enture (d) 'C'C' *rudential (/) Chanda !ochhar is the e:ecuti&e director of 'C'C' *rudential )ife 'nsurance. 's it true or false? (3) With (ho$ (ould you associate the N;O institution IS1WA4? (a) A$rita *atel ( ) 1la en 2hatt (c) Aalguni *ari"h (d) None (6) Na$e .he ;odre@ (o$an. (9) Who is the director of the .AA1 groupB she (as gi&en the 1cono$ic .i$es 1ntrepreneur of the Kear %779 A(ard? (a) Radhi"a Roy ( ) Lia Mody (c) )alita ;upte (d) Malli"a Srini&asan (8) Who is the head of the National 5airy 5e&elop$ent 2oard? (a) Shi"ha Shar$a ( ) .ina A$ ani (c) A$rita *atel (d) ,e$a Ra&ichandran (<) With (ho$ (ould you associate +edi"a 2handar"ar? (a) #.*. Morgan 'ndia ( ) 5eutsche 2an" (c) S2' (d) 'C'C'

(=) Who is the head of ,u$an Resources 5epart$ent in 'NAOSKS? (a) !alpana Morparia ( ) Shi"ha Shar$a (c) Renu S. !arnad(d) ,e$a Ra&ichandra (17) .ina A$ aniE the (ife of Anil A$ ani runs a sho( annually in a year ased on the (orld of Art. What4s called? (a) 'MA;1 ( ) ,ARMONK (c) Arts -Crafts (d) Retreat (11) Who is the pu lisher of the $aga0ine ;)A5RA;S? (a) Si$one .ata ( ) Maureen Wadia (c) ?sha Murthy (d) None (1%) Who disco&ered the cos$etic rand )A!M1 into 'ndia? (a) Rohini Nile"ani ( ) Si$one .ata (c) Sudarshini Roy (d) Ra$ona Singh (1/) Who is the M5 of Apollo ,ospitals? (a) Renu"a Ra$nath ( ) 2ala 5eshpande (c) *reetha Reddy (d) None (13) Aalguni Nayar is the M5 of !ota" Mahindra Capital. .rue or Aalse? (16) Who is the M5 of 'N; +yasya Mutual Aund? (a) Sho hna Maitra ( ) Neela$ 5ha(an(c) Lia Mody (d) !a&ita ,urry (19) Rohini Nile"aniE (ife of 'nfosys $an Nandan Nil"ani runs a foundation for poor children in and around 2angalore. Can you na$e it? (a) 'nfosys Aoundation ( ) *ratha$ (c) A"shara Aoundation(d) None (18) Who is the e:ecuti&e director of ,5AC? (a) S(ati Singh ( ) Renu Roy (c) Renu !arnad (d) Naina )al !id(ai

(1<) Who is the head of ?2S Securities? (a) Manisha ;oitra ( ) S(ati *ira$al(c) Madha i *uriH2uch (d) Shi"ha Shar$a (1=) Na$e the (o$an (ho recently resigned Nestle Co$pany - currently the M5 of ,S2C. (%7) Who is the head of S.AR N1WS? (a) +idya Chha ria ( ) )alita ;upte(c) Ra&ina Ra@ !ohli (d) *reeti +yas (%1) What is the role of 1"ta !apoor in 2ala@i .elefil$s? (%%) Who is the head of Center of Science and 1n&iron$ent in 'ndia? (a) Sunita Narain ( ) 'ndra Nooyi (c) Sho hna Moitra (d) Ran@ana "u$ar

Answers to t'e questions:

(1) c (%) c (/) 'C'C' 2an" (3) (6) *ar$esh(ar ;odre@ (9) d (8) c (<) a (=) d (17) (11) (1%) (1/) c (13) .rue (16) d (19) c (18) c (1<) a (1=) Naina )al !id(ai (%7) c (%1) Creati&e 5irector (%%) a

Business Qui( ) *
(1) *antaloon Retail 'ndia entered into a @oint &enture (ith (hich co$pany of ?S? (a) Mac"ay ( ) Staples (c) Red )ounge (d) S$ithey (%) Who is the ne( Chairperson of C25.? (a) 'ndira 2harga&a ( ) 2al@eet Matiyeni (c) A$ita h !hosla (d) 5r. Chitra 2harucha (/) Can u na$e the drin"E (hich Rasna is going to launch against *epsi4s ;atorade? (3) What is the na$e of co$pany of Ran a:y group pro&iding financial ser&ices? (a) Relifinance ( ) Ranfinance (c) Religare (d) Relifinancial *&t. )td (6) Who is the C1O of ?.' 2an"? (a) Sa$ir 2hatia ( ) Madhuri *uri 2uch (c) *.#. Naya" (d) *.!.Sri&asta&a (9) #apanese $a@or co$pany .oshi a is planning to enter (hich seg$ent? (a) Retail ( ) *har$a (c) Mo ile (d) Refrigerators (8) Who is the C1O of Cairn 1nergy 'ndia? (a) !en !utaragi ( ) Rahul 5hir (c) Ray .aylor (d) None (<) Which co$pany launched its online casual ga$ing portal Lapa".co$? (a) .CS ( ) Reliance A5A ;roup (c) Wipro (d) 2harti 1nterprises

(=) 5el$onteE an econo$y rand in suitings - shirtings elongs to (hich fa$ous rand? (a) Siyara$s ( ) Ray$ond (c) Reid - .aylor (d) S.!u$ars (17) Who is the rand a$ assador of 2irla Sun )ife 'nsurance? (a) MS 5honi ( ) !apil 5e& (c) S..endul"ar (d) None (11) .aglines AgainF Na$e the productMco$pany (a) ( ) (c) (d) No More 2oundsH Shape your WorldH .otally 'ntegrated Auto$ation 5o it Kourself ,olidaysH

(1%) Apart fro$ eing lyristE *rasoon #oshi is also an e:ecuti&e Chair$an of (hich co$pany? (a) ( ) (c) (d) Kashra@ Ail$s *&t. )td ,)) McCann 1ric"son McCann .eleco$$unications

(1/) What is the na$e of the $ini car to e launched y ;eneral Motors in the $ar"et? (a) Che&rolet Mini ( ) Che&rolet Spar" (c) Che&rolet Spice (d) Che&rolet 'cy (13) )eading luggage seg$ent leader Sa$sonite is planning to introduce the pre$iu$ category shoes in 'ndia under the rand na$e? (a) 2lac" )a el ( ) 2lac"ey (c) Woodey (d) 2lac" 5art (16) 5a ur *har$a all set to launch a ne( Cancer 5rug de&eloped y the$. What is the na$e? (a) 2ita:el ( ) NetaH2 (c) Nano:el (d) LetaHN

(19) R') has decided to uild a refinery in (hich country? (a) 'ndia ( ) 1gypt (c) Africa (d) Ke$en

Answers +or t'e questions:

(1) (%) a (/) 2ody Auel (3) c (6) c (9) c (8) (<) (=) d (17)

(11).aglinesJ (a) SONK +aio ( ) L1N 1stilo (c) S'1M1NS (d) SO.C ,olidays (1%) c (1/) (13) a (16) c (19) d


1) .he logo of (hich car co$pany consists of four intersecting ringsE signifying the four co$panies that (ere $erged to gi&e rise to the present co$pany? (a) Mercedee0 2en0 ( ) Audi (c) Aiat *agio (d) None %) An ani$ated character na$ed Spot is used to pro$ote (hich rand of soft drin"? (a) Appy fi0 ( ) Rasna (c) 84?p (d) None /) 'n the &ery first ad of *1*S' done y Shahru"h "han (hich (as the $odel present (ith hi$ and no( she has e&ol&ed into an actress? (a) Mahi$a Chaudhary ( ) #uhi Cha(la (c) Sandali Sinha (d) !arish$a !apoor 3) 'n the %777 fil$ Cast A(ayB .o$ ,an"s plays the role of Chuc" NolandE an engineer (or"ing (ith (hich real life organi0ation? (a) 2luedart ( ) Microsoft (c) Ainancial 1:press (d) Aederal 1:press 6) With (ho$ (ould you associate the fa$ous old slogan CNeigh ors en&y O(ner4s *rideD? (a) 2*)H'ndia ( ) Sa$sung (c) ON'5A (d) .oshi a 9) 'dentify the car $anufacturing co$pany in the clipF 8) 'dentify the slogans of the co$panyJ 5ee(ana ana deH *lay SafeH .hin" AgainH 't4s $ore than @ust oilH !al *ar ControlH 't4s the (ay you $a"e $e feelH Ma"es a )ife little 1asierH

<) .(oH$ega confectionary rands Maha)acto - 1clairsB are o(ned y (hich co$pany? (a) *arry4s ( ) )otte (c) Cad ury (d) Nutrine =) With (hich products (ould you associate MS 5honi as a rand a$ assador? (a) ( ) (c) (d) !i(i Shoe *olishE Siyara$s - *arle ; Siyara$sE ;1 MoneyE *epsi *epsiE Reliance Co$$unicationsE 2ritannia Royal Stag ;earE !i(i Shoe *olishE Santro

17) 'dentify ho( $any ti$es the *epsi ottle is tossed up et(een the hands of (or"ers in the ad. (a) 9 ti$es ( ) 6 ti$es (c) 8 ti$es (d) < ti$es 11) .he ho$e country of the (orld4s no.% sports goods $a"er Adidas isF (a) ?S ( ) S(it0erland (c) ;er$any (d) Canada 1%) 'dentify the product eing introduced through the ad&ertisingF 1/) Which is the first foot(ear rand in 'ndia to e associated (ith 5isney characters in its Sandals? (a) 2ata ( ) )i erty (c) Action (d) Mochi 13) Which ad has t(o rand a$ assadors of their o(n ti$esH Sunil ;a&as"ar and Sania Mir0a endorsing the sa$e product? (a) ,yundai ;1.L ( ) Sunfeast 2iscuits (c) 5eutcshe 2an" (d) 1S*N 16) Which is the first ad that (as eing re$i:edB in short sa$e (ordingsE sa$e style and sa$e concept ut (ith ne( $usic and characters recently seen in tele&ision? (a) )ife uoy Soap ( ) *arle ; (c) 2a@a@ .u es and 2ul s (d) +ic"s

(19) What na$e of the fa$ous foot all group is printed on the "id4s Shirt sho(n in the ad? (a) Manchester ?nited ( ) #u&entus (c) Arsenal (d) )i&erpool (18) Who is the ne( rand a$ assador of the soft drin"$s ?p4? (a) !unal !apoor ( ) Sal$an !han (c) Siddharth (d) A"shay !u$ar (1<) With (ho$ (ould you associate the fa$ous taglineJ C's"o )aga dala .oh )ife #hingalalaDF (1=) Aro$ (here does A$ita h 2achhan get the ottle opener in the follo(ing ad?

Answers to t'e questions:

(1) (%) c (/) c (3) d (6) c (9) 'dentification of car co$pany in the clip

(8) .aglines of co$panies (a) ( ) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) S1. Ma: 2'S)1R' National ;eographic Castrol A+'+A )ife 'nsurance Monte Carlo 1lectrolu:

(<) d (=) (17) c (11) c (1%) Ouestion ased on ad&ertise sho(n on screen (1/) c (13) c (16) c (19) (18) a (1<) .A.A S"y (1=) AdHOuestion


1. CocaHCola has 'ndia is all set to launch randHled $all hangout spaceH Cole Red )ounge in (hich city of 'ndia? (a) Mu$ ai ( ) Ah$eda ad (c) *une (d) !ol"ata %. Which country launched the (orld4s first 3; $o ile co$$unication syste$? (a) #apan ( ) 'ndonesia (c) 'ndia (d) China /. 'ndia4s largest drug $a"er Ran a:y )a oratories colla orated (ith (hich glo al phar$aceutical $a@or to include a (ide range of therapeutics? (a) Cipla ( ) ;la:os$ithline (c) .orrent *har$a (d) Lydus Cadilla 3. Who are the ne( Chair$an and Managing 5irector of ,*C)? (a) M.2. )al ( ) Arun 2al"rishnan (c) S(a$inathan 'yer (d) Sudarshan !rishna 6. .he .atas are planning to enter (hich seg$ent of 2usiness? (a) .e:tiles ( ) ,elicopter ser&icing 2usiness (c) A&iation ser&ices (d) None 9. 2a@a@ Auto )td. is all set to launch their scooter (gearless) uilt on 5.S'Hseg$ent. 5o u "no( the na$e? (a) 2a@a@ Spice ( ) 2a@a@ !ristal (c) 2a@a@ Contra (d) 2a@a@ Sega 8. Airst Alight CouriersE the country4s largest do$estic courier co$pany plans to foray itself in (hich seg$ent? (a) )ogistics ( ) Retail (c) Ainance (d) 5esign <. Which product y the .'M1 Maga0ine has een declared as the greatest in&ention of the year %779? (a) 'pod NANO ( ) ;oogle Search 1ngine (c) Or"ut (d) Kou.u e

=. What (as the na$e of the groupE (hich in @oint &enture (ith Ar&ind 2rands rought .o$$y ,ilfiger to 'ndia in %773? (a) Aditya 2irla ;roup ( ) +i$al Suitings )td. (c) .he Mur@ani ;roup (d) .he 2o$ ay 5yeing ;roup 17. ;odre@4s Aadhar Chains has tied up (ith 2an" to offer attracti&e agriHcredit facility through its rural hu s? (a) ,S2C ( ) 'N; +yasya (c) ,5AC (d) 'C'C' 11. Who has eco$e the ne( rand a$ assador of 2el$onte Sutiings - Shirtings? (a) A hishe" 2ahchhan ( ) Shahru"h !han (c) Sal$an !han (d) MS 5honi 1%. Which co$pany has een conferred the ;olden *eacoc" a(ard %779 for corporate social responsi ility? (a) .CS ( ) .ata Motors (c) 'nfosys (d) )-. 1/. .aglines of &arious co$paniesJ a) ) c) d) e) f) 2e )ife ConfidentH .he 1ngineer4s ChoiceH Lindagi Se 1" !ada$ AageH Mera Aar0H Style it SoftH When you4re sureH

13. Who (ill e the ne( C1O of N5.+ ;roup? (a) Arun 2al"rishnan ( ) *ranay Roy (c) !+) Narayan (d) Arun Shu"la 16. +odafone acGuires ,utchisonH1ssar for ho( $any P illion? (a) P1< illion ( ) P18 illion (c) P1= illion (d) P1=.6 illion

19. 2iocon has announced plans to set up a &accine iophar$a $anufacturing plant in (hich city? (a) Andhra *radesh ( ) Calcutta (c) ;u@arat (d) +isha"hapatna$

Answers to above questions:

(1) c (%) d (/) (3) (6) (9) (8) a (<) d (=) c (17) c (11) (1%)

(1/) .aglines of fa$ous co$panies (13) 2,AR.' life 'nsurance (16) ?ltra .ech Ce$ent (19) !O.A! Mahindra )ife 'nsurance (18) 'N; +yasya 2an" (1<) *arachute ,air ;el Crea$ (1=) 2usiness Standard (%7) c (%1) c (%%) a

1. Which is the 1st 'ndian rand to sponsor MSN MessengerE $ost popular oneHtoH one $essenger syste$ on $$? (a) CloseHup ( ) *epsi (c) +ideocon (d) Nir$a %. A'A.E the 'talian $anufacturerE stands for? (a) ( ) (c) (d) Aaccricca 'taliana Auto$o ile .oronto Aa rica 'taliana Auto$o ile .aranta Aa rica 'talia Auto$o ile .athiya Aa rica 'taliana Auto$o ile .orino

/. '.C $ade its entry into the randed snac" food $ar"et. Can u na$e the product???? 3. Retail ;iantE !ishore 2iyani stepped into another seg$ent of retail usiness after successful launches of *antaloonsE Central etc. What is it? (a) Auture first ( ) ,o$e 5Qcor (c) ,o$e .o(n (d) Auture ,o$e 6. Who o(ns the sore throat relie&er rand CSMK)1D? (a) ;la:o S$ith"line ( ) *roctor - ;a$ le (c) !opran *har$acueticals (d) Sun *har$a 9. Who is the M5 of Accenture ('ndia)? (a) Shi&ani *andya ( ) ,arsh Man"ad (c) ,arsh Mangli" (d) Suresh 'yengar 8. 5iscount retailer Su hi"sha has tied up (ith (hich net(or"s co$pany to deploy in out of ho$e $edia net(or" for its retail stores? (a) Sony ( ) #i&e Net(or"s (c) M.+ Net(or" (d) Spice 1ntertain$ent Net(or"

<. ;odre@ Consu$ers )td. has relaunched their soap product in the $ar"et. Na$e it. (a) Cinthol ( ) 2ree0e (c) +igil (d) None =. 5i&ersified AMC; Co$pany 5hari(aal 'ndustries plans to enter into (hich sector? (a) *etroleu$ Sector ( ) *o(er Sector (c) .eleco$ Sector (d) Soft drin"s sector 17. .aglines of co$paniesJ a) ) c) d) e) f) Al(ays ;a$eH Ne( '$pro&ed )ifeH Kou4re the fuelH 5istinctly AheadH .urn Wor" 'nto *layH 5i"hane "o #ee !areH

11. .he 4Catch4 2rand of Spices is fro$ (hich group in the $ar"et? (a) Spayran Spices )td. ( ) M5, ;roup (c) 5hara$pal Satyapal ;roup (d) Ra$de& 1%. Which (as the first car co$pany to in&ent car ags for car safety during accidents? (a) AOR5 ( ) MAR?.' (c) ,K?N5A' (d) ;M 1/. Which petroleu$ co$pany (as first to e:port 'ndia4s a&iation tur ine fuel? (a) 1SSAR ( ) S,1)) (c) Reliance *etroleu$ (d) 2harat *etrolue$ 13. Which channel $ade its de ut at 1%J71 a$ on August 1stE 1=<1? (a) Channel + ( ) 55 'ndia (c) M.+ (d) None

16. 2a@a@ Auto plans to co$e up (ith a ne( seg$ent of launch in their usiness y %717. Which seg$ent they (ould e focusing into? (a) ( ) (c) (d) .(o (heeler gearless scooter $ar"et ;oods Carrier Mar"et ,igh CC i"es CN; ric"sha(s

19. Which 'ndian Car Co$pany eca$e the 1st to design - $a"e a Sports utility &ehicle in an A$erican Mar"et? (a) .A.A $otors ( ) ,industan Motors (c) Mahindra - Mahindra (d) Maruti ?dhyog 18. What is the original na$e of IACC1N.?R14? (a) Accent Calling ( ) Anderson4s accent (c) Anderson Calling (d) Anderson Consulting 1<. Which co$pany is ehind the INature Aresh4 rands of AttaE $aida and su@i? (a) !issan Annapurna ( ) 5hari(aal ;roup of Co$panies (c) Cargil Aoods (d) *ills ury 1=. IRA5,14E a retail store rand stores opened in Ah$eda ad earlier elongs to (hich fa$ous usiness group? (a) N'RMA ( ) LK5?S CA5'))A (c) S?2,'!S,A (d) '.C %7. Which restaurant co$pany o(ns the restaurant chains li"e I*'LLA ,?.4E I!AC4E I.ACO 21))4? (a) Starton ;roup of ,otels ( ) .ricon Restaurant 'nternational (c) .he Oasis 'nternational (d) .he star group of ,otels %1. .arun .e@palE (as the e:ecuti&e editor of (hich $aga0ine Guitted to set up .ehel"$? (a) 'ndia .oday ( ) Arontline (c) 2usiness )ine (d) .he Outloo"

Answers to 2revious questions:

(1) a (%) d (/) 2'N;O (3) c (6) d (9) c (8) (17) .aglines (a) ( ) (c) (d) (e) (f) ,1RO ,onda !ari0$a +ideocon Maruti S(ift 2a@a@ !rystal Moto$ing ;reenla$ )a$inates

(<) c (=)

(11) c (1%) d (1/) c (13) c (16)

(19) c (18) d (1<) c (1=) a (%7) d (%1) d

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