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First and foremost, I would like to Thank to my Professor of Project Management, Dr. Ali Ahsan for the valua le guidance and advice. !e ins"ired us greatly to work in this "roject. !is willingness to motivate us contri uted tremendously to our "roject.

I wish to e#"ress my cordial gratitude to the all "eo"les who have "layed a crucial role in the research for this "roject, without their active coo"eration the "re"aration of this "roject could not have een com"leted within the s"ecified limit.

The ne#t "erson I would like to acknowledge is my "roject guide Mr. Arif Mehmood who su""orted me throughout this "roject with utmost coo"eration and "atience.

Finally, an honora le mention goes to my family and friends for their understandings and su""orts on me in com"leting this "roject. $ithout hel"s of the "articular that mentioned a ove, I would face many difficulties while doing this "roject.

Executive Summary

This is a hy"othetical "roject. The "ur"ose of this "roject is to develo" the "roject "lanning and initiation "hase to understand how a "roject is carrying on, com"leted and what is re&uired to com"lete it. The MTA 'or"oration (hy"othetical com"any) is a com"any which "roduces and installs solar street lights. MTA 'or"oration is currently doing a "roject of installing solar street lights for the *overnment of Pakistan in the 'a"ital city Islama ad. The whole "roject is develo"ing on hy"othetical assum"tions. The s"onsors++ of this "roject are, *overnment of Pakistan, $orld -ank, ./ and ./I'0F. 1easons for installing 2olar 2treet 3ights in Pakistan are, Pakistan is going through many critical "ro lems and one of them is energy "ro lem, which is effecting the growth and develo"ment of the economy. Pakistan has a lot of resources to "roduce electricity from different alternatives "lans. For that reason we done analysis of the market and analy4e that the "eo"le are an#ious and willing to reduce the energy crisis from the country as well as the *overnment of Pakistan is looking5 finding ways to resolve the crisis y develo"ing rental electric "ower grids "rogram tem"orarily that is costly. As in the market till now no one has "ro"osed solar street lights "roject to the *overnment of Pakistan which can hel" them to reduce the energy Pro lem. *overnment of Pakistan acce"ted the "roject "ro"osed y the MTA 'or"oration of installing 2olar 2treet lights in the 'a"ital city Islama ad to cater the energy crisis. Different "lan are made to ensure that who, what, where, when, why and !ow will e recogni4e and e#"lained.

Table of Content

Table of Contents
Acknowledgments777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777..% 0#ecutive 2ummary7777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777776 Ta le of 'ontent77777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777777777..8 Project 'harter 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 777..77..779 : jectives Delivera les5 Millstones+ 2takeholders+ Assum"tions 1isks Decision Making Process Project 'ost Project Plan7777777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777.777777; *eneral Information Project Information 8

Technology 0nvironmental and 2ocial Im"act -enefits of 2olar 2treet 3ights Milestones 'osting < -udgeting 2co"e 2tatement7777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777..77.7%8 2takeholders+ 1egister77777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777..%9 !uman 1esource Management Plan777777777777777777777777777777777777..%= 'ommunication Management Plan777777777777777777777777777777777777.776% Procurement Management Plan777777777777777777777777777777777777777..6 6 >uality Management Plan7777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7.7...6= 1isk Management Plan7777777777777777777777777777777777777777 777.776; 'onclusion7777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777..7..6?


Tagline! " #ou $ay %ESS &O'E# for &ORE %() T wit* Solar Street %ig*ts+

MTA 'or"oration aim ATowards "rovide alternative solar energy solutions for domestic, industrial and commercial esta lishments in order to mitigate the energy "ro lems in PakistanB.

2olar energy is a very useful renewa le source of energy, which may e the answer to the future for "ower, or energy needs, as glo al warming seems to "ick u" ra"idly. 2o, we can all contri ute to the environment y using solar energy thus erasing or trimming down various gas emissions, which can endanger earth, in turn, the millions of "eo"le in it. -y installing solar street lights in the 'a"ital city of Pakistan, it will hel" to reduce the energy crisis. The installation cost of 2olar 2treet light is less than the Traditional 2treet lights installing and maintenance cost. 2o, y installing 2olar 2treet lights, it will hel" to oost the economy of Pakistan.

-eliverables. &ilestones!"
3ess 'ost, /o electric current is re&uired, high &uality solar street lights, easy to maintain, !eavy Duty %5; Aluminum with welded seams and ru er mats, !eavy duty front door with stainless steel hinges, gaskets and locka le, /o shar" edges on enclosure door, 6@ volt %C am" controller, Field adjusta le for on5off times, 2etta le for gel cell attery charge curve to ensure "erformance and autonomy, Pulse $idth Modulation charge regulation, Factory mounted in attery o#, 'ontroller automatically adjusts for seasonal light changes, 0#tends attery life, reduces dee" discharge cycling and enhances autonomy.

2takeholders+ of the "roject are Ministry of Finance, $orld -ank, ./:, and ./I'0F, Project team of MTA 'om"any, 'DA, and *overnment of Pakistan.

Project will e a successful one, ecause each stakeholder (*ovt. of Pakistan, ./, $orld -ank) is united and "utting their whole lot of efforts to make this "roject a successful one. 0conomy will e im"roved, investors+ will invest and so forth.

2olar electricity and heat are not availa le at night and also may not e accessi le in case of ad weather conditions. 2o, a solar or com"lementary "ower station is re&uired which may e a "ro lem for many locations. 2olar "anels re&uire a large area for installation in order to achieve a good level of efficiency. -esides the solar energy can also e influenced y the "resence of water va"or, "ollution etc. in the air, which may cause com"le#ities. 'onsidera le amount of energy is lost when D' (direct current) has to e converted to A' (alternating current). The solar cells can only "roduce D', thus the conversion y hel" of *ridDTie Inverters incurs a loss of a out @D%6E.

-ecision &aking Process!"

Decision will e taken with the agreement of the stakeholders+ and will a""roved y the '0: of the com"any. e

Pro,ect Cost!"
'ost of the "roject is determined through the documents construct in the "roject. Activities! Procurement of 1e&uired Material Project Initiation Define 2co"e Project 2chedule 0stimated 'ost < -udgeting Plan Document Project 2u""ort Plans Project >uality Project !uman 1esource Management Develo" Procurement Plans 2et ." Project 0nvironment

!uman 1esource Management Assem ling of 2olar lights Installation of 2olar 2treet 3ights Maintenance Monitoring and 'ontrolling

Estimated Total Cost0 1Rs234 567489:+7;1

Pro,ect Plan

)E'ERA% ('<OR&AT(O'
Project s"onsors and "artners are, *overnment of Pakistan $orld -ank ./ ./I'0F 2u""liers+


This is a hy"othetical "roject. The "ur"ose of this "roject is to develo" the "roject "lanning and initiation "hase to understand how a "roject is carrying on, com"leted and what is re&uired to com"lete it. The MTA 'or"oration (hy"othetical com"any) is a com"any which "roduces and installs solar street lights. MTA 'or"oration is currently doing a "roject of installing solar street lights for the *overnment of Pakistan in the 'a"ital city Islama ad. The whole "roject is develo"ing on hy"othetical assum"tions. Pakistan is going through many critical "ro lems and one of them is energy "ro lem, which is effecting the growth and develo"ment of the economy. Pakistan has a lot of resources to "roduce electricity from different alternatives "lans. For that reason we done analysis of the market and analy4e that the "eo"le are an#ious and willing to reduce the energy crisis from the country as well as the *overnment of Pakistan is looking5 finding ways to resolve the crisis y develo"ing rental electric "ower grids "rogram tem"orarily that is costly. As in the market till now no one has "ro"osed solar street lights "roject to the *overnment of Pakistan which can hel" them to reduce the energy Pro lem. *overnment of Pakistan acce"ted the "roject "ro"osed y the MTA 'or"oration of installing 2olar 2treet lights in the 'a"ital city Islama ad to cater the energy crisis. Project detail is given in the following Documents. The information a out the 2olar 2treet 3ight is e#"lained in detail in the following to"ic.

Tec*nology! " =Solar %ig*t>

The solar light is a com"le# ut useful source of light. 2olar light is consisting of following com"onent, P*otovoltaic A stand alone so "hotovoltaic street lighting system com"rises a com"act fluorescent lam", lead acid attery, PG module(s) control electronics, interDconnecting wires 5 ca les, Module mounting hardware, -attery o#, :"eration, instruction and maintenance manual. -uty Cycle The system should e designed to automatically switch :/ at dusk. :"erate throughout the night and automatically switch :FF at the dawn.

%am$ The lam" will e of com"act fluorescent ('F3) ty"e, either @ D Pin or 6 Pin ty"e, with a rating of %%$. For the @ D Pin ty"e 'F3. Ade&uate "reDheating circuit must e "rovided. The light out"ut from the lam" should e around ?CC H9E lumens. The lam" should e housed in a weather "roof assem ly suita le for outdoor use, with a reflector on its ack. $hile fi#ing the assem ly, the lam" should e held in a ase u" configuration. ?attery 0lectrolyte ty"e "ositive tu ular "late is re&uired. 3ow maintenance leads acid attery. The attery will have a minimum rating of %6G F9 Ah (at '5%C) discharge rate. F9 E of the rated ca"acity of the attery should e etween fully charged < load cut off conditions. Celectron The inverter should e of &uasi sine wave5sine wave ty"e. $ith fre&uency in the range 6C D 89 I!4. !alfDwave o"eration is not acce"ta le. The total electronic efficiency should e at least ;C E. /o lackening or reduction in the lumen out"ut y more than %CE should e o served after %CCC :/5:FF cycles (two minutes :/ followed y four minutes :FF is one cycle). The idle current consum"tion should not e more than %C mA. 0lectronics should o"erate at %6 G and should have tem"erature com"ensation for "ro"er charging of the attery throughout the year. /ecessary lengths of wires5ca les and fuses should e "rovided. The PG module will e used to sense the am ient light level for switching :/ and :FF the lam". P@ &odule =s>


The PG module(s) shall contain crystalline silicon solar cells. The "ower out"ut of the module(s) under 2T' should e a minimum of F@ $ either two modules, of minimum 8F $ out"ut each or one module of F@ $ out"ut should e used. The o"erating voltage corres"onding to the "ower out"ut mentioned a ove should e %=.@ G. The o"en circuit voltage of the PG modules under 2T' should e at least 6%.C Golts. The terminal o# on the module should have a "rovision for o"ening for re"lacing the ca le if re&uired. A stri" containing the following details should e laminated inside the module so as to e clearly visi le from the front side. 0lectronic Protections and Ade&uate "rotection is to e incor"orated under no Dload conditions e.g. when the lam" is removed and the system is switched :/. The system should have "rotection against attery overcharge and dee" discharge conditions. Fuses should e "rovided to "rotect against short circuit conditions. The "ole should e made of mild steel "i"e with a height of @ meters a ove the ground level, after grouting and final installation. The "ole should have the "rovision to hold the water "roof lam" housing it should e "ainted with a corrosion resistant "aint. A vented, acid "roof and corrosion resistant "ainted metallic o# for outdoor use should e "rovided for housing the attery. 'om"onents and "arts used in the solar street lighting systems should conform to the latest -I2 s"ecifications, wherever such s"ecifications are availa le and a""lica le.

Environment and social im$act!"


0nergy saving "rovide electric energy with solar energy "hotovoltaic conversion, which would never e e#hausted. /o "ollution, no noise, no radiation. 2afety /o such accident as electric shock or fire at all. 'onvenience 2im"le installation, no need to erect wire or e#cavate ground without consideration of "ower shut down or "ower restriction. 2olar 2treet 3ight has long life high technical content of the "roduct, control system and module eing of famous world rand, intelligent design, and relia le &uality. 2olar energy is a !igh &uality Technical "roduct, green energy, using units attaching im"ortance to technology, enhancing green image and level. 2olar energy is a Investment all at once, same "rice as A' "ower (sum of A' "ower investment from su station, "ower feeding, control ca inet, ca le and engineering), investment all at once with long term usage + $ide a""lication solar energy comes from nature. It can e used so long there is sunshine, es"ecially suita le for green land sight light e&ui"age, high grade housing and outdoor lighting, tour scenic s"ot and coast lighting and decoration, industrial develo"ment area, factory and enter"rise street lam", outdoor light of colleges.

?enefits and features of solar lig*ts!"

Immune to "ower outages $andal resistant hardware /o trenching, no wiring /o maintenance 2tand alone, not connected to grid 0asy installationD&uick connect "lug 3onger lifetime (9C,CCC hours)

OrganiAation4 management4 and training!"


$ell trained em"loyees are in MTA 'or"oration with a lot of e#"erience and outstanding work. Trainings are an im"ortant "art of the organi4ation to kee" em"loyees u"DtoDdate with the latest technology. !1 Manager is res"onsi le for the hiring, training and com"ensation of the em"loyees.

Pro,ect im$lementation!"
2chedule for "roject im"lementation is given in detail in the M2 Project file. PartnersJ res"onsi ilities in im"lementation are MTA 'or"oration, 2u""liers i.e. (2hi fang 'om"any, Malik steel, A.A 'om"any, Askari 'ement, and !inoDPak). S*i <ang Com$any!" 3am"s, -atteries+, PG Module(s), controlling device Mechanical e&ui"ment 0lectronic accessories &alik Steel!" 2tainless steel "oles, water "rove o# AA Com$any!" Procure -ricks for installing the "ole holder. Askari Cement!" Procure 'ement to make holder of the street light "ole. ino"Pak Com$any!" Procure trucks to trans"ort street lights to the designated "laces.



Sr+' Task o 7 9 2 6 ; -udget a""roval from the organi4ation Ins"ection Team 1e"ort52urvey 1e"ort Purchase of Materials Purchase of Gehicles Installation of 2olar 2treet 3ights to the designated locations


Final 1e"ort


Costing B ?udgeting!" ?udget 0Rs+ ;545554555 Total Estimated Cost0 1Rs234 567489:+7;1

Sco$e Statement

Pro,ect Justification!"
There is a lot of 2hortage of electricity in Pakistan. Pakistan *overnment is looking forward to "roduce energy from other availa le resources in Pakistan. 2olar energy is one im"ortant way to "roduce electricity other than traditional way of "roducing electricity. It is a onetime cost "roject which enefits for future.

Pro,ect Product!"
2olar 2treet 3ights is the Project Product.

Pro,ect -eliverables!"
2olar 2treet 3ights

Pro,ect Ob,ective!"


2olar energy is a very useful renewa le source of energy, which may e the answer to the future for "ower, or energy needs, as glo al warming seems to "ick u" ra"idly. 2o, we can all contri ute to the environment y using solar energy thus erasing or trimming down various gas emissions, which can endanger earth, in turn, the millions of "eo"le in it. -y installing solar street lights in the 'a"ital city Islama ad of Pakistan, it will hel" to reduce the energy "ro lem in some way. The installation cost of 2olar 2treet light is less than the Traditional 2treet light. 2o, y installing 2olar 2treet lights, it will definitely "lay a "ivotal role to sta ili4e the economy of Pakistan.

:ne time cost ut eneficial, less emission of energy that effect o4one layer or hel" to reduce glo al warming, etter working then the traditional or "revious ones. 'ost is one factor, Accessi ility, 3iteracy rate, technology, e#"erts.

Overall Pro,ect Priority!"

!igh Medium 3ow

Comments! "
This "roject is going to hel" in the growth of Pakistan+s economy ecause right now Pakistan is going through a lot of major issues and electricity is one of them, so y "lanting solar street lights it will reduce the consum"tion of electricity on traditional street lights and the su""ly of electricity will e more likely e e&ual to the demand of the "eo"le.












Stake*olders/ Register



'ame of Stak e *old ers M Tanv eer Ahm ed



Role in $ro, ect

Ty$e of communica tion

Ex$ectatio n



Project Manager


To assure all the activ ities are ein g done as sche dule d To finan ce the "roje ct

Face to Face and daily meetings

2uccessfully installin g the solar street lights in Islama ad



*overnm ent of Pakis tan

Financing ody


1e"orts and meetings on monthly asis

Fully su""ort to make "roject successf ul



$orld -ank

Financing ody


DDas a ov eDD

DDas a oveDD

DDas a oveDD



3a or

$ork Force


To "rod uce solar stree t light s and "lant in the Isla ma ad

Meetings and Face to Face

2alary on time






To "rovi de the est avail a le mate rial

$ritten and meetings





uman Resource &anagement Plan


A22I2TA/ T MA/A*01 T0AM

A22I2TA/ T MA/A*01 T0AM

A22I2TA/ T MA/A*01 T0AM


A22I2TA/ T MA/A*01 T0AM

T0'!/I'A 3 0MP3:K0 02 MA1TI0TI /* 1020A1'! 01 A/A3KTI' A3 2II330D 0MP3K002

T0'!/I'A 3 0MP3:K0 02 T1AI/012

A'':./TA /T2


Roles and Res$onsibilities/!"



Roles B Res$onsibilities/ Its role is more like a leader and visionary "erson. 2he5he advises the -oard and su""orts motivation of em"loyees in organi4ation "roducts5"rograms and o"erations. !e ensures staff and -oard have sufficient and u"DtoDdate information, looks to the future for change o""ortunities and interfaces etween -oard and em"loyees, and organi4ation and community.


&arketing &anager

To develo", esta lish and maintain marketing strategies to meet organi4ational o jectives. 2he5he manages and coordinates all marketing, advertising and "romotional staff and activities. 'onduct market research to determine market re&uirements for e#isting and future "roducts. Analysis of customer research, current market conditions and com"etitor information, develo" and im"lement marketing "lans and "rojects for new and e#isting "roducts. Manage the "roductivity of the marketing "lans and "rojects. Monitor, review and re"ort on all marketing activity and results. Determine and manage the marketing udget. Develo" "ricing strategy and liaison with media and advertising.


uman Resource &anager

Maintaining and develo" !1 "olicies, ensuring com"liance and to contri ute the develo"ment of cor"orate !1 "olicies. 2he5 he develo" the !1 team, to ensure the "rovision of a "rofessional !1 service to the organi4ation. Manage a team of staff. 2he5 he are 1es"onsi le for mentoring, guiding and develo"ing them as a second line to the current "osition. To ensure timely recruitment of re&uired level 5 &uality of Management staff, other usiness lines staff, including nonD illa le staff with a""ro"riate glo al a""rovals, in order to meet usiness needs, focusing on 0m"loyee 1etention and key 0m"loyee Identification initiatives. Pre"are information and in"ut for the salary udgets. 0nsure com"liance to the a""roved salary udget, give focus on "ay for "erformance and salary enchmarks where availa le. 0nsure adherence to cor"orate guideline on salary adjustments and "romotions. 'oordinate increments and "romotions of all staff. !1 manager develo" the !1 usiness "lan and ensure a""ro"riate communication at all staff levels.


<inance &anager

2he5he coordinates the a""roval and rejection of, lines of credit and commercial, real estate, and "ersonal loans. Develo" and analy4e information to assess the current and future financial status of firms. 0sta lish "rocedures for custody and control of assets, records, loan collateral, and securities, in order to ensure safekee"ing. 0valuate data "ertaining to costs in order to "lan udgets. 0valuate financial re"orting systems, accounting and collection "rocedures, and investment activities, and make recommendations for changes to "rocedures, o"erating systems, udgets, and other financial control functions. :versee the flow of cash and financial instruments. Plan, direct, and coordinate risk and insurance "rograms of esta lishments to control risks and losses. Pre"are financial and regulatory re"orts re&uired y laws, regulations, and oards of directors. Pre"are o"erational and risk re"orts for management analysis. 'ommunicate with stockholders and other investors to "rovide information, and to raise ca"ital.


Procurement &anager

Im"lement "rocurement strategy and "olicies. Forecast "rocurement needs. 'reate and im"lement IPI+s. 'ontinually develo" e#"ertise to su""ort growth for new "rojects. Monitor macro trends in su""lier and contract ase and im"lement "lans to react. -uild and develo" relationshi"s with key su""liers and customers. 3ead the "rocurement grou" in all "hases. Identify and develo" training o""ortunities. 2he5 he order materials and services as "er negotiated and a""ro"riately a""roved. 1eview &uotations. Pre"are "urchase re&uisitions, a""rove and issues "urchase orders in accordance with com"any "olicy and negotiated terms and conditions. Maintain "rocurement files. Track Purchasing activity and measurements. Discuss defective or unacce"ta le new goods or services with users, vendors and others to determine cause of "ro lem and take corrective and "reventative action. 0nsure su""lier com"liance with site and com"any re&uirements for safety. Manage vendor relationshi"s and assist in uilding effective "artnershi"s.

Euality &anager

Aims to ensure that the "roduct or service an organi4ation "rovides is fit for "ur"ose and meets oth e#ternal and internal re&uirements, including legal com"liance and customer e#"ectations. A &uality manager, sometimes called a &uality assurance manager, coordinates the activities re&uired to meet &uality standards. 2he5he also monitors and advice on the "erformance of the &uality management system and "roduces data and re"ort on "erformance, measuring against set indicators. They liaise with other managers and staff throughout the organi4ation to ensure that the >A system is functioning "ro"erly. $here a""ro"riate, the








Communication &anagement Plan





-elivery @e*icle

'otificati on &ediu m
$ord Docum ent sent via eDmail $ord Docum ent sent via eDmail

<reFuen cy Cycle

Project 2tatu s

Project Manager

Project 2"onsor and Iey 2takeho lders Meeting Partici" ants

Project 2tatus 1e"ort


Meeting Discussio n, Decisions , Action Items Informational u"dates on issues, schedule s, task assignme nts that must e communi cated efore the ne#t status meeting 2tatus u"dates on Tasks

Meeting Facilitator

Meeting /otes

As often as meetin gs are held

Project Manager

Project 2"onsor and Iey 2takeho lders as needed


0DMail with attach ments as needed

:n an as neede d asis when inform ation ecom es availa le

All team mem ers Project Manage r

Task ."dat es

0PM Task 1e"orti ng

$hen a team mem er has a task due during the current week As often as neede d for 2takeh @6 older involve ment and

0#ecutive Presentat ion

Project Manager with Project 2"onsor

0#ecutive 2"onsor and Iey 2takeho lders

2lide Presen tation or 1e"ort

PowerPoint or $ord docum ent

Procurement &anagement Plan

Procurement Statement!"
MTA 'or"oration is "roducing a "remium "roduct so we re&uire a "remium su""lier. 2o MTA 'or"oration re&uires a high &uality "roduct from the su""liers for their customers.

Estimated Cost!"
Total 0stimated 'ost L 1s.%F, =;C,6=C H5D 6CE

Procurement -efinition!"
For making the "remium "roduct i.e. 2olar 2treet 3ights, MTA 'or"oration re&uires the following "arts according to their s"ecifications, Procurement of 2tainless 2teel Poles Procurement of Material -ricks 'ement 3am" -attery 'ontrolling device 'electron PG Module(s) 0lectronic Protection Materials Mechanical !ardware

0lectronic Accessories Gehicles (Trucks)

!ighly efficient mono crystal or multi crystal silicon solar "anels for "ower su""ly. $orking GoltageM %6 5 6@G D' 3ighting TimeM ; to %6 hours "er day de"ending on the season Advanced charging, discharging and lighting control circuit with relia le Performance !igh lighting efficiency, great rightness 0asy installation 2afe, relia le, energy saving, economical, environmental "rotection %am$ s$ecifications!" 3am" technologyM 3GD (Induction light) Power 1atingM @C$ 3ife s"anM N %CC,CCC hours Mean lumenM =,;CC Mean "u"il lumenM %%,CCC '1I N ;C 'olor tem"eratureM 6FCC, 69CC or @%CCI ( ased on client+s decision for ty"e of color)

%am$ fixture s$ecifications!" Different lam" fi#ture designs can following com"onentsM e "ro"osed. The fi#ture must include the

D 1eflector D 'losed housing D 0lectronic -allast D Mounting rackets Details of the "ro"osed fi#tures should e su mitted with oth clear designs, cut sheets and "hotometric "erformances. P@ module s$ec!" Ty"eM Multi or Mono crystalline technology 'onversion 0fficiencyM N to %9E Manufacturing tolerance on rated "owerM O 8E Module GoltageM %6G 0nvironmentM 2ee general descri"tion for environment re&uirements 'onnector ty"eM Multi 'ontact ty"e "ossi ility Total weightM O 6C I* 'ell "rotectionM The cells should e "rotected y a tem"ered glace ?atteries s$ec!" The following are the minimum re&uirements for the attery(s)M Maintenance free *el ty"e atteries /o leakage %6G ty"e Dee" discharge ca"acity 0#"ected life s"an over ; years in normal o"erating condition C*arger controller s$ecification!"

The charger controller should e located close to the attery(s) and it should need minimum maintenance. This unit can include the automatic dusk5down switch and the dimmer5timer module. The controller should have the following "rotectionsM :vercharging :ver discharging :verload

Selection Process B Criteria!"

1FP will e floated then identify the su""liers, evaluating the su""liers, selection of su""lier, alternative su""lier, review. The criteria will e the terms and conditions of contract. According to the s"ecifications and re&uired &uality of the "roducts that are to e "rocured.

Pro,ect Procurement Team!"

Sr+' o 7


Procurement Role

Project Manager

!e5 2he are 1es"onsi le for overall "rocurement activities.

Procurement manager

Assist the "rocurement manager and make it sure that re&uired "roduct is "rocured.

Procurement manager+s team

'heck and alance of all the activities of "rocurement. 0nsure that right "roduct and re&uired &uantity of "roduct is ac&uired


@endor &anagement!"
Procurement manager and his team will manage the relationshi" with su""lier and ensure that they "rovide the right "arts on the time as "er re&uirement.

Euality &anagement Plan

Pro,ect Sco$e!"
MTA 'or"oration aim ATowards "rovide alternative solar energy solutions for domestic, industrial and commercial esta lishments in order to mitigate the energy "ro lems in PakistanB.

-eliverable -escri$tion!"
The main delivera le of "roject is 2olar 2treet 3ight. The other somewhat related to "roduct delivera les are, 3ess 'ost, /o electric current is re&uired, high &uality solar street lights, easy to maintain, !eavy Duty %5; Aluminum with welded seams and ru er mats, !eavy duty front door with stainless steel hinges, gaskets and locka le, /o shar" edges on enclosure door, 6@ volt %C am" controller, Field adjusta le for on5off times, 2etta le for gel cell attery charge curve to ensure "erformance and autonomy, Pulse $idth Modulation charge regulation, Factory mounted in attery o#, 'ontroller automatically adjusts for seasonal light changes, 0#tends attery life, reduces dee" discharge cycling and enhances autonomy.

Acce$tance Criteria!"


The "roduct will only e acce"ted if it com"letes all the activities as "er re&uirement and fulfills the re&uired mentioned &uality in the "roject "lan y the customer and the MTA 'or"oration then it will e acce"ted otherwise, >uality manager will manage the "ro lem and make the "roduct u" to the set standard.

Euality Assurance Activities!"

>uality manager will monitor the "roject and its activities throughout the entire "roject and ensure the &uality according to the re&uirement and schedule.

Pro,ect &onitoring and Control!"

Monitoring and controlling will e done throughout the entire "roject &uality and Monitoring < controlling de"artment on daily routine. y the

Pro,ect Team Euality Res$onsibilities!"

>uality team will e res"onsi le for the overall all "roducts acce"tance. PreD test will e done y the team, audit and see the &uality time to time throughout the "roject and checklist will e made y "roject manager according to which &uality team will ensure that all the re&uirements+ of the "roduct meets. In short "roject team &uality is res"onsi le for the end "roduct.

Risk &anagement Plan


Statement of Risk -acku" "ower station is re&uired which may not e "ossi le for some location s. 2olar energy is influenc ed y the "resenc e of water va"or, "ollution etc. in the air, which may cause com"le# ities

Stake*old er Affect ed 'ost will e higher

Priorit y

Probabilit y. %ikeli* ood @CE

Certaint y

Possible Caus es -ad

Possible ConseFu ences $ill sto" solar street light to work

&itigation Strategy



$eat her

-y increasing the -attery duration and acku" storage.

Project Failure




Air Polluti on, $ater va"or s $ill distur the working of solar street lights

-y "lacing in the dry areas, or y "rotecting shield.

Medium affect



!igh 'onversio n of D' into A' $ill affect the effective ness of solar street light

'onversion "eriod can e reduced to when it is needed. -y sto""ing the unnecessary conversion of D' into A'.

'onsidera le amount of energy is lost when D' has to e converte d to A'

'ost will increas e, !igh



!igh Increase of 'urre ncy, .nsta le econo my Forecasting+s will e made in and rates are "reD determined with the su""lier.

$ill affect the costing and udgetin g of the "roject.



Conclusion!" 0nergy can e "roduced y many sources ut now a days the traditional way of "roducing energy is ecoming more and more costly as well as there is no reserves of water through which energy can e generated, so y using the alternative and new technology to generate electricity is through solar energy, which is costly ut not more than the traditional one and gives longDterm enefits. :verall the "roject is going to e com"lete in short time s"an with the est outcomes.


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