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People are getting feed up with what is going on in this country because we are losing our homes, our cars, our children etc. because it does not matter how perfect our paperwork is that we file into the court system to fight these bastards none of and nothing is working unless they want to let one work. And now you are going to find out why that is happening. This information will explain why we are having trouble with the material that we file into our cases and why the material will work one time in one court and not work the next time in another court. Now we know that the courts and the Judges are all operating under !"#$%N &!'#"$%N $(()N$T*. This means that from one court or one county to another that they are acting as a !"#$%+N &TAT#. This means let us say that you were in %erman and was from $taly that you could not use the laws etc. from one !"#$%N &TAT# $N AN!T+#" !"#$%N &TAT#. &o you can not use something in this court in %eorgia and take the same paperwork over to Texas and expect it to work because that is another foreign state that you are dealing with. &o, full faith and credit rule does not work. This all goes back to the ,,th Amendment of the -onstitution, and it can not be violated. Anything lower than the rules of the -onstitution can not over rule the -onstitution, not even the &upreme -ourt "ulings can overturn the -onstitution. .hen public officials, like -ongressman, &enator, President, Judges, &heriffs, Police, etc. take their !ath of office they give up their American -iti/enship, they all become !"#$%N A%#NT& in this country, they are illegal aliens without a green card. &o therefore nothing they do has anymore Authority over you than a cop form Jamaica would have over you. Just pretend that a bunch of (exican officials came over here and told you, that you are going to do this this and this. *ou would tell them all to go 0ump into the lake. .ell what is happening and has been happening in this country for the last ,11 years is basically that. No one on the bench has any Authority over you. $t has been confirmed by people in congress that the officials are hiding behind their !"#$%+ &!'#"$%N $(()N$T* A-T. This can be validated under "ule 2J of the ederal "ules of -ivil procedure. And that all of the ! $-$A3& $N T+$& -!)NT"* A"# A-T$N% A& A !"#$%+ &TAT#. T+#* A"# !P#"AT$N% !)T&$4# ! T+# J)"$&4$-T$!N ! T+# )N$T#4 &TAT#&. *ou have to file a Judicial Notice to -hallenge their Jurisdiction, and tell them that if they are going to miss use our names either in all capital letters as if it were a -orporation or use it as a last name as a -orporation or your going to use my name as a P#"&!N5-!"P!"AT$!N under

your !"#$%N &!'#"#$%N $(()N$T* A-T .# +A'# ,116 $(()N$T* )N4#" T+# !"#$%N &!'#"#$%N $(()N$T* A-T until they take us into the 4epartment of &tate in .ashington 4- by way of a -!(P3A$NT T! T+# 4#PA"T(#NT ! &TAT# AN4 (A7# AN $&&)# ! A -A&# AN4 +A'# T+#( TA7# A.A* !)" $(()N$T*. Then they have to take us into a Title 895 ,::1 court which is the only court that has 0urisdiction. And since no city or county courts can hear any cases dealing with corporations then the lower courts have no 0urisdiction over we the people. The cases have to be taken in on a ederal level. Then you have to come at us through Title 89 section ,::1 which is the only court that has Jurisdiction over these matters. &ince no &tate, -ounty or -ity courts can hear any case that deals with -orporations that has to be done on a #4#"A3 3#'#3 T+#N that takes out every municipal, -ounty, -ity and &tate -ourt in this whole country. $f you were given paperwork or summons with your -hristian name in all capital letters then that is suppose to be a -orporation and they had to take your $mmunity away from you properly and they never did that so the case was void from the beginning. Then, if they are going to take you into a court case as a living, breathing man or woman, then you fall under the ,,th Amendment, it says that any citi/en of America is not sub0ect to any foreign state. Now didn;t $ 0ust tell you earlier that all of the officials and courts are operating as foreign states. Now that brings us up to #xpatriation, under &tatute at 3arge ,< which clearly separates us form them. #verything is suppose to be fair and e=ual. The &upreme court decisions are suppose to be the supreme rule of the land and in every court in America and their rulings is suppose to over turn any other ruling in any of the lower courts. That is not what happens. .e have discovered that the -olonies were not 0ust -olonies but their names were really the name of their -orporation. These corporations came over from #ngland and they had -harters. They set up a government under that corporation. And it was the corporation who set up the governments. .hen we had the "evolutionary .ar and some of the deals that were made with #ngland, and through the Treaties. $t was for these -orporations and the guidelines of these corporations had to stay in tact. The states had to take on the name of the -orporation. This is why under the Articles of the -onfederation and the -onstitution under Article > in both of these it clearly states that the Treaties are the &upreme 3aw of the 3and. All Treaties have to be adhered to as &upreme 3aw. &o, when they created the Treaty of Paris in ,?9: and they created the Treaty of Peace, this is where they kept the corporation in tact on us. That is why we have the corporation in the court room that we have to deal with.

$n court we are not dealing with what we think is the organic state, no we are dealing with this -!"PP!"AT# &TAT# that is attached to the name of the &tate. $ts powers go back to the -rown in #ngland. Then we have the discoveries at the &ecretary of &tates office in 4elaware which is the The 4elaware Trust -ompany, .ilmington Trust company, The -orporation Trust -ompany of America. These three Trust companies went to the 4elaware legislation on (arch ,1, ,9@@ and they had an act put into place in 4elaware which was called an Act Providing -orporate 3aw. Their re=uest was to have their corporations have the same standing and charteristics as a living breathing human people. .ith all of the same rights and privileges and Aenefits as a people. These corporations could do anything a real, living person could do. They made the -orporation a living person not the living person into a corporation. -an you see how confusing this can get to be. Then the Aar Association has gone back into the law books and has redefined what a person is. $f you read in Alacks 3aw it says that a person is a -orporation. Person B $n general usage, a human being i.e. natural person, though by statute term may include labor organi/ations, partnerships, associations, corporations, legal representative, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, or receivers. -orporation5 person B A corporation is a CpersonD within meaning of the ourteenth Amendment e=ual protection and due process provisions of )nited &tates -onstitution. This is where the Aar Association and the legal association has come in and manipulated the words and our everyday language to the point that now it is a foreign language and the meanings are alien to our way of thinking. .e are not thought any of this in school that the word person can have such far reaching detrimental meanings. They have also created what is called the Style Manual, this is their %rammar Aook. *ou can go %oogle this and it comes in under the government printing office. $t explains everything about their grammar. 3ike when you have two little s=uare brackets around a EwordF or a letter in a document. .hen they are EusedF it tells the Judge that everything from that point on is nothing but a lie. They have a secret code folks that they put in your face. *ou can also find this information in Alack;s 3aw. $t is their codes. *ou can also find in 4unn and Arad &treet, a listing of every public official from the garbage man up to the president of the )N$T#4 &TAT#& as private corporations and they are Traded as a business for profit and are listed as such on 4unn and Arad &treet. They are also listed on the North American $ndustrial -lassification &ystemG this all goes back into the Prisons, -orrectional, Payroll office, child services, courts, 0udges, sheriffs. #very one of the public officials are listed on these. They are all a -orporation and a Ausiness for Profit. This is why when we go into a -ourt we lose or we are found guilty because there is money to be made with the bonding system and by locking us up and getting us to sign bonds for them to rob our accounts. They will not make a profit if we are not found guilty. %o &tudy Jean 7eatings

Prison Treatise to learn more about this. This is their corporations at work, everything is all tied together. .e are going to work our way back and tell you how the people are having to deal with these oreign &tates on our &oil53and. )nder )nited &tates -ode Title 89 &ection :118 -hapter ,< Paragraph Ha;, it defines the )nited &tates as a ederal -orporation. $t talks about any agency, any department, any instrumental, anything in their system is a -!"P!"AT$!N. .ith the ,9>9 "econstruction Act and when they did the ,2th Amendment all of these &tates had to relin=uish their &overeignty over to the ederal %overnment. All of the &tates had to come under ederal %uide lines in order to obtain ederal funding. The moment they did that they gave up their state &overeignty and became a federal corporation. )nder Title 2@ &ection :1@? and the Treaties &eries 99, and the -onvention of the "ights and 4uties of &tate. !n 4ecember 8>, ,@::, at this time our -ongress made a deal with &outh and -entral America. They did a Pan Am Treaty, at this time in history the federal government went in and relin=uished all of each of the states laws and put all of the states under $nternational 3aw. Now all of our states, laws and public offices are under $nternational 3aw "uler ship as of ,@::. !n 4ecember @, ,@2<, under the $nternational !rgani/ation $mmunities Act, That was signed on 4ecember @, ,@2<, -ongress relin=uished every single public office over to the )nited Nations, to be an office under the control of the )nited Nations. They relin=uished all of the tax right to the )nited Nations. .hat that means that every public office form the %arbage (an up to the President of the )& is controlled and under the )nited Nations control and is a !"#$%N &TAT#5 !"#$%N &!'#"$%N$T*. They also tried to pass the $nternational !rgani/ational "ession "e=uest and it never was rescinded. .e still come under the $nternational !rgani/ation $mmunities Act signed 4ecember @, ,@2<, it was never resended. A Judge out of !hio filed a complaint into the )nited &tates &upreme -ourt, making an issue that the )nited Nations was taxing the people of !klahoma and the &tate. This paper work was filed into the )nited &tates &upreme -ourt on !ctober <, 811<. The &upreme -ourt refused to hear this case. This case lays out the entire scam that -ongress committed on the people of America in ,@2<. $t states that -ongress has never had the 0urisdiction to hand over or relin=uish the &overeignty of a public official, a city, a county, a state or anything else over to the )nited Nations to give them control over the people of America. -ongress can not create a -orporation to control the people. This includes all Aanking, (otor 'ehicles, $"&, -hild &ervicesG all of these things are Private -orporations or agencies. -ongress never had the authority to hand control over the peoples &overeignty to the )nited Nations5 a oreign &tate or agency. .hen this issue came up in -ongress the issue was suppose to go out to each &tate and be decided on and voted on by a delegation from each state. This never happened. And because the

&tates never agreed to the )nited Nations taking control of everything in this country it is not valid what they did. The !fficials !ath of !ffice comes under Title 88 - " &ection @8.,8 to @8.:8, the code of ederal "egulations, The heading on Title 88 is !"#$%N "#3AT$!N&+$P. Now wouldn;t you say that it is down right strange that the regulations for an !ath of office in this country is under !"#$%N "#3AT$!N&+$P&. That is your first clue that something is not right here. "ead and you will see that this "egulation gives you a step for step procedure for how the administering of the !ath of !ffice and how it is suppose to be done. +ow it has to have three signatures. )nder )&- Title 9 -hapter ,8 &ubchapter $$$ Part $$$ I,29, of the )nited &tates -ode, under &ection ,29,, 3oss of nationality by native born or naturali/ed citi/enG voluntary actionG burden of proofG presumptions, $t says that anyone that takes an !ath of !ffice, "aises their "ight +and, and it includes oreign &tates and Political &ubdivisions. .hen they take the !ath and say C$ doD, at that point they give up their -iti/enship to America and they became a oreign &tate. &tart reading )&- Title 88, -hapter ,,, !"#$%N "#3AT$!N&+$P& AN4 $NT#"-!)"&#, J&ee they are fixing to tell you how they are screwing you overK. #xcuse me $ 0ust could not resist that one. %o to -hapter ,, and look under oreign Agents, this means that the Judges and the Attorneys all of these people that raised their right hand are !"#$%N A%#NT&. They are no longer American -iti/ens, they are basically illegal aliens in this country and they do not have a green card. And because of what -ongress did to the people of this country, now these officials are )nited Nations -iti/ens. .hile researching the ederal "ules of -ivil Procedure, it was found that "ule 2 is for Jurisdictional -hallenge for all courts. .e have the "ules of -ivil Procedure and we have the -ode of -ivil Procedure. The -ode of -ivil Procedure is 916 larger than the other -ivil Procedure Aooks, if you would go to -hapter < of the -ode of -ivil Procedure and go down to "ule 2, ,9.,1 this will tell you that when you are in their court that you have the right to challenge their 0urisdiction. .hen you do this that court can not leave or go forward until it completely tells you what 0urisdiction that it is operating under. )nder "ule 2 at &ection CJD it tells you that service upon a oreign &tate or a Political &ubdivision, an agency or an instrumental, thereof shall be effected by )&- Title 89 section ,>19. 16 !" Se#$%&e' t%(e t) an*+e#' ,e-ault .a/ &ervice in the courts of the )nited &tates and of the &tates shall be made upon a foreign state or political subdivision of a foreign state .t0ey a#e #e-e##%n1 t) y)u 0e#e, a#e y)u a -)#e%1n *tate /L .1/ by delivery of a copy of the summons and complaint in accordance with any special arrangement for service between the plaintiff and the foreign state or political subdivisionG .t0ey a#e #e-e##%n1 t) y)u 0e#e, a#e y)u a -)#e%1n *tate /L or


.2/ if no special arrangement exists, by delivery of a copy of the summons and complaint in accordance with an applicable international convention on service of 0udicial documentsG or .3/ if service cannot be made under paragraphs J,K or J8K, by sending a copy of the summons and complaint and a notice of suit, together with a translation of each into the official language of the foreign state, by any form of mail re=uiring a signed receipt, to be addressed and dispatched by the clerk of the court to the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of the foreign state concerned, or .4/ if service cannot be made within :1 days under paragraph J:K, by sending two copies of the summons and complaint and a notice of suit, together with a translation of each into the official language of the foreign state, by any form of mail re=uiring a signed receipt, to be addressed and dispatched by the clerk of the court to the &ecretary of &tate in .ashington, 4istrict of -olumbia, to the attention of the 4irector of &pecial -onsular &ervicesMMand the &ecretary shall transmit one copy of the papers through diplomatic channels to the foreign state and shall send to the clerk of the court a certified copy of the diplomatic note indicating when the papers were transmitted. As used in this subsection, a Nnotice of suitN shall mean a notice addressed to a foreign state .t0ey a#e #e-e##%n1 t) y)u 0e#e, a#e y)u a -)#e%1n *tate /L and in a form prescribed by the &ecretary of &tate by regulation. .5/ &ervice in the courts of the )nited &tates and of the &tates shall be made upon an agency or instrumentality of a foreign stateL .t0ey a#e #e-e##%n1 t) y)u 0e#e, a#e y)u a -)#e%1n *tate /L .1/ by delivery of a copy of the summons and complaint in accordance with any special arrangement for service between the plaintiff and the agency or instrumentalityG or .2/ if no special arrangement exists, by delivery of a copy of the summons and complaint either to an officer, a managing or general agent, or to any other agent authori/ed by appointment or by law to receive service of process in the )nited &tatesG or in accordance with an applicable international convention on service of 0udicial documentsG or .3/ if service cannot be made under paragraphs J,K or J8K, and if reasonably calculated to give actual notice, by delivery of a copy of the summons and complaint, together with a translation of each into the official language of the foreign stateMM .A/ as directed by an authority of the foreign state or political subdivision .t0ey a#e #e-e##%n1 t) y)u 0e#e, a#e y)u a -)#e%1n *tate /L in response to a letter rogatory or re=uest or .6/ by any form of mail re=uiring a signed receipt, to be addressed and dispatched by the clerk of the court to the agency or instrumentality to be served, or .C/ as directed by order of the court consistent with the law of the place where service is to be made. .&/ &ervice shall be deemed to have been madeMM .1/ in the case of service under subsection JaKJ2K, as of the date of transmittal indicated in the certified copy of the diplomatic noteG and .2/ in any other case under this section, as of the date of receipt indicated in the certification, signed and returned postal receipt, or other proof of service applicable to the method of service employed.


.,/ $n any action brought in a court of the )nited &tates or of a &tate, a foreign state, a political subdivision thereof, or an agency or instrumentality of a foreign state shall serve an answer or other responsive pleading to the complaint within sixty days after service has been made under this section. .e/ No 0udgment by default shall be entered by a court of the )nited &tates or of a &tate against a foreign state, a political subdivision thereof, or an agency or instrumentality of a foreign state, unless the claimant establishes his claim or right to relief by evidence satisfactory to the court. A copy of any such default 0udgment shall be sent to the foreign state or political subdivision in the manner prescribed for service in this section. )nder Title 9 &ection ,29,, a oreign &tate or a Political &ubdivision, that tells you that they are operating under )&- Title 89 &ection ,>19 which is the !"#$%N &!'#"$%N $(()N$T$#& A-T. $f you read Title 89 &ection ,>18 to ,>,, this is the !"#$%N &!'#"$%N $(()N$T*. *ou also need to read )&- Title 89 section,::1 and this is about the J)"$&4$-T$!N T+AT T+#* +A'#. *ou also need to read - " 88 &ection @:., and @:.8 tells you that if you are going to file a claim against a (unicipality, against a local agency, against a local government or any instrument of the government you first have to notify the 4epartment of &tate in .ashington 4-. $n order to file a claim afterwards it falls under the 0urisdiction of Title 89 section ,::1, which is to go before the ederal 4istrict -ourt in .ashington 4-. $f you look up !"#$%N &!'#"$%N $(()N$T$#& A-T and you bring up the 4epartment of &tate in 4-, %o %oogle this and you will come upon a website which has a section titled Ouestions and Answers. The website explains what is a oreign &tate, .hat falls under oreign &overeign $mmunity,etc. $n ,@?> when they originally created this and then they modified it in ,@@?, anything that is a corporation is protected by the !"#$%N &!'#"$%N $(()N$T$#& A-T, in order for you to sue any corporation you have to file with the &ecretary of &tate and tell them to relin=uish that corporations &overeign $mmunity so that you can sue them in the proper court in .ashington 4-. This comes under Title 89 &ection ,::1 for the proper Jurisdiction. This means that the local yocal courts county, city, state courts have /ero 0urisdiction because none of them ever operate according to the -ode of -ivil Procedure. .hen they go into court and try to use us as a -!"P"AT$!N, as found in the 4elaware code it is said in order to have a corporation it has to have a last name. This is why we have been putting the s=uare brackets around our last name to make it disappear. Aut using our last name is one of the ways that they get to us and hammer us. The all capital letter name is another way they come after us. Anytime there is a capital letter in your name they can come after you. -apital letters Pmeans money and control for them. .rite your name in all lower case letters. $n congress under Article , &ection 9 says they can only create laws that deal in commerce, and internationals, they can not create laws against the American people. This is how they are by passing us. This is why when we discovered the 7EFFERSON8S MANUAL takes you step for

step on how -ongress is suppose to create laws and pass it by reading the purposed law three times on the floor, three separate times, pass it by a vote of 85: of -ongress vote then going to the President then on to the &enate by reading the purposed law three times on the floor, three separate times, pass it by a vote of 85: Then it has to come out to the American people under Article < and has to be passed by Q of the &tates. They are not doing any of this because they are not creating laws against us5 we the people, they are creating laws that deal with -ommerce and $nternationals. The $nternationals are we the people. They put all of us as a corporation because a corporation in 4elaware can have the charteristics of a living being. Now before they can prosecute you or levy you they first have to prove that they have Jurisdiction, they have to prove that they have the right to bring you in and charge you. This explains to them that at &tatue at 3arge ,<, and act securing the rights of an American -iti/en in a oreign &tate, this is your #xpatriation, shows that we have separated ourselves from their oreign &tate, this was created one day prior to the creation of the ,2 th Amendment. July 8?, ,9>9. This tells those public officials that we have reedom from them and their games. They are all oreign &tates and they have no Jurisdiction over the American people. They can not bring us into a court legally as an American people so this is why they have turned us into -!"P!"AT$!N& so they can drag us into their courts illegally again by treating us a oreign &tate. Aut the template tells how if they are going to miss use our -hristian name that they are re=uired to file paper work in under - " Title 88 &ection @:., and @:.8 that they have to notify the 4epartment of &tate that they are bring in a -orporation and that they want to sue this corporation. .hen they do this properly as re=uired by their rules then the court they have to take us into is under )&- Title 89 section ,::1. This means that the (unicipal and -ounty -ourts lose their Jurisdiction automatically because they do not have the Jurisdiction to hear a ederal -ase. Then they also have to serve you properly with papers under the oreign &overeign $mmunity regulations. .hich also means that they have to give you someone to translate the law for you. Aut once you get that court appointed attorney he will not tell you the truth so you get hammered. The template case can be used to go back in and open up any case form the past, can be used in a present case or any in the future. $t works for all of them. Aecause the main issue here is their J)"$&4$-T$!N. Title 89 regulates the Judiciary and Judicial procedures in this country and regulates the Jurisdiction. Judiciary means dealing with a -orporation. UNITE9 STATES CO9E TITLE 2!" 7U9ICIARY AN9 7U9ICIAL PROCE9URE PART IV::7URIS9ICTION AN9 VENUE CHAPTER !;::9ISTRICT COURTS' 7URIS9ICTION .e have learned that when there is fraud placed upon the court and this was learned from the Ha<el Atla* Gla** $*" Ha#t-)#, E(=%#e 1>41 O0%) an, O?la0)(a Ca*e states when there is raud upon the court the court has to reopen the case. They do not have a choose in the matter. The Template document that we have forces them to reopen the case and put it under -ommon 9

3aw. This notifies the Judge of two things, one is that if they are going to run us in a court as a -!"P!"AT$!N we have $(()N$T*, and if they are going to take us into court as a -$T$R#N we have $(()N$T*. Aut what it also tells them is that we now have the knowledge of how to take away their $(()N$T* and how we can now go back after them and sue them for what they have done to us. Now all we have to do is go file our paperwork into the 4epartment of &tate, and make a claim that we want their $(()N$T* taken away form them because they have violated their !"#%$N &!'#"$%N $(()N$T* A%"##(#NT, and then we can bring charges against them and now these Judges are finding out that we now know how to go to this against them. .hen the little &heriff;s deputy comes to your house to serve papers on you, you will find that your name is written in all -AP$TA3 3#TT#"&, that means that they are going after a -!"P!"AT$!N, and they have to serve the -+$# #S-)T$'# ! $-#" ! T+AT -!"P!"AT$!N, which is not you. $f your all capital letter name is a corporation it means that the corporation has to be registered with a &ecretary of &tate in one of the &tates and there has to be a "egistered Agent of record and there is not one, and your name as a corporation is not registered anywhere. &o, therefore service was insufficient service because it was not served on the corporations registered agent of record. They have failed to provide the authenticity of that name. Please provide the registered agents annual report for the corporation, which has to be file also with the &ecretary of &tate with the registered agents signature on it and there is not such a paper of record then they have committed $dentity Theft. $f the paperwork for the corporation, the registered agent of record and the annual reports with the agents signature is not on record with the &ecretary of &tate then the corporation does not exist. &o if they decide that they want to take this to the next step and drag you in to .ashington 4- in a court they have to prove that you are a corporation and they can not do it. !r they are going to have to prove that you are a !"#$%N#" in this country and they can do that either. *ou are not a foreigner in your own country, and as long as we are not registered and have a corporate charter on file with a &ecretary of &tate somewhere there is no corporation by our name. &o who are we, then the only choose you have is that we are the children of %od on the land, on the -ounty and are &overeign American people. As an American people we fall under the ,,th Amendment, and we are not sub0ect to a !"#$%N &TAT#. .e have found that the police, sheriffs and Troopers and any other agents of that type, all hold the same level of authority over us as if they were a -hinese police officer operating in this country. They are the same as if they were a foreigner here trying to ride herd on us. They have not authority over us. !ur governments relin=uished them over to a oreign service, the )nited Nations. The Judges know this information, 0ust some of the attorneys know this information and possibly none of the police, sheriffs and Troopers know this information. The point here is this is what we are running into is this, the rules of court from one county to another county is never the same.

The "ules of court from one state to another state are never the same. The ederal rules from one ederal -ourt to another ederal -ourt are not the same as are found in any other ederal -ourt. .hat this tells you because there is no continuity in the courts is that everyone of them is operating as a !"#$%N &TAT# to each other and therefore is doing what ever they want to do in their courts. .e found that when we go into a case and try to use case site, even &upreme -ourt -ase &ites these Judges will not and do not recogni/ed them in their courts. The reason is because it is coming into their court from a !"#$%N -!)"T which is oreign to them and they do not have to recogni/e it in their court unless they want to use it against us, then they will allow it to come into their court and go on record. .hen the sheriff serves you that is raud, because you are not the registered agent of a corporation. The courts, $"&, -hild &ervices, 4epartment of (otor 'ehicles, &heriff, Police, the Aanks are all !"#$%N &TAT#& AN4 +A'# N! J)"$4$-T$!N !'#" *!). .hen a bank foreclosures on your home then you find that the Aank and the court that pushes the foreclosure and possession of your property over to the Aank this is all raud and they are all oreign &tates and oreign agents and have no 0urisdiction over you. .hen they filed for the foreclosure they are claiming that you are a corporation so they have to proceed under Title 88 - " &ection @8.,8 to @8.:8. and file a claim against you with the 4epartment of &tate to have the 4epartment of &tate remove your $(()N$T* and then the case has to be heard in a court under Title 89 &ection ,::1. *ou have to be served under Title 89 the oreign &overeign $mmunity 4ocuments under Title 89 &ection ,>18 to ,>1? to prove that they are suing you under the corporation for the Aank that wants to take your home. The Aank or any of their attorney agents can not take you into county5 state or lower courts. Just remember that if it gets down to (artial 3aw in this country, all of the military, police, sheriffs and any agency of people have no more 0urisdiction over you to tell you what you can and can not do in your life. $t is as if they were a -hinese -op or (ilitary. All of these people are !"#$%N#"& T+#* A"# $33%A3 A3$#N& AN4 T+#* +A'# N! %"##N AN4 T+#* A"# !"#$%N#"& T! T+# P#!P3# !N T+# 3AN4, T+# A(#"$-AN -$T$R#N&. After this discovery of information and how abused the people have been treated for decades now in this country by the corporations5 their attorneys and Judges. .ith our discovery of this information they must step up to the plate and become impeccable with the people and stop abusing and running over us or it could possibility be considered that at that time we were at a type "evolutionary .ar with them. The people must be given a "#(#4* against being abused by !"#$%N A%#NT&, T+AT T+#$" !N3* !AJ#-T$'# $& T! "!A T+# A(#"$-AN P#!P3# A3$N4. .e can take our cases to .ashington 4- file them with the &ecretary of &tate and get all of these crooked Attorneys, Judges, &heriffs, -orporations and their -#!;s $mmunity removed and then file our -laim and suing them under Title ,9 and Title 28 them for the damage that they have done against us and now we can take their homes, savings accounts, retirement funds,


Professional Aonds and anything else that they have as repayment for the damage and pain that they have caused us. .e can get the UNITE9 STATES ATTORNEYS MANUAL and us it to start hammering them for the things that they have wrongfully done to us. .e can also start suing them under the P#%$ate Att)#ney Gene#al Clau*e which -ongress created for us the people to go after the public officials with. .ith us having Private Attorney %eneral capability and the oreign &overeign $mmunities Act and taking them into the 4epartment of &tate, we now have knowledge and doors opening for us that we never knew that we had before. or all of the people that were put into 0ails and prisons as standing as a corporation, this is all raud. Therefore they must all be release because of this raud. .e have many political prisoners that were put into 0ail 0ust because they had found out to much information and were put into 0ail to shout them up. All must be let out of 0ail except the people that have committed crimes against humanity such as murder, and rape they should be tried by a common law court. As far as laws we are going to have to go back to the #4#"3$&T PAP#"&, the state prosecutor is going to have to start doing his 0ob and he is going to have to start representing the real in0ured party. $f you have been in0ured he has to represent you not T+# &TAT# ! &! $N &!. The state is never an in0ured party. They must do their 0ob as it was originally intended.


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