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Are you an internet addict

The average British web user apparently spends one in every 12 waking minutes online. Does that sound like rather a lot, or do you check Twitter before getting out of bed? Find out if your habit is out of control with our quiz



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Email Stuart Heritage, Monday 7 October 2013 12.40 BST Technology Internet

It has been reported that the average British web user now spends one in every 12 waking minutes or about an hour and a half a day online. Whether that sounds like a lot, or like hardly anything, all depends on your own personal level of internet usage. Heres a quick quiz to help you work out your level of web dependency.

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Britons spend one in 12 waking minutes online, pushing ad spend to record high Companies boost internet, smartphone and tablet advertising by 17.5% year on year to 3bn in the first half of the year. By Mark Sweney

Today's be

Just five more minutes is your internet habit out of control? Photograph: Alamy

1. At what point in the day do you first check the internet? Perhaps in the evening, or whenever I have time.

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07/10/2013 15:36

Are you an internet addict? | Technology |

As soon as I get to work. First thing in the morning, while sitting on the toilet.

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2. Where do you buy your clothes? In a shop. I dont dig them out of bins, if thats what youre asking. Online retailers, but only if I need something quickly and I dont have time to go to the shops. Etsy. I regret nothing. 3. Whats the longest youve ever spent online? I kept refreshing throughout the last hour of an eBay auction once. I wont be doing that again. Once I looked at Kim Kardashians Wikipedia page. Then I started clicking links, and ended up reading about serial killers, and it had got dark outside. Technically, I havent been offline since 2008. 4. Someone is rude to you on a bus. Do you ... Do your best not to let it spoil your day. Tweet about the incident in extraordinary detail. Immediately think of the perfect True Blood gif that you can use to illustrate your 4,000-word rant about it on your Tumblr. 5. How is this pronounced: gif? Gee eye eff? I think I remember reading that its jif. The G is soft. Gif with a hard G. Hey, grandpa, the internet belongs to us now. Just because you invented it doesnt mean that you can dictate how we pronounce it. 6. In your opinion, whats the best way to watch TV? With no distractions. Just me, my armchair and Doc Martin. Perfect. If its a big live show and Im bored, Ill sometimes join in on Twitter. I have Netflix and loose enough morals to let me illegally download shows. Who needs a TV?

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Are you an internet addict? | Technology |

7. How did you meet your current partner? We were introduced by mutual friends. A combination of dating website and Facebook stalking. By current partner, do you mean that three-second gif of Joan from Mad Men walking up some stairs? 8. When was the last time you posted a selfie on Instagram? I dont know what a selfie is. Or an Instagram. I am perfectly happy this way. Earlier this year, on holiday, under duress. Cant talk. Duckfacing. 9. Which emoji best sums up your life? Sorry, I dont speak Japanese. The smiling poo, obviously. Um, emojis arent universally compatible on all devices, you Apple nazi. 10. How did you come to take this quiz? One of my grandchildren printed it out for me to fill in over breakfast. I saw a link on Twitter, and for some reason was compelled to join in. Id read everything else on the internet today, and this was last on my list.

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