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Unscramble the following sentences. Write them down and then ask the q estion to !o r "artner# as in the e$am"le% go / you / school / to / every day / do ? Do you go to school every day? Yes, I do. / No, I don`t.

1. You / do / eat / usually / in the morning ? .................................................................................................. 2. your / brush / teeth/ you / do / day / every ? .................................................................................................. 3. live / you / near / do / school ? ................................................................................................... 4. ice-cream / do / like / you ? ................................................................................................... 5. play / do / you / piano / the ? .................................................................................................... . like / you / !nglish / do ? .....................................................................................................

The la&! bear

"t s spring in the #orest. $he grass and the leaves are gro%ing& and the animals are %aking up. 'runo& the bear& is still asleep. (e doesn t kno% it s spring. (e is still snoring. )o% it s summer. "t s %arm and the animals are having lots o# #un. 'runo likes to play and s%im %ith his #riends. 'ut %here is he? 'runo is still sleeping. (e doesn t kno% it s summer. *ometimes he sleeps too much. )o% it s autumn. $he animals are getting ready #or %inter. 'ut %here is 'runo? (is #riends are so %orried+ 'runo is still asleep. (e doesn t kno% that it s autumn. )o% it s %inter. You can t see the animals. $hey are all asleep in their %arm homes. "t s spring again. $he animals are very happy. $hey are having a party. 'ut %here is 'runo? 'runo+ 'runo is a%ake at last+ )o% he kno%s that it s spring.

't s s mmer time

(isten and co"lete the l!rics of the song with the words from the bo$

"t,s summer time ",m #eeling #ine sets #eels are gro%ing ",m happy play ",m #eeling "t ................ so good leaving school behind $he sun %ill shine $his season,s mine ................ no% that it s summer time -lants and trees are in #ull bloom *ummer,s here on the t%enty #irst o# .une "t,s summer time ...................... #ine $he sun is up and it ............... past nine $he %eather,s kind "n summer time $his is the season to un%ind /nimals are active /nd their young .................... strong !verything,s harmony %hen nature sings along

"t,s summer time ",m #eeling #ine " ............... all day %ith some #riends o# mine $he sun %ill shine $his season,s mine ",m happy no% that it,s summer time 0e,re happy no% that it,s summer time Worksheet )

-ut the #ollo%ing sentences in the correct place1 1. /nnie is talking to her mother. 2. (e talks to his brother. 3. 2o you play #ootball ? 4. " %atch $3 . 5. /re they %alking to school ? .*he doesn,t eat #ruits. 4. *he,s crying. 5. 2o you s%im in the lake ? 6. /re they s%imming in the sea ? 17. $hey,re picking apples.

usually /every day - -resent *imple

no% - -resent 8ontinuous

0orksheet 3

8ircle the correct ans%er1 1. $he bear ..............every day. a. is sleeping b. sleeps c. sleep 2. / little bird ..................... no%. a. is #lying b. are #lying c. #lies 3. the story? a. 2oes / like b. 2o / like c. /re / liking 4. $he animals the #orest every morning. a. play b. is playing c. are playing 5. " ........... like %inter. a. am not b. don,t c. doesn,t . *he the sea .

a. is s%imming b. are s%imming c. s%im


*ood afternoon. How are !o toda!+ ,! name is -chia a ,adalina# and ' will be !o r English teacher toda!. (et. see !o r names. What did !o ha/e to "re"are for toda!+ Which was !o r homework+


O"en !o r notebooks. Who wants to go to the blackboard and write the date+ What da! is toda!+ O r toda!.s lesson will be one of re/ision. We will re/ise 0resent Tense Sim"le and 1ontin o s. -tat "re&ent l sim"l # cat si "re&ent l contin # arata fa"t l ca acti nea se desfasoara la tim" l "resent# /erb l este la tim" l "resent. S"re deosebire de lb rom nde in care /b are n sg fel de "re&# in engl a/em ) ti" ri de "re&# in English we ha/e two t!"es of "resent tense# 0TS and 0T1. Which is the difference between these two+ (et.s remember. 2irst of all# we will read a te$t. 'n this te$t we ha/e /erbs at 0resent Tense sim"le and contin o s. 3 " n te$t l 4 O r te$t is called ..The la&! bear... 5efore reading the te$t# ' want !o to tell me the meaning of these words. Which is the Romanian word for la&!. Write into !o r notebooks. 1itim te$t l si il trad cem. The bear from o r stor! slee"s a lot. 6 7o !o like to slee" a lot+ 6 What time do !o s all! go to bed+ 6 7o !o ha/e an! s"ecial tedd! bears that !o like to slee" with+ 7o !o wake " earli in the morning+ Who wakes " earl! in the morning+ *o to the blackboard and write. ' wake " earl! in the morning. ' don.t wake " earl! in the morning. What do !o s all! do after !o wake "+ 3' br sh m! teeth# ' ha/e breakfast# ' do m! homework4 Ok# /er! well# so#these are actons that !o do e/er! da!# !o re"eat them. This is what "resent tense shows# a re"eated# habit al action. Scri 0TS# se# forms# ad/erbs. (et.s take an e$am"le from o r te$t% 5r no likes to slee" a lot. 3He s all! likes to do that4. Which is the form of the /erb here+ -ff# neg# or int+ Who wants to go to the blackb and write the negati/e form of this sentence+ (e da fisa 1. (e e$"lic d "a e$em"l ce treb i sa faca. Ok# am satabit fa"t l ca "re& sim"l arata acti ni care se desf la tim" l "re&# dar in mod obisn# re"etat. Sa /edem ac m care8i dif dintre "re& siml si "re& contin . What are we doing now+ We are writing now. This is something we do in this moment# now. When we want to sa! that the action is ha""ening at the moment of s"eaking# we se 0resent 1ontin o s Tense. Use# forms# ad/erbs. Worksheet )# We will listen a /er! nice song# which is called .'t s s mmer time.. 9o ha/e the song on !o r worksheets. 9o ha/e to listen carref l! and com"lete the missing words. 9o are /er! smart children# and it was a "leas re working with !o # !o were great. Thank !o . ' ho"e '.ll see !o again.

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