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The Oxford Handbook of Epistemology

Preface Epistemology, also known as the theory of knowledge, will flourish as long as we deem knowledge valuable. We shall, I predict, continue to value knowledge, if only for its instrumental value: it gets us through the day as well as the night. Indeed, it's hard to imagine a stable person, let alone a stable society, indifferent to the real difference between genuine knowledge and mere opinion, even mere true opinion. The study of knowledge, then, has a very bright future. In the concept sensitive hands of philosophers, epistemology focuses on the nature, origin, and scope of knowledge. It thus e!amines the defining ingredients, the sources, and the limits of knowledge. "iven the central role of epistemology in the history of philosophy as well as in contemporary philosophy, epistemologists will always have work to do. #ebates over the analysis of knowledge, the sources of knowledge, and the status of skepticism will alone keep the discipline of epistemology active and productive. This book presents some of the best work in contemporary epistemology by leading epistemologists. Taken together, its previously unpublished essays span the whole field of epistemology. They assess prominent positions and break new theoretical ground while avoiding undue technicality. $y own work on this book has benefited from many people and institutions. %irst, I thank the nineteen contributors for their fine cooperation and contributions in the face of numerous deadlines. &econd, I thank 'eter (hlin, 'hilosophy Editor at (!ford )niversity 'ress, for helpful advice and assistance on many fronts. Third, I thank my research assistant, *laine &wen, for invaluable help in putting the book together. %inally, I thank +oyola )niversity of ,hicago for providing an e!cellent environment for my work on the pro-ect. '. .. $. Chicago, Illinois June 2002 ,ontents

Introduction / 0. Conditions and Analyses of Knowing , Robert K. Shope, University of Massachusetts, Boston 12 1. The Sources of Knowledge , Robert Audi, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 30 /. A Priori Knowledge , Albert asullo, University of Nebraska, Lincoln 42 5. The Sciences and Epistemology , Alvin !. "old#an, Rut$ers University 055 2. Conceptual Diversity in Epistemology , Richard %oley, Ne& 'ork University 033 6. Theories of Justification , Richard %u#erton, University of !o&a 175

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