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Your First 24 Hours In Islam

Translated by Ahmad Darwish, Khadeijah A. Darwish (Anne and a !hi"a#o $ister

Copyright 1984-2010 http:/// All rights r s r! d. " rms o# $ r!ic Copyright/%& &olicy ' (uid li) s *+"%C,: - do )ot coll ct p rso)al i)#ormatio) o) this sit C+&./%(0" *+"%C,: All third party usag o# a)y o# our mat rial ar )ot allow d )or #or r sal . 1sag is o)ly #or 2/,, p rso)al 3rowsi)g #rom our sit a)d r l as d m dia. 1. Tenets o% the Islami" Faith a. To &now 'od is the %irst obli#ation o% all who are mature and "om(etent. ( mukallaf ) someone who has rea"hed (uberty and is o% sound mind. Allah is sim(ly the Arabi" word %or 'od, *ho is e+istent and not none+istent, eternal without be#innin# or end, not ori#inatin# in or subje"t to time or s(a"e, e,erlastin#ly abidin#, dissimilar to anythin# within time or s(a"e, e+istin# without need and not subje"t to any "onditions, ha,in# nothin# and no one that resembles Him. He is uni-uely .ne, without "o/sharin# His e+isten"e, attributes or a"tions. $o Almi#hty is He that, He (ossesses Di,ine 0ower, *ill, Knowled#e, and 1i%e. He wills all, &nows all, li,es, hears, sees, and s(ea&s all. b. Throu#h His #enerosity, Allah sent the 0ro(hets, (rote"tin# their (ro(hethood, %rom any (hysi"al or s(iritual harm, #uardin# them %rom the tem(tation o% "ommittin# any sins, whether lar#e or small. He also %orbade any disability or disad,anta#e to "ome onto them. They li,ed amon# and li&e the rest. They were the best o% all "reated bein#, and the hi#hest o% them was whom Allah "hose to be the %inal seal o% (ro(hethood, our (humanity2s 0ro(het 3uhammad (Allah bless him and #i,e him (ea"e. He is Allah2s messen#er o% the sa"red law that su(ersedes all (re,iously ,alid reli#ious laws. 0ro(het 3uhammad2s (Allah bless him and #i,e him (ea"e !om(anions (Sahaba/ those %ollowers that new him in his time were the %inest #eneration, the best o% them bein# Abu 4a&r, 56mar, 56thman, and 5Ali. (3ay the (leasure o% Allah be u(on them all. ". *e belie,e in e,erythin# that Allah has in%ormed us o% u(on the ton#ue o% 3uhammad (3ay Allah bless him and #i,e him (ea"e in"ludin# the e+isten"e o% hell and (aradise. *e belie,e in the an#els and their -uestionin# o% the dead about their %aith while in the #ra,e, and o% the Day o% 7ud#ment %or the dead and their resurre"tion. *e also belie,e in the s"ales o% justi"e in whi"h e,ery soul2s #ood and bad deeds are wei#hed. *e a"&nowled#e the e+isten"e o% the hi#h and narrow brid#e o,er hell in whi"h belie,ers will sa%ely "ross o,er into (aradise. *e also belie,e that the 0ro(hets and the de,out worshi((ers "an (lead to Allah on the behal% o% their %ollowers. d. To be "alled a 3uslim one must belie,e in the basi" (rin"i(les o% Islami" %aith. These are the (rayer rituals, rules, obli#ations, and belie%s, as said by 0ro(het 3uhammad (3ay Allah bless him and #i,e him (ea"e and (ra"ti"ed by 3uslims. 0ersons who ha,e not been e+(osed to Islam "annot be "alled non/3uslim be"ause they ha,e not had the o((ortunity to a""e(t or reje"t the (rin"i(les o% Islam. .n"e a (erson has been in%ormed o% the (rin"i(les o% Islam they "an then be identi%ied as bein# a 3uslim or a non/3uslim a""ordin# to their a""e(tan"e or non/a""e(tan"e o% the %aith. Any (erson, who, u(on &nowin# Allah2s laws, "hooses to disobey any o% them, is "onsidered to be non/3uslim. 2. The Fundamentals o% Islam 4e%ore a""e(tin# Islam, one must ha,e been in%ormed o% the 0ro(het2s messa#e and ,oluntarily a""e(ted its ,alidity. .ne must also be o% sound mind and rea"hed (uberty. a. The %oundations o% Islami" (ra"ti"e are made u( o% %i,e thin#s8 i. $ayin# and a""e(tin# the two/(art de"laration o% %aith, 9I de"lare that there is no #od e+"e(t Allah, and I de"lare that 3uhammad is the messen#er o% Allah.: .ne must understand and belie,e all (arts o% the de"laration and must utter them in their ori#inal order without se(aratin# them. This de"laration "an be said in any lan#ua#e (althou#h it is (re%erred that it be said in Arabi" and must be stated be%ore one "an be "onsidered a 3uslim. ii. The (res"ribed (attern o% (rayer (salat

iii. .bli#atory "harity that e-uals 2.; (er"ent o% annual sa,in#s ( zakat i,. 0il#rima#e to 3e""a at least on"e i% %inan"ially a%%ordable ,. .bser,in# the %astin# o% the month o% <amadan b. The meanin# o% true %aith (iman is that one belie,es in Allah, His an#els, His <e,ealed boo&s, His messen#ers, the 1ast Day, and in destiny whether #ood and bad. ". In the Islami" li%estyle there are three moral #uidelines8 i. To do what Allah has "ommanded ii. To a,oid what He has %orbidden iii. To a""e(t what He has destined d. There are %our basi" sour"es that su((ort Islami" laws8= i. The Koran ii. The sayin#s and a"tions o% the 0ro(het iii. The s"holarly inter(retation o% ori#inal law in order to a((ly new laws that %it the needs o% a "han#in# so"iety (qiyas/ e+tra(olation i,. The unanimous "onsensus o% Islami" s"holars 3. The $a"red 1aw There are %i,e "lassi%i"ations o% $a"red 1aw. These are8 a. <e"ommended (mandub a"tions ) whose (er%orman"e is rewarded, and whose non/ (er%orman"e is not (unished2 b. >ssential (wajib a"tions ) whose (er%orman"e is rewarded, and whose non/(er%orman"e is (unished i. 0ersonally essential/ an a"tion that e,ery indi,idual is obli#ated to (er%orm (i.e. ablution. ii. !ommunally essential ) an a"tion that "an be (er%ormed by one (erson %or the #rou( (i.e. (rayers at a %uneral ". 0ermissible (mubah a"tions ) whose (er%orman"e is not rewarded and whose non/ (er%orman"e is not (unished d. .%%ensi,e (makruh a"tions ) whose (er%orman"e is not (unished and whose non/ (er%orman"e is rewarded e. 6nlaw%ul (haram a"tions ) whose (er%orman"e is (unished and whose non/(er%orman"e is rewarded 4. A""e(tin# the Islami" Faith In order to enter into the %aith o% submission to the !reator, one must de"lare this statement in the (resen"e o% two 3uslim male witnesses a%ter "leansin# onesel% with a shower or bath. $ay8 a. (It is re"ommended that it is s(o&en in Arabi" but the >n#lish translation has been (ro,ided. Ash hadu = I bear witness anla = that there is no ilaaha = god ella = except Allahu ? Allah wa = and ash hadu = I bear witness anna = that uhammadan = uhammad abduhu = is !is worshipper wa = and rasooluh"# = messenger"# b. 9I belie,e in the abo,e statement and in8 i. Allah. ii. All his an#els. iii. All his boo&s.

A)y co)clusio) #rom th us o# a)y oth r sourc s 4bida5 is u)acc pta3l 6 a)d th s #our sourc s ar 7ually 3i)di)g #or all 3 li ! rs. 2 "hos actio)s that ar r comm )d d #or 3 li ! rs w r r 7uir d o# Muhammad 4May Allah 3l ss him a)d gi! him p ac .5 %. . "h )ight !igil pray r 4taha88ud5 was r 7uir d o# Muhammad 3ut is )ot ss )tial #or his #ollow rs.


i,. The Day o% <e"om(ense (7ud#ment. ,. The (redetermined (lan o% Allah.: 9I also a"&nowled#e my obli#atory duties. These are8 i. The %i,e daily (rayers. ii. Fastin# durin# the month o% <amadan. iii. !harity o% at least 2.; (er"ent o% annual sa,in#s. i,. At least one 0il#rima#e to the holy "ity o% 3e""a.:

<i#ht a%ter you ha,e "om(leted your De"laration o% Faith (abo,e , it is obli#atory to say your %irst (rayer. A%ter you ha,e a""e(ted Islam (by a""e(tin# the De"laration o% Faith it is obli#atory to "om(lete all (rayers a%ter that. !on#ratulations@ You are now o%%i"ially a 3uslim@ Do not %or#et to download8 3illennium 4io#ra(hy o% the 0ro(het Koran 0ro(heti" $ayin#s 7uris(ruden"e From www.3uhammad."om $tudy them at home and in "ir"les in the 3os-ues under the Imams2 su(er,ision 5. !onsum(tion a. >at only halal or &osher meats. You "an %ind su"h meats in s(e"ialty stores. I% it is not halal or &osher, do not eat it. !alal is a way o% slau#hterin# the animal and a way o% (re(arin# it %or eatin#. !alal (ertains only to red meats and (oultry (non/"arni,orous birds . It does not a((ly to any o"ean li%e, whi"h is (ermitted as is (i.e. %ish, shrim(, "rab, et". 4e "are%ul in eatin# dee(/%ried sea%ood or Fren"h %ries, as they may ha,e been %ried in oil that has been used to %ry other non/halal meats. 4y (re(arin# the meat in a halal way, the animal2s su%%erin# is #reatly minimiAed. At the time o% slau#hter, the animal ne,er sees the &ni%e (whi"h must be ,ery shar( to minimiAe (ain , and there are no other animals in ,iewin# distan"e. The (erson who slau#hters the animal must be 3uslim or ha,e been dire"ted to &ill the animal by a 3uslim, and he must bless the animal by (ronoun"in# the name o% Allah ( $ismilla Allahu Akbar o,er it (rior to slau#hter. .n"e the animal has been slau#htered, it is hun# u(side down %rom its hind %eet in order %or all the blood to drain out. 3uslims belie,e that eatin# meat with blood in it is unhealthy. As with any 3uslim #uidelines about li%e, ea"h one has its (ra"ti"al reasons, but %irst and %oremost, that rule has been dire"ted to us by Allah throu#h 3uhammad (3ay Allah bless him and #i,e him (ea"e and there%ore it should be blindly u(held. Kosher meats are essentially (re(ared the same as halal but the 7ews (ut more re#ulations on their meat. (i.e. A &osher store must be owned by a <abbi. There%ore 3uslims "an eat halal and &osher %oods, but 7ews only eat &osher. 3. <esi#n %rom eatin# all (or& (rodu"ts (in"ludin# lard and (or& by/(rodu"ts , as the swine "onsumes dirt and is a ,ital "arrier o% "ertain diseases (i.e. %lu. B c. <esi#n %rom "onsumin# any al"ohol or mind/alterin# (rodu"ts. Allah %orbids all (rodu"ts that alter the mind be"ause de"ision/ma&in# s&ills are lost when under the in%luen"e o% su"h "hemi"als. Also, al"ohol and other dru#s are unhealthy %or the human body. B

6. 0er%ormin# Ablution (wudu %or 0rayer.9 a. 6(on usin# the toilet, it is essential that one2s (ri,ate area be %ully "leansed with water, and
the hands must be washed with soa( be%ore (er%ormin# ablution ( wudu. This also a((lies to any time one uses the bathroom re#ardless i% ablution needs to be (er%ormed. I% one

As with a)y %slamic law6 th r ar practical r aso)s #or it 3ut 3 caus th law was gi! ) to us 3y Allah through his m ss )g r Muhammad 4May Allah 3l ss him a)d gi! him p ac 5 it should 3 3li)dly uph ld r gardl ss o# r aso)i)g. 94 "h hair must 3 ri)s d thoroughly. &artial w tti)g is )ot acc pta3l .


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en#a#es in any &ind o% inter"ourse, a %ull shower is needed in whi"h e,ery (art o% the body is rinsed, in"ludin# the hair.4 i. $ay8 9$ismillah Arahmani Araheem"# (In the name o% Allah the 3er"i%ul, the 3ost 3er"i%ul. ii. *ash hands8 <inse them u( to the wrists ma&in# sure that no (art o% the hands are le%t dry. (B+ iii. *ash mouth8 !u( the ri#ht hand and %ill it with water. 6se the water to rinse the mouth. (B+ i,. *ash nose8 $ni%% water u( into the nostrils usin# the ri#ht hand and then eje"t it with the hel( o% the le%t hand. (B+ ,. *ash %a"e8 $(lash water o,er the %a"e "o,erin# the entire area %rom ear to ear, and %rom %orehead to "hin, ma&in# sure that no (art o% the %a"e is le%t dry. (=+ ,i. *ash head8 *ith wet %in#ers, wi(e the head startin# %rom the %orehead and endin# at the na(e o% the ne"&, then re,erse the motion endin# u( at the %orehead a#ain. (=+ ,ii. *ash ears8 'ently insert wet %in#erti(s into the ears and (ass them throu#h the ear "anals. !om(lete the mo,ement by (assin# the thumbs behind the ears %rom the bottom u(. (B+ ,iii. *ash %eet8 $tartin# with the ri#ht %oot, rinse %eet entirely in"ludin# the an&les ma&in# sure that no (art is le%t dry, es(e"ially between the toes. (B+ There are %our "onditions that "an nulli%y a (erson2s last ablution. The ablution must be (er%ormed a#ain i%8 i. Anythin# e+its %rom any o% the (ri,ate areas, in"ludin# %latulent. ii. The (erson has sle(t. iii. 4odily "onta"t with another (erson o% the o((osite se+ in a se+ual manner has o""urred. (4ut i% se+ual inter"ourse has o""urred a %ull shower is needed. i!. .ne2s own hand tou"hes their (ri,ate area (i.e. usin# the restroom. Ablution is not nulli%ied by ,omitin#, nose bleeds, ha,in# an o(en wound ;, or lau#hin# durin# (rayer. I% one is un"ertain that ablution is needed, a""ordin# to Islami" law, one should err on the side o% "aution and (er%orm the ablution to be "ertain. I% one is tra,elin# and does not ha,e a""ess to water, it is (ermissible to (er%orm a dry ablution. 0er%ormed mu"h the same way and in the same order, ablution "an be a""om(lished by substitutin# water with ta((in# the earth with the hands. (.ne may omit ablution %or head, ears, and %eet i% (er%ormin# a dry ablution. This also a((lies to those who would li&e to (ray outside and do not ha,e immediate a""ess to water. 4ut i% one has made dry ablution and, be%ore ma&in# (rayer, %inds water, it is obli#atory to (er%orm ablution a#ain usin# water. For (ersons ha,in# banda#ed wounds or a "ast, it is a""e(table to #ently rub the area with wet %in#erti(s to %ul%ill the ablution to that (art o% the body. I% it is di%%i"ult to (er%orm ablution on the %eet (i.e. a wor&in# woman who is wearin# (anty hose and does not want to ta&e the (anty hose o%% in order to wash her %eet , it is (ermissible to wi(e the to(s o% the shoes with wet %in#ers only i% the shoes ha,e not been ta&en o%% sin"e the last ablution. A (erson su%%erin# %rom urinary in"ontinen"e must ta&e "are that the (ri,ate area is "leansed immediately be%ore (rayer. It is also re"ommended that one wear an absorbent "loth to "at"h the urine.

7. The Fi,e Daily 0rayersC

a. It is essential that you immediately be#in to (ray e,en thou#h you may not be %ully &nowled#eable in the (ro"ess o% (rayer yet. 7ust do what you "an in (rayer but it is im(erati,e that you learn it -ui"&ly. b. Ablution must be made be%ore any (rayer "an be (er%ormed.

: ;

%# a) op ) wou)d produc s 3lood or puss6 th li7uid must 3 r mo! d 3 #or pray r6 u)l ss it is u)h althy to do so. "h r is much mor to l ar) a3out salat6 3ut this t <t will pro!id th 3asics. 2or a mor i) d pth loo= i)to salat r # r to "h Ci!il %slamic >aw


.ne should say all statements o% (rayer in Arabi", but (er%ormin# it in your nati,e lan#ua#e until you learn the Arabi" does not ma&e it ,oid. Allah hears all who s(ea& to Him. d. .ne must not s(ea& sounds other than those %or (rayer. e. It is re"ommended that you use a (rayer mat on to( o% whi"h to (rayer, but a#ain, it is not ne"essary. A "lean towel is su%%i"ient. #. 4elow is a de%inition o% one unit. (For ea"h (rayer there is an obli#ation to do a "ertain number o% units. D i. Fa"e southeast, as this is the dire"tion o% the %abah, a buildin# used as the Islami" "om(ass "reated by Allah rebuilt by Abraham, lo"ated in the "ity o% 3e""a on the Arabian (eninsula. I% durin# any (art o% a (rayer, the worshi((er2s "hest turns to %a"e any other dire"tion, the (rayer is "an"elled and must be (er%ormed o,er a#ain. ii. *hile standin#, swin# hands u( abo,e the shoulders. This symboliAes lea,in# the whole uni,erse behind you and (re(arin# yoursel% to hear only Allah (dire"tin# the ears toward Kabah. Durin# this mo,ement one should say8 9Allah is the 'reatest.: Allahu &kbar"# iii. 6(on allowin# the hands to "ome down, (la"e the ri#ht hand o,er the le%t wrist, and (la"e your hands o,er your abdomen. <e"ite the %irst "ha(ter o% the Holy Koran, and re"ite three or more "onse"uti,e ,erses o% "hoi"e %rom the Holy Koran. 4e#in with8 9I see& re%u#e with Allah, %rom satan, the stoned.:8 Aothu bilahee min ash highton arajeem"# 9In the name o% Allah, the 3er"i%ul, the 3ost 3er"i%ul.: 9$ismillah arahman araheem"# !ha(ter = 90raise be to Allah, 1ord o% the *orlds, the 3er"i%ul, the 3ost 3er"i%ul, .wner o% the Day o% <e"om(ense. You (alone we worshi(, and You (alone we rely on %or hel(. 'uide us to the strai#ht (ath, the (ath o% those u(on whom You ha,e %a,ored, not those whom an#er is u(on, nor those who ha,e #one astray.: Alhamdu lil lahi rabil alameen arahmani araheem maliki yaw mideen" Iyaka nabudu wa iyaka nestaeen" &hdena aserata almostakeem" Seratal lathenna anamta alayhim ghayril magh dubi alayhim wa la dauleen 'Ameen(# >+am(le o% $u((lementary readin# o% Koran8 )hapter* ++, -neness . Al.Ikhlas !ha(ter ==2 9In the Eame o% Allah the 3er"i%ul, the 3ost 3er"i%ul: 9$ay, Allah is .ne, the !alled 6(on. He has not #i,en birth, and He has not borne. There is none e-ual to Him.: 94ismillah arahman araheem.: 9Kul huwa Allahu ahad. Allahu asamad. 1am yalid wa lam yulad. *a lam ya&un lahu &u%u wan ahad. i,. *hen the readin# is "om(lete, swin# arms u( to shoulders, then allow the entire torso to %all down into a bent/o,er (osition, endin# with the hands restin# on the &nees. Fill the mo,ement with the words, 9Allahu &kbar.: ,. In this bent o,er (osition, re(eat three times or more (&ee(in# to odd numbers 8 9>+alted my 1ord, the 'reat.:
? 8

%# a)yo) is u)a3l to physically p r#orm a)y part o# a pray r6 it is acc pta3l to p r#orm it i) th 3 st way possi3l . "his stat m )t must always 3 said 3 #or r citi)g a)y part o# th @ora). %t also should 3 said 3 #or usi)g th r stroom.

Subahana Rabia el alla. ,i. In "omin# u( to standin# (osition, say8 9Allah hears whosoe,er (raises him.: 9$amia Allahu leman hamidah.: ,ii. *hile sayin# 9Allahu >&bar,: (rostrate onto your &nees with %a"e tou"hin# the #round so that se,en (oints are tou"hin# the %loor. =. Fa"e (%orehead and nose 2. Two hands ("losed %in#ers B. Two &nees 4. Two %eet ,iii. In this (osition re(eat three times or more (&ee(in# to odd numbers 8 9>+alted is my 1ord, the Hi#h.: Subhana rabia el alla.: i+. !ome u( into a sittin# (osition in whi"h your le#s are restin# underneath you, while sayin# 9Allahu >&bar.: In this (osition, your hands should be restin# on your &nees. +. *hile sayin# 9Allahu >&bar,: (rostrate a#ain. .n"e the se,en (oints are restin# on the #round say, 9$ubhanna rabia el alla,: three times or more (&ee(in# to odd numbers. +i. This "om(letes one unit. +ii. A%ter the se"ond unit o% any (rayer, all or (art o% the 'reetin# 0rayer must be re"ited. 9All #reetin#s, (rayers and #oodness are %or Allah. . 0ro(het, may the 3er"y, the 4lessin#s, and the 0ea"e o% Allah be u(on you. 0ea"e be u(on us, and u(on the #ood worshi((er o% Allah. I bear witness that there is no #od e+"e(t Allah, and I bear witness that 3uhammad is His *orshi((er and 3essen#er. (=st hal% ended. . Allah, #rant (raise u(on 3uhammad and the &in o% 3uhammad as You #ranted (raise u(on Abraham and the &in o% Abraham. Truly, You are the 3ost 0raised and Eoble. 4less 3uhammad and the &in o% 3uhammad as You blessed Abraham and the &in o% Abraham in the world. Truly, You are the 3ost 0raised and Eoble.: At tayhi yatu lil layhe wa salawatu watyebat" Asalamu alayka ayuha anabey wa rahmatu lahi wa barakatu" Asalamu alayna wa alla ibady ilayhe asaliheen" Ash hadu anla ilaaha ella Allahu wa ash hadu anna uhammadan abduhu wa rasooluh" '+st half ended"( Allah homma/ solly alla uhammadin wa alla eli uhammadin kama saulighta alla &brah heem wa alla eli &brah heem" Ineka hameedon majeed" Allah homma/ barik alla uhammadin wa alla eli uhammadin kama barokta alla &brah heem wa alla eli &brah heem fil alameen" Ineka hameedon majeed"# +iii. 6(on "om(letin# all re-uired units %or a (arti"ular (rayer, stay seated and turn head to the ri#ht and then to the le%t, sayin# both times8 90ea"e be u(on you.: Ah salamu alaycum"# This is re%erred to as the 0ea"e $tatement and it ends all (rayers. +i,. I% one has missed a (rayer %or a ,alid reason (i.e. bein# aslee( or %or#ettin# it , or i% one has missed a (rayer %or a non/,alid reason (i.e. "hoosin# not to (ray at the a((ro(riate time the (rayer should be made u( as soon as (ossible. 0he ,1 !our 2rayer Schedule

3ornin# 2 units F4e#innin# to be li#ht, but be%ore sunrise FKoran re"ited units aloud

A%ternoon 4 units F4e#ins just a%ter sun has rea"hed its Aenith FKoran re"ited silently

1ate A%ternoon $unset Twili#ht 4 units B units F4e#ins when FA%ter sun obje"t2s shadowhas %ully e-uals its hei#ht set FKoran re"ited silently F=st/2nd units Koran read dayli#ht

4 units FEo more (dar&ness F=st/2nd Koran read

aloud FBrd unit Koran read read silently F$u((lemental F$u((lemental readin# o% Koran Koran %or both units FA%ter 2nd unit unit re"ite %ull 'reetin# 'reetin# 0rayer unit re"ite %ull 'reetin# 'reetin# 0rayer F>nd wH 0ea"e 0ea"e statement F>nd wH 0ea"e statement 0rayer F>nd wH 0ea"e statement 0rayer F>nd wH 0ea"e statement re"ite %ull 'reetin# re"ite %ull 'reetin# F$u((lemental readin# o% Koran F$u((lemental readin# o% Koran F$u((lemental readin# o% Koran

aloud FBrd/4th units Koran silently

readin# o% FA%ter 2nd re"ite G 0rayer FA%ter 4th re"ite %ull 0rayer F>nd wH statement

%or =st/2nd units %or =st/2nd units %or =st/2nd units %or =st/2nd units FA%ter 2nd unit FA%ter 2nd unit FA%ter 2nd unit re"ite G 'reetin# 0rayer FA%ter 4th unit re"ite G 'reetin# 0rayer FA%ter 4th unit re"ite G 'reetin# 0rayer FA%ter Brd unit

0rayer times are "onstantly "han#in# e,ery day o% the year. The internet is %ull o% resour"es to tell you the e+a"t times %or (rayer in your area. 7ust loo& u( 0rayer Times on any sear"h en#ine to %ind a site or "all your lo"al Islami" !enter %or a yearly or monthly "alendar. 8. 0uri%i"ation a. 0uri%i"ation a""ordin# to Islami" law means the a"tion o% remo,in# any im(urity or %ilth by rinsin# the entire body or by (er%ormin# ablution with (ure water. There are two ty(es o% im(urity ea"h re-uirin# its own (uri%i"ation (ro"ess. 3inor im(urity re-uires ablution. 3ajor im(urity re-uires a %ull shower. *ater is no lon#er (ure i% its taste, smell or "olor is di%%erent %rom (ure water. $alt water is "onsidered (ure water. b. 6se the ri#ht hand only %or "lean thin#s, su"h as eatin#, %eedin# babies, and #reetin# (eo(le. 6se the le%t hand %or "leanin# and (ersonal hy#iene. c. I% one "omes into "onta"t with any o% the %ollowin# substan"es, the substan"e must be remo,ed be%ore one "an be "onsidered in a (uri%ied state. I i. 4lood or 0uss ii. Jomit iii. 1i-uor (e+"e(t wine that has naturally turned to ,ine#ar i!. All substan"es that e+its %rom any (ri,ate areas, in"ludin# semen and ,a#inal dis"har#e=K ,. Animal li%e that dies in a non/Islami" way, e+"ludin# a-uati" li%e (it is "onsidered (ure ,i. Hair %rom animals that are not slau#hterable (i.e. lion or (i# ,ii. 1o"usts ,iii. De"eased human bein#s i+. $ali,a %rom do#s (3ust be washed se,en times. *ashin# ma"hine is su%%i"ient. +. $wine d. To (uri%y the mouth it is re"ommended to use a toothbrush, %loss, ton#ue s"ra(er, L mouthwash.

+) must 3 i) a stat o# purity 3 #or ma=i)g a)y pray rs 4salat.5 Although s m ) a)d !agi)al discharg ar co)sid r d impur 6 th sp ci#ic sourc o# r productio) 4sp rm a)d gg5 is pur .

e. A%ter a state o% major im(urity, a "om(lete water shower is needed. 3ajor im(urity "omes %rom8 i. Inter"ourse (meanin# when the head o% the (enis (asses throu#h the ,a#inal rin#. ii. Female or male or#asm. iii. Death. (A (erson who dies must be #i,en a shower be%ore burial. i,. A woman2s menstrual (eriod. ,. 'i,in# birth. ,i. 0renatal bleedin#. %. There are three obli#ations while (er%ormin# a (uri%yin# bath. These are that one must8 i. 4e#in by sayin#, 9In the name o% Allah, 3ost 3er"i%ul and !om(assionate.: $ismillahi arahmani araheem"# ii. !ons"iously intend to (uri%y one2s sel% throu#h "leansin#. iii. <inse all o% the s&in, in"ludin# the hair to the roots, and under the nails. #. The %ollowin# a"tions are unlaw%ul to (er%orm in a state a minor im(urity. In order to (er%orm any o% these a"tions, ablution must be made. i. 0rayer ii. Tou"hin# o% the Koran iii. The re-uired (rostration u(on hearin# "ertain ,erses o% the Koran i,. Jolunteer (rostration to than& Allah ,. The re-uired "ir"lin# o% Kabah u(on journey to 3e""a h. The %ollowin# a"tions are unlaw%ul to (er%orm in a state a major im(urity. In order to (er%orm any o% these a"tions, a shower must be ta&en. i. <e"itation o% the Koran ii. Inter"ourse immediately a%ter a menstrual "y"le iii. The be#innin# o% a %ast immediately a%ter a menstrual "y"le i,. To enter a mos-ue a%ter a menstrual "y"les has ended 9. $(e"i%i" In%ormation %or 3en a. Durin# (rayer, men should ta&e "are to "o,er their bodies %rom the shoulders to the &nees. !lothin# should be loose and not re,eal the sha(e one2s %i#ure. b. Attendin# Friday (rayer (juma in a lo"al mos-ue is obli#atory %or all able, 3uslim males. In (re(aration, he must ta&e a (uri%yin# bathHshower and "lean his mouth. He should also wear (er%ume and wear white loose "lothin#. He should arri,e at the mos-ue be%ore the sun rea"hes its hi#hest, %or juma re(la"es his a%ternoon (rayer. 10. $(e"i%i" In%ormation %or *omen a. In Islami" %aith it is understood that men are attra"ted to women by way o% si#ht, whereas women are attra"ted to men by way o% thou#ht. There%ore in order to a,oid any se+ual thou#hts on the (art o% the male durin# a time o% (rayer, it is ne"essary %or a woman to "o,er her entire body sa,e the %a"e and hands. !ontrary to *estern o(inion, the "hoi"e to "o,er the body is done out o% res(e"t %or the woman, and some 3uslim women "o,er u( (artly as a %a,or to their 3uslim brothers. == For the same reason, when men and women are (rayin# to#ether, the woman (rays behind the man so that he "annot be se+ually distra"ted by her (resen"e, thus allowin# him to %o"us on his (rayer. All this bein# said, i% you are %emale, it is obli#atory to "o,er one2s sel% u( durin# (rayer (e,en i% you are alone. B 3. In Islami" thou#ht, a woman should ha,e the o((ortunity to rest durin# her menstrual (eriod. There%ore, durin# her "y"le, a woman must not (arti"i(ate in any o% the %i,e obli#atory (rayers.B I% howe,er a woman be#ins to bleed and the bleedin# "eases within 24 hours, it is not "onsidered a menstrual "y"le and there%ore, she must ma&e u( all missed (rayers. I% the bleedin# be#ins and sto(s re(eatedly, usually re%erred to as s(ottin#, this is "onsidered menstruation and there%ore no (rayers should be (er%ormed.

"h r ar 6 o# cours 6 oth r r aso)s why a woma) would choos to co! r h rs l# up. 2or a mor i)-d pth loo= i)to this topic pl as r # r to "h 0oly @ora). 912 As=i)g Allah #or 3l ssi)g upo) Muhammad 4May Allah 3l ss him a)d gi! him p ac 5 is co)sid r d / m m3ra)c o# Allah.

I% a woman is in her menstrual "y"le durin# a time o% %ast, she should not (arta&e in the %ast, but needs to (er%orm the %ast on"e her menstrual "y"le has ended. d. I% a woman %or any reason "hroni"ally emits an unusually lar#e amount o% ,a#inal dis"har#e, she should "leanse the area immediately be%ore ma&in# any (rayers. 11. The <emembran"e o% Allah (0hikre a. <emembran"e / Althou#h it is essential to state the De"laration o% Faith durin# one2s initiation into Islam, statin# it %re-uently is hi#hly re"ommended. It means that one a""e(ts the .neness o% Allah and the 0ro(hethood o% 3uhammad (3ay Allah bless him and #i,e him (ea"e. .ne "an also "ontinuously re(eat the %irst statement as a means o% "ontem(lation. 9I de"lare that there is no #od e+"e(t Allah.: Ash hadu enla ellahah ella Allah"# b. *orshi( / Aside %rom belie,in# in your heart, the ne+t best %orm o% worshi( is the (res"ribed (attern o% (rayer (salat. ". 'lori%i"ation / The best way to #i,e #lory to Allah is to say8 9>+alted are You. *e are unable to #lori%y You as You #lori%y Yoursel%.: Subahanaka" 3an ohsee thana an ahlayeka anta kama athnighta alla nafsik"# d. 0raise ) The best way to #i,e (raise to Allah is to say8 90raise be to Allah, a &ind o% (raise that e-uals His %a,ors and the %a,ors yet to "ome.: Alhamdu lelahe hamdan yuafio neamahu wa yukafe u mazeeda"# . 4lessin# on the 0ro(het (3ay Allah bless him and #i,e him (ea"e =2 ) The best way to as& Allah to bless 0ro(het 3uhammad (3ay Allah bless him and #i,e him (ea"e is to say8 9. Allah, #rant (raise u(on 3uhammad and the &in o% 3uhammad as You #ranted (raise u(on Abraham and the &in o% Abraham. 4less 3uhammad and the &in o% 3uhammad as You blessed Abraham and the &in o% Abraham in this world. Truly, You are the 3ost 0raised and Eoble.: Allah homma/ solly alla uhammadin wa alla eli uhammadin kama saulighta alla &brah heem wa alla eli &brah heem" 4abarik alla uhammadin wa alla eli uhammadin kama barokta alla &brah heem wa alla eli &brah heem fil ala meen" Ineka hameedon majeed"# #. 4lessin# on the 0ro(het when sayin# his name=2 ) Althou#h obli#atory durin# the De"laration o% Faith, it is stron#ly re"ommended that one #i,e 0ro(het 3uhammad (3ay Allah bless him and #i,e him (ea"e this blessin# at e,ery mention o% his name. 90ro(het 3uhammad (3ay Allah bless him and #i,e him (ea"e. : 90ro(het 3uhammad 'Saula Allahu aleahe wa sal lam"(# 5aily rituals 9$ay Mto them, . 3uhammadN8 This is 3y 0ath, I in,ite to Allah, and so do those who %ollow me with Ms(iritually #uidedN insi#ht.: %oran 6+,"+789 9*e MAllahN ha,e sent you (0ro(het 3uhammad as a witness and as a bearer o% #lad tidin#s and a warner, so that you M%ollowersN belie,e in Allah and His 3essen#er and that you su((ort him, re,ere him (0ro(het 3uhammad , and e+alt (Allah Him, at the dawn and in the e,enin#. Those who swear alle#ian"e to you swear alle#ian"e to Allah. The Hand o% Allah is abo,e their hands. He who brea&s his oath brea&s it a#ainst his sel%, but %or he that &ee(s his "o,enant made with Allah, Allah shall #i,e him a mi#hty wa#e.: 618"8.+79 91et whosoe,er is (resent Mo% my "om(anionsN in%orm the absent Me,ery humanN: 0ro(het 3uhammad <e"itin# the Koran8 9And re"ite what was re,ealed to you in the boo& o% your 1ordO: 6+8",:9 9<e"ite what has been sent down to you o% the boo&O: 6,;"1<9 9<e"ite %rom the Koran as mu"h as is easyO: 6:=",79 9<e"ite it as it ou#ht to be read...: 6,"+,+9


$tudyin# the Hadith8 9He does not s(ea& out o% desireP indeed it is not but a <e,elation whi"h is re,ealed: 6<="=.19 9*hate,er the 3essen#er #i,es you a""e(t it and whate,er he %orbids you, abstain: 6<;":9 9And what we ha,e sent down to you the <emembran"e so that you "an ma&e "lear to (eo(le that whi"h has been sent down to them, in order that they re%le"t: 6+>"119 and 6,"+<+9 9*e ha,e not re,ealed to you (0ro(het 3uhammad the 4oo& e+"e(t that you may "lari%y %or them that u(on whi"h they di%%er, and as a #uidan"e and mer"y to a nation who belie,e.: 6+>">19 9*e ha,e sent amon# you a 3essen#er (0ro(het 3uhammad %rom yoursel,es... who will tea"h you the 4oo& and *isdom, and tea"h you that o% whi"h you ha,e no &nowled#e.: 6,"+<+9 9Indeed I was #i,en the Koran and the li&e o% it. 4eware o% a man who is %ull re"linin# on his so%a sayin# %ollow only this Koran, what you %ind in it le#al ma&e it le#al and what you %ind in it %orbidden %orbid it. MThe 0ro(het re(lied thatN what the messen#er o% Allah %orbids is what Allah %orbidsO: 0ro(het 3uhammad The 0ro(het stood amon#st us and said. 9Do you thin& one o% you re"linin# on his so%a thin&s that what Allah has %orbidden only in this Koran ) I ha,e ordered admonished and %orbidden many thin#s whi"h are as the Koran, or more (in number O: De%endin# 3uslims a#ainst Eon/3uslims ) (Al Qaeda is way astray 94e %riendly to (eo(le and do not %i#ht them till you in,ite them to Allah. For there is no %amily on earth whether in the "ity or the "ountryside that you brin# them to me belie,ers is more belo,ed to me than you "a(turin# their women and "hildren and &illin# their men.: 0ro(het 3uhammad 9That was why *e wrote %or the !hildren o% Israel that who e,er &illed a soul, e+"e(t %or a soul slain, or %or sedition in the earth, it should be "onsidered as thou#h he had &illed all man&indP and that who e,er sa,ed, it should be re#arded as thou#h he had sa,ed all man&ind. .ur 3essen#ers brou#ht them (roo%sP then many o% them therea%ter "ommit e+"esses in the earth.: 6<"=,9 Kind 0rea"hin# and Admonition 9!all to the 0ath o% your 1ord with wisdom and %ine admonition. Dis(ute with them in the best mannerF. Your 1ord is well aware o% those who ha,e #one astray %rom His 0ath and He is well aware o% those who are #uided.: 6+>"+,<9 91et no one bar you %rom the ,erses o% Allah a%ter they ha,e been sent down to you, but "all to your 1ord, and do not be amon#st the idolaters.: 6,8"8:9 F9$o in,ite and #o strai#ht as you are ordered, and do not %ollow their desires and say8 5I belie,e in whate,er 4oo& Allah has sent down. I am ordered to be just amon# you. Allah is our 1ord and your 1ord. *e ha,e our deeds and you ha,e yoursP there is no ar#ument between us and you, Allah will brin# us all to#ether, to Him is the arri,al.2: 61,"+<9 The 0ro(het said to Imam Ali, 9!all to Islam and in%orm them o% what is obli#atory o% the ri#hts o% Allah the Hi#h. 4y Allah, i% Allah #uides one (erson by you, it is better %or you %rom the red rare "amels.: Thi&re / The <ites o% <emembran"e o% Allah 93en (in"ludin# *omen who e+alt Him (in mos-ues , whom neither trade nor sale "an di,ert %rom the remembran"e o% Allah, and establish the (rayers, and (ay the obli#atory "harityP %earin# a Day when hearts and eyes shall be turned about: 6,1"=:9 9ForO men and women who ritually remember Allah in abundan"e, %or them Allah has (re(ared %or#i,eness and a mi#hty wa#e.: 6=="=<9 9Is it not time that the hearts o% the belie,ers be humbled to the ritual remembran"e o% Allah and the truth whi"h He has sent downR They should not be li&e those who were #i,en the 4oo& be%ore this, whose time be"ame ,ery lon# so that their hearts be"ame hardened. 3any o% them were im(ious.: 6<:"+>9 94elie,ers, ritually remember Allah %re-uently, e+alt Him at dawn and in the e,enin#.: 6=="1+.1,9 9And when you ha,e %ul%illed your sa"red duties remember Allah as you remember your %ore%athers or with dee(er re,eren"e.: 6,",779 9Indeed I am Allah. There is no #od e+"e(t 3e. *orshi( 3e and establish the (rayer %or my ritual remembran"e: 6,7"+19

9*hosoe,er turns away %rom 3y ritual remembran"e, his li%e shall be narrow and on the Day o% <esurre"tion *e shall raise him blind.: 6,7"+,19 9Indeed, satan see&s to stir u( enmity and hatred amon# you by means o% wine and #amblin#, and to bar you %rom the rites o% remembran"e o% Allah and %rom (rayin#. *ill you not abstain %rom themRS 6<";+9 9Those who belie,e, and whose hearts %ind "om%ort in the remembran"e o% Allah / Is it not with the ritual remembran"e o% Allah that hearts are satis%ied.: 6+=",89 The 0ro(het, may Allah ,enerate him, said that Allah said8 9I am as my worshi((er thin&s o% 3e and I am with him as he ritually remembers 3e. I% he ritually remembers 3e in his sel% I remember him in 3ysel%, and i% he ritually remembers 3e in a #rou(, I remember him in a better #rou( (assembly o% an#els .: The 0ro(het, may Allah ,enerate him, also said8 93ay I in%orm you about your best deeds and their %inest with your Kin#, and the hi#hest o% them in ran&s, better %or you than s(endin# #old and sil,er, and better %or you than you meet your enemy and you slay the ne"& o% one anotherR The ritual remembran"e o% Allah.: 9Allah has tra,elin# an#els, noble, they %ollow the #atherin# o% ritual remembran"e, so i% they see a #atherin# with ritual remembran"e o% Allah, they sit and surround one another with their win#s until they %ill between them and the lower s&y. *hen the #atherin# dis(erses, they raise to the hea,en and Allah the 3i#hty the 'lori%ied -uestions them, thou#h He already has the &nowled#e, 5From where ha,e you "omeR2 5*e "ame %rom Your worshi((ers on earth, they e+alt You, they (ronoun"e Your 'reatness, they (ronoun"e Your .neness, they 0raise You, and they as& o% You.2 He %urther -uestions, 5*hat do they as& o% 3eR2 5They as& (aradise o% You.2 5Did they see 3y (aradiseR2 5Eo, our 1ord.2 5*hat i% they had seen it@2 5And they are (leadin# that You sa,e them.2 5*hat do they (lead 3e to sa,e them %romR2 5Your %ire, our 1ord.2 5Did they see 3y %ireR2 5Eo, our 1ord.2 5*hat i% they had seen it@2 5They are as&in# %or your %or#i,eness.2 He re(lies, 5I ha,e %or#i,en them and I ha,e #i,en them what they as&ed and I ha,e sa,ed them %rom what they (leaded.2 They added, 5.ur 1ord, amon#st them is so and so, an enormous sinner, he just (assed by and sat with them.2 $o Allah said, 5I %or#i,e him as well, %or they are a #rou( amon#st whom no one sits that will be miserable.2: 9Eothin# will sa,e you better %rom the (unishment o% Allah than rites o% remembran"e o% Allah.: >,ery time the 0ro(het sat, they "ounted him sayin# 9I as& Allah2s %or#i,eness: =KK times. It is ob,ious that whoe,er he sat with %ollowed him, so it is there%ore "lear that they would be doin# the same. Thus, when 3uslims sit in any meetin# they should ma&e this thi&re =KK times. You mi#ht be#in to do this just one time at ni#ht and on"e in the mornin#, either solo or with %riends and %amily. This is a((ro(riate to do this inside or outside the mos-ue, so lon# as it is not in a (la"e o% %ilth. Further Thi&re and $u((li"ation <e(eat =KK times8 >+"e(t Allah there is no #od <e(eat =KK times8 Jeneration u(on the 0ro(het, his %amily and his "om(anions with 0ea"e %rom Allah <e(eat =KK times8 >+alted is Allah with His (raise <e(eat =KK times8 There is no #od e+"e(t Allah, none "an share with Him, the Kin#dom is His and 0raise is His and He is able to do anythin#. For more %ine details (lease re%er to Imam Eawawi2s re%eren"e o% <itual <emembran"e (Al Ath&ar ,ia your train o% transmitters u( to the 0ro(het. *hen you do this in,ol,e the 3uslims around you. You re,i,e the 0ro(heti" 0ath and re"ei,e the rewards. Do not -uit doin# it, whether you ha,e ablution or not or in the "ase o% sisters, whether you are in the (rayer "y"le or not. FE.T>8 $ay it in >n#lish until you learn the Arabi"@ ?or uslims and new con@erts8

*hen a (erson embra"ed Islam, the 0ro(het himsel%, may Allah ,enerate him, would tea"h him and tell him to su((li"ate with the %ollowin# words8 9.h Allah, %or#i,e me, ha,e mer"y on me, #uide me, (rote"t me, and #i,e me (ro,ision.: 0he 2rophet/ may Allah @enerate him/ used to say8 9.h Allah, amend my s(irituality, whi"h is the "ore o% my a%%airs, and re%orm my li%e whi"h in"ludes my li,elihood, and re"ti%y my herea%ter whi"h holds my a((ointment, and ma&e li%e an in"rease in e,ery #ood, and ma&e death a rest %rom e,ery e,il.: 9.h Allah, (rote"t me %rom the e,il o% what I ha,e done and %rom the e,il that I did not "ommit.: 90lease (rote"t me %rom inability, laAiness, "owardi"e, #reed, senility, and (unishment o% the tomb. . my 1ord, #i,e my soul %ear o% You and (uri%y it, you are the best to (uri%y. You are its 'uide and 1ord. . my 1ord, (rote"t me %rom &nowled#e that does not bene%it, and %rom a heart that does not be"ome humble, and %rom a sel% that does not #et %ull and %rom a su((li"ation that is not answered.: 0he 2rophet/ may Allah @enerate him/ said the masterpiece of requesting forgi@eness is 8 9. Allah, You are my 1ord, there is no #od but You, you ha,e "reated me and I am your worshi((er, I am u(on Your "o,enant and Your (romise as (ossible as I "an, I as& %or Your (rote"tion %rom the e,il o% what I ha,e done, I testi%y to Your %a,or u(on me, and I "on%ess my sin, so %or#i,e me %or no one %or#i,es sins but You.: MI% he says this in the be#innin# o% the day, "ertain o% it and he dies be%ore the ni#ht, he amon# the inhabitants o% 0aradise. *hoe,er says it at the be#innin# o% ni#ht and is "ertain o% it and dies be%ore mornin#, he is %rom the inhabitants o% 0aradiseN $y sunset and the call for 2rayer say8 9.h 1ord, in wel"omin# Your ni#ht and the de(arture o% the day, and by the sound o% the su((li"ations and the arri,al o% the (rayers to You, I as& You to %or#i,e me.: 4hen dusk comes say8 9*e and the whole Kin#dom enter ni#ht %or Allah. 0raise is Allah2s, a%ter Allah there is no #od, none "an share with Him, the Kin#dom is His and 0raise is His and He is able to do anythin#. 3y 1ord, I as& you %or the best o% this ni#ht and what %ollows itP (lease (rote"t me %rom the e,il o% this ni#ht and what %ollows it. 1ord, sa,e me %rom laAiness, senility, (ride, and trials in li%e. 1ord, (rote"t me %rom the 0unishment o% the Fire and the trial and (unishment o% the tomb.: 4hen dawn comes say8 9*e and the whole Kin#dom enter dawn %or Allah. 0raise is Allah2s, a%ter Allah there is no #od, none "an share with Him, the Kin#dom is His and 0raise is His and He is able to do anythin#. 3y 1ord, I as& you %or the best o% this day and what %ollows itP (lease (rote"t me %rom the e,il o% this day and what %ollows it. 1ord, sa,e me %rom laAiness, senility, (ride, and trials in li%e. 1ord, (rote"t me %rom the 0unishment o% the Fire and the trial and (unishment o% the tomb.: Azhan Supplication8 The 3essen#er, may Allah ,enerate him, said8 9*hoe,er hears the "all to (rayer and says (the %ollowin# my inter"ession will be his8 9.h 1ord o% this "om(lete in,itation and "ommen"in# (rayer, #i,e our master 3uhammad %a,or and the (raised ran& (o% inter"ession that you ha,e (romised him.: Additional prayer supplications . )heck your first ,1 hours in Islam online for prayer details" *hen standin# to (rayO Immediately a%ter startin# the (rayer with 9Allah is 'reater:8 9.h Allah, distan"e me %rom my sins as you ha,e distan"ed east %rom west. .h Allah, "leanse me %rom my sins as a white dress is "leansed %rom dirt. .h Allah, wash me %rom my sins with i"e and "old water.: 9I dire"ted my %aith %or He who "reated the hea,ens and earth, u(ri#htly surrenderin#, and I am not amon# the unbelie,ers. Truly my (rayer, my worshi(, my li%e and my death are %or Allah, the 1ord o% the *orlds. He has no (artner, and with this I was ordered and I am amon# the 3uslims.:

And when bowed8 9>+alted, (ure, 1ord o% the an#els and the soul.: 9.h Allah, %or You I bowed and I in You I belie,e, and to you I surrender. 3y hearin#, my si#ht, my brain, my bones, and my ner,es ha,e humbled %or You.: Aising from bow8 9.ur 1ord, %or You is all 0raise, the %ill o% the hea,ens and the %ill o% the earth and the %ill between them, a%ter that the %ill o% whate,er You will o% thin#s.: Standing after bow8 9.h Allah, our 1ord (raise is Yours the %ill o% the hea,ens and earth and therea%ter the %ill o% what You will, You are the .wner o% (raise and #lory. <i#htly so is what the worshi((ers say and all o% us are Your worshi((ers. There is none to (re,ent what you ha,e #i,en and there is no #i,er %or what you ha,e (re,ented. And those o% in%luen"e ha,e no bene%it with You.: In 2rostration8 9.h Allah, I ha,e (rostrated to You in You I belie,e and to You I ha,e surrendered. 3y %a"e has (rostrated to *hom "reated it and #a,e it %eatures, and %ashioned its hearin# and si#ht. 4lessed oh Allah the 4est !reator.: After Benerating the 2rophet8 9.h Allah, (rote"t me %rom the (unishment o% the tomb, %rom the (unishment o% the %ire, and %rom the trials o% li%e and death, and %rom the trial o% the 1iar Anti"hrist.: $efore )oncluding with 2eace8 9.h Allah, %or#i,e what I ha,e done and thin#s yet to "ome. *hat I ha,e &e(t se"ret and what I ha,e shown and what I ha,e wasted, and whate,er else You &now more than me. You are the Forwarder and the Delayer. There is no #od e+"e(t You.: 4hen standing 2rayer in the middle of the Cight8 9.h Allah, our 1ord, All 0raise is Yours, you are the 0rote"tor o% hea,en and earth and what is in them, all (raise is Yours, you are the I#niter o% the hea,en and earth and what is in them, All 0raise is Yours, You are the Truth and Your (romise is the truth and meetin# You is the truth, and Your sayin# is the truth. And 0aradise is the truth and the %ire is the truth and the (ro(hets are truth and 3uhammad is truth and the Hour (o% meetin# You is truth. .h Allah to You I ha,e surrendered and in You I ha,e belie,ed, u(on You I ha,e relied and You I ha,e dire"ted mysel% and %or You I ha,e ar#ued and deserted others, to You I "ome to 7ud#ment, so %or#i,e me %or what I ha,e %orwarded and what is yet to "ome, and %rom what I ha,e &e(t se"ret and %rom what I ha,e shown and whate,er else You &now more than me. You are the Forwarder and the Delayer, there is no #od e+"e(t You and other than You, there is no #od.: After the first 0akbeer of the middle night prayer8 .h Allah, 1ord o% an#els 'abriel, 3i"hael, and Isra%eel, Fashioner o% hea,ens and earth ha,in# the &nowled#e o% the seen and unseen. You jud#e between Your worshi((ers in their di%%eren"es, 'uide me with Your 0ermission to the truth in what they di%%er, indeed You #uide whosoe,er You will to a strai#ht (ath. 9.h Allah, ma&e in my heart li#ht, in my si#ht li#ht, in my ri#ht side li#ht, in my le%t side li#ht, abo,e me li#ht, underneath me li#ht, in %ront o% me li#ht, behind me li#ht and ma&e %or me li#ht.: $efore going to sleep8 9.h Allah I surrender my soul to You and dire"ted my %a"e toward You I ha,e trusted my a%%airs to You and rely on Your ba"&in# wantin# and %earin# You. There is no es"a(e or shelter %rom You but You. I belie,e in Your boo& that You ha,e sent down and Your 0ro(het, whom You ha,e sent.: 9*ith Your name I li,e and die.: 9>+altation, .h Allah my 1ord, with You I lay down on my side, and with You I let it rise. I% You hold onto my soul, %or#i,e it, and i% You release is (rote"t it with what You (rote"t Your #ood worshi((ers.: 5aily or 4eekly 0omb Bisitation8

90ea"e be u(on you, inhabitants o% the dwellin#s, amon#st belie,ers and 3uslims. *e, i% Allah wills will join you. *e as& Allah relie% %or us and %or you.: -n the Cight of !onor8 9.h Allah, You are a 0ardoner, You lo,e (ardonin#, so 0ardon us.: 9.h Allah "hoose %or me, oh Allah sele"t %or me.: Free distribution !ourtesy o%8 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Indi,idual to "o(y and distribute wee&ly =K to =KK "o(ies As& lo"al mos-ues and wealthy brothersH$isters to (rint and distribute wee&ly =KKK to =K,KKK Islam is s(read by ton#uesH(ens o% traditional Imams and the wealth o% the ri"h. UHBHK4

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