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1 ! % * , . Course Code and Na Se es"er and Year Tau#$" Pro#ra Un+" Prere-u+s+"e Tea/$+n# Me"$ods Le&e'(Ca"e#or) e BMM1523 Engineering Materials Semester 1/2 Year 1 Degree/Materials 3 Credits Nil Lect re! ) torial! La+orator,! 3 nits * nit * nit "3 #o rs $ 1% &ee's( "* #o r $ 1% &ee's( "* #o r $ 1% &ee's(

Course S)no1s+s

)#is co rse introd ce st dents to t#e f ndamentals of engineering materials &#ic# incl des its a--lication. atomic +onding. cr,stal str ct re. mec#anical and -#,sical -ro-erties. corrosion and degradation mec#anism. microstr ct re anal,sis. -#ase diagram. ferro s and non/ferro s allo,s. -ol,mer and ad0anced materials and iss es in economic. en0ironmental. societal of materials engineering1 B, t#e end of semester. st dents s#o ld +e a+le to! C21! E3-lain t#e classification of engineering materials and descri+e its a--lications1 C22! 4nal,se and e0al ate t#e mec#anical. -#,sical and c#emical -ro-erties engineering materials1 C23! 4nal,se and e3-lain metal allo,s microstr ct re. -#ase diagram and #eat treatment -rocesses1 C2%! 4nal,se and e3-lain ferro s and non/ferro s allo,s microstr ct re. strengt#ening mec#anism and its a--lications1 C25! 4nal,se and define t#e -ol,meric materials and ad0anced materials classification1 4ssessment Mid Sem e3amination 4ssignments and 7 i88es C21 5 5 5 C22 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 C23 C2% C25 Distri+ tion 2*6 2*6 2*6 %* 6 1**6

Learn+n# 3u"/o


en" Me"$ods

Pro9ect re-ort and Pro9ect -resentations :inal E3amination )otal

BMM1523 Engineering Materials


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11 21 14 Re5eren/es 31 %1 51

<illiam D1 Callister. =ntrod ction to Materials Science and Engineering. >o#n/<ile, ? Sons1 <illiam :1 Smit#. >a0ad @as#emi. 2**A. :o ndation of Materials Science and Engineering. :o rt# edition. McBra& @ill1 B dins'i. C1B. 2**A. Engineering Materials Pro-erties and Selection. Dt# edition. Prentice @all1 S#ac'elford. >1:. 2**5. =ntrod ction to Materials Science for Engineers. At# edition. Prentice @all1 Mars B1 :ontana. 1EDA. Corrosion Engineering. )#ird edition. McBra& @ill

BMM1523 Engineering Materials


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Program 2 tcomes "P2( for Mec#anical Engineering st dents! 1. an a+ilit, to a--l, 'no&ledge of mat#ematics. science. engineering f ndamentals and a mec#anical engineering s-ecialisation to t#e sol tion of com-le3 engineering -ro+lems1 2. an a+ilit, to identif,. form late. researc# literat re and anal,se com-le3 mec#anical engineering -ro+lems reac#ing s +stantiated concl sions sing first -rinci-les of mat#ematics. nat ral sciences and engineering sciences 3. an a+ilit, to design sol tions for com-le3 mec#anical engineering -ro+lems and design s,stems. com-onents or -rocesses t#at meet s-ecified needs &it# a--ro-riate consideration for - +lic #ealt# and safet,. c lt ral. societal. and en0ironmental considerations 4. an a+ilit, to cond ct in0estigation into com-le3 -ro+lems sing researc#/+ased 'no&ledge and researc# met#ods incl ding design of e3-eriments. anal,sis and inter-retation of data. and s,nt#esis of information to -ro0ide 0alid concl sions 5. an a+ilit, to create. select and a--l, a--ro-riate tec#niF es. reso rces. and modern engineering and =) tools. incl ding -rediction and modelling. to com-le3 mec#anical engineering acti0ities. &it# an nderstanding of t#e limitations 6. an a+ilit, to a--l, reasoning informed +, conte3t al 'no&ledge to assess societal. #ealt#. safet,. legal and c lt ral iss es and t#e conseF ent res-onsi+ilities rele0ant to -rofessional engineering -ractice 7. an a+ilit, to nderstand t#e im-act of -rofessional engineering sol tions in societal and en0ironmental conte3ts and demonstrate 'no&ledge of and need for s staina+le de0elo-ment 8. an a+ilit, to a--l, et#ical -rinci-les and commit to -rofessional et#ics and res-onsi+ilities and norms of engineering -ractice 9. an a+ilit, to comm nicate effecti0el, on com-le3 engineering acti0ities &it# t#e engineering comm nit, and &it# societ, at large. s c# as +eing a+le to com-re#end and &rite effecti0e re-orts and design doc mentation. ma'e effecti0e -resentations. and gi0e and recei0e clear instr ctions 10. an a+ilit, to f nction effecti0el, as an indi0id al. and as a mem+er or leader in di0erse teams and in m lti/disci-linar, settings 11. an a+ilit, to recognise t#e need for. and #a0e t#e -re-aration and a+ilit, to engage in inde-endent and life/long learning in t#e +roadest conte3t of tec#nological c#ange 12. an a+ilit, to demonstrate 'no&ledge and nderstanding of engineering and management -rinci-les and a--l, t#ese to oneGs o&n &or'. as a mem+er and leader in a team. to manage -ro9ects and in m ltidisci-linar, en0ironments

BMM1523 Engineering Materials


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Course 3u"/o C31


1 2

2 2

3 2

5 2

E 2

1* 2



E3-lain t#e classification of engineering materials and descri+e its a--lications1 4nal,se and e0al ate t#e mec#anical. -#,sical and c#emical -ro-erties engineering materials1 4nal,se and e3-lain metal allo,s microstr ct re. -#ase diagram and #eat treatment -rocesses1 4nal,se and e3-lain ferro s and non/ferro s allo,s microstr ct re. strengt#ening mec#anism and its a--lications1 4nal,se and define t#e -ol,meric materials and ad0anced materials classification1 Course 3u"/o e Ana')s+s





2 !

2 !

2 !

2 !

2 !

2 !


Lesson 3u"/o ;1<4


C3 (6e+#$"a#e)






In"rodu/"+on "o En#+neer+n# Ma"er+a's E3-lain and disc ss t#e materials science and material engineering Differentiates t#e t,-es of engineering materials and gi0e e3am-les on t#eir c rrent and f t re a--lications1 Material selection and design for s staina+ilit,1 Ma"er+a's S"ru/"ure and 8ond+n# Descri+e t#e conce-t of atomic str ct re and +onding Descri+e and ill strate t#e cr,stal str ct re E3-lain t#e im-erfection and defects in cr,stal str ct re Pro1er"+es o5 Ma"er+a's

Hnderstanding 1"2( 4nal,8ing Lect re 4ssignment. )est



Hnderstanding 1"2( 4nal,8ing. 4--l,ing Lect re 4ssignment. 7 i8

BMM1523 Engineering Materials

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E3-lain and anal,8e t#e mec#anical testing! "a( tensile and stress/strain c r0e "+( Com-ression. )orsion. Bending. @ardness and =m-act )est "c( :atig e and Cree- )est 2"2( 4nal,8ing. 4--l,ing Lect re 4ssignment. 7 i8. )est

4nal,8e t#e fail re and fract re materials E3-lain t#e 0ario s t,-es of -#,sical. densit,. electrical. magnetic and o-tical -ro-erties E3-lain t#e t#ermal. cond cti0it, and corrosion resistance -ro-erties Corros+on and :e#rada"+on o5 Ma"er+a's E3-lain t#e cost and conce-t of corrosion or electroc#emical reaction of metals1 Descri+e t#e en0ironmental -arameters effect to t#e corrosion rate Define t#e corrosion t,-es and corrosion control met#ods for s staina+ilit, Me"a' A''o)s= P$ase :+a#ra and T$er a' Pro/ess+n# > Trans5or a"+ons 4--l,ing



4nal,8ing. 4--l,ing

Lect re

4ssignment. 7 i8. )est. :inal E3am

,<4 2

E3-lain t#e allo,s str ct re and anal,8e t#e -#ase diagram1 Hnderstand and anal,8e t#e =ron Car+on S,stem 3"2(

4nal,8ing. 4--l,ing Lect re E0al ating. 4nal,8ing 4nal,8ing

4ssignment. 7 i8. )est. :inal E3am

14@1 1

Descri+e t#e #eat treatment and anal,8e t#e -#ase transformations of ferro s allo,s Descri+e t#e case #ardening. its -rocess and c#aracteristics .<4 Me"a' A''o)s= M+/ros"ru/"ure and S"ren#"$en+n# Me/$an+s

4ssignment. 7 i8. )est. :inal E3am

BMM1523 Engineering Materials


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E3-lain a+o t t#e microstr ct re and strengt#ening mec#anism "formation of grains. grain +o ndaries. -lastic deformation. cold. &arm and #ot &or'ing. #eat treatment( Ferrous and NonA5errous Me"a's E3-lain t#e ferro s metals "cast iron. car+on and allo, steels. stainless steels. tool and die steels( E3-lain t#e non/ferro s metals "4l min m. Magnesi m. Co--er and 4llo,s( Define t#e )itani m allo,s and Nic'el/+ased S -er allo,s. refractor, Metals and amor-#o s 4llo,s


4nal,8ing. 4--l,ing

Lect re

4ssignment. 7 i8. )est. :inal E3am

0<4 1!

4ssignment. 7 i8. )est. :inal E3am %"2( 4--l,ing Lect re 4ssignment. 7 i8. )est. :inal E3am



er+/ Ma"er+a's

Define t#e -ol,mer str ct re. t#ermo-lastic. t#ermosets. elastomer and +iodegrada+le -lastics for s staina+ilit,1 Define t#e mec#anical deformation of -ol,meric materials Ad&an/ed Ma"er+a's Define t#e ad0anced materials of ceramics. glass. gra-#ite and diamond Descri+e and anal,8e t#e com-osites materials en"a'> So/+e"a' Issues o5



Lect re

4ssignment. 7 i8. )est. :inal E3am

?<4 1% @1*



Lect re

4ssignment. 7 i8. :inal E3am

14<4 E/ono +/> En&+ron Ma"er+a's En#+neer+n#<

Define t#e factors affect t#e -rod ct cost and en0ironmental im-act of a -rod ct E3-lain t#e iss es in rec,cling and green design



Lect re

4ssignment. 7 i8. :inal E3am

BMM1523 Engineering Materials


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Pre1ared B)=

C$e/7ed B)=

A11ro&ed B)=

Name! Dr1 Y li Panca 4smara Position! Lect rer Date! 31 > l, 2*13

Name! Dr1 Mo#d :air s#am B#a8ali Position ! @ead of Mec#anical Program Date! 31 > l, 2*13

Name! =r1 Dr1 @a9i Ni' Mo#d I 'i Ni' Mo#amed Position! @ead of 4 tomoti0e Program Date! 31 > l, 2*13

Name! 4ssoc1 Mamat Position! Dean Date! 31 > l, 2*13



BMM1523 Engineering Materials


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