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1. Write short notes on inverting am !i"ier#$OR% Derive the e& ression "or '!ose( !oo gain o" an inverting am !i"ier.

An amplifier which provides a phase shift of 180 o between input and output is called inverting amplifier. The output voltage is feedback to inverting input terminal through Rf-R1 network, where Rf is the feedback resistor nput signal !"i# is applied to the inverting terminal through R 1. The non- inverting terminal is grounded.


$ence negative sign indicates phase shift of 180o. %ffective input impedance is R1. R1 should be large to avoid loading effect. &suall' load resistor, R( is connected to prevent the reduction in gain. The load current is given as

) " 0 * R(

f Rf +R1, the gain is greater than 1. f Rf ,R1, the gain is less than 1. f Rf ) R1, the gain is unit'. f ) - !.ome constant#, the circuit is called S'a!e Changer. f )1, it is called Phase Inverter. /ias current compensation is provided with Rcomp ) !R100 Rf# resistor.

2. Derive the e& ression "or '!ose( !oo gain o" non-inverting short notes on non-inverting am !i"ier.

am !i"ier. $OR% Write

1 t the signal is applied to non-inverting terminal and feedback is as shown in circuit, the circuit amplifier without inverting the signal. t is a negative feedback s'stem since the output is feedback to inverting terminal. 2ifferential input, " d at i*p terminal of op-amp is 3ero, so at node 4a5 the voltage is "i. 6ow Rf and R1 form a potential divider. 1 The gain can be ad7usted to unit' or more b' proper selection of R f and R1. The input resistance of non-inverting amplifier is e8tremel' large !Ri# as the op-amp draws negligible current from signal sourc.

-. E& !ain Vo!tage "o!! n non-inverting amplifier, if Rf ) 0 and Ri ) 9 , we get a modified circuit called voltage follower. The output voltage is e:ual to input voltage, both in phase and magnitude. $ere the output voltage follows the i*p voltage hence the name. The main use of this unit' gain circuit lies in the fact that its input impedance is ver' high !in order of ; <# and output impedance is 3ero.

The circuit draw negligible current from source. A==( >AT ?6.@

"oltage follower is used as buffer for impedance matching, i.e., to connect high impedance source to a low impedance load. /.Write short notes on s0mming am !i"ier $or% With the he! o" '1t. Diagram sho. that O -am 'an 2e 0se( as $i% Inverting a((er $ii% non-inverting a((er. A6?T%@ f it is asked as 7ust summing amplifier 'ou can write an' one either inverting or non-inverting.B !i#. 6"%RT 6C A22%R !or# 6"%RT 6C .&;; 6C A;=( D %R@

1 The above circuit is a inverting adder with three input voltages !" 1,"E F "G#, three input resistors !R1, R E F R G# and feedback resistor Rf.Assuming ideal ?p-Amp, A0( ) 9 and Ri ) 9 .ince input bias current is 3ero there is no voltage drop across R comp. $ence the non-inverting terminal is at virtual ground. .o voltage at node 4A5 is also 3ero. 6odal e:uation b' ->( at 4A5 is Thus the output is an inverted, weighted sum of inputs.>onsidering R 1 ) RE ) RG ) Rf in e:uation !E# we get, "0 ) - !"1H "EH "G# ---------------- !A#

1 The output is inverted sum of the inputs. $ence the circuit is called inverting summing amplifier.<hen R1) RE ) RG) G Rf in !E# we get,Thus the output is average of the three inputs. This circuit is called Inverting )veraging )m !i"ier.


6?6 I 6"%RT 6C A22%R !or# .&;; 6C A;=( D %R@

A summer or adder that produces non-inverted sum is called non-inverting summing amplifier. (et the voltage at node at be " A.$ence voltage at inverting terminal is also " A. since "d ) 0.The nodal e:uation b' ->( at 4A5 given, as, The ?p-amp and two resistors R f and R form a noninverting amplifier, with which shows output is a non-weighted sum of inputs. (et R1 ) R1 ) RE ) RG ) R ) Rf *E , then e:uation !A# becomes 3. Write short notes on S02tra'tor $or% Di""eren'e am !i"ier. A basic differential amplifier can be used as a .ubtractor b' considering Rf ) R1 ) R. >onsider all the resistor values as e:ual value then the o*p voltage can be derived using superposition principles.The output "01 due to input voltage "1 above is found b' making "E ) 0. 6ow the circuit becomes a non-inverting amplifier having input voltage " 1*E at positive terminal and output become, .imilarl' output "0E due to "E alone !"1 is grounded # can be given b' an inverting amplifier "0E ) - "E 4. Write short notes on V-I 'onverter. $or% 5) ri! 266/7

Thus the load current is proportional to input voltage and the circuit acts as a voltage to current converter. f the load is a capacitor, it charges and discharges at a constant rate. .uch converters are used to generate .awtooth or triangular waveforms.The proportionalit' constant is generall' 1*R1. $ence the circuit is called Transconductance amplifier. t is also called voltage controlled current source. !">>.#.The load current, ( ) "i*R1 is same for all t'pes of loads.(oad can be linear !e.g Resistor#, or non-linear !e.g (%2# or it can have time dependent.6o matter what the load is, the ?p-amp will draw the current i whose magnitude depends onl' "i and R.Dor this ciruit, R f ) R1 ) R, $ence the load current depends on input voltage "i and resistor R. 8. E& !ain the o eration o" an Instr0mentation am !i"ier. 5) r. 266-9 26637 $or% Dra. a s:stem .hose gain 'an 2e a(;0ste( 2: a varia2!e resistan'e an( e& !ain in (etai!. nstrumentation amplifier is a circuit which amplifies the low level output signal of a transducer to drive the indicator or a displa' s'stem. The above circuit is a basic instrumentation amplifier. The output voltage, "0 is given b' The source "1 sees an i*p impedance of RGHRJ !101k<# and input impedance seen b' source "E is onl' R1 !1k<#.This low impedance loads the signal source heavil'..o a high impedance buffer is used preceding each input to avoid the loading effect. >onsider the following where ?p-Amps. A1 and AE have differential input voltage as 3ero. )PP*IC)TION ,

K &sed in numerous industrial and process control applications like precise measurement and control of temperature, pressure, humidit', light intensit' water flow etc., <. Write notes on Di""erentiator. $Or% E& !ain the o eration o" (i""erentiation am !i"ier .ith neat 'ir'0it (iagram. 2ifferentiator or 2ifferentiation amplifier is a circuit which performs mathematical operation of differentiation. i.e., the output waveform is the derivative of the input waveform. Thus the outputvoltage,"0 is !-RD>1# times the derivative of input voltage "in. The minus indicates phase shift of 180o between i*p signals.


The i*p impedance !1*w>1# decreases with increase in fre:uenc', thereb' making the circuit sensitive to high fre:uenc' noise. Also, at high fre:uencies, the ckt. becomes unstable and enters into oscillation. )PP*IC)TIONS,


n wavaeshaping circuits todetecthigh fre:uenc' components in input signal. As Rate of change detector in D; ;odualtor.

16. E& !ain the o eration o" an Integrator 'ir'0it $or% Write short notes on integrator.

A circuit in which the output voltage wave is the integral of the input voltage waveform is the Integrator or Integration )m !i"ier. where, > is the integration constant. Thus the output voltage is directl' proportional to negative integral of input voltage and inversel' proportional to time constant R1>D. n ?p-amp integrator the effective input capacitance b' ;illers theorem is >f !1-Av#. <here, A" M gain of the ?p ) Amp Cain A" is infinite for ideal ?p-Amp, so effective time of ?p-amp becomes large which results in perfect integration. n stead' state, s ) 7w ERRORS IN IDE)* INTE>R)TOR,

1 At low fre:uencies !wNO0#, the gain becomes infinite !saturates#. 1 nput offset voltage gets amplified and appears as error voltage which causes saturation. 1 t is difficult to pull integrator out of saturation, hence perfect integration is not possible.

1 (imited bandwidth. )PP*IC)TIONS,

1 Analog computers, A2>5s 1 <ave shaping circuits. 1 Ramp generators.

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