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Alfanous New API release BlackStone

We release today the 25th of November 2013 a new release of Alfanous API based on a new output system. The release s named !"la#$ stone %&'()* +,-.*/0 and ded1#ated to Pr. Amar "alla and 2r. Taha 3errou$1 for superv1s1n4 the resear#h wor$ stand1n4 beh1nd Alfanous pro5e#t. 6nl1ne use7 http788www.alfanous.or485os2 9o#al use7 https788pyp1.python.or48pyp18alfanous80.:.01 %1nstall us1n4 easy;1nstall / <ontr1butors to th1s release7 1. Assem <hell1 % =>? @ABC / as Developer7 EFG Tw1tterG "lo4G E1thub 2. Wal1d 31ou#he %H'IJ KL.M / as Tester7 EFG Tw1tterG "lo4G E1thub AllNt1me #ontr1butors l1st #an be found here7 l1st.

Alfanous 1s wor$1n4 as a l1brary offer1n4 many 1nterfa#es. The ma1n one 1s the Appl1#at1on Pro4ramm1n4 Interfa#e or API. It wor$s as the 1ntermed1ary between the l1brary and the other 1nterfa#es. There are two lowNlevel 1nterfa#es that wor$s w1th the API7 1. <onsole 1nterfa#eG dest1ned for test purposes and to be used by th1rd party nonNpython1# des$top 1nterfa#es. 2. OP6N web serv1#eG dest1ned to be used by web 1nterfa#esG smart phone appsG and so#1al networ$ apps.

Interfa#es dependen#y h1erar#hy Application Programming Interface An appl1#at1on pro4ramm1n4 1nterfa#e %API/ 1s a proto#ol 1ntended to be used as an 1nterfa#e by software #omponents to #ommun1#ate w1th ea#h other. An API 1s a l1brary that may 1n#lude spe#1f1#at1on for rout1nesG data stru#turesG ob5e#t #lassesG and var1ables. The powerful po1nts of our API are7 1. Free Open Libre7 any one #an use 1tG any one #an #ontr1bute 1n. That means 1t ta$es the advanta4e of #ommun1ty 1nvolvement. 2. A Python API7 that allows anyone to #reate 1ndependently a web 1nterfa#eG des$top 1nterfa#e G Andro1d8Iphone8W1ndows phone 1nterfa#es G fa#eboo$8tw1tter8EF appl1#at1ons ...and so on. 3. A founded base7 The sear#h pro#ess 1s too fast and too stable other webs1tes8appl1#at1ons do. Q. Lot of features7 The a#tual API has an 1mportant number of features and prepared to a##ept more. The neRt f14ure represent a python sample #ode to use the API7

API usa4e sample #ode Sou #an f1nd the sample #ode hereT JSON web service To enable the use of our API over the webG we made a web serv1#e that wrap the 1nput8output of the API. The reUuest ar4uments should be passed 1n VW9 and the output w1ll be 4enerated and shown 1n OP6N format. Th1s #ould be used by web 1nterfa#esG smart phone appsG so#1al networ$ appsG and browsers addons. Sou #an a##ess to the OP6N webserv1#e here7 http788www.alfanous.or485os2. The do#umentat1on hereT

Prev1ew of the OP6N web serv1#e onsole interface As a test 1nterfa#eG we made a #onsole 1nterfa#e that wor$s on #ommand l1ne. Th1s 1nterfa#e #ould be used also as a wrapper to ma$e des$top 1nterfa#es that are developed under a pro4ramm1n4 lan4ua4e d1fferent then Python. The reUuest should be passed as 1nNl1ne ar4uments 1n the #ommand l1ne and the output w1ll be 4enerated X shown 1n OP6N format. Y14hNa#t1v1ty des$top 1nterfa#esG wor$1n4 on a l1nuRNl1$e platformG #an run th1s 1nterfa#e as a Daemon serv1#e on the ba#$4round.

Prev1ew of the <onsole 1nterfa#e The #onsole 1nterfa#e w1ll be 1nstalled automat1#ally w1th the APIG try7 Z sudo easy;1nstall alfanous Z alfanousN#onsole Nh usa4e7 alfanousN#onsole [fla4s\ Z alfanousN#onsole Na sear#h NU Uawl

Those neRt are the ma1n 1mportant 1mprovements that we went throu4h7 A New entrali!ed JSON Output System" We have #entral1]ed the output system to 4a1n many advanta4es wh1#h are7 1. ^asyN1mplementat1on of more data stru#tures_ 2. The use of the same output system 1n the d1fferent 1nterfa#es7 <onsole Interfa#eG 3. <EI Interfa#eG Des$top Interfa#esG Web Interfa#es_ Q. 2a$1n4 #han4es and updates only 1n one pla#e 1nstead of many.

We have proposed an eRtended stru#ture for results. Th1s stru#ture 1s eRtens1ble7 any new 1nformat1on #an be 1n#luded eas1ly w1thout affe#t1n4 the old stru#ture and w1thout result1n4 a ba#$N1n#ompat1b1l1ty. `or eRampleG Oson results of +a'b.*

We ve also ref1ned the l1st of reUuest fla4s to allow the reUuester to #ustom1]e h1s reUuest and #ontrol wh1#h 1nformat1on retr1eved 1n order to 4a1n performan#e and m1n1m1]e the s1]e of results and the retr1ev1n4 runt1me. A #on#ept of predef1ned #onf14urat1on for reUuests 1s 1ntrodu#ed. Po the reUuester #an #hoose e1ther a m1n1malG normal G fullG l1n4u1st1#G or stat1st1#al v1ew w1thout spe#1fy1n4 ea#h fla4 value. The l1st of fla4s7 hereT

We offered a set of error #odes 1n #ase of fa1led sear#h Uuery. It helps 1n #lar1fy1n4 the nature of fa1lure. Th1s set 1s eRtens1bleG new error #odes #an be added eas1ly. <urrently we def1ne those errors7 1. ^rror N17 0fa1lG reason un$nown0_ 2. ^rror 07 0su##ess0_

3. ^rror 17 0no a#t1on 1s #hosen or a#t1on undef1ned0_ Q. ^rror 27 0super 5o$ers are not perm1tted0. 1. 2. 3. Q. 5. c. :. We made the API meta data ava1lable for reUuest 1n the output system. 2eta data 1n#ludes7 API meta 1nformat1on 1n#lud1n4 authorsh1pG l1#enseG des#r1pt1onG vers1onG and release_ ^rror messa4es_ Poss1ble fla4sG 1n add1t1on to the1r default valuesG poss1ble values 1ntervalsG and help messa4es_ Ava1lable sear#h f1elds %Arab1# and ^n4l1sh names/_ Ava1lable translat1ons and re#1tat1ons_ Purah values l1st_ Elobal sear#h usa4e h1nts.

#any new features We 1mplemented many new features wh1#h are ava1lable w1th1n the new OP6N output system. 6ne of the features 1s the fu]]y sear#h feature. Wedve done a bas1# 1mplementat1on that automates the fu]]y sear#h to 1n#lude the potent1al synonyms of the word and also the d1fferent der1vat1ons.

`u]]y sear#h eRample %fu]]yetrue/ We added the poss1b1l1ty of retr1ev1n4 the prev1ous and neRt ayahs of ea#h ayah of the results. Phow1n4 ne14hbor ayahs helps the user to $now eRa#tly the ayah pos1t1on 1n 1ts own surah.

Phow1n4 ad5a#ent ayahs %prev;ayaetrueXneRt;ayaetrue/ `or the ayah teRtG we offered the ab1l1ty to #hoose between fo#al1]ed and Vnvo#al1]ed teRtG and between Ptandard and Vthman1 teRt.

Phow1n4 ayahs 1n d1fferent s#r1pts %vo#al1]edetrueG uthman1etrue/ We 1mplemented four su44est1on operat1ons7 <lose spell1n4sG D1fferent vo#al1]at1onsG D1fferent der1vat1onsG Pynonyms.

Pu44est1on eRample of fo#al1]at1ons G Der1vat1ons Gand Pynonyms of g'h We 1mplemented the poss1b1l1ty of sear#h us1n4 "u#$walter transl1terat1on and show the resulted $eywords wr1tten 1n the same transl1terat1on.

"u#$walter translat1on eRample $esource Importing #anager An 1mportant part was m1ss1n4 1n the old 1mplementat1on of the resour#e 1mport1n4 mana4er. The m1ss1n4 part was the 1mport1n4 of the data from the1r or141nal sour#e. We have f1Red th1s m1ss1n4 part and 1mprove the 4lobal behav1or of the resour#e mana4er. The 1mproved vers1on #an do7 1. %ownloading original resources7 the reason for download1n4 the resour#es rather then 1n#lud1n4 them w1th the pro5e#t 1s to pass by the restr1#t1ons on the red1str1but1on of those resour#es. Another reason 1s to $eep us1n4 always the last updated vers1ons of the resour#es. Set another reason 1s avo1d the opt1onal resour#es w1th b14 s1]es so let the developer or the user #hoose what to download. Th1s 1s the l1st of the resour#es to be downloaded7 1. Tan]1l 2usNhaf Rml f1le. 2. Tan]1l iuran1# translat1ons pa#$a4ed as the 3e$r model. 3. ^veryAyah re#1tat1ons l1st. 2. Parsing & Importing the data to our intermediate database" ^a#h resour#e has a spe#1f1# un1Uue stru#ture. We need to parse ea#h resour#es then 1mport the data 1n#luded to our 1ntermed1ate database. The role of 1ntermed1ate database 1s to reNor4an1]e the data 1n a way that ma$e the 1ndeR1n4 eas1er. We made two l1brar1es7 1. Py<orpus7 a l1brary to parse and read the data 1n#luded 1n the pro5e#t Arab1# iuran1# <orpus. 2. Py3e$r2odels7 a l1brary to read the iuran1# translat1ons pa#$a4ed as the 3e$r model. 3. Inde'ing the database" `1rstG we need to transform the database 1nto do#ument 1ndeRes . ThenG we need to 4enerate the 1nverted 1ndeRes out of the #orrespond1n4 do#ument 1ndeRes. There 1s a table #alled f1elds 1n the database ta$e the #ontrol over the 1nformat1on to be 1ndeRed and how to 1ndeRed. Th1s 1s a sample eRample of the f1elds table7

`1elds table Q. (pdating auto)generated data files7 some data f1les need to be 4enerated 1mmed1ately after the 1ndeR1n4. An eRample of that 1s the l1st of 1ndeRed translat1ons.

Automating the API building The bu1ld1n4 of resour#es was manual and undo#umented. We #reated a 2a$ef1le that automate now the bu1ld1n4. We f1ll the ma$ef1le w1th the appropr1ate number of #omments 1n order to ma$e 1t #lear and understandable. The role of ma$e f1le 1s to perform the follow1n4 tas$s7 1. 2. 3. Q. AutoNdownload1n4 of new vers1ons of the used iuran1# and l1n4u1st1# resour#es_ Eenerat1n4 and We4enerat1n4 of the 1ntermed1ate 4enerated data f1les_ AutoNbu1ld1n4 of the do#ument 1ndeRes 1n add1t1on the 1nverted 1ndeRes_ AutoN1nstall and pa#$a41n4 of the API and d1fferent related eRtens1ons and 1nterfa#es.

A new console interface We 1ntrodu#ed a new #onsole 1nterfa#e to be used by a nonNpython des$top appl1#at1onG #ould be run as ba#$4round serv1#e a.$.a Daemon.

Pac*aging system" We 1mplemented a pa#$a41n4 system to pa#$a4e the API for d1fferent operat1n4 systems. P1n#e the API 1s pure python so that ma$es 1t portable throu4h the d1fferent platforms. Thou4hG many data resour#es should be 4enerated and 1mported 1n the pa#$a4e. We d1str1bute the API as 7 1. Source +arball7 An ar#h1ve of sour#e f1les #reated w1th the Vn1R tar ut1l1ty. Pour#eN#ode d1str1but1ons have been pa#$a4ed as tarballs s1n#e the m1d 1jk0s. 2. ,inary +arball7 An ar#h1ve #onta1ns the bu1lt and #omp1led sour#e #ode. 3. Python egg pac*age7 a lo41#al stru#ture embody1n4 the release of a spe#1f1# vers1on of a Python pro5e#tG #ompr1s1n4 1ts #odeG resour#esG and metadata. #ultiple search units The Appl1#at1on Pro4ramm1n4 Interfa#e 1n1t1ally was made up to sear#h only 1n the ayahs. A#tually we 1ntrodu#ed more sear#h un1ts. To 1ntrodu#e any un1tG we should 4ather the appropr1ate data resour#esG def1ne the sear#h f1eldsG def1ne the sear#h reUuest fla4sG and f1nally def1ne the results stru#ture. We 1ntrodu#ed two un1ts wh1#h are7 1. +ranslations7 enable the sear#h for iuran1# translat1ons 1n d1fferent lan4ua4es. The 1nformat1on 1n#luded are7 1dent1f1erG teRtG lan4ua4eG author.

Translat1onNasNun1t sear#h G iuery7 seven 2. -ords" enable the sear#h for iuran1# words and d1fferent l1n4u1st1# annotat1ons 1n#lud1n47 word 1dent1f1ersG or141ns %lemmaG stemG root/G P6PG formG 4enderG personG numberG vo1#eG aspe#tG state.

WordNasNun1t 5son outoutG iuery7 lmLh oding Standardi!ation We passed our #ode base by Pyl1nt #ode analys1s. Pyl1nt 1s a sour#e #ode bu4 and Uual1ty #he#$er for the Python pro4ramm1n4 lan4ua4e. It 1s h14hly #onf14urable and #an be #ustom1]ed as needed. It 1n#ludes features su#h as7 <he#$1n4 a l1neN#odeds 9en4th _ <he#$1n4 1f var1able names are wellNformed a##ord1n4 to your #od1n4 standard _ <he#$1n4 1f de#lared 1nterfa#es are truly 1mplementedG and so on. We have f1Red a hu4e amount of shown up messa4es by Pyl1nt 1n#lud1n47 <onvent1onsG Wefa#torsG Warn1n4sG ^rrors. Th1s leads by #onseUuen#e 1nto a mass reNor4an1]at1on of the sour#e #ode. The follow1n4 table shows Pyl1nt Analys1s stats. type a#tual number prev1ous number d1fferen#e #onvent1on 105j j21: Nk2Q2 refa#tor k1 310 N22j warn1n4 15Qj 12331 N10:k2 error :j Q12 N333

%ocumentation covering We made the Weadme f1les for the d1fferent parts of the pro5e#t. The #ontents of readme f1les 1n#ludes the follow1n47 1. 2. 3. Q. 5. <onf14urat1on 1nstru#t1ons Installat1on 1nstru#t1ons <opyr14ht and l1#ens1n4 1nformat1on <onta#t 1nformat1on <red1ts and a#$nowled4ments

Open Issues
We went throu4h many 1mprovements. SetG howeverG there st1ll lot of th1n4s to be done. Wedll browse the ma1n m1lestones that should 4o throu4h7 1. .nriching the linguistic resources /lin*0" the a#tual used resour#es are poor #ompar1n4 to what we really need. In order to 4et th1s done G we should7 TeRt1fy the b1nary database to enable the poss1b1l1ty of lo441n4 of #han4es and ta$e the benef1ts of rev1s1on #ontrol systems su#h as EIT. Inte4rate iurany pro5e#t to enr1#h the a#tual fa#eted themat1# sear#h.

Inte4rate the boundary annotat1ons to enable the retr1ev1n4 of boundar1es 1n iuran. Propose a standard format for new l1n4u1st1# and iuran1# resour#es. 2. omplete the features implementation/ lin* 0" We l1st here the 1mplementat1on state of the sear#h feautures7 `eature Implementat1on Ptate `1elded sear#h Ses 9o41#al relat1ons Ses Phrase sear#h Ses Interval sear#h Ses `ull We4eR No W1ld#ards %Oo$ers/ Part1ally "oost1n4 $eywords we14ht Ses 6utput Improvements Pa41nat1on Ses P#or1n4 Ses Port1n4 Ses neywords Y14hl14ht Ses Weal t1me output No Wesults 4roup1n4 No Vthman1 s#r1pt w1th full d1a#r1t1#al mar$s Ses Pu44est1on Pystems fo#al1]ed spell #orre#t1on Part1ally Pemant1#ally related $eywords Part1ally D1fferent vo#al1]at1on Ses <ollo#ated words No neyboard mapp1n4 No D1fferent s14n1f1#at1ons No 91n4u1st1# Aspe#ts Woman1]at1on Part1ally Pynta#t1# <olorat1on No fo#al Pear#h No Part1al vo#al1]at1on sear#h Part1ally 2ult1Nlevel der1vat1on Ses Ppe#1f1#Nder1vat1ons No Word propert1es embedded Uuery Part1ally `u]]y str1n4 sear#h Part1ally Word l1n4u1st1# annotat1ons Part1ally 91n4u1st1# eRamples sear#h No Vthman1 wr1t1n4 way No iurdan1# 6pt1ons Ptru#tural opt1ons Ses We#1tat1on mar$s retr1ev1n4 No %Pa5da only/ D1v1ne Names Y14hl14ht No Translat1on sear#h Ses <lass Advan#ed iuery

Pemant1# iuer1es

Ptat1st1#al Pystem

Wepet1t1ons and Alle4or1#al ayahs Abro4ators and Abro4ated ayahs sear#h iurdan1# Parables o Pemant1#ally related words `a#eted Themat1# Pear#h iuest1ons Answer1n4 %iA/ Automat1# vo#al1]at1on ^nt1ty ^Rtra#t1on <oNreferen#e resolut1on Vnvo#al1]ed word freUuen#y fo#al1]ed word freUuen#y Woot8Ptem89emma freUuen#y Another iurdan1# un1ts freUuen#y

No No No Part1ally Part1ally No No No No Ses Ses No No

3. Implement the modularity for the 1uery Parser / lin* 07 Th1s 1s 1mportant to enable the eRtens1b1l1ty feature and f1R the problem of m1R1n4 %the #omb1nat1on/ the d1fferent operat1ons made dur1n4 pars1n4. Q. #ove to the last version of -hoosh library /lin*07 Whoosh 1s almost 1n the vers1on 3.p 1n 1ts stable release wh1le we st1ll us1n4 an older vers1on wh1#h 1s 0.3. The mov1n4 to the last vers1on 1s very re#ommended to benef1t of the 1mprovements made. Thou4hG 1t w1ll not be an easy operat1on s1n#e our API 1s 1ntertw1ned w1th the older vers1on. ^spe#1ally for the iuery Parser. 5. #ove to Python 234 / lin* 0" Python 2 1s d1sappear1n4 and sooner or later 1tdll be fully repla#ed. There are many tools offer some automat1# s#r1pts to #onvert a #ode from 2 1nto 3. Thou4hG the b14 part often should be done manually. c. over with documentation / lin* 07 the do#umentat1on 1s so 1mportantG 1tds eRpens1ve but 1t en#oura4es the #ommun1ty to 1nvolve 1n the pro5e#t. Th1s #an be done by7 ^nr1#h the readme f1les_ ^nr1#h the #ode w1th appropr1ate #omments_ <reate a usa4e YowNTo and stra14hten 1t w1th many demos_ The man pa4e for the #onsole 1nterfa#e. 2. Optimi!e code and performance / lin* 0" pro#eed the f1R1n4 of pyl1nt #ode analys1s warn1n4s and use Profile to #he#$ the performan#e of ea#h sear#h feature 1n order to 1mprove 1t.

Alfanous Project
Noble iuran 1s d1fferent of all do#uments that we have $nown. Itds the sa#red boo$ of 2usl1ms. It #onta1ns $nowled4e of all aspe#ts of l1fe. W1th th1s hu4e Uuant1ty of 1nformat1onG we #an eRtra#t only a small part manually and th1s 1s #ons1dered 1nsuff1#1ent #ompared to the s1]e of $nowled4e #onta1ned by iuran. That ra1ses the need for a method to eRtra#t those 1nformat1on be#ause #urrently there 1s no eff1#1ent method eR#ept many pr1nted leR1#ons and many tools of s1mple seUuent1al sear#h w1th re4ular eRpress1on. Due to th1s l1m1tat1onG the iuran reUu1res us to f1nd new ways to 1ntera#t. Alfanous Pro5e#t 1s #reated for that purposeG A sear#h en41ne 1n all of the 1nformat1on #onta1ned 1n the iuran by #ons1der1n4 the morpholo4y of the Arab1# lan4ua4e and the propert1es of the

iurdan1# teRt_ "ased on modern methods of 1nformat1on retr1eval w1th 4ood stab1l1ty and h14h speed sear#h. We are offer1n4 an 6pen Appl1#at1on Pro4ramm1n4 Interfa#e to browse and sear#h 1n Yoly iuran. That API 1s well eRtens1ble and #an a#h1eve more sear#h features. -hat is Alfanous5 Alfanous 1s a fun#t1onalG dynam1#G #omprehens1ve iurdan sear#h en41ne that has been effe#t1vely des14ned to #arry out s1mple or advan#ed iuran1# sear#hes. Alfanous uses a #ontemporaryG h14hly developed approa#h to retr1eve v1tal 1nformat1onG enabl1n4 stable eff1#1entG speedy sear#hes to be #ondu#ted. Alfanous a1ms to 1mplement add1t1onal features su#h as h14hl14htG s1te su44est1onsG s#or1n4 qet# to further 1mprove your sear#h eRper1en#e. Alfanous understands the #ompleR nature of the Arab1# lan4ua4e and thus offers effe#t1ve Arab1# lan4ua4e pro#ess1n4G allow1n4 the stemm1n4 and su##essful el1m1nat1on of amb14u1t1es. The Appl1#at1on Pro4ramm1n4 Interfa#e #an be used as a fundamental base for developers to bu1ld and enhan#e 1nterfa#e types w1th1n d1fferent systemsG eR7 Des$top EVIG WebNbased VIqet#.

-hy Alfanous5 Alfanous 1s `W^^ 9I"W^ 6P^N P6VW<^7 Any one #an use 1t and any one #an #ontr1bute 1n #od1n4G translat1n4G Alfanous w1ll d1e only 1f h1s #ommun1ty d1esT Alfanous 1s a Python API7 that allows anyone to #reate 1ndependently a web 1nterfa#eG des$top 1nterfa#e G Andro1d8Iphone8W1ndows phone 1nterfa#es G fa#eboo$8tw1tter8EF appl1#at1ons ...and so on. The sear#h pro#ess 1s too fast and too stable Alfanous 1s a resear#h pro5e#t 7 so we f14ure out features not only do what other webs1tes8appl1#at1ons do. Alfanous has lot of features7 see Pear#h `eatures. Alfanous has many 1nterfa#es for many platforms7 see Interfa#es. Alfanous 1s `W^^ EWATIP7 no paymentG no ads. see `Ai Interfaces 1. 2. 3. Q. 5. c. :. k. j. Alfanous Python APIG sour#e. OP6N web 1nterfa#e 2G l1n$G sour#e. D5an4o web 1nterfa#e [2ult1Nlan4ua4e\G l1n$ G sour#e. Alfanous Des$top appl1#at1on %W1ndows7 [Arab1#\ [^n4l1sh\_ Vbuntu8Pab1ly/G sour#e. Alfanous `1refoR toolbarG l1n$G sour#e. Alfanous `1refoR sear#h bar addonG l1n$. <hrome eRtens1on %alpha/G sour#e. App for No$1a Pc0 %prototype/G sour#e. `a#eboo$ app %prototype/G sour#e.

note" you #an f1nd the perspe#t1ve 1nterfa#es under the m1lestone7 ^Rtra Interfa#es.

6istory 7 August 89:27 9aun#h1n4 rW^" 0.:.5 alyaUoot releaser of the web 1nterfa#e7 based on Tw1tter "ootstrapG Wespons1ve G P1mpleG <lean G A##ept s$1nsG and has many 1mprovements and bu4 f1Res. $a#emb2 :9 June 89:27 9aun#h1n4 the d5an4o web 1nterfa#eG lo#al1]ableG 1ndeRableG and has many sear#h featuresG 1mprovements and bu4 f1Res. $a#emb 8; June 89:87 9aun#h1n4 the #l1#$able featureG ma$1n4 most of results 1nformat1on sear#hable. #h1ffra1 98 January 89:87 9aun#h1n4 new web 1nterfa#e for mob1lesG uses7 5son;web;serv1#eG l1n$7 http788m.alfanous.or48G w1$17 mob1le;web;1nterfa#e :< September 89::7 9aun#h1n4 a new web 1nterfa#e w1th a new des14n based on the 5son;web;serv1#eG the l1n$ 1s7 http788wu1.alfanous.or4 8; July 89::7 9aun#h1n4 5son;web;serv1#e of Alfanous Gth1s serv1#e 1s ava1lable 1n the l1n$7 http788www.alfanous.or485son 9; #arch 89::7A Pympos1um 1n W1yadh N Paud1 Arab1a #alled NITP2011 or Th1rd Nat1onal Informat1on Te#hnolo4y Pympos1um rArab1# an d Islam1# <ontents on the InternetrGthe sear#h paper publ1shed 1n Arab1# w1th the name !IndeRat1on8Pear#h API 1n Yoly iur an0 := January 89:97 9aun#h1n4 the arab1# webN1nterfa#e and reserv1n4 the doma1n alfanous.or4; 8< November 89:97 Vpload1n4 the en4l1sh;1nterfa#e of alfanousNDes$top vers1on 0.Q beta for W1ndows and 91nuR :< October 89:97 A wor$shop 1n Damas#us #alled !.......0Gthe sear#h paper publ1shed 1n Arab1# w1th the name !IndeRat1on8Pear#h API 1n Yoly iur an0 8: July 89:97 Vpload1n4 the arab1#;1nterfa#e of alfanousNDes$top vers1on 0.3 beta for W1ndows 29 September 899< ) ; July 89:97 Eraduat1on pro5e#t for obta1n1n4 PtateN^n41neer de4ree 1n Nat1onal h14her s#hool of #omputer s#1en#e %^PI GeR.INI/ N Al41ers. The pro5e#t was ent1tled Developpement d'un moteur d'indexation et de recherche dans les documents coranique. ontacts If you have a #on#rete bu4 report for Alfanous please 4o to the Issues Tra#$erG subm1t your report and ta4 1t rbu4r. If you want to part1#1pate 1n a#t1vely develop1n4 AlfanousGby test1n4 read th1s Yow to help w1th test1n4s and by #od1n4 read th1s Yow to #ontr1butes. If you want to help 1n Alfanous somehowG read th1s Yow you #an helps. If you have a feature reUuestG a propos1t1on or a Uuest1on for the pro5e#tG you may use the ma1l1n4 l1st or the IW< #hannel. If you want to #r1t1#1]e the pro5e#tG we ll be than$ful 1f you resume your #r1t1#1sm and send 1t to the ma1l1n4 l1st. Authors" $elease" License" +rac*er" #ailinglist" I$ " Authors.rst 0.: "la#$Ptone AEP9 AlfanousNteam8alfanous8Issues alfanoust4oo4le4roups.#om ualfanous t freenode

-ebsite" Alfanous.or4 Feedbac*s" Alfanous <ommun1ty `eedba#$s Accounts" t`a#eboo$ tTw1tter tEoo4lePlus v tPour#efor4e t9aun#hpad `or anyth1n4 elseG you #an #onta#t us v1a the ma1l1n4 l1st7 alfanoust4oo4le4roups.#om. Featured Posts about Alfanous [indonesian] Alfanous, mesin pencari ayat Al- uran masa depanG ahmadb1nhanbalblo4 [Ara!ic] @I+b.* wx+y>. zKy{| }-~ +-| M+| 'B.*G arab#run#h [Ara!ic] @I+b.* wx+y>. |B? }-~ +-| >I +*G on1slam [indonesian] Alfanous " uran #earch $n%ineG musl1h]arthblo4 [Ara!ic] 'B.* h'm. KIK,.* *KA* G $a#emb [Ara!ic] zKy{m.* =x+y.* }->. 'B.* h'| | 'hBL.* l *KAG $a#emb2 [Ara!ic] KIK | }-{. KI+ B| +y 'B.* = KIK lI|&G #h1ffra1 [Ara!ic] @I+b.* wx+y.* = &K.* JB,C* g' *'m.* K | y-{.*G #h1ffra2 [indonesian] Al'anous, (erdepan dalam Penelusuran (e)s dan *nformasi Ayat Al ur+anG fath;mult1med1a [indonesian] Alfanous, Da),ah Al- uran -e,at #earch $n%ineG f1madan1

Call for Contribution

Sou #an help us by7 Ppread1n4 the word `ollow1n4 and shar1n4 our so#1al networ$ pa4es 7 t`a#eboo$ tTw1tter tEoo4lePlus Phar1n4 a l1n$ to our webs1te v1a your a##ounts 1n Po#1al networ$s. Po1nt1n4 s$1lled developers and iuran1# resear#hers to the 1mportan#e of the pro5e#t. Wr1t1n4 art1#les about the pro5e#t 1n blo4sG newspapers. Phow1n4 a banner on your "lo48Webs1te. <reat1n4 an ad for alfanous l1n$s us1n4 Eoo4le adwords or fa#eboo$ 1f you re fam1l1ar w1th that %btwG1t needs money/ 2ana41n4 and An1mat1n4 our so#1al networ$ pa4es w1th news and da1ly posts [Arab1#G ^n4l1sh\7 t`a#eboo$ tTw1tter tEoo4lePlus Translat1n4 pro5e#t 1nterfa#es to your lan4ua4e G we are us1n4 9aun#hpad platform for translat1onG l1n$ here. Test1n4 the modules and releasesG Weport1n4 bu4s G see Yow to report a bu4s and Yow to help by test1n4s . `1R1n4 bu4s G <od1n4 new features or Develop1n4 new 1nterfa#es G Pee7 Yow to <ontr1butes ; . Des14n1n4 I#onsG 9o4oes G "anners. Pa#$a41n4 the pro5e#t for d1fferent systems7 W1ndowsG 91nuR d1str1but1onsG 2a#6s. Donat1n48Pupport1n4 to the pro5e#t7 .e're stuc) loo)in% for possi!le ,ays for donations/'undin%0 Any help is appreciated&

If you are a #oderG and want to part1#1pate 1n a#t1vely develop1n4 Alfanous 7 1. 9earn1n4 E1t 1s essent1alG read about Pet up E1t and you #an also try 1t onl1ne hereT 2. "rowse a m1lestone and #hoose an open 1ssue %or more/ that f1ts your s$1lls. 3. To 4et more 1nformat1on about any 1ssue you #an #onta#t us on ma1l1n4 l1st7 or leave a #omment on the 1ssue. Q. Ptart w1th for$1n4 the repos1tory and prepar1n4 your development env1ronmentG see Yow to prepare your development env1ronment to #ontr1butes. 5. Prepare your #han4esG test them and then ma$e a pull reUuest to alfanousNteam when you th1n$ your #ode 1s ready. c. The pro5e#t 1s not well do#umented but you may f1nd helpful 1nformat1on 1n Weadme f1les7 Appl1#at1on Pro4ramm1n4 Interfa#e X <onsole Interfa#e OP6N output system Des$top Interfa#e D5an4o appl1#at1on

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