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Drama Mock Exam Script Judge: Imogen Martin1: Jak Martin2: Guy Mum: Imogen Reynolds: Katie Katie:

Katie Scene 1 !ourtroom In a court room. Mr Kender sits on a chair beside the judge who is standing on a block. The other Mr Kender is strolling around. Judge: Does your client plead innocent or guilty" Martin2: Do you like t#e t#eatre" Judge: It is me $#o asks t#e %uestions& Martin1'2: (#y" Judge: I do not make t#e rules& )lease ans$er my %uestion&&& Martin2: (interrupting) )lease ans$er my %estion* Judge: +et,s look at $#at Mr Kender is accused o- again& (Rifles through some papers). Mr Kender. it says #ere you #a/e 0rutally murdered o/er 11 people& 2#e 0odies #a/e not 0een identi-ied 0ecause t#ere -aces #a/e 0een sliced o--& 3o$ tell me. does t#e name 2#omas 4arrington mean anyt#ing to you" (creepy smile) 2#omas: I,d stayed late at t#e t#eatre. to re#earse my monologue& It $as a0out #al- 11. I #ad to lock up so I made my $ay to t#e -ront o- t#e stage and I #eard a noise 0e#ind me. so I turned around and t#en it #appened& (Thomas falls back caught by !uy and "ak. Then gets put back up again.) I died t#at nig#t. and I still don,t kno$ $#y& (resume court room positions) Judge: (ell" 2#omas 4arrington. died at #is place o- $ork on t#e 11t# o- 3o/em0er. at approximately 11pm& 5nyt#ing" (pause) Do you li/e alone Mr Kender" Martin1: 6es. 0ut t#ere,s al$ays someone to talk to& Scene 2 7 5t #ome Martin2: (#ere s#all $e go next" (e,/e got 8ust a -e$ days until King +ear opens at 2#e 3e$ 9ictoria 2#eatre& )icture it: (gesturing a newspaper headline) ,2ragedy cancelled due to tragic deat#&, (e could try t#e glo0e" Martin1: too pu0lic. too soon

Martin2: ;r t#ere,s ,1<=>, at t#e 4ilton t#eatre" Martin1: a comedy Martin2: comedy o- errors" ;pens on (ednesday at 2#e !rescent 2#eatre& I- $e get ready no$ $e mig#t 8ust #a/e enoug# time& Martin1: (nods) yea# (abstract mo#ement piece with kni#es) Scene ? Mum Martin1: 4ello" Mum: 6ou,re 21 minutes late& (#ere are you" Martin1: 21 minutes late" @or $#at&&&o# yea#. sorry mum& I,ll 0e t#ere in 11 minutes& Mum: 4urry up* (Martin knocks on the door) Mum: (#ere #a/e you 0een" Martin1: I,/e 0een 0usy Mum: doing $#at" Martin1: (orking Mum: ;n a sunday" Martin1: I got anot#er 8o0. t#ings #a/e 0een a 0it tig#t $it# money& Mum: (#y didn,t you tell me I could #a/e #elped you* Martin1: 4o$" (pause) Exactly& Don,t $orry a0out it. $it# t#e extra 8o0 I,m -ine& Mum: (#ere is t#e 8o0" Martin1: Er. 8ust a ca-e. on my road& Mum: It can,t 0e a /ery good ca-e i- you didn,t need any %uali-ications to get a 8o0 t#ere& Martin1: 2#anks mum& Mum: Is t#e pay good" Martin1: I don,t kno$. #a/en,t #ad a pay c#e%ue yet& (awkward silence)

Mum: 6ou,re lying to me& (#y are you lying a0out t#is 8o0" Martin: I,m not lying. let me do t#at& It,s none o- your 0usiness any$ay& Mum: It is my 0usiness I,m your mot#er& Martin: So" 2#at doesn,t mean I #a/e to tell you e/eryt#ing& Mum: Aut you ne/er tell me anyt#ing any more* 6ou #a/en,t called all t#is $eek and t#en you,re late to dinner& (#at,s going on" Martin: 3ot#ing* Mum: Stop lying to me* 6ou kno$ I despise liars* Martin: 6es. I do kno$& It,s all you e/er go on a0out& Mum: Aecause I $ant to protect you -rom t#em& 6our -at#er $as a liar and I can tell t#ere is some o- #im in you& Martin: I,m not like #im& Mum: (ell #o$ am I meant to kno$ $#at you,re like" ;ne moment you,re #appy and $ant to talk 0ut t#e next it,s&&&it,s like I don,t e/en kno$ you* Martin: (ell may0e you don,t& Scene > 7 2#erapist Judge: Mr Kender I $ould like -or you to see a #ig#ly reno$ned t#erapist& 6ou $ill see doctor Reynolds on 2uesday morning& (Therapist$s room. Therapist sits on the block opposite "ak and !uy. "ak stands in front of !uy after e#ery line they swap places.) Reynolds: !ould you descri0e yoursel- in t#ree $ords" Jak: no. I can,t Guy: cle/er. untouc#a0le and 8ustice Reynolds: 6ou descri0e yoursel- as 8ustice" Jak: and #atred Reynolds: !ould you explain t#at -urt#er" Guy: I 0ring 8ustice. I kno$ $#at,s rig#t Jak: I,m -ull o- #atred& I #ate liars& Reynolds: I see. all o- your /ictims $ere actors or actresses&

Jak: liars Reynolds: is t#at $#y you killed t#em" Aecause you t#ink t#ey,re liars" Guy: (M%&%'%!()) Reynolds: 2ell me a0out your relations#ip $it# your last /ictim& Jak: S#e ended it& Reynolds: is t#at $#y you $anted to kill #er" Guy: 3o I $anted to kill #er 0ecause s#e lied (*oth standing on opposite sides of the stage) Katie: (to audience) I didnBt mean -or it to last t#is long& It sounds 0ad 0ut I #ad no money and #e turned up $it# #is -las#y car and expensi/e suit and #e $as so c#arming $#en $e -irst met& 3o$ #e canBt a--ord a car. ne/er 0uys me anyt#ing and is #ardly e/er #ome& 2#ere $as no point 0eing in t#e relations#ip anymore& Guy: s#e ended it Katie: I ended it Guy: (to audience) S#e $anted my money and t#at $as it& (#en s#e -ound out I didnBt #a/e any s#e 8ust $alked out& 5t -irst I didnBt let #er go. locked #er in t#e 0edroom& Aut s#e t#reatened to call t#e police. so I $aited until s#e came 0ack to collect #er t#ings& I told #er IBd packed it into 0oxes and it $as all in t#e 0asement& Katie: I sa$ t#ings IBll ne/er -orget do$n t#ere. t#e lig#t $as dim 0ut I could make out t#e outline o- a pile o- 0odies& I $as screaming& I couldnBt 0elie/e $#at I sa$ 0ut it $as t#ere and I kne$ I $as going to 0e next& Guy: I le-t #er do$n t#ere -or a $#ile. until s#e stopped screaming& 2#en I unlocked t#e door& (The scene transforms to the basement. Katie when seeing !uy cowers further into the corner of the room.) Guy: 6ouBre 8ust like t#em& (he gestures towards a corner of the stage) I killed t#em 0ecause t#eyBre liars. -akes and p#onies 8ust like you& Katie: let me go* Guy: I can,t& It,s too late. it,s gone too -ar to turn 0ack& Katie: I promise I $on,t turn you in i- you let me go no$* Guy: S#o$ me a liar. and I $ill s#o$ you a t#ie-& I s#all steal your li-e -rom you. like you stole t#e trut# -rom me& Katie: Don,t do t#is to me. please& I,m sorry. I,m sorry I lied to you*

(!uy starts walking towards Katie he holds a knife up. "ak enters and stands behind !uy) Jak: S#ould $e really do t#is" It,s too muc# to co/er up& Guy: (e #a/e to& S#e kno$s so muc#& Jak: S#e doesn,t kno$ a0out me& Guy: (e,re t#e same person& I- $e do t#is. $e do it no$& (e can,t $ait any longer& Jak: (e can& (e can keep #er do$n #ere until $e kno$ exactly #o$ to co/er it up& 2#e deat# o- a girl-riend is too di--icult& (+s !uy turns round to the front to consider what "ak is saying. Katie takes the knife and runs to the other side of the stage.) Katie: I- you take a step t#en t#is $ill go inside you& (Katie is shaking. "ak and !uy are looking at each other worried. Katie drops the knife and runs off stage. !uy goes past "ak to get to her but "ak holds him back.) (*ack in the therapists room) Reynolds: Do you e/er talk to yoursel- Mr Kender" Guy: I talk to t#e ot#er me& Reynolds: t#ere is anot#er you" Jak: 4e,s di--erent& !on-ident& 4e scares me sometimes& Guy: 4e,s %uiet. a silent genius I suppose& Reynolds: $as t#is $#ole t#ing #is idea or yours" Jak and Guy: it $as mine Reynolds: I t#ink t#e 0est t#ing -or you rig#t no$ is electro t#erapy& (e need to get rid o- t#e second Martin Kender& (Imogen and Katie prepare "ak and !uy for electro,therapy when it is about to start there is a blackout.) Scene C 7 )rison (Imogen and !uy sit opposite each other) Imogen: #o$ is it" Guy: Aeara0le Imogen: and t#e treatment"

Guy: 2#e electro t#erapy" Dn0eara0le& Imogen: 4as&&&#as #e gone" Guy: (looks away) It,s #ard to tell& 6ou could 0e speaking to #im rig#t no$ Imogen: (leans towards him) Don,t say t#at& (a bell rings off stage) Imogen: I #a/e to go& Ring me $#en you #a/e a c#ance& I lo/e you and I,m sorry& I -eel like t#is is all my -ault& Guy: Don,t 0e sorry& ("ak takes a step forward so he can be seen.) Guy and Jak: Good0ye& ()lectro,therapy abstract mo#ement piece) The End

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