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Chapter 1: Transport The important of having a transport system - transport system is needed for a.

the distribution of ____________ and ____________________ b. the removal of _________________ such as ____________, ______________ Transport system in unicellular organisms Eg- Amoeba sp. - transportation is done through _______________________; simple diffusion is ______________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ - this is because Amoeba sp. have a very big __________________________________ (TSA !"

'imension Total surface area !olume ,atio of TSA ! (onclusion -ote

(ube of ) cm

(ube of * cm

(ube of + cm

.ther than the ___________, the ___________also affects the TSA !

Transport system in multicellular organisms - simple diffusion cannot supply all _____________ and ______________ needed as #ell as the removal of _______________________ in multicellular organisms due to their ____________ - multicellular organisms have the _____________________________ to transport and remove substances throughout the body The circulatory system - the functions$ a. transports _____________ to cells b. transports _____________ to cells c. removes _________________________ d. protects the body against __________________ e. blood _____________ f. transports _________________ - three ma%or components of the circulatory system are the ________________, the ________________ and the _______________________ The blood - blood is a ________________ tissue made up of _____________, suspended in a matri& called ________ . - in arthropods, the medium is __________________that fills the entire body cavity called ___________________ - in other animals, blood flo#s through blood vessels ( ________________, ______________, __________________ " and is pump by the ______________

/lood Transports ______________, ____________ and _________________

0aemolymph Transports ________________, ___________________, ________________ but does not transport __________________________

The composition of human blood

The composition of plasma

The cellular components - consists of the red blood cells (______________________", the #hite blood cells (______________________" and the _________________ Erythrocytes - ____________________________ shaped to increase the ______________. - do not have a ________________ to carry more _________________. - 'o not have mitochondria to _________________ . - about _____________ in diameter, #hich is small and thus increase ______________ and %ust able to move through the blood ______________ - lifespan 1 about ____________ days, after #hich they are destroyed in the __________ and the _______________ - manufactured in the ___________________

Leucocytes - larger than the _______________ - forms less than _________ of the blood volume - can s2uee3es through pores in capillaries Platelets - cell fragments from ___________________ - no _______________ - important in _______________________ mechanism Human blood vessels - three types of blood vessels; the ________________, the ______________ and the _________________ artery arteriole capillary venule vein 0EA,T artery

capillaries are the site #here e&change of substances, such as ____________, ____________ and ____________ occurs capillaries 4lasma fluid and interstitial fluid ____________________ veins Transport blood ___________ from the heart Transport __________________ blood e&cept ________________ _________________ #all Thinner #alls and _________ muscular compared to arteries Transport blood under ________ 4ressure ___________________ 6umen _________ 4ulsation __________ Semi lunar valves ____________ -erve supply ______________

arteries Transport blood ___________ from the heart Transport __________________ blood e&cept ________________ Thic5 #alls consists of _________ __________ and connective tissue Transport blood under ________ pressure 6umen ____________ 4ulsation can be felt in _________ arteries Semi lunar valves ____________ -erve supply ______________ The human heart Structure and function - si3e of one7s closed __________ - contains ____________ chambers

___________________ blood from the body enters the ____________________ via _______________; ___________________ blood from the lungs enter the _____________________ via _______________ As the blood fills the ___________, the artria _____________ and push the blood into the t#o ___________________ through ______________ at te left chambers and ______________ at the right chambers 8hen the ventricles are filled, they begin to _____________. The ________________ and _____________ valves are closed and the blood is pushed out through the ____________________ valves. 'eo&ygenated blood is pumped to the __________ through ____________; o&ygenated blood is pumped to the rest of the body through the _______________ 6eft ventricle have thic5er #all because it has to pump blood to _______________________________ e&cept ____________ The closing of ____________________ and __________________ valves produce 9lubb7 sound and the closing of the ____________________ valves produce 9dubb7 sound The _________________ stage of ventricles to pump blood out of the heart is called ______________ stage and the ______________________ stage of ventricles to allo# blood flo# bac5 to the chambers is called _______________ stage :n a complete circulation, the blood flo# through _______ separate __________________; this is called ___________ ____________________ system and the blood flo#s through the heart _____________ in a complete circulation

The pumping of the heart - the heart is made up of _____________ muscle #hich are interconnected and _____________ (contracts and rela&es #ithout _______________ from __________________ system".

the contraction of the heart is __________________ and __________________ by ______________. There are t#o pacema5ers a. _____________________ (SA" node _________________ pacema5er 6ocated at the #all of the _____________ artrium ;enerates ________________ impulses b. _____________________ (A!" node located at the ______________ of the ___________ artrium connected to the _______________________________, ________________________ and ___________________________ SA node generates _________________ impulses, send it to ________ node, then to _____________________________, ______________________________ and _____________________ and finally apes of the heart and #alls of ____________________ The pacema5er is regulated by a. __________________________________ - to ___________________ or ____________________ b. __________________________________ - to ___________________ c. __________________________________ - to ___________________ the pacema5er the blood in the arteries is propelled for#ard by the pressure from the ________________ of the __________________________but in veins, the blood flo#s for#ard #ith the help of a. ________________ lumen hence ____________ resistance b. ____________________ valves to prevent ________________ c. ____________________ of the ________________ muscles the heart rate is refers to the _______________ per minute.

Regulation of blood pressure - blood e&erts pressure against the #alls of the blood vessel and the pressure is called __________________; this force that drives blood through the _____________ and the ______________. - blood pressure is the ___________ in the aorta and large arteries, during the contraction of _____________ #hen blood is pumped out of the aorta and pulmonary artery. - a healthy adult #ill have a blood pressure of ______________ mm 0g at _______. The upper figure, )*< refers to the (________________" pressure #hile the lo#er figure, =< refers to the ! " pressure. - blood pressure is regulated by a mechanism. or ______________ receptors located in the and arteries in the nec5 that supply blood to the brain called ________________ arteries# detect blood pressure flo#ing through them. They send ____________ continuously to the ______________________ in the ______________________ to help regulate blood pressure.

-ormal blood pressure

-ormal blood pressure

-egative feedbac5 mechanism #hen blood pressure of an individual ______________, _______________ is stimulated and send impulses to the ____________________ at a faster rate. :n response, the cardiovascular centre sends nerve impulses to the heart that results in a ____________ cardiac muscle contraction, and at the same time, the smooth muscles of the arteries #ill _____________ and this ________________ the blood vessels and ____________the resistance of blood flo#. The #idening of blood vessels is 5no#n as $ The #ea5er cardiac muscle contraction and lo#er resistance of blood flo# in the blood vessels ___________________________________. .n the other hand, #hen blood pressure of an individual ______________, baroreceptors is less stimulated and send ____________ to the ____________________ at a _________ rate. :n response, the cardiovascular centre sends nerve impulses to the heart that results in a ____________ cardiac muscle contraction, and at the same time, the smooth muscles of the arteries #ill _____________ and this ________________ the blood vessels and ____________the resistance of blood flo#. The narro#ing of blood vessels is 5no#n as $ The #ea5er cardiac muscle contraction and lo#er resistance of blood flo# in the blood vessels ___________________________________. The mechanism involved is called ________________________________.

The circulatory system in humans# fish and amphibians The circulatory system in humans have confined in the circulatory system% blood circulatory system#% blood flo&s in t&o separate circulation# the and the circulation% in a complete circulation# blood flo&s through the heart The blood is completely separated from the blood by Have a chambered heart &ith atria and ventricles$

The circulatory system in amphibians have they have have confined in the chambered heart that consist of and septum circulatory system% blood

circulatory system#% blood flo&s in t&o separate circulation# the and the circulation% the e'change of respiratory gases occurs in the and the The blood is mi'ed &ith the blood due to septum

The circulatory system in fish -

Have chambered heart% atrium and ventricle$ blood leaving the &ill travel to the capillaries &here occurs in a complete circulation# blood flo&s through the heart and that is (no&n as circulatory system have circulatory system% blood confined in the

The circulatory system in insects they have circulatory system because does not confined in but fills up the entire body called ) flo&s out from the hearts into the &hen the hearts and bac( into the hearts &hen the hearts

*ra& figure 1$1+ pgs 1, te't boo(

The -echanism of .lood Clotting - blood clotting is necessary for a. prevent serious __________________ b. prevent entry of ______________________ and ____________________ c. maintain _____________________________ d. maintain closed ____________________________ - #hen the damage of the blood vessel is small; the ___________________ in the vessel #all is e&posed to blood. 4latelets stic5 rapidly to the ______________________ in the connective tissue and release chemicals that ma5e nearby ______________ stic5y. The _____________ of platelets forms a __________ called a $ A platelet plug can stop blood loss completely. - #hen the damage of the blood vessel is severe; the _________________, the _______________ and _______________________ in the plasma form ________________ called __________________. These thromboplastins or thrombo5inase , together #ith the help of _____________ and_____________, convert # an inactive plasma protein to _______________, an active plasma protein. Thrombin in turn catalyses soluble protein ____________________ into the insoluble _____________. >ibrin forms a ____________ over the #ound trapping red blood cells and sealing the #ound. The resulting clot hardens on e&posure to air to form a ____________.

blood has ________________ such as ___________ circulating in the bloodstream to prevent blood clotting in an intact blood vessels. if the blood clotting mechanism is impaired in a person, there are fe# conse2uences$ a. ____________________ - an inherited disease #here blood __________to clot even from minor cuts and bruises; may e&perience ___________ bleeding and spontaneous ______________ bleeding. b. _____________________ - due to _________ in the vessel #alls or blood that flo#s too ____________, clotting factors initiate a ________ inside an unbro5en blood vessel. The clot is called _____________. :f the clot ____________ and travel in the blood stream, is no# called an _____________. :f the embolus bloc5s an blood vessel in the heart, it causes ______________ or _________________. :f the embolus bloc5s an blood vessel in the brain, it causes _____________ because of an inade2uate supply of __________to that area.

The Lymphatic system /ormation and composition of interstitial fluid blood that enters the arterial end is under high _______________ pressure. The pressure drives blood ____________ to lea5 continuously from the __________ into the spaces bet#een the body cells. This fluid is no# 5no#n as __________________, &hich is important as the medium for the e&change of _____________, __________ and __________________ bet#een blood capillaries and cells occurs.

bigger substances such as _____________, _____________, ________________ such as ________________, ______________ and _______________are unable to pass through the #all of blood capillaries. 0o#ever, leucocytes can __________ through the openings bet#een capillary cells. /lood plasma at the venous end has high _______________ pressure. :t is ______________ as compared to the surrounding interstitial fluid. As a result, __________, ________________ and _______________ flo# bac5 into the capillary. ____________ of the fluid that leaves the blood at the arterial end of the capillary re-enters at the venous end. ____________ of the fluid that still remains in the interstitial fluid returns to the blood through a net#or5 of vessels 5no#n as ___________________.

The structure of the lymphatic system - The lymphatic system collects __________ interstitial fluid from ___________ bet#een body cells and returns it to the __________________________. - The lymphatic system consists of __________________, __________________, ____________________, the thymus and spleen - The _______________ are blind-ended tubes located in the spaces bet#een _______________. - E&cess ___________________ drains into these _____________ capillaries. The collected fluid is 5no#n as ______________# a transparent yello#ish fluid. - 6ocated at intervals along the lymphatic ___________ are _____________________ that produce and store __________________. - >rom the lymphatic vessels, lymph eventually passes into a. ___________________ - from the left of the _________, _________ and ____________, the left ________________ and the entire body belo# the _________. b. ___________________ - from the _________ arm, ______________ area and the ________ side of the head and nec5. - the thoracic duct empties its lymph into the _______________________ and the right lymphatic duct empties its lymph into the ______________________$ 0ence, lymph drains bac5 into the blood circulatory system. - the lymph around through the lymphatic vessels #ith the help of a. _________________________ in the lymphatic vessels b. __________________ contraction c. __________________ movements d. 4ressure changes during _______________ and _______________. The role of the lymphatic system in transport - #ater, nutrients and other molecules continuously lea5 out of blood capillaries into the surrounding body tissues and that allo# ___________________. a. The lymphatic system helps to maintain the ____________ of ____________ in the body. b. if e&cess fluid is not return to the ___________________________ system, the body tissues #ill become ________________, result in a condition called _______________. ____________ may be caused by a bloc5ed lymphatic vessel. c. The lymph from ______________ carries ___________ and ____________________ to the blood stream. d. 6ymphatic system also help in the body _________________ Comparing the composition of blood, interstitial fluid and the lymph Similarity 'ifferences /lood Erythrocytes 6eucocytes 4latelets :nterstitial fluid 6ymph

6ipids fat globules 4lasma protein

The role of the circulatory system in the body0s defence mechanism - 4athogens are microorganisms that cause _________________. E&amples of microorganisms are _____________, ________________, ________________ and _________________ - The body have several lines of defence against pathogens, they are$ a. the _________________ line of defence b. the _________________ line of defence c. the _________________ line of defence The first line of defence - consists of ______________ and ______________ barriers that prevent pathogens from entering the body including$ a. the s5in; the __________ layer is tough and __________________, the ________is a type of ___________ barrier that form a protective film over s5in, the ______________ contain ______________that can brea5 do#n the cell #alls of certain bacteria. The ____________ layer is formed by ___________ membrane that lines the _______________, the _________________ and __________________ tracts. The mucus contains __________. b. The ____________; trap and filter ______________, ___________ and ________________ c. ________________; contain _____________ d. ________________; contain _____________ e. ____________________ in the stomach destroys most microorganisms that come #ith the food. The second line of defence - pathogens that are still able to gain entry into our body #ill face our __________ line of defence. The second line of defence is to prevent or ____________ any invasion by pathogens. They are the phagocytotic #hite blood cells or ______________ that perform ______________. >or e&amples the ______________ in the blood and the _________________ (developed ____________" in the interstitial fluid. - 4gs *?; engulf, ingest, digest and egest

The third line of defence - if the pathogens manage to overcome the second line of defence, the ___________ line of defence #ill be activated. - The third line of defence is the __________________ system. The immune system is a __________ or ________________ defence. :t recognises _______________ _______________ and defends the body against them. - Antigens are ______________ ________________ that enter our body. Antigens are normally found on the ___________ surface of an ____________ microorganism. - The antigens induce the _______________ to release ______________ into the bloodstream to destroy a particular antigen. - Antibodies are ______________ found on the surface of _____________, or ____________ released by _________________ into the blood plasma. - They are fe# mechanisms used by _____________ in an immune response$ a. ______________________ - by _________________. Agglutinins are antibodies that can clump ________________ ________________ together

b. ______________________ -by _____________. The antito&ins _______________ the to&ins produced by bacteria by binding to the to&in. This prevents the to&in from attaching to cells and causing damage. c. ______________________ - by _____________. .psonins are antibodies that bind #ith ___________ to act as _____________ so that ______________ can recognise the antigens and destroy them. d. ______________ - by ______________. 6ysins are antibodies that bind to antigens and cause the antigens to ________ or __________________. 8hen a person has an infection, pathogens and #hite blood cells collect in great numbers in the _______________. The lymph nodes contain _________________ that destroy bacteria, dead tissue, and other foreign substances. They also contain _________________ that produce ________________.

The various types of immunity - There are t#o types of immunity$ ____________ immunity and _______________ immunity - Active immunity means the body ______________________________ in response to stimulation by an antigen. - 4assive immunity means the body _____________________ from an outside source. - /oth types of immunity may develop either _________________ or ___________________.

8hen a person is e&posed to ____________, the immune system #ill produce _____________ in response to the antigens. .nce the person recovers from the infection, he #ill be immune if e&posed to the _____________ again. diseases such as measles are can cause serious illness or death #hen the person is e&posed to the ______________ for the first time. :n order to protect a person from getting this disease, the person can be ________________ against the disease through ________________. The process is called ______________________. A vaccine is a preparation of ____________, __________ or _____________ forms of a pathogen. 8hen the vaccine is in %ected into the body, it #ill a ctivate the body to p rodu ce ____________. Since the pathogen is modified or #ea5ened, an individual gets mild or no symptoms of the disease. The body ac2uires ______________by vaccination. for certain diseases, ________________ doses of the vaccine are to be given periodically. The first dose usually results in the production of a ______ level of antibody concentration #hich is not


sufficient to protect a person against the disease. The booster dose is necessary to increase antibody production to a level of ________________ that _____________the person against the disease. #hen a foetus is still in the uterus, maternal antibodies cross the ______________ to the foetal bloodstream. They protect the baby during the first fe# months after birth. The immunity is naturally ac2uired, it is called _________________________________ immunity. /abies can also ac2uire passive immunity from antibodies found in the mother@s ______________ or _______________ during breastfeeding. serum #hich contains _________________, also 5no#n as _________________, obtained from donors, can be in%ected into a person #ho needs antibodies before he travels to a country in #hich a disease is #idespread. These antibodies ______________ protect the person in the event of e&posure to the ______________ that causes the disease. This type of immunity is 5no#n as _____________________ immunity. Artificially ac2uired passive immunity offers ______________ but ______________protection. :n contrast, active immunity does not offer ______________ immunity against a disease. There is a time lag bet#een infection and a full immune response because the body needs time to ma5e its o#n _____________________ against a particular antigen, but it is usually _________________

>igure above sho#s a comparison of the concentration of antibodies produced during the first and second vaccinations.

>igure above sho#s a comparison of the concentration of antibodies bet#een active and passive immunity.

12*S (_____________________________" - caused by ____________________________ (0:!" that attac5s the __________ system. The progressive destruction of the immune system cells. The virus reproduces inside the ________________ and 5ills them in the process. Eventually, the immune system ______________ and the victim usually dies of _____________ infections. - 0:! enters the body through the transfer of body fluids such as ___________ and _____________, or across the placenta. E&amples a. sharing of _______________________ needle b. transfusion of __________________ blood c. unprotected ________________ activities that cause e&change of ___________ d. from ___________ mothers during child birth. - to date, there is no ______________ against 0:! although certain drugs may stop the disease from progressing. 1ppreciating a healthy Cardiovascular System - (old _____________ as #ell as __________________ are e&amples of circulatory problems, more severe problems or diseases that are lin5ed to cardiovascular system are __________________, ______________ ________________ and ____________. a. arteriosclerosis 1 disorders that cause _____________ and loss of ______________of artery #alls b. atherosclerosis - _________ deposits build up in the inner #alls of the artery #alls causing ___________ of the __________ of the blood vessels; most common type of arteriosclerosis. c. Thrombosis 1 #hen a blood clot or ____________ forms in an __________ blood vessel, causing _______________ or even ____________ to the blood flo#. d. Embolism - _____________ of an artery by a _____________ of blood clot ____________ in the bloodstream. - cardiovascular disease can be attributed to _______ factors, diet, that is a diet high in __________ and lo# in ____________, lac5 of ____________, ______________, ________, _________, high


___________ level, deficiencies in ________________ vitamins and minerals. The transport of substances in plants The vascular tissue in stem# root and leaf - Transport in plants is provided by the ______________ tissues. There are t#o types of vascular tissues$ a. ________ - transports _________ and ______________________ absorbed in the _______, up the _________ and to the ____________ as #ell as provide _____________ support to the plant. b. _________ - transports _________________ from the leaves to the ___________ organs and the __________ regions such as the buds. - :n dicotyledenous (dicot" plants; a. the stem - the vascular tissues in the stem are grouped together to form ________________arranged in a ring around the _________. :n each bundle, the &ylem is found to#ards the ________ of the stem, #hile the phloem is found to#ards the ___________. A tissue called the _______________ is found bet#een them and the cambium cells divide ____________ resulting in an _____________ in the radius of the stem. b. the root 1 the outermost layer is the ______________. Specialised epidermal cells gro# out#ards to form _____________ to increase the _______________ for ____________ absorption. The region ne&t to the epidermis is called the ___________ that is made up of __________________ cells. 6ocated immediately after the corte& is a single layer of cells called the _____________. :nside the endodermis is the ____________. The pericycle consists of __________________ tissue #hich provides _________________ for the root. :n the roots, the vascular tissues are located in the vascular _______________. The vascular cylinder consists of the __________________ and the _________________. The vascular tissues of roots are continuous #ith the vascular tissues of stems. The &ylem radiates from the ____________ of the vascular cylinder, forming a ________shape, #hile the phloem fills the area _____________the &ylem. - :n monocotyledonous (monocot" plants; a. the stem - the vascular bundles are _____________ throughout the stem b. the root - the vascular ___________ has a central core called the ________. The pith contains _________________ cells. The vascular tissues form a ring around the pith, #ith the ____________ alternate #ith the __________ tissue. - the leaf consists of a broad portion called the _________ #hich is held by the ____________. :nside the petiole are the ____________ tissues. The leaf blade contains leaf ___________. ___________ tissues are found in the leaf veins. The _____________ forms the upper part #hile the __________ forms the lo#er part of the vascular bundle. The structure of 'ylem in relation to transport - contains four types of cells; a. the _____________ c. the _____________ b. the _____________ d. the _____________ - Elongated cells are arranged end to end. The end #alls brea5 do#n in _______ that allo# #ater to pass from cell to cell. - The end #alls of &ylem vessels are _________ so t h a t t h e c e l l s % o i n e n d t o e n d t o f o r m a con tinuous _________ tube. The cell #alls are thic5ened #ith __________ for ___________ support. - Tracheids are __________, ___________ at the ends and have a smaller _____________ compared to &ylem vessels. - 'uring development, the #alls of &ylem vessels and tracheids are thic5ened #ith ____________ deposits, ma5ing them _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a n d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . A a t u re &y le m ve s se l s a n d tracheids are ____________ and ___________. The #alls of &ylem vessels and tracheids are perforated by a series of holes called ________ #hich allo# __________and ____________ to pass side#ays bet#een the cells. - ______________ and ___________ are #ater- conducting cells. They are ____________ cells - The function of the parenchyma is to store _________ substances #hile the function of the ___________ is to provide support. The structure of phloem in relation to transport


contains four types of cells; a. the _____________ c. the _____________ b. the _____________ d. the _____________ ___________ substances are transported along the _______________. The sieve tube is a _______________ column of long cells arranged _______________.The sieve tube is a _______ cell, #hich has no __________ and its cytoplasm is adapted to flo# from _______ to ______ continuously. The end #alls of each cell are perforated by _________ to form ______________ that allo#s the ___________ to pass through. Each sieve tube cell is supported in their function by one or more ______________. A companion cell is a normal cell #ith a ___________ and a large number of ______________, indicating that it is very active _________________. The function of the parenchyma is to store __________ substances #hile the function of the fibres is to provide ______________. _______________ can be ca r r i e d o u t o n a p l a n t t o se e t h e e f f e c t o f removing ____________ tissue from a plant.

Transport of organic substances in plants - Transport of organic substances in plant is 5no#n as _____________________. - :n the ringing e&periment, the removal of _____________ interrupts the do#n#ard movement of ______________ substances (mainly ___________, ____________, and other metabolites". The _______________ of these ______________ substances causes ____________ to occur %ust above the ring. - The transport of dissolved organic solutes in the phloem is called _________________. - Translocation is important because a plant@s survival depends on the transport of ____________ substances from the ______________ to the ___________ organs and the __________ region. Transport of &ater in plants Transpiration and its importance - Transpiration is the ________ of ___________________ from a plant due to _____________. - About )B of #ater absorbed is used by plants cells for ______________ and for ____________ and CCB evaporates from the leaves and is lost to the atmosphere through _____________. - about C<B of transpiration ta5es place through the ___________ and _______________. - Transpiration is important in the ___________ and ________________ of #ater and mineral ions from the roots to the leaves, to prevent ____________ of the plant and produces a _____________ effect on hot and sunny days. - The continuous stream of flo#ing #ater from the roots to the leaves is called the ________________. #ater is absorbed by the roots from the soil then is transported through the &ylem vessels to the _____________ cells of the leaves. ________ from the Sun causes #ater on the e&ternal surface of the ______________ cells to __________, thus saturating the ___________ in the mesophyll #ith ___________. - .utside the stomata, the air in the atmosphere is drier. This means the concentration of #ater vapour in the atmosphere is ____________ than the concentration of #ater vapour in the _____________. 0ence, #ater vapour _____________ from the plant cells to the atmosphere through the ___________ - The loss of #ater from a mesophyll cell ma5es the cell ____________ as compared to an ____________ cell. 8ater from the ad%acent cell ___________ into mesophyll cells by _______________. - :n the same #ay, #ater continues to diffuse into _______________ cells from _______________ cells. - Eventually, #ater is dra#n from the _____________ vessels in the ____________. - A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f o r c e i s t h u s created for pulling #ater up the ____________ vessels due to the _______________ of #ater from the ______________ cells. - The force is 5no#n as the ________________ _______. The e'ternal conditions that affect the rate of transpiration ________________, ______________, ___________________ and ____________ are four e&ternal conditions that affect the rate of transpiration. The rate of transpiration is _____________ by an ________________in temperature, light intensity, #ind speed and a ______________ in humidity. The movement of &ater from the soil to the leaves


-ovement of &ater through the roots - Soil particles are usually covered by a thin film of ___________, 5no#n as ______ _______. - The cytoplasm of root hair cells are ____________ as compared to the surrounding soil #ater. This means that root cells have a ____________ concentration of _____________ than the #ater in the surrounding soil. - 8ater diffuses from the _________ to the root cell via ___________. - The cell becomes ________________ compared to ____________ cells. 8ater then ______________ into the ad%acent cell via ____________. - :n this #ay, #ater moves in#ards to the ____________. - 8ater flo#s through the ______________, _____________ and ______________ of the _____________ cells in the corte& until it reaches the _______________. - At the endodermis, the #ater moves through the ______________ and ___________ of the endodermal cells but not the ____________ due to the ____________________ #hich line its sides because the _______________ is impermeable to _____________. - The ____________ of #ater concentration that e&ists across the corte& creates a ____________ force that results in the __________ of #ater into the _____________ vessels. At the same time, ________ from the soil are _________ secreted into the &ylem and this causes ____________ pressure in the &ylem to __________. (onse2uently, #ater flo# ______________ into the &ylem. - This generates pressure 5no#n as _______________. - ,oot pressure results in the _______________ of #ater and mineral ions into the &ylem of the stem. - :n small plants, root pressure can push #ater all the #ay up the stem and out of special pores called _______________ at the edges of leaves. This process is called ____________. - ,oot pressure is ______________ to overcome the force of ___________ for #ater to moves up#ards to the height of most trees. :n addition, root pressure moves #ater too _____________. -ovement of &ater through the stem - The continuous ____________ movement of #ater through the &ylem vessels in the stems can be e&plained by the __________ and ________________ properties of the #ater molecules. - Dylem vessels are _________, ____________ and ____________tubes and p rovide a continuous __________________ from the _________, through the ________ and to the ___________. - The narro# __________ of the &yle m vessels in crease the forces gene rated by ________. - (apillarity is the __________ and _______________ forces #hich enables the li2uid to enter and move along very narro# spaces. (apillarity is also 5no#n as ______________. - 8ater molecules adhere to one another by ___________ forces. They adhere to the #alls of the &ylem vessels by _____________ forces. - The cohesion and adhesion of #ater molecules are due to ___________ bonding. - (apillary action ma5es a small contribution to the _____________ movement of #ater. -ovement of &ater from the leaves to the atmosphere - 'ue to the process of _______________ pull. - Transpiration in the leaves is the _______ driving force for the movement of #ater from the soil up the stem. - The __________ of #ater molecules from the surface of ____________cells replaces the _________________ that is lost from the leaf@s _____________. - The loss of #ater creates a tension or _________________ in the leaves. The regulation of transpiration by the stomata - :n the lo#er epidermis of a _______________ leaf, small _________ called __________ present and each stoma is surrounded by t#o ________________. - The t#o guard cells regulate inta5e of_________________ and ____________ by opening and closing the stoma. - : f t h e p l a n t i s t o o b t a i n s u f f i c i e n t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f o r photosynthesis, it is necessary that the stomata are _________. 0o#ever, #hen the stomata are open, _________ can be lost through these stomata through ____________. (losing the stomata stops _____________ and but prevents _____________ from entering the leaf. - To balance the need for _____________ and at the same time to prevent the ___________loss of __________, a plant usually o pe n s it s sto ma t a in re spo n se t o a . a n in cre a se in _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __


b. a d e c r e a s e in the levels of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the air spaces of the leaf. :n general, stomata are open during the ________ and closed at ____________ 'uring the day, light stimulates _____________ in the __________ cells. The guard cells start producing ______________. This ma5es energy available for active transport of _____________ from ad%acent cells. The guard cells become ____________ and #ater ____________ in by __________. As a result, they become ______________. Since the __________ cell #alls of the guard cells are _________ than the outer #alls, the guard cells bend _____________ and the stoma ___________. 'uring the night, #hen photosynthesis stops, ________________ e&it the guard cells and #ater __________out by _______________. The guards cells become __________ and the stoma _____________.


Aind Aap$ Circle -ap for definition 'efinition of circulatory system

(iolog$ )or& 5 te t"oo*

(iolog$ tea!her

Involves flow ofof fluid 'ediu& of transport is Involves flow fluid through tissues and organs "lood in &an$through ani&alstissues and organs

Allows transport Allows transport and e !hange ofof "lood vessels and e !hange In!ludes su"stan!es su"stan!es

#ir!ulator$ #ir!ulator$ %$ste& %$ste&

'ediu& of transport is hae&ol$&ph in inse!ts In!ludes heart as to pu&p "lood

+eferen!e "oo*




*ouble .ubble -ap for comparison (ompare and contrast erythrocytes and leucocytes

(i!on!av (i!on!av e shape e shape

.o .o fi fi ed ed shape shape

-oes -oes not have not have nu!leus nu!leus

er$thro!$te er$thro!$te

(oth are (oth are !ellular !ellular !o&ponents !o&ponents ofof hu&an hu&an "lood "lood

leu!o!$te leu!o!$te

,as ,as nu!leus nu!leus

,as ,as hae&oglo"i hae&oglo"i nn

)un!tio )un!tio nn is is toto transpor transpor to $gen to $gen

)un!tion is is )un!tion toto produ!e produ!e anto"odies anto"odies

-oes not -oes not have have hae&oglo"i hae&oglo"i nn



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