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Main Submitter: UK Co-Submitters: Italy, Germany, The Netherlands Committee: Human Rights To i!

: Ca ital "unishment Guided by the ur oses and Charter o# the United Nations, rin!i les !ontained in the

Re!alling arti!le $ o# the Uni%ersal &e!laration o# Human Rights, 'hi!h a##irms the right o# e%eryone to li#e, Kee ing in mind that the death enalty is an inhuman and degrading unishment, an a!t o# torture una!!e table to the human o ulation, (ully a'are that not only the indi%idual has his li#e literally ended, but also the #amily su##ers and the death o# a #amily member !an lead to de ression and in e)treme !ases sui!ide, Ha%ing studied that the senten!e to death is more e) ensi%e than !ondemning a erson to li#e in rison, Ta*ing note that a erson !an learn #rom his mista*es and he !an !hange his beha%iour, Ta*ing note that the death o# inno!ent risoners, enalty may lead to e)e!ution

Ta*ing note that in Maryland, United States o# +meri!a, $,-. million dollars 'ere s ent #or ea!h o# the state/s #i%e e)e!utions sin!e it reena!ted the death enalty, Considering that a single death senten!e in Ne%ada, United States o# +meri!a, 01 million more dollars are s ent on !a ital unishment !ases then on !ases 'ithout see*ing the death enalty, (urther !onsidering that a art o# the 2udi!ial system around the 'orld is !orru t 'hi!h may lead to 'rong unishments,

(ully a'are o# the #a!t that *illing the murderer does not bring ba!* the %i!tim, Ta*ing note that the e)e!utioner 'ill do a sin a!!ording to many religions, 3bser%ing that the 4State5 has no right to ta*e a li#e, *illing being an a!t o# barbarism and being in!om atible 'ith a modern 4!i%ili6ed5 so!iety, (ully a'are that #or many !riminals death is the easy 'ay out, 'hi!h is 'hy eo le attem t to !ommit sui!ide in rison, not ha%ing to try to !orre!t their beha%iour &ee ly !ons!ious that 'e !an do better than loo*ing to +meri!a #or ins iration (urther a'are that you !an not rehabilitate them i# they 'ere inno!ent, on!e a 2udi!iary mista*e li*e this is done, it !an not be turned ba!*, Ta*ing into a!!ount the ma*e a right5 rin!i le o# 4T'o 'rongs don/t

1. Re7uests that the death

enalty must be in la'

and in ra!ti!e abolished8

2. Condemns all the e)e!utions 'here%er they ta*e

3. Strongly su

orts the la' to intensi#y e##orts to in%estigate, rose!ute, !on%i!t, and senten!e serious o##enders8 rison instead o#

4. "ro oses to senten!e to li#e in

!a ital unishment all o##enders8

5. 9n!ourages the a!ti%ities o# NG3s 'or*ing #or the

abolition o# the death enalty-

6. Urges the UN to inter%ene 'ith the use o# #or!e

only in matters o# the utmost riority,

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