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YCC Bot Maker Help

Quick Start 1. Leave all the default settings and press (8) Process 2. Once the C P!C" has sho#n press (1$) Su%&it or press the enter ke'. (. )ait and the ne*t C P!C" #ill appear. +. ,f 'ou get Protocol -rror then 'ou have hit the li&it for the server. Select another server and continue. .. !he results are stored in the %ots.t*t file in the progra& root director'.

/unctions 1. 2. (. +. .. 4. 5. 0ahoo1 userna&e 0ahoo1 pass#ord 2ser infor&ation Option to create rando& user data 3a&e options (see %elo#) Option for %atch processing 0ahoo1 server

8. Process %utton to start 6. C P!C" i&age 1$. Su%&it %utton to press (or -nter ke') %et#een na&es ,ntroduction 0CC 7ot 8aker is a progra& designed to 9uickl' and efficientl' create 0ahoo1 3et#ork (e&ail: 8essenger: etc.) users. Over the course of stud'ing 0ahoo1 , have found that &aking nu&erous 0ahoo1 users is a necessit'. One of the pri&ar' uses for &aking &ultiple 0ahoo1 users or %ots is the testing of certain classes of %ooters. , have also found this tool useful for signing up to other #e%sites that re9uire a uni9ue e&ail for each user. 0CC 7ot 8aker uses the sa&e interface that a regular user uses #hile appl'ing for an account #ith their #e% %ro#ser. 8ore specificall': 0CC 7ot 8aker uses the 0ahoo1 8ail interface to create accounts %ut hides the actions #ithin a ;isual 7asic.3-! application. <e9uire&ents 8icrosoft .3-! /ra&e#ork 2.$ or a%ove ,nternet connection

<estrictions round 1$=2$ na&es per server. 0ahoo1 tracks the ,P address of ne# accounts and li&its the creation nu&%er. ,f 'ou get protocol error: change servers.

Operation 1. >ecide #hich t'pe of na&e 'ou #ould like to cerate. !he choices are <ando&: Se9uential: 3one or >ictionar'. a. <ando& ? !his creates a userna&e fro& co&pletel' rando& characters. !he character set is lo#er: upper: and nu&%ers. n option is given for the &ini&u& and &a*i&u& length for the userna&e. %. Se9uential ? !his &ethod takes a %ase userna&e and then adds an incre&ented nu&%er to the end of it. !he Se9uential Start is the nu&%er that #ill initiall' %e added to the end of the chosen userna&e. !he Se9uential ,ncre&ent is ho# &uch the nu&%er #ill %e increased %et#een na&es. c. 3one ? Onl' the userna&e t'ped #ill %e created. d. >ictionar' ? !his is a &ethod that , created &'self. ,t polls a #e%site and asks for t#o rando& dictionar' #ords. ,t then &i*es the& #ith rando& nu&%ers and a fe# other varia%les. , use this #hen signing up for third part' #e%sites that notice se9uential na&es. !his is the least relia%le &ethod and produces &an' &ore na&e collisions.

2. >ecide if 'ou #ant rando& pass#ords. !he default is rando& and can %e found at the %otto& of the 3a&e Options. (. >ecide if 'ou #ant rando& user infor&ation. !he default is rando& and can %e found at the %otto& of the Sign=2p ,nfor&ation. +. Select 'our server. !he default is ,ndia %ut 'ou can also choose the 2@ or 2S server. 0ou #ill onl' get 1$=2$ na&es per server. .. >ecide if 'ou #ant to have a %atch creation. !he default is 'es. !his tells 0CC 7ot 8aker to go ahead and process the ne*t na&e auto&aticall'. 4. Click Process and #ait for the C P!C" to appear. 5. !'pe the C P!C" into the Su%&it field and then click Su%&it. 8. )ait for the ne*t na&e if %atch processing is ena%led. 6. <epeat steps 4 through 8. ,f 'ou get Protocol -rror then 'ou have hit the li&it for the server. Select another server and continue. 1$. !he results are stored in %ots.t*t in the progra& root director'. Pro*ies One #a' to get around the server li&it is to use a pro*'. , have tried &an' progra&s of this t'pe %efore and several of the& had a pro*' option %uilt in. !he pro%le& that , found is &an' pu%lic pro*ies have alread' had the 0ahoo1 li&it reached and it is si&pl' &ore trou%le than its #orth to deal #ith the pro*ies. !he classic indication that a 0ahoo1 server has %een tapped out is a A-rror 666B is returned. , do use a pro*' #ith the progra& to roughl' dou%le &' output if needed %ut it is onl' that , pa' for and is therefore ver' relia%le. ,f 'ou do happen to have a pro*' 'ourself then 'ou can use Pro*ifier (* to setup the connection. 8ore "elp 0CC 7ot 8aker: source code: and a foru& can %e found at httpCDD' ,f 'ou have additional 9uestions then this is the %est place to go.

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