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Upgrade Methodology

Intended Audience PeopleSoft Upgrade Methodology Background Upgrade Methodology Infrastructure - How It All Works Together Background File Server Database Server Batch Server Application Server Web Server Reporting Server Installing the Software and Implementing the Infrastructure The Upgrade Plan Background Upgrade Planning Upgrade Phases Prepare the Database Prior to Create Copy of Prod Database Task: Create Copy of Prod Database: Functional Tasks: Database Backup: Apply PeopleTools Changes Run and Review Compare Reports Apply Application Changes Perform Upgrade Copy, Review Results, and Perform Backup Configure the Infrastructure and Configure Chartfields Create Tables, Alter Tables without Deletes, Create Indexes Data Conversion Alter Tables w/Deletes Complete the DB Changes Final Audit Reports Data Cleanup PeopleSoft Security Functional Team Tasks Stamping the DB - When? Change Control Functional Testing Preparing for Test Move To Production Basic Process Involved for Test/Final MTP General Guidelines and Preparation Guidelines Preparation Go-Live Weekend Documenting What Occurred During Upgrade Project Summary

Basic structure of a conversion script

Truncate target table(s). This is only necessary if you are inserting new data. It is always a good idea to err on the side of deleting and replacing the data. The last thing you want is data integrity issues. Note that it is better to do a truncate than a delete here. Drop the index(es) if you are inserting data. This speeds up the insert as the database does not have to update all indexes as it is inserting rows into the table(s). Perform the Insert or Update Recreate the indexes. You should always drop and recreate indexes if you are making large changes to data. This will ensure that the database optimiser uses the appropriate indexes. Update table statistics (table analysis). This ensures that the database has a good understanding of the contents of your table(s) after inserts and updates and uses the most efficient execution plan.

PeopleSoft Data Conversion Requirements Gathering Checklist

Based on your requirement and design you can pick the right questions that is more appropriate to complete your specifications document.

Checklist Items 1 Detail Description of the data conversion 2 Description of the source and Target systems involved 3 Technology to develop this interface (if there is an preference) - AE/SQR/ ETL/ExcelToCI/CI 4 Sample conversion data file 5 PeopleSoft Modules that are impacted Data Mapping 6 Mapping between source system table or File to PeopleSoft Tables 7 Source System data attributes ( Column type, length, format etc) for each column 8 Default values for the required columns (if any) when no value is provided Required Columns list (Rules should state what has to be done if any required column is 9 missing)

10 Mapping rules for the columns that needs transformation 11 List of PeopleSoft Tables involved in conversion 12 Information on PeopleSoft Component and Pages involved (if needed) 13 Error/Exception handling strategy Business Processing Logic Whether data that will be provided for conversion will be raw or processed data? If raw 14 require processing logic for converting this raw data If data for conversion has to selected by program then require information on selection 15 criteria from the source system. 16 Any Business specific execution logic's that has to be included in the conversion program 17 PreLoad business validations 18 PostLoad business validations 19 Transformation Logic's Conversion Data 20 Whether history data is converted ? If so how old history data ? 21 Data mapping that has to be used for converting history data (if any) Whether there is any Prerequisite conversion or PS data setup needed for this conversion? If 22 yes whether those information's are available in the document ? 23 How conversion data will be sent to PeopleSoft ? (File, Database Link etc) 24 Any setup data that has to be configured for this conversion Whether this conversion has dependency on online customization ? If so require information 25 on the conversion approach based on this customization Whether Conversion data will be received in single file or Multiple files ? If multiple file order 26 in which files has to be loaded. 27 Order in which PeopleSoft Tables has to be loaded 28 Input file name format 29 Input file layout and file delimiter 30 Expected volume of data that has to be migrated 31 Expected time for the process to load the data

PeopleSoft Reports Requirements Gathering Checklist

Based on your requirement and design you can pick the right questions that is more appropriate to complete your specifications document.

General 1 Scope of the Report requirement 2 Integrating System Information (if any) 3 Is this Existing Report ? 4 Whether this report is PS delivered or New report ? 5 Technology to Develop the report (nVision, Crystal, XML Pubisher,PSQuery) 6 Sample Report File Report Format 7 Layout for the report 8 Header Details of the report 9 Footer Detals of the report 10 Font specification (if any) 11 Expected Print Layout (if any) 12 Report output extension (.csv,.pdf etc) 13 Whether Page Numbering is required Source Data 14 Whether data is fetched any system other than PeopleSoft ? 15 Whether data is from multiple modules of PeopleSoft? 16 Whether source database is transaction or Staging/archival database? 17 Whether Source data is dependent on any batch jobs? 18 PS records that contains data for reports 19 PS Tree / Ledger details 20 If external system is involved - Table Info from third party system Security 21 Data Security ( PS Row Level Security) 22 Query Tree Node to which PeopleSoft records has to be attached (if any) 23 Criticality of the report Business Logic 24 Whether report includes Summarize of data ? 25 Whether report has multiple sections ? 26 Business processing logic that has to be implemented in the report 27 Whether users has to be provided with option to enter input parameters 28 Any values that has to be hardcoded in the reports. If no data is there to fetch for the input value whether any default message has to be displayed 29 to the user ? 30 Data Display format for each column Run Considerations

31 Whether this Report will be run as adhoc or scheduled Batch ? 32 Whether run control page has to be created ? If so, whether page layout information provided 33 Whether Scheduled report output has to be delivered in Mail or PS Pagelet or any File Server 34 Frequency of run 35 Time of run 36 Expected average volume of data 37 Expected time of completion (Max Run Time) 38 Expected number of parallel runs by end users

PeopleSoft Customization Requirements Gathering checklist

Based on your requirement and design you can pick the right questions that is more appropriate to complete your specifications document.

Requirements 1 Scope of the requirements 2 What each requirement or process trying to perform? 3 Why should this modification be done? 4 Business Process Flow 5 Functional change description of each requirement 6 Functional Impact 7 Assumptions (if any) Requirement Categorization 8 Whether this is a new custom functionality? 9 Whether this requirement involves modifying PeopleSoft delivered functionality 10 Whether any existing customization is modified ? 11 Whether this is an existing customization 9.0 ? 12 If 9.0 Customization whether Objects and Code in 9.0 will be reused ? 13 If any requirement has dependency ? Then whether dependency information is available ? Design Requirements 14 Page layout

15 Page Design - Prompt, Translate, Required fields, Field Type, Error validations Sort Order etc 16 Business Logic in the page 17 Component structure - Pages that has to be included, Search Page, Modes etc 18 Menu registration Navigation 19 Setup required 20 Work-flows 21 Message that has to be displayed (Error / Warning) 22 Interfacing Systems (either PS system or Third Party Systems) Security 23 Permission List 24 Roles ( Static / Dynamic Roles) 25 Role Level Security Testing Scope 26 Functional Test Scenarios 27 PS Modules to be tested

PeopleSoft Interfaces Requirements Gathering Checklist

Based on your requirement and design you can pick the right questions that is more appropriate to complete your specifications document.

Checklist Items 1 Scope of the requirement 2 Description of the source and Target systems 3 Integration architecture between Source and target Systems 4 Business Process Flow Information Whether this interface is an existing one in PS 9.0 ? If so whether this logic and Objects will 5 be reused 6 Technology to develop this interface (if there is an preference) - AE/SQR/ ETL 7 Input File layout details (if inbound) 8 Output file layout details (if outbound) 9 Whether File will be received from more than one source system? 10 Sample Data file 11 PeopleSoft Modules that are impacted

Data Mapping 12 Source system table to PS Tables along with columns details ( if Inbound) 13 Source system file to PS Tables along with columns details ( if Outbound) 14 PS Tables to target system tables along with columns details ( if Inbound) 15 PS Tables to output file layout along with columns details ( if Outbound) 16 Default values for the columns (if any) 17 Mapping rules for the columns that needs transformation 18 Select / Insert / Update conditions (if applicable) Required Columns list (Rules should state what has to be done if any required column is 19 missing) 20 Fornnating details for the required columns (like Date, DateTime, Amount etc) 21 Error/Exception handling strategy Business Processing Logic 22 Any Business specific execution logics Scheduling 23 Whether this interface will be run as adhoc or scheduled Batch ? Whether run control page has to be created ? If so, whether page layout information 24 provided 25 Frequency of run 26 Time of run 27 Schedule Dependencies 28 Any custom pages that has to be created for this interface 29 Any steup data that has to be configured for this interface 30 Expected average volume of data 31 Expected time of completion (if any) Input/Output File 32 Input file name standards 33 Out file name standards 34 Input file path 35 Output file path 36 Error file path 37 Log file path 38 File Archive Startegy Any communications (like mailing error file or success mail etc) 39 Mail note text 40 Sender address

41 receiver address 42 Any attachments

Query to report number of days an employee has worked in each job code.
If you are a PeopleSoft analyst sometimes business may request you for a report that shows number of days an employee has worked in each department or job code during his service in the organization. You can achieve this by creating simple PSQuery or SQL. In this doodle I will walk you through an example SQL which you can use for your similar business requirement. In my below example query, we will report how many days an employee has worked in each job code during his service in the organization. SELECT INL.JOBCODE SUM(TO_DATE(INL.EFFDT,'DD-MON-YYYY') - TO_DATE(INL.PREV_EFFDT,'DD-MON-YYYY')) As 'Number of Days' FROM ( SELECT J.EMPLID, J.EFFDT,LAG(J.EFFDT,1) OVER (ORDER BY EFFDT) AS PREV_EFFDT, J.JOBCODE, LAG(J.JOBCODE,1) OVER (ORDER BY EFFDT) AS PREV_JOBCODE FROM PS_JOB J WHERE J.EMPLID = ORDER BY J.EFFDT DESC ) INL GROUP BY INL.JOBCODE; In the above SQL, we have achieved the requirement by building an inline query using the Oracle Lag function. Oracle lag function is an analytic function that lets you query more than one row in a table at a time without having to join the table to itself. It returns values from a previous row in the table. This inline query returns a result which has each adjacent row's job code and effective date. (i.e) Table that has the employees current rows job code and previous rows job code in a row. This result of the inline query is group to achieve the number of days an employee worked in each job code. You can use this query to replace with department or position number to generate reports.

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