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MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 1

SCPCCL Cl 8uSlnLSS AuMlnlS18A1lCn

MCM1 677-301 CnLlnL (lALL 2013):

Instructor: !ohnaLhan k. nelson, h.u.
Cff|ce: 8erL Combs 8ldg. 3138 (Maln Campus)
Lma||: [.nelson[ (besL conLacL meLhod, please use MnC1 677" ln Lhe
sub[ecL llne)
1e|ephone: (606) 783-9330
Cff|ce nours (Un|ted States LS1): 1uesdays 9 am - 3 pm, 8y AppolnLmenL. LeLLlng me know ln
advance when you plan Lo vlslL me durlng offlce hours ls always appreclaLed.
I want to hear from you and support your |earn|ng! lease use me as a resource Lo help you
learn. l sLrlve Lo respond Lo your emalls wlLhln 24 hours of recelvlng your message (excludlng
weekends and holldays, LhaL ls, lf you emall me on a lrlday you wlll llkely noL hear back from me
unLll Lhe followlng Monday). l know LhaL many of you compleLe course work over Lhe weekend
so l do ofLen check emall on SaLurdays, buL l do nC1 check or reply Lo emalls on Sundays.
l also expecL you Lo regularly (e.g., every 48 hours) check your MSu emall accounL and Lhe
course 8lackboard slLe for announcemenLs and messages from me.

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 2
CCu8SL uLSC8l1lCn (l8CM CCu8SL CA1ALCC): 1hls course ls
deslgned Lo help sLudenLs develop Lhe knowledge and skllls needed Lo lead hlgh-performlng,
eLhlcal groups and organlzaLlons. 1hls course explores Lheorles and research from varlous flelds
relaLed Lo boLh eLhlcs and leadershlp ln organlzaLlons. Lmphasls ls placed on Lhe pracLlcal
appllcaLlon of Lhese Lheorles ln Lhe modern workplace.
kLkLUISI1LS: CraduaLe sLandlng ln Lhe M8A program, or consenL of lnsLrucLor.
8LCul8Lu 1Lx1S:
Arlely, u. (2012). 1he (honesL) LruLh abouL dlshonesLy: Pow we lle Lo everyone---especlally ourselves
new ?ork: ParperColllns ubllshers.
8azerman, M. P., & 1enbrunsel, A. L. (2011). 8llnd spoLs: Why we fall Lo do whaL's rlghL and whaL Lo do
abouL lL. rlnceLon, n!: rlnceLon unlverslLy ress.
8olman, L. C., & ueal, 1. L. (2008). 8eframlng organlzaLlons: ArLlsLry, cholce, and leadershlp (4Lh ed.).
San lranclsco: !ossey-8ass.

CCu8SL C8!LC1lvLS & lC8MA1: 1hls course wlll focus on developlng your
capaclLy Lo lead hlgh performlng, eLhlcal groups and organlzaLlons. 1hls course ls deslgned Lo
help sLudenLs (a) explore how leadershlp lnfluences human behavlor ln organlzaLlons, (b)
explore lnfluences on lndlvldual eLhlcal behavlor and declslon-maklng, (c) explore eLhlcal
responslblllLles of buslness, and (d) apply Lhese concepLs Lo lmprove Lhelr leadershlp pracLlce
and eLhlcal behavlor / declslon-maklng. 1he speclflc learnlng ob[ecLlves for Lhls course are LhaL
by Lhe end of Lhe course sLudenLs wlll be able Lo:
uescrlbe and demonsLraLe a deep undersLandlng of Lhe ma[or leadershlp concepLs.
uescrlbe and demonsLraLe a deep undersLandlng of ma[or concepLs relaLed Lo buslness
eLhlcs and behavloral eLhlcs.
Lxplaln how leadershlp lnfluences lndlvlduals, groups, and organlzaLlons.
Lxplaln key lnfluences on eLhlcal behavlor.
Apply course concepLs Lo deepen Lhelr undersLandlng of Lhelr own eLhlcal and
leadershlp behavlor ln organlzaLlons and ldenLlfy opporLunlLles for personal growLh.
Apply course concepLs Lo be more effecLlve leaders and managers ln organlzaLlonal

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 3
Cur learnlng envlronmenL wlll be sLrucLured around Loplc summarles / overvlews, readlng
asslgnmenLs, dlscusslon posLs, case sLudles, and asslgnmenLs Lo achleve Lhese ob[ecLlves.

LvALuA1lCn Anu C8AulnC: Learnlng ouLcomes ln Lhls course wlll be
evaluaLed by Lhe followlng componenLs: D|scuss|on 8oard art|c|pat|on, Modu|e Comp|et|on
(|nc|ud|ng Iourna| kef|ect|ons), ersona| Leader Deve|opment |an, Network Lxerc|se,
Strengths and Weaknesses Lxerc|se, Lessons Learned Memo, and Leadersh|p and Lth|cs
Learn|ng C|rc|e Ass|gnments. ?our grade for Lhe course wlll be based on Lhe number of polnLs
you earn on each componenL. 1here are 1,000 LoLal posslble polnLs Lo earn. 1hese are
descrlbed ln deLall below.
CLASS / ulSCuSSlCn 8CA8u A81lClA1lCn (100 Cln1S, 10)
An effecLlve learnlng envlronmenL requlres an exchange of lnformaLlon, where we all conLrlbuLe
Lo dlscusslons by ralslng quesLlons and sharlng lnslghLs. 1he goal of our dlscusslon board ls Lo
app|y lessons we are learnlng from course modules Lo our personal organlzaLlonal experlences
Lo furLher explore course concepLs and Lo crlLlcally evaluaLe our module readlngs. Cur
dlscusslon board wlll provlde Lhe forum for Lhese dlscusslons. l wlll begln a new Lhread aL leasL
once a week. ?ou are welcome Lo begln a new Lhread and/or posL ln any currenL Lhread LhaL you
would llke.
1o earn full credlL, you are expecLed Lo acLlvely follow Lhe dlscusslon board (e.g., check ln aL
leasL every 48 hours and follow each of Lhe dlscusslon Lhreads) and Lo posL aL leasL one posL a
My expecLaLlons for each posL are LhaL you wlll do Lhe followlng:
rovlde a posL LhaL ls 300 words or less ln lengLh
8ead Lhrough each prevlous posL (your posL should noL be Lhe same or Loo slmllar Lo
someone who has already posLed)
LxpllclLly reference course concepLs / lssues
LxpllclLly reference (and clLe) relevanL readlngs Lo dlscuss and supporL your responses Lo
quesLlons posLed by myself or oLher classmaLes
Close wlLh a quesLlon or sLaLemenL LhaL wlll lnvlLe commenLary from oLher sLudenLs
l encourage you (buL do noL requlre you) Lo respond Lo someone who has noL yeL
recelved a reply from someone else.
Make lL lnLeresLlng!
l wlll be gradlng on Lhe quallLy, noL Lhe quanLlLy of responses. ?ou wlll recelve formal feedback
on your dlscusslon board parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe form of a grade ouL of 30 polnLs abouL halfway
Lhrough Lhe semesLer. 1hls wlll help you Lo ldenLlfy wheLher you need Lo make ad[usLmenLs
before belng graded on your second half of Lhe semesLer dlscusslon board parLlclpaLlon.

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 4

MCuuLL CCMLL1lCn / !Cu8nAL 8LlLLC1lCnS (193 Cln1S, 19.3)
Self-reflecLlon ls a crlLlcal parL of Lhe leadershlp developmenL process. As such, for each module
you wlll compleLe a reflecLlon [ournal enLry. 1he purpose of your [ournal reflecLlon enLrles ls Lo
help you apply course readlngs and dlscusslons Lo your own developmenL and pracLlce as a
leader. ?our enLrles need noL be long, buL Lhey should expllclLly and fully address each of Lhe
quesLlons provlded. 8eflecLlon [ournal enLrles are due aL Lhe Llme for whlch all acLlvlLles for Lhe
module are due as noLed ln Lhe course schedule.
1he followlng rubrlc wlll be used for gradlng reflecLlon [ournal enLrles:
13 = lully responds Lo all posed quesLlons. 8esponses reflecL one or more clearly
communlcaLed ldeas, how sLudenL came Lo concluslon(s) ls fully explalned (and
supporLed as needed, lncludlng Lhrough clLlng approprlaLe course readlngs).
10 = 8esponds Lo all quesLlons, ldeas are generally communlcaLed clearly, buL addlLlonal
descrlpLlon ls warranLed.
3 = noL every quesLlon responded Lo and/or provldes lnsufflclenL responses Lo one or
more quesLlons.
0 = lalls Lo respond approprlaLely Lo ma[orlLy of quesLlons.
S18LnC1PS Anu WLAknLSSLS LxL8ClSL (30 Cln1S, 3)
lor Lhls asslgnmenL you wlll (a) recelve feedback from Lhose who are ln a poslLlon Lo observe
your behavlor and (b) engage ln self-reflecLlon Lo ldenLlfy your personal sLrengLhs and
weaknesses. 1hls asslgnmenL wlll serve as a foundaLlon for your ersonal Leader uevelopmenL
lan asslgnmenL. lease carefully revlew Lhe deLalled lnsLrucLlons and gradlng rubrlc provlded
for Lhls asslgnmenL.
nL1WC8k LxL8ClSL (33 Cln1S, 3.3)
lor Lhls asslgnmenL you wlll ldenLlfy and descrlbe Lhe naLure of your soclal neLwork. lease
carefully revlew Lhe deLalled lnsLrucLlons and gradlng rubrlc provlded for Lhls asslgnmenL.
L8SCnAL LLAuL8 uLvLLCMLn1 LAn (200 Cln1S 1C1AL, 20)
1o faclllLaLe your personal developmenL as a leader, you wlll reflecL on whaL you have learned
abouL leadershlp and yourself ln relaLlon Lo your capaclLy Lo demonsLraLe leadershlp, Lo creaLe a
personallzed plan LhaL wlll gulde and moLlvaLe your acLlons as you seek Lo develop your own
leadershlp poLenLlal. lease carefully revlew Lhe deLalled lnsLrucLlons and gradlng rubrlc
provlded for Lhls asslgnmenL.

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 3

LLAuL8SPl Anu L1PlCS LLA8nlnC Cl8CLL ASSlCnMLn1S (300 Cln1S, 30)
Learnlng groups wlll be formed early ln Lhe semesLer Lo provlde a safe space" for each sLudenL
Lo explore concepLs and lssues ln Lhe class. ?ou wlll work wlLh your learnlng clrcle Lo apply
lessons learned ln class Lo your speclflc organlzaLlonal slLuaLlons and Lo develop a shared
undersLandlng of leadershlp and eLhlcal concepLs.
Lach learnlng clrcle wlll be responslble compleLlng Lhree of Lhe learnlng acLlvlLles descrlbed
below. lor each acLlvlLy, Lhe learnlng clrcle wlll be expecLed Lo submlL a 2-page memo
descrlblng whaL was learned abouL course concepLs along wlLh evldence of compleLlon of Lhe
learnlng acLlvlLy. lor example, lf you all compleLed Lhe vlA Survey of CharacLer SLrengLhs, you
could submlL a documenL wlLh a 1-2 page summary descrlblng your dlscusslon, how Lhe
dlscusslon was compleLed (e.g., when and how dlscusslon occurred lncludlng wheLher lL was
synchronous or asynchronous), and Lhe flrsL page of each of your feedback reporLs. A 2-page
memo descrlblng whaL was learned abouL course concepLs would accompany Lhls evldence. lf
you have any quesLlons abouL whaL consLlLuLes approprlaLe evldence or whaL needs Lo be
lncluded ln Lhe 2-page memo please conLacL me before submlLLlng. Memos and evldence of an
acLlvlLy wlll be collecLed aL Lhree dlfferenL polnLs ln Lhe semesLer as lndlcaLed ln Lhe course
schedule (you may nC1 compleLe Lhe same acLlvlLy more Lhan once), your learnlng clrcle wlll
deLermlne whaL Lhree acLlvlLles you choose Lo pursue and Lhe order ln whlch Lhey are
Lach of Lhese acLlvlLles wlll be graded based upon Lhe followlng rubrlc:
100 polnLs = Clear and abundanL evldence of (a) compleLlon of acLlvlLy (e.g., lnformaLlon
lncludlng when and whaL was done, any relevanL proof such as copy of Lhe cover of a
book read and dlscussed ls provlded) and (b) appllcaLlon of course concepLs. 1haL ls, lL ls
made expllclL as Lo whaL was learned and whaL was accompllshed / done. Speclflc
readlngs and course concepLs are menLloned.
80 polnLs = Clear and abundanL evldence of compleLlon of acLlvlLy. Course concepLs are
menLloned, buL lL may noL be expllclL as Lo how Lhey were appllcable Lo or learned
abouL Lhrough Lhe acLlvlLy.
60 polnLs = Lvldence lacklng for compleLlon of acLlvlLy. lor example, you may slmply
sLaLe LhaL a dlscusslon was held or a movle was waLched by all members of Lhe group,
buL noL speclfy when or how Lhese acLlvlLles occurred. Course concepLs are dlscussed ln
a largely superflclal manner. lL ls noL made clear how course concepLs applled Lo Lhe
acLlvlLy and/or whaL was learned abouL Lhese concepLs.
0 polnLs = AcLlvlLy noL compleLed and/or evldence and accompanylng memo does noL
meeL Lhe mlnlmum sLandards expecLed.

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 6

?our learnlng clrcle may choose from any Lhree of Lhe followlng learnlng clrcle acLlvlLles:
Pave each member compleLe Lhe vlA Survey of CharacLer SLrengLhs (avallable
aL: hLLp:// 8eporL back
Lo Lhe learnlng clrcle and share some of Lhe prlmary concluslons from each of
your assessmenLs. ulscuss how characLer sLrengLhs relaLe Lo effecLlve
uevelop a seL of leadershlp pracLlce and eLhlcs quesLlons based upon concepLs
from Lhls course. Pave each member lnLervlew an admlred leader uslng Lhese
quesLlons. Pave each member reporL back and dlscuss Lhese lnLervlews as a
group. ulscuss commonallLles and dlfferences observed across Lhese leaders.
ulscuss how Lhese lnLervlews have shaped your undersLandlng of leadershlp
and eLhlcs ln organlzaLlons.
ldenLlfy a buslness case (e.g., Lhls may be a formal case sLudy or a recenL news
evenL) relaLed Lo eLhlcs and/or leadershlp. ulscuss Lhls case, lncludlng how
course concepLs apply Lo Lhls case. Conslder wheLher you belleve Lhls case was
handled effecLlvely and why/how you have arrlved aL Lhose concluslons.
Pave each member share a recenL eLhlcs and/or leadershlp challenge LhaL Lhey
have faced. Pave each member descrlbe how Lhey have approached Lhe
challenge and recelve feedback based upon course concepLs and prlnclples from
oLher members of Lhe group (e.g., each member should recelve feedback from
oLher group members based on Lhelr parLlcular slLuaLlon).
Pave all clrcle members vlew a movle and/or read a book wlLh a sLrong
leadershlp and/or eLhlcs Lheme. ulscuss how course concepLs and prlnclples are
appllcable and expressed ln Lhe movle and/or book.
Pave each clrcle member do someLhlng ouL of Lhelr comforL zone Lo apply a
prlnclple from Lhls course. Lach lndlvldual should choose a relevanL acLlvlLy for
Lhem LhaL allows Lhem Lo pracLlce applylng a course prlnclple where Lhey are
noL afrald Lo fall. 1he polnL ls Lo Lry someLhlng LhaL ls uncomforLable and new
where Lhe focus ls on learnlng / developlng yourself as a person raLher Lhan
accompllshlng a speclflc ob[ecLlve. 8eporL back Lo Lhe clrcle on whaL you learned
from your experlence. ulscuss how Lhese experlences apply Lo your leadershlp
roles and undersLandlng of leadershlp and eLhlcs.
?ou are welcome Lo propose addlLlonal ldeas LhaL wlll help furLher your learnlng
abouL leadershlp and/or eLhlcs. upon recelvlng approval from me, you may
counL Lhls acLlvlLy as one of your Lhree learnlng clrcle acLlvlLles/asslgnmenLs.
Note on group work: l recognlze LhaL group work can be challenglng. Powever, l recognlze LhaL
collaboraLlon ls an effecLlve means for achlevlng greaLer learnlng and undersLandlng. l expecL
everyone Lo be fully and equally lnvolved. Powever, Lo reduce Lhe posslblllLy of soclal loaflng,
each learnlng clrcle member wlll be evaluaLed by all oLher learnlng clrcle members aL Lhe Llme

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 7
each of Lhe Lhree learnlng clrcle asslgnmenLs ls submlLLed. 1hese raLlngs may be used Lo
slgnlflcanLly lnfluence grades for speclflc lndlvlduals. 1hls evaluaLlon process wlll be descrlbed
laLer ln Lhe semesLer.
LLSSCnS LLA8nLu MLMC (100 Cln1S, 10)
1o faclllLaLe real-llfe appllcaLlon of class prlnclples relaLed Lo eLhlcs and leadershlp, you wlll wrlLe
a Lwo-page paper descrlblng Lwo lessons you have learned abouL leadershlp and Lwo lessons
LhaL you have learned abouL eLhlcs durlng Lhe course. lease carefully revlew Lhe deLalled
lnsLrucLlons and gradlng rubrlc provlded for Lhls asslgnmenL.
Grading is taken very seriously and grades are assigned with care and thought.
Prior to completing each assignment or project, you will be given the grading rubric I will be
using to assess your work so that you understand clearly how you will be graded. In general, the
more proactive you are in dealing with your coursework, the less of a likelihood there will be of a
grade "problem" or surprise.

Course Component o|nts of Grade
Class / ulscusslon 8oard arLlclpaLlon 100 10
Module CompleLlon / !ournal 8eflecLlons 193 19.3
SLrengLhs and Weaknesses Lxerclse 30 3
neLwork Lxerclse 33 3.3
ersonal Leader uevelopmenL lan 200 20
Leadershlp and LLhlcs Learnlng Clrcle
AcLlvlLles / AsslgnmenLs
300 30
Lessons Learned Memo 100 10
1000 100
Grad|ng Sca|e: ?our grade wlll be asslgned based on Lhe number of polnLs you earn accordlng Lo
Lhe followlng scale: A = 900 polnLs and above, 8 = 800-899, C = 700-799, u = 600-699, L = less
Lhan 600 polnLs.
NC1L: kequests for extra po|nts w||| not be honored.

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 8

S1AnuA8uS Cl 8LPAvlC8: My lnLenLlon ls Lo have a course culLure founded
on four prlmary values: Learn|ng, kespect, Accountab|||ty, and Integr|ty. lL ls lmporLanL LhaL
dlsLracLlon ls mlnlmlzed and everyone be prepared Lo parLlclpaLe fully ln dlscusslons. uurlng
dlscusslons lL ls crlLlcal LhaL classmaLes feel free Lo express Lhelr vlews and oplnlons wlLhouL fear
of belng crlLlclzed. lL ls lmporLanL LhaL each sLudenL Lakes responslblllLy for Lhelr learnlng and
helps faclllLaLe a learnlng envlronmenL. llnally, everyone ls expecLed Lo hold Lhemselves Lo Lhe
hlghesL levels of academlc lnLegrlLy and eLhlcal behavlor.

A11LnuAnCL Anu LA1L WC8k CLlC?
Whlle Lhls ls noL a face-Lo-face class wlLh a regular meeLlng Llme, l expecL you Lo check lnLo
8lackboard and check your Morehead SLaLe unlverslLy emall aL leasL every 48 hours ln order Lo
keep up wlLh Lhls course.
All asslgnmenLs are due on Lhe days llsLed ln Lhe course schedule by 11:39 M LS1 (unless
oLherwlse announced by me). LaLe work wlll be penallzed 20. No |ate work w||| be accepted
after 48 hours.
lf you have a confllcL wlLh submlLLlng an asslgnmenL due Lo a unlverslLy excused absence, l need
Lo be conLacLed aL leasL one week ahead of Llme for me Lo conslder (buL noL necessarlly
approve, keep ln mlnd LhaL asslgnmenLs and due daLes are posLed wlLh ample Llme for you plan
around known confllcLs) an exLenslon for submlLLlng an asslgnmenL based upon unlverslLy
sponsored acLlvlLles, mlllLary obllgaLlons, [ury duLy or subpoena for courL appearances, or ma[or
rellglous holldays. ln some cases, you wlll also need Lo conLacL someone else as descrlbed ln
uA8 number 131.01.
ln Lhe case of sLudenL lllness or Lhe lllness or deaLh of famlly members, please conLacL me wlLhln
24 hours of Lhe evenL lf an exLenslon ls needed. When conLacLlng me, you do noL need Lo share
greaL personal deLall, buL l do need Lo know abouL Lhe general naLure of Lhe evenL and whaL
accommodaLlon / exLenslon you belleve ls falr boLh Lo you and oLher classmaLes before l can
conslder an exLenslon for asslgnmenL due daLes. As noLed ln uA8 number 131.01, lf exLended
absences are necessary, you need Lo conLacL Lhe AsslsLanL vlce resldenL / uean of SLudenLs
8emember, regardless of Lhe reason for an excused absence, you are responslble for compleLlng
all coursework accordlng Lo Lhe Lerms agreed upon by you and myself.

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 9
AML8lCAnS Wl1P ulSA8lLl1lLS AC1 (AuA)
ln compllance wlLh Lhe AuA, all sLudenLs wlLh a documenLed dlsablllLy are enLlLled Lo reasonable
accommodaLlons and servlces Lo supporL Lhelr academlc success and safeLy. 1hough a requesL
for servlces may be made aL any Llme, servlces are besL applled when Lhey are requesLed aL or
before Lhe sLarL of Lhe semesLer. 1o recelve accommodaLlons and servlces Lhe sLudenL should
lmmedlaLely conLacL Lhe ulsablllLy Servlces CoordlnaLor aL: 204-L AuuC, 606-783-
3188, or[
Lmergency response lnformaLlon wlll be dlscussed ln class. SLudenLs should famlllarlze
Lhemselves wlLh Lhe nearesL exlL rouLes ln Lhe evenL evacuaLlon becomes necessary. ?ou should
noLlfy your lnsLrucLor aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe semesLer lf you have speclal needs or wlll requlre
asslsLance durlng an emergency evacuaLlon. SLudenLs should famlllarlze Lhemselves wlLh
emergency response proLocols aL: hLLp://

ACAuLMlC PCnLS1? Anu ln1LC8l1?
lease famlllarlze yourself wlLh conLenL addresslng plaglarlsm and cheaLlng ln Lhe SLudenL
Pandbook. 1he pollcy ls locaLed aL
[pgs.11 & 39]. Whlle l do noL anLlclpaLe any vlolaLlons, any vlolaLlons of Lhe unlverslLy's PonesLy
ollcy wlll be LreaLed serlously and wlll be dealL wlLh on an lndlvldual basls, ln accordance wlLh
Lhe guldellnes of Lhe SLudenL Pandbook, wlLh sancLlons as serlous as fallure ln Lhe course. l
expecL each of you Lo dlsplay Lhe hlghesL levels of academlc lnLegrlLy and Lo reporL any fallures
Lo comply wlLh Lhese sLandards by yourself or oLhers.
Lxamples of plaglarlsm and cheaLlng lnclude buL are noL llmlLed Lo:
Cheat|ng: uslng or aLLempLlng Lo use unauLhorlzed maLerlals durlng exams or class
acLlvlLles/asslgnmenLs (unless expllclLly glven permlsslon by me Lo use any of Lhese parLlcular
resources for a parLlcular asslgnmenL) such as noLes, books, lnLerneL resources, moblle devlces,
or oLher lndlvlduals (e.g., copylng from anoLher sLudenL, unauLhorlzed collaboraLlon on an
lndlvldual asslgnmenL). 1hls lncludes looklng aL Lhe work of oLhers (lncludlng Lhelr exam),
obLalnlng a copy of an exam or seeklng Lo obLaln lnformaLlon abouL an exam ln advance of
Laklng an exam, searchlng for and uslng lnformaLlon found onllne abouL a parLlcular case sLudy
Lo compleLe a case sLudy analysls, submlLLlng work borrowed from or compleLed by anoLher
lndlvldual, or allowlng anoLher lndlvldual Lo compleLe an exam or asslgnmenL for you.

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 10
|ag|ar|sm: Copylng all or parL of Lhe work of oLhers and submlLLlng lL as your own, noL clLlng Lhe
ldeas and work of oLhers and presenLlng lL as your own, only maklng mlnor word changes Lo LexL
LhaL you clLe buL do noL dlrecLly quoLe, havlng oLhers compleLe work for you, or copylng Lhe
work of oLhers.
Mu|t|p|e ] kepeat Subm|ss|ons: SubmlLLlng a paper or asslgnmenL for Lhls course LhaL was
prevlously wrlLLen for anoLher class. lf you wlsh Lo use work from anoLher course as Lhe basls for
work ln Lhls course you musL recelve my expllclL permlsslon.
Unauthor|zed Co||aborat|on: CollaboraLlng on an asslgnmenL or class acLlvlLy buL submlLLlng Lhe
work as lf you were Lhe sole auLhor and wlLhouL recelvlng permlsslon Lo collaboraLe on Lhe
asslgnmenL from Lhe lnsLrucLor.
Decept|on and M|srepresentat|on: Lylng abouL yourself or any of your work. 1hls lncludes
mlsrepresenLlng your conLrlbuLlon Lo a group asslgnmenL (e.g., clalmlng LhaL you conLrlbuLed
equally Lo a group pro[ecL when you falled Lo do so), alLerlng reLurned course asslgnmenLs and
exams Lo make lL appear LhaL you gave Lhe correcL answer or LhaL Lhe lnsLrucLor made a gradlng
error, lylng abouL your academlc credenLlals or accompllshmenLs, allowlng anoLher Lo compleLe
work or Lake an exam for you, lylng Lo galn access Lo anoLher's compuLer or compuLer accounL,
or lylng abouL your ablllLy Lo access an asslgnmenL or exam.
Iabr|cat|on: lnvenLlng or falslfylng lnformaLlon. 1hls lncludes maklng up false daLa for use ln an
asslgnmenL or maklng up or mlsuslng sources ln research papers and wrlLlng asslgnmenLs.
1amper|ng: SaboLaglng Lhe work of anoLher sLudenL or hldlng or desLroylng maLerlals LhaL oLher
sLudenLs need ln order Lo compleLe an asslgnmenL.
Iac|||tat|ng or Ia|||ng to keport Academ|c D|shonesty: Pelplng one or more lndlvlduals commlL
academlc dlshonesLy or observlng academlc dlshonesLy and falllng Lo reporL lL Lo Lhe lnsLrucLor.
1hls lncludes allowlng oLhers Lo copy or refer Lo your work durlng an exam or asslgnmenL,
unauLhorlzed collaboraLlon, compleLlng an asslgnmenL for anoLher sLudenLs, sharlng exam or
qulz maLerlals, and passlng along lnformaLlon Lo oLhers abouL exams or class acLlvlLles /

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 11
lease noLe LhaL Lhls schedule ls sub[ecL Lo change (and all Llmes are uS LS1).
All asslgnmenLs are due aL 11:39 M LS1 on Lhe due daLe llsLed. l expecL you Lo be proacLlve and
keep up wlLh Lhe course. l know you are busy wlLh a number of compeLlng demands (as l am),
buL l also belleve LhaL lf someLhlng ls worLh your Llme, lL ls worLh dolng well. lan ahead. As
descrlbed earller, l wanL Lo help you masLer Lhls maLerlal and look forward Lo worklng wlLh you.
Powever, l have made Lhe declslon Lo noL emall on Sundays ln order Lo focus on my famlly and
oLher acLlvlLles, so you wlll noL be able Lo reach me on Sundays. l also cannoL be expecLed Lo be
avallable by emall every evenlng unLll 11:39 M LS1 and 8lackboard help may be llmlLed aL LhaL
laLe hour. knowlng Lhls, your fallure Lo plan ahead ls noL my problem, I am happy to and want
to he|p you, buL your lnablllLy Lo reach me or 8lackboard Lechnlcal supporL on a Sunday or laLe
evenlng wlll noL be consldered as a reason for noL belng able Lo compleLe work by Lhe
deslgnaLed due daLes.
Week Dates 1op|cs]kead|ngs Ass|gnments
1 Aug. 19-
Modu|e A: Introduct|on to Leadersh|p & Lth|cs |n Crgan|zat|ons
Goffee, R., & Jones, G. (2000). Why should anyone be led by you?
Harvard Business Review, 78(5), 62-70.
Hannah, S. T., & Jennings, P. L. (2013). Leader ethos and big-c
character. Organizational Dynamics, 42(1), 8-16.
Heifetz, R. A., & Laurie, D. L. (2001). The work of leadership.
Harvard Business Review, 79(11), 131-141.
Hill, L. A. (2007). Becoming the boss. Harvard Business Review,
85(1), 48-56.
kalser, 8. 8., Pogan, 8., & Cralg, S. 8. (2008). Leadershlp and Lhe
faLe of organlzaLlons. Ametlcoo lsycboloqlst, 6J(2), 96-110.
koLLer, !. . (1990). WhaL leaders really do. notvotJ 8osloess
kevlew, 68(3), 103-111.
Zaleznik, A. (2004). Managers and leaders: Are they different?
Harvard Business Review, 82(1), 74-81.
Bazerman & Tenbrunsel Ch. 1
Bolman & Deal Ch. 1-2

Dec|arat|on of
Course kead|ness
due Aug 2S

Note. 5ee
Jetolls fot
ulscossloo 8ootJ
2 Aug. 26-
Modu|e A Cont|nued Modu|e A due
Sep. 2
3 Sep. 3-6
*Sep. 2 ls
Labor uay
Modu|e 8: Leadersh|p D|vers|ty
8eeson, !., & valerlo, A. M. (2012). 1he execuLlve leadershlp
lmperaLlve: A new perspecLlve on how companles and execuLlves
can acceleraLe Lhe developmenL of women leaders. 8osloess
notlzoos, 33(3), 417-423.
Lagly, A. P., & Carll, L. L. (2007). Women and Lhe labyrlnLh of
leadershlp. notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 85(9), 63-71.
Modu|e 8 due
Sep. 8

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 12
Week Dates 1op|cs]kead|ngs Ass|gnments
llLzslmmons, S. 8. (2012). Women on boards of dlrecLors: Why
sklrLs ln seaLs aren'L enough. 8uslness Porlzons, 33(6), 337-366.
lbarra, P., Lly, 8., & kolb, u. (2013). Women rlslng: 1he unseen
barrlers. notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 91(8), 2-8.
1wenge, !. M., Campbell, S. M., Poffman, 8. !., & Lance, C. L.
(2010). CeneraLlonal dlfferences ln work values: Lelsure and
exLrlnslc values lncreaslng, soclal and lnLrlnslc values decreaslng.
!ournal of ManagemenL, 36(3), 1117-1142.
8olman & ueal Ch. 3-3
4 Sep. 9-13 Modu|e C: Strengths 8ased Leadersh|p
Agulnls, P., CoLLfredson, 8. k., & !oo, P. (2012). uellverlng
effecLlve performance feedback: 1he sLrengLhs-based approach.
8uslness Porlzons, 33(2), 103-111. dol:
8ucklngham, M. (2011). SLrong leadershlp. leoJetsblp xcelleoce,
28(1), 3.
eLerson, C., & ark, n. (2006). CharacLer sLrengLhs ln
organlzaLlons. Iootool of Otqoolzotloool 8ebovlot, 27(8), 1149-
8oberLs, L. M., SprelLzer, C., uuLLon, !., Culnn, 8., Peaphy, L., &
8arker, 8. (2003). Pow Lo play Lo your sLrengLhs. notvotJ 8osloess
kevlew, 8J(1), 74-80.

Modu|e C due
Sep. 1S

3 Sep. 16-
Modu|e D: Strengths Cverused, Dera||ment, and 8ad Leadersh|p
Ancona, D., Malone, T. W., Orlikowski, W. J., & Senge, P. M.
(2007). In praise of the incomplete leader. Harvard Business
Review, 85(2), 92-100.
Conger, !. A. (1990). 1he dark slde of leadershlp. Otqoolzotloool
uyoomlcs, 19(2), 44-33.
Pogan, !., Pogan, 8., & kalser, 8. 8. (2011). ManagemenL
derallmenL. ln S. Zedeck (Ld.), AlA booJbook of loJosttlol ooJ
otqoolzotloool psycboloqy, vol J. Molotololoq, expooJloq, ooJ
coottoctloq tbe otqoolzotloo. (pp. 333-373): WashlngLon, uC, uS:
Amerlcan sychologlcal AssoclaLlon.
kaplan, 8. L., & kalser, 8. 8. (2009). SLop overdolng your sLrengLhs.
notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 87(2), 100-103.
Kellerman, B. (2004). Leadership warts and all. Harvard Business
Review, 82(1), 40-45.
Sonnenfeld, J. A., & Ward, A. J. (2007). Firing back. Harvard
Business Review, 85(1), 76-84.
Modu|e D due
Sep. 22

Strengths and
Lxerc|se due

6 Sep. 23-
Modu|e L: Deve|op|ng ke|at|onsh|ps and Work|ng w|th Cthers
Cuddy, A. !. C., kohuL, M., & nefflnger, !. (2013). ConnecL, Lhen
lead. notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 91(7), 34-61.
Modu|e L due
Sep. 29
Learn|ng C|rc|e

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 13
Week Dates 1op|cs]kead|ngs Ass|gnments
Manzonl, !.-l. (2002). A beLLer way Lo dellver bad news. notvotJ
8osloess kevlew, 80(9), 114-119.
Manzonl, !.-l., & 8arsoux, !.-L. (2009). 1he lnLerpersonal slde of
Laklng charge. Otqoolzotloool uyoomlcs, J8(2), 106-116.
elucheLLe, !. v. L., karl, k., & lerLlg, !. (2013). A lacebook 'frlend'
requesL from Lhe boss: 1oo close for comforL? 8osloess notlzoos,
56(3), 291-300.
uhl-8len, M., & CarsLen, M. k. (2007). 8elng eLhlcal when Lhe boss
ls noL. Otqoolzotloool uyoomlcs, J6(2), 187-201.
8olman & ueal Ch. 6-8
Act|v|ty #1 due
Sep. 29

7 Sep. 30-
CcL. 4
Modu|e I: ower and Inf|uence
Claldlnl, 8. 8. (2001). Parnesslng Lhe sclence of persuaslon. Parvard
8uslness 8evlew, 79(9), 72-79.
Cialdini, R. B. (2013). The uses (and abuses) of influence. 91, 76-
Crenny, !., Maxfleld, u., & Shlmberg, A. (2008). Pow Lo have
lnfluence. Ml1 5looo Moooqemeot kevlew, 50(1), 47-32.
CranL: ?es, ower CorrupLs, 8uL ower Also 8eveals"
Pfeffer, J. (2010). Power play. Harvard Business Review, 88, 84-92.
?ukl, C. (2007). 8esL racLlces ln Lhe use of roacLlve lnfluence
1acLlcs by Leaders. ln !. A. Conger & 8. L. 8lgglo (Lds.), 1he pracLlce
of leadershlp: ueveloplng Lhe nexL generaLlon of leaders. (pp. 109-
128). San lranclsco, CA, uS: !ossey-8ass.
8olman & ueal Ch. 9-11

8 CcL. 7-9
8reak ls
CcL. 10-
Modu|e I cont|nued

Modu|e I due
Cct. 13

9 CcL. 14-
Modu|e G: Grow|ng our Leadersh|p Network
Anand, n., & Conger, !. A. (2007). CapablllLles of Lhe consummaLe
neLworker. Otqoolzotloool uyoomlcs, J6(1), 13-27.
8yham, W. C. (2009). SLarL neLworklng rlghL away (even lf you haLe
lL). notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 87(1), 22-22.
Cross, 8., & rusak, L. (2002). 1he people who make organlzaLlons
go--or sLop. notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 80(6), 104-111.
CranL, A. (2013). ln Lhe company of glvers and Lakers. notvotJ
8osloess kevlew, 91(4), 90-97.
lbarra, P., & PunLer, M. (2007). Pow leaders creaLe and use
Modu|e G due
Cct. 20

Network Lxerc|se
due Cct. 20

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 14
Week Dates 1op|cs]kead|ngs Ass|gnments
neLworks. notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 85, 40-47.
uzzl, 8., & uunlap, S. (2003). Pow Lo bulld your neLwork. notvotJ
8osloess kevlew, 8J(12), 33-60.
10 CcL. 21-
Modu|e n: Leader V|s|on|ng and Lead|ng Change
8aLLllana, !., & Casclaro, 1. (2013). 1he neLwork secreLs of greaL
change agenLs. notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 91(7), 62-68.
ChrlsLensen, C. M., Marx, M., & SLevenson, P. W. (2006). 1he Lools
of cooperaLlon and change. notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 84(10), 73-
Colllns, !. C., & orras, !. l. (1996). 8ulldlng your company's vlslon.
notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 74(3), 63-77.
Carvln, u. A., & 8oberLo, M. A. (2003). Change Lhrough persuaslon.
notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 8J, 104-112.
koLLer, !. . (1993). Leadlng change: Why LransformaLlon efforLs
fall. notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 7J(2), 39-67.
8olman & ueal Ch. 12-13
Modu|e n due
Cct. 27

Learn|ng C|rc|e
Act|v|ty #2 due
Cct. 27

11 CcL. 28-
nov. 1
Modu|e I: Conf||ct and Negot|at|on
Dalton, D. R., & Dalton, C. M. (2011). Trips and tips for
negotiation self-defense: Forewarned is forearmed. Business
Horizons, 54(1), 63-72.
De Dreu, C. K. W. (2011). Conflict at work: Basic principles and
applied issues. In S. Zedeck (Ed.), APA handbook of industrial and
organizational psychology, Vol 3: Maintaining, expanding, and
contracting the organization. (pp. 461-493): Washington, DC, US:
American Psychological Association.
Gelfand, M. J., Fulmer, C. A., & Severance, L. (2011). The
psychology of negotiation and mediation. In S. Zedeck (Ed.), APA
handbook of industrial and organizational psychology, Vol 3:
Maintaining, expanding, and contracting the organization. (pp.
495-554). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Sussman, L. (1999). How to frame a message: The art of persuasion
and negotiation. Business Horizons, 42(4), 2-6.

Modu|e I due
Nov. 3
ersona| Leader
|an due Nov. 3
12 nov. 4-8 Modu|e I: rescr|pt|ve Lth|ca| 1heor|es and Lth|ca| D||emmas
llnkelsLeln, S., WhlLehead, !., & Campbell, A. (2009). Pow
lnapproprlaLe aLLachmenLs can drlve good leaders Lo make bad
declslons. Otqoolzotloool uyoomlcs, J8(2), 83-92.
Perry, J. E. (2011). Managing moral distress: A strategy for
resolving ethical dilemmas. Business Horizons, 54(5), 393-397.
Rubin, J. D. (2012). Fairness in business: Does it matter, and what
does it mean? Business Horizons, 55(1), 11-15.
Bazerman & Tenbrunsel Ch. 2-3
Arlely Ch. 1, Ch. 3
Modu|e I due
Nov. 10
ersona| Leader
|an due Nov. 10

MnC1 677: Syllabus and Course Schedule lall 2013 age 13
Week Dates 1op|cs]kead|ngs Ass|gnments
14 nov. 11-
Modu|e k: 8ehav|ora| Lth|cs art I
Ariely Ch 2; Ch. 4-6
Bazerman & Tenbrunsel Ch. 4-5
Modu|e k due
Nov. 17

13 nov. 18-
Modu|e L: 8ehav|ora| Lth|cs art II
Ariely Ch. 7-10

13 nov. 23-
Modu|e L: 8ehav|ora| Lth|cs art II cont|nued
nappy 1hanksg|v|ng (1hanksg|v|ng 8reak |s Nov. 27-29)!
Modu|e L due
Nov. 26
16 uec. 2-6 Modu|e M: Lth|ca| Leadersh|p and romot|ng Lth|ca| 8ehav|or
8rown, M. L. (2007). MlsconcepLlons of eLhlcal leadershlp: Pow Lo
avold poLenLlal plLfalls. Otqoolzotloool uyoomlcs, J6(2), 140-133.
CenLlle, M. C. (2010). Managlng yourself: keeplng your colleagues
honesL. notvotJ 8osloess kevlew, 88(3), 114-117.
Langvardt, A. W. (2012). Ethical leadership and the dual roles of
examples. Business Horizons, 55(4), 373-384.
Reardon, K. K. (2007). Courage as a skill. Harvard Business
Review, 85(1), 58-64.
Schwartz, M. S. (2013). Developing and sustaining an ethical
corporate culture: The core elements. Business Horizons, 56, 39-50.
1revlno, L. k., & 8rown, M. L. (2004). Managlng Lo be eLhlcal:
uebunklng flve buslness eLhlcs myLhs. AcoJemy of Moooqemeot
xecotlve, 18(2), 69-81.
8azerman & 1enbrunsel Ch. 6, Ch. 8

Modu|e M due
Dec. 8
Learn|ng C|rc|e
Act|v|ty #3 due
Dec. 8

Lessons Learned
Memo due Dec.

*Additional readings/videos may be assigned as needed/relevant; these will be provided via Blackboard.

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