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Malibu Pools Complaints


6 Billan St, Carina, Qld, 4152, Zip: 4170. Phone no-(07) 161-!724

Theres nothing like it. The heat is on and you step out into your o n ba!kyard and di"e into beauti#ul$ !rystal !lear ater. And i# you ha"e !hildren$ a s imming pool is the greatest gi#t you !an gi"e to your #amily % be!ause a pool is so mu!h more than a pla!e to s im.

The health bene#its o# s imming are ell do!umented &link to 'hy S imming blog(. )ut there are all kinds o# other bene#its that !ome #rom building a pool on your property. *or the !hildren$ its the most #un they !an ha"e at home. +t gets them out o# doors and a ay #rom the ubi,uitous !omputers and tele"isions. +ts a onder#ul attra!tion #or #riends to !ome by and play in the pool. -ot only do you kno here the kids are$ you kno theyre getting!ise and ha"ing #un all at the same time. *or the gro nups$ pool%side is a great pla!e to entertain. *ire up the barbe!ue$ !hill some ine and simply hang out ith your #amily and #riends. /ust being by ater !reates a atmosphere and no adays$ the aestheti! design o# s imming pools has e"ol"ed into a high art. +t !an be like being in your o n pri"ate oasis. 0# !ourse$ you ha"e to take !are hen sele!ting a pool builder i# you ant it to be aestheti!ally pleasing as ell as en"ironmentally sensiti"e.

Malibu Pools is a brilliant !ompany based in )risbane that e ha"e orked ith #or many years. Sean 1yn!h tells us hat goes into the design o# one o# their pools. 23eres a !lassi! e.ample o# a !ontemporary pool. A stylish design !omplements the angles o# the homes ar!hite!ture$ hile the pool and lands!ape ha"e also been !reated ith the en"ironment in mind. +t is the result o# meti!ulous planning and smart design. 'ater% ise plants and mul!h are

in!orporated into ingenious energy design$ hile the pool and gardens are all !onne!ted to tanks #or pool top ups and drip%#eed irrigation. The pool and lands!ape ere designed as part o# an o"erall ater%sa"ing system on the property. Any ater runo## #rom the home is used to top up the s imming pool and #ill up storage ater tanks. 'ater !at!hment systems$ in!luding e"aporation blankets and #resh ater sanitation systems ere also used to ensure this )risbane site does it share #or smart site sustainability.4

'ith su!h high standards$ it !omes as no surprise Malibu Pools as named En"iros im Pool )uilder o# the 5ear. 2The En"iros im Pool )uilder o# the 5ear A ards !entres on the importan!e o# en"ironmental responsibility and !onsumer sa#ety as ell as outstanding !onstru!tion and design$4 says 6ary Stutt$ managing dire!tor o# En"iros im Systems. 2Malibu Pools !ommitment to !ustomer ser"i!e !ontinues long a#ter the ne pool is being en7oyed by its o ners.)y using and re!ommending the En"iros im pool sanitation system$ Malibu Pools is helping their !ustomers sa"e money and the en"ironment as ell as ensuring their health by minimising the use o# to.i! pool !hemi!als.4

The En"iros im system uses three pro"en pool sanitation methods in one 8 !opper%sil"er ionisation$ ele!troni! o.idisation and ultrasoni! !leaning 8 to redu!e the need #or !hemi!als like !hlorine$ e.tend the li#e o# pool pumps and impro"e the ater ,uality.

En"iros im is internationally re!ognised and used to pro"ide sa#e$ !lean s imming pool ater hile "irtually eliminating the need #or to.i! !hemi!als. +# youd like to kno more about Malibu Pools or the En"iros im ES9$ do get in tou!h.

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