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SMS Gateway Router 1.

Specifcation of Accounting CDRs for B2B Settlement


Blumenhagenstr. 10 D-3016 !anno"er #erman$

%o"em&er 200'

(or an$ )uestions concerning *+ , +elecommunication Ser"ices "isit the AD-.%A#. /e&site0 ///.a1" -ersion 1.0 %o"em&er 200' Cop$rights0 tra1emar2s an1 ac2no/le1gments. 3in1o/s0 3in1o/s 20000 3in1o/s 450 3in1o/s 2003 Ser"er are cop$right of 6icrosoft Corporation. All other cop$rights an1 tra1emar2s are the propert$ of their respecti"e o/ners. AD-.%A#. #m&! 200'

7 AD-.%A#. #m&!

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S6S #ate/a$ Router - Accounting CDRs for B2B Settlement

1 *ntro1uction......................................................................................................................... 8 2 CDR fle format specifcation...............................................................................................9 2.1 (ile naming con"entions...............................................................................................9 2.2 #eneral fle format........................................................................................................ 9 2.3 (ormat of CDRs in the fle............................................................................................ 6

7 AD-.%A#. #m&!

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S6S #ate/a$ Router - Accounting CDRs for B2B Settlement

1 *ntro1uction

1 Introduction
+his specifcation 1escri&es the format of Accounting CDRs generate1 &$ the S6S #ate/a$ Router on the the interface &et/een the S6S #ate/a$ Router Channels B:+46; an1 B:+.4+#3. +hese channels implement the interfaces &et/een the S6S #ate/a$ Router an1 the Bou$gues +elecom S$stems B2B #ate/a$ an1 S+* .<ternal #ate/a$. +he conte<t is 1epicte1 &$ the fgure &elo/=

+he CDRs pro1uce1 for these channels are not rate1. +he CDRs are collecte1 in a 1ata&ase an1 han1e1 o"er from time to time to a /or2>o/ engine transferring the CDR 1ata in fles to partners of the 6-%? "ia (+5 for B2B settlement purposes. *n case that the partner@s (+5 ser"er is una"aila&le0 the transmission /ill &e retrie1 until successful 1eli"er$ /as confrme1 &$ the peer@s (+5 ser"er. +his 1ocument 1escri&es the format of the fles transferre1 to the partners of the 6-%?. +his inclu1es fle name con"entions0 &asic fle format an1 the format of the CDRs in the fle. An accomplishing application note 1escri&es rules for CDR collection inter"als an1 (+5 fle 1eli"er$ inter"als.

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S6S #ate/a$ Router - Accounting CDRs for B2B Settlement

2 CDR fle format specifcation

CDR !"e #ormat s$eci!cation

+he CDR collection process of S6S #ate/a$ Router collects all a"aila&le information on S6S reception an1 1eli"er$ in real-time at the interface &et/een S6S #ate/a$ Router an1 Bou$gues +elecom. +his information is collecte1 in a 1ata&ase. (rom time to time a CDR e<port process e<ports this 1ata from the 1ata&ase. +he selection of CDRs to &e e<porte1 is mainl$ rule1 &$ time. +his causes CDR e<port fles to &e generate1 at 1efne1 inter"als inclu1ing 1ata from a particular start timestamp to an en1 time-stamp. .ach e<port fle has a in1i"i1ual se)uence num&er. *n particular situations CDRs might arri"e late at the 1ata&ase A meaning after the regular e<port of this time inter"al has alrea1$ &een complete1. +hese recor1s are still collecte1 an1 1eli"ere1 at a later time in long term inter"als A usuall$ monthl$ A /ith o"erlapping timestamps for start an1 en1 of the collection inter"al &ut /ith a uni)ues se)uence num&er of the e<port. Bsuall$ a single CDR /ill ne"er &e 1eli"ere1 t/ice to partners.

.1 %i"e namin& con'entions

An e<ample of a CDR e<port fle is gi"en &elo/=

+his fle is for the 1omain CD(RE0 inclu1es recor1s from the ta&le CS6SB2BR.C?RDE0 the start time-stamp is C%o"em&er 1'th 200' 1F=29=00 B+CE0 the en1 time-stamp is C%o"em&er 1Fth 200' 1F=29=00 B+CE0 the se)uence num&er of this fle is C1013E. +he Gf<e1H trailer of the flename is C.cs"E. During the time the fle is transferre1 from the 6-%. site to partner@s site0 the flename /ill &e e<ten1e1 to

After the fle transfer complete10 the fle /ill &e rename1 to

+he partner is e<pecte1 to process onl$ fles /ith the trailer C.cs"E0 &ut not C.cs".tmpE.

Genera" !"e #ormat

CDR e<port fles are te<t fles separate1 into lines. A line is en1e1 &$ ICRJ I;(J or in the B%*4 notation CKrKnE. +he format of CDR e<port fles comprises three sections=

!ea1er CDR GmainH part +railer

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S6S #ate/a$ Router - Accounting CDRs for B2B Settlement

2 CDR fle format specifcation

+he content of the hea1er section is an attri&ute "alue list. Attri&utes an1 "alues are separate1 &$ the e)ual sign @L@. +he e<ample &elo/ illustrates the hea1er section=
DOMAIN=KFR TABLE=SMSB2BRECORD ERSION= 1.0.1 !ERIODSTART=20081118192500 !ERIODEND=20081119192500 SE"NO=1013

+he frst entr$ 1escri&es the 1omain GCD(RE in this e<ampleH0 the secon1 entr$ 1escri&es the e<porte1 ta&le GCS6SB2BR.C?RDE in this e<ampleH0 the thir1 entr$ 1escri&es the "ersion of CDR fle format use1 GC-1.0.1E in this e<ampleH0 the fourth entr$ 1escri&es the start time-stamp of the CDR e<port fle GC200'111'1F2900E in this e<ampleH0 the f fth entr$ 1escri&es the en1 time-stamp of the CDR e<port f le GC200'111F1F2900E in this e<ampleH0 the si<th entr$ 1escri&es the se)uence num&er of the e<port fle GC1013E in this e<ampleH. +he hea1er is separate1 from the CDR part of the fle &$ an empt$ line. +he GmainH CDR part of the fle is 1escri&e1 &$ the follo/ing section in 1etail. +he CDR part of the fle might &e empt$. +he CDR part of the fle is separate1 from the trailing part &$ an empt$ line. +he e<ample &elo/ illustrates the trailing section=

+he trailing part of the CDR fle is an attri&ute "alue list /ith onl$ a single entr$ A the num&er of CDRs in the GmainH CDR section.

.( %ormat o# CDRs in t)e !"e

+he GmainH CDR part of a CDR e<port fle comprises the CDRs for the particular time inter"al. An e<ample illustrates this section=
09%3&9&D2D%3%2%&2D31080000000000000001'1'33&&8%(11&8'3322208'&'2008110100(923'2008110100(923'2008110101(923 09%3&9&D2D%3%2%&2D3108000000000000000('('3322208'33&&8%(11&8'%'2008110100(92%'2008110100(92%'2008110101(92% 09%3&9&D2D%3%2%&2D31080000000000000005'5'33&&8%(11&8'3322209'&'20081101010825'20081101010825'20081101020825 09%3&9&D2D%3%2%&2D31080000000000000008'8'3322209'33&&8%(11&8'%'20081101010829'20081101010829'20081101020829 09%3&9&D2D%3%2%&2D31080000000000000009'9'33&&8%(11&8'3322208'&'20081101011(55'20081101011(55'20081101021(55 09%3&9&D2D%3%2%&2D3108000000000000000C'12'3322208'33&&8%(11&8'%'20081101011(59'20081101011(59'20081101021(59

.ach line inclu1es an in1i"i1ual CDR0 separate1 &$ semicolons into columns= Name ref1 se)Mno Cg5% C15% 6essage t$pe %ormat ASC** string 68 &it unsigne1 integer as numeric ASC** string %umeric ASC** string %umeric ASC** string %umeric ASC** string Descri$tion Bni)ue reference to the CDR Bni)ue se)uence num&er of the CDR in the particular 1ata&ase Calling 5art$ %um&er GA-%um&erH in international format Calle1 5art$ %um&er GB-%um&erH in international format 6 means S6 6? means S6 6+
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S6S #ate/a$ Router - Accounting CDRs for B2B Settlement

2 CDR fle format specifcation

0 means un2no/n 6e1iation time CDR time stamp %umeric ASC** string +he time of me1iation in the format= NO:OmO1O!O6OSN as B+C time +he CDR time stamp Gser"ice 1eli"er$ timeH in the format= NO:OmO1O!O6OSN as B+C time +he CDR time stamp Gser"ice 1eli"er$ timeH in the format= NO:OmO1O!O6OSN as local time +his information is pro"i1e1 for information purposes onl$. +he rele"ant time stamp is CCDR time stampE.

%umeric ASC** string

CDR time stamp as local time stamp

%umeric ASC** string

7 AD-.%A#. #m&!


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