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Tip #16: If Things Change, Make A Better Plan Follow My Blog at www.sherimackey.

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Johnny In life, things change - constantly! If you have goals or plans and they change... adapt and overcome. Meaning: Get a new plan. Planning is an ongoing process we inherently go through life with, and you need to be flexible enough to allow for interesting detours and enjoy the opportunities discovered along the way.

Don't be afraid to back-up and take a detour - it could be the most interesting part of your journey. Benefiting from change requires a certain state of mind, openness and flexibility. Remember the following concepts and enjoy the ride:

There are opportunities in every direction - you just have to be able to recognize them for what they are and adjust your perspective Recognize that change is almost always uncomfortable: we can't learn and grow unless we are willing to occasionally change direction and pursue different routes when the opportunities present themselves Don't let your natural resistance to change get in the way Feel the fear of change... then change anyway

Sometimes it is okay to take your foot off the gas to avoid going in the wrong direction. However, there are other times, an unexpected direction can take you on wonderful new adventures, bringing unanticipated success. Penicillin, X-rays... brandy - none of these things would have been developed if someone, somewhere, had refused to follow a new and unanticipated direction. Creativity usually requires a willingness to be open to novelty and innovation. But remember, the key is to actually make a better plan - don't just wander off into the wilderness with no sense of direction or purpose.

Your priorities (and therefore your goals) may change as circumstances and other things evolve. When this happens, it is critical to sit down and go through the planning (i.e., goal setting) process again to make sure your goals still have the personal meaning that makes you want to achieve them. If you need to change a plan, don't consider it a failure - consider it an informed detour with a course correction. The important concept is that you have the insight to realize something has changed and that you have the

ability to go in an alternative direction! Stay focused on what's ahead and do what needs to be done to get there.

What is your "better" plan? Sheri L. Mackey The Global Coach

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Luminosity Global Consulting Group, LLC. 515 S. Flower Street 36th Floor Los Angeles CALIFORNIA 90071 PREVOD: Savjet # 16: Ako stvari mijenjaju, napraviti bolji plan Slijedite moj blog, na Dobar dan

Johnny u ivotu, stvari se mijenjaju - stalno! Ako imate ciljeve i planove, a oni promijenili ... prilagoditi i prevladati. Znaenje: Nabavite novi plan. Planiranje je proces u tijeku smo sebi idi kroz ivot s, a vi morate biti dovoljno fleksibilan kako bi se omogudilo zanimljivih zaobilaznice i uivati u mogudnosti otkrivena na putu.

Nemojte se bojati da back-up i uzeti zaobilaznica - to bi mogao biti najzanimljiviji dio svoje putovanje. Korist od promjena zahtijeva odreeno stanje uma, otvorenosti i fleksibilnosti. Zapamtite sljedede pojmove i uivati u vonji:

Postoje mogudnosti u svakom smjeru - vi samo morate biti u stanju prepoznati ih za ono to su i prilagoditi svoje perspektive Shvatiti da je promjena gotovo uvijek neugodno: ne moemo uiti i rasti ako smo spremni privremeno promijeniti smjer i slijediti razliite putove kada se prilike predstaviti sebe Ne dopustite da va prirodni otpor prema promjenama dobiti na putu Osjeti strah od promjena ... zatim promijenite svejedno

Ponekad je u redu da otpustite papuicu gasa kako bi se izbjeglo ide u pogrenom smjeru. Meutim, postoje i drugi puta, neoekivanom smjeru moe vas odvesti na divnim novim avanturama, donosi neoekivane uspjeh. Penicilin, X-zrake ... rakije - niti jedan od ovih stvari bi bila razvijena ako netko, negdje, odbio slijediti novi i neoekivanih smjer. Kreativnost obino zahtijeva spremnost da budu otvoreni prema novim iskustvima i inovacije. Ali zapamtite, klju je zapravo napraviti bolji plan - ne samo odlutati u divljinu bez osjedaja smjera ili svrhe.

Vai prioriteti (a time i svoje ciljeve) moe promijeniti okolnosti, kao i druge stvari razvijati. Kada se to dogodi, vano je sjesti i prodi kroz planiranje (odnosno, postavljanje ciljeva) procesa i pazite svoje ciljeve uvijek imaju osobno znaenje ini da ih elite postidi. Ako trebate promijeniti plan, ne smatraju da je neuspjeh - to smatrati informirani skretanje s korekcijom teaja. Vaan koncept je da imate uvid ostvariti neto promijenilo i da imate sposobnost da se ide u alternativnom smjeru! Ostanite usredotoeni na ono to je naprijed i uiniti ono to treba biti uinjeno kako bi se tamo.

Koja je vaa "bolja" plan? Sheri L. Mackey

Global trener

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