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Materials Chemistry
Cite this: J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 6122 FEATURE ARTICLE
Templated-assisted one-dimensional silica nanotubes: synthesis and
Xiaofei Yang,* Hua Tang, Kesheng Cao, Haojie Song, Weichen Sheng and Qiong Wu
Received 24th December 2010, Accepted 28th January 2011
DOI: 10.1039/c0jm04516k

Silica (SiO2) is one of the most frequently used inorganic materials. This review covers the research
progress in the synthesis of one-dimensional silica nanotubes as well as the newest aspects of silica
nanotubes in applications where their structural attributes are exploited. The synthetic methods for
well-defined silica nanotubes and a variety of specific silica nanotubes including hollow silica
nanotubes, mesoporous silica nanotubes, chiral or helical silica nanotubes are summarized. One-
dimensional tubular silica nanomaterials display structures that differ from those of other kinds of
nanostructured silica materials and provide unique features such as very uniform diameter, open at
both ends. In addition, sol–gel process and silane chemistry offer the reliable and robust surface
modification or functionalization of silica nanotubes. Attractively, end functionalization of silica
nanotubes may be able to control drug release, resulting in their wide applications in controlled drug
and gene delivery; also their distinctive inner and outer surfaces can be differentially functionalized
making silica nanotubes ideal multifunctional nanostructure candidates for biomedical applications in
various areas such as biosensing, bioseparation and biocatalysis.

1. Introduction in 1991.1 Over the past few years, 1D nanostructures made from
materials other than carbon such as nanowires, nanotubes, and
Interest in one-dimensional (1D) nanomaterials received nanorods have also become the focus of intensive research due
a major boost with the discovery of carbon nanotubes by Iijima to their unique properties and applications in condensed-matter
physics, information technology and nanoscale devices.2–8 It is
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University, proposed that 1D nanostructures provide a good system to
Zhenjiang, 212013, P. R. China. E-mail:; Fax: +86-
511-88791947; Tel: +86-511-88780191
investigate the dependence of electrical and thermal transport or

Xiaofei Yang was born in Hubei, Hua Tang received his Bache-
China, in 1980. He received lor’s degree in Mineral Science
a BSc. degree in Chemistry from and Engineering from Wuhan
Hubei Normal University in Institute of Technology in 2001.
2001 and a MSc. degree in He joined Prof. Jiaguo Yu’s
Physical Chemistry from group and then worked as
Shanghai Normal University in a graduate student in 2002,
2004. He continued to pursue his obtained his Master’s degree in
PhD at the University of Leeds, Materials Science (2005) and
UK from 2005 supported by the PhD degree in Materials
Overseas Research Students Physics and Chemistry (2008)
Awards Scheme (ORSAS) and from Wuhan University of
obtained his PhD degree in Technology. He has been
Xiaofei Yang materials chemistry in 2009. He Hua Tang working in the School of Mate-
joined the School of Materials rials Science and Engineering,
Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University since 2008.
Jiangsu University, China in 2009. His research interests include His research interests are focused on the synthesis of inorganic
nanostructured materials, molecular self-assembly, biological and nanostructures and their applications.
biomedical applications of nanomaterials.

6122 | J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 6122–6135 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
mechanical properties on dimensionality and size reduction more importantly, conveniently produced in large quantities and
(quantum confinement). Although considerable efforts have easily chemically functionalized.
been directed at the large-scale synthesis of 1D nanomaterials, Inorganic nanotubes are attracting a great deal of attention
and various strategies and techniques have been developed to due to their fundamental significance and potential applications
break the symmetry either physically or chemically, the advance in various areas. Among them, silica nanotubes are of special
of 1D nanostructures has been slow due to the difficulties asso- interest because of their hydrophilic nature, easy colloidal
ciated with the synthesis and fabrication of these nanostructures suspension formation, and surface functionalization accessibility
with well-controlled dimensions, morphology, phase purity and for both inner and outer walls. These modified silica nanotubes
chemical composition. and nanotube membrane have shown potential applications for
Silica is popular for several reasons: a great variety of possible bioseparation and biocatalysis. In addition, the study of the
structures (flexibility of coordinated Si), a precise control of the physical and chemical nature of molecules or ions confined
hydrolysis-condensation reactions (due to a lower reactivity), within silica nanotubes is of great current interest.
thermal stability of the obtained amorphous networks, and In this review, we summarize the templating approaches for
applications in many fields such as separation, adsorption, the synthesis of one-dimensional silica nanotubes with different
catalysis, optics, electronics, drug delivery and chemical sensing. kinds of morphologies such as hollow silica nanotubes, helical or
In addition, a great number of structures found in nature pre- chiral silica nanotubes, mesoporous silica nanotubes. Further-
senting complex architectures are silica-based. Silica nano- more, applications of silica nanotubes are reviewed with an
materials, compared with carbon nanomaterials, are cheaper, emphasis on the areas including biomedical science, separation
easier to separate from one another after they are made, and science and molecular recognition.

Kesheng Cao is currently a PhD Weichen Sheng received his BSc

candidate in the School of degree in Polymer Engineering,
Materials Science and Engi- Zhejiang University in 2000, and
neering, Jiangsu University. His obtained his PhD degree from
research interests are mainly State Key Laboratory of
focused on the controlled fabri- Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang
cation of inorganic nano- University in 2005. He then
materials and nanocomposites, joined the School of Materials
hydrothermal synthesis of novel Science and Engineering,
nanostructured materials and Jiangsu University in 2006. He
applications of one-dimensional has wide-ranging interests in the
nanostructures. synthesis and characterization
of porous materials, and the
Kesheng Cao Weichen Sheng development of polymer-based
optoelectronic functional mate-

Haojie Song received his BSc Qiong Wu received his Master’s

degree in Chemistry from Henan degree from Jilin Normal
Normal University in 2003 and University in 2005 and is
obtained his PhD in Physical currently pursuing his PhD in
Chemistry from Lanzhou Insti- the School of Materials Science,
tute of Chemical Physics, Jiangsu University. His current
Chinese Academy of Sciences in research interests include the
2008. He joined the faculty of synthesis of functional materials
Jiangsu University in 2008 and and hybrids, ceramic materials
his research interests are in the and composites with high
synthesis and properties of oxide performance.
nanomaterials, metal-doped
composite materials, and their
Haojie Song applications in nanomedicine, Qiong Wu
catalysis, gas sensors and energy

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 6122–6135 | 6123
2. Template-based synthesis of silica nanotubes membranes and inorganic nanomaterials. A templated-directed
approach to preparing nanomaterials has been pioneered by
Silica nanotubes were first discovered by Nakamura and co- Martin and co-workers in the early 1990s.19,20 The synthesis of
workers9 in 1995 and have since lead to an enormous amount of controlled and uniform-sized nanomaterials benefits from the use
research into their synthetic methods, fundamental properties and of fabricated membrane templates with cylindrical pores which
functionality for a wide variety of applications. Early investigations are monodisperse in terms of the diameter and length. Depen-
and efforts mainly focused on the development of novel synthetic ding on the properties of the material and the chemistry of the
strategies and the understanding of the formation mechanism of pore wall, nanomaterials may be obtained by the removal of
resulting silica nanotubes. For instance, Fumiuki and co-workers10 template and may be solid (nanorods, nanowires) or hollow
reported the preparation of hollow silica nanotubes in the presence (nanotubes). The most important type of template used by this
of tartaric acid and ammonia where tartrate ammonium crystals group has been porous alumina membranes from which they
formed was proposed as the template for the generation of silica have made a variety of tubular nanomaterials including silica
materials. Adachi and co-workers11–13 reported the sol–gel method nanotubes,21–23 carbon nanotubes24–26 and TiO2 nanotubes.27 In
for fabricating single silica nanotubes by the surfactant-mediated addition, the template-based synthetic strategy has been
template mechanism and the method for controlling the geometry developed to make gold nanotubes,28–30 nano test tubes,31–33
of the tubes. They presented the first use of self-assembled micellar DNA nanotubes,34–37 and protein nanotubes.36,37
aggregates formed by laurylamine hydrochloride in aqueous
conditions as templates for the formation of silica nanotubes. The 2.1.1 Inorganic anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) as the
nanotubes are hundreds of nanometres long with diameters of 5–8 template. Silica nanotubes have been synthesized typically within
nm and of consistent quality. The group have shown that the length the pores of porous alumina membrane templates using the sol–
of the nanotubes can be increased by introducing a quantity of gel coating technique. Alumina templates can be dissolved to
trimethyl silane to the synthesis mixture during the condensation of liberate single silica nanotubes. These silica nanotubes prepared
the gel. It was revealed that the diameter of the nanotubes can be at low temperature have porous walls and are fragile. Once the
easily controlled by using a different length of alkyl chain of templates are removed, the silica nanotubes will bundle up and
surfactant. Trimethyl silane reacts with surface OH groups on the become less oriented. Yu and co-workers38,39 expanded the above
silica nanotubes and effectively coats them in a hydrocarbon layer strategy and developed a mechanical capping method of silica
blocking any intertube polymerisation. Moreover, a novel self- nanotubes for encapsulation of functional molecules by using an
assembly method for fabricating size tunable silica nanotube using alumina microbead hammering treatment without chemical
a reverse-microemulsion sol–gel technique was reported by Jang’s linkers or chemical reactions (Fig. 1). It was suggested that not
group14 and Banerjee’s group.15 The main advantages of the only inorganic metals Au and Ag, but also organic polymers can
method are that the diameter, wall thickness and morphology of serve as the caps for silica nanotubes.
silica nanotubes were tuned by using different kinds of apolar The template synthesis of silica nanotubes using inorganic
solvents14 and the amount of water.15 anodic aluminum oxide (AAO) has been advanced by He and co-
Although silica nanotubes have been synthesized by different workers40–42 where silica nanotubes with well-defined cylindrical
synthetic methods including the sol–gel method, hydrothermal, pores were fabricated further with a surface sol–gel procedure to
microemulsion, they have something in common in the use of produce shape-coded silica nanotubes as a new dispersible
template as a structure-directing agent, followed by the gentle microarray system. The results showed each shape-coded silica
removal of the template by the post-treatment such as extraction, nanotube has several segments with different reflectance values
chemical reaction or calcination. The key for a successful after the fabrication by multistep anodization template synthesis,
template-directed synthesis is to select a template which ensures and it was proposed that the difference in optical reflectance
the formation of a desired nanostructure and can be easily between the segmented parts of individual silica nanotube made
removed without damaging it, which means the template should it convenient and effective to identify each nanotube.
be thermally and chemically stable with respect to the specific
reaction conditions. However the template should be chemically
reactive if post-treatment is absolutely necessary.
Templating is one of the most frequently used methods of
synthesizing materials with structural units ranging from nano-
metres to micrometres.16–18 Template-based methods essentially
involve the replication of one structure into another under
structural inversion. In the context of materials chemistry,
a template is a structure-directing agent. Template methods
initially yield template-nanomaterial hydrids. The detached
nanomaterials are then obtained by selective removal of the
template. Templates can be classified into three categories, inor-
ganic templates, organic templates and biomolecular templates.

2.1 Inorganic templates Fig. 1 Schematic diagram for the preparation of Au-cap using alumina
microbead hammering treatment; Ag and polymers were also used as
There are two main types of inorganic templates applied for capping materials according to the same procedure. Reprinted with
producing nanomaterials, namely, ordered porous inorganic permission from ref. 38, copyright 2009, American Chemical Society.

6124 | J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 6122–6135 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
2.1.2 Inorganic nanomaterials as templates. Moreover, to obtain by calcining the hybrid nanotubes at high temperature
employing inorganic nanomaterials as hard templates is also (550  C). However, further calcination of the silica nanotubes at
a reasonable way to prepare novel tubular silica nanomaterials. a higher temperature (800  C) resulted in the damage of original
Fabrication of silica nanotubes using multi-walled carbon nano- silica nanotubes and the generation of a periodic nanohole array
tubes (MWCNTs) as the template was investigated by different along the silica fibers with a center-to-center nanohole spacing of
groups. Kim and co-workers43 reported the synthesis and fabri- similar to 79 nm. It was also found that flagella displaying
cation of silica nanotubes by first preparing silica coated different peptides resulted in different morphologies of silica
MWCNT composites via a surface oxidation of MWCNTs using nanotubes. It was concluded that the monodisperse diameter and
KMnO4 in the presence of a phase transfer catalyst, followed by genetically tunable surface chemistry of the flagella could be
grafting of 2-aminoethyl 3-aminopropyl trimethoxysilane employed for the fabrication of silica nanotubes with uniform
(AEAPS). It was shown that the amine groups in grafted AEAPS diameter and controllable morphologies.
on MWCNTs could activate the silica shell formation by acid– Tuan and co-workers47 reported the synthesis of silica nano-
base interaction. The synthesized silica initially formed a uniform tubes by adding copper sulphide (CuS) nanocrystals and
layer on MWCNTs with a controllable thickness, then the silica monophenylsilane (MPS) to supercritical toluene at the desired
nanotubes were obtained with an average layer thickness of 13 nm temperature and pressure. Amorphous silica nanotubes were
without distortion of its original shape after calcined the found to form in the presence of oxygen when small amounts of
composite at 800 degrees to completely remove the inner water were introduced into the system. Approximately 5% of the
MWCNTs. Yang and co-workers44 also presented a facile method silica nanotubes were observed to be helically coiled like those in
to fabricate silica nanotubes with acid-oxidized multiwalled Fig. 2. However, only crystalline silicon nanowires were
carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by the sol–gel polymerization of produced in the absence of water and oxygen, it was suggested
tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) at room temperature, followed by that the seed material, in fact, was Cu metal which was converted
a similar procedure of oxidizing the MWCNTs templates at high from CuS during the reaction. In addition, when CuS nano-
temperature to produce hollow silica nanotubes. The thickness crystals were replaced by Au nanocrystals, the majority of the
and morphology of the silica shell were controlled by rationally obtained samples consisted of solid amorphous silica nanofibers
adjusting the concentration of TEOS, and by introducing cationic with only few silica nanotubes. It was proposed that the differ-
surfactant as a structure-directing agent. The use of single wall ence in silica morphology produced by Au and CuS seeds results
carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) as templates was reported by Lin from qualitative differences between the metal–silica interface
and co-workers45 to synthesize silica nanotubes with diameters morphology for gold and copper and the fact that Cu is easier to
ranging from 5–23 nm where silica coated SWCNTs were first oxidize than Au, resulting in the oxidation enhancement of MPS
obtained through the reaction between chlorosilane and acid- and the formation of silica.
treated SWCNTs, followed by the calcination of as-prepared Three-dimensional (3D) interconnected silica nanotubes were
hybrids at 900  C in air to release free silica nanotubes. synthesized by Zhu and co-workers (Fig. 3) using hyperbranched
The report of Wang and co-workers46 showed that wildtype and PbSe nanowires as templates via simple coating and etching
genetically engineered flagella (inner diameter of similar to 2 nm steps.48 The obtained silica nanotubes with a thick enough shell
and outer diameter of close to 14 nm) detached from the surface of retain the structural characteristic of the original hyperbranched
specific bacterial cells could also be used to modify silica nano- PbSe nanowires where they are either parallel or perpendicular to
tubes, resulting in the formation of double-layered silica/flagella each other. These promising hyperbranched silica nanotubes
nanotubes. It was shown that the flagella templates inside the afford interesting and potential application in constructing new
silica/flagella nanotubes could be removed as previously described 3D nanofluidic devices.

Fig. 2 TEM images of (a) silicon nanowires, (c) silica nanotubes and (d) helical silica nanotubes; (b) SEM images of amorphous silica nanofibers.
Reprinted with permission from ref. 47, copyright 2008, American Chemical Society.

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 6122–6135 | 6125
template-directed process involves the specific nucleation and
growth of inorganic phases on the surface of functionalized
organic structures. Oriented nucleation can occur if there is a high
level of molecular recognition at the template-matrix interface.
A general organic template approach involves three main
steps: (1) self-assembly of organic molecules into nanostructures
(template); (2) the interactions between the template and the
embedding matrix and (3) the removal of the template. The
combination of molecular self-assembly and the template-based
approach enables the generation of a variety of well-defined
nanostructures which can be inorganic, organic–inorganic or
organic–metal hybrids (Fig. 4).

2.2.1 Organic templated hollow silica nanotubes. A variety of

organic templates have been successfully used for the sol–gel
synthesis of hollow silica nanotubes such as surfactants,11–14
acids,60,61 block copolymer62 and gel systems.63–66 Most recently,
Jung and Shinkai67 reviewed the fabrication of silica nanotubes by
using self-assembled gels and their applications in environmental
Fig. 3 (a–b) High resolution SEM images of SiO2 tubes with open end;
(c) A TEM image of silica nanotube with open end; (d) TEM images of and biological fields. In particular, the use of self-assembled
nanotubes network with an 80 nm-thick silica shell. Reprinted with organogels as templates that have been developed by different
permission from ref. 48, copyright 2009, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & groups for the sol–gel transcription to create silica nanotubes was
Co. KGaA. summarized. It is suggested that the close association of template
and inorganic precursors is vital for successful sol–gel templating
Many nanomaterials including silicon nanowires,49 ZnO of silica nanotubes. In general, two classes of interactions need to
nanowires,50 Gd(OH)3 nanorods51 and gold nanorods52 have also be taken into consideration, noncovalent interactions and cova-
been used as templates for the generation of nanostructured lent interactions. When dissolved in solution, non-covalently
materials. bonded templates can template small inorganic groups via elec-
trostatic, van der Waals and hydrogen-bonding interactions to
2.2 Organic templates form silica nanotubes with tailorable shapes and sizes; whereas
covalent bonding of the organic ligand to the inorganic frame-
The use of organic compounds as templates for the generation of work forces close association of template and framework, and
inorganic nanomaterials has received increasing attention over limits the independent organization of the organic and inorganic
the last decade.53–57 Compared with inorganic templates, organic moieties. It is proposed that, in order to obtain high quality silica
molecules as templates have advantages of structural variety, nanotubes, the template requires only a small excess of positive
easy removal, good solubility and dispersion in solution. The charge on its surface. Thus the template used in the reaction
heat treatment, which is often employed for the removal of should be cationic or non-ionic compounds.
organic template, can simultaneously lead to the formation of Lei and co-workers investigated the sol–gel synthesis of
harder, more stable inorganic nanomaterials. uniform silica nanotubes in high yield using an amino acid
The first example of using organic templates for the generation derivative surfactant N-dodecanoyl-L-histidine (DHis).68 Typi-
of well-ordered materials was reported by Dickey and co-workers cally, cationic quaternary ammonium surfactant dodecyl-
in 1949.58 Since then molecular templating has been used to triethylammonium bromide (DTEAB) was added to a DHis
synthesize a broad range of organic and inorganic materials. The aqueous solution to obtain desired aggregates, which can be used
as versatile template for opposite charged precursors in the
preparation of silica nanotubes. It was proposed that the
formation of silica nanotubes was proved to be synergistically
self-catalyzed hydrolysis and condensation of silica precursors
depositing on the self-assembled template surface driven by
Coulomb interactions between the two oppositely charged
building blocks (Fig. 5a). Silica nanotubes with tunable sizes in
diameter and uniform wall thickness could be obtained in high
yield by optimizing the sol–gel process (Fig. 5b–5g). The paper
provided a general route for the construction of well-defined one-
dimensional nanostructures in aqueous media.

2.2.2 Organic templated specific silica nanotubes. In the past

Fig. 4 Construction of hybrid nanotubes via templating approaches. few years, silica nanotubes have been the subject of increasing
Reprinted with permission from ref. 59, copyright 2005, American attention since the structural and morphological diversity of
Chemical Society. silica nanotubes have inspired the scientific community to

6126 | J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 6122–6135 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
Fig. 5 (a) Schematic representation of synergetic growth mechanism of silica nanotubes; (b–d) SEM and (e–g) HRTEM images of silica nanotubes after
calcination synthesized in DHis/DTEAB ¼ 8/2, Ct ¼ 10 mM system, incubated at different temperature. Reprinted with permission from ref. 68,
copyright 2010, American Chemical Society.

explore their potential wider applications in various areas. The presence of aminosilane or quaternary aminosilane as a costruc-
development of synthetic methods enables researchers to design ture-directing agent (CSDA). For instance, they first synthesized
specific organic templates or modify existing templates, and to silica nanotubes with radially oriented mesoporous channels by
control the self-assembly as well as sol–gel transcription to create using self-assembled chiral N-acylamino acid surfactant formed
desired silica nanotubes. upon partial neutralization followed by the addition of CSDA,
Chirality is a critical property of amino acids that form N-trimethoxysilylpropyl-N,N,N-trimethylammonium chloride
proteins, the building blocks of life, and of DNA, which encodes (TMAPS) and silica precursor TEOS.74 As shown in Fig. 6, the
the genetic traits passed from one generation to the next. If an tube diameter and wall thickness can be controlled by a simple
object and its mirror image are nonsuperimposable, then they adjustment of the molar composition. Furthermore, Che and co-
have the property of chirality. The property is found in nearly workers75 presented a new route for synthesizing chiral meso-
every biological molecule and in many synthetic bioactive mole- porous silica nanotubes by using achiral surfactant sodium
cules such as pharmaceuticals. Control of chirality and synthetic dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as a template in the presence of chiral
strategies for enantiomerically pure products are of great impor- molecule (R)-(+)- or (S)-()-2-amino-3-phenyl-1-propanol ((R)-
tance. Also control of chirality is an attractive goal due to its wide (+)-APP or (S)-()-APP). The effects of molar ratios of chiral
applications in the area of separation science, asymmetric catal- dopant APP/SDS on the formation of tube shape and handed-
ysis, and analytical technology. Chiral nanomaterials have been ness were investigated in detail with the structural trans-
produced using both chiral templates and achiral templates.69–73 formation with reaction time.
The use of chiral templates is the most common approach as the Another class of compounds which have been used as
chirality of the template may transfer simply to the final nano- templates for the preparation of chiral or helical silica nanotubes
materials in the sol–gel process, resulting in the formation of chiral is chiral gelators.78,79 Shinkai and co-workers have developed
nanomaterials. Chiral compounds, which can be used as a general sol–gel strategy using different kinds of gelators such as
templates, are either prepared from available chiral starting sugar-appended porphyrin,64 crown-appended cholesterol,82 and
materials, or generated during an asymmetric catalytic reaction. sugar-appended azonaphthol derivatives66 to prepare silica
In general, two kinds of chiral compounds, chiral surfactants74–76 nanotubes. A series of silica nanotubes with specific structures
and chiral gelators,18,64 have been used as templates for the have been developed including helical silica nanotubes,64,83
formation of specific tubular silica nanostructures such as meso- double silica nanotubes,82 and double-helical silica nano-
porous silica nanotubes,77 helical or chiral silica nanotubes.78,79 tubes.65,84 They also proposed a mechanism83 for the formation
Most recently, Che and co-workers73,80,81 discovered a novel of the helical silica structure obtained from the organogel system.
templating route for preparing well-ordered silica nanomaterials Oligomeric silica species are absorbed onto the surface of the
based on the self-assembly of surfactants and precursors in the organogel template by hydrogen-bonding or electrostatic

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Fig. 6 SEM (a1–a3) and TEM (b1–b3, c1–c3) images of mesoporous silica nanotubes prepared with different reaction conditions; (d) formation
mechanism of mesoporous silica nanotubes. Reprinted with permission from ref. 74, copyright 2008, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

interactions and the polymerization further proceeds along these An interesting example of the design and preparation of
fibrils. This propagation mode eventually yields silica with organic–inorganic hybrid silica nanotubes was described by Ji
hollow cavities after removal of the gelators by calcination. and co-workers.86 In a first step, self-assembly was combined
Wan and co-workers85 reported the preparation of helical with templating approaches to produce hybrid two-layered
mesoporous silica nanotubes using a variety of chiral cationic silica–lipid nanotubes and consequently, hybrid nanotubes con-
gelators which were synthesized from simpler chiral starting sisting of concentric lipid–silica–lipid by concomitant self-
materials. The use of cationic gelators resulted in the formation assembly of glycolipids on both the inner and outer surfaces of
of long-range order of the nanostructured silica, in which the silica nanotubes. Subsequent sol–gel polymerization using lipid–
diameters of the nanotubes are similar to the length of gelators. It silica–lipid hybrid nanotubes resulted in the formation of more
is obvious that the transcription process is sensitive to synthetic complex hybrid nanotubes with a five-layered structure (Fig. 7).
conditions such as pH, temperature, concentration, catalyst and
also the ratios of starting materials, which directly influence the
2.3 Biological and biomolecular templates
self-assembly of chiral gelators and absorption of silica oligo-
mers, resulting in difficult control of chirality of silica nano- In nature, there are a number of biological systems that display
structures. For successful sol–gel transcription, all the factors or morphologically complex architectures potentially suitable for
parameters which may affect the generation of specific silica templating. The aim of biotemplating is either to replicate the
nanomaterials should be investigated systematically. morphological characteristics and the functionality of

6128 | J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 6122–6135 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
Fig. 7 Design and formation of hybrid nanotubes (left); electron micrographs of nanotubes (right). Reprinted with permission from ref. 86, copyright
2005, Royal Society of Chemistry.

a biological species or to use a biological structure to guide the Firstly, sol–gel polycondensation is carried out in neutral or
generation of inorganic materials. Indeed, a large variety of alkaline media so that silica species are anionic. However DNA
biological species have been used as templates and the majority itself is an anionic polymer, so one must transform the anionic to
of the biological structures that have been used for replication a cationic species; secondly, the precursor TEOS is soluble in
show nanostructured features.70,87–90 Since nature is a great organic solvents, whereas DNA itself is soluble virtually only in
source of inspiration for the formation of well-defined, struc- water, hence some appropriate solvent system which can dissolve
tured silica, it seems only logical to use biomolecules or bio- both components had to be found. The first successful example
organic templates taken from nature to fabricate silica materials. showing that DNA can be used as a template for sol–gel tran-
Biomolecules such as proteins, peptides and other naturally scription of silica nanotubes was reported by Namuta and co-
occurring biomimetic or synthetic self-assembling systems (as workers.93 They designed and introduced a modified amine into
analogues of naturally occurring species or polymers containing the system to form an intermolecular ion pair with the negatively
unnatural amino acids) can be used as organic templates for charged phosphate groups of DNA leaving the amine group free
silica deposition. The use of such templates allows for synthesis and the DNA ion pair complex positively charged (Fig. 8). By
of nanostructured materials over a wide pH range and through utilizing this strategy it was found that DNA can act as a cationic
careful choice or design of the template can provide a unique way template for sol–gel transcription and the resultant silica nano-
of understanding the processes involved in silica biomineralisa- tubes transcribe the higher-order structures of DNA very
tion. precisely.
Indeed several research groups have employed natural Besides TMV and DNA, other biomolecules or organic
templates for such a purpose. Since the presence of positive amphiphilic molecules such as peptides, lipids could be tran-
charges in the template facilitates the silica transcription process, scribed to silica nanotubes using a sol–gel transcription protocol.
natural proteins that carry positive charges were investigated. For instance, Ji and co-workers94 demonstrated the diameter and
Members of the family of mosaic viruses were regarded as an dimension control of silica nanostructures in different ethanol/
attractive class of biotemplates due to their high stability in non- water mixtures. It was shown that the peptidic lipid first self-
standard pH conditions and temperatures. assembled in water to from nanotube structures nanostructures,
The well-known tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) is an extremely followed by sol–gel transcription of self-assembled lipid nano-
stabile virion, consisting of lots of identical protein subunits, tubes as templates into silica nanotubes. It was suggested that the
which self-assemble around a single strand of RNA to form resultant self-assembled nanostructures depended heavily on the
a hollow protein tube with a length of 300 nm, an outer diameter composition of a mixture of ethanol and water, the morphology
of 18 nm, and an inner diameter of 4 nm. The outer and inner of silica materials changed from tubular structures to spherical
surfaces of the tubes are covered in charged amino acid residues, ones with the increase of ethanol volume fraction. Meegan and
which make the TMV an excellent candidate for transcription co-workers95 reported the sol–gel hydrolysis and condensation of
into silica materials. Tobacco mosaic virus can be used to tetraethoxysilane in the presence of designed self-assembled b-
template silica nanotubes using a pH < 3 and TEOS as a silica sheet peptide fibril templates. Hollow silica nanotubes could be
source, the nanotubes are believed to form due to the interaction obtained after the removal of the template by extraction. The
of the positively charged protein surface of the virus and the silica diameter and length of silica nanotubes are primarily determined
anion.91,92 The actual inner pore width (11 nm) is narrower than by the self-assembled fibril template. The effects of synthesis
the width of the tobacco mosaic template (18 nm) indicating that conditions such as pH value, different peptides and catalysts on
the template has become compressed during the mineralization the formation of silica nanotubes have been investigated and the
process. structures and morphologies of resultant silica nanotubes were
It is well-known that the DNA molecule itself is negatively characterized by various techniques. Moreover, double-walled
charged and will therefore be difficult to template. To use DNA silica nanotubes were also preparation by Brunner96 via
as a template there are two problems that need to be overcome. a biomimetic synthesis process using a peptide as a template.

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 6122–6135 | 6129
need to be overcome in applications of silica nanotubes as
vehicles or carriers for biomolecules. First, controlling the
structure of the open end of silica nanotubes is crucial to control
uptake and release rate for the development of effective drug/
gene delivery system and to fabricate multifunctional silica
nanotubes containing desired functional molecules or nano-
particles inside of nanotubes.33,38 It is believed that capping silica
nanotubes would be the easiest approach to control the open
end’s geometry of silica nanotubes. In addition, the ability of
silica nanotubes to capture or fill, transport and release mole-
cules in a controlled manner is a challenge. The use of nano ‘‘test
tubes’’ where one end is open and the other is permanently sealed
was chosen as an elegant solution for controlled release of the
nanotube contents, the open end could be reversibly capped to
hold the contents until the release is triggered.
In this part, we mainly focus on the advances in the use of silica
nanotubes for biomedical applications. Most current research
has focused on spherical silica nanoparticles and their applica-
tion because they are easier to make; however, cylindrical silica
nanotubes offer many advantages over spherical nanoparticles.
One advantage is that the template for the synthesis of silica
nanotubes is tunable, which means the pore diameter and
template thickness can be controlled by reaction conditions,
resulting in larger payload capacities for silica nanotubes.
Another advantage is that templated silica nanotubes can be
differentially functionalized on their inner and outer surfaces
using simple silane chemistry with commercially available
Fig. 8 Schematic representation of the transformation of the DNA reagents. Then the modification on the inner and outer surfaces
surface. Reprinted with permission from ref. 93, copyright 2004, Wiley- and application of silica nanotubes for use in various areas
VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. including gene/drug delivery, controlled drug release, bio-
separation and catalysis, molecular imprinting and hydrogen
absorption is discussed.
2.4 Dual templates
Dual-template assisted synthesis of silica nanotubes was
3.1 Gene/drug delivery and controlled release
demonstrated by two research groups. Liao and co-workers97
synthesized hollow silica nanotubes via a sol–gel process using In order to demonstrate how measurements on silica nanotubes
poly(ethylene glycol) functionalized multi-walled carbon nano- can be used to monitor wetting and diffusion in the hydrophobic
tubes (MWNT-PEG) as the dual templates while the Song nanotube interior under various conditions, Okamoto and co-
group98 produced silica nanotubes with mesoporous walls of workers99 investigated the use of template-synthesized nanotubes
30 nm thickness and various internal morphologies using hard/ as model systems for studying adsorption, wetting and diffusion
soft dual templates; cetyltrimethylammonium bromide was in nanoscale containers by using fluorescence microscopy tech-
chosen as the soft template and carbon nanotubes as well as niques, which provided a nondestructive method for verifying the
carbon nanofibers were used as the hard template. chemical modification of the silica nanotube interior surfaces
that was a task not readily achieved by conventional surface
methods. Since wetting processes will play a critical role in the
3. Applications of silica nanotubes
transport of solute molecules in and out of silica nanotubes,
Recently, multifunctional silica nanotubes have made, and will further investigation on the wettability of the hydrophobic
continue to make, important contributions to biological sciences interiors of individual silica nanotubes was carried out to
such as drug delivery, imaging and screening, targeting and cell compare wetting on patterned surfaces with individual features
sorting due to their structural benefits such as distinctive inner and to directly test theories of wetting and capillarity.
and outer surfaces. Unlike 1D silica nanowires and nanorods, 1D The first example of silica tubular-structured materials as
silica nanotubes have a hollow structure, which allows the biomolecule carriers was reported by Chen and co-workers100
modification of their inner surface and filling with specific (Fig. 9). The fluorescent nature of the nanotubes allowed visu-
biomolecules. The tube structure may act as a physical shield for alizing their localization in living cells. Nanotubes filled with the
the inserted biomolecules and provide advantages for biomole- gene encoding green fluorescence protein (GFP) were found to
cule delivery. Many efforts have been made to demonstrate the enter monkey kidney cells and these cells exhibited GFP
potential for newly emerging applications in biological systems, expression. These results demonstrated a novel application of
including gene delivery, molecular separations, biosensing, bio- nanotubes in biomolecule delivery, because the cargo molecules
separation and biocatalysis. However, there are two barriers that carried by the nanotubes will not be limited to DNA in the

6130 | J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 6122–6135 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
Fig. 9 Schematic illustration of fluorescent silica nanotube preparation and its gene delivery; (left) TEM and fluorescent images of fluorescent silica
nanotubes (right). Reprinted with permission from ref. 100, copyright 2005, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

future. Instead, RNA, proteins, and other biomolecules may also nanotubes (MSNTs) and pH-responsive polyelectrolytes were
be loaded into the nanotubes. In addition, the size of the nano- embedded. One system was developed on the basis of loading
tubes can be adjusted as required according to the size and the poly(allylamine hydrochloride) and sodium poly(styrenesulfo-
amount of cargo molecules, and a smaller nanotube vehicle nate) onto MSNTs and releasing the positively charged drug
might increase the transfection/delivery efficiency. doxorubicin. The other system was designed by alternately
Chen’s group101,102 investigated the synthesis and applications coating sodium alginate and chitosan onto amine-functionalized
of mesoporous silica nanotubes (MSNTs) and amine-function- MSNTs, which were used as vehicles for the loading and release
alized MSNTs (NH2-MSNTs). The resulting silica nanotubes of the negatively charged model drug sodium fluorescein.
were not only utilized as a support for the immobilization for Controlled release of the drug molecules from these delivery
glucose oxidase, they were also functionalized with blue fluo- systems was then achieved by changing the pH value of the
rescent CdS quantum dots to store ibuprofen. It was observed release medium. It was shown from the results of in vitro cell
that the enzymatic activity of the immobilized glucose oxidase cytotoxicity assays that the cell killing efficacy of the loaded
first increased with the increasing coverage of the silica nanotube doxorubicin against human fibrosarcoma (HT-1080) and human
surface by glucose oxidase, followed by the decrease in the breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) cells was pH dependent Thus,
enzymatic activity caused by the overlap and aggregation of these hybrid composites could be potentially applicable as pH-
glucose oxidase molecules at high surface coverage.102 It was controlled drug delivery systems. Further investigations of silica
shown from the comparative study of the capacity of different nanotubes as supports for immobilization of penicillin G acylase
silica nanotubes that the drug-loading amount of ibuprofen in enzyme,105 as well as silver nanoparticles and their antibacterial
CdS-NH2-MSNTs (CdS-incorporated NH2-MSNTs) could properties was also carried out by this group.106,107
reach up to 740 mg g1 silica, which was similar to that in as- Bhattacharyya’s group108,109 also demonstrated the utility of
prepared MSNTs (762 mg g1 silica) and NH2-MSNTs (775 mg silica nanotubes both as an ultrasound-triggered controlled drug
g1 silica). Drug release studies in simulated body fluid revealed delivery system and a biosensor. Confinement of biomolecules
that the loaded ibuprofen released from amine-functionalized inside silica nanotubes such as hemoglobin and ibuprofen was
systems at a significantly lower release rate as compared to that investigated in detail. It was found that, in the case of controlled
from amine-free systems, and also indicated the incorporation of drug delivery triggered by ultrasound, the drug yield as function
CdS quantum dots had nearly no effect on the ibuprofen release of time was heavily dependent on the ultrasound impulse
process. Further study on the ibuprofen release from CdS-NH2- protocol.109 Higher drug yields could be obtained when impulses
MSNTs in other media showed that CdS-NH2-MSNTs are pH- of shorter duration and shorter time intervals between successive
and ion-sensitive drug carriers, which should facilitate controlled impulses were employed.108 The influence of confinement on the
drug delivery and disease therapy.101 ligand binding activity of hemoglobin was studied systematically
Chen and co-workers103 also illustrated the application of silica and the results suggested that the immobilization of hemoglobin
nanotubes as enzyme immobilization carriers. The immobiliza- inside silica nanotubes didn’t result in any distortion of the native
tion was carried out by the adsorption of lysozyme molecules protein structure and function.
from aqueous solution onto the hydrophilic silica nanotube
surface. A study of the zeta potentials of silica with and without
3.2 Bioseparation, biointeraction and catalysis
the immobilized lysozyme showed that there was an increase in
the isoelectric point with the increase in the loading amount of The fabrication of oriented, robust silica nanotube arrays is also
lysozyme. FTIR spectra indicated that protein secondary struc- of interest for their potential use in nanoscale fluidic biosepara-
ture was maintained well in the immobilized molecules. It was tion, sensing, and catalysis. Teo and co-workers110 developed
observed that enzymatic activities first increased and then a well-controlled process to translate vertical silicon nanowire
decreased with increasing surface coverage of silica nanotubes by arrays into silica nanotube arrays through a thermal oxidation-
lysozyme, which was totally consistent of the immobilization of etching approach. The obtained nanotubes retained the orien-
glucose oxidase, suggesting the overlap and aggregation of tation of original silicon nanowire arrays. High-temperature
lysozyme molecules reduced enzymatic activities of adsorbed oxidation (800–1000  C) produces relatively thick and rigid walls
lysozyme molecules at high surface coverage. that are made of condensed silica. This method could be useful
Besides the above controlled drug delivery, Chen’s group104 for fabrication of single nanotube sensors and nanofluidic
also advanced the pH-controlled drug delivery systems via the systems.
layer by layer self-assembly technique where two kinds of inor- Martin’s group22 reported the use of differentially function-
ganic/organic hybrid composites based on mesoporous silica alized silica nanotubes as smart nanophase extractors to remove

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 6122–6135 | 6131
lipophilic molecule, hydrophobic 7,8-benzoquinoline (BQ) from dispersible CdSe-Fe3O4-SiO2 nanocomposites. The resulting
aqueous solution. Furthermore, antibody-functionalized silica specific hydrophilic nanocomposites was found to be able to
nanotubes were also employed in the extraction of one enan- enter into the interiors of cells without causing damage, sug-
tiomer of a racemic pair. The immobilization of the enzyme gesting their capability not only as a fluorescent probe but also as
glucose oxidase (GOD) on both the inside and outside surfaces of potential drug/gene delivery systems, which is of great impor-
silica nanotubes was investigated via the aldehyde silane route. tance to the design and development of novel multifunctional
In consideration of the importance of functional silica nano- carriers in nanobiotechnology.
tubes, Son and co-workers111 combined the attractive tubular Furthermore, a variety of nanomaterials including CdSe
nanostructure with magnetic property and prepared magnetic nanorods,114 Ge nanorods,115 In2S3 nanorods,116 Bi2S3 nano-
silica nanotubes (MNTs) toward biomedical applications such as rods,117 silicon nitride nanotubes,118 and titania nanotubes89 have
magnetic-field-assisted bioseparation, biointeraction, and drug been filled into silica nanotubes to prepare composite functional
delivery. It was shown from the chemical extraction and sepa- nanotubes for applications in various areas such as biosensing,
ration experiment that MNTs can be used for the extraction, chemical sensors, photocatalysis, selective recognition and
separation, release, and analysis of trace amounts of the separation. The design of silica nanotube-based nanofiltration
extremely hydrophobic toxic chemicals, such as polychlorinated systems was developed by El-Safty and co-workers119 where
biphenyls (PCBs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) mesoporous silica nanotubes hybrid membranes were found to
in water. Also MNTs could be used to facilitate and enhance the be suitable for separation of biomolecules and were used as
biointeractions between the outer surfaces of MNTs and highly efficient ultrafine filtration systems for noble metal
a specific target surface because of their magnetic properties. It nanoparticles and semiconductor nanocrystals.
was suggested that the efficiency of antigen-antibody interactions
could be controlled by means of an external magnetic field.
3.3 Molecular imprinting and recognition
Model drug molecules including 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), 4-nitro-
phenol and ibuprofen were loaded into the pores of MNTs that Most recently, Xie and co-workers120 illustrated that molecule
were functionalized with 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (APTES) imprinting at the walls of highly uniform silica nanotubes was
in order to study the effect of the charged hydrogen-bonding applicable for the recognition of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). It
interaction between the drug and inner pore surfaces on loading was revealed that TNT templates were efficiently imprinted into
and release. The results showed that the strongest interaction the matrix of silica through the strong acid–base pairing inter-
happened in the carboxylic group of ibuprofen with the amine action between TNT and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane
group inside MNT and ibuprofen released with a slow rate. The (APTES). The imprinted silica nanotubes could potentially be
immobilization of mimetic enzyme Hemin into magnetic silica exploited in detecting the highly explosive and environmentally
nanotubes (MNTs) was achieved by Xing and co-workers112 deleterious TNT and its derivatives (Fig. 10).
where the surface functionalized MNTs act as a promising In addition, Kim and co-workers121 reported the use of
platform as biocatalyst carriers and the incorporated Hemin thymidine-functionalized silica nanotubes for selective recogni-
exhibited excellent catalytic activity and reusability. tion and separation of oligoadenosines. It was shown that
Zhou and co-workers113 expanded applications of silica thymidine receptor residues were covalently attached to the inner
nanotubes with other functional materials and demonstrated side wall of silica nanotubes (SNTs). Then the adsorption
potential biomedical applications of multifunctional water- capacities of thymidine-functionalized silica nanotubes (T-SNTs)

Fig. 10 (Left) SEM and TEM images of TNT-imprinted silica nanotubes; (upper, right) molecular imprinting mechanism of TNT in silica; formation
mechanism of TNT-imprinted silica nanotubes. Reprinted with permission from ref. 120, copyright 2010, American Chemical Society.

6132 | J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 6122–6135 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
with nucleic acids and oligonucleic acids were evaluated. T-SNTs separately with different functional groups by silane chemistry. It
exhibited excellent selectivity both in recognition and separation can also be prepared in diameters ranging from micrometre scale
of adenosine and adenosine-based oligonucleotides, because of to nanoscale with a mesoporous wall structure, as well as the
selective bindings of adenosine and oligoadenosine to the inner incorporation of a variety of dopants including fluorescent
surface of T-SNTs by formation of intermolecular hydrogen quantum dots, magnetic or catalytic nanoparticles into the silica
bonds. However, guanosine, cytosine and oligoguanosine matrix in a good manner, making it an excellent candidate for
derivatives were found not interactive to T-SNTs. 95% of a hydrogen storage medium. Many efforts have been made on
oligoadenosine was selectively separated by T-SNTs from the design and applications of novel hybrid nanostructures based
a mixture of equal amounts of oligocytosine and oligoguano- on silica nanotubes and on the investigation of their hydrogen
sine.121 The findings implied that T-SNTs could be used as adsorption and storage properties.
a selective receptor and separator for the extraction and sepa- Jung and co-workers123 exploited the application of palladium
ration of adenosine and oligoadenosine derivatives in aqueous (Pd)-doped doubled-walled silica nanotubes where Pd nano-
solution. particles were loaded to act as the primary receptor for atomic
Despite the unique advantages of silica nanotubes in the above hydrogen. The results showed that the hydrogen adsorption
biomedical applications, investigation of their interactions with capacities of Pd-doped silica nanotubes was much higher than
biological systems still remains at a very early stage and has that of silica nanotubes without Pd nanoparticles, suggesting the
a long way to go. In order to effectively develop these systems for doping of Pd nanoparticles into silica nanotubes is of great
application, it is necessary to systematically reveal the structural importance to hydrogen absorption and uptake. It was also
and functional properties that influence biocompatibility and demonstrated that nanostructures of hydrogen-storage mate-
mechanisms of cellular and interactions. On the basis of previous rials, silica nanotubes, also influenced the hydrogen absorption
research, Lee and co-workers described the cytotoxicity and capacities heavily. The surface area, the pore size and the pore
cellular uptakes of silica nanotubes with two different sizes and volume of the silica nanotube play a very important role in the
surface charges in primary (nonmalignant) and cancer cell uptake of high amounts of hydrogen, furthermore, a moderate
models.122 The effect of varying size and surface functionaliza- amount of Pd nanoparticles as well as open ends at both sides of
tion of silica nanotubes on cytotoxicity was evaluated against silica nanotubes were suggested.
two different human cell models and it was suggested that the Besides Pd nanoparticles, Lee and co-workers124 described the
silica nanotubes showed a similar trend for concentration incorporation of aligned lithium (Li) into silica matrix to prepare
dependent cytotoxic effects, however the effect of size and charge Li-dispersed silica nanotubes by a sol–gel template method, and
seemed to be more important. It was proposed that positively investigated their hydrogen absorption characteristics. XRD
charged silica nanotubes were more toxic than bare silica nano- results showed that the obtained silica nanotubes and as-
tubes even at a lower concentration of 0.5 mg ml1, and in prepared Li-dispersed silica nanotubes had an amorphous silica
addition to charge, the extent of interaction of silica nanotubes structure. It was shown from SEM and TEM images that silica
with cells and toxicity might be determined by the size of silica nanotubes and Li-dispersed silica nanotubes had an open end in
nanotubes. Shorter sized silica nanotubes were significantly more one side and a partially closed end in the other side. The
toxic to the cells than their longer counterparts possibly due to hydrogen uptake of different silica nanotubes suggested the
their increased cellular interactions, which is similar to the find- hydrogen absorption capacities of Li-dispersed silica nanotubes
ings on silica nanoparticles and carbon nanomaterials. The were 0.29 wt%, which was relatively higher than those of silica
possible mechanism of cellular uptake of silica nanotubes was nanotubes, 0.15 wt% at 77 K under 4.5 MPa, in the absence of
also proposed that silica nanotubes were internalized in cells at Li+.
least in part by endocytosis. Naito and co-workers125 expanded the diversity of metal
nanoparticles incorporated into silica nanotubes to group 8–
10 metals including Pt, Pd, Ru, Rh, Ir and synthesized various
silica nanotubes encapsulating Pt and Pd nanoparticles as well as
3.4 Hydrogen absorption and storage
Ru-, Rh- and Ir-doped nanocapsules. The unique absorption
Hydrogen has received much attention as an alternative energy behaviour of H2 and CO over metal nanoparticles inside the
source for the replacement of fossil fuels in fuel-cell vehicles and silica wall was investigated. It was concluded that the pore sizes
portable electronic over the past few years. Hydrogen storage formed inside of silica nanotubes depended on the nature of the
materials that may be able to store large amounts of hydrogen at structure-determining template amine complexes, Pt- and Pd-
ambient temperature and relatively low pressures with a smaller doped nanotubes were believed to be preferential for hydrogen
volume and lower weight and faster kinetics for recharging have absorption due to their relatively smaller micropores inside the
been a hot topic and been studied intensively. However, this area silica wall, and metal nanoparticles inside the silica nanotubes
has been dominated by carbon-based nanomaterials due to their were considered as the main absorption sites for H2 and CO at
reported high-storage capacities, the design and applications of room temperature.
silica-based hydrogen storage materials, in particular involving
silica nanotubes, at room temperatures has been rarely reported
4. Summary
so far.
It is well-known that a silica nanotube has a unique structure This review provides an overview of template-based synthetic
with an open end at one side or both two sides, the inner and methods to manufacture tubular silica nanostructures covering
outer surfaces of the silica nanotube could be functionalized a wide range of dimensions. It also illustrates some widespread

This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 6122–6135 | 6133
applications of silica nanotubes in different areas. One of the Acknowledgements
greatest advantages using template-based synthesis to grow or
prepare silica nanotubes is the precise control and optimization This work was financially supported by National Nature Science
of the lengths, diameters and the wall thickness of the resultant Foundation of China (50903040), Natural Science Foundation
nanotubes by rational adjusting the reaction conditions. Another of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions of China
great advantage of the template-based synthesis of silica nano- (10KJB430001) and Scientific Research Foundation for
tubes is the possibility of synthesizing specific tubular nano- Advanced Talents, Jiangsu University (10JDG057).
structures including multilayered silica nanotubes, chiral or
helical silica nanotubes, doped or hybrid multifunctional silica
nanotubes. However, the literature associated with silica nano- References
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