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A Brand Analysis

1 Introduction
1.1 Baskin Robbins
Baskin-Robbins is a global chain of ice cream parlours founded by Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins in 1953 from the merging of their respective ice cream parlours in !lendale "alifornia. #ead$uartered in "anton %ass. Baskin-Robbins is part of the &unkin' Brands Inc. family of companies. It claims to be the (orld)s largest ice cream franchise (ith more than 5 *++ locations , *++ of (hich are located in the -nited .tates. Baskin-Robbins sells ice cream in 3/ countries including "anada 0apan %e1ico Bahrain the -nited 2ingdom the -nited 3rab 4mirates 4gypt .audi 3rabia 3ustralia the 5hilippines 6hailand 7ietnam Indonesia %alaysia "hina Bangladesh .outh 2orea India 5akistan 5anama 6ai(an and the -nited 3rab 4mirates. 6he Baskin Robbins story in India began in 1993 (hen the first store opened in %umbai. 6oday it is spread across the country (ith more than 3++ outlets in 81 cities. Baskin Robbins also caters to other premium channels like star hotels leading airlines malls multiple1es and top retail chains across India. Baskin Robbins is one of the diverse businesses of the !raviss 9oods 5vt. :td. It has an e1clusive franchise for the .33R" region. ;ur brand analysis is sub<ected to strategies of Baskin Robbins in India only. But the brand has a global presence (here it maintains a similar brand strategy yet (ith some small differences.

1., Ice "ream Industry in India

6he ice cream market gro(th in India picked up after de-reservation of the sector in 199=. ;f the total si>e of Rs 15-18bn around 3+-3,? is in the hands of organi>ed sector valued at Rs /.9bn rest all is (ith the unorgani>ed sector. 6he Indian government adopted a lot of policy changes for the liberali>ation regarding the ice cream industry also and it is since then that this sector has sho(n an annual gro(th ranging from 15- ,+? per annum for last 1- , year. In the Budget ,++8-+= 41cise &uty has been (aived off on ice creams. In rural areas kulfis @ ice creams made by small @ cottage industry are popular. 6he market for organi>ed sector is restricted to large metropolitan cities. In small to(ns and villages there are thousands of small players (ho produce ice- creams @ kulfis in their home backyard and cater to the local market. 3lmost /+? of the ice creams sold in the country are consumed in the (estern region (ith %umbai being the main market follo(ed by 3+? in the north and ,+? in the south. In India the ice cream industry is dominated by a fe( players. 6his has made the global giants look at India to drive their gro(th. 3merican ice-cream retailer .no(berry has announced that it (ould invest A5+ million by ,+1+ to start its business in India to be kno(n as .no(berry India 5rivate :imited. 6he sale of ice cream in India is seasonal and the ice cream makers al(ays bet on the summer sales. 9or 3mul the summer season contributing about /+ per cent of the company)s overall sales. 9urthermore to take advantage of the demand during summer the Ice cream makers increase the price of the products marginally .%ost of the companies are adding that ne( and innovative products that keep the consumers e1cited.

1.,.1 .egmentation and branding

6he ma<or volume gro(th for branded ice-cream players (ill come from the take-home-segment rather than consumption at ice-cream bouti$ues and parlous. 6his is the key inference of a survey conducted by Retail Research India BRRIC. 6he survey attributes this shift in consumer priority to the fact that icecream eating is becoming more of a (eekend pastime for families rather than a leisure activity during outstation trips or picnics. 6he consumer perception audit reveals that branded ice-creams as a product category is no( being perceived as a product for the family rather than <ust as an indulgence during outing e1ercises In terms of leveraging brand presence the branded ice-cream players need to focus more on innovative retail initiatives like point-of-sale merchandising and danglers to attract consumer attention. 6he retail initiatives need to be given priority in comparison to the usual brand promotion e1ercise that is carried out in the mass-media. 6he ice-cream players have to confront secondary competition in the form of branded chocolates and biscuits. 3long (ith that they also face competition from unbranded ice-cream players (ho operate on mobile cart (heels. It is believed that as a strategy to combat competition from products across the

impulse segment the need is to have innovative modes of merchandising that can enhance the display value for ice-cream brands. "onsumers from the impulse market make a consumption choice on the basis of the instant attention that brands can grab by their innovative display. 9urther (ith clutter in the mass media such initiatives at the shop floor level can play the dual role of initiating brand a(areness as (ell as triggering consumption for the brand. Dith secondary competitors from the branded players segment undertaking mega retail e1ercises branded ice-cream players (ill start (itnessing consumer lapse if they are unable to consolidate their retail presence. 3lso in terms of leveraging the brand through ice-cream parlours and vending machines there is the need to communicate the propositions through neon posters and vinyl signage especially at specific consumer eating spots. It is believed that some of the players may use such communication e1ercises outside the parlours. But the need is to strategically evaluate consumer congregation points. 6he retail material should communicate the brand proposition through these materials at strategically evaluated points since it can capture the consumers' eye more than the usual e1teriors of retail shops and ice-cream outlets.4ven in these avenues there are a host of other products that are <ostling for consumer attention. #ence the need is to move a(ay from these cro(ded venues in parlours and retail shelves and specifically communicate the brand proposition in the spots (here there is less fragmentation yet a lot of consumer activity. 6hat)s (hy like 2(ality Dall)s 3mul too (ants to take its fro>en and ambient platter on the road through push carts and smaller outlets. It plans to supply free>ers to bakeries and chemists to momand-pop shops and even .6& booths. 4ven #:: has been trying hard to create e1citement around its brands. Its 2(ality Dall)s %a1 for children (as re launched (ith offerings like Rainbo( and 6(ister supported by a ne( look %a1 lion.

1.,., Ee( .egments

Bet(een kids and youth on the streets and adults at home a large chunk of ice cream sales gets taken care of. Impulse purchase from youth and kids accounts for 5+ per cent of the market. 9amily consumption adds another 35 per cent. 9ifteen per cent of the market is in-parlour sale F a ne( segment that has sho(ed up in the last fe( years. 6his is dominated by niche regional players like Eaturals in the Dest Eirula's in the Eorth and premium players like Baskin Robbins and the home gro(n Italiano !elato.

1.,.3 %E" in IndiaG

6he reason that the %E"s indicate for their presence in India is HIt has the right climate for ice-cream consumptionI the country has a very lo( per capita consumption (hich means large untapped potentialI and our ability to maintain competitive pricing - all these reasons make us (ant to be in India. But %E" (eren't successful in India mainly due to the pricing pressure and margin s$uee>e. &espite being a hot country (ith a young population India has never made ice-cream culture its o(n unlike in the Dest.

1.,./ Infrastructure (orriesG

6here are genuine problems too. .ince the demand for ice cream is seasonal and it also re$uires specific infrastructure. 3ny retailer (ith a tub full of ice can sell soft drinks but for ice cream he has to have proper refrigeration. 9or that one re$uires proper po(er supply (hich is erratic in India 6ransporting ice cream across India re$uires massive infrastructure because of (hich Hsupplies over long distances are irregularJ.

1.,.5 "onsumption 5atternG

6he market for ice-creams in India (as estimated at -.A,85 million in ,++8K+= gro(ing at the rate of 1,K1/ per cent. #o(ever the per capita consumption of ice-cream in India is relatively lo( (hen compared to developed countries. 5er capita consumption of ice-cream is around ,5+ m: per annum as against ,,litres in the -. 1*litres in 3ustralia 1/litres in .(eden and 5litres in the -2.6he per capita consumption of ice-creams in India is a paltry ,5+ ml per annum (hile the average global consumption is ,litres.

1.,.8 Ice "ream 9lavoursG

Indian Ice "ream market can be segmented in three different (ays namely on the basis of flavorsI on the basis of stock keeping units @ packaging and on the basis of consumer segments. ;n the basis of flavors the market today has a number of flavors like vanilla stra(berry chocolate mango butterscotch a number of fruit flavorsI dry fruit flavors traditional flavors like 2esar-5ista 2a<u&raksh etc. 6he market is totally dominated by 7anilla .tra(berry and chocolate (hich together account for more than =+? of the market follo(ed by butterscotch and other fruit flavors.

1.,.= &istribution channelG

Ice cream distribution in India typically involves a distributor (holesaler and retailer. %ost domestic brands have small regional operations (ith plants situated near their ma<or markets due to the lack of cost-effective cold chain facilities. Eational brands have o(ned or leased cold storage facilities in ma<or metropolitan areas (hich ship to distributors or direct to retailers. .ome ma<or brands have begun serving smaller cities by ac$uiring smaller plants and improving distribution net(orks. &istributors) margins are about 1*-,+?. 6here are an estimated =+ +++ retail ice cream outlets in India including both fi1ed shops and mobile vendors -- pushcarts tricycles and three-(heelers.

, "ompetitor 3nalysis ,.1 "ompetitorsG

;n a telephonic conversation the Lonal %anager-.outh of Baskin Robbins %r. %uthukumar told us that Baskin Robbins doesn't have any direct competition as they are a premium player. #e also told us that theirs is not a volume based business. But he also accepted the fact that there is indirect competition from domestic brands and other local parlours. :et us have a look at the competition in India for Baskin Robbins. #industan -nilever (hich is o(ned 51 per cent by -nilever has a 1/ per cent share of the 1++-million litres and Rs 1 ,++-crore per annum ice cream market (hich makes it the second largest player after 3mul B3* per cent market shareC. 6he gap is no less than ,/ percentage points.

%arket leader 3mul has a huge emotional connection (ith Indian consumers as it (as the nerve centre of the Dhite Revolution in India. Its ice cream is available in no less than =+ +++ stores across the country F a number it plans to raise to 1++ +++ in the ne1t one year. Its gro(th target for the year is ,+ per cent. B6he market has gro(n at 15 per cent per annum in the last five years.C 7adilal the third largest player in the ice cream market (ith a share of 1, per cent and a strong player in (estern India B%aharashtra !oa and !u<aratC has dra(n up aggressive gro(th plans %other &airy Bmarket shareG eight per centC has fanned out from its stronghold of Eorth India to the eastern and (estern parts of the country in the last fe( years. Its strength is the / +++ pushcarts out on the streets of the country at all times. 3s a large category of consumers buy ice cream on impulse this fleet has helped %other &airy gro( 35 per cent this summer. %other &airy by the (ay has developed a strong portfolio of local flavours (hich could (ork (ell in the upcountry markets.

,., "ompetition in 5arloursG

Dith the advent of modern trade Baskin Robbins no( covers 5++ modern retail stores along (ith its retail foot print of 3=+ outlets. Baskin Robbins (ill add 1++ retail outlets during the year and also gro( our modern trade footprint. %odern 6rade no( contributes to 15 per cent of their overall revenues and they see this gro(ing to ,+ per cent in the ne1t couple of years. Baskin Robbins has established its leadership in the premium ice cream category in the modern trade channel. But competition is in no mood to give up (ithout a fight. 3mul too entered the segment this year (ith its .cooping parlours (here it serves sundaes thick shakes and an e1clusive range of ice cream. It plans to have 1 +++ franchises by the end of the financial year up from the current ,5+ and thereon add 1 +++ every year for the ne1t five years and e1pects retail to contribute to ,+ per cent of 3mul's ice cream revenue in the ne1t three to five years.

,.3 "hanging 6imesG

3cross the (orld consumers have turned health-conscious. 6hey (ant to cut do(n calorie intake because of the alarming spread of lifestyle ailments. 3nd India is no different F it has the largest population of diabetics any(here in the (orld. "onsumers have begun to look for health and goodness in (hatever they consume and ice cream is no e1ception. Baskin Robbins offers 1++? 7egetarian ice creams and it also offers lo( fat ice creams too. #ere the lead has been taken by 3mul. It has developed a portfolio on the health and (ellness platform (ith its probiotic and sugar-free category last year. Its sugar-free probiotic 9ro>en 9ood contains 5+ per cent less fat and half the calories than normal ice cream. HDe e1pect this category to account for ten per cent of the ice cream market in the ne1t three years J says .odhi. #industan -nilever too has got in to the act this year (ith the launch of its .election range (hich comes (ith <ust 99 calories in *+ ml. 6his in fact is a segment (here the company can dra( on the e1pertise of its parent -nilever. Dith gro(ing health consciousness #eartbrand is developing products that are lo(er in fat sugar-free lactose-free as (ell as lo(-carb options and those (ith more nutritional goodies like calcium and fruit. It has come out (ith ne( pack si>es (hich allo( lo(er consumption. 3bout /+ per cent of the research budget goes to enhance properties of health and (ellness. "learly there is nothing better than a (ell-stocked parent.

3 "ustomer 3nalysis:
Baskin Robbins is one of the premium ice cream brands in the (orld. Its differentiating strategy from other ice cream brands or their brand identity is providing customers (ith 31 different varieties of flavour and its premium $uality. But ho( the customers perceive the brand is different and (as evaluated by an intervie( process. 3round 6hirty customers (ere intervie(ed (ho had already e1perienced or come across the brand. 3lso t(o -. customers (ere included in these t(enty customers. De (ent for an intervie( process because (e found that many had only an aided recollection of the brand (hen asked about it. 6he $uestions asked during the intervie( are

aC #o( often do you have ice cream in a monthM bC #o( do you e1perience having ice cream in Baskin Robbins storeM cC In your opinion (hat attribute is differentiating Baskin Robbins from other ice cream brandsM dC &id you ever come across the brand name in some promotions or ads or any other communication mediumM eC Dhat (ill come to your mind immediately if you hear the name Baskin RobbinsM .ome of the inferences and key opinions e1tracted from this process areG %ost of the customers (ant ice cream parlour or store to be a better hang out place. 6hey (ould like to have ice creams (ith different flavours during chat (ith their colleagues or girl friends and spend some time in a high end sophisticated premium parlours. 6hey consider tasting a variety of ice creams as a great e1perience. 6he key insight derived from probing the customers is HI (ant to taste uni$ue treats in a premium ambienceJ Baskin Robbins' proposition fits into this customer insight. But after the analysis (e found that they provide premium offerings (ith different (orld class flavours but not the e1perience. "ustomers (ho go there for repeat purchase is due to the addiction to the flavour taste. But in providing e1perience of having ice cream in their parlour is really pathetic. %ost of the customers don't value the store as a premium store (hich Baskin Robbins claims. .ome of the attributes (hich customers think of Baskin Robbins are premium young feminine Ban influence from 5ink colours they pro<ectC soft tender and different flavours. "ustomers (ould like to take young colleagues or girlfriends (ho are very peppy to this ice cream store. 4ven though this brand lives for more than si1ty years they maintain youthfulness in the brand (hich is ama>ing. 6he essence (hich customers e1pect from the brand is that Hdifferent premium offerings dailyJ. "ustomers (ant to sho( or communicate to the (orld that they are different and premium. "ommunication happens (hen the customer meets the brand. It came out that there is not fre$uent communication in the form of 67 ads or print ads or any other promotions. It's mostly by (ord of mouth and the purchasing point @store (here the customers come across this brand. Before coming to the store customers make up their mind to try different taste daily and hang out in the store (hich is premium. 6hey communicate that they are different but store is lacking a premium ambience. 6his goes in a negative (ay of communication to the customer. %ost of the store is located in high class residential area. "ustomers think Baskin Robbins did not leverage in terms of store ambience as most of the stores are so cramped and do not have a place to sit and have the ice cream. 6his is a sort of negative communication (hich should be immediately addressed since other ice cream brands have started eyeing the modern retail format.

/ "ommunication .trategy
Baskin Robbins is a youthful dynamic brand and they are open to good ideas. If there)s a property or event or opportunity that has the potential to capture the fancy of today)s generation they are ready to advertise@sponsor. 6he outlets sport a funky and vibrant look to attract young people. In India apart from the sales of ice creams Baskin Robbins en<oys great patronage among high end institutional clients ranging from the best five-star hotels in the country to the premier airlines high end retailers corporate parks and campuses cruise companies the best restaurants and clubs and of late all the multiple1es (hich is fast becoming a separate business channel in this country. 3round 35? of their sales are from institutional sales. In the coming years the brand plans to aggressively penetrate into the smaller to(ns apart from consolidating its present market in the ma<or cities and metros.

/.1 5romotionsG /.1.1 6he .piderman 3 campaignG

6he summer of ,++= (itnessed an innovative tie-up of Baskin Robbins (ith .piderman 3 movie in India. Baskin Robbins promoted .piderman 3 by means of a creative promotion. 6his not only added visibility but also enhanced customer interactivity (ith the brand. 6he highlight of the promotion (as the co-branded 67" (hich (as aired on key kids' channels. 6he promotion e1tended to creating three ne( trendy flavours keeping in tune (ith the characters of the movie- Deb .linger .and .torm and !reen !obbler. 6he elements of the promotion included poster standee cup design bags t-shirts tags shelf talker and a .piderman 3 comic free (ith every single scoop of ice cream.

/.1., 6he 5aanchvi 5ass campaignG

Baskin Robbins successfully captured the attention of the kids by entering into a tie-up (ith N5aanchvi 5ass' a popular reality sho( telecast in ,++* by .tar 5lus and hosted by .hahrukh 2han. 3 special 5aanchvi 5ass flavour (as created to make it appealing to the customers and add e1citement to the entire campaign. 3 gift (as assured to any customer (ho (alked into the store and purchased a 5anchvi 5aas flavour and 3 lucky dra( (inners got a chance to meet the biggest Bolly(ood star .hahrukh 2han. 6he promotion helped .tar 5lus take its message to niche audience across the country. 6he activity provided tremendous on ground visibility for .tar 5lus and Baskin Robbins in terms of (all visuals tent cards danglers posters t-shirts cups shelf talkers and a $ui> book. Besides it got good publicity and generated enthusiasm among the kids.

/.1.3 6he &rona campaignG

Baskin Robbins has become an attractive partner for 5roduction #ouses to promote movies better among its target audience-the youth. 6his is done by means of appealing visuals and colorful displays like banners posters standees etc. &rona a magical adventure movie based on the (arrior N&rona' tied up (ith Baskin Robbins to promote the movie among the teenagers. 7isual displays for the promotion of the movie using Baskin Robbins as a brand included posters standees bags shelf-talker drop bo1 and banner. "appuccino Eibs (as named the &rona flavour also kno(n as the flavour of magic to get the touch and feel of the movie. 6he &rona promotion gives kids across the country a chance to meet 3bhishek Bachchan through a lucky dra(.

/.1./ %67 Roadies 8.+G

%67 Roadies -a cult follo(ing among youth has no( associated (ith Baskin Robbins for promotion of the programme and for the integration of the brand (ith its content. 6he promotion makes a lot of

sense for both the brands because the target audience of Roadies is synonyms (ith the target audience for Baskin Robbins. 6he audition promotion (as done in selected cities in India (here the Roadies audition (as carried out-%umbai &elhi Bangalore 2olkatta 3hemdabad "handigarh. 06O-N0ump the Oueue' passes (ere given to those lucky dra( (inners (ho purchased Baskin Robbins ice cream (orth Rs. ,5+@-. 5romotion (as done through posters banners standees and the 06O passes. Interactive games during the auditions (ere incorporated (hich included (ild games centered on ice cream.

/.1.5 6he :ove .tory ,+5+ campaignG

6he movie (as uni$ue in the sense that for the first time introduced the time machine concept in the Indian film industry and therefore there (as a big hype around the movie. Baskin Robbins built on this hype and therefore associated itself (ith :ove .tory ,+5+. 6he publicity for the movie (as done using posters standees banners and shelf talkers. 6he flavour (as called the ,+5+ 9lavour (ith a tagline-6he taste of the future is here. 6he promotion offered a chance to the lucky dra( (inners to meet the debutant actor #armen Ba(e<a and 5riyanka "hopra and a chance to (in a Boo Ba character from the movieC (ith every ,+5+ flavour.

/.1.8 ;ther 5romosG

Baskin Robbins Eational level 0unior "ricket =s tournament NPo Po %asters Road .ho(' for &elhi's children and adults organised by "artoon Eet(ork 4nterprises (as held in Baskin Robbins store in "onnaught 5lace &elhi on 0uly ,++=. .ponsored lucky coupons for N%onsoon %asti' festival organi>ed by Ra<iv !andhi International 3irport :imited #yderabad held on 0uly ,++9. &istributed free passes for H3ma>e ,++*J B-.chool fest organised by the Indian Institute of 5lanning and %anagement BII5%C in Bangalore. .old tickets for Rock "oncert Rock 'n India designed along the lines of international rock festivals held in Bangalore in %arch ,++*. Recently in %arch ,++9 5i>>a #ut Q Baskin Robbins launched an offer that provides 5i>>a #ut patrons an opportunity to sample a range of Baskin Robbins ice creams on placing pi>>a delivery orders.

/., "hange in "ommunication .trategyG

6he events@movies sponsored by Baskin Robbins have been not so effective in creating visibility for the brand. 6his is because the brand seems to get lost in the array of other brands sponsoring the events. .ay in launch of .piderman 3 Baskin Robbins (as one among 9 brands to sponsor. 3lso (hen sponsoring %67 Roadies (e felt that the brand doesn't communicate its value properly. Because Roadies is an adventure reality sho( (hich depicts a tough person (hich is opposite to that of Baskin Robbins' core identity of fun and soft tender nature conveyed by the brand as such. 9rom our intervie(s (e found that around ,1 people had only an aided recollection of the brand. 3ll these intervie(ees (ould rightly fit into the target segment of Baskin Robbins. 3lso (e inferred that almost invariably all our intervie(ees never had any other interaction (ith the brand apart from the stores. .o the brand has to enhance its visibility through strategic advertising and promotions (here it could reach its target segment better fre$uently. Interesting thing that came up (as that Baskin Robbins has strong customer retention but ne( customer ac$uisition is not much. ;nly (ord-of-mouth publicity has made the brand gro(ing at least in the southern parts of India. 3lso (e (ould (ant the brand to communicate its premium status in all its touch points (ith the customer. 5lease have a look at the follo(ing photograph of a bill given at a Baskin Robbins kiosk in 9orum mall Bangalore. 6he bill is hand(ritten and is not even a printed one. 3s a customer of a premium brand (e

(ould really feel bad (hen such an e1perience occurs. 6hough this might seem irrelevant on a side (e have to ackno(ledge a fact that the customer goes for a premium brand (ith some e1pectations. It is these small things like these (hich give the customer the brand's identity.

5 Brand Baskin Robbins G

9rom the customer analysis communication strategy and the telephonic conversation had (ith the Lonal manager-.outh of Baskin Robbins (e conclude (ith the follo(ing.

5.1 Brand .trategyG

6rends: 9e( trends that favour the brand strategy in India areG
Increasing disposable income of young Indians Increasing health consciousness of IndiansB:o( fat ice creams vegetarian ice creamsC are 9lavours uni$ue to Baskin Robbins I (ant to be seen as a premium consumer I need variety in my life

"ustomer %otivations: 6he customer motivations that could support the gro(th of the brand

5., Brand 5ositioningG

H6aste different flavours everydayJ-Baskin 31 Robbins 6he younger generation in India no( seek variety in their fast paced lives. 6hey (ant to try something ne( every day. 5ositioning Baskin Robbins in the minds of such consumers (ould be easy and effective for the brand. De suggest to have a bridged positioning of Baskin Robbins means 6R436

5.3 Brand 5ersonalityG

5roduct Related "haracteristicsG .oft@6ender -ser imageryG 9un loving youth Q children .ponsorshipsG 4vents that attract today's generation youth Q children 3geG 8+ years Q still P;-E!RRRRR .ymbolG Baskin Robbins logo Rich Q Inviting

5./ Brand IdentityG

"ore IdentityG 7ariety in flavours 1++ percent vegetarian Ouality B6he Lonal %anager (hom (e intervie(ed said that Baskin Robbins focuses on providing very high $uality ice creams that even a 3 months old baby can consume it (ithout any harmC. 41tended IdentityG 3mbience of .tores@5arlours 5ackaging Regional 9lavors

5.5 7alue 5ropositionG

HDhere the 9un is -nending Q 9lavour is 2ingJ 6he value proposition is strongly supported by the offerings from Baskin Robbins. 0ust there needs to be an improvement in .tore ambience to provide that H9unJ element.

5.8 Brand :ogo 4volutionG

6he brand logo has evolved over the years (ithout losing out its core identity of the H;riginal 31 flavoursJ.

8 "onclusion G
Baskin Robbins is doing (ell (ith e1cellent $uality offerings. 3ll that has to be changed is the communication strategy. Baskin Robbins has to create more touch-points for the prospective customers to interact (ith the brand. But caution has to be taken that the premium brand doesn't get depicted as a mass market brand. .elective advertisements in premium maga>ines lifestyle television channels malls airports etc (ould do (ell. 6he brand can position itself as a premium alternative to other mass market brands like 2(ality Dalls 7adilal 3mul etc. 3lso more visibility can be created by maintaining premium ice cream parlours (ith e1cellent ambience that (ould generate Dord-of-%outh the most po(erful form of positioning the brand.


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