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INDIAN ETHOS IN MANAGEMENT. Definition (OXFORD): Ethos is defined as the characteristic spirit and belief of comm nit!
people and the "a! the! react to #ario s problems and sit ations in life. It refers to habit al characteristics of a $ro p or comm nit!. It means that self%character has to do more "ith the p blic ima$e than a pri#ate ima$e. T&O T'(ES O) )O*+ES. ,. As ri Sampad. -Demonic )orces). .. Dai#i Sampad. -Di#ine )orces).

In the /ha$a#ad Gita0 1rishna tal2s of Dai#i Sampad and As ri Sampad 3 the noble and demonic 4 alities. Dai#i Sampad is described as 4 alities s ch as fearlessness0 inner p rit!0 $enerosit!0 sense restraint0 sacrifice0 a sterit!0 honest!5 non#iolence0 tr thf lness0 absence of an$er0 ren nciation0 e4 animit!0 compassion for all creat res and so on and "hat constit tes As ri Sampad is h!pocris!0 arro$ance0 pride0 an$er0 harshness0 i$norance and so on. Dai#i Sampad and Dai#i people create a Dai#i "orld 3 a "orld lo#e0 of la $hter0 of dance0 of m sic0 of 6o!. As ri Sampad and people endo"ed "ith As ri Sampad create an As ri "orld. In their blindness0 As ri people belie#e the! can be happ! at the cost of others. / t the tr th is that in an As ri "orld no one is happ!0 there is no possibilit! of happiness for an!one.

/ENE)ITS O) MANAGING ETHI+S IN &O*1(7A+E. 1. Attention to business ethics improves society. A matter of decades a$o0 children in o r co ntr! "or2ed ,8%ho rs a da!. &or2er9s9 limbs "ere torn off and disabled. &or2ers "ere condemned to po#ert! and often to star#ation. Tr sts controlled some mar2ets to the e:tent that prices "ere fi:ed and small b sinesses had to close do"n. (rice fi:in$ crippled normal mar2et forces. Emplo!ees "ere terminated based on personalities. Then societ! reacted and dernanded that b sinesses place hi$h #al e on fairness and e4 al ri$hts. Anti%tr st la"s "ere instit ted. Go#ernment

a$encies "ere established. ;nions "ere or$ani<ed. 7a"s and re$ lations "ere established. This has impro#ed the li#in$ standards of societ!.

2. Ethics program help maintain moral course in disturbed times. / siness ethics is critical d rin$ times of f ndamental chan$e% li2e those faced no" b! b sinesses0 both non%profit and for%profit. D rin$ times of chan$e0 there is often no dear moral standard to $ ide leaders abo t "hat is ri$ht or "ron$. +ontin o s9 attention to ethics in the "or2place helps leaders and staff to act consistentl!.

3. Cultivate strong team work and productivity. Ethics pro$rammes ali$n emplo!ee beha#io r "ith ethical =al es preferred b! leaders of the or$ani<ation. ;s all!0 an or$ani<ation finds disparit! bet"een its preferred #al es and the #al es act all! reflected b! beha#io r in the "or2place. On$oin$ attention and dialo$ e re$ardin$ #al es in the "or2place b ilds openness0 inte$rit! and comm nit! % critical in$redients of stron$ teams in the "or2place. Emplo!ees feel stron$ ali$nment bet"een their #al es and those of the or$ani<ation. The! react "ith stron$0 moti#ation and performance.

4. It supports employee growth. Attention to ethics in the "or2place helps emplo!ees face realit!0 both $ood and bad % in the or$ani<ation and themsel#es. Emplo!ees feel f ll! confident and can deal "ith "hate#er comes their "a!. Bennett, in his article Unethical Behaviour, Stress Appear Linked ! e:plained that a cons ltin$ compan! tested a ran$e of e:ec ti#es and mana$ers. Their most stri2in$ findin$ "as that the more emotionall! health! the e:ec ti#es "ere0 the more li2el! the! "ere to score hi$h on ethics tests.

. It ensures that policies are legal. There is an increasin$ n mber of la"s its re$ardin$ 9personnel matters and effects of or$ani<ation9s ser#ices or9 prod cts9 on its sta2eholders. 0 Ethical principles are0 often0 applied to c rrent0 ma6or ethical iss es to become le$islation. Attention to ethics ens res hi$hl! ethical policies arid proced res in the "or2place. It is far better to inc r the cost of mechanisms to ens re ethical practices no" than to inc r costs of liti$ation later. >Nell% 2

desi$ned personnel policies sho ld ens re ethical treatment of emplo!ees0 in matters of hirin$0 e#al atin$0 disciplinin$0 firin$0 etc.

!. Avoids criminal acts o" comissions or lowers "ines or penalties. Ethics pro$rammes tend to detect ethical iss es and #iolations earl! so that the! can be reported or addressed. In some cases0 "hen an or$ani<ation is a"are of an act al or potential #iolation and does not report it to the appropriate a thorities0 this can be considered a criminal act0 e.$.0 in b siness dealin$s "ith certain Go#ernment a$encies0 s ch as the Defence Department. There are ma6or penalties for #ario s t!pes of ma6or ethics #iolations. Ho"e#er0 the $ idelines potentiall! lo"er9 fines if an or$ani<ation had clearl! made an effort to operate ethicall!.

#. $anage values associated with %uality management& strategic management and diversity management. Ethics pro$rammes identif! preferred #al es and ens re that or$ani<ational beha#io r are ali$ned "ith those #al es. This effort incl des recordin$ the #al es and de#elopin$ policies and proced res to ali$n beha#iors "ith preferred #al es and then train all personal abo t the policies and proced res. '. (romote a strong public image. Attention to ethics helps to maintain a stron$ p blic or$ani<ation that re$ larl! $i#es attention to ethics can portra! a stron$ positi#e ima$e to the p blic

). *verall bene"its o" ethics program. It le$itimi<es mana$erial actions ? stren$thens the or$ani<ation c lt re0 impro#es tr st in relationship bet"een $ro ps0 better consistenc! ? 4 alit! of prod cts. =A7;ES. =al es are the beliefs that $ ide indi#id al@s actions. The! represent a person@s belief abo t "hat is ri$ht or "ron$. =al es la! standards a$ainst "hich indi#id als@ beha#io r is 6 d$ed. =al es determine the o#erall personalit! of an indi#id al and the or$ani<ation that he is "or2in$ for. =al es appl! to indi#id als and instit tions0 both b siness and non%b siness. )EAT;*ES O) INDIAN ETHOS. 3

Indian ethos are deep and nseen fo ndation s pportin$ the s perstr ct re of India. There is no one Indian c lt re 0b t it is important to nderstand that there is indeed one Indian ethos at the le#el of the #edantic Adeep str ct reB This is called holistic approach. In this5 there is close relationship bet"een spirit al and "orldl! life of a h man bein$. =edantic ethos is capable of enrichin$ and ele#atin$ the economic and mana$erial processes in or$anisations. )ollo"in$ are the feat res of Indian ethos: ,. Indi#id al is the focal0 n cle s point in Indian ethos and is called the fo ndation and basis of Indian ethos. If !o are $ood0 the "orld is $ood. S ch a tho $ht ens res the "holesome 4 alit! of "or2 life. .. Indian ethos emphasi<es on d ties and responsibilit!0 it rarel! spea2s of ri$hts and pri#ile$es of an indi#id al.

C. /alance is the 2e!note of Indian tho $ht .There has to. be s!nthesis and harmon! bet"een the d al concept of desire and desirelessness and bet"een materialism and spirit alism

ST*ESS. AStress is a condition or feelin$ e:perienced "hen a person percei#es that demands e:ceed the personal and social reso rces the indi#id als is able to mobili<e.D SIGNS O) ST*ESS. (H'SI+A7 -/OD') MENTA7 -MIND ) EMOTIONA7

+olistic Approach
Holistic approach in Mana$ement is based on spirit al principle of nit!0 oneness0 non%d al or Ad#aita concept. ;nder this principle of nit!0 the ni#erse in an ndi#ided "hole "here each and e#er! particle is connected "ith e#er! other particle. Th s0 entire H manit! is ONE. S ch an inte$rated h man personalit! of self%de#eloped mana$er and "or2er can ass re best and competent mana$ement of an! enterprise0 in#ol#in$ collecti#e "or2s and efforts. It "ill achie#e perfection or e:cellence in "hate#er sector !o "or2. This is the ideal of Indian ethos and the application of holistic principle%EAtmano $okshaya ,agat hittayace- -)or $ainin$ perfection in indi#id al life0 as "ell as for the "elfare of the "orld.). This is the messa$e for all mana$ers and "or2ers $i#en b! the Indian ethos for mana$ement. In Indian ethos0 the "ord EOM@ is the so nd s!mbol of "holeness and completeness.

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