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Ekdashi Its Significance

SESSION AGENDA 1 !hat is Ekdashi"
This section explains what Ekdashi is and how it came about.

# !h$ O%se&'e Ekdashi"

This section explains the need for Vaishnavas to observe Ekdashi.

3 O%se&'ing Ekdashi
This section lists the rules, dos and donts to be followed on Ekdashi.

( )enefits *f O%se&'ing Ekdashi

This section tells you how the scriptures glorify the observance of Ekdashi.

+ Pe&i,s *f n*t -asting *n Ekdashi

This section lists some perils of not fasting on Ekdashi.

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1 !hat is Ekdashi"
Ekdashi literally means #the eleventh$ and it refers to the eleventh day of both the waxing and the waning moon. %ust as certain places have a special atmosphere conducive for our purification and spiritual advancement, so do certain phases of time. Ekdashi day is spiritually surcharged with devotional energy. &evotees, therefore, try to minimi'e their other activities and increase their spiritual activities on this day.

The st*&$ *f Ekdashi

(This article was originally written in )*+, by -.ri /avincandra 0akravarti, a disciple of -.rila 1haktisiddnta -arasvati T.hkura and translated into English by Vya2katha &s 1rahmacri in )*3*4 5any devotees are very in6uisitive about the appearance of -.ri Ekdashi and about her special characteristics. Therefore 7 am presenting this description from the fourteenth chapter of the Padma Purna, from the section entitled Kriya-sgarasra. 8nce the great sage %aimini 97shi said to his spiritual master -.rila Vysadeva, #8h :urudeva; "reviously, by your mercy, you described to me the history of the glories of the :ang river, the benefits of worshiping Vishnu, the giving of grains in charity, the giving of water in charity, and the magnanimity of drinking the water that has washed the feet of the brhmanas. 8 best of the sages, -.ri :urudeva, now, with great enthusiasm, 7 desire to hear the benefits of fasting on Ekdashi and the appearance of Ekdashi. kasmad Ekdashi jata tasyah ko va vidhir dvija kada va kriyate kim va phalam kim va vadasva me ka va pujyatama tatra dev ta sad-gunarnava akurvatah syat ko dosa etan me vaktum arhasi #8h :urudev; <hen did Ekdashi take birth and from whom did she appear= <hat are the rules of fasting on the Ekdashi= "lease describe the benefits of following this vow and when it should be followed. <ho is the utmost worshipable presiding deity of -.ri Ekdashi= <hat are the faults in not following Ekdashi properly= "lease bestow your mercy upon me and tell about these sub>ects, as you are the only personality able to do so.$ -.rila Vysadeva, upon hearing this en6uiry of %aimini 97shi, became situated in transcendental bliss. #8h brhmana sage %aimini; The results of following Ekdashi can only be perfectly described by the -upreme ?ord, /ryana, because -.ri /ryana is the only personality capable of describing them in full. 1ut 7 will give a very brief description in answer to your 6uestion.


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#At the beginning of the material creation, the -upreme ?ord created the moving and nonmoving living entities within this world made of five gross material elements. -imultaneously, for the purpose of punishing the human beings, .e created a personality whose form was the embodiment of sin (Ppa-purusha4. The different limbs of this personality were constructed of the various sinful activities. A horrible personality embodying all the sinful activities and vices was thus created. .is bodily color was black, and his eyes were yellow. .e inflicted extreme misery upon sinful persons. #The -upreme "ersonality of :odhead, ?ord Vishnu, upon seeing this personality of sin, began to think to .imself as followsB C7 am the creator of the miseries and happiness for the living entities. 7 am their master because 7 have created this personality of sin, who gives distress to all dishonest, deceitful, and sinful persons. /ow 7 must create someone who will control this personality. At this time -.ri 1hagavn created the personality known as Damar>a and the different hellish planetary systems. Those living entities who were very sinful would be sent after death to Damar>a, who would in turn, according to their sins, send them to a hellish region to suffer. #After these ad>ustments had been made, the -upreme ?ord, who is the giver of distress and happiness to the living entities, went to the house of Damar>a with the help of :aruEa, the king of birds. <hen Damar>a saw that ?ord Vishnu had arrived, he immediately washed .is feet and made an offering unto .im. .e then had .im sit upon a golden throne. The -upreme ?ord, Vishnu, became seated on the throne, whereupon .e heard very loud crying sounds coming from the southern direction. .e became surprised by this and thus en6uired from Damar>a, CFrom where is this loud crying coming= #Damar>a in reply said, C8h &ev; The different living entities of the earthly planetary systems have fallen into the hellish regions. They are suffering extremely for their misdeeds. The horrible crying is because of suffering from the inflictions of their past bad karma (actions4. #After hearing this, the -upreme ?ord, Vishnu, went to the hellish region to the south. <hen the inhabitants saw who had come, they began to cry even louder. The heart of the -upreme ?ord, Vishnu, became filled with compassion. ?ord Vishnu thought to .imself, C7 have created all this progeny, and it is because of 5e that they are suffering.# -.rila Vysadeva continuedB #8h %aimini, >ust listen to what the -upreme ?ord did next. CAfter the merciful -upreme ?ord thought over what .e had previously considered, .e suddenly manifested from .is own form the deity of the lunar day Ekdashi. Afterwards the different sinful living entities began to follow the vow of Ekdashi and were then elevated 6uickly to the abode of Vaikunthha. 8h my child %aimini, therefore the lunar day of Ekdashi is the selfsame form of the -upreme ?ord, Vishnu, and the -upersoul within the heart of the living entities. -.ri Ekdashi is the utmost pious activity and is situated as the head among all vows.

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#Following the ascension of -hri Ekdashi, that personality who is the form of the sinful activity gradually saw the influence she had. .e approached ?ord Vishnu with doubts in his heart and began offering many prayers, whereupon ?ord Vishnu became very pleased and said, C7 have become very pleased by your nice offerings. <hat boon is it that you want= #The Ppa-purusha replied, C7 am your created progeny, and it is through me that you wanted distress given to the living entities who are very sinful. 1ut now, by the influence of -.ri Ekdashi, 7 have become all but destroyed. 8h "rabhu; After 7 die all of Dour parts and parcels who have accepted material bodies will become liberated and therefore return to the abode of Vaikunthha. 7f this liberation of all living entities takes place, then who will carry on Dour activities= There will be no one to enact the pastimes in the earthly planetary systems; 8h Geshava; 7f Dou want these eternal pastimes to carry on, then Dou please save me from the fear of Ekdashi. /o type of pious activity can bind me. 1ut Ekdashi only, being Dour own manifested form, can impede me. 8ut of fear of -.ri Ekdashi 7 have fled and taken shelter of men, animals, insects, hills, trees, moving and nonmoving living entities, rivers, oceans, forests, heavenly, earthly, and hellish planetary systems, demigods and the :andarvas. 1ut 7 cannot find a place where 7 can be free from fear of -.ri Ekdashi. 8h my 5aster; 7 am a product of Dour creation, so therefore very mercifully direct me to a place where 7 can reside fearlessly.# -.rila Vysadeva then said to %aimini, #After saying this, the embodiment of all sinful activities (Ppa-purusha4 fell down at the feet of the -upreme ?ord, Vishnu, who is the destroyer of all miseries and began to cry. #After this, ?ord Vishnu, observing the condition of the Ppa-purusha with laughter, began to speak thusB C8h Ppa-purusha; 9ise up; &ont lament any longer. %ust listen and 7ll tell you where you can stay on the auspicious lunar day of Ekdashi. 8n the day of Ekdashi, which is the benefactor of the three worlds, you can take shelter of foodstuff in the form of grains. There is no reason to worry about this anymore, because 5y form as -.ri Ekdashi &evi will no longer impede you. After giving direction to the Ppa-purusha, the -upreme ?ord, Vishnu, disappeared and the Ppa-purusha returned to the performance of his own activities. #Therefore those persons who are serious about the ultimate benefit for the soul will never eat grains on the Ekdashi tithi. According to the instructions of ?ord Vishnu, every kind of sinful activity that can be found in the material world takes its residence in foodstuff (grain4 on Ekdashi. <hoever follows Ekdashi is freed from all sins and never enters into hellish regions. 7f one doesnt follow Ekdashi because of illusion, he is still considered the utmost sinner. For every mouthful of grain that is eaten by a resident of the earthly region, one receives the effect of killing millions of brhmanas. 7t is definitely necessary that one give up eating grains on Ekdashi. 7 very strongly say again and again, C8n Ekdashi, dont eat grains, dont eat grains, dont eat grains; <hether one be a kshatriya, vaishya, shdra, or of any family, he should follow the lunar day of Ekdashi. From this the perfection of varna and shram will be attained. Especially since even if one by trickery follows

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# !h$ O%se&'e Ekdashi"

There are various kinds of austerities recommended in the Vedic scriptures that help us purify our existence. -uch austerities are deemed compulsory for one desiring to progress in spiritual life. 8ne such austerity is to observe Ekdashi. 8n Ekdashi day, one is expected to fast from grains and beans, minimi'e all his other activities and try to maximi'e his spiritual activities. The principle behind this is to minimi'e the demands of the body and increase ones love and faith in Grishna. 8n Ekdashi, one should engage his time in the service of the ?ord by chanting or performing similar service as far as possible.
Re,e'ance *f Ekdashi in .aishna'a sect
Caitan$a /ah0&a%h1s &e21est 8ne day -.ri 0aitanya 5ahprabhu fell down at the feet of .is mother and re6uested her to give .im one thing in charity. .is mother replied, #5y dear son, 7 will give Dou whatever Dou ask.$ Then the ?ord said, #5y dear mother, please do not eat grains on Ekdashi day.$ (S ri !aitanya !aritmrita" #di $il %&'(-)* A3%a&isha /ah&4as e5e30,a&$ %eha'i*& Ambarisha 5ahr>a, along with his 6ueen, observed the vow of Ekdashi and &vdashi for one year. -ince Ambarisha 5ahr>a is considered to be a great >ewel among Vaishnavas, and since his behavior was always exemplary, it is definitely concluded that such vows as fasting on Ekdashi are imperative for Vaishnavas. (Purport" S rimad-+hgavatam %%'%,'%-,* C*nc,1si*n To observe EkdashiHvrata and &vdashiHvrata means to please the -upreme "ersonality of :odhead. Those interested in advancing in Grishna 0onsciousness must observe EkdashiH vrata regularly.

3 O%se&'ing Ekdashi
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3 1 !hat t* eat and 6hat n*t t* eat" 8n Ekdashi days, one should abstain from grains, cereals and beans. 8ne may, however, take fruits, vegetables, dairy products and nuts in moderate proportions. Dour facilitator will now present a list of items to you. 7dentify the items that can be taken on Ekdashi. Also list down those that should be avoided. Ite3s that can %e taken Ite3s that sh*1,d %e a'*ided


7e'e,s *f fasting *n Ekdashi

Although actual performance of Ekdashi re6uires one to fast completely from all food and drink, it is mostly difficult for people in the age of Gali. The -ryas have therefore instructed us to fast from grains and beans at least. 1ased on their level of comfort, different people observe a different level of austerity on EkdashiB -ome completely abstain from eating and drinking anything, even water (-amana water and -aranmrita are allowed though4. -ome abstain from eating, but drink water. -ome others take a little fruit and water. -till others take water and one meal in the afternoon (nonH grain4. 5any, however, eat and drink as usual but without any grains or pulses.

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8ne may choose to fast as convenient and practical to him, based on lifestyle and health constraints. 33 )a,ance %et6een fasting and se&'ice -.rila "rabhupda cautions that although Ekdashi is meant for only chanting and fasting, one should not have a sentimental approach to it. 7f one feels unable to manage his regular services by fasting from all food and drink, he should eat and drink as much as is re6uired to continue his service.
"rabhupdaB 7f there is service and, on my fasting, service will be stopped, then 7 can take. First consideration is service. 7f somebody feels weak, he can take mah-prasda (nonHgrain4 and render service. (.orning /alk !onversation" $os 0ngeles " 1une 2th" %)23*


Offe&ings t* the 7*&d *n Ekdashi 9egular prasdam is offered to ?ord Vishnu on Ekdashi because although fasting is recommended for devotees on Ekdashi, it is not recommended for ?ord Vishnu. 8n Ekdashi, everything is cooked for Vishnu, including regular grains and dhal. -uch prasdam may be kept for being eaten the next day. 7t is strictly forbidden for one to accept any kind of grain on Ekdashi, even if it is offered to ?ord Vishnu.


/aking 10 f*& i&&eg1,a&ities *n Ekdashi <hat if, by chance, one forgets and eats grains on Ekdashi, or if by mistake, one eats something that has grains= 7s there any way to compensate or atone for a broken fast= The authorities have given the verdict that true repentance and not repeating the mistake is the only real way one can atone for an irregularity in following any devotional practice, including Ekdashi. 8ne should, however, fast for the rest of the day at least even if an Ekdashi is accidentally broken. Pn8a'a9ni&4a, Ekdashi 8nce a year in the early summer, there is a special Ekdashi known as "nEavaHnir>al Ekdashi or 1himaHEkdashi. 8ne may

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compensate for broken fasts on any of the other twentyHthree Ekdashis by refraining from all food and drink on this day. There is an interesting pastime behind the concession provided on "nEavaHnir>al Ekdashi. 1ack in the days of the .ahbhrata, five thousand years ago, Ar>unas elder brother 1hima had great difficulty fasting. (7n those days, everyone would fast completely from all food and drink.4 -o he was given permission by the sage Vysadev to observe full Ekdashi fast only once a year and derive the benefit of observing all twentyHfour Ekdashis. 7n the Grishna consciousness movement, many devotees are accustomed to following this 1himaHEkdashi, refraining from all food and drink, to compensate for any discrepancies in their observance of the previous twentyHthree Ekdashi days. 7t should be noted in this regard that although "nEavaHnir>al Ekdashi provides us with a chance to make up for any broken fasts, it is not to be likened to the atonement prescribed for fruitive activities. Ekdashi fasting is observed on a devotional principle, with a view to help us progress spiritually. 8ne should always remember this and observe Ekdashi vrata with utmost care.

( )enefits *f O%se&'ing Ekdashi

Although Ekdashi is not difficult to follow, the results, materially and spiritually, are most beneficial. Following are some interesting 6uotes from the scriptures that delineate the benefits of following EkdashiB To observe EkdashiHvrata and &vdashiHvrata means to please the -upreme "ersonality of :odhead. Those interested in advancing in Grishna 0onsciousness must observe EkdashiH vrata regularly. (S rimad-+hgavatam )'4',)* <hen one observes fasting, the chanting becomes easier. ($etter to 1adurani" $os 0ngeles" 1uly )th" %)2%* 7n the +rahma-vaivarta Purna it is cited that one who observes fasting on Ekdashi day is freed from all kinds of reactions to sinful activities and advances in pious life.
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(!hapter 2" 5e-tar o6 7evotion* /either :a2g, :ay, Gshi, "ushkara, Gurukshetra, 9ev, Vedika, Damuna, and 0andrabhg, none of them are e6ual to the day of ?ord .ari, Ekdashi. 8h king, even if one fasts on Ekdashi unknown to others, all of his sins are at once burnt and he easily attains the spiritual world. (Spoken by 8asishtha .uni in 5rada Purna* Two compulsory fasting days in a month, if not more (austerity4. Even from the economic point of view, such two fasting days in a month in the state will save tons of food, and the system will also act very favorably on the general health of the citi'ens. (Purport" S rimad-+hgavatam %'%2'9(* According to the Vaishnava calendar, there are many fasts, such as Ekdashi and the appearance and disappearance days of :od and .is devotees. All of these are meant to decrease the fat within the body so that one will not sleep more than desired and will not become inactive and la'y. (Purport" S rimad-+hgavatam 4',('9&-93*

+ Pe&i,s *f n*t -asting *n Ekdashi

8n the other hand, here are some perils of not fasting on EkdashiB Padma Purna explains that the ppa-purusha (sin personified4 takes shelter in grains on Ekdashi. According to the instructions of ?ord Vishnu, every kind of sinful activity that can be found in the material world takes its residence in this place of foodstuff (grain4. Therefore those persons who are serious about the ultimate benefit for the soul will never eat grains on the Ekdashi tithi' Skanda Purna says that a person who eats grains on Ekdashi becomes a murderer of his mother, father, brother and spiritual masterJ and even if he is elevated to a Vaikunthha planet, he falls down. (S ri !aitanya !aritmrita" #di $il %&'(-)* 7n ari-bhakti-vilsa, -.rila %iva :osvmi mentions that any person who does not fast on Ekdashi and observes fasts on other days suffers the miseries of performing fasts, but does not attain sufficient results.

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A&$a3ans Di,e33a
Aryaman has started chanting one round of .are Grishna mahmantra. .e has not yet started fasting on Ekdashi. Today is Ekdashi and his friend Asutosh has called him to ask him to observe Ekdashi. 1elow is the conversation between the two. 0an you complete it and help Asutosh convince Aryaman to observe Ekdashi= A&$a3an: 8bserve Ekdashi= 7Lve heard that on Ekdashi one should not eat, drink or sleep at night. 8ne should also not look at or speak to nonHdevotees on this day. 7 find all this impossible to follow in my circumstances. As1t*shs c,a&ificati*nB

A&$a3an: Asutosh, what is Ekdashi for anyway, and how do devotees normally observe it= As1t*shs c,a&ificati*nB

A&$a3an: 7 cant stay hungry, is there no other alternative= <hy should 7 take such pains= As1t*shs c,a&ificati*nB

A&$a3anB <hat about breaking the fast= <hen and how should 7 do it= As1t*shs c,a&ificati*nB
@) | "rogress "rogressing beyond

A&$a3anB 8k. 1ut how will observing Ekdashi help me in my spiritual advancement= As1t*shs c,a&ificati*nB

A&$a3anB 8k. 7 am sort of convinced nowM 1ut what if a person forgets Ekdashi day and eats grains=

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As1t*shs c,a&ificati*nB

As1t*shB 8h; 7 have to offer rice and dahl prasdam to the ?ord, will call you back later. A&$a3anB .ey; .old on; .ow can you offer rice and dahl= Dou >ust said that we should be having nonHgrain prasdam today; As1t*shs c,a&ificati*nB

A&$a3anB NmmMok; /ow 7 understand. Thanks, Asutosh. &o you have any other tips for me= As1t*shB <hatever way you decide to observe Ekdashi, itLs best to mentally prepare yourself the day before by planning what you intend to do. Try to make it a day in which you break your regular pattern of life and increase your spiritually oriented activities. Ekdashi is also a good time to reflect on your spiritual progress in general. A&$a3anB Thanks friend, 7 am now clear about the whole thing. 7 will definitely observe Ekdashi henceforth. .are Grishna.

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P&actice /akes it Pe&fect;


S ri !aitanya !aritmrita" #di $il %&'(-) S rimad-+hgavatam %'%2'9( S rimad-+hgavatam 4',('9&-93 S rimad-+hgavatam )'4',) S rimad-+hgavatam %%'%,'%-, !hapter 2" 5e-tar o6 7evotion $etter to 1adurani" $os 0ngeles" 1uly )th" %)2% .orning /alk !onversation" $os 0ngeles" 1une 2th" %)23

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Reinf*&ce <*1& =nde&standing

Secti*n I O%4ecti'e >1esti*ns Ch**se the &ight ans6e& Answer the following. Each 6uestion carries ) point. ). <hich scripture describes why and how Ekdashi was manifest= a. b. c. d. +rahma-vaivarta Purna Padma Purna ari-bhakti-vilsa Skanda Purna

!. <hich of the following cannot be taken on Ekdashi= a' b. c. d. sago dhania seeds peas bananas

. <hich of the following activities is not recommended on Ekdashi= a. b. c. d. chanting extra rounds eating as much as re6uired going to collegeOwork as usual breaking the fast at the end of the day

@. 7s it compulsory to fast from all food and grain on "nEava Ekdashi= a. b. yes no

+. <hich of the following classes of people should not observe Ekdashi= a. b. c. d. kshatriyas vaishyas shdras none of the above

@+ | "rogress

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Secti*n II Sh*&t Ans6e& >1esti*ns Ans6e& in *ne sentence Answer the following. Each 6uestion carries ! points. ). <hy do devotees fast from grains on Ekdashi= PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P !. <hy are austerities recommended in the scriptures= PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P . <hy should we follow in the footsteps of ?ord 0aitanya and Ambarisha 5ahr>a and observe Ekdashi= PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P @. <hy is regular grain prasdam offered to Vishnu on Ekdashi= PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P +. <hat is special about "nEava Ekdashi= PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP P -i,, in the %,anks Answer the following. Each 6uestion carries ! points. ). &evotees try to decrease on Ekdashi. !. The principle behind following Ekdashi is to PPPPPPPPPPPPP . . and increase and

and are still allowed even if one chooses to fast completely from all food and drink on Ekdashi. and

@. 8ne who observes Ekdashi is freed from advances PPPPPPPPPP.

"rogressing beyond "rogress

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+. Ekdashi literally means .

and refers to

Secti*n III 7*ng Ans6e& >1esti*ns Ans6e& in t6* sentences Answer the following. Each 6uestion carries points.

). 7n what way does Ekdashi benefit one from an economicO material point of view=

!. <hy and from whom did Ekdashi manifest=

. From the following list, choose the items that can be used on Ekdashi. Sago 7hania seeds 8il in which samoss were fried 8arai Tirupati mahH prasdam Fried peas 0oconut

:hee that was used to make potato wafers

9ice flour


@3 | "rogress

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@. <hy is it important to choose a practical level of fasting rather than fast completely, although ideally the latter is the best way to fast=

+. 5ention any two perils of not fasting on Ekdashi.

Ans6e& in detai, Answer the following. Each 6uestion carries + points. ). .ow does one observe Ekdashi= 5ention the important things to be kept in mind.

"rogressing beyond "rogress

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!. 5ention the benefits of fasting on Ekdashi.

Total points obtainedB PPPPPO+K Evaluation score awardedB PPPPPPO +

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SH&i,a P&a%h10da ='ca

There are prescriptions for fasting on certain days of the month. 8ne may not be inclined to practice such fasting, but because of his determination to make advancement in the science of Grishna consciousness, he should accept such bodily troubles when they are recommended. .owever, one should not fast unnecessarily or against Vedic in>unctions. 8ne should not fast for some political purposeJ that is described in +hagavad-git as fasting in ignorance, and anything done in ignorance or passion does not lead to spiritual advancement. Everything done in the mode of goodness does advance one, however, and fasting done in terms of the Vedic in>unctions enriches one in spiritual knowledge. -Purport" +hagavad-git %:'4-&

"rogressing beyond "rogress

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