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Journal of Investment and Management

2013; 2(2) : 28-33 Published online March 10, 2013 (http://www sciencepublishin!!roup co"/#/#i") doi: 10 11$%8/# #i" 20130202 12

Complexity identification in hybrid management intelligence system and its impact on customized throughput
Chiemela Onunka
Mechanical &n!ineerin! Man!osuthu 'ni(ersit) o* +echnolo!), '"la,i, -outh .*rica

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0hie"ela 1nun2a 0o"ple3it) 4denti*ication in 5)brid Mana!e"ent 4ntelli!ence -)ste" and its 4"pact on 0usto"i,ed +hrou!hput Journal of Investment and Management 6ol 2, 7o 2, 2013, pp 28-33 doi: 10 11$%8/# #i" 20130202 12

Abstract: 8usinesses and corporate or!ani,ations are "o(in! towards the use o* ad(anced technolo!) and in*or"ation
"ana!e"ent s)ste"s in creatin! sustainable !rowth and custo"i,ed throu!hput Present da) decision "a2ers and "ana!ers are thus in a 9uest *or real-ti"e in*or"ation in *acilitatin! e**ecti(e decision +he paper presents the use o* h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" in e**ectin! decisions and its association with or!ani,ational per*or"ance :urther"ore, the use o* h)brid intelli!entsia such as business intelli!ence and 2nowled!e "ana!e"ent s)ste" in i"pro(in! or!ani,ational per*or"ance is the current practice at di**erent "ana!erial le(els +he co"ple3ities associated with "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste"s are identi*ied and discussed +he e**ect o* h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" on or!ani,ational and custo"i,ed throu!hput are discussed and presented in the paper

Keywords: 5)brid Mana!e"ent 4ntelli!ence; ;nowled!e Mana!e"ent; 8usiness 4ntelli!ence; 1r!ani,ational Per*or"ance

1. Introduction
5)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste"s ai"s to pro(ide e**icient "ana!e"ent processes in ta2in! the !rowth o* an or!ani,ation a step *urther than it was -uch intelli!entsia s)ste"s are achie(ed throu!h "i3ed-"odel "ana!e"ent s)ste"s 6ariet) in "ana!e"ent s)ste"s brin!s in challen!es which "a) co"plicate processes used *or custo "i,ed throu!hputs +o "ana!e the challen!es, the understandin! o* h)brid "ana!e"nt intelli!ence s)ste" and its e**ect on custo"i,ed throu!hput is re9uired <1= +he stud) on e**ect o* h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence on custo"i,ed throu!hput e3poses its in*luence on the "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" per*or"ance +hus the co"ple3it) e"bedded in the intrinsic structure o* "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" and the uncertainties associated to "ana!e"ent operations are e3posed >ebuildin! con*idence in "ana!e"ent processes and st)les re9uires the use o* an inte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" <2= +he success probabilit) *or "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" in deli(erin! the desired custo"i,ed throu!hput re(eals the second co"ple3it) that "a) be inherent in the use o* h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste"

+he collecti(e capacit) o* inte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" pro(ides "ana!e"ent the intellectual capacit) and cooperation re9uired to create, in(ent and inno(ate custo" processes 5)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence is the deter"inin! *actor towards hu"an de(elop"ent, creati(it) and co"petiti(eness in an or!ani,ation 5)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence "a) be de*ined as the capabilit) o* "ana!e"ent intelli!ence to adapt business processes in "eetin! the desired ob#ecti(es and throu!hputs <13= +he "ore "ana!e"ent s)ste" beco"es d)na"ic and nonlinear, the "ore h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence is o* *unda"ental i"portance to the "odern societ) <3= ?hile di!ital technolo!ies and ad(anced in*or"ation s)ste"s pro(ides "ore power*ul tools in au!"entin! "ana!e"ent strate!ies, it is essential to co"prehend how h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence a**ects throu!hput at (arious sta!es in an or!ani,ation +he interrelations that e3ist between di**erent "ana!e"ent intelli!entsias "a) not be intuiti(e in their st)le o* deli(er) 4nte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" deli(ers in*or"ation and pro(ides wa)s o* i"ple"entin! deli(erable actions 5)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence in the present da) d)na"ic business en(iron"ent pro(ides the necessar) techni9ue and technolo!) re9uired b) "ana!ers to "a2e stra-

@ournal o* 4n(est"ent and Mana!e"ent 2013, 2(2) : 28-33


te!ic and tactical decisions <2= 0reatin! sustainable !rowth and de(elop"ent throu!h the i"ple"entation o* "ana!e"ent intelli!entsias !i(es an or!ani,ation the desired co"petiti(e ed!e 4nte!rated data base "ana!e"ents s)ste"s that support h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence *acilitate "ana!e"ent s)ste" adaptabilit) to *uture con*i!urations in or!ani,ation "ana!e"ent and throu!hputs >econ*i!uration o* "ana!e"ent intelli!ence to suit decisi(e throu!hput brin!s about chan!e in the d)na"ic business en(iron"ent 4n this paper, the co"ple3it) in inte!rated intelli!ent "ana!e"ent s)ste"s is e3tended to h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" in deter"inin! the !rowth o* an or!ani,ation throu!h custo"i,ed throu!hput -erial and parallel intelli!ent "ana!e"ent architectures and decision "i3es are in(esti!ated +he in(esti!ations propose !rowth throu!h ade9uate throu!hput "odel *ro" h)brid intelli!entsia +he co"ple3ities in inte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" are applied to both throu!hput dri(en and h)brid "ana!e"ent s)ste"s +his wor2 is "ore rele(ant to present da) decision "a2ers and "ana!ers in (arious d)na"ic business en(iron"ents and or!ani,ations

C +he establish"ent o* intelli!ent "ana!e"ent tool *or sel*-"onitorin! and sel*-re*erence in an inte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ent s)ste" 2.1. Intelligentsia Reliability and Throughput :or "an) business "ana!e"ent s)ste"s, it is essential to predict processes such as the business intelli!entsia s)ste"Ds reliabilit) and a(ailabilit) to decision "a2ers 8usiness intelli!entsia reliabilit) is the probabilit) that an intelli!ence s)ste" will !enerate the desired throu!hput o(er a speci*ied ti"e period while the a(ailabilit) o* business intelli!entsia s)ste" is the probabilit) that the intelli!ence s)ste" is !i(in! the desired throu!hput at an) !i(in! ti"e 8usiness intelli!entsia reliabilit) "odels co"pares "ana!e"ent intelli!ence con*i!urations based on the "atri3 o* throu!hputs desired b) the or!ani,ation 0usto"i,ed throu!hput "odels co"bine h)brid business intelli!entsias in order to opti"i,e business process throu!hputs within the speci*ied period +he *le3ibilit) o* an inte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" *acilitates hi!h-le(el decision "a2in! process with speciali,ed support *ro" the di**erent business intelli!ence s)ste"s +hus ha(in! business intelli!entsia reliabilit) anal)sis and opti"i,ation support *eatures are necessar) Mana!e"ent intelli!ence reliabilit) anal)sis allows "ana!ers and decision "a2es to as2 Ewhat i*F 9uestions re!ardin! (arious "ana!e"ent intelli!entsias and be able to "a2e de*endable "ana!e"ent decisions that "a) pose a threat to throu!hput >ealistic anal)sis o* business intelli!entsia is para"ount in an inte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" representin! the interactions and interdependencies that e3ist between the (arious "ana!e"ent intelli!entsias 4ntelli!entsia reliabilit) anal)sis *acilitates the detection o* potential "ana!e"ent bottlenec2s, *atal *laws, *ailure "echanis"s and s)ste" inco"patibilities that "a) be present in the di**erent intelli!entsias 2.2. Intelligentsia Risk and Liability Analysis +he use o* di**erent "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" in an or!ani,ation in *acilitatin! ti"el) decision "a2in! process and custo"i,ed throu!hput "a) be associated with so"e ris2s and (ulnerabilit) +hus ris2 and *ailure anal)sis are essential in the i"ple"entation and use o* h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!entsia in e**ectin! custo"i,ed throu!hput Mana!e"ent intelli!entsia anal)sis places e"phasis on *ailure probabilit) prediction o* the "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" +he prediction anal)sis predicts ris2s which "a) se(erel) lead to the d)s*unction o* the "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" Giabilit) anal)sis e3poses areas in which the desired "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" "a) be (ulnerable to Giabilit) anal)sis *ocuses on the identi*ication and reduction o* "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" disruptions +hese anal)sis pro(ide the re9uired in*or"ation intelli!ence s)ste" redundanc) and speci*ication *eatures thereb) e(aluatin! the ris2 and e**icienc) o* the s)ste" 2.3. Strategic Intelligentsia Planning

2. Sol in! Intelli!entsia Intero"erability #roblem

+he h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" shares crucial ob#ecti(e with (ast a"ount o* data "ana!e"ent e"bedded in the di**erent 2nowled!e "ana!e"ent s)ste"s 4t ai"s at "a3i"i,in! real-ti"e in*or"ation re9uired in e**icient "ana!e"ent s)ste"s 4ts purpose does not lie in the standardi,ation o* data *or"at as there are e**icient database "ana!e"ent s)ste"s +hus there are "ana!e"ent co"ple3ities to in*or"ation e3chan!e and inte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ence Bi**erent "ana!e"ent ontolo!ies re*lectin! di(erse in*or"ation "ana!e"ent and disse"ination s)ste"s e"er!e *ro" the collection o* (arious data base and 2nowled!e "ana!e"ent s)ste"s +he ob#ecti(e o* h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" in e**ectin! custo"i,ed throu!hput in an or!ani,ation is to pro(ide pi(otal "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" rather than i"posin! uni9ue "ana!e"ent ontolo!) <3= +hus pri(ate and public enterprises bene*it *ro" the rich pra!"atic solutions pro(ided b) h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!entsia <22= 5)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!entsia brin!s to!ether in*or"ation and data *ro" co"petiti(e intelli!ence, business intelli!ence, 2nowled!e "ana!e"ent and strate!ic intelli!ence thereb) pro(idin! a uni(ersal intelli!ence *or decision "a2in! 4n addition to the a"al!a"ation o* in*or"ation and interoperabilit) o* intelli!ence s)ste"s *or di(erse s)ste"s, h)brid intelli!entsia also has the *ollowin! independent ob#ecti(es: C +he creation o* reliable and real-ti"e in*or"ation disse"ination s)ste", C +he de(elop"ent o* robust "ana!e"ent decision "a2in! process which e3ploits the (ast data base s)ste"s in the "ana!e"ent intelli!entsia,


0hie"ela 1nun2a.: 0o"ple3it) identi*ication in h)brid "an!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" and its i"pact on custo"i,ed throu!hput

-trate!ic plannin! re9uires that the "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" de(elops and e(aluates one or "ore uncon(entional strate!ies in the identi*ication o* the best "ana!e"ent strate!) that produces the !reatest throu!hput *or the or!ani,ation <1A= -trate!ic plannin! dependenc) on co"ple3 and uncertain "ana!e"ent s)ste"s i"plies that resolutions deri(ed *ro" such s)ste" "a) be inconclusi(e <A= +hus "ana!ers are le*t to their intuition *or critical decision "a2in! 5ence e**ecti(e "ana!e"ent o* pro#ects and plannin! process re9uires an e**icient strate!ic intelli!ence process included in the "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" +his will allow the or!ani,ation to be robust in adaptin! to "ar2et d)na"ics, conditions and potential disruptions +here e3its si!ni*icant correlation between strate!ic plannin! and "ana!e"ent intelli!ence in that strate!ic plannin! re(eals the le(el o* i"ple"entation and h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence o(erall per*or"ance +hus, a**ir"in! the i"portance o* strate!ic plannin! towards increased custo"i,ed throu!hput, in*or"ation e3chan!e and business "ana!e"ent ali!n"ent as shown in :i! 1 <$= -trate!ic plannin! !i(es decision "a2ers and "ana!ers the a(enue in which "ana!e"ent intelli!ence capabilities, opportunities and ris2s are s)ste"aticall) e(aluated :urther"ore, strate!ic plannin! also pro(ides the or!ani,ation with !oals and ob#ecti(es de*inin! strate!), thereb) inte!ratin! the di**erent a(ailable intelli!entsias *or or!ani,ational !rowth <H= +hus strate!ic plannin! is positi(el) associated with inte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ence and h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence 1ne i"portant aspect o* strate!ic plannin! la) in its use in deter"inin! in*or"ation distribution "odes and ensures that the in*or"ation e3chan!e between "ana!e"ent and consu"ers are not too *ar apart +he inte!ration o* in*or"ation e3chan!e in strate!ic plannin! contributes si!ni*icantl) towards the co"petiti(e state o* an or!ani,ation <8=

"ana!e"ent 4n a (ar)in! "ana!e"ent landscape, the need *or 9ualit) and reliable data cannot be o(er e"phasi,ed -e(eral or!ani,ations howe(er are *allin! short o* harnessin! their data in real-ti"e due to lac2 o* ade9uate inte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" <%= -e(eral "ana!e"ent decision acti(ities re9uire increasin!l) (ast a"ount o* accurate data representin! current d)na"ic business en(iron"ent +hus the need *or !ood and reliable data is as a result o* the *ollowin! <%=: C 4ncreased e"phasis on inte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ence and ris2 "ana!e"ent, C Irowin! de"and on strate!ic reportin!, and C +he search *or an ice-brea2er in di**icult business en(iron"ents +he (arious intelli!ence s)ste"s *or" a co"ple3 and interconnected web o* data !eneratin! s)ste"s as indicated :i! 2 4n such networ2, "ultiple data sources "a) be ac9uired *ro" outside sources while (aluable in*or"ation is stored in the independent intelli!ence s)ste"s within the or!ani,ation Ii(en that real-ti"e data is the 2e) asset and li*eblood o* an e**ecti(e decision "a2in! process, data "ana!e"ent process ai"s at controllin!, protectin! and "a3i"i,in! the (alue deri(ed *ro" real-ti"e data in order to achie(e and sustain co"petiti(e ad(anta!e at the "ar2et <J= &nsurin! e**icient data "ana!e"ent s)ste" in(ol(es the use o* current technolo!), processes and data interchan!eabilit) culture +his will ensure that decision "a2ers are aware o* the or!ani,ationDs current standin! at the "ar2et place ?ith increasin! (olu"es o* data ac9uired *ro" di**erent s)ste"s, and the need *or co"pliance at di**erent disse"ination le(els, an or!ani,ation re9uires the consolidation o* the data s)ste"s and sources throu!h robust data "ana!e"ent s)ste"

Figure 2. Complex and Interconnected Data System Figure 1. Strategic Intelligentsia Planning Model

$. %ata &ana!ement #aradi!m

+he (ital co"ponent re9uired *or business process "ana!e"ent and inte!ration o* business intelli!entsias is data

'. The In(luence o( )ybrid Intelli!entsia on Or!ani*ational #er(ormance

Mana!e"ent intelli!entsia "onitorin! and i"pro(e"ent has beco"e the !rowin! pheno"ena which co"prises (ar-

@ournal o* 4n(est"ent and Mana!e"ent 2013, 2(2) : 28-33


ious "ana!e"ent processes such as strate!ic reportin!, business intelli!ence, co"petiti(e intelli!ence, 2nowled!e "ana!e"ent, strate!ic intelli!ence and arti*icial intelli!ence +hus the reliance on con(entional ideas cannot be e**ecti(el) used as bench"ar2 *or per*or"ance "onitorin! o* "ana!e"ent intelli!entsia s)ste"s <10= 5)brid intelli!entsia throu!h e**icient data "ana!e"ent s)ste" pro(ides the e**icac) re9uired in "ana!e"ent decision "a2in! process :urther"ore, the use o* h)brid intelli!entsia such as business intelli!ence and 2nowled!e "ana!e"ent s)ste" in i"pro(in! or!ani,ational per*or"ance is the current practice at di**erent "ana!erial le(els <21= 1r!ani,ational i"pro(e"ent throu!h anal)tical techni9ues e"bedded in inte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ence pro(ides (aluable decision-"a2in! in*or"ation *or custo"i,ed throu!hput Bue to the co"ple3ities that e3ist between the di**erent "ana!e"ent intelli!entsias, or!ani,ations o*ten enhance their co"petiti(e ad(anta!e and per*or"ance throu!h standardi,ed "ana!e"ent operations +hus, the use o* h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!entsia as a decision support s)ste" pro(ides distinct co"petiti(e ad(anta!e and per*or"ance <10=

per*or"ance "onitorin! s)ste" *or decision "a2in! in an or!ani,ation +he decision "a2in! support *unction o* "ana!e"ent intelli!ence in creatin! custo"i,ed throu!hput in an or!ani,ation "a2es it possible *or "ana!ers to "a2e accurate predictions on or!ani,ational !rowth +his increases the le(el o* preparedness and *orecastin! capabilities o* "ar2et trends >eal-ti"e in*or"ation !i(es decision "a2ers the ed!e on which the) can create (alue while e(aluatin! operational processes

-. Knowled!e &ana!ement
+he s)ste"atic "ana!e"ent o* 2nowled!e throu!h an enterprise "ana!e"ent s)ste" in creatin!, collectin!, or!ani,in! and trans*er o* in*or"ation de*ines 2nowled!e "ana!e"ent s)ste" 4n <18= it is also de*ined as the "ana!e"ent o* business acti(ities used in an enterprise s)ste" in 2nowled!e production and inno(ation <18= +he 2e) ele"ents o* a "ana!e"ent intelli!ence enterprise "ana!er are shown in :i! 3 Ma2in! real-ti"e and e**icient decisions re9uires that "ana!ers are *urnished with in*or"ation !enerated *ro" (arious business processes within an or!ani,ation -"ooth business processes are in*luenced b) s"art 2nowled!e "ana!e"ent s)ste" ;nowled!e "ana!e"ent incorporates acti(ities o* (alue creation, de(elop"ent and application o* business 2nowled!e in enhancin! or!ani,ation per*or"ance <1%= +he creation o* 2nowled!e *ro" the anal)sis o* data stored in the data warehouse is a direct "o(e to sustainabilit) in an or!ani,ation ;nowled!e "ana!e"ent ser(es to enhance the co"petiti(eness o* an or!ani,ation and increase the le(el o* de(elop"ent and in*or"ation "ana!e"ent at the or!ani,ation ;nowled!e "ana!e"ent strate!ies i"pro(e "ana!e"ent responsi(eness to business processes and inno(ation thereb) "a3i"i,in! the wealth o* data a(ailable to the or!ani,ation <1$=

+. ,usiness Intelli!ence
8usiness intelli!ence is a s)ste" that is desi!ned to pro(ide real- ti"e decision support to "ana!ers and decision "a2ers 8usiness intelli!ence throu!h business operation "ana!e"ent creates (alue to (arious "ana!e"ent processes 8usiness intelli!ence e3tracts data *ro" data warehouse, trans*or"s in*or"ation and "a2es the in*or"a tion a(ailable at (arious dashboards *or process i"ple"entation <11= 8usiness intelli!ence pro(ides the necessar) tools re9uired b) "ana!e"ent and decision "a2ers in enhancin! the co"petiti(e ad(anta!e o* the or!ani,ation 4nte!ration o* business intelli!ence into "ana!e"ent intelli!ence i"pro(es the 9ualit) and speed o* decision "a2in!, and "a3i"i,es the producti(it) le(el o* "ana!ers and the or!ani,ation as a whole <12= +hus in <13= three ele"ents o* an intelli!ence s)ste" are identi*ied +he) are: C +he abilit) to predict business situations, C +he abilit) to adapt to business conditions, and C +he abilit) to ta2e necessar) actions +he adapti(e nature o* business intelli!ence "a2es it possible to co"bine prediction, adaptabilit) and opti"i,ation into "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" in answerin! two critical 9uestions *or or!ani,ational !rowth: Ewhat is "ost probable to occur in the *utureK .nd what is the best action ri!ht now *or !rowth and de(elop"entKF <13= 4n order to desi!n such "ana!e"ent s)ste", the concepts o* prediction, adaptabilit) and opti"i,ation needs to be !rasped b) "ana!ers and decision "a2ers +hus there is need to understand the i"portance o* real-ti"e in*or"ation and 2nowled!e as the) pro(ide "ana!ers and decision-"a2ers e(idence o* current and *uture business trends +he "ain ob#ecti(e o* "ana!e"ent intelli!ence as the cate!or) o* business intelli!ence is to support and pro(ide

Figure 3. Management Intelligence system key Elements


0hie"ela 1nun2a.: 0o"ple3it) identi*ication in h)brid "an!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" and its i"pact on custo"i,ed throu!hput

4n order to resol(e the co"ple3ities that e3ist in "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste"s, <1H= proposed the use o* a "ulti-a!ent s)ste" to resol(e the *low and sharin! o* in*or"ation across di**erent s)ste"s 4n the "ulti-a!ent collaboration s)ste", each a!ent retains their speci*ic *unction and shares re9uired in*or"ation throu!h an inte!rated wor2*low control s)ste" +hus the use o* "ulti-a!ent s)ste" in distributed 2nowled!e "ana!e"ent s)ste" ensures that there is identi*ication, ac9uisition, stora!e, distribution, de(elop"ent, "aintenance and reuse o* structural in*or"ation <1H= .1 !usiness Per"or#ance $anage#ent 4n preparin! an or!ani,ation *or the ne3t phase o* ad(ance"ent, the collection prior in*or"ation and anal)sis or pre(ious decisions and throu!h are dee"ed necessar) Practical i"ple"entation o* chec2s and balances in "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste"s re9uires that techni9ues, "etrics and technolo!) be used to "onitor the per*or"ance o* "ana!e"ent businesswise <1J= +he 2e) per*or"ance indicators chosen b) the or!ani,ation are !uide lines *or the business per*or"ance "ana!e"ent s)ste" 4n <1J= opti"u" per*or"ance can be achie(ed throu!h a closed loop process which includes: C Ioal settin! and ai"s de*inition, C -trate!) to achie(e de*ined ob#ecti(es, C Per*or"ance e(aluation a!ainst !oals and ob#ecti(es, and C 0orrecti(e actions and adaptabilit) o* business processes 8usiness per*or"ance "ana!e"ent is the 2e) ele"ent enablin! e**ecti(e business "ana!e"ent and attain"ent o* business ob#ecti(es +he business per*or"ance "onitorin! process i"ple"ents the re9uired *le3ibilit) and a!ilit) in the *ull) inte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" +hus business pro*itabilit) and !rowth are di(idend o* an e**ecti(e business per*or"ance "ana!e"ent s)ste" 8usiness per*or"ance s)ste" co"bines business intelli!ence with attributes o* strate!ic intelli!ence and plannin! in creatin! the desired throu!hput 8usiness per*or"ance "ana!e"ent allows the or!ani,ation to plan and *orecast with !reater precision thereb) ali!nin! *inancial operations and business operations +hus pro*itabilit) is created throu!h co"prehensi(e and *ull) inte!rated "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" .2. $anage#ent Syste# Architecture and %ecision $i& Ii(en that there are n database architectures as shown in :i! 3 and *or each database there are di**erent (ariants X i +he co"bination o* data *ro" the database (ariants is *easible and re!arded as distinct decision-"a2in! (ariant <1A= +his can be e3tended to and settin! tacticall) un*easible co"binations as ,ero +hus the nu"ber o* (ariants *or decision "a2in! is "odeled as:

= Xi
i =1


-uppose that the need *or custo"i,ed throu!hput usin! (ariants o* databases is independent +he *raction o* the total decision towards custo"i,ed throu!hput attached to each database (ariant is

y ! where




and " = ( y1 , y ) represents the decision :or ! = 1, , "i3 *or the database (ariants 4n considerin! serial, parallel and h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence architectures, the *low o* 2nowled!e and in*or"ation are ti"e dependent s)ste" *actors :or n k 2nowled!e s)ste"s at "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" k , # k is the in*or"ation turnaround ti"e *or k = 1, , n Ii(en that

$k represents the nu"ber o* intelli!ence "odules at "ana!e"ent s)ste" k , the nu"ber o* intelli!ence "odules

at the "ana!e"ent s)ste" is !i(en as:

n k = $k
+he inte!ration o* the di**erent "odules is !i(en as:


i $k


+he set o* decision (ariants P(v) on decision "a2in! *raction

yvk containin! (ariant v is !i(en as:

yvk =



+hus "ana!ers and decision-"a2ers can choose and "a2e in*or"ed decisions based on decision *action (ariant d m "odeled as:

% k = d m lo! 2 d m
m =1


+hus serial "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" is !i(en as <1=:

i i % serial = % = yv lo! 2 yv i i =1 i =1 v = n n Xi


.nd the parallel "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" is !i(en as <1=:

i i n yv yv % parallel = n lo! 2 n = y ! lo! 2 y ! + lo! 2 n (8) i =1 v = ! =1

@ournal o* 4n(est"ent and Mana!e"ent 2013, 2(2) : 28-33


.. Conclusion
4n this paper, the co"ple3it) identi*ication associated with "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" as applied to serial, parallel and h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence architecture is discussed +he i"pact on custo"i,ed or!ani,ational throu!hput based on business intelli!ence and 2nowled!e "ana!e"ent s)ste"s were e(aluated 8usiness intelli!ence and 2nowled!e "ana!e"ent s)ste" *or"ed an inte!ral part o* the h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" +he inte!rated solution pro(ided b) the h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence s)ste" as indicated in :i! 3 allows "ana!ers and decision "a2ers to ha(e access to in*or"ation throu!h interacti(e dashboards strate!ic reportin!, publishin! and data inte!ration s)ste"s +hus in*or"ed decisions are "ade in e**ectin! custo"i,ed throu!hput in the or!ani,ation +he inabilit) o* line "ana!ers and decision "a2ers to (enture into new "ana!e"ent s)ste"s "a) be ascribed as one o* li"itations o* h)brid "ana!e"ent intelli!ence i"ple"entation


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