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MBD group completes ten successful years in hospitality as a strong hospitality ownership and management company

Radisson Blu MBD Hotel Noida, citys first five star deluxe hotel, today completed ten successful years. The hotel is owned and mana ed !y MBD Group, "ndias lar est pu!lishin house. MBD made its foray into hospitality ten years !ac# with its fla ship venture The Radisson Blu MBD Hotel Noida and in a decade the Hotel has created new !enchmar#s in hospitality. MBD $roup made history when it came up ten years a o with the first five star property in Noida. %t a time when hotels were a scarcity in Noida, the MBD Group, now renowned for its excellence in hospitality services had the foresi ht to meet the localities rowin demand for them. The $roups stren th lies not only in identifyin mar#ets, !ut also effectively mana in their hotels. Bein a risin hospitality mana ement company, The MBD Group has !ecome a name to rec#on with and today it is one of the few hospitality companies in "ndia which own and mana e their hospitality ventures. Driven !y its foresi ht to venture into unexplored mar#ets the MBD $roup was a ain credited with see#in the first mover advanta e in hospitality and hence it came up with the first five star hotel in &udhiana' The Radisson Blu Hotel MBD &udhiana. (ith its plush interiors and world class services the hotel has already !een reco nised as a trendsetter. "n a span of ten years MBD Hospitality has earned lot of reco nition and is !ein reco ni)ed as a stron hotel operatin company in the country. *rom !ein awarded for its self developed f+! concepts to turnin the hospitality venture into a successful !usiness model, MBD Hospitality has rown tremendously over the period of time. Hence "n a span of ten years the roups maiden venture has had the hi hest Rev ,ar for many years amon st its competitors in Delhi and N-R re ion. (ith the expertise in devisin and executin effective sales and mar#etin strate ies the roup has !een credited with chan in the hospitality scenario. %s a result the hotel en.oyed the hi hest %RR and continues to lead the way despite competin !rands that have come up in the area. Despite chan in economic climates the MBD Hospitality vertical has sustained its hi h rowth and Radisson Blu MBD Hotel is the perfect example of that. %rmed with an efficient team to attend to each uest the roup has ensured that their ventures are ran#ed at the top for customer satisfaction. The Radisson Blu MBD, Noida ran#s a!ove all all -arlson Re)idor hotels in %sia ,acific for its customer satisfaction score.

The three f+ ! outlets of the maiden venture of the MBD roup have !een the recipient of the presti ious Times food uide awards for three consecutive years. The "ndian specialty restaurant /Made in "ndia / has also !een the recipient of HT -ity -rystal award 0 1ditors choice2. %mon the many awards the hotel has won are3 4The Best Business Hotel in Delhi + N-R5, /%sia ,acific4s Best ,erformin *ranchised Hotel of the 6ear 789: for the third consecutive year;, /5Responsi!le Business Hotel of the year 78975, certificate of excellence !y Trip advisor. The Radisson Blu MBD Hotel has also featured amon st the top 988 !est Business Hotels in "ndia !y -onde4 Nast Travelers 078972 Ta#in iant leaps in hospitality the MBD Group has also announced one of the most am!itious pro.ects of MBD $roup' MBD <ephyr in Ban alore. The pro.ects entail a luxury hotel, residences and service apartments. =ome of the well #nown international names in the field of architecture and interior desi nin have !een roped in for MBD <ephyr to deliver luxury in its true sense. (ith its current current portfolio of hospitality pro.ects in Noida, &udhiana and Ban lore the MBD $roup has similar plans in $reater Noida, Mum!ai, -hennai, $oa and Hydera!ad =pread across a sprawlin space at Radisson Blu MBD Hotel Noida, the uests can chose from deluxe, crescent and Business class rooms or o for the more luxurious executive suites, plush presidential suites and ,rive rooms. The !usiness travellers can chec# into the !usiness class floor which is desi ned to exclusively house corporate uests and attend to any wor# related re>uirements. Radisson Blu MBD Hotel Noidas innovative variety of food and !evera e selection has won the Times food uide award for ? strai ht years alon with the HT -ity crystal. The Radisson Blu MBD Hotel, Noida has >uietly, !ut distinctly defined itself as a trendsetter. *ashion and style play a lar e role in the overall hotels pu!lic platform. (hether it is a new a e or a e old interpretation of cuisines, at its award winnin restaurants /Made "n "ndia; 0The "ndian Restaurant2, /R1D; 0The @riental Restaurant2 or /='9A; 0The 7? hrs !rasserie2 or settin new standards in desi ner chocolates, ca#es and an exclusive loun e at the /The -hocolate Box + loun e / or its spa and health clu! /1space /,The hotel creates a !eautiful syner y of fashion, style and hospitality. %nother hi hli ht of the hotel is that it has the lar est !an>uet halls in the city, which are spread 97888 s> ft and come with modern interiors ma#in them perfect for theme parties and weddin dos. To honor this milestone, the hotel has launched a series of promotions and initiatives at The Radisson Blu MBD Hotel Noida. 1ach initiative has !een conceptuali)ed to enrich the experience on the special occasion. This special cele!ratory moment ives uest a num!er of excitin promotions and services at our restaurants, !ar and at 1spaceB showcasin some of the !est of hospitality and innovation the hotel has to offer.

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