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IV th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai

Paper Code: xxxxx Guideline for Manuscript Preparation for International Conference on Advances in Energy Research
Kha Sheng Tan1*, Peter Hing2 Faculty of Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam nergy !esearch "rou#, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei Darussalam * $orres#on%ing &uthor' Tel( )*+,- 2.*,//1, Fa0( )*+,- 2.1,1/2, 2mail( 3hasheng'tan4u5%'e%u'5n
2 1

Abstract: Instructions providing basic guidelines for preparing camera-ready paper for the ICAER201 conference are presented! "his document is itself an e#ample of the desired layout for the camera-ready papers! "herefore please use it as the template $hile editing your manuscript! It is recommended that the abstract contains 1%0-200 $ords! Keywords: 6ot more than five 3ey7or%s se#arate% 5y commas' ! I"#R$%&C#I$" These gui%elines %escri5e the #re#aration #roce%ure of the final camera2rea%y manuscri#t for #a#er acce#te% for oral #resentation at the 8$& ! 2/1,' 9hen authors su5mit their 7or3 to the 8$& ! 2/1, conference, they shoul% strictly follo7 these instructions in or%er to maintain a high :uality stan%ar%' ach #a#er must 5e %ivi%e% into t7o #arts' The first #art inclu%es the title, authors; names, a5stract an% 3ey7or%s' The secon% #art is the main 5o%y of the #a#er' '! PAPER (I)E A"% *$RMA# The total length of a full #a#er shoul% not 5e over < pages' ach #a#er si=e shoul% 5e &. )21'/cm>2?'+cm- an% the follo7ing margins shoul% 5e set( @eft margin !ight margin To# margin Bottom margin 21 mm 21 mm 21 mm 21 mm

+! *$"#( A"% (#,-E +! *irst part The first #art inclu%es the #a#er title, authors; names, a5stract, an% 3ey7or%s' &ll fonts must 5e in Times 6e7 !oman, an% the font si=e of the title, authors; names, affiliations, a5stract, an% 3ey7or%s are 5ol% 11#t, 1/#t, 1/#t, 8talic 1/#t, an% 1/#t, res#ectively' +!' Paper .ody The secon% #art consisting of the #a#er 5o%y must 5e in single column format' The to#2level hea%ing, usually calle% section, num5ere% in &ra5ic numerals, shall a##ear centere% 7ith Times 6e7 !oman ca#ital 5ol% 1/#t' The num5ere% level2t7o hea%ing starts from the left in Times 6e7 !oman 5ol% 1/#t font' The main te0t uses Times 6e7 !oman 1/#t font 7ith single s#acing an% Austifie% throughout' /! *IG&RE(0 #A1-E(0 A"% E2&A#I$"( /! *igures and ta.les &ll figures an% ta5les shoul% 5e #lace% as close as #ossi5le after their first mention in the te0t' ach ta5le shoul% 5e in BS9or% only 7ith consistent %ecimals' @arge figures an% ta5les may s#an across the #age 5ut their %istortion to a%Aust an%Cor cover the #age shoul% 5e avoi%e%' Scanne% or %igital images are to 5e use% )e'g' line art, #hotos etc- if the out#ut resolution is at least *// %#i' &ll s#ellings an% annotations )num5ers, letters, sym5ols an% ca#tions- shoul% conform to their usage in the te0t'

IV th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai

#a.le The ca#tion shoul% 5e #lace% a5ove the ta5le' & )1)2),11/ D ,1'1 D 1,', D B 1*', D ,,'< D 12'1 D $ 1<'2 D 2?'< D 11'1 D

Ta5le ca#tions shoul% 5e centere% a5ove the ta5les, figure ca#tions shoul% 5e centere% 5elo7 the figuresE they shoul% 5e referre% to in the te0t as, for e0am#le, Fig' 1, or Figs' 12,'

*ig! The ca#tion shoul% 5e #lace% 5elo7 the figure' /!' E3uations :uations shoul% 5e 7ritten using Bicrosoft :uation an% num5ere% consecutively as they a##ear 7ithin the te0t an% on the left, 7ith one 5lan3 line a5ove an% one 5lan3 line 5elo7' :uation num5ers shoul% 5e &ra5ic numerals enclose% in #arentheses flushe% to the right' They shoul% 5e cite% in the te0t as, for e0am#le, :' )1-, or :s' )1-2),-' Punctuate e:uations 7ith commas or #erio%s 7hen they are #art of a sentence' For e0am#le,
= A # +&u , # y = C # + 'u '


7here 0 is the state vector' /!+ References !eferences shoul% 5e num5ere% in the #a#er 5o%y in or%er of a##earance using numerals enclose% in s:uare 5rac3ets F12,, 1G' They shoul% 5e liste% at the en% of the manuscri#t' Times 6e7 !oman 1/#t is use% for references F.G in the list' !eferences shoul% 5e com#lete in style as sho7n in the !eference section of these gui%elines' 4! &"I#( A"% (,M1$-( 4! &nits 8n the #a#er, all authors are re:uire% to use S8 unit' 4!' (y5.ols &55reviations an% acronyms shoul% 5e %efine% the first time they are use% in the te0t, even after they have 5een %efine% in the a5stract' 6! ACK"$7-E%GME"#( 0am#le( The authors gratefully ac3no7le%ge the contri5ution of the University !esearch Fun%' 8! RE*ERE"CE( F1G Houng, B' )1?<?- "he "echnical (riter)s *andboo+, Bill Ialley, Seoul, Korea' 2

IV th International Conference on Advances in Energy Research Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai

F2G Ba3er, !'$' an% $harlie, B' )1?<?- 6on linear unsta5le systems, International ,ournal of Control, 2,).-, ##' 12,2 1.1' F,G Hong, "'D' )1??/- @inear controlla5le systems, -ature, 1,1, ##' 1<22+' F.G Shiler, J', Filter, S' an% Du5o7s3i, S' )1?<+- Time o#timal #aths an% acceleration lines of ro5otic mani#ulators, .roceedings of the 2/th Conference on 'ecision and Control, ##' ?<2??' F1G Hong, K' S' an% Kim, $' S' )1??,- @inear sta5le systems, IEEE "rans! on Automatic Control, 1,,),-, ##' 12,.2 12.1'

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