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SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA original download from bhaktivedanta ar hive! web!ite Adi "ila Cha#ter $ I wor!hi# their "ord!hi#!

! Sri Caitan%a &aha#rabh' and Sri Nit%ananda (rabh') who!e long arm! e*tend down to their knee!) who!e bea'tif'l om#le*ion! are the radiant %ellow of molten gold and who!e elongated e%e! are like red lot'!e!+ The% are the to#mo!t of the brahmana!) the g'ardian! of religio'! #rin i#le! for thi! age) the m'nifi ent benefa tor! of all living entitie!) and the mo!t om#a!!ionate in arnation! of Godhead+ The% initiated the ongregational hanting of the name! of "ord ,r!na+ - "ord. Yo' are the eternal tr'th / #a!t) #re!ent) and f't're / and Yo' a##eared a! the !on of Sri 0agannatha &i!ra+ I offer m% re#eated obei!an e! 'nto Yo' along with Yo'r in!e#arable !ervitor!) Yo'r 'nallo%ed devotee!) Yo'r !on! 1referring to Hi! reno'n ed Go!vami di! i#le!) or the devotional #ro e!! of hanting the hol% name of "ord ,ri!hna2) and Yo'r relative! 1Bh'devi a! Sri Vi!hn' (ri%a) Sridevi a! Sri "ak!mi (ri%a) and "ila) Nila or 3'rga a! Navadvi#a 3hama2+ A ording to devotional ta!te! there are the two Gadadhara!) 3amodara) Narahari) Ramananda) 0agadananda et + -ne i! Sri Gadadhara (andita / the e*#an!ion of Srimati Radharani and Sri Gadadhara Bhatta from So'th India who i! Rangadevi+ I wor!hi# the two brother!) Sri Caitan%a &aha#rabh' and Sri Nit%ananda (rabh') who are the embodiment of magnanimit%+ B% Their in on eivable #oten % The% are the tran! endental) eternal !'#reme ontroller! of all+ Now The% have de! ended to the material world+ All glorie! to Sri Ga'ra!'ndara) the !'#remel% #owerf'l "ord of #'re tran! enden e+ He ha! an a'ra of molten gold) with lot'! #etal e%e!) and Hi! long gra ef'l arm! e*tend to Hi! knee!+ 4hile He !ing! the glorie! of the "ord) He dan e! in vario'! #lea!ing #o!t're!) Hi! heart in'ndated b% the e !tati emotion! of devotional mellow!+ All glorie!) all glorie! to the moonlike Sri ,ri!hna Caitan%a+ He i! the f'll% inde#endent S'#reme (er!on) alwa%! engaged in tran! endental #a!time!+ He i! the "ord of the 'niver!e) the !'#reme ontroller of all ontroller!) and the #er!onifi ation of tran! enden e+ All glorie!) all glorie! to the devotee! of Sri Ga'ra andra+ All glorie!) all glorie! to the e !tati dan ing of the "ord5! intimate a!!o iate!+ In the beginning I offer m% h'mble obei!an e! to the feet of the loving) onfidential devotee! of "ord Sri Caitan%a+ I then offer m% obei!an e! to the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) Sri ,ri!hna Caitan%a+ He in arnated in Navadvi#a) and He i! known a! Vi!vambhara+ That !ame S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead ha! de lared in the Veda! and Bhagavat) 64or!hi# of &% devotee! i! !'#erior to wor!hi# of &e+6 "ord ,ri!hna !aid to 7ddhava) 6- 7ddhava) !erving &% devotee! i! man% time! better than wor!hi#ing &e+6 1SB $$8$98:$2+ Therefore) I offer m% wor!hi#f'l #ra%er! 'nto the devotee! of the "ord before I begin to write thi! book+ B% thi! a t ma% m% #re!ent endeavor be !' e!!f'l+

I offer m% re!#e tf'l obei!an e! to m% wor!hi#able "ord and !#irit'al ma!ter) Sri Nit%ananda Ra%a) b% who!e mer % the tran! endental #a!time! of "ord Sri Caitan%a be ome !#ontaneo'!l% manife!t+ 4ith a tho'!and tong'e! we !ho'ld in e!!antl% glorif% the S'#reme "ord Balarama) be a'!e Hi! tho'!and mo'th! a! Ananta Se!a on!tantl% glorif% "ord ,ri!hna+ 0'!t a! #ri ele!! gem! are ke#t in !e 're '!tod%) !o al!o the inval'able ;ewel of knowledge abo't ,r!na5! #a!time! i! ke#t !afel% in the mo'th of Anantadeva+ Therefore the tong'e whi h initiall% glorifie! Balarama will a'tomati all% be <'alified to vibrate the tran! endental #a!time of Sri Caitan%a+ The S'#reme "ord Haladhara hold! Hi! tho'!and hood! like !nake!+ He i! a giganti fig're and the !o'r e of all in!#iration+ A! Nit%ananda He i! f'll% tran! endental and eternall% e*i!tent) into*i ated b% the ne tar of Sri Caitan%a+ 4hoever !ing! or hear! abo't Nit%ananda5! !'#ram'ndane hara ter i! offered the !'#reme !helter of "ord Caitan%a+ &ahe!a and hi! on!ort (arvatidevi take great #lea!'re in e'logi=ing the ob;e t of their love / Sankar!ana) Nit%ananda (rabh'+ In the mid!t of a million fre!h %o'ng maiden!) the #'re devotee) Sri Siva) and hi! on!ort #o'r o't ne tarean devotional h%mn! to "ord Sankar!ana+ All thi! i! revealed in the >ifth Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam+ Balarama i! wor!hi#ed b% the entire Vai!nava world with !ong! of #rai!e+ Balarama dan ed with Hi! go#i! in Vrndavana) and their ra!a dan e i! the #inna le of !'blimit%+ The ('rana! de! ribe that Balarama #erformed Hi! ra!a dan e d'ring the two month! of !#ring) &adhava and &adh'+ The Srimad Bhagavatam ver!e! narrating thi! !'b;e t were !#oken b% S'kadeva Go!vami to &ahara;a (arik!it+ Balarama !#ent the moonlit night! of the month! of Vai!aka and Caitra with the owherd dam!el! in the !'#ram'ndane abode of Vrndavana+ The #la e wa! !et aglow with the ra%! of the moon+ The lot'! and kadamba flower! bloomed freel% 'nder the infl'en e of the moon5! ra%!) and a !oft bree=e ir 'lated their ! ent+ In the grove! on the bank of the 0am'na) Balarama dan ed with the go#i!) in rea!ing their on;'gal mood+ The S'#reme "ord Balarama) like a e*<'i!ite gem de orated b% the l'!ter of go#i!) #erformed Hi! #lea!'rable #a!time!+ He behaved like Indra5! ele#hant Airavata / the ontroller of man% !he/ele#hant!+ The Gandharva! ob!erved the ra!a dan e and offered their #ra%er!+ The !o'nd of kettle dr'm! ro!e from the heaven!) the demigod! ;o%o'!l% !howered flower! '#on Them) and the Gandharva! and !age! wor!hi#ed the S'#reme "ord Balarama with ver!e! #rai!ing Hi! a tivitie!+ The !age! 'ne<'ivo all% deno'n e a!!o iation with women) %et the% !'ng h%mn! in #rai!e of Balarama5! ra!a dan e with Hi! owherd dam!el!+ The demigod! attended Balarama5! ra!a dan e to !hower flower #etal!+ The% knew that there wa! no differen e between "ord ,r!na and "ord Balarama) Haladhara+ The tran! endental <'alitie! of Balarama are ob! 're in the fo'r Veda!) b't the ('rana! de! ribe them boldl%+ 4hat #ower do I have to de! ribe them? -'t of ignoran e) !ome #eo#le di!regard the ('rana! and re;e t Balarama5! ra!a dan e a! ina'thenti + The two brother!) "ord ,r!na and Balarama) #erformed the ra!a dan e with the go#i! in the !ame #la e in Vrndavana+ -n the radiant f'll moon night of holi) at the end of !ivaratri vrata) "ord

,r!na and "ord Balarama) a om#anied b% Their owherd bo% friend!) en;o%ed Them!elve! in the mid!t of the bea'tif'l maiden! of Vrndavana+ The% were both #lea!ingl% de orated with the fine!t ;ewelr%) !andalwood #'l#) wildflower garland! and e*<'i!ite lothe!+ The fort'nate go#i! !ang !weetl%) their heart! enra#t'red b% love for ,ri!hna and Balarama+ @vening had not !et inA the moon and the !tar! a##eared+ The fragran e of Arabian ;a!mine into*i ated the b'mblebee!) and a light bree=e arried the aroma! of white lilie! and lot'! flower!+ Con!idering that ver% moment to be a##ro#riate) ,r!na and Balarama began Their #lea!'rable dallian e!+ The% !ang together for the #lea!'re of all living entitie!) Their voi e! ri!ing and falling melodio'!l%+ If a #er!on) after reading Srimad Bhagavatam) i! not affe tionatel% in lined toward! "ord Balarama) then he i! re;e ted b% the S'#reme "ord Vi!hn' and Hi! devotee!+ In the word! of Srimad Bhagavatam) a non/believer i! a %avana 1a barbarian2+ He i! de!tined to !'ffer in hell) birth after birth+ There are other! who) like e'n' h!) make emotional ge!ti 'lation!) hallenging) 64hi h ! ri#t're de! ribe! the ra!a dan e of Balarama?6 4ho i! !o !inf'l that even after reading the ! ri#t're!) he an not a e#t the tr'th) b't mi!inter#ret! the real meaning and give! hi! own di!torted 'nder!tanding? "ord Balarama i! the abode of "ord Caitan%a5! dee# affe tion+ -ffen!e at Balarama5! lot'! feet de!tro%! all #o!!ibilitie! for !alvation+ In Hi! in arnation a! "ak!mana the %o'nger brother of "ord Rama andra) Balarama ena ted the role of the "ord5! !ervitor+ Yet in Hi! manife!tation a! the S'#reme "ord) Balarama !erve! Him!elf in ever% re!#e t / a! a friend and a brother) b% fanning Him) #'tting Him to !lee#) glorif%ing Him with Vedi invo ation! and e*#anding Him!elf a! Hi! ho'!e) 'mbrella) attire) ;ewelr% and !eat+ 6- "ord . Yo'r dire t) #artial e*#an!ion) Ananta Se!a) i! the !o'r e of all the vario'! ingredient! for Yo'r !ervi e in the tran! endental realm of Vaik'ntha+ Ananta Se!a i! famo'! be a'!e He i! manife!t a! Yo'r re!iden e) bed) throne) !hoe!) lothe!) ;ewelr%) et + 4hen !hall I !ee %o' with "ak!midevi !eated on the throne of Ananta Se!a? Ananta Se!a5! #artial e*#an!ion i! the might% Sri Gar'da who!e !ati!fa tion i! derived from a ting a! the "ord5! arrier in ever% #a!time+ Ananta5! devotee! in l'de Brahma) Siva) the fo'r ,'mara!) Srila V%a!adeva) S'kadeva Go!vami) Narada &'ni and other!+ Hi! glorio'! <'alitie! are 'nlimited and are not f'll% 'nder!tood b% an%one+ He i! the original #er!onalit%) the greate!t m%!ti ) the S'#reme "ord) and the greate!t devotee of the Vai!nava!+ Th'! far %o' have heard abo't the wonderf'l !ervi e! #erformed b% Ananta Se!aA now hear abo't Hi! great o#'len e+ He i! enthroned in the lower #lanetar% !%!tem of #atala a! hi! own !o'r e and re#o!e+ He i! wor!hi#ed b% all a! Hi! tho'!and mo'th! ontin'all% ta!te the f'll ne tar of love of Godhead+ In the o'rt of Brahma) Narada &'ni #la%! on hi! vina) and with well/ om#o!ed ver!e! he !ing! the wonderf'l glorie! of Ananta+ I! it h'manl% #o!!ible to know the !'#ram'ndane nat're of Anantadeva?

0'!t b% Hi! glan e) He !et! in motion the three mode! of material nat're whi h are the a'!e of thi! world5! reation) maintenan e) and annihilation+ Altho'gh He i! one) He !'##ort! the entire variegated material o!mi manife!tation Him!elf 1within the #ore! of Hi! #er!on2+ He i! beginningle!! and eternal+ -ther then "ord Sankar!ana) who an offer !helter to #er!on! devoid of all material a!#iration!? He i! the !'##ort on whi h the material world manife!t! and a t!+ That S'#reme "ord) the a'!e of all a'!e!) ha! a##eared in Hi! !'blime !#irit'al form+ He i! the mo!t #owerf'lA in om#ari!on) the #ower of a lion i! in!ignifi ant+ He #erform! #'re tran! endental #a!time! to a#t're the heart! of Hi! dear devotee!) and He de!tro%! o'ntle!! !in! b% manife!ting Hi! tran! endental form+ 4hat more i! there to !a% than thi!? -ne be ome! #'rified b% hearing or alling o't the name of "ord Anantadeva) either re!#e tf'll% or a identall%+ @ven a degraded #er!on i! #'rified when he ta'ntingl% 'tter! the name of Sri Ananta+ Anantadeva5! might% #oten % i! be%ond mea!'re+ That S'#reme "ord arrie! on ;'!t one of Hi! tho'!and head! the entire 'niver!e with all it! living entitie!) mo'ntain!) and river!) and that 'niver!e a##ear! to be onl% a min'te) atomi !#e k+ @ven if a #er!on a <'ire! a tho'!and tong'e!) how an he de! ribe the #ower of the omni#otent S'#reme "ord? Anantadeva i! Hi! own !helter and !o'r e) filled with 'nlimited #ower and !trength+ 4hile re!iding in the lower #lanetar% !%!tem of ra!atala) He hold! thi! giganti o!mi manife!tation with ea!e born of deta hment+ Thi! material world5! reation) maintenan e) and annihilation) a! well a! the three mode! of material nat're) are a tivated b% Hi! glan e+ 4ho an fathom Anantadeva5! non/d'al) tran! endental) eternal and 'nborn e*i!ten e? -'t of mer % toward the living entitie! the "ord manife!t! Hi! !'#ram'ndane !#irit'al form while He #erform! Hi! variegated #a!time!+ All living entitie! re!ide within that tran! endental form+ The might% "ord Nr!imhadeva re#re!ent! b't a wave in the o ean of the "ord5! 'nlimited #a!time! whi h !ati!f% the heart! of Hi! devotee!+ Anantadeva5! 'nlimited name!) when heard or hanted b% an%one in an% manner) immediatel% !ever the noo!e of inn'merable birth! and death!+ Th'! the Vai!nava devotee! of the "ord alwa%! a##re iated tho!e who glorif% Him+ Ananta Se!a i! the !'#reme de!tination of the entire 'niver!eA Hi! hol% name i! the onl% mean! for the living entitie!5! redem#tion+ The "ord hold! on Hi! head the 'nlimited material nat're / along with it! mo'ntain! and o ean! / !im#l% for it! #rote tion and maintenan e+ The entire 'niver!e i! a !#e k on one of Hi! tho'!and hood!) and be a'!e of Hi! 'nlimited !trength) He doe! not feel the b'rden+ "ord Anantadeva) the original S'#reme (er!onalit% and maintainer of the entire o!mi manife!tation) in e!!antl% !ing! in glorifi ation of "ord ,r!na+ He ontin'o'!l% de! ribe! ever% a!#e t of the "ord5! divine attrib'te!+ "ord ,r!na i! eternal and Hi! attrib'te! are 'nending) therefore He an never be f'll% de! ribed or glorified+ B't Ananta i! al!o eternal and Hi! abilit% to glorif% the "ord i! 'nending+ In Their divine relation!hi#) neither i! ever vi torio'!+ @ven toda% Ananta Se!a5! tho'!and mo'th! ontin'o'!l% !ing the glorie! of the S'#reme "ord ,r!na Caitan%a+ How wonderf'll% "ord ,r!na and "ord Balarama om#ete with ea h other. Brahma) Siva) other demigod! and the #erfe ted !age! look on) feeling great e*hilaration+ The e'logie! of Anantadeva #'r!'e the ever/e*#anding) el'!ive !hore! of "ord ,r!na5! o ean of <'alitie!+

- Narada) I Brahma) and %o'r elder!) Sanaka and other !age! annot even fathom the e*tent of thi! material nat're) what to !#eak of knowing the S'#reme "ord5! !#irit'al #oten ie!+ Anantadeva) the origin of all demigod!) i! 'nable to e*ha'!tivel% glorif% the S'#reme "ord5! tran! endental o#'len e and #oten ie! with Hi! tho'!and mo'th!+ Therefore how i! it #o!!ible for ordinar% mortal! to 'nder!tand the!e divine #oten ie!? Anantadeva i! Him!elf the ma!ter of 'nlimited attrib'te!) and He re!ide! in ra!atala !im#l% to !'##ort the va!t material reation+ In the o'rt of Brahma) Narada &'ni #la%! Hi! vina and !ing! abo't the!e ver% !ame tran! endental <'alitie! of the S'#reme "ord+ Brahma and other! are !t'nned in e !ta!% '#on hearing abo't the !'#ram'ndane <'alitie! of the S'#reme "ord) and Narada &'ni i! wor!hi#ed b% all be a'!e he !ing! abo't tho!e <'alitie!+ I have al!o been moved to write a few #hra!e! in #rai!e of the 'nlimited #oten ie! of "ord Nit%ananda) Anantadeva) !o I h'mbl% re<'e!t all of %o' to develo# a loving devotional mood toward the "ord+ Tho!e who de!ire to ro!! over the dangero'! o ean of material e*i!ten e) %et drown in the o ean of devotional e !ta!%) ma% take !helter of "ord Nit%ananda+ I #ra% to the mer if'l Vai!nava devotee! of the "ord to f'lfill m% heart! %earning) that I ma% !erve m% "ord Balarama birth after birth+ 0'!t a! dvi;a) vi#ra) and brahma are different name! for the !ame #er!on) !imilarl% Nit%ananda) Ananta and Balarama are different name! for the !ame S'#reme (er!onalit%+ &% "ord Nit%ananda (rabh' a##eared within m% heart and in!tr' ted me to narrate the tran! endental <'alitie! of Sri Caitan%a &aha#rabh' in thi! book+ The #a!time! of Sri Caitan%a &aha#rabh' are revealed b% Nit%ananda5! mer % onl%) be a'!e Hi! #er!onal e*#an!ion) Ananta Se!a) i! the !toreho'!e of information abo't "ord Caitan%a and "ord ,r!na5! #a!time!+ Altho'gh Sri Ananta Se!a i! the embodiment of ,r!na kirtana) I have been able to offer onl% a h'mble #ra%er in Hi! honor+ Hearing "ord Caitan%a5! <'alitie! and #a!time! an lean awa% all material ontamination!+ ,now for ertain that !' h #a!time! are revealed onl% thro'gh a #'re devotee5! gra e+ >or who an know the nat're and #a!time! of "ord Caitan%a? It i! a hidden m%!ter% even in the Veda!+ Therefore) I have om#iled onl% fir!t/hand a o'nt! taken dire tl% from the li#! of the a!!o iate! of the "ord+ I !ee no beginning or end to "ord Caitan%a5! #a!time!+ The% are eternal and 'nlimited) and onl% the "ord5! gra e give! me the #oten % to om#o!e them+ I am !im#l% "ord Caitan%a5! mo'th#ie e) re#eating a! He de!ire!) ;'!t like a doll moved b% !ome 'n!een hand+ I throw m%!elf at the feet of all #'re Vai!nava devotee! !o the% ma% lean!e me of all offen!e!+ - m% brother!. (lea!e li!ten ver% attentivel% to the tran! endental #a!time! "ord Caitan%a #erformed with Hi! devotee a!!o iate!+ The e !tati #a!time! of "ord Caitan%a have been divided into three #eriod! / earl%) intermediate and later 1Adi) &adh%a and Ant%a2+ The earl% #eriod in l'de! a de! ri#tion of the "ord5! ed' ation) and the intermediate #ortion reveal! &aha#rabh'5! #a!time! of ongregational hanting+ The on l'ding #ortion de! ribe! the "ord5! #a!time! a! a !ann%a!i in Nila ala) -ri!!a+ He had allo ated to Nit%ananda the mi!!ion of #rea hing in Bengal+

The #io'! Sri 0agannatha &i!ra) Caitan%a5! father) lived in Navadvi#a+ "ike Va!'deva) he on! ientio'!l% #erformed hi! !#irit'al d'tie!+ Hi! devo't and faithf'l wife Srimati Sa idevi wa! a !e ond 3evaki / the beloved mother of ever%one+ The S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead "ord Nara%ana a##eared in the womb of Srimati Sa idevi) and a! Sri ,r!na Caitan%a) He be ame the mo!t #re io'! #o!!e!!ion of ever%one5! heart+ The Adi ,handa begin! b% de! ribing the a##earan e of "ord Caitan%a on an a'!#i io'! f'll moon evening in the month of (halg'na when the moon went into e li#!e+ The t'm'lt'o'! hanting of "ord Hari5! hol% name filled all dire tion!) in!#iring ever%one to !ing together+ The S'#reme "ord Caitan%a wa! born amid!t the hanting+ The Adi ,handa al!o de! ribe! the "ord5! n'mero'! hildhood #a!time!+ "ord Caitan%a revealed to Hi! #arent! Hi! otherwi!e 'nmanife!t #la e of re!iden e) the hol% dhama+ And a! the% !tared in wonder) He !howed them the #h%!i al !ign! of divinit% on Hi! feet+ Thi! #ortion of the book de! ribe! how one da% thieve! kidna#ed bab% Nimai from hi! ho'!e) b't He tri ked them into bringing Him ba k home+ Another !tor% narrated here i! how the "ord ate all the food offered to Vi!hn' in the ho'!e of 0agadi!a and Hiran%a on ekada!i da%+ Yet another !tor% de! ribe! how the "ord on e !at on a #ile of ontaminated ooking #ot! and '!ed the !it'ation to in!tr' t Hi! mother in #hilo!o#h%+ He al!o a ted like a r%ing bab%) '!ing Hi! tear! a! a #lo% to make ever%one hant the hol% name! of God+ The Adi ,handa di! '!!e! the "ord a! a hild #la%ing with Hi! friend! a! if He were ,r!na in Gok'la+ It de! ribe! how He began Hi! ed' ation and with little effort ma!tered all the ! ri#t're!+ It narrate! Sri 0agannatha &i!ra5! di!a##earan e and Vi!var'#a5! a e#tan e of !ann%a!a and how the!e two di!a!ter! affli ted &other Sa i+ Then it de! ribe! the "ord5! wonderf'l #a!time! a! a !t'dent+ He wa! #ride #er!onified before the other !t'dent ! holar!+ Caitan%a5! travel! thro'gh ea!tern Bengal are al!o de! ribed here) elaborating on how the land be ame a #la e of #ilgrimage b% the to' h of Hi! lot'! feet+ Caitan%a wa! the ma!ter of all different ! ri#t're!+ There wa! no one in the three world! to hallenge Hi! er'dition+ The Adi ,handa de! ribe! the "ord !#orting with Hi! fellow !t'dent! and their water #a!time! in the wave! of the Ganga+ Then ame the "ord5! fir!t marriage and the glorio'! di!a##earan e of Hi! fir!t wife+ He d'l% a e#ted a !e ond wife) the da'ghter of a ro%al ! holar+ -n e He #retended to be !i k from a wind di!order+ He took that o##ort'nit% to reveal !%m#tom! of love of Godhead+ 4hile the "ord roamed abo't a! a great ! holar) He em#owered all the devotee! who !'rrendered to Him+ The narration of the earl% life of Sri Caitan%a in l'de! a de! ri#tion of the immen!e ;o% on &other Sa i5! fa e when !he looked at the moon/like) bli!!f'l fa e and the gra ef'l lothe! of the "ord+ Then there i! the !tor% of how Nimai (andita #i<'ed the #ride of a ! holar who wa! renowned a! 3igvi;a%a) the world on<'eror+ 7ltimatel% the "ord !la!hed the ! holar5! material bond!+ The "ord #'t ever%one / even Hi! devotee! / into ill'!ion abo't Hi! real identit%) and He roamed the !treet! of Navadvi#a de eiving all+ There i! al!o a de! ri#tion of the "ord5! #ilgrimage to Ga%a

dhama and how He !howered a'!ele!! mer % on I!vara ('ri b% a e#ting him a! Hi! !#irit'al ma!ter+ Adi ,handa i! a re!ervoir of the "ord5! never/ending #lea!'rable #a!time!+ In the f't're Srila V%a!adeva) the greate!t of !age!) will de! ribe other #a!time!+ B't herein I reveal the earl% #a!time! of the "ord '# to the time He ret'rn! from Hi! vi!it to Ga%a dhama+ In &adh%a ,handa the "ord5! omni#oten e be ome! known) and grad'all% Hi! devotee! are identified a! the% olle t aro'nd Hi! lot'! feet like bee!+ Caitan%a reveal! Hi! ab!ol'te identit% a! "ord Nara%ana b% !itting on the altar of Vi!hn' in the ho'!e! of Sri Advaita and Sriva!a (andita+ Sri Caitan%a meet! Nit%ananda (rabh' and together the brother! make wonderf'l ,r!na kirtana+ Then Nit%ananda5! vi!ion of the tran! endental !i*/handed form of Caitan%a &aha#rabh' i! de! ribed+ "ater the "ord e*hibited Hi! 'niver!al form to Advaita A ar%a (rabh'+ Nit%ananda5! v%a!a#';a ha! been de! ribed in &adh%a ,handa along with a !tor% of how He wa! !landered b% !ome faithle!! athei!t!+ Thereafter ome! the de! ri#tion of "ord Caitan%a5! manife!tation a! Balarama when Nit%ananda gave Him Hi! #lo'gh and l'b+ The wonderf'l redem#tion of the two re#robate! 0agai and &adhai / who were later to be ome <'ite famo'! / i! told in detail+ &other Sa i5! vi!ion of Sri Caitan%a in a bla ki!h om#le*ion and Sri Nit%ananda in a whiti!h om#le*ion i! al!o di! '!!ed+ "ord Caitan%a on e !howed Hi! 'nlimitedl% o#'lent maha #raka!h form for !everal ho'r!) and that !tor% i! told in &adh%a ,handa+ -n that o a!ion He revealed the tran! endental tr'th abo't Him!elf and the real identit% of all Hi! devotee!+ Thereafter ome! a de! ri#tion of the o a!ion when "ord Caitan%a) who i! Nara%ana the "ord of Vaik'ntha and the !'#reme ab!ol'te realit%) dan ed and hanted a! He narrated the tr'th abo't Him!elf+ In &adh%a ,handa the "ord break! Canda ,a=i5! #ride) and manife!ting Hi! own !#irit'al #oten %) He engage! in ontin'o'! ongregational hanting+ Canda ,a=i a e#ted devotional !ervi e b% the "ord5! gra e+ Immer!ed in e !tati bli!!) Sri Caitan%a thereafter moved from village to village #erforming kirtana+ He de lared the tr'th abo't Him!elf a! He e*hibited Hi! Varahar'#a / a fo'r/armed form / while riding aro'nd the o'rt%ard on the ba k of Hi! devotee) &'rari G'#ta+ The "ord al!o ate !ome ri e whi h S'klambara had olle ted b% begging) and #erformed man% wonderf'l #a!time! in Hi! manife!tation of "ord Nara%ana+ In &adh%a ,handa Sri Caitan%a &aha#rabh' a##ear! before the devotee! in the g'i!e of &ahalak!mi or R'kminidevi) the 7niver!al &other who brea!t/fed all the devotee! who were Her de#endent !on!+ The "ord on e ha!ti!ed &'k'nda for kee#ing bad om#an% and later) when He wa! !ati!fied with &'k'nda5! obedien e) He favored him with gra e+ Then there i! a narration of the e !tati all/night kirtana! in Navadvi#a whi h were held reg'larl% for a om#lete %ear+ &adh%a ,handa de! ribe! the mo k verbal fight! between Nit%ananda (rabh' and Sri Advaita A ar%a+ -nl% a fooli!h #er!on think! that the!e were a t'al di!agreement!+ Then the "ord

in!tr' ted Hi! mother and !im'ltaneo'!l% warned the whole world abo't the grievo'! on!e<'en e! of offending the Vai!nava devotee!+ Sati!fied b% the #ra%er! of Hi! devotee!) the "ord gave individ'al benedi tion! to ea h of them+ Srila Harida!a Thak'ra re eived &aha#rabh'5! mer % and the "ord !howed om#a!!ion toward Sridhara b% drinking water from hi! #ot+ Sri Caitan%a bli!!f'll% #erformed dail% #a!time! in the water! of the Ganga with all hi! devotee!+ -n e He and Nit%ananda (rabh' vi!ited the ho'!e of Advaita A ar%a for a !#e ifi rea!on+ It i! de! ribed that the "ord !everel% ha!ti!ed Advaita A ar%a) b't at la!t He !howed immea!'rable gra e on him+ Then the &adh%a ,handa de! ribe! how the e*tremel% fort'nate Sri &'rari G'#ta be ame enlightened abo't the tr'e identit% of "ord Caitan%a a! ,r!na and Nit%ananda a! Balarama+ Tho!e two S'#reme (er!onalitie! dan ed in e !ta!% in the ho'!e of Sriva!a+ In &adh%a ,handa the "ord e*#lain! the entire #hilo!o#hi al tr'th abo't h'man life) '!ing Sriva!a5! e*#ired !on a! the !#eaker+ In thi! wa% He alleviated ever%one5! !'ffering+ New! of thi! in ident !#read far) and b% the "ord5! gra e Sriva!a o'ld over ome the !ho k of hi! !on5! death+ In another !tor% narrated in &adh%a ,handa the "ord threw Him!elf into the Ganga) and Nit%ananda (rabh' and Srila Harida!a Thak'ra lifted Him o't+ Then Srimati Nara%ani re eived a trea!'re de!ired even b% the demigod! and BrahmaA !he re eived the remnant! of the "ord5! food!t'ff!+ The final !tor% in the &adh%a ,handa i! the #a!time of the "ord leaving home and a e#ting the reno'n ed order of life for the !alvation of ever% living entit%+ There are 'n o'ntable #a!time! of the "ord in the &adh%a ,handaA whatever remain! 'nto' hed will be de! ribed later b% Srila V%a!adeva+ A! the Se!a ,handa o#en!) Vi!vambhara i! in the !ann%a!a order of life) and He ha! a e#ted the name Sri ,r!na Caitan%a+ He ha! !haven hi! head lean) thereb% #l'nging Advaita A ar%a (rabh' into dee# de!#onden %+ &other Sa i5! !'ffering i! 'nbearable) %et !he i! !'!tained b% the "ord5! mer %+ Nit%ananda) the manife!tation of Balarama) !ma!hed Caitan%a5! !ann%a!a danda) and thereafter the "ord on ealed Hi! real identit% and went to Nila ala ('ri+ Caitan%a #la%f'll% ta'nted Sarvabha'ma Bhatta ar%a when the% fir!t meet) b't later He e*hibited Hi! !i*/handed form to him+ The "ord mer if'll% gra ed ,ing (rata#ar'dra with devotional !ervi e and lived thereafter in the ho'!e of ,a!i &i!ra+ 3'ring Caitan%a5! !ta% in ('ri) both Svar'#a 3amodara and (aramananda ('ri be ame eligible to !erve the "ord in onfidential relation!hi#!+ Se!a ,handa al!o de! ribe! Caitan%a5! tri# thro'gh Bengal on Hi! wa% to &ath'ra and Vrndavana+ He !ta%ed in Vid%a Va a!#ati5! re!iden e before moving on to the village of ,'lia in Bengal+ &illion! of #eo#le gathered to !ee the "ord on Hi! ret'rn to Bengal) and all who !aw Him were liberated+ Caitan%a attem#ted to ontin'e on Hi! tri# to &ath'ra) b't after a !hort di!tan e He t'rned ba k to Bengal+ 4hen the "ord ret'rned to Nila ala) He engaged in ontin'o'! kirtana with Hi! a!!o iate!+ He !ent Nit%ananda to #rea h in Bengal) while He Him!elf remained in Nila ala with a handf'l of devotee!+ The "ord and all Hi! devotee! dan ed e !tati all% before "ord 0agannatha5! hariot+

Caitan%a5! travel! to Rame!varam in So'th India and Hi! ;o'rne% to &ath'ra thro'gh the 0harakhanda fore!t are al!o de! ribed in Se!a ,handa+ "ater the "ord !howered gra e on Ra%a Ramananda and revealed other divine #a!time! He had #revio'!l% #erformed in &ath'ra+ The magnanimo'! Caitan%a &aha#rabh' al!o gra ed 3abir ,ha! b% revealing Hi! identit% to him+ He liberated 3abir ,ha! and hi! brother and renamed them both+ The% be ame the famo'! R'#a Go!vami and Sanatana Go!vami+ In Se!a ,handa the "ord5! travel! to Varana!i are de! ribed+ The !ann%a!i! of Varana!i o'ld not re ogni=e the S'#reme "ord be a'!e the% were too riti al of the Vai!nava!+ Caitan%a &aha#rabh' thereafter ret'rned to Nila ala and be ame engro!!ed in ongregational Hari kirtana thro'gho't the da% and night+ Nit%ananda traveled thro'gho't India a! a wandering mendi ant+ Hi! #ilgrimage i! de! ribed in Se!a ,handa+ 4ho an 'nder!tand Nit%ananda5! 'nfathomable tran! endental hara ter? He roamed abo't &ath'ra with ankle bell! on Hi! feet+ -n Sri Caitan%a5! re<'e!t He went to (anihati and di!trib'ted devotional !ervi e / love of God / to ever%one+ Thro'gh Hi! a'!ele!! mer % He !aved Nahamalla Ra%a and other mer hant! of that lo alit%+ In Se!a ,handa) Caitan%a &aha#rabh'5! remaining eighteen %ear! in Nila ala are de! ribed+ Altho'gh n'mero'! #a!time! are related abo't Sri Caitan%a &aha#rabh') Srila Vedav%a!a will later tell them all in detail+ Nit%ananda find! endle!! ;o% in glorif%ing "ord Caitan%a) and He i! an 'nmat hed e*#ert in that art+ - "ord Caitan%a) #lea!e ble!! me !o that I ma% re eive the tran! endental !ervi e of Nit%ananda5! lot'! feet+ He i! the "ord of the entire 'niver!e+ I have narrated in brief the ontent! of thi! book at the ver% o't!et+ All of %o' #lea!e hear with 'ndivided attention the #a!time! of Sri ,r!na Caitan%a+ "ord Caitan%a and "ord Nit%ananda are m% life and !o'l+ I) Vrndavana da!a) offer m% h'mble !ong at Their lot'! feet+ Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter : All glorie!) all glorie! to the beatifi Caitan%a &aha#rabh' who i! Sri 0agannatha &i!ra5! !on and the S'#reme "ord of all+ All glorie! to "ord Caitan%a) the life and !o'l of Sri Nit%ananda (rabh' and Sri Gadadhara (andita+ All glorie!) all glorie! to the !helter of Sri Advaita A ar%a and the other devotee!+ All glorie! to "ord Sri Ga'ranga and Hi! a!!o iate!+ -ne re eive! loving devotion to the S'#reme !im#l% b% hearing tran! endental to#i ! abo't "ord Caitan%a+ Again I offer m% obei!an e! at the

"ord5! lot'! feet and at the lot'! feet of all Hi! a!!o iate! !o that the #a!time! of the "ord ma% a##ear on m% tong'e+ All glorie!) all glorie! to "ord Caitan%a) the o ean of om#a!!ionA and all glorie!) all glorie! to "ord Nit%ananda) the embodiment of loving devotional !ervi e+ The !#irit'al identitie! of "ord Caitan%a and "ord Nit%ananda a! brother! and a! !ervitor! of the S'#reme "ord are 'nknown) %et b% Their a'!ele!! mer % Their ab!ol'te identitie! were revealed+ "ord Brahma wa! enlightened abo't the Ab!ol'te Tr'th b% "ord ,r!na5! mer %+ Srimad Bhagavatam and all Vedi ! ri#t're! de! ribe thi!+ &a% the "ord) 4ho in the beginning of reation am#lified the #otent knowledge of Brahma from within hi! heart and in!#ired him with f'll knowledge of reation and of hi! own !elf) and who a##eared to be generated from the mo'th of Brahma) be #lea!ed with me+ In the beginning "ord Brahma did not have the #ower to !ee an%thing altho'gh he had been born on a lot'! from the "ord5! navel+ B't when he om#letel% !'rrendered him!elf to the S'#reme "ord) the "ord b% Hi! a'!ele!! mer % a##eared before him+ That !ame mer % enlightened "ord Brahma with ab!ol'te knowledge of the S'#reme "ord) the origin of all in arnation!+ Thereafter) !#ontaneo'! #'re glorifi ation of Him !#rang from Brahma5! mo'th+ 4itho't "ord ,r!na5! a'!ele!! mer %) it i! im#o!!ible to know the tr'th abo't Hi! in arnation+ Hi! !'#ram'ndane #a!time! are in on eivable and ina e!!ible+ "ord Brahma de! ribed them in the Bhagavata ('rana+ - "ord of the 7niver!e) - S'#reme (er!on) - S'#reme !o'l) - "ord of the m%!ti !) how marvelo'! %o' are. 4ho within the three world! an know when) where) wh% and how %o' e*#and %o'r internal !#irit'al #oten % 6Yogama%a6 and #erform %o'r tran! endental #a!time!? 4ho an fathom the ontologi al rea!on for Yo'r advent in thi! world? Therefore) I an onl% !'bmit the on l'!ion! of Bhagavad Gita and Bhagavata ('rana a! rea!on! for Yo'r a##earan e+ 64henever and wherever there i! a de line in religio'! #ra ti e) - de! endent of Bharata) and a #redominant ri!e of irreligion) at that time I de! end m%!elf+ In order to deliver the #io'! and annihilate the mi! reant!) a! well a! to re/e!tabli!h the #rin i#le! of religion) I advent &%!elf millenni'm after millenni'm+6 4henever religio'! #ra ti e be ome! weak) irreligion grad'all% in rea!e!+ Therefore) "ord Brahma and other! h'mbl% re<'e!ted the "ord to a##ear and #rote t the #io'! and de!tro% the demon!+ In order to re/e!tabli!h the religio'! #ro e!! of the age) the S'#reme "ord de! ended on the earth with Hi! eternal a!!o iate!+ The religion for ,ali Y'ga i! ongregational hanting of the "ord5! hol% name and in order to #ro#agate thi! religio'! #ro e!! "ord Caitan%a a##eared a! the !on of &other Sa i+ It i! onfirmed in the Srimad Bhagavatam that the S'#reme Ab!ol'te Tr'th) Sri Caitan%a &aha#rabh') in arnated !olel% to #ro#agate the ongregational hanting of ,r!na5! hol% name+ 6- ,ing Nimi) devotee! alwa%! offer #ra%er! to the S'#reme "ord Hari) b't now I will e*#lain how the devotee! in the ,ali Y'ga offer the hoi e!t #ra%er! a om#anied b% vario'! rit'al! and

reg'lation! for the !ati!fa tion of the S'#reme "ord+ In thi! age of ,ali) #eo#le who are endowed with !'ffi ient intelligen e will wor!hi# the "ord) 4ho i! a om#anied b% Hi! a!!o iate!) b% #erforman e of !ankirtana %a;na+6 The S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) "ord Caitan%a) #ro#agated the e!!en e of all religion for the age of ,ali / ongregational hanting of "ord Hari5! hol% name+ A om#anied b% Hi! a!!o iate!) He a##eared in ,ali Y'ga !im#l% to e!tabli!h the religio'! #ra ti e of ongregational hanting+ A ording to Hi! de!ire) Hi! eternal a!!o iate! a##eared before Him) taking birth a! h'man!+ Ananta Se!a) Siva) Brahma) the !age! and other a!!o iate! of the "ord all took birth a! highl% elevated) #'re Vai!nava devotee! / Bhagavata!+ "ord Caitan%a) ,r!na) knew ever%one5! #o!ition and identit%+ &o!t of them took birth in Navadvi#a) %et !ome were born in Cattogram) Radhade!h or Srihatta 1Bengal2 and !till other! in -ri!!a+ All the!e a!!o iate! a##eared in different #la e!) b't ever%one met in Navadvi#a+ Sriva!a (andita) Sri Rama (andita and Sri Candra!ekhar are #er!onalitie! wor!hi#ed in all three world!+ Sri &'rari G'#ta an 're the di!ea!e of material entanglement+ Vai!nava! of thi! aliber a##eared in Srihatta+ ('ndarika Vid%anidhi 1the foremo!t Vai!nava devotee2) Caitan%a Vallabha) 1who wa! ver% dear to "ord Caitan%a2 and Va!'deva 3atta all a##eared in Cattogram+ Harida! Thak'ra a##eared in B'dhan+ The village @ka akra i! in the Radhade!a di!tri t of Bengal+ The S'#reme "ord Nit%ananda made Hi! a##earan e there+ "ord Nit%ananda i! fa t'all% the S'#reme >ather of all living entitie!) b't to !how mer % on Hadai (andita) a brahmin and #'re devotee) He took birth a! Hi! !on+ "ord Nit%ananda i! an o ean of mer %) the !helter of all Vai!nava devotee! and the giver of devotion+ He a##eared in the di!tri t of Radhade!a+ @*#re!!ing their ha##ine!! at the a##earan e of "ord Nit%ananda) the demigod! made ;o%o'! !o'nd! and !howered flower!+ All thi! wa! #erformed) 'n!een b% ordinar% m'ndane e%e!+ >rom the time of Nit%ananda5! a##earan e Radhade!a di!tri t grew more and more #ro!#ero'! ea h da%+ Sri (aramananda ('ri) who wa! "ord Caitan%a5! lo!e a!!o iate in Nila ala) a##eared in Trih't) in &ithila) Bihar+ 4hen the land on the bank! of &other Ganga are #la e! of #ilgrimage) wh% did the Vai!nava devotee! a##ear in im#io'! land!? Caitan%a Him!elf de! ended on the bank! of &other Ganga) !o wh% did Hi! eternal a!!o iate! a##ear in far awa% #la e!? In their travel! the (andava! avoided o'ntrie! devoid of the !o'nd of the hol% name of the "ord and the water! of &other Ganga+ "ord ,r!na Caitan%a) being om#a!!ionate on the 'nfort'nate !o'l! born in tho!e land!) arranged for the #'re Vai!nava devotee! to a##ear there+ Hi! own a##earan e wa! re<'ired !im#l% to redeem the material world+ In order to a om#li!h thi!) He arranged for Hi! #'re devotee! to take birth in im#io'! land! and in im#io'! familie!+ 4herever and in whi hever famil% the #'re Vai!nava devotee a##eared) he wa! able to #'rif% ever%one in the vi init% b% hi! #'re !#irit'al #oten %+ The birth#la e of a #'re Vai!nava be ome! a #la e of #ilgrimage+ Therefore the S'#reme

"ord Caitan%a arranged that Hi! a!!o iate! take birth in man% different #la e!+ And altho'gh the% were all born in different #la e!) the% met) a! if b% a ident) in Navadvi#a+ "ord Caitan%a5! birth#la e wa! Navadvi#a) hen e Navadvi#a wa! the meeting #la e of all the devotee!+ The glor% of Navadvi#a an not be om#ared to an% other #la e in the world+ ,nowing abo't "ord Caitan%a5! de! ent in Navadvi#a) (roviden e made it a #ro!#ero'! and flo'ri!hing town to re eive the "ord+ 4ho i! a#able of de! ribing Navadvi#a5! o#'len e? H'ndred! of tho'!and! rowded to bathe on the bank! of the Ganga+ B% Godde!! Sara!vati5! gra e re!ident! of Navadvi#a of all different age! were learned e*#onent! of the ! ri#t're!+ The #eo#le were #ro'd of their material knowledgeA even %o'ng bo%! arg'ed logi with !enior ! holar!+ St'dent! ame from different #art! of the o'ntr% to !t'd% in Navadvi#a) be a'!e there the% o'ld get a ta!te for ! hola!ti !+ The n'mber of !t'dent! in Navadvi#a wa! in al 'lable) and the e*a t o'nt of #rofe!!or! wa! al!o 'ndetermined+ The re!ident! were ontent) favored b% the favorable glan e! of Rama 1"ak!mi) the Godde!! of wealth2) b't the% wa!ted their time !#ending mone% for !en!e #lea!'re! and other worldl% affair!+ A! the% grew #ro'der and more materiali!ti ) #eo#le5! ta!te! for devotional !ervi e to the S'#reme "ord had de rea!ed alarmingl%) and the beginning of ,ali Y'ga had '!hered in immoral a tivitie!+ The onl% religio'! or devotional a tivitie! the% knew were invo ation! to the demigod! and demigodde!!e! / e!#e iall% 3'rga devi / and #ra%er! for tem#orar% material benedi tion!+ Some arrogantl% wor!hi#ed &ana!a the Godde!! of !nake!A other! wa!ted h'ge amo'nt! of wealth wor!hi#ing doll!+ The% !<'andered large !'m! on the marriage! of their !on! and da'ghter!) and in thi! wa% the% wa!ted their h'man life+ @ven the !o alled learned high #rie!t! / Bhatta ar%a) Cakravarti and &i!ra) et + / did not know the #'r#o!e of the ! ri#t're!+ Tho'gh the% ta'ght the ! ri#t're!) their a tivitie! were ontrar% to ! ri#t'ral in;'n tion) !o along with their !t'dent! the% drowned in the del'ge of ini<'it%+ Nobod% wa! engaged in e*#laining the im#ort! of ongregational hanting of "ord ,r!na5! hol% name / the religion of ,ali Y'gaA the% !#ent their time !im#l% finding fa'lt! in other!+ A! for the !'#er!titio'! !o/ alled ren'n iate! and hermit! not a !ingle name of God ever e! a#ed their mo'th!+ Tho!e on!idered mo!t #io'! in !o iet% were heard re#eating the "ord5! name Govinda or ('ndarikak!a onl% on e at the time of dail% abd' tion+ 3evotional #er!#e tive! were invariabl% ab!ent in e*#laining tran! endental literat're! like Bhagavat Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam+

The Vai!nava devotee! of the "ord be ame di!tre!!ed !eeing the ma!! engro!!ed in material e*i!ten e 'nder the e*ternal energ% of the "ord+ How an all the!e living entitie! be liberated? The% are om#letel% me!meri=ed b% the m%th of !en!e #lea!'re!+ Altho'gh #eo#le were re<'e!ted to hant God5! hol% name) the% ref'!ed and in!tead the% fooli!hl% b'!ied them!elve! a <'iring fr'itle!! material knowledge+ The elevated Vai!nava devotee! ontin'ed their devotional a tivitie! b% wor!hi#ing ,r!na) taking bath in the Ganga and di! '!!ing ,r!na on! io'! to#i !+ The Vai!nava! be ame moved to benedi t h'manit%) and #ra%ed that "ord ,r!na wo'ld <'i kl% !hower Hi! mer % '#on them+ >oremo!t of the great Vai!nava! in Navadvi#a wa! Advaita A ar%a who wa! glorified thro'gho't the world+ The #reeminent !#irit'al #re e#tor wa! the e*#onent on knowledge of the ab!ol'te ! ien e of devotion and ren'n iationA Hi! delineation of ,r!na on! io'! to#i ! e<'aled "ord Siva5!+ Hi! e*#lanation! on all e*i!ting ! ri#t're! arrived at the !ame on l'!ion / the e!!en e of ever%thing i! devotion to "ord ,r!na5! lot'! feet+ He on!tantl% wor!hi#ed "ord ,r!na with great devotion) offering Him T'la!i blo!!om! and Ganga water+ Hi! inten!e atta hment for "ord ,r!na made him re!o'nd lo'dl% in e*altation and the !o'nd #enetrated the overing! of the material world) #a!!ed the abode of "ord Brahma and entered in Vaik'ntha+ Ca#t'red b% the booming) e !tati !o'nd of Advaita A ar%a5! love) "ord ,r!na a##eared before hi! devotee+ Advaita A ar%a (rabh' wa! the leader of Vai!nava!A hi! devotional !ervi e wa! the mo!t glorio'! in "ord Brahma5! #lanetar% !%!tem+ In that manner Advaita A ar%a !#ent Hi! da%! in Navadvi#aA he !'ffered a 'te #ain at the !ight of #er!on! bereft of devotional !ervi e+ The #eo#le were all mad after m'ndane !en!e #lea!'re!A no one wa! keen to wor!hi# or !erve "ord ,r!na+

Some wor!hi#ed Va!'ti 1a female deit% identified with Candi2 with man% gift!) while other! wor!hi#ed the Yak!a! with fle!h and wine+ The% drowned in the endle!! t'm'lt of !inging) dan ing and m'!i ) their ear! deaf to the ne tarine all of the a'!#i io'! name of "ord ,r!na+ The demigod! are not !ati!fied with wor!hi# from h'man! whi h i! 'ltimatel% not #lea!ing to "ord ,r!na+ Advaita A ar%a in #arti 'lar wa! e*tremel% 'nha##% abo't !' h wor!hi#+ Advaita A ar%a (rabh' had a ver% om#a!!ionate nat'reA he wa! alwa%! thinking of how to liberate the onditioned !o'l!+ 6If m% "ord de! end! then He an liberate ever%one+ 6I an boa!t of being an in arnation of "ord &aha Vi!hn' onl% if I an onvin e the "ord of Vaik'ntha) ,r!na) to a##ear in thi! world+ 6And when that "ord of Vaik'ntha de! end! in #er!on) I !hall !ing and dan e in ;o% and liberate all the onditioned !o'l!+6 Con!idering matter! in thi! wa%) He on!tantl% wor!hi#ed the lot'! feet of ,r!na with 'ndeviating re!olve+ "ord Caitan%a made hi! a##earan e be a'!e of Advaita A ar%a (rabh'5! !in ere #lea+ The "ord Him!elf often re#eated thi! fa t+ Sriva!a (andita and hi! three brother! were re!ident! of Navadvi#a+ The% alwa%! hanted "ord ,r!na5! name) bathed in the Ganga and wor!hi#ed ,r!na thri e a da%+ "ater "ord Caitan%a #erformed man% #a!time! in Sriva!a5! ho'!e+ -n the in!tr' tion of "ord Caitan%a) man% of Hi! eternal a!!o iate! like Sri Candra!ekhar) Sri 0agadi!a) Sri Go#inatha) Sriman) Sri &'rari) Sri Gar'da and Sri Gangada!a a##eared before the "ord+ In onne tion with the!e vario'! in ident! I mention onl% tho!e #er!onalitie! known #er!onall% to me+ -therwi!e) to mention ever% individ'al wo'ld make thi! book b'lk%+ @a h one of the magnanimo'! devotee! e*e 'ted hi! !#irit'al d'tie! and wa! on erned onl% with devotional !ervi e! to ,r!na+ @a h wa! 'naware of the other!5 !#irit'al identitie! 1!var'#a2 %et the% mi*ed intimatel% a! onfidential friend!+ 4herever the% looked the% !aw a world devoid of devotion and their heart! were !eared with !orrow+

The% fo'nd no one with an% ta!te for the ne tar of "ord ,r!na5! #a!time!) !o the% !im#l% glorified the "ord among!t them!elve!+ The% often !#ent !everal ho'r! together in Sri Advaita A ar%a5! re!iden e di! '!!ing to#i ! of "ord ,r!na) and in thi! manner the% di!#elled all di! ontent+ The devotee! !aw the world b'rning in the flame! of material e*i!ten e) and the% fo'nd no o a!ion to in!#ire the #eo#le to an awarene!! of God+ Thi! a'!ed them great !orrow+ Sri Advaita A ar%a ;oined the omm'nit% of Vai!nava! in an attem#t to make the #eo#le on! io'! of God) b't not a !o'l 'nder!tood them+ Stri ken with grief d'e to #eo#le5! !'ffering) Sri Advaita A ar%a began fa!tingA all the Vai!nava! !ighed dee#l% at the !it'ation+ 4h% !ing and dan e for ,r!na? 4hat i! the meaning of ongregational hanting of the "ord5! hol% name? 4ho are the Vai!nava!? Gro!! materiali!ti #eo#le r'nning after wealth and famil% do not om#rehend an% of the!e thing!+ Indeed !' h athei!t! onl% ta'nt and la'gh at the Vai!nava!+ A! evening de! ended Sriva!a Thak'ra and Hi! three brother! wo'ld vo ifero'!l% !ing the "ord5! name in their ho'!e+ The athei!ti neighbor! vilified Sriva!a Thak'ra) #rono'n ing him mad+ The% de lared that the entire village wo'ld be de!tro%ed be a'!e of him+ The t%ranni al &'!lim r'ler! wo'ld tear the village a#art if the% heard #eo#le lo'dl% hanting God5! name+ Some envio'! neighbor! !aid the% wo'ld break down Sriva!a Thak'ra5! ho'!e and float it down the river in order to get rid of him+ 64hen Sriva!a Thak'ra leave!) then onl% will the village be #ea ef'l again+ -therwi!e the &'!lim r'ler! will tort're '! 6 4hen the !aintl% Vai!nava! heard !' h threat! from the athei!t! the% !im#l% we#t) telling their !orrow! to "ord ,r!na+ Sri Advaita A ar%a b'rned with rage on hearing thi! new!) and 'n on erned with hi! !tate of 'ndre!! he addre!!ed the Vai!nava!+ 6"i!ten Sriva!a Thak'ra) Sri Gangada!a and S'klambara) I !hall make "ord ,r!na a##ear before ever%one5! e%e!+ 6"ord ,r!na will ome #er!onall% and liberate ever%one ) and along with all %o' Vai!nava! the "ord will tea h the athei!t! love of Godhead+ 6And if I fail to kee# m% #romi!e) I !hall manife!t m% fo'r handed form and take '# the di! +

6I !hall !ever the head! of all the athei!t!+ -nl% then will I a e#t that "ord ,r!na i! m% "ord and ma!ter and I am Hi! #ro#er !ervitor6+ Sri Advaita A ar%a !#oke e*ten!ivel%) and then re!olving Him!elf He wor!hi#ed the lot'! feet of "ord kr!na+ The olle tive devotee! al!o wor!hi#ed "ord kr!na5! lot'! feet with great attention and ontin'o'! tear!+ A! the devotee! went abo't their d'tie! in Navadvi#a town) nowhere did the% find an% di! '!!ion abo't God or devotion+ Thi! !ho ked the devotee! with griefA !ome ontem#lated leaving their bodie!) while other! !obbed ,r!na5! name) letting o't dee# long !igh!+ So !evere wa! their #ain at the !ight of the f'tile endeavor! of a godle!! !o iet% that the% lo!t all a##etite+ At la!t the% reno'n ed all material omfort where'#on the S'#reme "ord made #re#aration! to de! end to the material world+ B% the S'#reme "ord5! de!ire) "ord Nit%ananda) the origin of "ord Ananta Se!a) de! ended before Him in the land alled Radha+ "ord Nit%ananda made hi! a##earan e in the world of Srimati (admavati devi on the a'!#i io'! thirteenth da% of the wa*ing moon in a village alled @ka akra+ Altho'gh He i! the original S'#reme >ather of ever%one) Nit%ananda allowed Sri Hadai (andita) a #'re and elevated brahman) to #la% the role of hi! father+ The S'#reme "ord Sri Balarama i! an o ean of mer % and i! the giver of #'re devotional !ervi e to ,r!naA He ha! again a##eared) thi! time with the name Nit%ananda+ The deni=en! of heavenl% #lanet! !e retl% elebrated thi! o a!ion) !howering flower onfetti with t'm'lt'o'! !o'nd! of ;o% and #rai!e+ "ord Nit%ananda5! a##earan e in the land of Radhade!a grad'all% in rea!ed that di!tri t5! good fort'ne in ever% re!#e t+ The S'#reme (er!onalit%) who a##eared to liberate the fallen !o'l!) took the dre!! of a mendi ant and traveled ever%where+ In thi! manner "ord Ananta made hi! advent+ Now hear de! ri#tion! of "ord ,r!na5! advent+ Sri 0agannatha &i!ra) the great tran! endental #er!onalit%) re!ided in Navadvi#a+ He wa! like Va!'deva 1"ord ,r!na5! father2) alwa%! engaged in !#irit'al a tivitie!+

He wa! magnanimo'! and #o!!e!!ed the be!t of all brahmini al <'alitie!A hi! <'alitie! had no om#ari!on in thi! world+ Sri 0agannatha &i!ra wa! of the !ame !#irit'al ategor% a! ,a!%a#a) 3a!aratha) Va!'deva) or Nanda+ Hi! dedi ated wife Srimati Sa idevi wa! the embodiment of devotion to the S'#reme "ord+ She wa! the 7niver!al &other+ All her eight da'ghter! #a!!ed awa% and !he wa! left with one greatl% fort'nate !on) Vi!var'#a+ Sri Vi!var'#a wa! a! bea'tif'l and harming a! C'#id and the !o'r e of ;o% for hi! #arent!+ >rom birth Sri Vi!var'#a wa! materiall% reno'n ed) and a! a hild he ma!tered the different ! ri#t're!+ The godle!!ne!! !een in the beginning of ,ali Y'ga wa! indi ative of what the f't're had in !toreA the whole !o iet% wo'ld be ome bereft of devotional !ervi e+ The S'#reme "ord de! end! when religio'! #rin i#le! de line and He feel! that hi! devotee! are !'ffering+ Th'! the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) Sri Caitan%a &aha#rabh') entered into the bodie! of Srimati Sa idevi and Sri 0agannatha &i!ra+ "ord Ananta !ang h%mn! #rai!ing the "ordA Sri 0agannatha &i!ra and Sa idevi heard ever%thing a! if in a dream+ Both h'!band and wife !hone bright with !#irit'al radian e) %et ordinar% e%e! o'ld not !ee+ "ord Siva) Brahma and other demigod!) 'nder!tanding that the S'#reme "ord wa! going to a##ear) ame and offered #ra%er!+ The!e m%!ti al #a!time! of the "ord are all re orded) even in the great Vedi ! ri#t're!+ The e'logie! of "ord Brahma and other! are mo!t onfidential knowledge) and hearing them will re!'lt in dee# atta hment for ,r!na+ All glorie!. All glorie! to the S'#reme "ord Caitan%a) the maintainer of all+ Yo' have a##eared to ina'g'rate the ongregational hanting of the hol% name+ All glorie!. All glorie! to "ord Caitan%a) the #rote tor of Vedi religion) !aintl% devotee! and #io'! brahmana!A Yo' are the de!tro%er of non/devotee! and death #er!onified for the athei!t!+

All glorie!. All glorie! to "ord Caitan%a+ Yo'r tran! endental form i! ab!ol'te) eternal and f'll of bli!!A Yo' are the S'#reme "ord of lord! 4ho!e de!ire! annot be ob!tr' ted+ Yo' are 'nmanife!t in million! and million! of 'niver!e!) Yet %o' manife!t Yo'r!elf in the womb of Srimati Sa idevi+ 4ho an 'nder!tand the a tivitie! of Yo'r !weet will? Creation) maintenan e and annihilation of the 'niver!e! are ;'!t a!#e t! of Yo'r wonderf'l #a!time!+ Yo'r might / ignited onl% b% Yo'r de!ire / an de!tro% the entire o!mi manife!tation+ I! it not #o!!ible then for Yo' to kill demon! like Ravana and ,am!a with mere word!? In !#ite of Yo'r abilit% Yo' a##eared in the ho'!e! of ,ing 3a!aratha and Sri Va!'deva to kill the!e demon!+ 4ho an 'nravel the m%!ter% behind Yo'r a tivitie!? -nl% %o' know Yo'r own !weet will+ Sim#l% b% Yo'r de!ire an% one of Yo'r !ervitor! an liberate all the inn'merable 'niver!e!+ In !#ite of it) Yo' de! end Yo'r!elf to tea h religio'! #rin i#le! to the #eo#le of the world and th'! benedi t them+ In Sat%a Y'ga Yo' a##eared with a whiti!h om#le*ion to tea h the #ath of a'!terit% and meditation b% #erforming a'!terit% Yo'r!elf+ To e!tabli!h religio'! #rin i#le! Yo' took the role of a elibate brahmin with matted hair) arr%ing an antelo#e !kin) mendi ant! !taff and water #ot+ In Treta Y'ga Yo' a##eared in a bea'tif'l reddi!h om#le*ion a! the "ord of Sa rifi e! to tea h the religio'! #ra ti e of !a rifi e+ 4ith !r'k and !r'va in hand) Yo' Yo'r!elf ond' ted the !a rifi ial rit'al!+ In 3va#ara Y'ga Yo' ame with the tran! endentall% bea'tif'l dark om#le*ion of a mon!oon lo'd and e!tabli!hed deit% wor!hi# in ever% ho'!e+ 4earing a %ellow loth and de orated with the Srivat!a !ign whi h i! e* l'!ivel% Yo'r!) Yo' #erformed o#'lent deit% wor!hi#+ In ,ali Y'ga Yo' a##eared a! a learned brahman with a golden Yellow om#le*ion to di!!eminate the mo!t onfidential religio'! #ra ti e of ongregational hanting of the "ord5! hol% name+ Yo' a e#t 'nlimited in arnation!+ 4ho ha! the #ower to o'nt them?

In Yo'r in arnation a! the tran! endental fi!h) &at!%a) Yo' ame with the water! of annihilationA and a! ,'rma the tortoi!e Yo' were the !'##ort of all living being! 1holding the &andara mo'ntain2+ A! Ha%agriva Yo' #re!erved the Veda! and killed the two demon! &adh' and ,aitatha+ A! Varaha) the boar in arnation) Yo' re! 'ed the earthA and a! "ord Nr!imhadeva Yo' #ier ed and killed the demon Hiran%aka!i#'+ A! the dwarf in arnation "ord Varaha Yo' o'twitted the demon ,ing BaliA a! (ara!'rama %o' rid the world of k!atri%a! / the fighting la!!+ A! "ord Rama andra Yo' de!tro%ed the demon RavanaA and a! "ord Balarama) who hold! the #lo'gh) %o' e*#anded 'nlimitedl%+ A! "ord B'ddha %o' #rea hed the religion of om#a!!ion and non/violen eA and a! "ord ,alki Yo' de!tro%ed the degraded mle ha! 1tho!e who do not follow the Vedi in;'n tion!2+ A! "ord 3hanvantari Yo' di!trib'ted the ne tar of immortalit%) AmrtaA and a! "ord Ham!a) the !wan in arnation) Yo' !#oke the knowledge of the Ab!ol'te to "ord Brahma and other!+ A! Narada &'ni Yo' held the vina and !ang !weetl%A and a! Srila V%a!adeva Yo' e*#lained the Tr'th abo't Yo'r!elf+ "ord ,r!na i! above all the in arnation! and their bea'tif'l eternal #a!time!A He eternall% re!ide! in Gok'la with man% variegated #lea!'re/#a!time!+ In thi! #re!ent in arnation %o' a##eared a! a #'re 'nallo%ed devoteeA Yo' di!!eminated the knowledge devotional !ervi e and hanted the hol% name+ The ne tar of ongregational hanting of the hol% name drowned the entire 'niver!e in wave! of bli!! and ever% ho'!e knew the #ro e!! of love of Godhead+ How an we de! ribe the 'niver!al e !ta!% aro'!ed when %o' dan ed with all %o'r devotee! and !ervitor!+ 0'!t b% on!tant remembran e of Yo'r lot'! feet Yo'r #'re devotee! freed thi! world of all ill! and ina'!#i io'!ne!!+ The to' h of their feet di!#elled the dark omen! of the world) and a mere glan e from them #'rified all dire tion!+ - "ord Caitan%a) !o glorio'! are Yo'r !ervitor! that when the% dan e wonderf'll% with their arm! rai!ed the% remove all di!t'rban e! in the heavenl% #lanet!+

6- ,ing) when "ord ,r!na5! devotee! dan e 1a om#an%ing the hanting of the "ord5! name2 the to' h of their feet on the earth #'rifie! the whole world) their glan e #'rifie! all dire tion! and their '#rai!ed arm! #'rif% the higher #lanetar% !%!tem!+6 - "ord Caitan%a) Yo' are that !elf !ame S'#reme (er!onalit%) in arnated in #er!on to #erform ongregational hanting and di!trib'te love of Godhead with Yo'r devotee!+ - "ord) who #o!!e!!e! the word! to de! ribe %o'r wonderf'l #oten % to freel% be!tow the mo!t onfidential and hidden knowledge of the Veda!? - "ord) we ardentl% de!ire and #ra% for that !'blime love of Godhead whi h %o' kee# a! a great m%!ter%) offering liberation in!tead to !#irit'al a!#irant!+ Yo' are the !#irit'al ma!ter of the entire reation and Yo' di!trib'te #ri ele!! wealth be a'!e of Yo'r magnanimit%+ The hanting of %o'r hol% name i! the f'lfillment of all religio'! rit'al! and !a rifi e!) %et Yo' have #er!onall% a##eared in Navadvi#a+ - "ord) be kind '#on '!) !o that we ma% be fort'nate eno'gh to !ee %o'r wonderf'l a tivitie! in Navadvi#a+ - "ord) Yo' have f'lfilled the innermo!t de!ire of Ganga devi b% !#orting in her water!+ Yo'r e*<'i!ite tran! endental form) whi h m%!ti ! and %ogi! envi!ion in their meditation!) ha! be ome manife!t in Navadvi#a+ I offer obei!an e! to the hol% Navadvi#a dhama and the ho'!e of Sri 0agannatha &i!ra and Srimati Sa idevi where Yo' made Yo'r divine a##earan e+ In thi! manner "ord Brahma and other demigod! remained 'n!een while dail% offering hoi e!t #ra%er! to the S'#reme "ord+ The S'#reme (ro#rietor of the entire reation remained in the womb of Srimati Sa idevi) and on the f'll moon night in the month of (halg'na He a##eared+ That f'll moon night wa! the !'mm'm bon'm of all the a'!#i io'! hol% o a!ion! of the o!mi manife!tation ombined+ The S'#reme (er!onalit% de! ended) a om#anied b% the #ro e!! of ongregational hanting of the hol% name+ He #ro#agated thi! #ro e!! b% #ra ti ing it Him!elf+ 4ho i! able to know the wonderf'l #a!time! of the S'#reme "ord? He arranged a l'nar e li#!e at the time of Hi! birth+

7#on !eeing the l'nar e li#!e the re!ident! of Navadvi#a began to lo'dl% hant the "ord5! hol% name and make other a'!#i io'! !o'nd!+ @ndle!! teeming million! onv'l!ed on the Gange! for hol% abl'tion! and rent the air with lo'd hanting of the "ord5! name+ The t'm'lt'o'! !o'nd of their hanting #enetrated the overing! of thi! material 'niver!e and traveled be%ond Brahmaloka+ All the !aintl% #er!on! marveled at thi! wonderf'l hanting and #ra%ed for a #erennial e li#!e+ All the devotee! e*#erien ed dee# e*hilaration and e* laimed) 6S' h great ;o%. &a%be the S'#reme "ord ,r!na i! making Hi! a##earan e+6 The devotee! went to the Gange! for their abl'tion! followed b% the roar of hanting from all dire tion!+ 4omen) hildren) aged) #io'!) and im#io'! / ever%one lo'dl% hanted "ord Hari5! hol% name d'ring the l'nar e li#!e+ The onl% !o'nd within the 'niver!e wa! the all/#revailing hanting of 6Hari. Hari.6 The demigod! !howered flower onfetti ever%where and #ro laimed vi tor% a! the% beat lamoro'!l% on their d'nd'bhi dr'm!+ Amid!t the re!o'nding ad'lation!) the "ord and the ver% !o'l of the 'niver!e a##eared a! the !on of Srimati Sa idevi+ The moon wa! e li#!ed b% Rah'A the o ean of the hol% name in'ndated Navadvi#a) drowning and !'bd'ing the darkne!! of ,ali Y'ga+ The S'#reme "ord wa! manife!t. All the fo'rteen world! re!o'nded with the #rofo'nd new!+ The moon/like "ord Caitan%a) Ga'ranga) had ari!enA the re!ident! of Nadia were freed from all !orrow! ;'!t !eeing the "ord+ Their ha##ine!! and #ro!#erit% in rea!ed da% b% da%+ The roll of the d'nd'bhi dr'm!) the tr'm#eting of tho'!and on h !hell!) the !hrill of fl'te! and horn!) a om#anied Vrndavana da!a5 !ong! of #rai!e to their "ord!hi#! Sri Caitan%a and Sri Nit%ananda (rabh'+ Hi! bea'tif'll% brilliant l'!ter over!hadowed the !'n5! !hining ra%! and da==led m% e%e!+ Hi! drawn o't) !lightl% droo#ing e%e! defied de! ri#tion+ The air wa! !'r harged with ;o%A "ord Caitan%a had de! ended to the material world. -ne roaring !o'nd of "ord Hari5! name reverberated thro'gho't the 'niver!e) be%ond Brahmaloka arr%ing the tiding! of "ord Caitan%a5! birth+

Hi! e*<'i!ite om#le*ion wa! the olor of !andalwood #a!te+ Hi! e*#an!ive brea!t wa! de orated with a gentl% !wa%ing wildflower garland and Hi! iride! ent) moon/like fa e i! #lea!ing) ooling and omforting+ Hi! elongated arm! rea hed down to Hi! knee!+ So'nd! of vi tor% and #rai!e #ermeated all dire tion! and the earth felt e!#e iall% ble!!ed at the advent of "ord Caitan%a+ Some !ang in great ;o% while other! dan ed in e !ta!%+ B't for ,ali it wa! a alamit% in the mid!t of !#irit'al revelr%+ The rown ;ewel! of all Vedi on l'!ion! are the S'#reme "ord! Caitan%a and Nit%ananda (rabh'!+ Their a'!ele!! mer % made no di! rimination between the ignorant or the dereli t+ I) Vrndavana da!a) offer thi! !ong to them+ The Golden moon) "ord Caitan%a) had ari!en a! !o'nd! of great ;o% filled the air+ Hi! bea't% h'mbled a million '#id!) and He !miled at Hi! own dan ing and !inging+ Hi! lovel% fa e and harming e%e! added to the li!t of other mark! of divinit% on Hi! tran! endental #er!onA Hi! feet were marked with the !ign! of flag) lightning et + Hi! entire e*<'i!ite form wa! de orated to en hant the mind! of ever%one+ All fear and de!#onden % wa! di!!i#ated and the world wa! !howered with immen!e fort'ne!+ I) Vrndavana da!a) offer thi! !ong to m% ver% life and !o'l) "ord Caitan%a and "ord Nit%ananda+ The demigod! be ame over;o%ed and !ang in #rai!e of "ord Caitan%a5! a##earan e+ A mere glan e at the "ord5! beatifi ) moon/like fa e wa! eno'gh to e*tir#ate all mi!erie!+ Thi! wa! a glorio'! and ha##% o a!ion+ "ord Ananta Se!a) "ord Brahma) "ord Siva and other demigod! all took '# their new form! and) '!ing the l'nar e li#!e a! an e* '!e) ontin'o'!l% !ang "ord Hari5! name+ I annot f'll% de! ribe their e*'ltation+ &illing rowd! #o'red into Nadia with !ho't! of 6Hari) Hari6+ Navadvi#a wa! in the gri#! of 'nbo'nded bli!!+ The S'#reme "ord) the demigod! and the h'man being! had all ome together to froli with one another+ The demigod! ame to the Srimati Sa idevi5! ho'!e in the darkne!! of the e li#!e and) 'n!een b% h'man!) fell to the gro'nd and offered obei!an e! to "ord Caitan%a+ 4ho an de! ribe the!e ab!tr'!e #a!time! of the "ord+ Some broke o't in t%#e! of glorifi ation) !ome held the 'mbrella and !ome fanned the "ord with a amara) while other! !howered flower! in e !ta!% and !till other! !ang and dan ed e*'berantl%+ "ord Caitan%a a##eared with all Hi! #'re devotee! and the athei!t will never 'nder!tand it+

I) Vrndavana da!a !ing the ne tarine glorie! of "ord Caitan%a and "ord Nit%ananda+ The r'mble of 3'nd'bhi dr'm!) h%mn!) #ra%er! and !weet m'!i mingled and re!o'nded in the air+ Toda%) witho't dela%) we an meet that S'#reme (er!onalit% who i! a m%!ter% even in the Veda!+ The demigod! in Indra#'ra were t'm'lt'o'!l% ha##%A b'!il% de orating them!elve!) the% felt e*tremel% fort'nate that the% o'ld re eive "ord Caitan%a5! ble!!ed a!!o iation in Navadvi#a+ The% embra ed and ki!!ed ea h other witho't !hame in e*'ltation that the "ord of Navadvi#a) "ord Caitan%a) had taken hi! birth+ There wa! no di!tin tion of friend or foe+ In great 'rio!it% the demigod! ame to Navadvi#a amid!t lo'd hanting of God5! name+ Infe ted b% the tran! endental mellow of "ord Caitan%a the% be ame almo!t 'n on! io'! in e !ta!% and ;oined in !inging the glorie! of "ord Caitan%a+ The% !aw the bea'tif'l form of "ord Caitan%a+ He wa! more e*<'i!ite than a tho'!and ri!ing f'll moon!+ He a e#ted the h'man form and made ever%one lo'dl% hant the "ord5! hol% name) '!ing the e li#!e a! a good e* '!e+ The "ord de! ended with all hi! energie! and e*#an!ion!A thi! i! in om#rehen!ible to the athei!t!+ "et me) Vrndavana da!a) !ing in ad'lation abo't m% life and !o'l) "ord Sri Caitan%a and Sri Nit%ananda (rabh'+ Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter B @ven before He took hi! birth) the "ord #ro#agated the hanting of Hi! hol% name+ Stream! of #eo#le went for their bath in the Ganga at the time of the e li#!e and all the wa% the% hanted the "ord5! name+ Some) who from their birth never on e 'ttered the "ord5! name) now hanted that name on their wa% to the Ganga+ The !o'nd of hanting emanated from ever% dire tion and the S'#reme "ord) the be!t of the brahmin!) !miled to Him!elf a! He made Hi! a##earan e+

Sri 0agannatha &i!ra and Srimati Sa idevi glan ed at their hild5! bea'tif'l fa e and were over ome with 'nbo'nded ;o%+ "adie! !tood aro'nd the hild not knowing what to doA f'!!il% the% 'l'lated in ;'bilation+ Relative! and friend! h'rried to !ee the new born hildA Sri 0agannatha &i!ra5! ho'!e wa! a ! ene of great e*'ltation+ Srimati Sa idevi5! father) Sri Nilambara Cakravarti) fo'nd e!oteri and wonderf'l !ign! in ever% ho'!e of the hild5! a!trologi al hart+ Sri Cakravarti wa! a!to'nded b% the bab%5! bea't% and !aw all divine !%mbol! on Hi! #er!on+ A m' h a e#ted #ro#he!% in Bengal wa! that !omeda% a king wo'ld be born in Bengal a! a brahmin5! !on) !o Sri Cakravarti tho'ght that onl% the f't're wo'ld #rove whether thi! wa! the hild+ In the #re!en e of all) Sri Nilambara Cakravarti) an e*#ert a!trologer) began e*#laining the ramifi ation! of different a!trologi al !ign! in the "ord5! hart+ The f'rther he delved into the hild5! e*alted hart) the more diffi 'lt% he fo'nd in de! ribing the "ord5! #o!ition+ The hild will on<'er Brha!#ati 1the !ign for learning and ed' ation2 and be a ! holarA He will be a nat'ral re#o!itor% of all divine <'alitie!+ (re!ent in that gathering wa! a great !aint in the g'i!e of a brahman who made #redi tion! on the "ord5! f't're+ The brahman !aid) 6Thi! hild i! the S'#reme "ord Nara%ana Him!elf+ He will e!tabli!h the e!!en e of all religion+ 6He will initiate a wonderf'l #rea hing movement and deliver the whole world+ 6He will give ever%one that whi h i! forever de!irable even b% "ord Brahma) "ord Siva or Srila S'kadeva Go!vami+ 67#on !eeing Him #eo#le will feel om#a!!ion for all living entitie! and be ome allo'! toward material #ain! and ;o%!+ Thi! will be the great benedi tion for the whole world+ 6Not to mention ordinar% men) even hard/ ore athei!t! will wor!hi# the hild5! lot'! feet+ 6He will be glorified thro'gho't the entire reation and #eo#le from all order! of life will ome to wor!hi# Him+

6He i! the #er!onifi ation of #'re Bhagavat religion 1eternal religion2) the benefa tor of brahmana!) ow! and devotee! and the affe tionate) devoted !on of Hi! #arent!+ 6Thi! hild ha! ome to a om#li!h great work!) ;'!t a! the S'#reme "ord Nara%ana in arnated to re/e!tabli!h religio'! #rin i#le! 64ho an e*#lain the im#ort! of thi! hild5! e*alted a!trologi al and e!oteri !%m#tom!? 6How fort'nate %o' are) Sri 0agannatha &i!ra) a leader among!t men+ I offer m% obei!an e! to %o') the ill'!trio'! father of thi! hild+ 6I feel greatl% fort'nate that I o'ld al 'late hi! a!trologi al hart+ Hi! name a ordingl% will be Sri Vi!vambhara+ 6He will be known to all a! Navadvi#a/ andra 1the moon of Navadvi#a2+ He i! !#irit'al bli!! #er!onified+6 The brahmin did not !#eak f'rther abo't "ord Caitan%a5! #a!time of a e#ting the reno'n ed order of !ann%a!a !in e that wo'ld di!t'rb the loving emotion of Hi! #arent!+ Sri 0agannatha &i!ra wa! enthralled with e !ta!% over the de! ri#tion! of hi! !on+ He immediatel% wanted to offer gift! to the brahmin+ He wa! a #oor man with few #o!!e!!ion!) %et feeling great ;'bilation Sri &i!ra fell at the brahmin5! feet and ried+ The brahman al!o a'ght Sri &i!ra5! feet) and ever%one #re!ent !ho'ted 6Hari) Hari6 in great ;o%+ The relative! and friend! were all #rai!e for the hild) and the% ble!!ed Him a! the% heard the !'#er/nat'ral #redi tion! abo't Hi! f't're+ Soon the m'!i ian! arrived #la%ing their re!#e tive in!tr'ment! / la% dr'm!) fl'te! and !hanhai 1a reed in!tr'ment2 / and filled the air with wonderf'l m'!i + "adie! from the higher #lanet! mingled freel% %et 'nnoti ed with the ladie! from earth in thi! wonderf'l gathering+ The mother of the demigod! 1Aditi2 !miled and #la ed her right hand holding a'!#i io'! gra!! and #add% on the hild5! head to ble!! him !a%ing) 6"ong life6+ 6(lea!e remain eternall% in thi! material world and manife!t Yo'r #a!time!6+ Thi! e*#lained the e*#re!!ion 6"ong life6+ Srimati Sa idevi and the other! noti ed the e*traordinar% bea't% of the!e ladie! b't the% he!itated to in<'ire abo't their identit%+

The demigod! re!#e tf'll% took the d'!t from Sa idevi5! feet) and !he lo!t her !#ee h in e*treme e*'ltation+ Neither the Veda! nor "ord Ananta Se!a o'ld de! ribe the wave! of ;'bilation that drowned Sri 0agannatha &i!ra5! ho'!e+ @ntire Nadia !eemed to be #re!ent at Sa idevi5! ho'!e to e*#erien e that 'nde! ribable ;o%+ 4herever the #eo#le were / in their ho'!e!) or on the bank! of the Ganga) or on the !treet!) / the% all lo'dl% hanted the "ord5! name+ @ver%one ;'bilantl% elebrated the "ord5! birth) 'nknowingl% thinking the fe!tivit% wa! a t'all% for the l'nar e li#!e+ "ord Caitan%a a##eared on the f'll moon night of the month of (halg'naA thi! da% i! the mo!t wor!hi#able b% "ord Brahma and other great #er!onalitie!+ Thi! da% of the "ord5! a##earan e i! the holie!t of hol% o a!ion!A thi! da% i! devotion #er!onified+ "ord Caitan%a a##eared on the f'll moon night of (halg'na and "ord Nit%ananda a##eared on the $Bth night of the wa*ing moon+ Both the!e da%! are all a'!#i io'! and tran! endental o a!ion!+ If one #ro#erl% follow! the!e two hol% o a!ion! he develo#! love of Godhead and 't! a!'nder the knot! of material ill'!ion+ The a##earan e da%! of #'re Vai!nava devotee! like the a##earan e da% of the S'#reme "ord) are al!o all/a'!#i io'! and tran! endental+ 4ho!oever hear! the narration! of "ord Caitan%a5! birth i! freed from all mi!erie! in life and in death+ An%one who hear! "ord Caitan%a5! #a!time! immediatel% get! love of God and be ome! hi! eternal !ervitorA he ome! with the "ord ea h time He advent! in thi! material world+ The Adi ,handa te*t i! wonderf'l to hear be a'!e it ontain! de! ri#tion! of "ord Caitan%a5! a##earan e+ The Vedi literat're de! ribe! the!e #a!time! of the "ord a! eternal) altho'gh He !ometime! a##ear! and !ometime! di!a##ear!+ "ord Caitan%a5! #a!time! have no beginning and no endA I write them down b% the mer % of the "ord+ I offer m% h'mble obei!an e! at the "ord5! feet and at the feet of all Hi! devotee!+ I #ra% that I ma% be e* '!ed from all offen!e!+

I) Vrndavana da!a) offer thi! !ong to the lot'! feet of m% life and !o'l) "ord Sri ,r!na Caitan%a and "ord Sri Nit%ananda (rabh'+

Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter C All glorie!) all glorie! to the lot'! feet/e%ed) moon/like "ord Caitan%aA all glorie!) all glorie! to all Yo'r loving devotee!+ - "ord) look '#on me mer if'll% !o that m% del'!ion i! di!#elled and I ma% be able to !erve and wor!hi# Yo' da% and night+ The wonderf'l a##earan e of the "ord in rea!ed the ha##ine!! of ever%one in Srimati Sa idevi5! ho'!e+ Both Sri 0agannatha &i!ra5! and Srimati Sa idevi5! heart! heaved ;o%o'! wave! while looking at the "ord5! bea'tif'l fa e+ Sri Vi!var'#a wo'ld #i k '# hi! brother in hi! arm! and !mile gleef'll% at the S'#reme "ord) the abode of all tran! endental ;o%!+ >riend! and relative! lingered) !'rro'nding the "ord affe tionatel% all the time+ Some hanted mantra! of en hantment! in the "ord5! room for Hi! #rote tion+ The Vi!hn' Rak!a mantra 1invoking "ord Vi!hn'5! #rote tion2 or 3evi mantra 1invoking 3'rga devi5! #rote tion2 were hanted while !ome #eo#le ir 'mamb'lated the "ord5! ho'!e+ And when the "ord wo'ld r%) !hedding tear! from Hi! lot'! e%e!) onl% the !o'nd of the hol% name of ,r!na wo'ld #a if% Him+ >inall% ever%one 'nder!tood the !e ret me!!age and whenever the "ord ried) the% immediatel% hanted "ord Hari5! name+ The demigod! were in a ;ovial mood and de ided to #la% !ome #ra ti al ;oke! on the #eo#le who alwa%! !'rro'nded Nimai+ A demigod in a !#irit'al bod% !tole <'ietl% abo't the ho'!e) 'n!een b% h'man e%e!+ 4hen the #eo#le !aw a !hadow% fig're !lither #a!t the% e* laimed) 6There goe! a thief.6 Terror/!tri ken) !ome of them lo'dl% hanted 6Nr!imha. Nr!imha.6) while other! m'rm'red the A#ara;ita Stotra 1#ra%er! to (arvati devi) wife of "ord Siva2 for #rote tion+

4hile man% #er!on! were going aro'nd the ho'!e hanting all different mantra! and #ra%er!) a great ommotion wa! heard from in!ide Srimati Sa idevi5! ho'!e+ The demigod! had a!!embled to !ee the "ord) b't the #eo#le o't!ide tho'ght that thieve! were entering+ Some !ho'ted) 6Cat h the thief. Thief.6) while other! ontin'o'!l% hanted) 6Nr!imha) Nr!imha6+ A brahmin #rie!t endowed with #ower! of e*or i!ing gho!t! threatened the invi!ible demigod!) 6Yo'5re l' k% %o' got awa% toda%) b't %o' do not know the tremendo'! #ower of "ord Nr!imhadeva+6 7n!een b% an%one) the demigod! la'ghed to them!elve!+ In thi! wa% a month #a!!ed+ Com#leting her one month of onfinement) the #eriod of ontamination after hild birth) Srimati Sa idevi went for a bath in the Ganga with the other ladie!+ Among!t !inging and ;o%o'! lamor Sa idevi bathed in the Ganga+ She wor!hi#ed Ganga devi and thereafter !he wor!hi#ed a village godde!! alled Sa!thi+ After wor!hi#ing different demigod! in a ordan e with #ro#er rite!) Sa idevi ret'rned with the !ati!fied ladie!+ A ording to the !o ial '!tom) Sa idevi re!#e tf'll% offered all the ladie! roa!ted #add%) banana!) oil) vermilion #owder betel n't! and betel leaf+ The ladie! in t'rn ble!!ed the hild and offered re!#e t! to Sa idevi before the% ret'rned to their re!#e tive home!+ In thi! wa% the S'#reme "ord Caitan%a #erformed Hi! hildhood #a!time!+ 4itho't the "ord5! mer % the!e #a!time! are in om#rehen!ible+ The "ord a! a hild ried fre<'entl%+ Hi! real intention in r%ing wa! to ind' e ever%one to hant the "ord5! hol% name+ The ladie! tried one wa% or another to #a if% Him) b't He ried all the more+ A! !oon a! the% hanted 6Hari) Hari6) a beaming !mile !#read a ro!! the "ord5! e*<'i!ite moon/ like fa e+ 3i! overing that thi! #lea!ed the "ord) ever%one got together and re#eated "ord Hari5! name while la##ing their hand!+ Ha##il% ever%one #erformed ongregational hanting and Sa i devi5! ho'!e re!o'nded with the "ord5! name+

7nknown to all) "ord Caitan%a5! hildhood #a!time! in Sri 0agannatha &i!ra5! ho'!e were a fa !imile to Go#ala ,r!na5! hildhood #a!time!+ 4hen no one wa! #re!ent in a room) He wo'ld intentionall% ! atter thing! aro'nd after #o'ring milk) b'tter or oil on the floor+ >orewarned that mother Sa i devi wa! a##roa hing) He wo'ld <'i kl% la% down and !tart r%ing+ &other Sa i devi wo'ld #a if% Him b% re#eating "ord Hari5! name 'ntil !he noti ed the different !'b!tan e! !#read all over the floor+ 64ho ha! ! attered the ri e) wheat and dahl? 4h% are the!e broken #ot! of 'rd and milk on the floor?6 No one o'ld 'nder!tand who had done thi!+ There wa! onl% the fo'r month old bab% in the ho'!e+ C'rio!it% drew ever%one to that room) b't the% o'ld not find an% tra e of the 'l#rit+ Some on;e t'red) 6A demon or gho!t m'!t have ome) b't d'e to the effe t of the mantra! it o'ld not harm the bab%+ Angr% that it o'ld do nothing to the hild) it threw ever%thing aro'nd and e! a#ed6+ Thi! in ident left Sri 0agannatha &i!ra <'ite #er#le*ed) b't thinking it a #rovidential interferen e) he did not omment+ In !#ite of the e*ten!ive damage) both Sri 0agannatha &i!ra and Sa idevi felt their !orrow! !oothed b% ;'!t looking at the hild5! fa e+ 3a%! #a!!ed wra##ed in m%!ter% 'ntil the da% of the name giving eremon% arrived+ Sri Nilambara Cakravarti and other learned ! holar! and friend! a!!embled there+ Re!#e table) ha!te ladie! who looked a! fre!h and glowing a! "ak!mi devi) the godde!! of fort'ne) attended the eremon% in bea'tif'l !ari!+ @ver%one di! '!!ed whi h name the hild wo'ld have+ Some ladie! made one !'gge!tion while other ladie! made another+ 6Thi! hild will have no %o'nger brother or !i!ter!) !o being the la!t hild of the famil%) he !ho'ld be named Nimai6) !aid one lad%+ After on!idering all #oint! the ! holar! !aid there wa! one name a##ro#riate for the hild+

A! !oon a! He wa! born) famine ended in the land and the farmer! were ble!!ed with the long/ awaited rain+ Ha##% and health% ondition! ret'rned to the land at Hi! birth+ It wa! !imilar to the an ient !tor% of "ord Nara%ana #rote ting and '#holding the 'niver!e d'ring deva!tation+ Hen e) Hi! name !ho'ld be Sri Vi!vambhara 1!'!tainer of the world2+ Thi! i! onfirmed in Hi! horo! o#e) for He i! the brighte!t tor h/bearer of Hi! famil%+ The name Nimai that the re!#e ted ladie! gave will be Hi! !e ond name+ The name wa! given at a a'!#i io'! moment when all the #lanetar% indi ation! were right and amid!t reading! of Bhagavad Gita) Srimad Bhagavatam) and the Veda!) et + b% the brahmin!+ The demigod! and h'man! a!!embled together on thi! o a!ion and offered benedi tion!+ The% hanted "ord Hari5! all/a'!#i io'! hol% name! while blowing on h !hell! and ringing bell!+ Ri e) #add%) book!) roa!ted #add%) oin!) gold and !ilver were #la ed for the hild to hold 1te!ting the hild5! tenden %2+ Sri 0agannatha en o'raged hi! !on) 6&% dear Vi!vambhara) take whatever %o'r heart de!ire!6+ Sa idevi5! !on) the S'#reme "ord) ignored all item! and #i ked '# the Srimad Bhagavatam and embra ed it+ The ladie! lo'dl% glorified the "ord+ @ver%one wa! im#re!!ed and !aid) 6He will be a great ! holar6+ Some ommented that the hild wo'ld t'rn o't to be an elevated Vai!nava devotee with the e*traordinar% a#a it% to ea!il% gra!# the im#ort! of the ! ri#t're!+ 4hoever !aw "ord Vi!vambhara5! en hanting !mile be ame dren hed in !hower! of bli!!+ -n e the ladie! had the hild on their la#!) the% wo'ld not #'t Him down+ Thi! hild) the S'#reme "ord) i! almo!t 'na##roa hable even b% demigod!+ And whenever the "ord !tarted r%ing the ladie! la##ed their hand! and hanted "ord Hari5! name+ Hearing the hanting the "ord !wa%ed bli!!f'll% a! tho'gh He were dan ing on their la#!+ Thi! e* ited the ladie! who in t'rn in rea!ed their hanting+ The S'#reme "ord) b% Hi! de!ire) had ever%one on!tantl% hanting the "ord5! name) on an% available #rete*t+

The Veda!) Srimad Bhagavatam and other ! ri#t're! on l'de that no 'ndertaking rea he! !' e!! witho't the S'#reme "ord5! de!ire+ Sa idevi5! !on) the S'#reme "ord Caitan%a) grew da% b% da%) motivating ever%one to hant Hi! own hol% name+ 4hen the "ord began to rawl on Hi! knee! He looked mo!t harming+ The !mall ankle bell! on Hi! feet were #lea!ing to hear+ The "ord fearle!!l% moved aro'nd ever%where) at hing an%thing he !aw / fire) !nake!) an%thing+ -ne da% a !nake !lithered thro'gh the o'rt%ard and the "ord a'ght hold of him !im#l% to ena t another #a!time+ The "ord la% down on the oil! of the !nake+ 4hen the re!ident! of the ho'!e !aw Him the% ! reamed in alarm) b't the "ord alml% !miled and remained in that rela*ed #o!ition+ The #eo#le !ho'ted) 6Gar'da. Gar'da.6 while Nimai5! #arent! waited in an*iet%+ The !nake) who wa! reall% "ord Ananta Se!a) !tarted to !lither awa% when he heard all the r%ing and ommotion) b't little Nimai tried to !to# him+ The ladie! r'!hed over and grabbed '# the "ord in their arm!) ea h one ble!!ing Him that he might have a long life+ Some relative! tied a tali!man on Nimai for hi! #rote tion) while !ome hanted benedi tion h%mn! and other! #o'red Ganga water on different #art! of Hi! bod%+ Some of them tho'ght that the hild had got a new life while other! reali=ed that the !nake wa! Ananta Se!a+ The S'#reme "ord Caitan%a who wa! radiant like the moon) tried re#eatedl% to go ba k to the !nake) b't ever%one !to##ed Him+ The!e #a!time! are not revealed even in the Veda!) and an%one who hear! them i! free from the bite of the !er#ent of material ill'!ion+ "ord Caitan%a) the #lea!'re of Sa idevi !oon toddled abo't the ho'!e+ "ord Caitan%a5! e*traordinar% bea't% e li#!ed the bea't% of million! of '#id!8 even the radiant moon longed to behold the "ord5! bea't%+

C'rl% lo k! de orated Hi! e*<'i!itel% formed head and with lot'!/!ha#ed e%e! He looked like Go#ala ,r!na+ Hi! long arm! !tret hed to Hi! knee!+ He had an e*#an!ive he!t and reddi!h #ink li#!+ All Hi! limb! were bea'tif'll% formed+ Hi! brilliant !'n/red om#le*ion wa! alwa%! attra tive and Hi! finger!) hand! and feet were like blooming lot'!e!+ The "ord5! reddi!h om#le*ion !ometime! a'!ed Sa imata an*iet%A a! the hild ran abo't !he ke#t thinking !he o'ld !ee red) ga#ing wo'nd!+ Sa idevi and Sri 0agannatha &i!ra were alwa%! !tr' k with great wonder at the "ord5! bea't%+ Altho'gh the% were need%) their !on wa! a !o'r e of 'nending ;o% for them+ Together in !e l'!ion the% whi!#ered to ea h other) 6I wonder what great #er!onalit% ha! ome a! o'r !on+ 6An elevated and di!ting'i!hed #er!onalit% ha! taken birth in o'r ho'!eA #erha#! thi! will terminate all o'r material mi!erie!+ 6I have never heard of an% other hild a! wonderf'l a! o'r!+ He !mile! and dan e! witho't !to##ing when he hear! the hanting of "ord Hari5! name+ 64hen He rie! no amo'nt of on!oling will alm Him) b't when He hear! lo'd hanting of "ord Hari5! name He !to#! r%ing and li!ten!+ 6>rom earl% morning the ladie! !'rro'nded the "ord and lo'dl% !ing "ord Hari5! nameA the% la# their hand! in rh%thm and the "ord dan e! gleef'll%+6 The "ord #la%f'll% rolled in the d'!t) then la'ghing he wo'ld ;'m# into hi! mother5! la#+ The "ord dan ed) moving Hi! bod% in !' h a manner that no one an ontain hi! la'ghter+ Nobod% o'ld 'nder!tand how the "ord thro'gh hi! hildi!h #rank! motivated ever%one to hant the hol% name+ The "ord wa! !o viva io'! and re!tle!!) fleeting in and o't of the ho'!e) that no one o'ld at h Him+ Vent'ring o't on Hi! own) Nimai wanted to ta!te whatever he !aw / roa!ted ri e) banana) !ande!h) et + The "ord wa! !o e*tremel% attra tive that !tranger! gave him whatever he re<'e!ted+

Stranger! gave Him !ande!h or banana) and #lea!ed with Hi! gift! the "ord ret'rned home+ He then di!trib'ted the food to tho!e ladie! who !ang "ord Hari5! name+ @ver%one merril% a##la'ded the hild5! ingen'it% and ontin'o'!l% !ang "ord Hari5! name+ The "ord wandered freel% in and o't of the ho'!e) whether morning) noon) evening or night+ 3ail% He went to a friendl% neighbor5! ho'!e and m%!terio'!l% !tole from him+ In !ome ho'!e! He drank all the milk and in other! He ate all the ri e+ 4herever He fo'nd nothing to eat He wa! !ati!fied to break all the earthen #ot!+ If He fo'nd a !mall hild in an% ho'!e He wo'ld tea!e him to tear!) b't when He wa! ob!erved He fled+ B't if b% han e !ome one a'ght Him) Nimai wo'ld at h the #er!on5! feet and #lead+ 6(lea!e let me go thi! one la!t timeA I !hall never ome ba k again+ I will never !teal an%more+ (lea!e be mer if'l+6 A!to'nded b% the bo%5! !har# intelligen e) no one o'ld remain angr% with Him+ 7ltimatel% ever%one wa! affe tionate toward! Him+ (eo#le were nat'rall% a#tivated ;'!t b% !eeing Him) and #arent! loved Him more than the% loved their own hildren+ The "ord of Vaik'ntha) "ord Caitan%a) #a!!ed Hi! hildhood in thi! manner) moving and mi! hievo'!+ -ne da% two thieve! !aw the "ord roaming abo't the !treet! alone+ Seeing Hi! fine ornament!) the% on!#ired to !teal them+ -ne of the thieve! #i ked Him '# !a%ing 6-h dear. -h dear.6) while the other ;oined him !a%ing) 64here have %o' been for !o long?6 6Come <'i kl% home) dear6) the thieve! !aid+ The lord !miled and re#lied) 6Ye!) let '! go home+6 B'!il% the two thieve! !#ed awa% with the "ord in their arm! while the !treet onlooker! ignorantl% tho'ght that the rightf'l g'ardian! had taken their hild+ Teeming tho'!and! of #eo#le were on the !treet!) b't all were !tranger! to ea h other+ The thieve! were ha##% with them!elve! and with the ornament! on the hild+ -vertaken b% greed the thieve! were tr%ing to eat the imaginar% #ie/in/the/!k%) thinking the% wo'ld !'rel% !teal the golden bangle!+

The% arried Him on their !ho'lder! toward their hideo't while the "ord rode along h' kling to Him!elf+ -ne thief #a!!ed a !ande!h into the "ord5! hand) while the other !aid omfortingl%) 64e have almo!t rea hed home6+ The thieve! had kidna#ed the "ord and r'n far awa% when the "ord5! relative! began to !ear h for Him+ 6Vi!vambhara. Come home) Nimai.6 the% !ho'ted + @ver%one grew franti and re!tle!! like fi!h o't of water+ In di!tre!! the% remembered "ord Govinda) while far awa% the thieve! arried Nimai toward their ho'!e+ 3el'ded b% the S'#reme "ord5! ill'!or% #oten %) 6ma%a6) the thieve! mi!took the wa% to their hideo'tA the% arrived in!tead at the re!iden e of Sri 0agannatha &i!ra+ The bewildered thieve! tho'ght the% were in their own ho'!e) !o the% b'!ied them!elve! tr%ing to remove the "ord5! ornament!+ 6Get down now+ 4e are home+6 !aid the thieve!) and the "ord re#lied) 6Ye!) %e! #'t me down+6 In!ide Sri 0agannatha &i!ra5! ho'!e ever%one !at aro'nd with their head! in their hand! in 'tter de!#air+ The beg'iled thieve! took the "ord down from their !ho'lder!) thinking the ho'!e to be their own+ A! !oon a! Nimai wa! on the gro'nd He ran !traight to hi! father+ A ;o%o'! '#roar !hook the ho'!e a! the relative! lo'dl% hanted) 6Hari) Hari6+ An 'nder!tandable tran!formation overwhelmed the #eo#le a! if life had ret'rned to their bodie!+ The thieve! reali=ed that the ho'!e wa! not their own) b't the% o'ld not re ogni=e where the% were+ Taking advantage of the ommotion) the fearf'l thieve! !tealthil% left the #la e witho't being noti ed b% an%one+ Refle ting on the !trange and wonderf'l in ident) the thieve! tho'ght) 64ho i! #la%ing tri k! with '!?6 6Candidevi 1godde!! 3'rga2 ertainl% !aved '! toda%)6 the% !aid after regaining their om#o!'re+ Then the% embra ed ea h other+

The thieve! a t'all% gained immea!'rable #iet% and good fort'ne be a'!e the% arried the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead on their !ho'lder!+ In Sri 0agannatha &i!ra5! ho'!e the ha##% relative! a!ked) 64ho bro'ght the hild ba k? 4e !ho'ld offer him ni e gift! and tie a t'rban on hi! head+6 Some one !aid) 6I !aw two #er!on! ome with the hild) #'t him down and leave) b't I do not know whi h dire tion the% went after that+6 @ver%one wa! !'r#ri!ed that whoever bro'ght the hild ba k did not !ta% to be a knowledged+ The% t'rned to Nimai and a!ked) 6-'r dear hild) tell '! who bro'ght %o' ba k+ 4e are #'==led+6 The "ord re#lied) 6I went to the bank! of the Ganga b't I lo!t m% wa% home and wa! roaming abo't in the town+ Two #er!on! took me in their arm! and bro'ght me home6+ 6The word! of the ! ri#t're! are never wrong) The 'n!een hand of God alwa%! #rote t! hildren) old #er!on! and the hel#le!!)6 the% all !aid+ Being bewildered b% the "ord5! ill'!or% energ%) 6ma%a6) the relative! on;e t'red in man% wa%!+ The S'#reme "ord #erformed Hi! wonderf'l #a!time! in thi! mannerA no one an 'nder!tand them witho't the "ord5! dire t mer %+ 4hoever hear! the!e narration! / whi h are a m%!ter% even in the Veda! / an ea!il% get 'ndeviating devotion at "ord Caitan%a5! lot'! feet+ I) Vrndavana da!a) offer m% h'mble !ong at the lot'! feet of Sri ,r!na Caitan%a and Sri Nit%ananda (rabh') who are m% life and !o'l+ Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter D All glorie!) all glorie! to the S'#reme (er!onalit% Sri Vi!vambhara) "ord Caitan%aA He i! the S'#reme "ord of lord5! and Hi! feet are de orated b% the mark! of a flag) lightning) goad) et + The S'#reme "ord #erformed vario'! tran! endental #a!time! while re!iding in 0agannatha &i!ra5! ho'!e+ -ne da% Sri 0agannatha &i!ra alled hi! dear !on Vi!vambhara and told Him) 6Bring m% book+6

Nimai ha!tened to the ho'!e when He heard Hi! father5! all) and the ankle bell! on Hi! feet ;ingled lo'dl% a! He moved+ Sri 0agannatha &i!ra en<'ired) 64here i! the tinkling of ankle/bell! oming from?6 Both he and hi! wife Srimati Sa idevi !ear hed all aro'nd+ 6&% !on doe! not wear ankle/bell! on Hi! feet+ 4here doe! thi! !weet !o'nd of ankle/bell! ome from? 6How e*traordinar%.6 The father and mother on!idered the in ident b't remained !#ee hle!! with !'r#ri!e+ After bringing the book) the "ord ran off to #la%+ The #arent! !aw another wonder when the% entered their ho'!e+ All over the ho'!e the% !aw wonderf'l foot#rint! with different !%mbol! like the flag) lightning) goad) fe!toon!) et + Both were thrilled with great delight and their e%e! brimmed with tear! a! the% e*amined the foot#rint!+ The% offered obei!an e! to the lot'! foot#rint! and !aid)64e will be liberatedA no more birth!+6 Sri 0agannatha &i!ra re<'e!ted hi! wife) 6(lea!e li!ten) mother of Vi!var'#a 1"ord Caitan%a5! elder brother2) ook a ni e !weet ri e #re#aration with ghee+ 6In the morning I !hall bathe o'r ho'!e deit%) Sri 3amodara Sila) with #an a/gav%a 1the five !'b!tan e! ow/milk) %og'rt) ghee) ow 'rine and ow/d'ng+2 I believe that the !o'nd of ankle/bell! a t'all% ame from the feet of the deit% a! He !e retl% moved aro'nd the ho'!e+6 0agannatha &i!ra and Sa imata felt great ha##ine!! a! the% wor!hi#ed the Salagrama Sila) and "ord Caitan%a !miled within Hi! mind+ Hear on e again another wonderf'l #a!time of "ord Caitan%a) the !on of Sri 0agannatha &i!ra+ A ver% #io'! brahmin wa! vi!iting different #la e! of #ilgrimage! to !ati!f% the S'#reme "ord ,r!na+ He wor!hi#ed "ord ,ri!hna b% hanting the Go#ala/mantra on!i!ting of !i* !%llable!) and he did not eat an%thing other than the remanent of food offered to "ord Go#ala+

After vi!iting man% #ilgrimage !ite! the fort'nate brahmin at la!t ame to the ho'!e of "ord Caitan%a+ A! a #er!on of in om#arable #'rit%) he wa! envelo#ed in a great !#irit'al eff'lgen e+ He arried "ord Go#ala and Salagrama Sila aro'nd hi! ne k a! hi! mo!t wonderf'l de oration!+ 4ith half/ lo!ed e%e! the brahmin on!tantl% hanted ,ri!hna) ,r!na and dee# in hi! heart he ta!ted the ne tar of love of God+ Seeing thi! !hining #er!onalit%) 0agannatha &i!ra !tood '# o't of re!#e t and then offered hi! obei!an e!+ The mo!t re!#e table Sri 0agannatha &i!ra did ever%thing to #ro#erl% look after hi! e!teemed g'e!t+ He #er!onall% wa!hed the g'e!t! feet and offered him a fine elevated !eat+ -n e the brahmin wa! !eated omfortabl%) Sri 0agannatha &i!ra en<'ired) 64here i! %o'r #la e of re!iden e?6 The brahmin re#lied) 6I am di!intere!ted in worldl% affair! !o I travel thro'gho't different o'ntrie!A it i! onl% be a'!e of m% re!tle!! mind that I roam6+ Sri 0agannatha &i!ra !aid re!#e tf'll%) 6It i! the good fort'ne of the world that %o' travel ever%where+ 6I e!#e iall% feel mo!t fort'nate toda%) !o #lea!e #ermit me to ook for %o'+6 The brahmin re#lied) 63ear &i!ra) do a! %o' #lea!e+6 Ha##il% Sri &i!ra made e*traordinar% and wonderf'l arrangement!+ Sri &i!ra had the kit hen thoro'ghl% leaned and then arranged for all the ingredient! for ooking to be bro'ght+ The brahmin him!elf ooked to hi! f'll !ati!fa tion and !at down to offer all the food!t'ff to "ord ,r!na+ Sri Sa inandana Caitan%a i! the !'#er!o'l within ever%one5! heartA He de ided to !how Him!elf to the brahmin+ The brahmin had ;'!t beg'n hi! meditation when the S'#reme "ord) Sri Ga'ra!'ndara) a##eared in hi! #re!en e+ He !tood there naked) Hi! entire form overed with d'!t+ He wa! the olor of the !'n with bea'tif'l hand! and feet+

Smiling) He took a handf'l of food from the brahmin5! offering and ate it while the brahmin looked on+ Altho'gh favored b% good fort'ne) the brahmin alled o't) 6Ala!. ala!. Thi! re!tle!! bo% ha! !tolen the food meant for offering+6 4hen Sri 0agannatha &i!ra ame he !aw that the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) Sri Ga'ra!'ndara wa! ha##il% !miling and eating ri e+ Intending to beat the "ord) an angr% &i!ra ha!ed after Him) b't the brahmin !tood '# fearf'll% and a'ght hold of &i!ra5! hand+ The brahmin !aid) 6&% dear &i!ra) %o' are a re!#e table and knowledgeable #er!on) b't what knowledge doe! thi! little bo% have? 4hat will beating him a om#li!h? It i! one thing to beat a #er!on who an rea!on right from wrong) b't I forbid %o' to beat thi! bo%+6 >eeling mi!erable) Sri &i!ra !at down holding hi! head+ He did not !#eak a word nor did he lift hi! head+ 63o not feel !ad) dear &i!ra)6 !aid the brahmin+ 6The S'#reme "ord ertainl% know! ever%thing that ha##en! at all time!+ 6(lea!e bring whatever fr'it! or vegetable! %o' have in the ho'!e+ I !hall !im#l% eat that toda%+6 Sri &i!ra !aid) 6If %o' kindl% on!ider me %o'r !ervant) then let me arrange for %o' to ook again+ 6I !hall onl% be !ati!fied when %o' ook on e again+ I have all the ne e!!ar% ingredient! for ooking in the ho'!e+6 The other friend! and relative! in the ho'!e al!o im#lored him to ook again+ 6Sin e %o' all de!ire it)6 agreed the brahmin) 6I !hall ook ever% #re#aration again+6 @ver%one wa! !ati!fied that he had agreed and the% leaned the ooking #la e for him+ The% <'i kl% gathered the ooking ingredient! and the brahmin began to ook+ Some #eo#le warned the brahmin that the re!tle!! hild might !#oil the offering again+ 6Take the hild to another ho'!e and kee# Him there 'ntil the brahmin ha! om#leted hi! ooking and eating)6 the% told Sa imata+ &other Sa i arried her hild to a neighbor5! ho'!e+

The %o'ng ladie! all tea!ed 6He% Nimai. I! thi! the wa% %o' !ho'ld a t) !tealing the brahmin5! food?6 4ith a !mile on hi! e*<'i!ite moon/like fa e "ord Caitan%a re#lied) 64hat i! m% fa'lt? The brahmin alled &e+6 B't the% ob;e ted+ 6-h Nimai) will %o' do more mi! hief now that %o' have lo!t %o'r a!te? 4ho know! thi! brahmin) where he ome! from) or who hi! famil% i! ? How an %o' maintain %o'r a!te after having eaten food ooked b% him?6 Smiling) "ord Caitan%a re#lied) 6I belong to the ow tender! a!te. I a e#t food #re#ared b% a brahmin all the time+ How doe! a ow tender loo!e hi! a!te b% eating a brahmin5! food?6 Sa%ing thi! the "ord looked at ever%one with a !mile+ The S'#reme "ord) Sri Caitan%a) '!ed thi! tri k to e*#lain to them the tr'th abo't Him!elf) b't Hi! ill'!or% #oten % i! !o #erfe t that no one o'ld 'nder!tand Him+ A! the% arried Him aro'nd) the vario'! re!ident! of the neighboring ho'!e! en;o%ed the hild5! arg'ment!+ The "ord went ;o%f'll% from arm! to arm!) and whoever held him floated in an o ean of bli!!+ In the meantime) the brahmin ooked on e again and !at down to make offering to "ord Balago#ala+ 4hile offering) the brahmin tho'ght of "ord Balago#ala) b't "ord Ga'ra andra) the !'#er!o'l) knew ever%thing+ "ord Caitan%a harmed ever%one and then left their #re!en e om#letel% 'nnoti ed+ Smiling all the while) He went to the !#ot where the brahmin wa! offering hi! food+ Stealthil% "ord Caitan%a #'t a handf'l of ri e into Hi! mo'th and left+ The brahmin) a'ght b% !'r#ri!e) looked on in di!belief+ The brahmin rai!ed a lo'd alarm)6 Ala!. Ala!.6 The hild ate hi! ri e and !#rinted off+ Sri &i!ra angril% grabbed a !ti k and ha!ed after %o'ng Nimai+ "ord Nimai fled in dread and hid Him!elf in a room) b't Sri &i!ra ame after him) roaring in f'r%+ Sri &i!ra !aid) 6Yo' !hall !ee toda%. A t in thi! mi! hievo'! manner will %o'? Altho'gh I am 'lt'red and knowledgeable %o' think I am a great fool+6 Sri &i!ra ontin'ed) 6In who!e ho'!e an %o' find a! big a thief a! thi!?6 4ith ri!ing indignation he ha!ed after Nimai+

The #eo#le in the ho'!e a'ght hold of Sri &i!ra to di!!'ade him) b't the angr% father in!i!ted+ 6"eave me. Toda% I !hall beat him+6 The% tried to rea!on with him) 63ear &i!ra) %o' are known to be liberal+ 4hat !'#erior intelligen e will %o' di!#la% b% beating Him? Hi! !en!e of di! rimination between good and bad i! !till 'ndevelo#ed d'e to Hi! tender age) and onl% a ver% fooli!h #er!on wo'ld beat !' h a !mall hild+ B% nat're hildren are re!tle!!A it i! not tr'e that one an tea h them b% beating them+6 The #ilgrim h'rriedl% r'!hed to the ! ene and a'ght hold of Sri &i!ra5! hand+ 6Re!#e ted Sir) #lea!e hear me+ The %o'ng bo% i! not at fa'ltA whatever i! de!tined to o 'r on a ertain da% m'!t ha##en+ I am not de!tined to have "ord ,r!na5! ri e offering! toda%+ 4hat I am !a%ing i! the onfidential tr'th in thi! matter+6 Sri 0agannatha &i!ra h'ng hi! head in de;e tion) and be a'!e of hi! #ert'rbed mind he o'ld not look at an%one+ At that moment) Vi!var'#a) the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead and the abode of !#irit'al eff'lgen e) arrived on the ! ene+ Hi! entire form wa! !o harming that no bea't% in all the fo'rteen world! o'ld mat h it+ He !tood there) an embodiment of all !#irit'al #oten ie!) a brahmin5! thread a ro!! Hi! !ho'lder!+ He a##eared a! the identi al e*#an!ion of "ord Nit%ananda Him!elf+ Vi!var'#a wa! alwa%! engaged in e*#laining the #rime e!!en e of all ! ri#t're!) devotional !ervi e to the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) "ord ,r!na+ @n hanted b% Hi! e*<'i!ite form the #ilgrim brahmin !tared at Him with a ga#ing mo'th+ 64ho i! the father of thi! e*traordinar% #er!onalit%6? a!ked the brahmin+ 6He i! the !on of Sri &i!ra)6 ame the re#l%+ The brahmin embra ed Vi!var'#a in e*treme ;o% !a%ing) 6Virt'o'! are the #arent! of !' h a !on+6 Sri Vi!var'#a !at down after offering obei!an e! to the brahmin) and began !#eaking ne tarine word! whi h flowed like a !tream+ 6The da% t'rned a'!#i io'! and the ho'!e wa! ble!!ed with great fort'ne when %o' ame a! a g'e!t)6 !aid Vi!var'#a+

6Yo' are on!tant and ha##% within %o'r!elfA %o' travel ever%where !im#l% to !an tif% the earth+ 6It i! m% immen!e fort'ne that I have a g'e!t like %o'r good !elf) b't at the !ame time I feel ver% 'nfort'nate that %o' have to go witho't eating+ 6If a g'e!t in a ho'!e m'!t fa!t) then that ho'!e will inevitabl% fall vi tim to a!#er!ion! and ina'!#i io'!ne!!+ 6I re eived immen!e #lea!'re on !eeing %o') b't it #ained me greatl% to hear abo't all that o 'rred here+6 The brahmin !aid) 6(lea!e do not feel !orr%+ I !hall eat !ome fr'it! and vegetable!+6 6I am a fore!t dweller+ I annot get ri e or ooked food in the fore!t) !o I live mo!tl% on fr'it!) root! and vegetable!+ 6I !eldom eat ri e / onl% if it ome! m% wa% witho't m% endeavoring for it+ 6I feel I have eaten a million time! over !im#l% from the #lea!'re of !eeing %o'+ 6(lea!e go and bring whatever %o' have in the ho'!e / fr'it!) vegetable! or offering! / and I will eat them now+6 An e*tremel% de#re!!ed Sri 0agannatha &i!ra !at holding hi! head between hi! hand) not re#l%ing to an%one+ Sri Vi!var'#a !aid) 6Sir %o' are a magnanimo'! o ean of mer %) %et I feel he!itant to a!k %o' !omething+ Saintl% #er!on! b% nat're feel di!tre!!ed at other!5 !'ffering and are alwa%! read% to e*#and other!5 feeling! of ;o%+ 4ith a little endeavor %o' an ook a ni e offering for "ord ,r!na+ Thi! will di!#el all the mi!erie! of m% famil% toda%) and I will feel ma*im'm #lea!'re and ha##ine!!+6 The brahmin !aid) 6I alread% ooked twi e) %et "ord ,r!na did not allow me to eat+ 6So I an 'nder!tand I am de!tined not to eat toda%+ Thi! i! "ord ,r!na5! de!ire) !o wh% !ho'ld I make !' h an endeavor? 6-ne ma% have 'nlimited food !t'ff in the ho'!e b't he an eat onl% if "ord ,r!na allow!+

6-ne ma% endle!!l% tr% for !omething) b't if "ord ,r!na doe! not de!ire it) he will be 'n!' e!!f'l+ 6It i! now #a!t one/thirt% in the night) going on two o5 lo k+ I! it a##ro#riate to !tart ooking thi! late? 6Therefore #lea!e do not make an% arrangement! for ooking+ I will !im#l% eat !ome fr'it! and vegetable!+6 Sri Vi!var'#a re#lied) 6There i! nothing wrong with the time+ @ver%one will be #lea!ed if %o' ook+6 Sri Vi!var'#a then a'ght hold of the brahmin5! feet and ever%one in the ho'!e entreated him to ook again+ The brahmin wa! harmed b% Sri Vi!var'#a) and he agreed to ook+ @ver%one 'ttered Sri Hari5! name in ;o% and leaned the #la e for ooking+ The% leaned <'i kl% and meanwhile the ne e!!ar% ingredient! for ooking were bro'ght+ The re!#e ted brahmin then #ro eeded to ook) and ever%one ke#t the hild at a !e 're di!tan e+ Sri &i!ra #o!ted him!elf at the doorwa% of Nimai5! room+ 6Tie the door! to the room from the o't!ide !o that He annot e! a#e)6 !'gge!ted !omeone+ 6Good) good)6 agreed Sri &i!ra+ 6That i! a good #lan+ Tie the door! from the o't!ide and we will remain o't here+6 The ladie! in!ide Nimai5! room !aid) 63on5t worr%) Nimai i! fa!t a!lee#) there i! nothing more He an do+6 The hild wa! ke#t awa% in thi! manner and in a !hort while the brahmin fini!hed ooking+ That #io'! brahmin then #re#ared an offering #late filled with the thing! he ooked and he !at down to offer ever%thing to "ord ,ri!hna thro'gh hi! meditation+ Nimai) the !on of &other Sa i) knew ever%thing be a'!e he i! the !'#er!o'l with ever%one5! heart+ He de!ired to a##ear before the brahmin and reveal Him!elf+ B% the S'#reme "ord5! will) Nimai en hanted ever%one and the% !le#t effortle!!l%+ Sri Sa inandana a##eared in the #la e where the brahmin wa! offering hi! ri e to the "ord+

4hen the brahmin !aw the %o'ng bo% Nimai he rai!ed an alarm) b't no one heard him be a'!e the% were all in dee# !lee#+ Nimai) the S'#reme "ord !aid) 6- brahmin) %o' are known to be a magnanimo'! !o'l+ Yo' alled for &e !o I ame+ 4h% !ho'ld I be blamed for it? 6Yo' hanted mantra! to invoke &eA %o' be koned &e+ So I ame to %o'+ How o'ld I re!i!t? 6Yo' in e!!antl% meditate on &e) !o I de ided to a##ear before %o'+6 At that moment the brahmin !aw a wonderf'l !ight+ The S'#reme "ord !tood before him in Hi! eight/handed form holding in fo'r of Hi! hand! the fo'r !%mbol! / on h !hell) di! ) ma e and lot'!+ 4ith two other hand! He held b'tter and ate it and with the la!t two hand! he #la%ed the fl'te+ He !aw the "ord5! entire form de orated with gem/!t'dded ornament!A Hi! brea!t wa! marked with "ak!mi devi5! !ign of !rivat!a) and the #ri ele!! ,a'!t'bha ;ewel h'ng brilliantl% with other #re io'! gem! in a ne kla e+ Hi! head wa! de orated with fre!h fore!t flower! that ir led Hi! #ea o k feather+ Hi! r'bi 'nd li#!) like the ri!ing !'n) !et off Hi! !oftl% glowing moon/like fa e+ Hi! #ink lot'! #etal #air of e%e! !miled !weetl% a! Hi! knee/length Vai;a%anti flower garland and Hi! e*<'i!ite !hark/!ha#ed earring! !wa%ed deli atel%+ Hi! feet were like blo!!oming lot'! flower!) de orated with gentl% tinkling gem/!t'dded ankle/bell!+ The l'!ter from Hi! deli ate #earl/like nail! di!!i#ated the darkne!!+ The brahmin !aw the #la e tran!formed immediatel% into Vrndavana dhama+ The wonderf'l kadamba tree! be ame lamoro'! with the hir#ing of bird!+ Cowherd bo%! and girl! roamed abo't on their own and ever%thing wa! e*a tl% a! he had !een it in hi! meditation+ -ver ome with e !ta!% at !eeing !' h e*traordinar% di!#la% of o#'len e) the #io'! brahmin fell 'n on! io'!+ The S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) Sri Ga'ra!'ndara) 4ho i! an o ean of mer %) #la ed Hi! tran! endental hand on the brahmin5! bod%+ He regained on! io'!ne!! b% the "ord5! to' h) b't the brahmin wa! !till !#ee hle!! and inert with overwhelming ;o%+ Again and again he fell !wooning to the gro'nd+ Sometime! getting '# and !ometime! falling) he moved b% great '#!'rge! of !#irit'al emotion+ -ver ome b% !hivering) #er!#iration and horri#ilation) he wa! 'nable to remain !till+ Tear! flowed a! freel% a! &other Ganga+ The brahmin a'ght hold of the "ord5! lot'! feet and ried lo'dl% for !ome time+

A knowledging the brahmin5! eagerne!!) the S'#reme "ord Sri Ga'ra!'ndara !#oke a few word! with Hi! en hanting !mile+ The S'#reme "ord !aid) 6- learned brahmin) #lea!e li!ten+ In man% #a!t live! %o' were m% !ervitor+ 6Yo' have alwa%! meditated on &e) therefore I ame to !how &%!elf to %o'+ 6In &% #revio'! in arnation I a##eared to %o' in the ho'!e of &ahara;a Nanda in thi! !elf/!ame form) b't %o' have forgotten+ 6In &% #revio'! in arnation 1a! ,r!na2 I a##eared in Gok'la dhama) and in that lifetime %o' were making #ilgrimage! to hol% !ite! with !in ere !#irit'al fervor+ B% divine arrangement %o' ame a! a g'e!t to Nanda &ahara;a5! ho'!e and offered &e %o'r food!t'ff+ In that en o'nter we al!o e* hanged affe tion! ;'!t a! we are now+ I ate %o'r offering then a! I have done tonight+ 6Yo' are &% !ervant birth after birth) therefore I have a##eared before %o'+ 6No one other than &% !ervant! an !ee &e a! I am+ 6I am entr'!ting the!e onfidential to#i ! to %o'A do not reveal them to an%bod%+ A! long a! &% #re!ent in arnation remain! on thi! earth) if %o' reveal &% identit%) I !hall de!tro% %o'+ 6I made m% a##earan e where the ongregational hanting of "ord ,r!na5! hol% name ha! alread% beg'n) and I will initiate the #ro#agation of that hanting thro'gho't the world+ 6I will freel% di!trib'te to ever% ho'!e the #ro e!! of loving devotional !ervi e to the S'#reme "ord whi h i! !o ferventl% de!ired even b% "ord Brahma and other elevated #er!onalitie!+ 6Remain with '! for !ome time to ome and %o' will !ee man% thing!+ B't %o' are !tri tl% forbidden to de! ribe them to an%one+6 The S'#reme "ord Ga'ra!'ndara went ba k to Hi! room after He !howered Hi! mer % on the brahmin b% giving him all a!!'ran e+ He la% down like a hild in Hi! #revio'! !lee#ing #o!t're+ no one wa! aware of an%thing be a'!e of the dee# !l'mber a'!ed b% the "ord5! m%!ti #oten %+ The #io'! brahmin wa! filled with great e*hilaration after !eeing the e*traordinar% #a!time! of the "ord+ He !meared that tran! endental ri e over hi! entire bod% and then ate it while r%ing in e!!antl% in e !ta!%+

He dan ed) !ang) la'ghed and made lo'd roaring !o'nd! while ontin'o'!l% !ho'ting) 6All glorie! to "ord Balago#ala.6 The brahmin5! lo'd roaring awakened the re!ident! of the ho'!e) !o he <'i kl% re!trained him!elf from f'rther o'tb'r!t! of !#irit'al emotion! and leaned hi! bod%+ The brahmin ate witho't worr% and ever%one wa! immen!el% #lea!ed b% thi!+ The brahmin on!idered telling ever%one what he knew+ 6"et them know that the S'#reme "ord i! among!t themA that wa% the% an all be liberated)6 he tho'ght+ 6The S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead / 4ho i! de!ired b% and offered #ra%er! b% "ord Siva and "ord Brahma / ha! now a##eared in the famil% of a brahmin+6 B't the brahmin remembered the "ord5! in!tr' tion not to reveal an%thing to an%bod%+ Afraid to di!obe% Him) he did not !#eak to an%one+ The brahmin knew the "ord5! real identit% b't other! were 'naware that the brahmin had thi! e*traordinar% knowledge+ Ha##il% the brahmin remained near the "ord+ He begged alm! from man% different #la e! b't ea h da% he ret'rned to !ee the S'#reme "ord+ S' h wonderf'l #a!time! of the "ord are revealed in the Vedi literat're!A if one hear! the!e to#i ! he re eive! the om#lete !helter of "ord Sri ,r!na+ The Adi ,handa i! f'll of ne tarine to#i !+ It de! ribe! how the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) Nara%ana) #erformed #la%f'l #a!time! a ting a! tho'gh He were a mere hild+ The S'#reme "ord Ga'ra!'ndara i! the re!t ;ewel of the fo'rteen world! and the S'#reme "ord of the Vaik'ntha #lanet! that lie be%ond thi! material world+ He i! "ord Nara%ana) the h'!band of "ak!mi devi+ He i! al!o "ord Rama andra) the h'!band of Sita devi+ In Treta Y'ga Ga'ra!'ndara a##eared a! "ord Rama with Hi! %o'nger brother Sri "ak!man 1"ord Nit%ananda2+ He #erformed vario'! e*traordinar% #a!time! and killed the great demon ,ing Ravana+ In 3va#ara Y'ga He a##eared a! "ord ,r!na with Sankar!ana) Balarama+ (erforming man% wonderf'l #a!time!) the% alleviated the weight of !in in the world+ I) Vrndavana da!a) offer thi! h'mble !ong at the lot'! feet of Sri ,r!na Caitan%a and Sri Nit%ananda Candra (rabh') 4ho are m% life and !o'l+

The Veda! alwa%! glorif% two S'#reme (er!onalitie! "ord &'k'nda 1,r!na2 and "ord Ananta Se!a 1Balarama2+ ,now for ertain that the!e two S'#reme (er!onalitie! have now a##eared a! "ord Caitan%a and "ord Nit%ananda+ Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter E "ord Ga'ranga) like the hild Go#ala ,r!na) #erformed Hi! #la%f'l #a!time! in vario'! wa%!+ The time for Hi! formal ed' ation a##roa hed+ >i*ing an a'!#i io'! da% and an a'!#i io'! moment) Sri &i!ra) the mo!t elevated brahmin) formall% #la ed the writing halk in the hand of hi! !on+ After a few da%! the Sri C'dakarna eremon% 1when %o'ng brahmin bo%! !have their head! leaving onl% a !ikha2 wa! #erformed amid!t all of Nimai5! friend!+ The ,arnabedha eremon% whi h marked the beginning of Nimai5! Vedi !t'die! wa! al!o ob!erved+ @ver%one wa! ama=ed that Nimai o'ld write down all the al#habet letter! immediatel% on !eeing them+ 4ithin two or three da%! Nimai had learned all the on;'n t letter!) and he !#ent Hi! time writing man% different name! of S'#reme "ord ,r!na) like Rama) ,r!na) &'rari) Banamali) et + He !t'died eagerl% and wrote da% and night+ Nara%ana) the "ord of the Vaik'ntha #lanet!) took the g'i!e of the hild Nimai and !t'died with the other hildren in Nadia+ -nl% the mo!t fort'nate !o'l! o'ld !ee Hi! wonderf'l #a!time+ The living entitie! be ame enra#t'red ;'!t hearing Nimai5! !weet re itation of the Bengali al#habet+ 4henever or wherever "ord Ga'ra!'ndar #erformed Hi! e*traordinar% #a!time!) the% remained in om#rehen!ible+ If Nimai o'ld not at h the bird He !aw fl%ing in the !k%) then He we#t bitterl% and rolled in the d'!t+ Sometime! He ried for the moon and !tar! in the heaven and thra!hed Hi! arm! and leg! violentl% if He o'ld not have them+

At !' h time! ever%one tried to #a if% the hild+ 0agannatha &i!ra wo'ld take Him in hi! arm! b't the hild wo'ld ref'!e to be #a ified+ 6Give. Give.6 He wo'ld r%+ The onl% remed% for Nimai5! r%ing wa! kirtana of the name! of "ord Hari+ @ver%one wo'ld la# their hand! and hant) 6Hari) Hari6A onl% then wo'ld Nimai forget Hi! di!tre!! and be ome alm+ The fre<'ent hanting of "ord Hari5! name! for the #lea!'re of Nimai t'rned Sri 0agannatha &i!ra5! ho'!e into the tran! endental abode of Vaik'ntha+ -ne da% the "ord ontin'ed to r% in !#ite of the lo'd hanting of Hari5! name+ Someone !aid) 6&% dear Nimai) ome and dan e ni el%+ 4e are !inging "ord Hari5! name6+ B't Nimai ontin'ed to r%) not li!tening to an%one+ 6S#eak) dear hild+ 4h% are %o' r%ing !o m' h?6 the% a!ked him+ 63ear hild) tell '! what %o' want+ 4e will bring %o' whatever %o' likeA !im#l% !to# %o'r r%ing+6 The "ord re#lied) 6If %o' want to !ave m% life) then <'i kl% go to the ho'!e! of the two brahmin! 0agadi!a (andita and Hiran%a (andita+ 6I am ver% attra ted to the home! of the!e two #'re devotee!) and if I o'ld eat their offering! I wo'ld be ome health% and alm and I o'ld behave normall%+6 Nimai5! re<'e!t wa! im#o!!ible+ 4hat He wanted wa! neither #ra ti ed among men nor !an tioned in the ! ri#t're!+ &other Sa i felt di!tre!!ed+ @ver%one !miled at Hi! hildi!h word! and #romi!ed) 64e will give %o' whatever %o' want hild) b't now !to# r%ing+6 0agadi!a (andita and Hiran%a (andita were to#mo!t Vai!nava devotee! and in!e#arable friend! of Sri 0agannatha &i!ra+ 4hen the% heard Nimai5! re<'e!t the% were filled with ;o%+ The two brahmin Vai!nava! !aid) 6Thi! i! a ver% e*traordinar% !tor%+ 4e have never !een !' h an intelligent hild+ How o'ld He know that toda% wa! @kada!i and that a large variet% of food had been offered to the "ord? 6Now we 'nder!tand the hild5! e*<'i!ite bea't%A "ord Go#ala ,r!na m'!t be re!iding in Him+ 6The S'#reme "ord Nara%ana a t! thro'gh thi! bo%+ Sitting in Hi! heart) the "ord #rom#t! Nimai to !#eak in ama=ing wa%!+6

The two Vai!nava brahmin! de ided to give all the offering! to Nimai and the% took ever%thing to Hi! ho'!e with great delight+ 6@at the!e offering! we made to the "ord)6 the% told Nimai+ 6-'r de!ire to !ati!f% "ord ,r!na will th'! be f'lfilled+6 -nl% b% ,r!na5! mer % an one develo# the !#irit'al intelligen e to #erform devotional !ervi eA other than the "ord5! !ervant) no one #o!!e!!e! !' h intelligen e+ -nl% thro'gh devotional !ervi e an the S'#reme "ord) Sri Caitan%a &aha#rabh') be known a! He i!+ The entire o!mi manife!tation ha! emanated from the #ore! of the hair of Hi! bod%+ The "ord5! eternal !ervant!) 0agadi!a and Hiran%a (andita) !aw to their f'll !ati!fa tion how the S'#reme "ord a! a brahmin hild #erform Hi! tran! endentall% #la%f'l #a!time!+ The "ord ha##il% re eived all the offering! from Hi! devotee!) and He ta!ted a little !omething from ever% #re#aration+ Smiling with #lea!'re "ord Nimai ate ,r!na5! offering and all of Hi! 'n'!'al whim! were a##ea!ed+ @ver%one in the ho'!e !ang) 6Hari) Hari6 and the "ord ate and dan ed to the hanting of Hi! own name+ Nimai dro##ed !ome of the food on the gro'nd and !ome got !meared on the other famil% member!+ In thi! wa% the "ord of the 'niver!e) the Controller of the threefold mi!erie!) #erformed Hi! tran! endental #a!time!+ The S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) who i! de! ribed in all the Veda! and ('rana!) #la%ed like a hild in &other Sa idevi5! o'rt%ard+ A! He grew) Nimai be ame totall% ab!orbed in the re!tle!! mood of a %o'ng bo% with the other re!tle!! %o'ng !on! of the Navadvi#a brahmin!+ No one o'ld re!train Him and He wandered freel% with Hi! friend!+ 7#on meeting another %o'ng bo%) Nimai wo'ld #oke f'n at him and the bo% wo'ld ret'rn the ta'nt! 'ntil a <'arrel broke o't+ Nimai and Hi! friend! alwa%! won !' h <'arrel! be a'!e Nimai wa! more #owerf'lA the o##onent! inevitabl% went awa% defeated+ How en hanting Nimai looked with Hi! bod% overed in gra%i!h d'!t and !#e kled with dro#! of bla k writing ink+

After fini!hing their !t'die! ea h da% at noon) Nimai and Hi! friend! went to bathe in the Ganga) am'!ing them!elve! all the while+ 3iving in the water! of the Ganga) Nimai and Hi! friend! hallenged one another b% !#la!hing+ 4ho an de! ribe Nadia5! o#'len e in tho!e da%!? H'ndred! of #eo#le gathered in one bathing #la e on the river+ It wa! im#o!!ible to kee# tra k of the n'mber of different #eo#le who ame to the bathing #la e+ Ren'n iate! in !affron robe!) ho'!eholder!) #ea ef'l gentlemen) hildren) et +) ame there to bathe+ The "ord #erformed wonderf'l water !#ort! with Hi! friend!) !ometime! floating with the 'rrent! of the Ganga+ 7!ing the e* '!e of water !#ort!) Nimai !#la!hed water from Hi! divine lot'! feet on whoever wa! near Him) th'! !howering Hi! gra e '#on them+ (eo#le warned Nimai not to be !o mi! hievo'! b't He #aid no heed+ Nor o'ld an%one at h Him a! He wa! the !wifte!t !wimmer+ Nimai for ed ever%one to bathe !everal time! b% ontaminating them) b% to' hing them after their bath or !ometime! b% !#itting on them+ 7nable to at h Nimai to reb'ke Him) the enraged brahmin! !tormed off to Hi! father+ 63ear &i!ra) m% good friend6) one gentleman !aid+ 6(lea!e li!ten well+ I have ome to om#lain abo't %o'r !on5! mi! ond' t+ He doe! not allow '! to #erform o'r dail% abl'tion! in the Ganga #ro#erl%+6 Another man om#lained) 6He !#la!he! water on '! and di!t'rb! o'r meditation+6 6>'rthermore) Nimai !a%!) F4ho are %o' meditating on? 0'!t look at &e+ In thi! ,ali Y'ga I am dire tl% "ord Nara%ana Him!elf5+6 The% all ame with different om#laint!+ -ne man !aid) 6He !tole m% Siva linga deit%+6 Another !aid) 6He ran awa% with m% o'ter lothe!+6 Still another re#orted) 6I #re#ared for "ord Vi!hn'5! wor!hi# and olle ted in one #la e different ingredient! like flower!) d'rva gra!!) !andalwood and a !eat for "ord Vi!hn'+ 4hen I went for m% bath) Nimai !at on "ord Vi!hn'5! !eat) ate the offering and threw the other ingredient! awa%+ 6Then Nimai !aid) F4h% do %o' feel !o !ad? The "ord of %o'r wor!hi# ha! Him!elf eaten %o'r offering5+6 The #eo#le ontin'ed to om#lain+ -ne brahmin !aid) 6I !te##ed into the water to re ite m% Ga%atri mantra and from nowhere Nimai ame 'nder the water and #'lled me awa% b% m% feet+6

Another !aid) 6&% lothe! and flower! are invariabl% taken awa%+6 Yet another !aid) 6He !teal! m% Bhagavad Gita ! ri#t're+6 Another e*a!#erated voi e added) 6&% !on i! ver% %o'ng+ Nimai #'t! water in hi! ear! and make! him wee# mi!erabl%+6 Someone el!e om#lained) 6He !neak! aro'nd to m% ba k and limb! onto m% !ho'lder! !ho'ting) 5I am &ahe!h.5 and then ;'m#! down+6 Another om#lained) 6He !it! on m% !eat of wor!hi# and eat! all m% offering!A then He #erform! wor!hi# of "ord Vi!hn'+ He throw! !and at an%one who ha! fini!hed bathing and all the other re!tle!!) mi! hievo'! bo%! ;oin Him+ -ne of Hi! wor!t tri k! i! that while the women and men are bathing He mi*e! '# their lothe! and when the% want to dre!! the% be ome <'ite di!t'rbed+6 63ear 0agannatha &i!ra) %o' are a genero'! and friendl% gentleman) b't I tell %o' %o'r !on Nimai doe! thi! !ort of mi! hief ever% !ingle da%+ He remain! in the water well #a!t two in the afternoon tea!ing ever%one that ome! for their bath+ How do %o' e*#e t Him to maintain Hi! health+ In the meantime man% angr% %o'ng girl! from the neighborhood a##roa hed Sa idevi+ The% arre!ted Sa idevi with !erio'! om#laint!) 6(lea!e hear from '!) re!#e ted mother) abo't %o'r !on5! mi!deed!+ He !teal! o'r lothe! and '!e! awf'll% ab'!ive lang'age with '!+ 4hen we tr% to orre t Hi! !#ee h) He !#la!he! water on '! and !tart! <'arreling+ 4e bring fr'it! and flower! to the Ganga to follow o'r religio'! ob!ervan e!) b't He ! atter! and !#oil! ever%thing+ He wait! for '! to fini!h o'r abl'tion and then throw! !and on '!+ Yo'r !on Nimai !tealthil% ome! from behind '! and !'ddenl% !ho't! lo'dl% into o'r ear!) mortif%ing '!+6 6Nimai !#at a mo'thf'l of water right into m% fa e) and threw the!e okada !eed! in m% hair+ The% do not ome off !o ea!il%+6 Yet another voi e om#lained) 6Nimai !a%! He want! to marr% me+6 6@ver%da% He behave! in thi! mannerA do %o' think %o'r !on i! a #rin e?6 the% in<'ired+ 6@ver%thing %o'r !on Nimai doe! i! e*a tl% what Nanda &ahara;a5! !on Go#ala ,r!na did a long time ago+ 4e have heard !torie! of ,r!na+ 6If we re#ort all the!e om#laint! to o'r #arent! the% will !'rel% <'arrel with %o'+ 6Yo' !ho'ld immediatel% orre t %o'r %o'ng !onA Hi! ond' t i! ertainl% not well re eived in a town like Nadia+6 4ith a !miling fa e) Sri Caitan%a &aha#rabh'5! mother embra ed ea h girl and !#oke omforting word! to them all+ 64hen Nimai ret'rn! home toda% I will beat Him and bind Him '# !o that He an never again go o't and t%ranni=e an%one+6 All of them re!#e tf'll% took the d'!t from Sa idevi5! feet on their head! and #ro eeded to the Ganga to take their bath! again+ Regardle!! of how ever%one !'ffered d'e to Nimai5! mi! hief) ea h #er!on felt great !ati!fa tion in Hi! #re!en e+

The S'#reme Controller of ever%one and ever%thing) Sri Ga'ranga) knew that Sri &i!ra wa! looking for Him in a !tate of rage+ "ord Sri Ga'ra!'ndar ontin'ed to #erform Hi! wonderf'l water !#ort!+ Among!t all the bo%!) He wa! the mo!t harming+ The %o'ng maiden! took #it% on Nimai and !aid) 6"i!ten Vi!vambhara) %o'r angr% father i! oming in thi! dire tion+ Right now e! a#e6+ Sri &i!ra !ear hed for Nimai #la%ing among!t Hi! friend! while all the brahmin maiden! ran awa% in fear+ Nimai had alread% in!tr' ted Hi! friend! that when Hi! father en<'ired abo't Hi! whereabo't! the% !ho'ld !a%) 6Yo'r !on did not ome for Hi! bath with '!+ He went ba k home after la!!+ In fa t we o'r!elve! are waiting for him+6 Nimai ret'rned to Hi! ho'!e b% another road and Sri &i!ra arrived at that bathing #la e on the Ganga+ Sri &i!ra looked ever%where b't o'ld not find Nimai among!t the gro'# of bo%!+ 64here did Vi!vambhara go?6 en<'ired 0agannatha &i!ra angril%+ The %o'ng bo%! re#lied) 6Toda% He never ame for Hi! bath+ He ret'rned home on Hi! '!'al road after la!!+ 4e are all waiting for Him+ Sri &i!ra ontin'ed to !ear h for Nimai) b't 'nable to find Him) he !tood f'ming with rage+ Tho!e brahmin! who had earlier made om#laint! again!t Nimai ;'!t for !ome f'n) now ame to Sri &i!ra and !aid) 6Vi!vambhara ran home o't of fear+ 4e will a om#an% %o' home) le!t %o' do an%thing to Him that will later be regretted+ 6If Nimai doe! thi! !ort of mi! hief again then we o'r!elve! will at h Him and bring Him to %o'+ 6All tho!e om#laint! we made abo't Nimai at %o'r re!iden e were !im#l% o't of f'n+ A t'all% %o'r good fort'ne i! 'nmat hed in all the three world!+ 6Nimai i! !' h a #lea!ing !on that the member! of Hi! famil% are never to' hed b% h'nger) thir!t) !orrow or other material !'ffering!+ 6Yo'r !on i! the !'#reme eternal "ordA %o' are tr'l% ver% fort'nate to be able to !erve Hi! lot'! feet+ 64e will alwa%! kee# Vi!vambhara5! memor% in o'r heart!) even if He ommit! o'ntle!! offen!e!+6

The #er!onalitie! of Nadia were eternal devotee! and a!!o iate! of the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead Sri ,r!na+ >or thi! rea!on the% were endowed with the !'#erior intelligen e re<'ired to render tran! endental devotional !ervi e to the "ord+ The S'#reme "ord #erformed vario'! tran! endental #a!time! with Hi! intimate !ervitor!A a m'ndane #er!on annot 'nder!tand !' h a tivitie! of the "ord+ Sri &i!ra !aid) 6Nimai i! a !on to all of %o'+ If %o' !ho'ld take differen e to Hi! offen!e) then I am bo'nd to %o' b% oath+ I beg %o'r forgivene!!+6 Sri &i!ra warml% embra ed ever%one and ret'rned home feeling greatl% !ati!fied+ The S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead "ord Vi!vambhara had gone home b% another road+ Shining brightl% like the moon) He arried bea'tif'l book! in Hi! hand!+ Blot he! of writing ink on different #art! of Nimai5! bod% a##eared like de oration! on Hi! golden om#le*ion+ It looked a! tho'gh a !weet !melling golden ham#aka flower had attra ted a !warm of bla k b'mblebee!+ "ord Nimai alled o't 6&other) give me oil) I want to go for m% bath+6 &other Sa i5! heart gladdened+ She o'ld not dete t an% !ign that Nimai had taken a bath+ Giving Nimai the oil) Sa idevi tho'ght) 64hat did the brahmin! and the %o'ng maiden! !a% abo't Nimai? 6Hi! whole bod% i! !#otted with ink blot he!+ He ha! the !ame lothe! on that He wore to ! hool+6 0agannatha &i!ra arrived home at that moment and Vi!vambhara limbed on hi! la#+ Sri &i!ra lo!t all e*ternal) m'ndane #er e#tion! in the "ord5! loving embra eA he b'bbled over with ha##ine!! at the !ight of hi! !on+ Sri &i!ra !aw that Nimai wa! overed with d'!t and there were no !ign! of Hi! having taken a bath+ Sri &i!ra wa! tr'l% ama=ed+ Sri &i!ra !aid) 6Vi!vambhara) what !ort of intelligent bo% are %o' that %o' do not allow #eo#le to take their bath! in #ea e? 64h% do %o' !teal and di!t'rb the arrangement! #eo#le make for wor!hi#ing "ord Vi!hn'? Yo' know who "ord Vi!hn' i!) !o wh% do %o' a t like thi! witho't an% fear?6 6B't toda% I have not %et gone for m% bathA all m% friend! have gone ahead of &e)6 re#lied Nimai+

6All the!e #eo#le are behaving im#ro#erl% toward! &e+ Altho'gh I have not been near them) the% fal!el% a '!e &e of being at fa'lt+ 6If the% ontin'e to find fa'lt and fal!el% a '!e me) then I will a t'all% mi!behave and reate tro'ble for them+6 The "ord !miled and left for the Ganga where He met again with all Hi! friend!+ Nimai5! friend! embra ed Him and la'ghed merril% when the% heard Hi! witt% !tor%+ The% all #rai!ed Him !a%ing) 6Yo' were ver% lever) Nimai+ Yo' ni el% !aved %o'r!elf from a good beating toda%+6 Nimai wa! on e again engro!!ed in water !#ort! with Hi! friend! while ba k in the ho'!e &other Sa idevi and Sri &i!ra !erio'!l% on!idered ertain #oint!+ All the om#laint! bro'ght again!t Nimai were ertainl% not lie!) %et there wa! no indi ation that Nimai had taken a bath+ @ver%thing wa! ;'!t a! it !ho'ld be+ Hi! bod% wa! overed with d'!t) He wa! dre!!ed in the !ame lothe! and the% were dr%+ Hi! hair wa! al!o dr% and he had Hi! book!+ 6I think o'r Vi!vambhara i! not an ordinar% #er!on)6 !aid Sri &i!ra+ 6(erha#! the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead ,r!na) b% Hi! internal #oten %) ha! a##eared in o'r ho'!e a! o'r !on+ 6-r #erha#! Nimai i! !ome great !aintl% #er!onalit%+ I am at a lo!! to know+6 Sri &i!ra) the ;ewel/ like brahmin) #ondered the matter !erio'!l%+ Sri 0agannatha &i!ra and &other Sa idevi felt !o ha##% to !ee their !on that all their ogitation! vani!hed+ Their heart! filled with tender affe tion for Nimai and nothing el!e mattered to them+ Both of them felt their !on5! ab!en e inten!el%+ Nimai5! two ho'r! of !t'd% !eemed like two %'ga! to Hi! #arent!+ If the Veda! were to de! ribe the great fort'ne! of &other Sa idevi and Sri &i!ra in a o'ntle!! variet% of wa%! and with inn'merable mo'th!) that fort'ne wo'ld !till remain in on eivable+ I offer o'ntle!! obei!an e! at the lot'! feet of &other Sa idevi and Sri &i!ra who re eived the S'#reme "ord and ontroller of the limitle!! o!mi manife!tation a! their !on+ The "ord of Vaik'ntha) "ord Vi!vambhara) #erformed wonderf'l #a!time! in a #lea!ing manner+ No one o'ld #er eive the!e tran! endental a tivitie! be a'!e of the infl'en e of the S'#reme "ord5! !#irit'al energ%+ I) Vrndavana da!a) offer thi! h'mble !ong at the lot'! feet of Sri ,r!na Caitan%a and Sri Nit%ananda Candra (rabh') who are m% life and !o'l+

Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter G All glorie!) all glorie! to "ord Ga'ra andra 4ho i! the S'#reme "ord of lord!+ All glorie!) all glorie! to Sri Vi!vambhara and Hi! dear mo!t devotee!+ All glorie! to the ill'!trio'! !on of Sri 0agannatha &i!ra and &other Sa idevi+ He i! the life and !o'l of all !'rrendered devotee!+ - "ord Vi!vambhara) #lea!e glan e '#on '! mer if'll% and deliver '! all+ 7!ing the #rete*t of mirthf'l hildi!h #a!time!) "ord Ga'ra!'ndara e*#anded Hi! 'nlimited !#irit'al form! and Hi! tran! endental devotional !ervi e in Navadvi#a dhama+ The re!tle!! Nimai)tirele!!l% reated mi! hief with ever%one+Tho'gh Hi! mother tried to orre t Him with !weet advi e) He #aid not the !lighte!t attention+ In the #re!en e of good in!tr' tion He reated twi e a! m' h mi! hief+ 4hatever He o'ld rea h in the ho'!e) He wo'ld gleef'll% !ma!h+ -'t of a##rehen!ion) the #arent! at la!t refrained from giving an% f'rther in!tr' tion!+ The 'nre!trained Nimai #la%ed at will) di!#la%ing Hi! wonderf'l #a!time!+ The de! ri#tion! of Nimai in Adi ,handa are like ne tar to the ear!+ The wonderf'l hildhood #a!time! of the S'#reme "ord Nara%ana are de! ribed there+ The "ord feared no one / not Hi! father nor mother+ B't in the #re!en e of Hi! elder brother Vi!var'#a) He be ame !oft and h'mble+ Sri Vi!var'#a) the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) wa! the trea!'re ho'!e of all divine <'alitie! and a ren'n iate from Hi! ver% birth+ Vi!var'#a e*#lained that the e!!en e of all ! ri#t're! wa! the #ath of devotional !ervi e to the S'#reme "ord+ No one ha! ever had the #ower to ref'te Hi! e*#lanation!+ He wa! totall% ab!orbed in "ord ,r!na and b% engaging Hi! hearing) !#ee h) mind and all other !en!e! in the !ervi e of the "ord) He grew di!intere!ted in an%thing el!e+ 4hile ontem#lating Nimai5! 'n'!'al behavior) Vi!var'#a wa! filled with wonder+

6Thi! %o'ng bo% i! not an ordinar% m'ndane #er!onalit%+ Hi! bea'tif'l form and e*traordinar% behavior make! me think He i! "ord Balago#ala+ 6I have !een Him #erform ontin'o'! !'#erh'man a tivitie!) b't I #er!onall% believe it i! a t'all% the S'#reme "ord ,r!na who ena t! the!e #a!time! in the bod% of thi! hild+6 The magnanimo'! Vi!var'#a #ondered thi! matter for !ome time b't did not reveal Hi! reali=ation to an%one) #referring to remain engro!!ed in Hi! own !ervi e+ Vi!var'#a wa! alwa%! fo'nd in the a!!o iation of #'re Vai!nava devotee! di! '!!ing to#i ! abo't ,r!na) engaging in ,r!na5! !ervi e or wor!hi#ing the "ord in devotion+ (eo#le of the world have alwa%! been mad after m'ndane life) wealth) hildren) ed' ation) et + 4hen the materiali!ti #eo#le of Nadia wo'ld !ee the Vai!nava devotee! / who are nat'rall% di!g'!ted with material life / the% wo'ld ta'nt them+ The materiali!t! om#o!ed ver!e! and re ited them whenever the% !aw a Vai!nava+ 6The reno'n ed !ann%a!i!) the ha!te ladie! and the %ogi! #erforming a'!terit% will all have to die+ Then wh% their f'tile endeavor?6 6B% o'r !tandard a fort'nate #er!on ha! the mean! to ride on a hor!e or be arried on a #alan<'in with ten to twent% #er!on! r'nning in front and behind him+ 6Yo' dren h %o'r!elve! with tear! of !#irit'al emotion! while !inging to %o'r "ord) %et we do not !ee an% !ign of %o'r #overt% and mi!er% being alleviated+ 6Yo'r "ord will !'rel% be ome angr% if %o' ontin'e to all o't 5Hari Hari5 !o lo'dl% and !o often.6 The "ord5! #'re devotee! felt !orr% for the athei!ti #eo#le who were devoid of devotion and therefore !#oke in an offen!ive manner+ In ever% dire tion the devotee! !aw #eo#le b'rning in the fire of material e*i!ten e+ Nowhere o'ld the% hear the kirtana of "ord Hari5! name!+ Sri Vi!var'#a in #arti 'lar felt great ang'i!h over the ab!en e of kirtana of the name of Hi! beloved ,r!na Candra+ If ever Bhagavat Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam di! o'r!e! were held) the !#eaker o'ld never e*#lain the #rivilege! of devotional !ervi e to "ord ,r!na whi h wa! the real e!!en e of tho!e ! ri#t're!+ The tea her! de!tro%ed them!elve! b% #erverting the meaning of the ! ri#t're! and !#e 'lating on the on l'!ion+ 3evotional !ervi e i! 'nknown to !' h a materiali!ti !o iet%+

Sri Advaita A ar%a (rabh' and the other Vai!nava devotee! were over ome with #it% and !orrow for the 'nfort'nate living entitie! who were affli ted b% #erverted on e#tion! of life+ Sri Vi!var'#a wa! de#re!!ed b% the environment and !aid to Him!elf)6I do not like to !ee the !inf'l fa e! of the #eo#le of thi! materiali!ti !o iet%+ I will go live in the fore!t+6 @a h da% at dawn) after a bath in the Ganga) Sri Vi!var'#a wo'ld vi!it the ho'!e of Sri Advaita A ar%a (rabh'+ Sri A ar%a (rabh' '!ed to roar in delight when He heard Sri Vi!var'#a e*#lain that the e!!en e of all ! ri#t're! wa! the #ro e!! of devotional !ervi e to "ord ,r!na+ He wo'ld leave a!ide Hi! reg'lar wor!hi# ;'!t to hear Sri Vi!var'#a5! di! o'r!e!+ and the a!!embled Vai!nava! wo'ld e* laim) 6Hari. Hari.6 in a##re iation of the di! '!!ion+ The devotee! roared like lion! in the e !ta!% of ,r!na on! io'!ne!! and felt the heav% b'rden of gloom lift from their heart!+ -n !' h da%! no one wanted to leave Vi!var'#a5! a!!o iation) nor o'ld He !e#arate Him!elf from the devotee!+ -ne da% when &other Sa i had om#leted her ooking !he told Sri Vi!vambhara to bring Hi! elder brother home to eat+ Bearing that in!tr' tion "ord Vi!vambhara ran to Sri Advaita A ar%a5! re!iden e to retrieve Hi! brother+ At the A ar%a5! ho'!e He !aw the a!!embl% of Vai!nava! di! '!!ing the mo!t a'!#i io'! to#i ! of ,r!na lila+ Sri Ga'ra!'ndara) who i! "ord ,r!na Him!elf) felt !ati!fied to hear the devotee! glorif% Him) and He a#tivated them with Hi! glan e!+ @ver% line of the "ord5! tran! endental form !eemed to def% the e*tremitie! of deli ate bea't%A the radian e of million! '#on million! of moon! lo!t their l'!ter when om#ared to the eff'lgen e of even one of the "ord5! finger nail!+ Bare/ he!ted and overed with d'!t) Vi!vambhara !miled and addre!!ed Hi! elder brother+ 6Brother) ome to eat+ &other i! alling %o'+6 He a'ght hold of Vi!var'#a5! dhoti and together The% walked home+ Sri Vi!vambhara5! en hanting bea't% held the devotee! in a tran e+ The% !tared at Him in wonder) 'nable to move+

The devotee! entered into meditation) e*#erien ing the e !ta!% of love of Godhead+ @ven the di! '!!ion! on ,r!na o'ld not be ontin'ed+ The materiali!ti #er!on i! 'nable to om#rehend the "ord5! tran! endental a tivitie! of attra ting and all'ring the heart! of Hi! devotee!+ Thi! m%!ter% wa! revealed in the Srimad Bhagavatam where the mat hle!! me!!age of S'kadeva Go!vami wa! given to &ahara;a (arik!ita+ In a #revio'! millenni'm) thi! Sri Ga'ra!'ndara a##eared in Gok'la a! ,r!na+ He roamed abo't in different ho'!e! ena ting Hi! hildhood #a!time! in the om#an% of other hildren+ The owherd ladie! of Gok'la were more fond of bab% ,r!na than of their own !on!+ Altho'gh the Go#i! did not 'nder!tand that "ord ,r!na wa! the S'#reme "ord) the% nat'rall% felt more affe tion for Him than for their own !on!+ ,ing (arik!ita wa! ama=ed b% S'kadeva Go!vami5! 'ne<'ivo al an!wer! to hi! <'e!tion! and he li!tened in ra#t e !ta!%+ 6- S'kadeva Go!vami) what %o' have revealed to me ha! never before been heard in the entire 'niver!e+ It i! ertainl% the mo!t e*traordinar% to#i + 60'!t !ee how the% loved ,r!na) the hild of another woman) more than their own !on!+6 Srila S'kadeva Go!vami re#lied) 6- ,ing (arik!it) the S'#reme (er!onalit% i! #er eived a! the !'#er!o'l e*i!tent in the heart! of ever% living entit%+ He i! the mo!t beloved "ord of the heart+ 64hen the !o'l leave! the bod% of the !on) wife) friend or relative) the famil% member! have the bod% taken awa% from the ho'!e in a matter of moment!+ 6Therefore) it i! the !'#er!o'l whi h i! the life of ever% living entit%+ That !'#er!o'l i! none other than Sri Nanda/nandana) ,r!na+ 6Be a'!e of the inherent hara teri!ti ! of the !'#er!o'l) "ord ,r!na i! able to attra t the affe tion of the Go#i!+ 6Thi! fa t i! a##li able onl% to the devotee! for a non/devotee an never feel affe tion for the "ord+ 6"ord ,r!na re!ided within the heart of ,am!a and other demon!) !o wh% were the% envio'! and inimi al toward! Him? The rea!on wa! that the!e demon! had ommitted grievo'! offen!e! in their #revio'! live!+

6@ver%one agree! that the !weetne!! of !'gar i! ea!il% di! ernibleA onl% a di!ea!ed #er!on will find it! ta!te bitter+ 6The tong'e i! di!ea!edA it i! not the fa'lt of the !'gar+ The S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) "ord Caitan%a i! the !weete!t of all+6 @ver%one !aw the "ord in Navadvi#a) %et no one be!ide! the devotee! re ogni=ed Him+ 4herever He wandered in Navadvi#a) Nimai a#tivated the heart! of the devotee! while #erforming Hi! wonderf'l #a!time!+ -n the da% that Vi!vambhara ame to all Hi! brother home) He en hanted the heart! of the Vai!nava!+ The magnanimo'! Advaita &aha!a%a tho'ght) 6Thi! %o'ng bo% i! ertainl% not an ordinar% m'ndane #er!onalit%+6 6I annot determine what !'b!tan e thi! bo% i! made of)6 !aid Advaita to the a!!embled devotee!+ The devotee! !im'ltaneo'!l% glorified Hi! e*traordinar% bea't%+ Sri Vi!var'#a ret'rned home briefl% and then went !traight ba k to Sri Advaita A ar%a5! ho'!e+ @n;o%ment! of material life had no attra tion for Sri Vi!var'#a+ He e*#erien ed ;o% onl% in !inging the glorie! of "ord ,r!na+ In Hi! own ho'!e Sri Vi!var'#a !#ent all Hi! time in the Vi!n' grha) a room !et a!ide for Salagrama !ila+ He wa! 'nfamiliar with the wa%! of familial dealing+ Hi! #arent! were eager to have Him married) b't when He heard their #lan! He grew moro!e+ He wa! on!'med b% onl% one tho'ght) 6I will leave &% famil% and go to the fore!t+6 The S'#reme "ord alone i! able to know Hi! own inner in lination!) th'! Sri Vi!var'#a) the S'#reme "ord) took the reno'n ed order of !ann%a!a within a few da%! of that time+ 4ith the name Sri Sankararan%a whi h wo'ld be ome famo'! thro'gho't the 'niver!e) that foremo!t Vai!nava !et o't on the eternal #ath+ Sri Vi!var'#a5! di!a##earan e left the heart! of &other Sa i and Sri &i!ra in inten!e grief+ 4ith the other famil% member! and friend!) the #arent! wailed in lamentation+ Sri Vi!vambhara wa! 'nable to bear the !e#aration of Hi! brother and He fell 'n on! io'!+

I am 'nable to de#i t the ! ene of inten!e grief and lamentation whi h !tr' k the ho'!e of Sri &i!ra+ Sri Advaita A ar%a (rabh' and all the other devotee! !hed #rof'!e tear! in the 'nbearable !e#aration from Sri Vi!var'#a+ (eo#le from all la!!e! of Nadia !o iet% were moved with grief when the% heard the new! of the bo%5! !ann%a!a+ Their heart! broken with !orrow) &other Sa i and Sri &i!ra ontin'o'!l% alled o't) 6Vi!var'#a) Vi!var'#a+6 Sri 0agannatha wa! overwhelmed with the throbbing #ain! of !e#aration from hi! !on) and hi! friend! and relative! tried to on!ole him+ 63ear &i!ra) #lea!e om#o!e %o'r!elf+ 3o not feel !adA thi! magnanimo'! #er!onalit% ha! delivered %o'r entire famil%+ 6If an% member in the famil% take! the !ann%a!a order of life) then inn'merable generation! be ome eligible to live in the tran! endental abode of Vaik'ntha+ 6The o'r!e of a tion %o'r !on ado#ted i! ertainl% the #erfe tion of all ed' ation+ 64e !ho'ld e*#re!! o'r great ha##ine!! for %o')6 the% !aid a! the% held the feet and hand! of the affli ted #arent!+ 6Think abo't Vi!vambhara+ He i! the glor% of %o'r famil%+ Thi! !on of %o'r! will be the ! ion of the entire famil% line+ 6He will eliminate all %o'r !'ffering!+ 4hat i! the need to have o'ntle!! million! of !on! when %o' have a !on like thi! one?6 >riend! and relative! tried to make Sri &i!ra 'nder!tand hi! fort'nate #o!ition+ The% offered good o'n!el b't failed to mitigate hi! mi!er%+ &i!ra &aha!a%a tried to ontrol hi! emotion) b't a! !oon a! he remembered the wonderf'l <'alitie! of Sri Vi!var'#a) he again lo!t him!elf in bereavement+ 6I o'ld never know for ertain whether thi! !on wo'ld !ta% with me or not)6 !aid Sri &i!ra+ 6The S'#reme "ord ,r!na gave me the hild and He Him!elf took Him ba k+ 4hatever "ord ,r!na de!ire! m'!t ertainl% o 'r+

6The infinite!imal living entitie! #o!!e!! b't in!ignifi ant #ower over life5! #henomena+ I therefore !'rrender m% bod%) !en!e! and ever%thing to Yo' "ord ,r!na) the S'#reme omni#otent "ord+ Yo' are m% !helter+6 @*erting tr'e wi!dom and e!tabli!hed in knowledge of the ab!ol'te) &i!ra &aha!a%a grad'all% om#o!ed hi! di!t'rbed mind+ In thi! wa% Sri Vi!var'#a ena ted the #a!time of leaving Hi! ho'!e and a e#ting !ann%a!a+ He i! the non/different) dire t e*#an!ion of "ord Nit%ananda) the original Sankar!ana+ 4hoever hear! the #a!time of Sri Vi!var'#a a e#ting the !ann%a!a order of life i! freed from the noo!e of karma and attain! devotional !ervi e to "ord ,r!na+ The devotee! e*#erien ed mi*ed feeling! over Sri Vi!var'#a5! !ann%a!a+ The% were a'ght between elation and de#re!!ion+ 6"ord ,r!na ha! taken from '! the onl% !aintl% Vai!nava a!!o iation we had+ 54ith Sri Vi!var'#a we di! '!!ed to#i ! of ,r!na on! io'!ne!!) b't now He i! gone+ 64e !ho'ld al!o leave ever%thing and go to the fore!t where we no longer have to !ee the fa e! of thi! !inf'l !o iet%+ 6The entire #o#'lation i! engro!!ed in re#robate a tivitie!+ How long i! one !'##o!ed to tolerate in!'lt! infli ted b% the vile word! of athei!t!? 6Nowhere i! the hol% name of "ord ,r!na 'ttered+ The entire world i! inviting it! doom) drowning it!elf in ill'!or%) !en!e gratif%ing a tivitie!+ 6And when the 'ne<'ivo al #ro e!! of devotional !ervi e to "ord ,r!na i! e*#lained to the athei!t!) the% re;e t it and ridi 'le '!+ 6F4hat ha##ine!! have %o' gained b% wor!hi#ing ,r!na?5 the% demand+ FYo' live in an im#rovi!ed ondition) %o' beg even for %o'r food) and %o'r mi!er% ontin'o'!l% in rea!e!5+6 The devotee! 'ttered long !igh! and agreed that the% were no longer a#able of living in that degraded !o iet%+ The% wanted to go off to the fore!t+ Advaita &aha!a%a on!oled ea h devotee !a%ing) 6Yo' will ertainl% meet with the highe!t of bli!!+ 6I feel a great e*hilaration in &% heart a! tho'gh "ord ,r!na andra ha! made Hi! divine a##earan e+

6Go and ha##il% !ing "ord ,r!na5! hol% name+ In a few da%! %o' will !ee o'r beloved "ord ,r!na right here+ 6"ord ,r!na will #erform man% #lea!'rable #a!time! a!!i!ted b% all of %o'+ 6-nl% then will I) Advaita) be ome an 'nallo%ed !ervitor of "ord ,r!na+ 6That rare mer % whi h i! !eldom e*#erien ed b% Srila S'kadeva Go!vami or (rahlada &ahara;a will be re eived b% all of %o'+6 In!#ired b% the ne tarine word! of Srila Advaita A ar%a (rabh' the devotee! !ang the name of Hari ;'bilantl%+ A! the devotee! roared with the re#etition of "ord Hari5! name) their heart! be ame filled with ha##ine!!+ "ord Ga'ra!'ndara wa! b'!% #la%ing with Hi! friend! when the !o'nd of "ord Hari5! name rea hed Hi! ho'!e+ 4hen he arrived in the mid!t of the devotee! the% en<'ired) 64hat bring! %o' here dear hild?6 And Nimai re#lied) 64h% did %o' all for &e?6 4ith Hi! tro'#e of %o'ng friend! Nimai then took off at a r'n+ No one o'ld gra!# "ord Vi!vambhara5! real identit% d'e to the infl'en e of Hi! tran! endental ill'!or% #oten %+ >rom the da% Sri Vi!var'#a left the ho'!e to be ome a !ann%a!i) "ord Vi!vambhara minimi=ed Hi! re!tle!! and mi! hievo'! behavior+ Nimai !ta%ed b% the !ide of Hi! mother and father to mitigate their grief in !e#aration from Vi!var'#a+ He re!trained Him!elf from #la%ing and while !t'd%ing He wo'ld not leave Hi! book! for a moment+ After !t'd%ing an% a#hori!m on e) Nimai ma!tered it !o well that when <'e!tioned on it) He bettered ever%one el!e+ Be a'!e of Nimai5! e*traordinar% intelligen e) #eo#le #rai!ed Hi! #arent! !a%ing) 6Sri &i!ra and Sa imata are tr'l% ble!!ed+6 And to 0agannatha &i!ra the% !aid) 63ear &i!ra) %o' are tr'l% !' e!!f'l to have !' h an ill'!trio'! !on+ 6There i! not another hild in all the three world! to mat h Nimai5! !'#erior wi!dom+ He will e* el even Sri Brha!#ati in er'dition+

6He an #re!ent Hi! own !#ontaneo'! e*#lanation! on an% #oint) b't no one i! able to defeat Hi! de e#tive arg'ment!+6 &other Sa i wa! ha##% to hear abo't her !on5! wonderf'l attrib'te!) b't Sri &i!ra felt moro!e on e again+ 6Thi! !on of o'r! will never remain involved in ho'!ehold life)6 Sri &i!ra told Sa imata+ 6Vi!var'#a !t'died the ! ri#t're! ;'!t a! Nimai i! doing now+ He 'nder!tood that there i!n5t a !hred of realit% in material e*i!ten e+ 6,nowing the e!!en e of all ! ri#t're!) o'r wi!e Vi!var'#a re;e ted tran!ient material life and went awa%+ 6If Nimai al!o learn! all the ! ri#t're! He will ertainl% follow the !ame #ath+ 6Nimai i! all that i! left to '!A He i! o'r ver% life+ If we lo!e Him we will ertainl% leave o'r bodie!+ 6Therefore He !ho'ld no longer !t'd%+ He an be an illiterate hild and remain in the ho'!e6+ &other Sa i arg'ed) 6How will He maintain Hi! life if He remain! illiterate? &oreover no one will give their da'ghter in marriage to an illiterate #er!on+6 B't Sri &i!ra re#lied) 6S'rel% %o' m'!t be the naive da'ghter of a brahminA %o' !ho'ld know that "ord ,r!na) who i! ever%one5! #rote tor) ha! reated ever%thing+ He will give and take whatever i! re<'ired+ 6The entire material reation i! maintained b% the "ord of the 'niver!e) ,r!na+ 4ho ha! mi!informed %o' that mere materiali!ti knowledge an hel# maintain an%thing? 6"ord ,r!na i! in om#lete ontrol of ever%thingA He even de!ign! the re!'lt! of the mat hing of bride! and groom!+ Both the learned groom a! well a! the illiterate groom are given bride!+ 6"ord ,r!na i! omni#otent and He maintain! ever%one+ 4hatever %o' !ee a! lineage or formal ed' ation) et +) are !im#l% !emblan e! of realit%+ 64h% don5t %o' take me a! an e*am#le !tanding right here in front of %o'? I #o!!e!! !'ffi ient learning) %et there i! in!'ffi ient food in m% ho'!e? 6There are #er!on! who annot even #rono'n e the al#habet! #ro#erl%) %et !ee for %o'r!elf the tho'!and! of ! holar! who rowd their door!te#!+

6Hen e) it i! not formal ed' ation or other material <'alifi ation! that maintain '!) rather it i! "ord ,r!na who kee#! and maintain! ever%one+ 64hen one ha! never wor!hi#ed the lot'! feet of "ord Govinda) how i! it #o!!ible for Him to live in omfortable o#'len e and meet death in a bli!!f'l !tate? B% rendering devotional !ervi e to "ord ,r!na we !'ffer from the #ang! of #overt%) b't we embra e death in a ha##% !tate+ Thi! i! not the a!e for one who de#end! on hi! material knowledge and wealth+ 6A #er!on ma% #o!!e!! !'ffi ient learning) high birth and enormo'! wealth b't witho't the mer % of "ord ,r!na he an never be delivered from the mi!er% of material life+ 6A #er!on ma% live amid!t fine !en!e en;o%ment and o#'len e) b't "ord ,r!na ma% al!o allot him !ome in 'rable di!ea!e) a'!ing him m' h mi!er%+ 6S' h a #er!on annot reall% revel in !en!e #lea!'re+ He b'rn! with fr'!tration) and I wo'ld !a% he i! more mi!erable than a #ennile!! dereli t+ 6Take note from thi!8 all i! b't na'ght+ In !#ite of hi! having great material wealth) one5! f't're i! determined entirel% b% "ord ,r!na5! de!ire+ 63o not bother %o'r!elf thinking abo't %o'r !on5! maintenan e+ I an a!!'re %o' that "ord ,r!na will look after Him+ 6A! long a! there remain! life in m% bod%) Nimai will not feel even the !lighte!t !ign of !'ffering+ 64e all have "ord ,r!na a! o'r onl% !helter+ 4h% !ho'ld %o' worr% when %o' are a good mother and a ha!te and dedi ated wife? 6I im#re!! '#on %o' that there i! no need for Nimai5! !t'die!+ "et m% !on remain in the ho'!e a! an illiterate+6 Having made hi! de i!ion) Sri &i!ra alled hi! !on and anno'n ed) 6Nimai) I #romi!e Yo' that from toda% Yo' are relieved of all !t'die!+ Yo' ma% do a! %o' like+ 64hatever %o' de!ire) m% !on) I am read% to #rovide+ 0'!t !ta% in the ho'!e and be f'll% !ati!fied+6 Sri &i!ra left to attend to other b'!ine!!) and the S'#reme "ord Vi!vambhara o'ld 'nder!tood that Hi! !t'die! had been di! ontin'ed+ A! the !#ring of eternal religio'! #rin i#le!) Sri Ga'ranga wa! obedient to Hi! father5! in!tr' tion and did not attend ! hool+ B't the "ord wa! di!a##ointed and on e again took to Hi! re!tle!!) im#et'o'! wa%! with other %o'ng bo%! Hi! age+

Both in Hi! own ho'!e and in the neighbor5! ho'!e! Nimai !ma!hed or !<'andered awa% whatever he fo'nd within rea h+ @ven after dark Nimai remained awa% from home+ The whole evening He #erformed vario'! #a!time! with the other %o'ng bo%!+ Covering them!elve! with a blanket !o the% looked like a b'll) Nimai and another friend moved aro'nd in a mo!t am'!ing manner+ 3'ring the da% the% had !een a !mall ba k%ard banana #lantation) and at night dre!!ed in their b'll o!t'me) the% #l'ndered the banana tree!+ The owner of the ho'!e rai!ed a lo'd alarm when he !aw the b'll in hi! garden) b't b% the time a rowd wa! awake to remed% the !it'ation) Nimai and Hi! friend! had alread% e! a#ed+ Sometime! the% tied the neighbor5! door! from the o't!ide !o that the% o'ld not leave the ho'!e to '!e the o'tdoor lavator%+ 4hen the #eo#le in!ide the ho'!e made a ommotion) Nimai wo'ld r'n off+ 3a% and night the "ord of Vaik'ntha and Hi! friend! #erformed endle!! #rank!+ There wa! no limit to "ord Vi!vambhara5! mi! hievo'! deed!) %et Sri &i!ra never orre ted Him+ -ne da% Sri &i!ra wa! alled awa% on !ome d't% and Nimai felt angr% be a'!e He wa! not allowed to !t'd%+ The #ot! '!ed for ooking "ord Vi!hn'5! offering! were ke#t o't!ide in a #ile for leaning+ Nimai de ided to !it on to# of tho!e ontaminated #ot!+ ,indl% li!ten with 'ndivided attention to thi! onfidential in ident+ 3evotional !ervi e to "ord ,r!na i! #erfe ted b% !in erel% hearing thi! !tor%+ Sitting on the #ile of ontaminated #ot! a! if it wa! a ro%al throne) Sri Ga'ra!'ndara glan ed aro'nd with a !mile #la%ing on Hi! li#!+ Hi! golden om#le*ion wa! !#otted b% the bla k !oot from the ontaminated #ot!+ He looked like a golden doll !meared b% dark !weet/!melling !andalwood and ag'r' #a!te+ Several friend! went to &other Sa i and informed her) 6Nimai i! !itting on to# of the ontaminated #ot!+6 &other Sa i wa! !ho ked when !he !aw Him+ 6&% dear hild) thi! i! not a #ro#er #la e to !it)6 !he ! olded+

6Can %o' not ;'dge between lean and 'n lean thing! after all the!e %ear!? 63on5t %o' know that one m'!t bathe after to' hing 'n lean #ot!?6 "ord Nimai retorted) 6Yo' do not allow me to !t'd%) how do %o' e*#e t me to know the differen e! between lean and 'n lean? I am ;'!t an illiterate brahmin+ 6I am an 'ned' ated fool with no idea of what i! lean or 'n lean+ I !ee onene!! in ever%thingA m% vi!ion i! non/d'al+6 After Hi! !#ee h Nimai !miled from ato# Hi! !eat of 'n lean #ot!+ At that moment He manife!ted the mood of "ord 3attatre%a) ,r!na5! in arnation a! the !on of Atri+ Hi! mother re#lied) 6Now that Yo' have !at in a dirt% #la e) how are Yo' going to lean %o'r!elf?6 B't "ord Vi!vambhara re#lied) 6&other) %o' have an e*tremel% hildlike mentalit%+ I am never !it'ated in a ontaminated #la e+ 64herever I am) that #la e be ome! mo!t !an tified+ Ganga devi and all other #la e! of #ilgrimage nat'rall% re!ide there+ 6Clean and 'n lean are imaginar%+ It i! a onditioned wa% of thinking+ 4hat an be the fa'lt of the Creator or Hi! reation? 6"et '! a!!'me !omething i! ontaminated a ording to !o ial eti<'ette! and Vedi rit'ali!ti o#inion!+ If I) the S'#reme Ab!ol'te #'rit%) to' h it) then what ontamination an remain? 6In realit%) the!e #ot! are not in the lea!t ontaminated be a'!e %o' have ooked for "ord Vi!hn' in them+ 6"ord Vi!hn'5! ooking 'ten!il! an never be ontaminated+ -n the ontrar% the% an #'rif% ever%thing and ever% #la e !im#l% b% their to' h+ 6Similarl%) I do not re!ide in a degraded #la e nor on a materiali!ti #laneA ever%one i! #'rified b% &% onta t+6 After !#eaking the ab!ol'te non/d'al tr'th ;'!t a! a hild wo'ld !#eak on ordinar% to#i !) Nimai !miled+ B% the infl'en e of Hi! ill'!or% #oten %) no one o'ld fathom hi! word!+ Neverthele!! the% all !miled onde! endingl% at !mall Nimai5! !#ee h while Sa imata in!i!ted He ome for a bath+ Nimai wo'ld not leave the #ot! !o Sa imata oa*ed) 6Come <'i kl% before %o'r father ome! home and learn! abo't all of thi!+6

B't Nimai wa! adamant+ 6If %o' do not #ermit &e to !t'd%) then I will not move from thi! !#ot+ I am telling %o' learl%+6 The neighbor! t'rned to Nimai5! mother and en<'ired) 64h% do %o' forbid Nimai to ontin'e Hi! ed' ation? 6&an% #er!on! t'tor their !on! with #ain!taking are+ How fort'nate for %o' that thi! %o'ng bo% de!ire! to !t'd% of Hi! own a ord+ 64hi h of %o'r enemie! ha! advi!ed %o' to kee# %o'r !on in the ho'!e a! an illiterate fool? 6Nimai i! not to be blamed in the lea!t for thi! !it'ation+6 T'rning to Nimai the% !aid) 6Come hild) if from toda% Yo' are not allowed to !t'd% then %o' !ho'ld ontin'e Yo'r work of de!tr' tion #ro#erl%+6 Sitting ato# the #ot!) Nimai !miled !weetl% and the fort'nate !o'l! who !aw Him floated in an o ean of ab!ol'te bli!!+ The mother her!elf had to bring the hild down+ All the while "ord Ga'ra andra) looking like a bea'tif'l bl'e !a##hire) ontin'ed to !mile !weetl%+ Nimai !#oke the non/d'al ab!ol'te tr'th in the mood of Hi! #revio'! in arnation "ord 3attatre%a) b't none o'ld gra!# the im#ort d'e to the infl'en e of "ord Vi!hn'5! ill'!or% #oten %+ The #io'! &other Sa i took Nimai for a bath and meanwhile Sri &i!ra ret'rned+ &other Sa i told the entire !tor% to Sri &i!ra and lamented) 6-'r !on i! !orr% that He i! not allowed to !t'd%+6 Some neighbor5! #etitioned Nimai5! father) 63ear &i!ra) we know %o' are a high/minded !o'l+ -n who!e advi e did %o' forbid %o'r !on to ontin'e Hi! ed' ation? 64hatever "ord ,r!na de!ire! will alwa%! ome tr'e) therefore di! ard all %o'r worrie! and allow %o'r !on to !t'd% witho't an*iet%+ 6Yo' are tr'l% fort'nate that %o'r !on want! to learn of Hi! own volition+ Therefore hoo!e an a'!#i io'! da%) initiate %o'r !on with the !a red brahmin5! thread and begin Hi! !t'die! again #ro#erl%+6 Sri &i!ra re#lied) 6Yo' are all m% deare!t friend!A whatever %o' de ide I m'!t on!ent to+6 Yo'ng Nimai5! a tivitie! were all !'#erh'man and altho'gh ever%one !aw them with 'tter ama=ement) the% o'ld never 'nder!tand their dee# m%!ter%+

- a!ionall% #io'! and fort'nate #eo#le ame to vi!it Sri &i!ra and informed him of the !'#erh'man <'alitie! of hi! hild+ 6Thi! hild m'!t never be on!idered an ordinar% bo%)6 the% wo'ld advi!e+ 6,ee# Him lo!e to %o'r heart with 'tmo!t are+6 The !'#reme a tor of Vaik'ntha) Nimai) froli ked mi! hievo'!l% in Hi! own o'rt%ard+ Then with Hi! father5! #ermi!!ion) Sri Caitan%a ;o%f'll% re!'med Hi! !t'die!+ Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter H All glorie! to Sri Ga'ra andra 4ho i! an o ean of mer %+ All glorie! to the radiant moon 4ho ha! ri!en in the ho'!e of Sri &i!ra and Sa idevi+ All glorie! to the life and !o'l of "ord Nit%ananda+ All glorie! to the trea!'re ho'!e of ongregational hanting) the religion of thi! age+ All glorie! to "ord Ga'ranga) Hi! devotee! and Hi! a!!o iate!+ 0'!t b% hearing the #a!time! of "ord Caitan%a) devotional !ervi e to the S'#reme "ord i! immediatel% a hieved+ 4hile "ord Caitan%a lived in Sri 0agannatha &i!ra5! ho'!e) Hi! tr'e identit% wa! wra##ed in om#lete !e re % and no one o'ld re ogni=e Him+ A! man% game! a! there are for bo%! in thi! world) %o'ng Nimai #la%ed them all+ 4ho know! the name! of all the!e game!? The wonderf'l #a!time! of "ord Caitan%a have been revealed in all the Veda! and ('rana!A within a !hort time all fort'nate and #io'! !o'l! will hear abo't them+ Totall% ab!orbed in the mood of a hild) "ord Ga'ranga #a!!ed man% %ear!+ At la!t the time arrived for Him to a e#t the !a red brahmana5! thread+ 4hen Sri &i!ra de ided to initiate hi! !on with the !a red brahmana5! thread) he alled hi! friend! to hi! ho'!e for the o a!ion+ The% arrived in great delight and took '# different d'tie! to a!!i!t with the eremon%+ The ladie! 'l'lated in glorifi ation and !ang abo't the e*traordinar% <'alitie! of "ord ,r!na while the m'!i ian! #la%ed on different in!tr'ment! / mrdanga!) !anai and fl'te+

The brahmana! hanted Vedi h%mn! and the orator! offered ver!e! in glorifi ation+ Sa idevi5! ho'!e wa! flooded with great ;o% / a! if ;o% #er!onified had made it! a##earan e there+ At the time "ord Ga'ra!'ndara wa! to a e#t the !a red thread) all the #lanet! were favorabl% #o!itioned+ The month) the da% and the moment were all a'!#i io'! when "ord Ga'ranga) 4ho i! Sri Hari) a e#ted the !a red thread+ The !a red thread adorning the bea'tif'l form of the "ord wa! an en hanting !ightA ertainl% Ananta Se!a m'!t have a!!'med a thread form to ir le the bod% of Hi! beloved "ord+ The S'#reme "ord Ga'ra andra then manife!t Hi! Vamana form+ 4hoever !aw that wonderf'l #a!time felt 'nbo'nded ;o%+ (eo#le !aw a wonderf'l !#irit'al a'ra emanating from the "ord and the% immediatel% di! arded their anthro#omor#hi vi!ion+ 4ith a !ti k in Hi! hand and a loth bag hanging from Hi! !ho'lder) Sri Ga'ra!'ndara went begging to the ho'!e! of Hi! devotee!+ @a h man a ording to hi! abilit% #la ed alm! in Nimai5! bag and felt great !ati!fa tion+ The ladie! al!o !miled with #lea!'re a! the% dro##ed their alm! in Hi! bag+ Sri Sara!vati devi) Sri (arvati devi) and the ha!te and dedi ated wive! of other great !age! a##eared on the ! ene+ Taking the #o!ition of brahmana!5 wive!) the% gave alm! to the bea'tif'l brahmana bo%) Nimai+ Seeing Nimai5! radiant Vamana form) ever%one !miled with !ati!fa tion and gave Him alm!+ He ena ted the tran! endental #a!time! of "ord Vamana !im#l% for the redem#tion of all onditioned !o'l!+ All glorie! to "ord Ga'ra andra5! bea'tif'l form+ (lea!e #la e tho!e lot'! feet in the throne of m% heart+ An%one who hear! the narration of "ord Vi!vambhara a e#ting the !a red thread attain! the !'#reme !helter of Sri Caitan%a/ andra5! lot'! feet+ Nimai) the S'#reme "ord of Vaik'ntha) #erformed vario'! other #a!time! while re!iding in the ho'!e of Sa imata+ The!e #a!time! !eem ob! 're in the Veda!+ Nimai alread% 'nder!tood the e!!en e of all the ! ri#t're! even while !t'd%ing at home) b't !till He de!ired to !t'd% in the om#an% of other!+

Sri Gangada!a (andita) a re!ident of Navadvi#a) wa! a rown ;ewel among!t tea her!+ He wa! none other than Sandi#ani &'ni 1the tea her of "ord Balarama and "ord ,r!na2+ He wa! e*tremel% knowledgeable in grammar and Nimai e*#re!!ed a !trong de!ire to !t'd% 'nder him+ Sri &i!ra orre tl% inter#reted hi! !on5! indi ation! and went with him to the ho'!e of the learned brahmana) Sri Gangada!a+ Sri Gangada!a (andita !tood '# re!#e tf'll% on !eeing Sri &i!ra and went forward to meet him+ After embra ing him warml%) Sri Gangada!a offered him a !eat+ 6I give m% !on to %o')6 !aid Sri &i!ra+ 6(lea!e let Him read and hear from %o' and #er!onall% tea h Him ever%thing+6 Sri Gangada!a (andita re#lied) 6I feel immen!el% fort'nate be a'!e of thi! offer+ I will tea h Him to the be!t of m% abilit%+6 Sri Gangada!a wa! e*tremel% #lea!ed to have Nimai a! a !t'dent and ke#t Him alwa%! b% hi! !ide like a !on+ Sim#l% b% hearing Sri Gangada!a5! e*#lanation! onl% on e) Nimai wa! able to gra!# their meaning+ He o'ld ref'te Hi! tea her! e*#lanation! and then re/e!tabli!h tho!e !ame arg'ment!+ Gangada!a (andita had h'ndred! of !t'dent! b't none o'ld engage in debate with Nimai+ The tea her wa! e*tremel% #lea!ed with Nimai5! e*traordinar% intelligen e and de lared him to be the be!t !t'dent+ In the #re!en e of Nimai5! arg'ment! the other !t'dent! in the ! hool dan ed like #'##et!+ Among!t Nimai5! a!!o iate!) Sri &'rari G'#ta) Sri ,amla ,anta) Sri ,r!nananda and other! like them were #rominent+ Nimai defeated ever%one b% #o!ing tri k% arg'ment! on !o#hi!m+ The older !t'dent!) on!idering Him to be %o'ng) !im#l% !miled witho't offering an% reb'ttal!+ @a h da% after om#leting Hi! !t'die!) Nimai went with the bo%! Hi! own age to bathe in the Ganga+ There were o'ntle!! other !t'dent! in Navadvi#a who al!o went to bathe in the Ganga after their la!!e! ea h da% at noon+

There were man% tea her! in Navadvi#a and ea h had man% !t'dent!+ The !t'dent! of one tea her wo'ld ontin'o'!l% hallenge !t'dent! of other tea her!+ Altho'gh Nimai wa! onl% in Hi! earl% bo%hood) He had a mi! hievo'! nat're and ontin'all% !tarted <'arrel! with other !t'dent!+ -ne !t'dent might !a%) 64hat intelligen e doe! %o'r tea her have?6 Another wo'ld !a%) 6"ook who!e !t'dent I am+6 In thi! wa% the% wo'ld begin b% being a little ab'!ive toward! ea h other+ Then the% wo'ld !#la!h water at ea h other and end '# throwing !and+ >ight! wo'ld break o't and bo%! wo'ld beat whoever the% o'ld at h+ Someone might throw m'd on another and then ;'m# on him and beat him a! well+ After fal!el% !wearing in the name of the ,ing) !ome bo%! wo'ld at h other bo%! and after beating them !o'ndl%) !wim to !afet% on the other !ide of the Ganga+ The water of the Ganga be ame m'dd% b% the wild wre!tling and ! 'ffing of the !t'dent!+ The women o'ld not fill their water ontainer! nor o'ld the brahmana! and other re!#e table #eo#le take a bath+ 3i!#la%ing Hi! e*tremel% re!tle!! nat're) Vi!vambhara Ra%a went from one bathing ghat to another) finding in ea h #la e an a'dien e of !t'dent! / an arena in whi h to debate and di!#'te+ At one ghat He #la%ed the !ti k game with friend!+ The advan ed !t'dent! banned together and hallenged) 64h% do %o' alwa%! <'arrel with ever%one? "et '! !ee how intelligent %o' are+ "et5! '! hear %o' give the #'r#ort to the e*#lanation of the a!trologi al treati!e in the almana +6 Nimai !aid) 6That i! ver% good indeed+ I a e#t %o'r hallenge+ 4hoever want! an <'e!tion &e?6 -ne irritated !t'dent !aid) 64h% are %o' !o on eited?6 B't Nimai re#lied) 6Yo' ma% <'e!tion me a! %o' like+6 The !t'dent !aid) 6@*#lain the law! of verbal root!+6 Nimai re#lied) 6I !hall e*#lain them b't %o' m'!t li!ten attentivel%+6 Nimai) the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) wa! the !o'r e of all #oten ie!+ Nat'rall% Hi! e*#lanation! of the grammati al r'le! were ver% a'thori=ed+ The hallenging !t'dent #rai!ed Nimai for Hi! e*#lanation+ Then Nimai !aid) 6B't now hear &e ref'te &% own arg'ment!+6

Nimai #i ked o't the di! re#an ie! in Hi! own e*#lanation!) and !aid) 64ho among!t %o' ha! the #ower to e!tabli!h an% #oint over and above &% arg'ment!?6 The !t'dent! were all ama=ed b% Nimai5! original arg'ment! a! well a! the arg'ment! he '!ed to defeat him!elf) !o no one dared !a% an%thing+ 6Alright)6 he !aid) 6I !hall have to e!tabli!h the new arg'ment whi h defeat! the other two+6 Sri Ga'ra andra gave Hi! new e*#lanation whi h wa! a! bea'tif'l and #oeti a! the fir!t two+ The !t'dent! were all tr'l% im#re!!ed and embra ed Nimai !in erel%+ The !t'dent! !aid) 6Go home toda%) b't ome ba k tomorrow and we will have fre!h <'e!tion! for %o'+6 (la%ing the #art of a !t'dent enra#t in learning) Nimai) the "ord of Vaik'ntha) froli ked in the water of the 0ahnavi 1Ganga2+ Nimai5! er'dition wa! !o #rofo'nd that in the #re!en e of the other !t'dent! of Navadvi#a) He looked like Brha!#ati him!elf !'rro'nded b% hi! di! i#le!+ 4hile #erforming their dail% water !#ort!) Nimai and Hi! friend! o a!ionall% !wam a ro!! the river to the far bank+ Sin e the time that "ord ,r!na !#orted in the water of the 0am'na River) the Ganga had n'r!ed an inten!e de!ire to have that !ame good fort'ne+ Altho'gh the Ganga i! wor!hi#ed b% the #ra%er! of !' h great #er!onalitie! a! "ord Brahma and "ord Siva) !he neverthele!! a!#ired to a hieve the elevated #o!ition of the 0am'na+ The S'#reme "ord Ga'ra!'ndara wa! a de!ire tree whi h ontin'o'!l% f'lfilled that longing of 0ahnavi 1Ganga2+ After a da% of !#ort! and f'n) Sri Ga'ra!'ndara ret'rned home) wor!hi#ed "ord Vi!hn' in the #re! ribed manner) offered water to the t'la!i tree and !at down to eat+ Immediatel% after Hi! meal Nimai wo'ld take hi! book! and !ear h for a <'iet #la e to !t'd%+ In that lonel% #la e the gem of all "ord! ab!orbed Him!elf in !t'd%) making annotation! on different a#hori!m!+ Seeing hi! !on5! !t'dio'! mood) Sri &i!ra floated on the wave! of ha##ine!! b't never revealed hi! #lea!'re to an%one+

In inten!e #arental devotion he reveled in the 'n#aralleled bea't% of hi! !on) and in that mood he gained liberation+ B't Sri &i!ra on!idered the ha##ine!! of liberation to be <'ite in!ignifi ant+ >or the #'re devotee there i! no ;o% from either liberation or gro!! and !'btle !en!e gratifi ation+ I offer m% o'ntle!! obei!an e! at the feet of Sri 0agannatha &i!ra who!e !on i! the S'#reme "ord of the 'nlimited material reation+ Sri &i!ra ontin'all% floated in an o ean of bli!! !im#l% b% !eeing hi! harming !on) Nimai+ C'#id5! bea't% bow! in defeat before the "ord5! blo!!oming fre!hne!!+ Hi! ever% e*<'i!ite limb e*'de! in om#arable harm+ In #arental an*iet% Sri &i!ra on e tho'ght) 6I ho#e no wit h or !#irit ever a!t! a !#ell on Nimai+6 Imagining the wor!t) he immediatel% #ra%ed that "ord ,r!na wo'ld alwa%! give hi! !on !helter+ Nimai overhead hi! father5! #ra%er! and !miled to Him!elf+ Sri &i!ra #ra%ed) 6- "ord ,r!na) Yo' are the #rote tor of all+ (lea!e look '#on m% !on gra io'!l%+ 6Im#ediment! of an% !ort never a##ear in the life of an% #er!on who remember! %o'r lot'! feet) m% "ord+ Tho!e !inf'l #la e! where %o' are not remembered be ome infe!ted with wit he!) gho!t! and evil !#irit!+ 6- "ord) I am Yo'r !ervant) !o whatever i! mine i! a'tomati all% Yo'r!+ ,indl% re eive them within Yo'r !helter+ 6Therefore I #ra% that no ob!ta le! or diffi 'ltie! will befall m% !on at an%time+6 Sri &i!ra ontin'ed to #ra% with 'nflin hing faith+ "ifting both hi! hand!) he begged for the "ord5! mer %+ -ne da% b% divine arrangement Sri &i!ra had a dream whi h a'!ed him both inten!e delight and e*treme grief+ He bowed down on the gro'nd and #ra%ed) 6- "ord Govinda) allow Nimai to remain in m% ho'!e+ - "ord ,r!na) thi! i! the onl% benedi tion I beg of %o'8 let Nimai be a ho'!eholder and live at home+6 In !'r#ri!e &other Sa i en<'ired) 64h% have %o' all of the !'dden #ra%ed for benedi tion! from the "ord?6

6Toda% I had a dream)6 an!wered Sri &i!ra+ 6In the dream I !aw that Nimai had !haved off hi! !ikha+6 3re!!ed in inde! ribabl% bea'tif'l !ann%a!i robe!) He !im'ltaneo'!l% la'ghed) dan ed) we#t and hanted ,r!na5! name+ 6Advaita A ar%a (rabh' and all the other devotee! en ir led Nimai and ;oined in the hanting+ I !aw Nimai !it on Ananta Se!a 1"ord Vi!hn'5! o' h2) and #la e Hi! foot on ever%one5! head+ 6"ord Brahma) "ord Siva and Sri Ananta Se!a hanted) F0ai Sa inandana5+ 6Altho'gh ever%one aro'nd wa! ;'bilantl% hanting #rai!e!) I alone !tood !ilent in fear+ 6In a fla!h I !aw Nimai) followed b% million! and million! of #eo#le) roaming from town to town) dan ing+ 6Co'ntle!! million! followed Him hanting "ord Hari5! name in 'ni!on+ That !o'nd to' hed the ver% overing! of the material 'niver!e+6 64hile I li!tened to the glorifi ation of Nimai flowing from ever% dire tion) I !aw devotee! who followed Him to Nila ala) ('ri+ Thi! dream a'!ed me !' h an*iet%. I am afraid o'r !on will be ome di!g'!ted with ho'!ehold affair! and leave home a! a !ann%a!i+ 64hat %o' !aw wa! ;'!t a dream)6 #a ified mother Sa i+ 6- learned h'!band) do not worr%+ Nimai won5t leave '!+ 6Nimai know! nothing b't Hi! book! and He think! that learning i! all in all+6 Be a'!e of their #arental affe tion) tho!e two e*tremel% noble !o'l! ontin'ed to di! '!! to#i ! related to their !on5! f't're+ However) after a few da%! Sri 0agannatha &i!ra di!a##eared from thi! mortal world in hi! #'re form+ Nimai we#t bitterl% over Hi! father5! di!a##earan e) a! had "ord Rama andra when Hi! father ,ing 3a!aratha left hi! bod%+ &other Sa i !'rvived onl% be a'!e of Nimai5! irre!i!tible attra tivene!!+ A! it dee#en! m% grief to di! '!! thi! !'b;e t) I have de! ribed the in ident! ver% briefl%+

Nimai !ta%ed lo!e to hi! bereaved mother and on ealed Hi! own grief well+ &other Sa i ared for her fatherle!! !on witho't a tho'ght of an% other work+ If &other Sa i lo!t !ight of Nimai for a moment !he !wooned and both e%e! lo!t their vi!ion+ Nimai al!o re i#ro ated+ Allowing Hi! love and affe tion to flow ontin'o'!l% to Hi! mother) he on!oled her with alming) ho#ef'l word!+ 6&other #lea!e do not de!#air+ A! long a! I am with %o' nothing !hall harm %o')6 He a!!'red her+ 6Soon I !hall bring %o' that gift whi h i! 'nobtainable even b% demigod! like "ord Brahma and "ord Siva+6 &other Sa i !im#l% beheld the kind and bea'tif'l fa e of Nimai and forgot her own mi!er%+ How o'ld !he feel di! o'raged in hi! #re!en e+ The S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead wa! living a! the !on of &other Sa i+ Sim#l% b% remembering Him) one5! ever% de!ire o'ld be f'lfilled+ How o'ld de!#air to' h mother Sa i? Nimai '#lifted her !#irit!) and !he attained an eternal bli!!f'l form+ The "ord of Vaik'ntha wa! #re!ent in Navadvi#a a! a %o'ng brahmana bo%) en;o%ing the bli!! derived from Hi! own !'#remel% o#'lent !elf+ (overt% in their ho'!e wa! onl% an e*ternal feat're+ Nimai5! ommand! were e*#re!!ion! from an a'to rati all/o#'lent "ord of "ord!+ 4hatever Nimai demanded he had to get witho't on!idering it! availabilit%+ If Hi! demand! were not !'##lied) there wa! no e! a#ing Hi! wrath+ He wo'ld break and !ma!h ever%thing in !ight) not thinking that the lo!! wa! Hi! own+ In !#ite of thi!) &other Sa i gave her !on whatever He wanted onl% be a'!e of her dee# affe tion for Him+ -ne da% when Nimai wa! going to bathe in the Ganga) He a!ked Hi! mother for oil) amalaki and other ingredient!+ 6I want to bathe in the Ganga and al!o offer her wor!hi#)6 He !aid+ 6So #lea!e give me a ni e garland and aromati !andalwood for thi! #'r#o!e+6 6(lea!e wait a few min'te! m% dear !on)6 !aid mother Sa i+ 6I will have to go and get a garland+6

Nimai went into a fit of rage like "ord R'dra when He heard the word! 6I am going to get it+6 6Yo' want to go now to bring a garland?6 He raged a! He !tormed into the ho'!e+ In the f'r% He !ma!hed all the #ot! of Ganga water+ Then with a !ti k He !ma!hed ever% #ot or ontainer He o'ld find+ A! the S'#reme) inde#endent "ord) He did whatever He #lea!ed+ H'!ked ri e) otton) grain!) and !alt from the broken ve!!el! ran in rivet! reated b% !#illed oil) ghee and milk+ &other Sa i !aved dried food!t'ff! in loth bag! whi h h'ng from the eiling) b't Nimai #'lled down ever% bag+ He ! attered their ontent!) and in Hi! rage He even tore '# the loth bag!+ 4hen nothing in the ho'!e remained whole) Nimai dire ted Hi! wrath on the re!ident! them!elve!+ Taking '# Hi! !ti k again) Nimai began to beat the wall!+ Not a !o'l dared to re#roa h Him+ After the wall! He !ma!hed the window! and door!) and then He atta ked a tree in the o'rt%ard with the !ti k fi*ed in both hand!+ And witho't a moment of remor!e over the tirade) He at la!t !tr' k the gro'nd with Hi! !ti k and lo!t Hi! !en!e entirel%+ In fear for her life &other Sa i hid in one end of the b'ilding+ "ord Ga'ra!'ndara) #ro#agator of religio'! #rin i#le!) ame to e!tabli!h eternal religion or Sanatana dharma+ He wo'ld never rai!e Hi! hand again!t Hi! mother+ Altho'gh hi! anger !till boiled vi!ibl%) He refrained from beating Hi! mother+ Having demoli!hed ever%thing in !ight) Nimai f'med a! He rolled in the d'!t of the o'rt%ard+ Hi! bea'tif'l golden form wa! overed with d'!t+ Hi! glor% wa! tr'l% inde! ribable for even in that ondition He wa! 'tterl% harming+ At la!t He grew alm and la% <'ite !till in the d'!t of the o'rt%ard+ That "ord of Vaik'ntha alled for Hi! internal 6Yoga ma%a6 #oten % with !im#l% a glan e and entered into a 6%oga nidra6 !lee# a! He la% on the hard earth+ The tran! endental form of "ord Ananta Se!a i! Nimai5! re!ting #la e) and Sri "ak!mi devi eternall% !erve! Hi! lot'! feet+ That S'#reme (er!onalit%) 4ho i! !o'ght after b% the fo'r Veda!) la% a!lee# in &other Sa i5! o'rt%ard+ The endle!! o!mi manife!tation emanate! from the #ore! of Hi! bod%+ Hi! !ervant! #erform the a t of reation) maintenan e and annihilation+ "ord Brahma) "ord Siva and other elevated #er!onage! be ome overwhelmed while meditating on Hi! tran! endental attrib'te!+ B't that S'#reme "ord Nimai wa! re!ting #ea ef'll% in Sa i5! o'rt%ard+

"ord Caitan%a &aha#rabh' ta!ted the mellow of !elf #er e#tion and then fell a!lee# a! the demigod! looked on with ;o%o'! tear!+ &other Sa i bro'ght a garland for the wor!hi# of Ganga devi and #la ed it dire tl% in front of Nimai+ She wi#ed the !and and d'!t from Hi! tran! endental bod% and lifted Him '#+ 64ake '#) dear hild)6 !he !aid !oftl%+ 6Take %o'r garland and go wor!hi# Ganga devi a! %o' de!ired+6 64hat ha! ha##ened i! good) m% !on+ I ho#e that all danger! and diffi 'ltie! were driven o't with the broken #ie e!+6 Sri Ga'ra!'ndara wa! a!hamed) b't He ro!e and went to take Hi! bath+ &other Sa i leaned the ho'!e and #re#ared to ook+ She felt no 'nha##ine!! altho'gh !o m' h had been wa!ted b% Nimai5! tirade+ &other Ya!oda in Gok'la al!o end'red the re!tle!! mood! and a tivitie! of "ord ,r!na+ A! the 7niver!al &other) Sa idevi al!o end'red the re!tle!! behavior of Sri Ga'ra!'ndara+ 0'!t a! Nimai angril% !ma!hed ever%thing in &other Sa i5! ho'!e) there were man% other re!tle!! #a!time! He #erformed+ I o'ld narrate man% of them+ &other Sa i end'red ever%thing with bod%) mind and word! a! tho'gh !he were &other @arth in #er!on+ After !ome time Sri Caitan%a &aha#rabh') the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) 4ho i! f'll of wonderf'l #a!time!) ret'rned home from Hi! bath in the Ganga+ He wor!hi#ed "ord Vi!hn') offered water to t'la!i and !at down to eat+ Sati!fied with Hi! meal) Nimai wa!hed Him!elf and hewed on betel leaf+ After !ometime &other Sa i broke the !ilen e+ 6&% !on what wa! the #'r#o!e of !o m' h de!tr' tion and wa!te?6 6Thi! ho'!e) the f'rnit're) all the food grain! / ever%thing belong! to Yo') and the lo!! i! Yo'r!+ I am not re!#on!ible+6

6Yo' in!i!t that Yo' want to go to !t'd% thi! ver% moment) b't I have r'n o't of re!o'r e! in the ho'!e+ 4hat will %o' eat tomorrow?6 Nimai !miled at Hi! mother5! word!+ 6"ord ,r!na i! the maintainer+ He will take are of '!)6 re#lied Nimai+ 4ith that) the "ord of Sara!vati took Hi! book! in hand and went to !t'd%+ >or !ometime He remained in the mellow of learning) and in the evening He walked to the bank! of the Ganga+ >rom there he ret'rned home+ Calling Hi! mother a!ide in !e re %) Nimai gave her two tola! of !hining gold+ 6Yo' !ee &other) "ord ,r!na ha! given &e a trea!'re+ @* hange it for mone% and !#end it a! %o' need+6 Nimai went off to bed) leaving #oor da=ed Sa idevi to tr% to re!olve the m%!ter% of her !on5! behavior+ 6>rom where doe! He bring gold)6 !he #ondered+ 6I5m afraid !ome danger will befall '! be a'!e of thi!+ 6A! !oon a! there i! a !hortage of o'r ne e!!ar% !'##lie!+ He bring! gold) not ;'!t on e b't again and again+ 63oe! He borrow the gold) or reate it b% m%!ti #ower!? >rom where or whom doe! He get it?6 Noble &other Sa i wa! an inno ent and hone!t woman+ She wa! a##rehen!ive even while e* hanging the gold for mone%+ &other Sa i in!tr' ted the #eo#le) 6>ir!t !how the gold in !everal different #la e!) then e* hange it+6 Th'! Nimai) the lande!tine S'#reme Controller of all m%!ti #ower!) lived in Navadvi#a+ Alwa%! !een l't hing Hi! book! in Hi! gra ef'l hand!) Nimai looked like C'#id #er!onified a! He !t'died in the mid!t of Hi! la!!mate!+ An 7rdhva tilak mark adorned Hi! forehead) and the bea't% of hi! !hining 'rl% hair o'ld rob an%one of Hi! mind+ He wa! the embodiment of tran! endental eff'lgen e and ro'nd Hi! !ho'lder h'ng the !a red brahmin thread+ Hi! ever/ !miling en hanting fa e wa! delightf'l) !howing off a !et of twinkling teeth+ How wonderf'l were hi! lot'! e%e!) and how wonderf'l wa! the harming manner in whi h He t' k! hi! bright dhoti thri e in the wai!tband+

4hoever beheld Nimai5! bea't% ga=ed at Him with 'nblinking e%e!+ No one o'ld #a!! b% Him witho't an ad'lator% omment like) 64hat e*traordinar% bea't%.6 Nimai Thak'ra o'ld give !' h a marvelo'! e*#lanation of an%thing that even Hi! tea her felt immea!'rable #lea!'re when hearing it+ Sri Gangada!a (andita #er!onall% honored Nimai b% a##ointing Him foremo!t of all the !t'dent!+ The tea her !aid) 6&% bo% #lea!e ontin'e to !t'd% attentivel% and I am ver% !'re %o' will !oon be a great ! holar and tea her Yo'r!elf+6 Nimai !aid) 6Sir) on e %o' have ble!!ed !omeone) what an kee# him from attaining the Bhatta ar%a title?6 There wa! not a !t'dent who o'ld an!wer an% of Nimai5! <'e!tion!+ He Him!elf wo'ld e!tabli!h a law of #rin i#le) b't in the end He o'ld ref'te Hi! on l'!ion!+ And if !omeone o'ld not e*#lain a #rin i#le) Nimai wo'ld e*#lain it #erfe tl%+ 4hile bathing) while eating) while walking or while #erforming an% other a tivit%) Nimai tho'ght onl% of ! ri#t'ral on l'!ion!+ In thi! wa% Nimai remained ab!orbed in the mellow of learning and ed' ation witho't revealing Him!elf to the world) a world !#irit'all% blind and f'll of offen!e!+ The entire !o iet% had be ome devoid of devotional !ervi e to S'#reme "ord Hari and the #eo#le were #reo '#ied+ Grand fe!tival! were held in honor of !on! and relative!+ Nothing in !o iet% fo'nd e*#re!!ion e* e#t the #'r!'it of bodil% maintenan e) ho'!ehold welfare and other m'ndane a tivitie!+ The #eo#le in general !o'ght ha##ine!! thro'gh fal!e a!#iration!) and the !o iet% of Vai!nava! lamented over the ondition+ The Vai!nava! hanted ,r!na5! name! and lamented in their #ra%er!) 6-h S'#reme "ord Nara%ana) #lea!e be mer if'l to the!e 'nfort'nate living entitie!+6 And to the whole !o iet% the% !aid) 6Yo' have not develo#ed an% attra tion for the all attra tive "ord ,r!na) in !#ite of re eiving thi! rare h'man birth+ How m' h longer do %o' want to en;o% !' h adver!it%? 6Thi! rare h'man birth that even demigod! de!ire i! being wa!ted b% %o' in fal!e #lea!'re!+

6Nobod% follow! the fe!tival! that glorif% and honor "ord ,r!na) rather the% #erform rit'ali!ti eremonie! like marriage! to en;o% them!elve! a! the% mar h toward! the ;aw! of death+6 And again to the "ord the% #ra%ed) 6The!e living entitie! belong to Yo') - "ord+ Yo' are the (rote tor+ 4hat #ower do we have to !#eak? Yo' are the !'#reme father of ever%one+6 In thi! wa% the devotee! on!idered the benefit of all living entitie! and then !ang the glorie! of "ord ,r!na andra+ Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter 9 All glorie! to Sri ,r!na Caitan%a) the 'nlimited o ean of mer %+ All glorie! to "ord Nit%ananda) the deare!t friend of the di!tre!!ed+ All glorie! to "ord Caitan%a) the life5! trea!'re and !o'l of Sri Advaita A ar%a) and the #ri ele!! trea!'re ho'!e of Sri Gadadhara (andita+ All glorie! to "ord Vi!vambhara) the !on of Sri 0agannatha &i!ra and &other Sa i+ All glorie! to all the devotee! who are !' h dear a!!o iate! of the "ord+ "ord Ananta Se!a a##eared in the Radha di!tri t on an order given #revio'!l% b% Sri Caitan%a+ He remained in the material world a ording to &aha#rabh'5! tran! endental de!ire+ Sri Nit%ananda (rabh') the "ord of the Ga'di%a Vai!nava!) a##eared in the village of @ka akra+ Hi! father wa! a brahmana named Hadai (andita and hi! mother wa! Srimati (admavati devi+ >rom Hi! earl% hildhood Sri Nit%ananda (rabh' had a !erene di!#o!ition and wa! highl% intelligent+ He wa! a re!ervoir of e* ellen e!+ Hi! harming bea't% over!hadowed the attra tivene!! of million! '#on million! of C'#id!+ >rom the time of Nit%ananda5! birth) ever%thing be ame a'!#i io'! in the di!tri t of Radha+ >amine) #overt% and all kind! of di!t'rban e! were totall% di!#elled+ -n the da% of "ord Caitan%a5! a##earan e in Navadvi#a) Sri Nit%ananda) who wa! !till in Radha) roared with ;'bilation+ The !o'nd of that roar filled the 'niver!e and robbed ever%one of their !en!e!+ Some #eo#le !#e 'lated) 6It m'!t be a th'nder la#+6 -ther! tho'ght it wa! the !o'nd of !ome im#ending di!a!ter+ Still other! !aid) 64e know the rea!on for thi! !o'nd+ "ord Nit%ananda) the "ord of the Ga'di%a Vai!nava!) i! roaring in e !ta!%+6

(eo#le offered different o#inion! on thi! !'b;e t) b't no one a t'all% knew "ord Nit%ananda in tr'th d'e to hi! ill'!or% #oten %+ "ord Nit%ananda on ealed hi! identit% and #la%ed gleef'll% with the other %o'ng hildren of Hi! age+ The vario'! game! "ord Nit%ananda #la%ed with Hi! %o'ng friend! were a t'all% manife!tation! of different #a!time! of "ord ,r!na+ The hildren got together and formed a divine o'n il where !ome of them took the role of &other @arth and !'bmitted a #etition+ Tho!e hildren were a om#anied b% man% other! when the% went to the bank of the milk o ean and offered their hoi e!t #ra%er! to "ord ,r!na+ A ertain %o'ng bo% 'n!een b% an%one alled o't in a lo'd voi e) 6I !hall a##ear in Gok'la) &ath'ra+6 -n !ome evening!) "ord Nit%ananda gathered Hfoi! %o'ng friend! and ena ted the marriage of Sri Va!'deva with 3evaki devi+ Clo!ing all the door! and window! to the room to reate a d'ngeon) "ord Nit%ananda ena ted the birth of "ord ,r!na whi h took #la e dee# in the night while the re!t of the world !le#t+ Then the% arried bab% "ord ,ri!hna to their imaginar% Gok'la dhama and e* hanged Him for the bab% girl &ahama%a) the e*ternal #oten % of the "ord+ Th'! the% tri ked the wi ked ,ing ,am!a+

Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter $I All glorie! to "ord Caitan%a) Sri Ga'ra andra+ He i! the !'#reme ontroller of all other i!vara! and the mo!t heri!hed "ove of "ord Nit%ananda+ He #o!!e!!e! an eternal tran! endental form+ "ord) mer if'll% look '#on the onditioned living !o'l!+ All glorie! to Yo') for Yo' are the be!t of the brahmana!) the !on of Sri 0agannatha &i!ra+ All glorie! to Yo'r devotee!) the mo!t elevated !o'l!+ Yo' are an o ean of om#a!!ion) and Yo'r bea'tif'l e%e! are like lot'! #etal!+ Be !o kind) "ord) a! to grant me thi! #ra%er8 ma% I remain on!tantl% ab!orbed in Yo'r magnanimo'! hara ter+

(lea!e read in thi! ha#ter abo't "ord Caitan%a5! #lea!'rable #a!time! a! a %o'ng ! holar+ He totall% ab!orbed Him!elf in ! holarl% #'r!'it! not finding time for an%thing el!e+ After om#leting Hi! dail% brahmini al d'tie! earl% ea h morning) the "ord of the 7niver!e) Sri Nimai (andita) went to the ho'!e of Sri Gangada!a (andita+ He wa! a om#anied b% !t'dent! who re!#e ted Him a! an a'thoritative ! holar and on!idered them!elve! Hi! di! i#le!+ At Gangada!a5! #la e He ond' ted debate!+ &an% !t'dent! who were not in Hi! gro'# for the debate and who did not !'bmit to Hi! t'tor!hi# were affronted or !lighted b% Nimai and Hi! follower!+ After e!tabli!hing Hi! arg'ment! in the debate) Nimai wo'ld di! '!! the different #oint! He had made with Hi! gro'#) ;'!t a! the other gro'#! wo'ld do+ &'rari G'#ta wa! not among!t Nimai (andita5! gro'#) !o Nimai onfronted him and ref'ted hi! arg'ment!+ Nimai wore Hi! dhoti neatl% wra##ed aro'nd Hi! !lim) elegant frame) and !at amid!t the !t'dent! in the mood of a valiant #rin e+ The !andalwood #a!te tilak de orating Hi! forehead !hone with a !oft golden glow) and Hi! e*<'i!ite and reg'lar !et of teeth were !o eff'lgent that brilliant white #earl! looked old and la kl'!ter in om#ari!on+ At age !i*teen) Nimai5! %o'th blo!!omed like !#ring+ He wa! bea't% #er!onified and even C'#id fell a#tive to Hi! harm+ The er'dition He e*hibited in Hi! #a!time! a! a ! holar far !'#er!eded the knowledge and learning of Brha!#ati+ If an% of the !t'dent! tried to learn the ! ri#t're! on hi! own) Nimai wa! <'i k to ta'nt him+ The "ord wo'ld hallenge) 64ho i! here? S' h a great ! holar to ref'te m% arg'ment!? 4itho't even knowing the r'le! of #ro#er on;'gation !ome #er!on! tr% to 'nder!tand grammar b% them!elve! and fool them!elve! into om#la en %+ Yet in !#ite of their vanit%) be a'!e of their ignoran e the% annot an!wer &% arg'ment! #ro#erl%+ The% annot even debate the arg'ment! #ro#erl%+6 &'rari G'#ta heard the!e #rovo ative and boa!tf'l word! of the "ord b't remained !ilent and ontin'ed to do hi! work+ Still Nimai wo'ld not leave him alone+ He ta'nted &'rari G'#ta at ever% o##ort'nit%) b't !eeing the alm rea tion of Hi! dear !ervant) the "ord wa! a t'all% ver% !ati!fied+ -n e Nimai !aid to &'rari G'#ta) 6Yo' are a Vedi do tor+ 4h% do %o' !t'd% grammar here? Go to %o'r leave! and herb! and make a om#o'nd !o %o' an 're the !i k+ Grammar i! e*tremel% diffi 'lt to learn+ Here there i! no mention of m' '!) bile or indige!tion+ How do %o' want to a om#li!h an%thing in learning grammar ;'!t b% !t'd%ing on %o'r own? Rather) go home and tr% to 're the !i k+6 Sri &'rari G'#ta wa! the #artial e*#an!ion of R'dra) "ord Siva) and had a volatile tem#er+ Yet "ord Vi!vambhara o'ld not !ee a !ingle tra e of anger in him+ In re#l% &'rari G'#ta !aid) 6- learned Brahmin) #lea!e tell me one thing8 I !ee that Yo' ta'nt ever%one+ 4h% are Yo' !o arrogant? -n what !'b;e t! did Yo' not re eive a #ro#er an!wer from me? 4hether the di! '!!ion wa! on verb r'le!) a!trolog% with it! different #'r#ort!) or other #hilologi al <'e!tion!) I an!wered them all+ 4itho't a!king and waiting for a re#l% Yo' fla'nt me+

4hat do Yo' reall% know? Yo' are a learned brahmin) !o wh% do Yo' a t like thi!? 4hat more an I !a%?6 6Alright) di! '!! and anal%=e what %o' have read toda%)6 !aid Nimai+ &'rari G'#ta began hi! e*#lanation! and the "ord immediatel% ref'ted them+ &'rari G'#ta e*#lained in a ertain wa% b't the "ord wo'ld e*#lain the !ame !'b;e t in another wa%+ At la!t the &a!ter) not Hi! !ervant) a e#ted defeat+ B% the "ord5! infl'en e &'rari e*hibited great er'dition and Nimai wa! e*tremel% #lea!ed b% &'rari5! e*#lanation+ The "ord #la ed hi! !oft lot'! hand! on &'rari G'#ta) and '#on re eiving that !'blime to' h) &'rari e*#erien ed inde! ribable bli!!+ 6Thi! Nimai annot be an ordinar% #er!on)6 tho'ght &'rari to him!elf+ 6How wo'ld it be #o!!ible for an ordinar% #er!on to #o!!e!! !' h va!t learning? &% bod% felt !' h !#irit'al e* itement ;'!t b% the to' h of Hi! hand!+ I think that I !ho'ld not be a!hamed to learn 'nder hi! t'tor!hi#+ There i! no one a! intelligent or learned in all of Navadvi#a+6 Then &'rari G'#ta) the A%'rvedi do tor) !'bmitted to the "ord) 6- Vi!vambhara) I will learn 'nder %o'r t'tor!hi#+6 In thi! affe tionate manner the &a!ter and Hi! !ervant intera ted+ The "ord then took all Hi! friend! to the Ganga for a bath+ The divine #a!time! of Sri Caitan%a a! a ! holar were ena ted in thi! mood+ Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter $$ All glorie! to Sri Ga'ra andra) the S'#reme "ord of all lord!+ Hi! %o'thf'l #a!time! a! a ! holar revealed Hi! attra tion for learning+ He !ta%ed in Navadvi#a) b't He on ealed Hi! tr'e identit%+ The be!t of the brahmana!) Ga'ra andra) !#ent all Hi! %o'nger da%! #'r!'ing Hi! !t'die!+ Hi! hand!ome %o'thf'lne!! o'ld defeat the bea't% of million! '#on million! of '#id!+ @ver% limb of Hi! tran! endental bod% wa! a #erfe tion of bea't%+ Hi! arm! e*tended down to the knee! and Hi! e*<'i!ite e%e! were like lot'! #etal!+ Hi! attra tive li#! were red a! if from hewing betel) and He wa! alwa%! dre!!ed in fine) ma;e!ti lothe!+ @ver in a ha##% mood) He walked amid!t Hi! olleag'e! and di! i#le!) entertaining them with Hi! !#arkling wit+ He wa! their 'n<'e!tioned leader on the !trength of Hi! !'#erior intelligen e and learning+ He roamed all over Navadvi#a arr%ing Hi! book! a! if holding Sara!vati devi) the Godde!! of "earning) within Hi! #alm) for He i! the S'#reme "ord of the entire o!mi manife!tation+ No ! holar in Navadvi#a dared to find fa'lt! in Hi! di!!ertation!+ -nl% the brahmana Gangada!a (andita) a ver% #io'! and fort'nate !o'l) wa! a#able of di! '!!ing with the "ord+

The different ategorie! of #eo#le in Navadvi#a !aw &aha#rabh' in their own wa%+ The materiali!ti fr'itive worker! who were atta hed to famil% and home !aw Him a! the "ord and e*#erien ed an ine*#li able wonder+ 6How remarkable that ever% ho'!e He gra e! !ho'ld alwa%! have #ro!#erit%)6 the% e* laimed+ The ladie! !aw Him a! the mo!t attra tive C'#id+ B't in the heart! of the athei!t! He !tr' k fear a! the God of death+ The ! holar! were onvin ed that Brha!#ati) the mo!t learned #rie!t of the demigod!) had taken birth on earth+ B't the Vai!nava! were !erio'!l% on erned abo't Ga'ranga and Hi! behavior+ 6He i! endowed with !' h !'blime #h%!i al bea't%)6 the% !adl% ommented) 6%et He !how! no attra tion for "ord ,r!na+ 4hat will all Hi! learning and er'dition bring Him e* e#t %ear! of wa!ted time+6 The Vai!nava! !#oke in thi! manner be a'!e the% were bewildered b% the internal #oten % of the "ord+ Altho'gh the% !aw the S'#reme "ord in #er!on before them) the% o'ld not re ogni=e Him+ -n e a Vai!nava met the "ord and en<'ired) 64hat i! the '!e of wa!ting %o'r time in #'r!'it of material knowledge+6 The "ord !miled at the on ern of Hi! devotee and re#lied) 6Tr'l% it i! m% great fort'ne that %o' are in!tr' ting me to a e#t the #ath of devotional !ervi e+6 The!e are !ome of the e* hange! of mellow! between the S'#reme "ord and Hi! devotee!+ Yet even the devotee! / what to !#eak of ordinar% men / o'ld not re ogni=e the "ord a! He 'nfolded Hi! #a!time! in the mood of a ! holar+ Navadvi#a wa! the !eat of learning in tho!e da%! and !t'dent! and ! holar! ame there from all over+ There were man% #'re Vai!nava devotee! among!t them) e!#e iall% from Chattograma) who had ome to live near the bank of the Ganga+ B% the "ord5! de!ire all tho!e Vai!nava devotee! had a##eared in Navadvi#a+ Abandoning all #h%!i al and material #lea!'re!) the% were f'll% atta hed to the lot'! feet of "ord ,r!na+ The% met dail%) !t'died together and in !olit'de / awa% from the b'!tle of materiali!ti life / the% di! '!!ed #a!time! of "ord Govinda5!+ Sri &'k'nda wa! e!#e iall% loved b% all the other Vai!nava! be a'!e he o'ld melt an%one5! heart with hi! bea'tif'l !inging+ Toward! evening) the devotee! wo'ld gather in Sri A ar%a5! ho'!e and when &'k'nda wo'ld !ing devotional !ong! to "ord ,r!na) the devotee! wo'ld lo!e their om#o!'re+ Some wo'ld r%A other! wo'ld la'gh lo'dl% and !till other! wo'ld dan e+ Some lo!t ontrol of them!elve! and their lothe! and wo'ld roll on the gro'nd) feeling great e !ta!%+ Some hanted lo'dl% a! if roaring like lion!) and other! la##ed the devote! lo'dl% on their ba k!+ Still other! !im#l% to' hed the feet of Sri &'k'nda+ The whole #la e be ame tran!formed into a mo!t bli!!f'l ! ene) and all the Vai!nava! forgot their #revio'! !'ffering!+ The S'#reme "ord Ga'ra!'ndara wa! alwa%! #lea!ed with &'k'nda+ 4henever he !aw &'k'nda He wo'ld h'rr% forward to meet him+ Nimai wo'ld #re!ent &'k'nda with #roblem!) and &'k'nda wo'ld earne!tl% tr% to e*#lain them+ B't the "ord wo'ld immediatel% re#l% that &'k'nda5! arg'ment! were all wrong) and inevitabl% an arg'ment wo'ld en!'re+ &'k'nda had

be ome a re!#e ted ! holar b% !' h meeting! with the "ord) and he wo'ld arg'e with the "ord) #re!enting #ro! and on! to e!tabli!h hi! arg'ment!+ -f o'r!e the S'#reme "ord re ogni=ed Hi! devotee! and en;o%ed !' h e* hange!+ Caitan%a al!o hara!!ed Sriva!a in the !ame manner whenever He !aw him) !o mo!t of the Vai!nava! tried to avoid meeting the "ord whi h !im#l% wa!ted their time in '!ele!! !o#hi!tr% and arg'ment+ The Vai!nava! were f'll% deta hed from material #lea!'re!) being totall% immer!ed in love of ,r!na+ Hen e) the% fo'nd no intere!t in an% to#i ! other than ,r!na on! io'! to#i !+ The% were not in!#ired to arg'e with the "ord on logi or other !' h material to#i !+ In an% a!e) the intera tion! invariabl% ended with the "ord making f'n of them+ Therefore when an% of them !#otted the "ord) he wo'ld hange hi! dire tion and kee# hi! di!tan e+ The% en;o%ed onl% ,r!na on! io'! to#i !) %et whenever the "ord met them He wo'ld onl% a!k <'e!tion! on logi and other material !'b;e t!+ -ne da% Caitan%a wa! walking down the main !treet with !ome other !t'dent!+ &'k'nda ha##ened to be oming that wa% at the !ame time) going for hi! dail% bath in the river+ Seeing the "ord from a di!tan e) &'k'nda <'i kl% t'rned awa%+ The "ord !aw &'k'nda !neak awa% and He a!ked Hi! !ervant Govinda) 64h% did thi! fellow r'n awa% on !eeing me?6 63ear learned brahmana) I don5t know wh% he ha! gone awa%)6 !aid Govinda+ 6&a%be he ha! !ome other work+6 6I know wh% he ran awa%)6 !aid Ga'ranga+ 6He doe! not like to talk abo't m'ndane !'b;e t matter!+ Thi! fellow onl% !t'die! devotional ! ri#t're! while I ;'ggle with a!trolog%) theolog%) verb r'le! and grammar+ Be a'!e I do not talk abo't ,r!na he ha! avoided me+6 7!ing har!h term! He #retended to !lander &'k'nda b't He wa! a t'all% ver% #lea!ed with him+ In thi! wa% He !im'ltaneo'!l% revealed Hi! own S'#reme identit%+ Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter $: All glorie! to the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead Sri Ga'ra!'ndara and all glorie! to the !ervant follower! of the S'#reme "ord+ Nimai wa! f'll% engaged in #erforming Hi! tran! endental #a!time! a! a ! holar in Navadvi#a+ Alwa%! with a book in hand) He went abo't Navadvi#a hallenging all the ! holar! and tea her! to debate on #ra ti all% an% !'b;e t matter) b't no one o'ld meet Hi! hallenge+ The "ord wa! !'##o!ed to have !t'died onl% grammar+ Yet He regarded a laimed and titled ! holar! with

di!dain+ He wa! a !elf/!ati!fied ! holar and went abo't Navadvi#a with Hi! di! i#le! and !t'dent who were ver% fort'nate d'e to Hi! a!!o iation+ -ne da% He <'ite 'ne*#e tedl% met &'k'nda on the road+ Cat hing him b% the hand) the "ord demanded) 64hat i! %o'r rea!on for avoiding &e or t'rning awa% when %o' !ee &e? Toda% let &e !ee how %o' e! a#e witho't an!wering &% <'e!tion!+6 6How am I going to defeat Him toda%?6 tho'ght &'k'nda+ 6I know that He i! well ver!ed in grammar) !o I !hall <'e!tion Him on Falankar5 1fig're! of !#ee h2 and defeat Him !o thoro'ghl% that He will never boa!t to me again+6 The debate began and the% #lied ea h other with <'e!tion!+ The "ord defeated ea h of &'k'nda5! e*#lanation!+ Then &'k'nda !'gge!ted) 6Grammar i! for !mall hildren+ -nl% %o'ng !t'dent! di! '!! the!e !'b;e t!+ 4e !ho'ld rather di! '!! fig're! of !#ee h+6 64hatever %o' wi!h )6 re#lied Nimai+ &'k'nda <'oted diffi 'lt and loft% !loka! one after the other) a!king <'e!tion! on different a!#e t! of the fig're! of !#ee h+ The omni#otent S'#reme "ord #ointed o't mi!take! in ever% one of hi! om#o!ition! and !ma!hed all hi! arg'ment!+ &'k'nda wa! 'nable to e!tabli!h an% new #oint!+ 6Toda%) ret'rn to %o'r ho'!e and #lea!e !t'd% %o'r book! #ro#erl%)6 !aid the "ord !miling+ 6Tomorrow) if %o' want) I will #'t %o' to the te!t again+6 &'k'nda took the d'!t from the "ord5! lot'! feet and left thinking abo't thi! wonderf'l in ident+ 6It i! not #o!!ible for a h'man being to #o!!e! !' h knowledge)6 tho'ght &'k'nda+ 6He i! well ver!ed in all the ! ri#t're! and !'b;e t!+ There i! not one thing He doe! not know+ He i! !' h a geni'!+ If onl% He were a devotee of "ord ,r!na then I wo'ld never leave Hi! om#an% for a moment+6 The "ord of Vaik'ntha en;o%ed the mood of a ! holar while roaming abo't Navadvi#a+ -n another o a!ion He met Gadadhara (andita+ The "ord gra!#ed both of Gadadhara5! hand! and !aid) 6I heard %o' !t'd% logi + Yo' m'!t an!wer &% <'e!tion! before %o' leave+6 Gadadhara (andita agreed and the "ord began) 6Tell me the !%m#tom! of liberation+6 Gadadhara re#lied a ording to knowledge he had gained from the book!) b't the "ord !aid) 6Yo'r e*#lanation! are not '# to !tandard+6 Gadadhara in!i!ted) 6A ording to the ! ri#t're! liberation ome! onl% after the e*tir#ation of e*treme !'ffering+6 Nimai (andita) the "ord of Sara!vati 3evi) the Godde!! of "earning) #ointed o't di! re#an ie! in vario'! angle! of Gadadhara (andita5! e*#lanation+ There wa! no one who o'ld defeat the "ord) no one who o'ld win in a debate with Him+ 6Gadadhara) %o' !ho'ld go home toda%) b't tomorrow we !hall meet again and %o' will have another han e)6 !aid Nimai+ B't Gadadhara o'ld onl% think of e! a#ing Nimai5! a!!o iation+ He offered d'e re!#e t to Nimai and left a! <'i kl% a! #o!!ible+ Nimai ontin'ed to roam abo't Navadvi#a with Hi! !t'dent!+

@ver%one now re ogni=ed Nimai a! an er'dite ! holar and #eo#le in general were ver% re!#e tf'l toward! Him+ In the late afternoon the "ord wo'ld !it in the mid!t of Hi! !t'dent! on the bank of the Ganga+ Nothing in the o!mi reation o'ld om#are with Hi! harm for He wa! ontin'all% wor!hi#ed b% "ak!mi 3evi) the Godde!! of 4ealth+ Sri Sa inandana e*#lained the ! ri#t're! and all Hi! !t'dent! !at aro'nd Him li!tening+ Aro'nd evening time the Vai!nava! ame and !at at a di!tan e from the "ord li!tening to hi! e*#lanation! with mi*ed feeling! of elation and de#re!!ion+ 64hat i! the benefit of #o!!e!!ing !o m' h bea't% and !' h va!t learning if one doe! not wor!hi# ,r!na?6 ommented one devotee+ 6I have to r'n awa% when I !ee Him) le!t He at h me and defeat me with Hi! tri k% <'e!tion!)6 !aid another+ 6If He at he! %o') %o' annot e! a#e+ He for e! %o' to !ta% a! tho'gh He had the a'thorit% of !ome government offi ial)6 om#lained another+ 6B't Hi! !trength i! !o e*traordinar%)6 on l'ded one devotee) 6that I think He m'!t be !ome great #er!onalit%+ Altho'gh He hara!!e! '! with tri k% <'e!tion!) !omehow I feel ver% #lea!ed ea h time I !ee Him+ I have %et to meet an%one with Hi! er'dition+ The onl% thing that di!hearten! me i! that He doe! not wor!hi# "ord ,r!na+6 The devotee! !in erel% #ra%ed that Nimai wo'ld develo# !ome atta hment for the lot'! feet of "ord ,r!na+ The% #ro!trated them!elve! on the bank of the Ganga and #etitioned the "ord on Nimai5! behalf+ 6- "ord ,r!na) #lea!e allow the !on of Sri 0agannatha &i!ra to be alwa%! ab!orbed in Yo') leaving a!ide Hi! other #'r!'it!)6 the% #ra%ed+ 6Allow Him to wor!hi# Yo' alwa%! in loving devotion and then we an all a!!o iate with Him+6 Nimai re eived the ble!!ing! of the #'re Vai!nava devotee!+ A! the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead re!iding in ever%one5! heart) He knew the mentalit% of the devotee!+ 4henever He !aw Sriva!a and other elevated devotee! He wo'ld alwa%! offer them re!#e t+ He a e#ted the ble!!ing! of the Vai!nava!) knowing that onl% thro'gh !' h ble!!ing! o'ld love of ,r!na be a hieved+ -ften devotee! <'e!tioned Him) 64h% do Yo' wa!te Yo'r time #'r!'ing material knowledge? 4hat will Yo' gain?6 -ther! wo'ld advi!e) 6Yo' !ho'ld begin to wor!hi# the S'#reme "ord ,r!na immediatel%+ 4hat i! the 'ltimate aim of ed' ation? It i! onl% to know the S'#reme "ord) and if Yo' mi!! thi! #oint then what i! the '!e of all Yo'r er'dition?6

The "ord affe tionatel% re#lied) 6I am tr'l% ver% fort'nate that all of %o' are !o intent abo't tea hing &e the #ath of devotional !ervi e to ,r!na+ 4ithin &% heart I know that whoever re eive! %o'r ble!!ing! i! mo!t fort'nate+ 6I have alwa%! tho'ght that I wo'ld take !helter of a #'re Vai!nava devotee b't onl% after I have !t'died a little longer+6 The "ord onver!ed affe tionatel% with Hi! devotee! in thi! manner and %et remained 'ndete ted b% an%one thro'gh the infl'en e of Hi! internal #oten %) &a%a+ The "ord harmed ever%one and !tole their heart!+ There wa! no one who did not wait eagerl% to meet the "ord again+ The iti=en! of Navadvi#a were e<'all% ha##% to meet Sri Ga'ra andra and whenever the% !aw him the% offered re!#e t+ @a h of the town!#eo#le !aw the "ord a ording to hi! own mentalit%+ The ladie! tho'ght) 6-) here i! C'#id+6 The ! holar! offered Him great re!#e t thinking He wa! Brha!#ati) the #rie!t of the demigod!+ The m%!ti %ogi! on!idered Him to be a #erfe ted being) while the evil/minded athei!t! and !inner! beheld Him with fear+ Nimai5! harm wa! irre!i!tible+ 4hoever onver!ed with Him be ame a#tivated a! tho'gh bo'nd b% the ro#e! of love+ Altho'gh He a ted like a braggart) flo'n ing Hi! er'dition) !till #eo#le heard Him with affe tion+ @ven the &'!lim! and other! felt affe tion for the "ord+ That wa! onl% nat'ral be a'!e the "ord5! nat're wa! magnanimo'!+ The S'#reme "ord of all the !#irit'al #lanet! wa! tea hing man% !t'dent! in front of &'k'nda and San;a%a5! ho'!e+ Never tiring from debate on an% #oint) the "ord Vi!vambhara) Sri Sa inandana) e*hibited Hi! #a!time! a! a ! holar+ None of the fort'nate !o'l! who had onta t with Ga'ra!'ndara in l'ding &'k'nda and San;a%a o'ld 'nder!tand the rea!on for their e*hilaration in the "ord5! om#an%+ The "ord of Vaik'ntha had ma!tered all the bran he! of ed' ation) and He e*hibited thi! tran! endental #a!time in the mood of a er'dite ! holar for the #lea!'re of ever%one+ -ne da% the "ord #retended He wa! !i k from a ertain kind of di!order and '!ed thi! to reveal e !tati !%m#tom! of devotional !ervi e+ S'ddenl% He 'ttered !ome thing m%!ti al and inde i#herable+ >alling to the gro'nd He rolled aro'nd breaking ever%thing within rea h+ He roared like th'nder / like a hallenging wre!tler / and !tr' k whoever ame near Him+ At one moment Hi! bod% wo'ld be #aral%=ed and in the ne*t moment He wo'ld fall 'n on! io'!+ Tho!e who witne!!ed the malad% were frightened+ New! !#read that He wa! !'ffering from a wind di!order and all Hi! friend! r'!hed in to tr% to hel#+ B'ddhimanta ,han) &'k'nda and San;a%a ame <'i kl% to Hi! ho'!e with the entire gro'#+ The% a##lied different medi ated herbal oil! on Hi! head to bring Him ba k to a normal ondition+ In a t'alit% Nimai wa! #retending to be !i k) !o no one o'ld 're Him from Hi! ondition+ Hi! whole bod% <'ivered 'n ontrollabl% and He alternatel% !ighed and roared) making ever%one fearf'l+

6I am the "ord of the entire 'niver!e)6 !aid Nimai+ 6I am the maintainer and holder of the 7niver!e and &% name i! Vi!vambhara+ I am that !ame S'#reme (er!onalit% who i! the "ord of all the !#irit'al #lanet!) b't none of %o' know &e+6 In Hi! madne!! He r'!hed o't to at h !omeone+ Altho'gh Nimai revealed Hi! real identit% d'ring Hi! illne!! !till no one re ogni=ed Him be a'!e of the "ord5! internal #oten %+ 6Some demon m'!t have #o!!e!!ed Him)6 ommented one #er!on+ And another immediatel% <'e!tioned) 6I! thi! how a wit h work!?5 6He i! !#eaking on!tantl%) therefore He m'!t have !ome !ort of wind di!order)6 !'gge!ted another #er!on+ In thi! wa% ea h one offered hi! own o#inion) b't none of them o'ld 'nder!tand the "ord in tr'th be a'!e of the infl'en e of Hi! ill'!or% #oten %) the internal #oten % of the S'#reme "ord Vi!hn'+ (eo#le ontin'ed to tr% to 're the "ord b% a##l%ing a variet% of oil! over Hi! head and bod%+ He dri##ed with oil) %et ke#t on la'ghing a! if to !'b!tantiate the e*i!ten e of a wind di!order that wa! affe ting Hi! mind+ After !ome time the "ord be ame normal again of Hi! own a ord+ S' h are the wonderf'l #a!time! of the S'#reme "ord+ @ver%one wa! relieved and ;'bilantl% hanted "ord Hari5! name+ Their relief wa! !o great that the% began to give gift! and re eive gift! from other! witho't knowing to whom the% gave or from whom the% took+ The% all ble!!ed the "ord with a long life+ 4ho an om#rehend the!e tran! endental a tivitie! of the "ord of Vaik'ntha if He Him!elf doe! not mer if'll% reveal it? The Vai!nava!) who were a '!tomed to give good advi e to the "ord whenever the% !aw Him) now advi!ed) 63ear Sir) #lea!e wor!hi# the lot'! feet of "ord ,r!na+ Time i! !hort and the bod% i! tem#orar%+ B't what an we tea h %o') for after all Yo' are the mo!t learned #er!on?6 The "ord !miled in a <'ie! en e) offered the Vai!nava! re!#e t) and left to tea h Hi! !t'dent! in the ho'!e of the #io'! &'k'nda and San;a%a+ Hi! hair !till !melling !weet from the medi ated oil!) "ord Ga'ra!'ndara !at among!t Hi! di! i#le! and began to tea h+ In that gathering) the "ord looked like a gem !'rro'nded b% man% #re io'! ;ewel!+ It i! im#o!!ible to give #ro#er analog%+ It o'ld have been "ord Nara%ana in Badarika!ram !itting in the mid!t of Hi! devotee! like Sanaka and other!+ There i! no do'bt that Sa inandana i! that !ame "ord Nara%ana) the S'#reme (er!onalit%+ Th'! He ena ted Hi! ! holarl% #a!time! with Hi! !t'dent! and devotee!+ After holding la!! for !everal ho'r!) Ga'ra!'ndara and Hi! !t'dent! wo'ld break at midda% for their bath in the Ganga+ After that the "ord wo'ld ret'rn home for Hi! dail% wor!hi# of "ord Vi!hn'+ He offered water to T'la!i 3evi) ir 'mamb'lated her) and then !at down to eat Hi! meal while hanting the name of "ord Hari+ "ak!mi 3evi !erved the #ra!ada to her "ord while mother Sa i looked on) drinking in the "ord5! bea't% to her f'll !ati!fa tion+ After eating the "ord hewed

!ome betel leaf and la% down while "ak!mi ma!!aged Hi! lot'! feet+ >or a while He wo'ld re!t in a tran! endental !lee#) and '#on ri!ing He wo'ld again take Hi! book! in Hi! hand and leave the ho'!e+ -'t in the !treet) Ga'ra!'ndara gave and re eived great #lea!'re in talking with an%one He met+ No one knew He wa! in fa t the S'#reme "ord) %et ever%one offered Him re!#e t+ The S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead Sri Sa inandana walked a!'all% thro'gho't the town where ever%one o'ld !ee Him altho'gh He wa! 'na##roa hable even b% demigod!+ -ne da% Nimai ame to a weaver5! ho'!e+ The weaver re eived Hi! g'e!t with reveren e+ 6Bring &e a fine #ie e of loth)6 !aid the "ord) and the weaver immediatel% #rod' ed a ver% good #ie e+ 6How m' h will %o' take for thi!?6 a!ked Nimai+ 64hatever Yo' want to give)6 re#lied the weaver+ Nimai e!timated the #ri e and !aid) 6I have no oin! toda%+6 6&% dear re!#e ted brahmana)6 a!!erted the weaver) 6Yo' an give it to me in ten or fifteen da%!+ Take thi! loth and wear it+ If %o' are !ati!fied) Yo' an #a% me later+6 The S'#reme "ord a!t Hi! mer if'l glan e on the weaver and left hi! #la e+ At the ho'!e of the milkman Nimai took advantage of Hi! #o!ition a! a brahmana+ 6Bring &e !ome milk and %og'rt)6 !aid Ga'ra!'ndara+ 6Toda% I !hall a e#t !ome harit% from %o'+6 To the milkmen Nimai looked like C'#id #er!onified be a'!e of Hi! brilliant bea't%+ Caref'll% and with great reveren e the% !eated Him omfortabl% and began ;oking with Him+ Affe tionatel% the% alled Him 7n le+ 6Come 7n le) ome to m% ho'!e and take !ome ri e)6 !aid one milkman gra!#ing Nimai5! arm a! tho'gh He wo'ld take Him #h%!i all%+ 6No) ome to m% ho'!e for ri e+ 3on5t Yo' remember when Yo' ate in m% ho'!e #revio'!l%?6 !aid another ;okingl%+ A t'all% Nimai had never vi!ited their ho'!e! e* e#t in Hi! #revio'! in arnation a! Sri ,r!na+ The milkman o'ld not know the de#th of hi! ;oke) nor did Nimai reveal it+ He wa! !ati!fied with Hi! !e ret+ The milkmen bro'ght milk) larified b'tter) %og'rt) ream and 'rd and offered it to the "ord+ The "ord wa! #lea!ed with the milkmen and after ble!!ing them He left for the ho'!e of the #erf'mer+ The #erf'me maker re eived the "ord with great re!#e t and offered #ra%er! at Hi! lot'! feet+ 63ear brother) bring &e !ome good #erf'me!)6 !aid Nimai+ The #erf'mer immediatel% went in!ide and ame ba k with hi! be!t olle tion+ 64hat i! the #ri e?6 a!ked Nimai+ 6Yo' know ever%thing)6 re#lied the #erf'mer+ 64o'ld it be #ro#er for me to a!k #a%ment from Yo'? Take thi! #erf'me and '!e it for a few da%!+ If the #erf'me !'it! Yo') Yo' ma% #a% me whatever Yo' like+6 The #erf'mer !meared Nimai5! bod% with fragrant oil and re eived

inde! ribable #lea!'re from the !ervi e+ How o'ld he have remained 'naffe ted while !erving the bea'tif'l bod% of the "ord who an attra t heart! of all living entitie!? Nimai ble!!ed the #erf'mer and went on to the ho'!e of the flori!t+ The flori!t wa! wonder !t' k to !ee !' h an e*tremel% harming #er!on+ He offered hi! obei!an e! to the "ord and with both re!#e t and affe tion he gave Him a #la e to !it+ 6I wo'ld like a ver% bea'tif'l garland b't I do not have an% mone% with &e)6 !aid Nimai+ Noti ing the !ign! of divinit% on the "ord5! #er!on) the flori!t !aid) 6Yo' do not have to give an%thing+6 The flori!t then bro'ght a bea'tif'l garland and #la ed it ro'nd the "ord5! ne k+ Thi! #lea!ed the "ord who began to la'gh along with the di! i#le! and !t'dent! who had a om#anied Him+ The "ord ble!!ed the flori!t and went ne!t to the ho'!e of the betel leaf dealer+ The #an dealer !aw that he had C'#id in #er!on a! a vi!itor+ >ir!t to' hing the lot'! feet of the "ord) the mer hant then offered Him a !eat+ 6It i! m% great fort'ne that %o' have vi!ited thi! h'mble dwelling of mine+6 He then !#ontaneo'!l% #re#ared a betel #an leaf for the "ord and offered it to Him+ 64h% did %o' give &e thi! #an witho't being #aid?6 a!ked the "ord with a !weet !mile+ 6I !im#l% a ted on the #rom#ting of m% heart)6 !aid the #an mer hant+ The "ord wa! #lea!ed with the mer hant5! !im#le hone!t% and wa! !ati!fied to hew the betel #an He had been given+ The dealer made a #a ket ontaining betel leave! with other val'able ta!t% !#i e! like am#hor and offered it to the "ord with faith and re!#e t+ In ret'rn he re eived the a'!ele!! mer % of the "ord+ Nimai ontin'ed to vi!it the #eo#le of Navadvi#a in thi! wa%+ Being an e*a t re#li a of &ath'ra) Navadvi#a wa! an o#'lent town even before the advent of the "ord+ It! lakh! of inhabitant! b'!ied them!elve! thro'gho't the town+ Thi! wa! all #rearranged b% the de!ire of the "ord+ Navadvi#a wa! #re#ared to re eive the in arnation of the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead+ 0'!t a! "ord ,r!na had gone thro'gh &ath'ra meeting the vario'! re!ident!) in thi! in arnation "ord Caitan%a had ena ted the !ame wonderf'l #a!time+ The "ord then vi!ited the ho'!e of the on h !hell dealer+ The mer hant re eived the "ord with great re!#e t and offered hi! obei!an e! at the "ord5! lot'! feet+ 63ear brother) #lea!e bring &e a bea'tif'l on h !hell)6 !aid Nimai+ The mer hant delivered hi! mo!t bea'tif'l !hell and offered hi! obei!an e! again) b't the "ord a!ked) 6How will I take it with &e a! I am not arr%ing an% mone%?6 6Re!#e ted brahmana) #lea!e take thi! on h !hell home with Yo'+ Yo' an #a% me later) or if Yo' do not #a% me at all it doe! not matter+6 The "ord wa! !ati!fied with the on h !hell dealer5! affe tion and ble!!ed him+

In thi! manner the "ord vi!ited man% ho'!e! in Navadvi#a and !howered ea h one with Hi! mer %+ Be a'!e of their great fort'ne) even toda% the re!ident! of Navadvi#a re eive the !helter of the lot'! feet of Sri Ga'ra andra and Sri Nit%ananda+ The f'll% inde#endent S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) Sri Ga'ra andra) then went to the ho'!e of the a!trologer+ The a!trologer !aw a divine #er!onalit% before him) glowing with !#irit'al radian e) and he h'mbl% offered hi! re!#e tf'l obei!an e! and a !eat+ 6I heard that %o' are a good a!trologer)6 !aid the "ord+ 6Tell &e who I wa! in &% #revio'! birth+6 The a!trologer hanted hi! Go#ala mantra and went into meditation+ He !aw the fo'r/handed form of "ord ,r!na with a om#le*ion of a dark mon!oon lo'd+ The "ord wa! holding a on h !hell) the S'dar!ana akra) a l'b and a lot'! in Hi! hand!+ He !aw the "ord bathed in divine eff'lgen e with the ka'!t'bha ;ewel aro'nd Hi! ne k and Hi! brea!t marked with Srivat!a+ He then !aw the #ri!on ho'!e of ,am!a with Va!'deva and &other 3evaki holding the new born bab% in the late night+ Then Sri Va!'deva arried the hild to Gok'la for !afet%+ Again the a!trologer !aw the "ord a! a harming two/handed little bo% witho't an% lothe!+ The ;ewelr% aro'nd Hi! wai!t tinkled !weetl% with ea h movement and both Hi! hand! were filled with ream% b'tter+ The a!trologer !aw the !ame divine !ign! on Sri Caitan%a that he had alwa%! !een on Go#ala) the form of ,r!na on whi h he meditated dail%+ -n e again the a!trologer5! vi!ion hanged and he !aw the 'rved form of "ord S%amananda ,r!na #la%ing Hi! fl'te while the go#i! aro'nd Him #la%ed on different m'!i al in!tr'ment!+ The wonder/!tr' k a!trologer o#ened hi! e%e! to ob!erve the bea'tif'l form of the "ord on whi h he ontin'ed to meditate+ Then he #ra%ed alo'd to hi! wor!hi#able "ord Sri Go#ala +6- Go#ala) #lea!e reveal to me the real identit% of thi! %o'ng brahmana+6 The a!trologer then !aw in hi! meditation the S'#reme "ord with the om#le*ion of d'rba gra!! holding a bow in one hand while !itting on a kingl% throne+ Again he !aw the "ord a! Varaha the boar) balan ing the earth between Hi! t'!k! a! He ro!e magnifi entl% o't of the o ean de#th!+ He !aw "ord Nr!imhadeva) the terrif%ing half/h'man half/ lion in arnation who a##eared to #rote t Hi! #'re devotee!+ Then Vamana a##eared in the !a rifi ial arena of Bali &ahara;a followed b% &at!%a the fi!h !aving the Vedi ! ri#t're! from de!tr' tion in the water! of annihilation+ 4ithin hi! meditation) the #io'! a!trologer then !aw "ord Balarama arr%ing Hi! divine #lo'gh) and after that he !aw 0agannatha and Balarama with S'bhadra !tanding between them+ All the in arnation! of the "ord a##eared to the a!trologer) %et be a'!e of the "ord5! ill'!or% energ% he o'ld not 'nder!tand the dee#er meaning of hi! divine vi!ion+ The a!trologer wa! m%!tified and tho'ght to him!elf) 6&a%be thi! brahmana i! ver% e*#ert in hanting mantra! for in arnation!) or ma%be He i! !ome demigod in the form of a brahmana tr%ing to am'!e Him!elf and te!t me+ He ertainl% #o!!e!!e! an e*traordinar% eff'lgen e+ &a%be He ha! ome a! an a!trologer and lairvo%ant to di!gra e me+6

The "ord interr'#ted hi! tho'ght! and !aid) 64hat do %o' !ee? Tell &e) who am I+ Tell &e ever%thing in detail+6 6(lea!e go now)6 !aid the onf'!ed a!trologer+ 6"ater in the afternoon when I have hanted m% mantra! #ro#erl% I !hall tell Yo' ever%thing+6 The "ord wi!hed him well and went to the ho'!e of Hi! dear friend) Sridhara+ The "ord wa! alwa%! #lea!ed with Sridhara5! behavior and He wo'ld '!e an% e* '!e to vi!it him+ The% wo'ld onver!e onfidentiall% and ;oke with ea h other+ In thi! wa% !everal ho'r! a da% o'ld be #a!!ed ver% ha##il%+ Sridhara offered the "ord obei!an e! and a !eat a! !oon a! He arrived+ Sridhara5! alm and mild #er!onalit% !tood in obvio'! ontra!t to Nimai5! !torm% hara ter+ 6Sridhara %o' are alwa%! hanting "ord Hari5! name) !o what i! the rea!on for %o'r !'ffering? Yo' are !erving the h'!band and ma!ter of Sri "ak!mi 3evi) the Godde!! of >ort'ne) !o wh% are %o' alwa%! in want of food and lothe!?6 6I am not !tarving)6 re#lied Sridhara) 6And a! Yo' an !ee) I have lothe! on+ 6The% are neither fine lothe! nor the right !i=e) b't m% bod% i! overed+6 6B't Sridhara)6 arg'ed the "ord) 6the lothe! are torn in !everal #la e! and I know %o' have neither !traw nor ri e in the ho'!e+ "ook aro'nd %o'+ All the iti=en! wor!hi# Godde!! Candi 1&other 3'rga2 the de!tro%er of all enemie!) and none of them !'ffer for want of food) !helter or lothing+6 6Yo' have made a good #oint)6 re#lied Sridhara) 6b't generall% !#eaking) ever%one5! life i! almo!t the !ame+ The ,ing ma% live in a #ala e !'rro'nded b% o#'len e and eat !'m#t'o'!l% while the bird! live in the o#en or in a !im#le ne!t in a tree to# and gather their own h'mble food+ B't ba!i all% ever%one5! a##roa h to life i! !imilar+ B% the "ord5! de!ign ea h of '! m'!t meet the demand! of d't% and in doing !o we behave more or le!! alike+ (er!onall%) I #refer to live the life I am leading now+6 6I am !'re %o' have immen!e wealth hidden !omewhere)6 a '!ed the "ord) 6and %o' are reli!hing o#'lent food in !e ret+ Soon I will make it known to ever%one) and then we will !ee how %o' ontin'e to heat the #eo#le+6 6Come to m% ho'!e) dear learned brahmana)6 invited Sridhara) 6and !ee for Yo'r!elf+ 4e !ho'ld not !tart an arg'ment here+6 6I am not going to let %o' off !o ea!il%)6 !aid Nimai) 6Tell &e what %o' are going to feed &e?6 6I make a !im#le living !elling leaf '#!)6 re#lied Sridhara+ 64hat an I offer to give Yo' from !' h an in ome) re!#e ted brahmana?6

6I am not going to to' h Yo'r hidden wealth now / that I will get later)6 a!!'red Nimai+ 6B't if %o' give &e banana root and !ome banana !talk! right now witho't taking mone%) then I will not fight with %o' an% more+6 Sridhara tho'ght to him!elf) 6He i! a ver% aggre!!ive brahmana+ Someda% He might even beat me+ B't even if He doe! beat me) what an I do? I reall% annot afford to give him whatever He want! free ea h da%+ B't I !ee He ha! a godl% formA He i! not an ordinar% #er!onalit% b% an% mean!+ If He take! m% thing! b% for e or b% !ome other tri k% mean!) then He i! free to do !o+ I think thi! i! m% good fort'ne) and in !#ite of m% #overt% I will ontin'e to give Him whatever He want!+6 Having made hi! de i!ion) Sridhara an!wered the "ord) 63ear Brahmana) Yo' do not have to #a% me an%thing at all+ I will give Yo' whatever Yo' want with an o#en and ha##% heart+ Take Yo'r banana! and other vegetable!) take the leaf '#! that I have) and #lea!e do not fight with me an%more+6 6Ye!) that i! a ver% !ati!fa tor% agreement)6 !aid Nimai+ 6There !ho'ld be no f'rther fight!) b't #lea!e !ee to it that I get good <'alit% banana!) banana !talk and radi!h+6 3ail% the "ord ate with Sridhara from hi! leaf '#!) reli!hing hi! banana!) banana !talk!) radi!he! and Sridhara5! ooking in general+ 4hen a go'rd grew on Sridhara5! roof to#) the "ord had it ooked into a !#e ial #re#aration made with milk and hot !#i e!+ -ne da% the "ord a!ked) 6Sridhara what do %o' think of &e? A! !oon a! %o' tell me that) I !hall ret'rn to &% ho'!e+6 Sridhara re#lied) 6Yo' are a brahmana) #art and #ar el of the S'#reme "ord Vi!hn'+6 6No) %o' do not know)6 !aid Nimai+ 6I belong to the omm'nit% of owherd! and milk men+ Yo' !ee &e a! a %o'ng brahmin bo%) b't I on!ider &%!elf to be !im#l% a milk man+6 Sridhara ;'!t !miled at the "ord5! ommentA he o'ld not re ogni=e hi! own "ord and ma!ter) being del'ded b% the "ord5! internal #oten %+ 6Sridhara) I am going to reveal to %o' an e!oteri tr'th+ Yo' !ee the river Gange!? I am the !o'r e of the Ganga+6 6- Nimai (andita. Have Yo' no fear in di!re!#e ting Ganga devi like thi!?6 a!ked the di!t'rbed Sridhara+ 6(eo#le '!'all% be ome grave and !erio'! a! the% grow older) b't Yo'r frivolit% !eem! to have do'bled !in e Yo'r hildhood+6 After !ta%ing with Sridhara for !ome time) Nimai (andita ret'rned home+ He entered the tem#le room of "ord Vi!hn' and Hi! !t'dent! took that a! an indi ation that the% !ho'ld al!o ret'rn to their home!+

The ri!ing f'll moon in the evening !tirred wonderf'l !#irit'al emotion! within "ord Nimai+ &emorie! of the moon/like Vrndavana Candra ro!e within Hi! heart+ Nimai5! fl'te #la%ed an e*traordinar% bea'tif'l melod% that onl% mother Sa i o'ld hear+ The fl'te that harm! the entire reation !tole &other Sa i5! on! io'!ne!!) arr%ing it awa% on the wing! of e !ta!%+ Slowl% !he regained her e*ternal awarene!! and after !tead%ing her mind) !he li!tened to the bea'tif'l melod%+ The a#tivating fl'te !eemed to ome from Ga'ra!'ndara5! dire tion+ The m'!i drew &other Sa i from her room to the tem#le room where !he !aw Nimai+ The !o'nd of the fl'te !to##ed om#letel% and on her !on5! he!t !he !aw the f'll ri!ing moon and the fathomle!! firmament+ She wa! over ome b% ama=ement and glan ed re!tivel% in all dire tion! before ret'rning to her room+ She !at down to anal%=e what !he had heard and !een) b't !he o'ld not find a #ro#er e*#lanation+ &other Sa i wa! fort'nate to !ee Nimai5! endle!! !'#ernat'ral #henomenon+ Some night! !he heard man% #eo#le !inging) dan ing and #la%ing in!tr'ment! a! if !ome fe!tival wa! in #rogre!!+ She !ometime! noti ed the entire ho'!e) door!) wall! and window! emanating a brilliant light+ -n !ome da%! !he !aw divinel% bea'tif'l ladie! / a! attra tive a! "ak!mi the Godde!! of >ort'ne / roaming abo't with lot'! flower! in their hand!+ - a!ionall% !he !aw eff'lgent demigod! who wo'ld a##ear and di!a##ear within a moment+ &other Sa i5! vi!ion! were ertainl% not imagination+ She wa! the embodiment of devotional !ervi e to the S'#reme "ord ,r!na and all the Veda! glorif% her+ &erel% her glan e on an% #er!on o'ld #'rif% him !o that he o'ld al!o have the !ame tran! endental vi!ion!+ Sri Ga'ra!'ndara) the S'#reme "ord who i! ,r!na Him!elf) lived in ognito in Navadvi#a) !im#l% reli!hing Hi! own divine !elf+ Sometime! He revealed Hi! tr'e identit% b't none of Hi! eternal !ervant! o'ld re ogni=e Him+ In Hi! Navadvi#a #a!time! the "ord liked to be ver% arrogant) in fa t) no one o'ld mat h that arrogan e+ 4henever the S'#reme "ord #erformed an% #a!time) Hi! a tivitie! o'ld not be e<'aled b% an%one+ 4hen the "ord feel! like #erforming Hi! hivalro'! #a!time!) then there i! no one to hallenge Hi! ma!ter% over wea#on!+ And when He want! to reveal Hi! amoro'! #a!time!) then He a#tivate! the heart! of million! of bea'tif'l dam!el!+ 4hen He want! to en;o% o#'len e) then Hi! o#'len e and magnifi en e i! 'nmat hed+ Now in Hi! #a!time! a! an er'dite ! holar there i! no one to mat h Hi! in!olent arrogan e) and when the !ame "ord a e#t! the reno'n ed order of life) then who an e* el Him in devotion) dedi ation and ren'n iation? I! there an%one in the three world! to mat h Him? Yet in all Hi! in arnation! and #a!time! the =enith of all a tivitie! i! vol'ntar% loving defeat in the hand! of Hi! #'re 'nallo%ed devotee!+ -ne da% the "ord wa! walking down the thoro'ghfare in Navadvi#a !'rro'nded b% a few of Hi! !t'dent di! i#le!+ Hi! movement) dre!! and behavior wa! that of a king and He wore a golden %ellow dhoti e*a tl% like ,r!na+ A fa e that refle ted a million ri!ing f'll moon! had !oft red li#!+ (eo#le wo'ld look and !a%) 6I! He C'#id in #er!on?6 Hi! e*<'i!ite forehead held the tilaka mark) Hi! hand! l't hed Hi! book! and a! !oon a! an%one beheld Hi! lot'!/#etaled e%e! the% were freed of all !inf'l tho'ght! and rea tion!+ The "ord had a re!tle!! nat're+ A! He walked along with hi! !t'dent! He !w'ng hi! arm! in a arefree manner+ Sriva!a (andita al!o ha##ened to be walking on thi! road and a! !oon he !aw the

"ord he immediatel% felt great ha##ine!!+ The "ord offered Hi! obei!an e! to Sriva!a (andita a! !oon a! He !aw him+ Sriva!a (andita) the magnanimo'! #er!onalit%) ble!!ed the "ord !a%ing) 6&a% %o' live a long life+6 Then with a la'gh he en<'ired) 64here are %o' off to now) m% dear e#itome of vanit%? 4hat f'tile work are %o' wa!ting %o'r time on in!tead of wor!hi#ing the S'#reme "ord ,r!na+ And wh% do %o' !#end da%! and night! non!to# tea hing #eo#le? And wh% do %o' not allow #eo#le to ed' ate them!elve! !o that the% an get knowledge abo't "ord ,r!na and the #ro e!! of devotional !ervi e? 4hat i! the '!e of ed' ation and knowledge if devotional !ervi e i! not the 'ltimate goal? >rom now on do not wa!te even a !ingle moment in f'tile a tivitie!+ Yo' have be ome ed' atedA now 'tili=e %o'r time in wor!hi#ing "ord ,r!na+6 6- re!#e ted (andita)6 re#lied Nimai) 6I am !'re that b% %o'r gra e devotional !ervi e to ,r!na i! #o!!ible even for &e+6 Gra io'!l% the "ord took leave of Sriva!a (andita and went to the bank of the Ganga+ The "ord5! bea't% wa! inde! ribable a! He !at in the mid!t of Hi! !t'dent!+ -ne might !a% He looked like the moon !'rro'nded b% a !tarr% firmament+ B't that analog% i! ina 'rate for the moon i! not witho't flaw+ It! wa*ing and waning dimini!h it! glor%) wherea! the e*hilarating bea't% of the "ord wa! ontin'o'!+ Therefore !' h a om#ari!on wa! ina 'rate in de! ribing the "ord5! bea't%+ To om#are him with Brha!#ati wa! al!o inade<'ate for Brha!#ati wa! the !#irit'al ma!ter of onl% the demigod! wherea! the S'#reme "ord Ga'ra andra wa! the !'#reme !helter and #re e#tor of all living entitie!+ To om#are him with C'#id i! al!o in orre t) for remembran e of C'#id give! ri!e to material de!ire and 'ltimatel% grief within the heart) wherea! remembran e of the "ord bring! #'rifi ation and freedom from material bondage thro'gh whi h one en;o%! bli!!f'l eternal life+ It !eem! that all analogie! are ina##ro#riate e* e#t the one whi h i! readil% a e#ted b% m% heart+ -n the bank! of the 0am'na) Sri Nandak'mar ,r!na !at !'rro'nded b% hi! %o'ng owherd bo%friend!+ That !ame ,r!na andra and the !ame owherd bo%! were al!o !itting on the bank! of river Ganga+ 4hoever beheld the harming fa e of the "ord at that time e*#erien ed ine*#li able e !ta!%+ The "ord5! #'re eff'lgent form in!#ired man% o#inion! from the #eo#le who were #re!ent there+ -ne #er!on !aid) 6S' h a brilliant eff'lgen e i! im#o!!ible for a h'man being+6 Another on;e t'red) 6Thi! brahmana m'!t be a #art or an e*#an!ion of "ord Vi!hn'+6 6He ha! ome to f'lfill the #ro#he % that a brahmana wo'ld be the king of Bengal+ I an !ee all the mark! of ro%alt% on Hi! bod%)6 !aid another+ (eo#le ontin'ed to give their o#inion! a! far a! their intelligen e wo'ld allow+ And Nimai) the %no!'re of the re!ident! of Navadvi#a) !at among!t Hi! !t'dent!) riti i=ing and minimi=ing the other tea her! of Nadia+ He wo'ld thoro'ghl% defeat an% arg'ment! on an% !'b;e t!) then b% Hi! !'#erior intelligen e He wo'ld again e!tabli!h the !ame arg'ment! He had ;'!t defeated+

6I will a e#t that #er!on a! a ! holar who ha! the o'rage to ome and arg'e with me)6 hallenged Nimai+ 64ho ha! !'ffi ient intelligen e to defeat m% arg'ment!?6 In thi! wa% the S'#reme "ord boa!ted and th'! de!tro%ed the fal!e ego of the ! holar! of Navadvi#a+ The "ord had a o'ntle!! following of !t'dent!+ (eo#le wo'ld !im#l% ome and offer them!elve! to the "ord+ @ver%da% man% %o'ng brahmana bo%! wo'ld ome and #ra% at the lot'! feet of the "ord) 6- great ! holar) I want to !t'd% 'nder Yo' !o that I ma% learn !omething+ (lea!e be gra io'! and grant me thi! wi!h+6 The "ord wo'ld !mile and a e#t them all) and in thi! wa% hi! !t'dent! in rea!ed b% the da%+ The mo!t #re io'! gem of the Vaik'ntha #lanet! !at among!t Hi! !t'dent! on the bank of the river Ganga) revealing Hi! wonderf'l and #lea!'rable #a!time!+ The #io'! #eo#le o'ld all !ee the "ord) and ever%one in Navadvi#a o'ld feel Hi! !#irit'al #oten %+ There wa! no wa% to ga'ge the amo'nt of good fort'ne that tho!e #eo#le a 'm'lated and the bli!! the% e*#erien ed ;'!t b% !eeing the "ord+ -ne o'ld be ome free from material bondage !im#l% b% !eeing the fort'nate !o'l! who!e heart! had been to' hed b% the bli!!f'l e*i!ten e of the S'#reme "ord+ B't ala! for me) I have taken a !inf'l and wret hed birth+ I o'ld not be born at that time+ &% life i! bereft of that bea'tif'l tran! endental !ight of "ord Ga'ra!'ndara+ In !#ite of all thi!) - "ord Ga'ra andra) #lea!e grant me the mer % that I ma% remember thi! #a!time of %o'r! in ever% birth+ 4herever Yo' and m% "ord Nit%ananda #erform %o'r tran! endental #a!time! with %o'r eternal a!!o iate!) ma% I al!o be #re!ent there a! Yo'r h'mble and in!ignifi ant !ervant+ "ord Sri ,r!na Caitan%a and Nit%ananda (rabh' are m% life and !o'l+ Yo'r in!ignifi ant !ervant Vrndavana 3a!a offer! thi! h'mble !ong at Yo'r lot'! feet+ Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter $B All glorie! to "ord Ga'ra andra) the brighte!t lam# in the brahmana ra e+ All glorie! to the "ord who in!#ire! the dee#e!t feeling! of e !ta!% in the heart! of all Hi! devotee!+ All glorie! to the "ord and ma!ter of Govinda da!a) the door kee#er+ (lea!e !hower %o'r mer if'l glan e! on the onditional living entitie!+ All glorie! to the em#eror of the brahmana! and the re!t ;ewel among all tea her!+ All glorie! to the !o iet% of Sri Caitan%a &aha#rabh'5! devotee!+ The "ord of Vaik'ntha) Nimai) wa! immer!ed in the mellow of an in!olent and arrogant ! holar+ Navadvi#a town it!elf in tho!e da%! wa! an in!tit'tion) ho'!ing man% ! holar! and tea her! well ver!ed in all bran he! of the ! ri#t're!+ Title! like Bhatta ar%a) Cakravart%) &i!ra or A ar%a were ommon and the onl% work of the!e ! holar! wa! tea hing+ Their !#ort wa! debate and in their

intolerant and im#atient wa%! the% did whatever wa! re<'ired to win an arg'ment+ @ven if a well/ re!#e ted !'#erior ! holar made val'able #oint!) other! wo'ld di!agree with him+ "ord Nimai5! habit wa! to on!tantl% reb'ke the other ! holar! and ref'te their arg'ment! right in front of them+ There wa! no tea her in Navadvi#a who o'ld onfront the "ord5! arg'ment! and offer a !e ond o#inion+ A! !oon a! the% !aw the "ord) !' h fear gri##ed their heart! that the% immediatel% be ame ob!e<'io'!+ 4hoever onver!ed with the "ord even b% han e be ame Hi! dedi ated !ervant+ The "ord5! er'dition and intelle t from Hi! earl% hildhood wa! known to ever%one+ 4ithin their heart! the% al!o knew that "ord Nimai o'ld never be defeated b% an%one+ The mere !ight of the "ord reated a feeling of awe and re!#e t among!t the ! holar!) !o the% nat'rall% be ame !'bmi!!ive in Hi! #re!en e+ Yet Hi! ill'!ionar% energ% #revented an%one from knowing Him in tr'th+ -nl% when the "ord revealed Him!elf of Hi! own volition o'ld one 'nder!tand Hi! real identit%+ Altho'gh the S'#reme "ord i! mo!t m'nifi ent in ever% re!#e t) it i! entirel% b% Hi! #er!onal de!ire that one i! able to #er eive Hi! onfidential) tran! endental #a!time!+ In Navadvi#a "ord Ga'ra andra #erformed Hi! tran! endental #a!time! in the mood of a ! holar) del'ding ever%one abo't Hi! tr'e identit%+ -n e a ver% learned b't !'#er ilio'! ! holar holding the title 3igvi;a%a / meaning one who ha! on<'ered ! holar! in all dire tion! / ame to Navadvi#a+ He wa! a dedi ated devotee of the Godde!! of "earning) Sara!vati) and he a#tivated her b% hanting her #ro#itiator% mantra+ &other Sara!vati i! a t'all% the 'niver!al motherA !he i! non/different from "ak!mi 3evi) the eternal on!ort of the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead "ord Nara%ana+ "ak!mi 3evi i! the embodiment of tran! endental loving !ervi e to the S'#reme "ord) !he i! the internal #oten % of the "ord and !he i! alwa%! !it'ated on Hi! brea!t+ B% the brahmana5! de!ire and fort'ne he re eived a benedi tion from her to be ome a 3igvi;a%a ! holar+ >or her to give !' h a boon wa! <'ite ea!%) for !he i! a#able of benedi ting an%one with even the rare gift of tran! endental devotional !ervi e to the S'#reme "ord Nara%ana+ Having re eived thi! benedi tion dire tl% from Godde!! Sara!vati) the brahmana #ro eeded to travel thro'gho't the o'ntr%) on<'ering ! holar! wherever he went+ All the ! ri#t're! were on the ti# of hi! tong'e+ No one in thi! world o'ld hallenge him+ &an% o'ld not even follow hi! introd' tion to the main di!!ertation!) !o he went 'n he ked and 'n hallenged ever%where+ 4hen Navadvi#a5! fame a! a enter for great ! holar! rea hed hi! ear!) he went there with great e lat!) leading a #ro e!!ion of ele#hant!) hor!e! and men+ New! !#read like wildfire in ever% ho'!e of Navadvi#a) reating wave! of onf'!ion+ After on<'ering the ! holar! of ever% land) the 3igvi;a%a had at la!t ome to Navadvi#a+ The tea her! of Navadvi#a were f'rther alarmed when the% heard that he wa! a dire t re i#ient of a boon from Godde!! Sara!vati+ In tho!e da%! Navadvi#a wa! the mo!t famo'! enter of learning in the entire world+ If the 3igvi;a%a were to defeat it! ! holar!) Navadvi#a5! glor% wo'ld be minimi=ed and the world wo'ld hear of it! fail're+ Yet no one had the o'rage to hallenge him for he wa! the re i#ient of &other Sara!vati5! !#e ial benedi tion+ It wa! !aid that &other Sara!vati her!elf a##eared on hi! tong'e

whenever he !#oke+ How o'ld a mere h'man defeat him? The h'ndred! of Bhatta ar%a ! holar! re!iding in Navadvi#a were di!tra'ght with an*iet% and abandoned all a tivitie!A Navadvi#a b'!tled with e* itement a! time for the trial of intelle t'al !trength drew near+ All thi! wa! de! ribed in detail to Sri Ga'ranga b% Hi! !t'dent!+ 6After on<'ering all other #art! of the world) a 3igvira;a (andita ha! ome to Navadvi#a to hallenge o'r ! holar! in debate+ It i! !aid that he ha! re eived the !#e ial favor of Godde!! Sara!vati and he entered Navadvi#a in a great #ro e!!ion of hor!e!) ele#hant!) #alan<'in! and men+ He !a%! that if there are no hallenger! among!t the Navadvi#a ! holar!) he want! a letter of vi tor% i!!'ed on hi! behalf+6 "ord Ga'ra andra heard hi! !t'dent! and then with a !mile reminded them abo't the nat're of the Ab!ol'te+ 6"i!ten brother!) and I will tell %o' the a t'al !it'ation+ The S'#reme "ord doe! not tolerate an%one who ind'lge! in ontin'al in!olen e+ 4henever He find! !omeone b'rdened b% arrogan e over !ome #er!onal <'alit%) He invariabl% remove! the a'!e of their #ride+ A fr'it/ laden tree and a #er!on endowed with good <'alitie! will inevitabl% bend down in h'milit%+ Yo' m'!t have heard of other great on<'eror! like Hoi Hoi) Nah'!am) Benah) Banah) Narakah Ravana) et + 3id the S'#reme "ord negle t to #r'ne their overbearing #ride? He never tolerate! !' h ignominio'! in!olen e+ 6Here in Navadvi#a %o' will witne!! the end of thi! !'#er ilio'! ! holar+6 The "ord am'!ed Him!elf with Hi! !t'dent! in thi! wa%+ In the evening He went to the bank of the river Ganga) !#rinkled !ome Ganga water on Hi! head) offered Hi! obei!an e! and then !at in the mid!t of Hi! !t'dent!+ The "ord le t'red on vario'! !'b;e t! !' h a! religion and it! different ! ri#t'ral e*#lanation!+ No one) however) 'nder!tood that the "ord wa! !im'ltaneo'!l% thinking of the manner in whi h He o'ld defeat the 3igvi;a%a (andita+ 6Thi! brahmana ha! be ome e*tremel% arrogant and he think! that there i! no one in thi! world to defeat him)6 tho'ght the "ord+ 6If I h'mble him in front of ever%one it will be like a !hamef'l death for him+ (eo#le will di!honor him) he will lo!e ever%thing and event'all% he will die from h'miliation+ Therefore I m'!t onfront him !e retl% in a !olitar% #la e and %et in!'re hi! downfall+ In that wa% I an e li#!e hi! vanit% witho't de!tro%ing him+6 4hile the S'#reme "ord wa! thinking in that manner the 3igvi;a%a arrived at the Ganga+ A! d'!k faded into night) the river Ganga looked radiant beneath the f'll moon in the !oft) lear !k%+ The S'#reme "ord wa! eff'lgent in the mid!t of Hi! !t'dent! and Hi! e*<'i!ite bea't% a#tivated the entire reation+ A !weet !mile de orated the glowing moon/like fa e of the "ord) and Hi! two bea'tif'l e%e! !howered tran! endentall% mer if'l glan e!+ (earl! were la k/l'!ter in om#ari!on with Hi! teeth and Hi! radiant li#! were ea!il% mi!taken for the ri!ing !'n+ 4ith Hi! !oft and deli ate bod%) He wa! the #er!onifi ation of om#a!!ion+ Hi! #erfe t head wa! overed with raven bla k 'rl!A Hi! gra ef'l) lion/like ne k re!ted #erfe tl% on Hi! bea'tif'l broad !ho'lder!+ He wa! dre!!ed in divinel% e*<'i!ite lothe!) Hi! #erfe tl% #ro#ortioned bod% wa! large and hi! heart wa! r'led b% Hi! m'nifi ent nat're+ The brahmana5! thread hanging loo!el% a ro!! hi! !ho'lder! wa! the bow of

Ananta Se!a+ Hi! long arm! e*tended gra ef'll% to hi! knee! and the 7rdha#'rna tilaka de orating Hi! wide forehead enra#t'red the heart! of ever%one+ 4ith Hi! dhoti tied elegantl% at Hi! wai!t) Sri Ga'ranga !at in the ro!!/legged #o!t're of a %ogi) e!tabli!hing and ref'ting vario'! arg'ment! in Hi! '!'al manner of di! o'r!e+ &an% !t'dent! had gathered aro'nd &aha#rabh' that evening) and the 3igvi;a%a (andita wa! a!toni!hed to !ee the wonderf'l a!!embl%+ 6I! thi! Nimai (andita?6 he tho'ght+ 7n!een b% an%one he !tood !#ellbo'nd b% the "ord5! e*traordinar% bea't%+ 64ho i! thi! #er!on?6 he en<'ired from one of the !t'dent!+ 6Thi! i! the famo'! Nimai (andita+6 re#lied the !t'dent+ After offering hi! obei!an e! to the Ganga) the 3igvi;a%a moved a little lo!er to the "ord+ -n noti ing him) Nimai !miled at him and affe tionatel% offered him a !eat+ Having alread% on<'ered all the ! holar! in the land) the 3igvi;a%a (andita wa! nat'rall% fearle!!) %et in the #re!en e of the "ord he wa! filled with awe+ B% the de!ign of the omni#otent S'#reme "ord) whoever a##roa he! Him in a hallenging mood will feel both awe and fear+ The "ord e* hanged a few word! with the (andita and a!ked him a few <'e!tion!+ 6Yo' are an e*tremel% ver!atile #oet)6 !aid the "ord+ 6There i! no !'b;e t whi h %o' annot #erfe tl% de! ribe+ Therefore) #lea!e el' idate the wonderf'l glorie! of the hol% Ganga !o that whoever hear! it will be freed from !in+ At that ver% in!tant the 3igvi;a%a (andita began to e*tem#oraril% om#o!e and re ite 'n#aralleled ver!e! in #rai!e of the hol% river+ 4ho an imagine the o'ntle!! wa%! in whi h he de! ribed &other Ganga. Ver!e! !wiftl% #a!!ed hi! li#! and hi! voi e re!o'nded like a ontin'o'! roll of th'nder+ It ertainl% !eemed that &other Sara!vati her!elf had a##eared on the ti# of hi! tong'e+ 4hatever he 'ttered wa! #re i!el% a##ro#riate+ 4a! it h'manl% #o!!ible to find a mi!take in hi! elo<'ent om#o!ition? There !eemed to be no one #re!ent who o'ld even 'nder!tand them+ Nimai5! h'ndred! of !t'dent! who had a!!embled there !tared at the ('ndit with mo'th! aga#e+ 6"ord Rama)6 the% !aid+ 6How wonderf'l. I! it #o!!ible for a h'man to om#o!e !' h elo<'ent #oetr%?6 Hi! om#o!ition wa! #rof'!el% ornamented with the mo!t e* e#tional fig're! of !#ee h a##lied to the mo!t a##ro#riate to#i !+ Hi! word '!age #er#le*ed even the ! holar! who were #re!ent+ >or nearl% an ho'r the 3igvi;a%a om#o!ed and re ited hi! 'n#aralleled ver!e!A there !eemed to be no end to hi! brilliant oration+ 4hen at la!t he fini!hed) the "ord !miled !weetl% and !aid) 6Yo'r #oetr% wa! !o e* e#tional that no one an 'nder!tand the meaning 'nle!! %o' %o'r!elf e*#lain it+ The ver!e! %o' have om#o!ed are ertainl% a##ro#riate for glorifi ation of the Ganga) b't we entreat %o' to anal%=e them for '!+6

The "ord5! !weet word! affe ted him like an into*i ating beverage and he began to e*#lain hi! ver!e!+ B't a! !oon a! he !tarted to !#eak) the "ord interr'#ted him to #oint o't three mi!take! / one in the beginning) one in the middle and one toward! the end of the ('ndit5! om#o!ition+ The "ord !aid) 6A ording to grammar) the fig're! of !#ee h %o' have '!ed !how n'mero'! im#erfe tion!+ (lea!e tell '! in what onte*t %o' have '!ed them+6 The 3igvi;a%a (andita) foremo!t of the favorite !on! of &other Sara!vati) lo!t hi! intelligen e+ He tried b't failed to offer #ro#er e*#lanation! for the mi!take! Nimai #ointed o't+ Hi! feeble and onf'!ed attem#t! to defend hi! om#o!ition bro'ght f'rther riti i!m from the "ord who then el' idated the flaw! in the e*#lanation! a! well a! the ver!e!+ The ('ndit5! 'n#aralleled talent !eemed to vani!h and the !it'ation grew in om#rehen!ible to him+ He o'ld not even 'nder!tand hi! own identit%+ "ord Nimai then !aid) 6"eave thi! #oem a!ide for now and om#o!e another one+6 B't) ala!) the great world/ on<'ering ('ndit wa! 'nable to om#o!e a !ingle ver!e+ He !at before the "ord in a !tate of total bewilderment+ -f o'r!e) even the Veda! #er!onified have be ome #er#le*ed in the #re!en e of the "ord+ (owerf'l #er!onalitie! like Ananta Se!a) "ord Brahma and "ord Siva / who o'ld ea h reate a 'niver!e b% hi! mere glan e / have al!o been del'ded b% the "ord5! #re!en e+ The bewilderment of the 3igvi;a%a (andita in front of Nimai i! not !'r#ri!ing be a'!e even &other "ak!mi) &other Sara!vati and other internal #oten ie! of the "ord whi h an del'de the entire reation) be ome them!elve! del'ded b% the S'#reme "ord and th'! remain forever in an inferior #o!ition+ The re iter of the Veda!) "ord Se!a) and the om#iler of the Veda!) Sri Veda V%a!a) are even bewildered in the #re!en e of the "ord) what to !#eak of a mere 3igvi;a%a (andita+ It i! im#o!!ible for an% h'man to mat h the a om#li!hment! of the "ord) therefore) I !a%) all of hi! a tivitie! are e*traordinar%+ And whatever the S'#reme "ord doe! i! alwa%! for the 'ltimate benefit of the !'ffering living entitie!) to relea!e them from material bondage+ 4hile the 3igvi;a%a (andita wa! !tr'ggling to !wallow hi! ignominio'! defeat) the !t'dent! began la'ghing and giggling e* itedl%+ The "ord immediatel% !to##ed them and !#oke !oft) !oothing word! to the (andita) 6Toda% let '! !to# here+ (lea!e ret'rn to %o'r home and tomorrow we an ontin'e o'r di! '!!ion+ Yo' m'!t be tired after om#o!ing !' h a length% re itation+ It i! al!o ver% late nowA !oon it will be time to !lee#+6 The "ord5! behavior wa! !o gentle and om#a!!ionate that even a defeated #er!on did not !'ffer in h'miliation+ Altho'gh the "ord wa! vi torio'!) He neverthele!! !#oke word! of on ern for the ! holar! and tea her! of Navadvi#a+ Again to the 3igvi;a%a (andita he !aid) 6(lea!e go home now and !t'd% %o'r book!+ Tomorrow I will a!k %o' <'e!tion! and %o' m'!t tr% to an!wer them+6 The "ord wa! !o mer if'l that de!#ite Hi! vi tor%) He did not di!honor the great ! holar+ Hen e) ever%one felt #lea!ed+ The ! holar! and tea her! of Navadvi#a were ver% affe tionate toward the "ord be a'!e of Hi! !weet di!#o!ition+

The "ord and Hi! !t'dent! left the a!!embl% to go home) b't the 3igvi;a%a !at alone in 'tter !hame and de;e tion+ He tho'ght to him!elf) 6&other Sara!vati her!elf ha! given me thi! boon+ I have not ome a ro!! an%one in the whole world who wo'ld dare onfront me in a debate+ Neither the e*#ert ! holar! in the !i* #hilo!o#hi al bran he! like logi ) !ankh%a) #atan;ali) virman!a) et +) nor the ! holar! of !a!tra wo'ld onte!t m% a'thorit%+ How i! it that the "ord ha! allowed thi! in!ignifi ant tea her of hildren to defeat me in thi! manner+ Seeing the #ower of &other Sara!vati 'ndermined in thi! wa% a'!e! me e<'al on!ternation+ How have I offended the Godde!! that all m% talent and knowledge were di!#araged in thi! h'miliating defeat? I m'!t tr% to determine the a'!e of thi! !it'ation+6 4ith that he hanted hi! mantra! and then la% down to !lee#+ In hi! dream &other Sara!vati looked om#a!!ionatel% '#on the brahmana and !#oke onfidentiall% to him+ 6- learned brahmana) li!ten to me+ I will now reveal to %o' that knowledge whi h i! 'ndi! lo!ed even in the Veda!+ If for an% rea!on %o' reveal thi! !e ret to an%one) %o' will immediatel% forfeit %o'r bod%+ The #er!on who defeated %o' toda% i! a t'all% the S'#reme "ord of the entire o!mi manife!tation+ I am an eternal !ervant at Hi! lot'! feet) and o't of !h%ne!! I he!itate to !tand before Him+ 6In the Srimad Bhagavatam it i! mentioned) FBeing a!hamed of her #o!ition) the ill'!or% energ% of the "ord annot take #re eden e) b't tho!e who are bewildered b% her ontin'all% talk non!en!e) being ab!orbed in tho'ght! of FIt i! I5 and FIt i! mine56+ Be a'!e of the "ord5! #re!en e it wa! im#o!!ible for me to a##ear on the ti# of %o'r tong'e a! I have in the #a!t+ I lo!t m% #oten %) b't that i! not m% fa'lt+ How o'ld it be otherwi!e? @ven "ord Ananta Se!a who de! ribe! the Veda! with hi! tho'!and! of mo'th!) "ord Brahma) "ord Siva and all the other demigod!) wor!hi# Him and are totall% bewildered in Hi! #re!en e) what to !#eak of me? He i! the S'#reme Ab!ol'te Tr'th) eternal) #'re) indivi!ible and infallible+ He i! the omni#otent S'#reme "ord re!iding in ever%one5! heart a! the S'#er!o'l+ The #er!on who a##eared before %o' a! a %o'ng brahmana bo% i! none other than the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) the 'ltimate a'!e of de!tr' tion of the entire o!mi manife!tation+ He i! the a'!e of the d'alitie! of fr'itive a tion) knowledge) learning) good and bad) manife!t and 'nmanife!t / ever%thing+ It i! b% Hi! de!ire that all living entitie! from "ord Brahma down e*#erien e ha##ine!! and di!tre!!+ He i! the S'#reme !o'r e of all in arnation! like &at!%a) ,'rma and other!+ It i! He who a##eared a! "ord Varaha to lift the world and again a! Nr!imhadeva to #rote t Hi! devotee (rahlada+ He a##eared again a! "ord Vamana to tri k Bali &ahara;a and th'! Hi! lot'! feet be ame the !o'r e of &other Ganga+ He a##eared in A%odh%a a! "ord Rama andra and #erformed man% wonderf'l #a!time!) 'ltimatel% killing the demon Ravana+ He who i! known a! the !on of Sri Va!'deva and Sri Nanda &ahara;a ha! now a##eared a! a %o'ng brahmana bo% immer!ed in the mellow! of a ! holar+ 64here in the Veda! i! thi! in arnation of the S'#reme "ord revealed? 4ho will know abo't it if the "ord Him!elf doe! not reveal Hi! tr'e identit%? To be ome the greate!t of all the ! holar! of the world i! not the real re!'lt of hanting the mantra I gave %o'+ Yo' have re eived the fa t'al

re!'ltA %o' were able to !ee in #er!on the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) the "ord of the entire o!mi reation+ 6- brahmana) go <'i kl% to Him and take !helter of Hi! lot'! feet+ S'rrender %o'r!elf om#letel% to Him+ 3o not imagine m% advi e to be a dream or hall' ination+ The #ower behind the mantra %o' hant ha! bro'ght me here and for ed me to reveal the mo!t e!oteri knowledge of the Veda!+6 &other Sara!vati di!a##eared after on!oling the (andita+ He awoke from hi! !lee# feeling #'rified and fort'nate+ @arl% dawn had ;'!t to' hed the ea!tern !k% when he left for the "ord5! ho'!e+ He threw him!elf at the feet of Nimai (andita to offer hi! obei!an e! and the "ord re i#ro ated b% lifting him '# and embra ing him+ 64h%) it i! %o'.6 !aid the "ord+ 64h% are %o' behaving in thi! manner?6 6So that I ma% attra t %o'r kind gra e)6 re#lied the (andita+ 6B't %o' are a famo'! and er'dite 3igvi;a%a ! holar+ 4h% do %o' a##roa h me like thi!?6 <'e!tioned the "ord+ 6- "ord of the learned brahmana!) #lea!e hear me o't+ The highe!t #erfe tion in all a tivitie! i! a hieved !im#l% b% wor!hi#ing Yo'+ Yo' are the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) "ord Nara%ana+ Yo' have a##eared a! a brahmana in thi! age of ,ali) b't no one ha! the #oten % to #er eive Yo'r real identit%? 3o'bt entered m% heart the ver% moment Yo' a!ked me <'e!tion! and then remained !ilent+ Now I have #er!onal reali=ation that Yo' are magnanimo'! and free from an% #ride) and m% reali=ation! are in kee#ing with the verdi t of all Vedi ! ri#t're!+ 6Yo' defeated me three time!) %et Yo' ke#t m% honor inta t+ I! !' h behavior #o!!ible for an%one other than the S'#reme "ord? I am onvin ed that Yo' are that S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead+ 6I have traveled far and wide / Bengal) Trihatta) ,a!i) G';arat) Vi;a%a Nagara) Anga) Banga) Tailanga) 7dra and man% other #la e!+ The mo!t <'alified ! holar! in ea h #la e were defeated b% me+ The% o'ld not even 'nder!tand m% di! o'r!e!) let alone find fa'lt with them+ B't in %o'r #re!en e all m% ed' ation and intelle t !eemed to flee / I know not where+ I now reali=e that thi! wa! not an e*traordinar% feat for Yo') be a'!e Yo' are the "ord and ma!ter of &other Sara!vati+ She #er!onall% revealed thi! to me+ 6I wa! wallowing in material e*i!ten e) b't be a'!e of m% immea!'rabl% good fort'ne I ame to Navadvi#a and met %o' fa e to fa e+ I wa! a#tivated and del'ded b% the de!ire for material knowledge) and in !elf/de e#tion I roamed abo't negle ting real Ab!ol'te knowledge+ 3e!tin% ha! favored me and th'! I have met Yo' #er!onall%+ - "ord) kindl% #'rif% me b% Yo'r benevolent glan e and de!tro% m% ne! ien e+ Yo' have a magnanimo'! nat're and %o' are in lined to favor other!) !o there i! no one b't Yo' from whom I an !eek !helter+ - "ord) #lea!e in!tr' t me !o that I !hall never again allow 'nhol% de!ire! to enter m% heart+6

A! a meek and in!ignifi ant man) the 3igvi;a%a (andita !#oke with re#entan e before the "ord+ Sri Ga'ra!'ndara re#lied) 6- learned brahmana) %o' are ver% fort'nate be a'!e &other Sara!vati re!ide! on the ti# of %o'r tong'e+ B't on<'ering the world with m'ndane knowledge i! not a !'itable ob;e tive for one with tr'e wi!dom+ ,nowledge be ome! val'able onl% when it a'gment! the wor!hi# the S'#reme "ord+ Tr% to aref'll% 'nder!tand+ 4hen death !trike! and the !o'l i! for ed from the bod%) no one an take hi! material knowledge or o#'len e+ The learned and !elf/ reali=ed !o'l! om#letel% re;e t thi! tran!ient #henomenal e*i!ten e and engage with 'nallo%ed faith in the "ord5! devotional !ervi e+ Now - brahmana) leave a!ide all e*traneo'! engagement! and 'tili=e %o'r time wor!hi#ing the lot'! feet of Sri ,r!na for the remainder of %o'r life+ Remember that the fr'it of tr'e knowledge i! ta!ted when the heart and mind are 'nflin hingl% atta hed to the lot'! feet of "ord ,r!na+ -f all a tivitie!) devotional !ervi e to the S'#reme "ord Vi!hn') i! the onl% manife!tation of ab!ol'te tr'th+ Thi! i! the advi e I offer %o'+6 "ord Ga'ra!'ndara embra ed the (andita and at on e the !ha kle! of material e*i!ten e fell awa% from the 3igvi;a%a+ The "ord !aid) 6- Brahmana) 'rb %o'r arrogan e and in!olen eA wor!hi# ,r!na and be kind to all living entitie!+ And be aref'l that %o' do not reveal an%thing &other Sara!vati ha! told %o'+ Revealing the onfidential knowledge of the Veda! to 'na'thori=ed #er!on! red' e! the life/!#an and deviate! one from the !#irit'al #ath+6 Having re eived the "ord5! in!tr' tion!) 3igvi;a%a (andita begged #ermi!!ion to leave+ He re#eated offered hi! #ro!trated obei!an e! at the feet of the "ord and 'ttered #ra%er!) feeling fort'nate and #'rified+ B% the "ord5! mer %) the brahmana wa! immediatel% ble!!ed with deta hment from material affair!) #er e#tion of Ab!ol'te Tr'th and devotion to the S'#reme "ord+ 4ithin moment! the brahmana5! arrogan e and vanit% dimini!hed and he grew a! h'mble and meek a! a blade of gra!!+ He reno'n ed ever%thing / hi! ele#hant!) hor!e!) #alan<'in!) mone% and the 'nde!irable a!!o iate! he had #revio'!l% ke#t+ "ord Ga'ra andra5! mer % had !' h a mira 'lo'! effe t that the brahmana 3igvi;a%a abandoned ever%thing and traveled alone+ That mer % o'ld make a king leave hi! #ala e and take '# a beggar5! bowl+ The remarkable e*am#le of thi! wa! Srila R'#a Go!vami who wa! al!o known a! 3abir ,ha!+ He left hi! kingl% #o!ition and lived in the fore!t! of Vrndavana+ A !ervant of ,r!na an ignore the material wealth) #o!ition and #re!tige whi h are de!ired b% the ommon #eo#le+ An% #er!on who ha! not reali=ed the val'e of devotional !ervi e to the S'#reme "ord will nat'rall% on!ider the #o!ition of a king mo!t omfortable and enviable+ B't for the devotee of ,r!na) even the ha##ine!! derived from liberation i! in!ignifi ant) therefore mere kingl% omfort i! of no on!e<'en e what!oever+ Realit% and tr'e ha##ine!! lie !olel% in the mer if'l glan e of the S'#reme "ord) and therefore the Veda! advi!e ever%one to !erve Him+ "ord Ga'ra!'ndara5! wonderf'l defeat of the 3igvi;a%a and the (andita5! !'b!e<'ent onver!ion wa! !oon known in all orner! of Nadia+ (eo#le were a!to'nded b% the new! and the% ommented) 6Nimai (andita m'!t be a tr'l% great ! holar for even the 3igvi;a%a) the greate!t of all #and!ita!)

wa! h'mbled b% him+ Nimai (andita ha! now made Him!elf worth% of o'r #rai!e and Hi! fame will definitel% !#read+6 Someone !aid) 6If thi! brahmana bo% !t'die! logi ) He an immediatel% laim the highe!t title) Bhatta ar%a+6 B't another !'gge!ted) 6"et5! ;ointl% offer Him the title of Badhi Sinha now+ The "ord5! ill'!or% #oten % wa! !o !trong that in !#ite of witne!!ing Hi! mira le!) no one o'ld #er eive Hi! tr'e identit%+ >rom that time on the #eo#le of Nadia o'ld onl% di! '!! Nimai5! vi tor% over the 3igvi;a%a+ I offer m% obei!an e! to the feet of all the re!ident! of Navadvi#a for the% were fort'nate eno'gh to !ee the "ord5! tran! endental a tivitie!+ 4hoever faithf'll% and attentivel% hear! thi! #a!time of the "ord defeating 3igvi;a%a (andita will alwa%! be vi torio'!) and whoever hear! abo't Hi! a#tivating #a!time! a! a ! holar will immediatel% be ome Hi! eternal !ervant+ Sri ,r!na Caitan%a and "ord Nit%ananda (rabh' are m% life and !o'l+ I) Vrndavana da!a) an in!ignifi ant !o'l) h'mbl% offer thi! !ong at Their lot'! feet+ Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter $C All glorie! to the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) Ga'ra!'ndara) who wa! ver% dear to Nit%ananda (rabh'+ Hi! tran! endental bod% i! om#ri!ed of eternalit%) knowledge and bli!!+ All glorie! to the "ord who wa! the life and !o'l of (rad%'mna &i!raA and all glorie! to the mo!t trea!'red ob;e t of Sri (aramananda ('ri+ All glorie! to Yo' m% "ord) for Yo' are the life and !o'l and the mo!t #re io'! gem of all the Vai!nava devotee!+ - "ord) #lea!e look mer if'll% '#on '!) the living entitie!) and liberate ever%one from the bond! of ne! ien e+ I h'mbl% re<'e!t ever%one to #lea!e li!ten faithf'll% and attentivel% to the wonderf'l a tivitie! of the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) "ord ,r!na) in Hi! form a! a %o'ng brahmana bo%+ The "ord of Vaik'ntha ab!orbed Him!elf in the mood of a ! holar and #a!!ed Hi! time in a ademi #'r!'it! with Hi! di! i#le!+ In ever% neighborhood of Navadvi#a He wa! !een #erforming Hi! o k% and #la%f'l #a!time!+ B't b% that time ever% #er!on 'n<'e!tioningl% a e#ted Nimai (andita a! the !'#erior ! holar and tea her in Navadvi#a+ Ri h) infl'ential and ari!to rati men wo'ld immediatel% take a h'mble #o!ition '#on !eeing Nimai and offer their

re!#e t! to Him+ The ver% !ight of Him ind' ed a !en!e of awe and reveren e in the re!ident! who were all a#tivated b% Hi! harm+ Nimai (andita wo'ld fre<'entl% re eive gift! from vario'! la!!e! of #eo#le in Navadvi#a+ He !et the #erfe t e*am#le a! a ho'!eholder and wa! a! haritable a! the S'#reme "ord Him!elf+ 4henever Nimai !aw a #oor #er!on) He wo'ld kindl% offer him food) lothing or mone%+ In thi! wa% Nimai genero'!l% di!trib'ted gift! to the #oor+ An endle!! !tream of g'e!t! vi!ited the "ord5! ho'!e+ The "ord offered ea h one re!#e t a ording to hi! #o!ition and rendered him !ervi e to hi! f'll !ati!fa tion+ -n !ome da%! !ann%a!i! wo'ld vi!it Hi! ho'!e and the "ord wo'ld !erve them gra io'!l%+ -n e twent% !ann%a!i! ame at one time) !o the "ord !ent word to Hi! mother to ook for all of them+ &other Sa i fell into immediate an*iet% for !he had nothing in the ho'!e to feed twent% !ann%a!i!+ "o!t in her #roblem !he did not noti e that !omeone had bro'ght all the different ingredient! !he might re<'ire and left them in the kit hen+ "ak!mi 3evi immediatel% went to the kit hen and) #lea!ed with the arra% of ingredient!) !he ooked !ome !#e ial #re#aration!+ After the ooking) the "ord he ked the arrangement! and then invited the !ann%a!i! to !it down+ He !'#ervi!ed the !erving of their #ra!ada and He !ati!fied ea h one of them #er!onall%+ In thi! wa% the "ord !ati!fied all Hi! g'e!t! and ta'ght the world how to behave a! a #erfe t ho'!eholder+ The foremo!t d't% of a ho'!eholder i! to !erve hi! g'e!t and re!#on!ible ho'!eholder! live b% that !tandard+ The ho'!eholder who doe! not !erve and !ati!f% hi! g'e!t! #ro#erl% i! wor!e than an animal or a bird+ @ven tho!e who be a'!e of their #revio'! im#io'! a tivitie! have in!'ffi ient mean! to be ho!#itable an at lea!t offer a #la e to !it) !ome water and a #la e to re!t+ That !im#le ho!#italit% i! !'ffi ient to !ati!f% an% g'e!t if it i! offered with love and affe tion+ A ho'!eholder who i! #io'! ma% be #overt% !tri ken and #o!!e!! ver% little with whi h to !erve a g'e!t) b't hi! di!#o!ition !ho'ld be ho!#itable+ He an offer drinking water and water with whi h the g'e!t an wa!h hi! feet+ He an offer a gra!! mat on whi h the g'e!t an !it or re!t to be ome refre!hed and he an offer !weet word! to #lea!e the wear% ear! of the traveler+ The ho!t m'!t endeavor with all h'milit% to kee# the g'e!t from leaving hi! ho'!e and beg forgivene!! for an% mi!take! in hi! h'mble ho!#italit%+ A ho'!eholder who !in erel% trie! to !ati!f% hi! g'e!t! even tho'gh hi! mean! are meager i! on!idered ho!#itable+ The S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead !et the e*am#le of a #erfe t ho'!eholder and re#eatedl% a!ked Hi! g'e!t! if the% had an% f'rther need! or if the% were !ati!fied+ Tho!e g'e!t! of o'r!e were the mo!t fort'nate !o'l! for Srimati "ak!mi 3evi) the Godde!! of >ort'ne) and S'#reme (er!onalit% of God) Nara%ana) the #ro#rietor of the entire o!mi manife!tation) #er!onall% fed them+ Be a'!e of the wonderf'l a tivitie! of the S'#reme "ord) that divine food whi h i! heri!hed b% great !o'l! like "ord Brahma and other demigod! wa! di!trib'ted to ommon #eo#le and ordinar% iti=en! in Navadvi#a+ The twent% !ann%a!i who were g'e!t! in the ho'!e of "ord Nimai had be ome a !'b;e t of onver!ation among!t the #eo#le+ Someone !aid) 6Tho!e g'e!t! o'ld not have been ordinar% #er!on!+ The% m'!t have been "ord Brahma) Siva) S'khadev Go!vami) Srila V%a!adeva) Narada

&'ni and other !' h elevated #er!onalitie!+ 4ho el!e o'ld be eligible to take food in the ho'!e of Sri Ga'ranga who i! non/different from "ord Nara%ana with Hi! wife "ak!mi 3evi? The S'#reme "ord ha! a##eared in Navadvi#a and the!e great #er!onalitie! and demigod! m'!t have known of the advent and ome in the g'i!e of !ann%a!i! to take #ra!ada in Their ho'!e+ -ther than Brahma) who ha! the great fort'ne to eat in the ho'!e of &aha#rabh'?6 Some other! e*#re!!ed their o#inion that) 6The S'#reme "ord ha! a##eared to alleviate the !'ffering! of h'manit%+ Along with the S'#reme "ord) other demigod! like "ord Brahma have al!o a##eared) for the% are the eternal a!!o iate! of the S'#reme "ord+ Yet in thi! in arnation the "ord ha! #romi!ed that) FI will give the living entitie! that whi h i! rarel% a hieved even b% "ord Brahma and other!+5 Therefore) the S'#reme "ord di!trib'te! #ra!ada genero'!l% from Hi! own ho'!e !im#l% to relea!e the wret hed and need% living entitie! from material !'ffering+6 "ak!mi devi worked witho't an% a!!i!tan e to !erve her "ord and ma!ter %et !he wa! alwa%! in a heerf'l mood+ Seeing the wonderf'l <'alitie! and #io'! nat're of "ak!mi 3evi) &other Sa i5! ;o% in rea!ed b% ea h ho'r and ea h da%+ >rom earl% morning !he wo'ld work alone at the ho'!ehold hore!) !etting the e*am#le of an ideal wife+ In the tem#le room !he de orated the floor with a'!#i io'! de!ign! made from olored #a!teA !he drew the different !%mbol! of the "ord like the on h !hell and hakra+ She al!o arranged for the #ara#hernalia re<'ired for the "ord5! wor!hi# like in en!e) flower!) lam#) water) et + She wor!hi#ed T'la!i 3evi and al!o !aw to the need! of &other Sa i) !erving her with great affe tion+ The wonderf'l attrib'te! of "ak!mi devi5! nat're did not go 'nnoti ed b% "ord Ga'ra andraA altho'gh He never ommented on it) He wa! e*tremel% !ati!fied with her+ >re<'entl% "ak!mi 3evi wo'ld !it for long ho'r! ma!!aging the "ord5! lot'! feet on her la#+ At time! when !he !erved her "ord like that) &other Sa i o'ld !ee a brilliant eff'lgen e emanating from the feet of Ga'ra andra+ At other time! the fragran e of lot'! flower! wo'ld fill the entire ho'!e) and altho'gh &other Sa i wo'ld !ear h ever%where) !he o'ld not find the !o'r e of the fragran e+ Srimati "ak!mi 3evi) the Godde!! of >ort'ne) and the S'#reme "ord Nara%ana remained in ognito) 'nre ogni=ed b% the re!ident! of Navadvi#a+ 4itho't an% #rior indi ation) "ord Ga'ranga one da% anno'n ed Hi! de!ire to vi!it Banglade!h) the ea!tern #art of Bengal+ 6I5ll be gone for a few da%!+6 He told Hi! mother+ To "ak!mi 3evi he in!tr' ted) 6(lea!e alwa%! look after %o'r mother5! need!+6 The "ord gathered a few of Hi! onfidential di! i#le! and #re#ared for hi! ;o'rne%+ (eo#le gathered to !ee Him off) b't a! the "ord de#arted the% !tood tran!fi*ed in their #la e! !im#l% !taring after Him+ It wa! diffi 'lt for them to take their e%e! awa% from the "ord+ The ladie! !aid) 6The mother of thi! %o'ng man m'!t be ver% #io'! and fort'nate) we offer o'r obei!an e! at her feet+ >ort'nate al!o i! the wife of thi! %o'ng manA her birth a! a woman ha! be ome worth% ;'!t b% gaining !' h an e* ellent h'!band+6 In thi! wa% the re!ident! di! '!!ed the "ord5! glor% a! the% wat hed Him leave+ It wa! onl% b% Hi! mer % that the ordinar% re!ident! of Navadvi#a o'ld !ee Him dire tl%A even the demigod! long to !ee the "ord in thi! wa%+

"ord Ga'ra!'ndara ontin'ed Hi! 'nh'rried ;o'rne% and at la!t arrived on the bank! of the river (admavali+ The river view wa! en hanting8 !mall wave! on!tantl% rea!ed the wide e*#an!e of water) and on either bank green fore!t! lined the #owerf'l 'rrent+ The "ord wa! refre!hed b% the !ight of the river and ;oined Hi! friend! for a !wim in the lear water+ (admavali be ame f'll% !#irit'ali=ed b% the to' h of the "ord5! lot'! feet) and her water wa! thereafter a#able of #'rif%ing the entire reation+ (admavali wa! tr'l% a bea'tif'l river) her la##ing wave! and !wift 'rrent mo!t #lea!ing to the mind+ The en hanting fore!t! on her bank! were e<'all% #lea!ing !o the "ord !ta%ed there for a few da%!+ It wa! (admavali5! good fort'ne that the "ord ble!!ed her) ;o%f'll% #la%ing in her water ;'!t a! He ha! #la%ed in the Ganga in Navadvi#a+ >rom the moment the "ord entered @a!t Bengal the land be ame ble!!ed and remain! !o) even toda%+ The re!ident! were ha##% to learn that the "ord had !#ent a few da%! on the bank! of the (admavali+ New! of the "ord5! arrival !wiftl% !#read far and wide+ 6Nimai (andita) the re!t ;ewel of all ! holar! and the foremo!t of tea her! ha! arrived+6 the re!ident! anno'n ed+ (io'! brahmana! ame forward to greet the "ord) ea h bearing a gift for Him+ The% offered their obei!an e! to Him and h'mbl% !'bmitted) 6-'r great fort'ne m'!t be immea!'rable to have %o'r #re!en e in thi! o'ntr%+6 (eo#le of @a!t Bengal make a tremendo'! endeavor to olle t f'nd! and arrange to go to Navadvi#a to !t'd% 'nder the great ! holar Nimai (andit) !aid one brahmana+ 6B't b% the divine gra e of the S'#reme "ord that o ean of knowledge ha! #er!onall% ome to o'r door!te#+ Yo' are ertainl% the in arnation of Brha!#ati) for no other tea her an om#are with Yo'+ -n lo!er ! r'tin% however) that om#ari!on i! ina 'rate+ I am onvin ed that Yo' are an em#owered #art of the S'#reme (er!onalit% of God+ &% heart tell! me it i! im#o!!ible to find !' h er'dition in an%one e* e#t the S'#reme+ 4e all !'bmit thi! h'mble #etition to Yo'8 it i! o'r greate!t wi!h that Yo' im#art knowledge to '!+ In Yo'r ab!en e we have ke#t %o' in o'r memorie!) !t'died Yo'r ommentarie! among!t o'r!elve! and al!o ta'ght other!+ B't now Yo' are here in #er!on !o #lea!e a e#t '! a! Yo'r di! i#le!) and let the whole world know of Yo'r wonderf'l #a!time!+6 The "ord !miled at all of them) giving them a!!'ran e and ho#e and remained in @a!t Bengal for !ometime) en;o%ing the land and the #eo#le+ It i! be a'!e of thi! event that the re!ident! of @a!t Bengal are attra ted to the hol% name and engage in ongregational hanting even toda%+ At the time of the om#o!ition of thi! book) a gro'# of evil #er!on! were tr%ing to mi!lead #eo#le in general from the !#irit'al #ath with wrong advi e+ The!e !inner! laimed to be #io'! and heated #eo#le ;'!t to fill their bellie!+ Another gro'# of !inf'l offender! !to##ed #erforming ongregational hanting of the hol% name of the "ord and began in!tead to hant Nara%ana) referring to them!elve!+ It i! mo!t obvio'! that the!e men are 'nder the l't he! of the mode! of material nat're) !o how an the% !hamele!!l% #rofe!! them!elve! to be the S'#reme "ord?

In the di!tri t of Raar there lived a man who e*ternall% a##eared to be a brahman b't internall% wa! a !inf'l demon+ He de lared him!elf to be Go#ala) the S'#reme "ord) b't more intelligent men on!idered him a !l% and evil fo*+ An%one who laim! to be the S'#reme Godhead) !e#arate from Sri ,r!na Caitan%a) i! ertainl% the mo!t wi ked !o'l) fit to live onl% in hell+ I lo'dl% de lare with both m% hand! rai!ed that the onl% tr'e S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) the "ord of the entire material reation) i! Sri Ga'ra Hari+ 0'!t b% remembering hi! name one be ome! free from material entanglementA even b% !im#l% remembering Hi! !ervant one be ome! vi torio'! in ever% !#here of life+ See aro'nd %o' that the whole world i! hanting the glorie! of Hi! name) !o di! ard %o'r mi!dire ted on e#tion! and !erve the lot'! feet of the "ord+ "ord Ga'ra andra) the "ord of Vaik'ntha) en;o%ed traveling in @a!t Bengal immer!ed in the mood of a ! holar+ -n the en hanting bank! of the river (admavali the "ord roamed thro'gh the fore!t! and im#arted knowledge to large gathering! of eager !t'dent!+ H'ndred! ame from ever%where to rowd Hi! le t're!+ The% all had one tho'ght in mind) 6I want to !t'd% from Nimai (andita+6 S' h wa! the e*tent of the "ord5! mer % '#on them that within two month! all the li!tener! be ame ver% knowledgeable and ! holarl%+ Altho'gh man% ame !im#l% to hear the "ord) h'ndred! of !t'dent! ret'rned to their home! with degree!+ In thi! wa% the "ord #a!!ed Hi! time a! a ! holar in @a!t Bengal+ &eanwhile in Navadvi#a) "ak!mi devi wa! feeling the #ang! of !e#aration from her "ord+ She never !#oke of her loneline!! to an%one+ She !erved &other Sa i ver% lovingl% b't red' ed her own eating almo!t to nothing after the "ord left Navadvi#a+ Bereft of Hi! om#an% !he !ilentl% !'ffered) r%ing alone thro'gho't ea h night) tr%ing to !'##re!! the re!tle!!ne!! whi h welled in her heart+ 7nable to bear an% f'rther !e#aration from the S'#reme "ord) Sri "ak!mi devi) the "ord5! eternal on!ort) left her tran! endental bod% behind and went !e retl% to meet her "ord+ Seated on the bank of the Ganga) "ak!mi devi fi*ed the lot'! feet of the "ord within her heart and went dee# into meditation) never to ret'rn again+ &other Sa i5! !ho k and dee# grief i! inde! ribable) her #itiable lamentation! o'ld have melted !tone!+ Sin e I am in a#able of de! ribing the mellow of !adne!! e*#erien ed b% &other Sa i) I !hall not go into f'rther detail! b't !im#l% mention the in ident a! referen e+ The !aintl% Vai!nava! were al!o grief !tri ken b% the new! and the% all ame forward to hel# om#lete the ne e!!ar% rit'al!+ The S'#reme "ord remained for !ometime in Banglade!h and then ret'rned of Hi! own de!ire to Navadvi#a+ 4hen the re!ident! of @a!t Bengal learned that the "ord wo'ld leave the% immediatel% olle ted gift! and #re io'! trea!'re! to give Him+ The% #re!ented Him gold) !ilver) drinking ve!!el!) bea'tif'l mat!) !oft and warm blanket! and a variet% of lothe!+ @a h #er!on took what wa! mo!t #re io'! in hi! ho'!e and ;o%f'll% offered it to the "ord+ In re i#ro ation the "ord ble!!ed ea h #er!on and a e#ted hi! gift+ The S'#reme "ord Sri Ga'ra Hari #er!onall% vi!ited

ea h of the re!ident! and after taking leave) He !tarted for Navadvi#a+ &an% !t'dent! de ided to a om#an% the "ord to Navadvi#a where the% o'ld !t'd% 'nder Him+ A! the "ord wa! abo't to leave) an intelligent Brahmana) named Ta#an &i!ra a##roa hed Him+ Altho'gh Ta#an &i!ra wa! a #'re devotee and wa! well ver!ed in the on l'!ion! of the Veda!) he o'ld find no one to an!wer hi! <'e!tion! on the #erfe t !#irit'al #ath and the 'ltimate and ab!ol'te wor!hi#able ob;e t+ He on!tantl% hanted the hol% name of ,r!na) %et he felt di!!ati!fied in the ab!en e of #ro#er !#irit'al #ra ti e+ He had lived in a #ert'rbed !tate of mind for !ometime) b't be a'!e of hi! #iet% he wa! awarded a vi!ion in an earl% morning dream+ An eff'lgent #er!on who looked like a demigod !#oke !ome onfidential on!tr' tion! to him+ 6"i!ten - brahmana) %o' are a reno'n ed !o'l) !o do not worr% !o m' h+ (a if% %o'r mind+ Go and meet Nimai (andita+ He will e*#lain all that %o' want to know abo't the !#irit'al #ath and !#irit'al goal!+ He i! not an ordinar% mortal) b't the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) Nara%ana+ He ha! a##eared in thi! material world) a e#ting a h'man bod% to #erform hi! wonderf'l tran! endental #a!time!+ B't I warn %o' not re#eat to an%one what I have ;'!t told %o') for thi! knowledge i! mo!t onfidential+ It i! not available) even in the Veda!+ If %o' reveal thi! then %o' will !'ffer 'nbearable #ain life after life+6 The demigod di!a##eared from hi! dream and the brahmana woke '#+ He wa! thrilled b% hi! wonderf'l vi!ion and !hed tear! of ;o%+ Convin ed that hi! fort'ne ha! hanged) the brahmana re eived new life and left immediatel% to meet the "ord+ 4hen he rea hed the bank of (admavali he !aw "ord Ga'ra!'ndara !'rro'nded b% man% h'ndred! of di! i#le!+ In the mid!t of that en hanting ! ene he threw him!elf down at the "ord5! lot'! feet and then !tood '# with folded hand!+ The brahmana !aid) 6I am a fallen and wret hed #er!on+ (lea!e look '#on me mer if'll% and de!tro% m% bewilderment+ I have no knowledge abo't the #erfe t !#irit'al #ath and the 'ltimate goal of h'man life+ Be gra io'! and im#art thi! knowledge to me+ &% heart doe! not long for material en;o%ment and l'*'rie!) #lea!e tell me) - mer if'l "ord) what will be the 'ltimate !helter for m% !o'l+6 The "ord !aid) 6- brahmana) who an de! ribe %o'r good fate? Yo' have a de!ire to wor!hi# the S'#reme "ord ,r!na) and that i! the highe!t and mo!t #erfe t #ath+ It i! ver% diffi 'lt to be a devotee of the "ord !o the "ord ome! in ever% millenni'm to e!tabli!h #ro#er !tandard! of religion+ He a##ear! in ea h of the fo'r Y'ga! to e!tabli!h the #arti 'lar religio'! #ra ti e for that Y'ga him!elf) and then He ret'rn! to Hi! !#irit'al abode+ 5In order to deliver the #io'! and annihilate the mi! reant! a! well a! to ree!tabli!h the #rin i#le! of religion I advent millenni'm after millenni'm+5 6The "ord a##ear! in ever% millenni'm) a e#ting different in arnation! with different om#le*ion! like white) red and %ellow+ &o!t re entl%) in the later #ortion of 3va#ar Y'ga) He a##eared with a bla ki!h om#le*ion !o He wa! alled ,r!na+ In the fo'r %'ga! there are fo'r different a'thori=ed #ro e!!e! of religion for the elevation of h'man !o iet%+ The religio'! #ra ti e for the age of ,ali i! ongregational hanting of the hol% name of "ord ,r!na+ The real #'r#o!e of religion i! to !ati!f% the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead Sri Hari+6

6In different %'ga! different religio'! #ra ti e! were e!tabli!hed b% the S'#reme "ord him!elf to a hieve thi! end+ In ,ali Y'ga the re ommended a'thori=ed religio'! #ra ti e i! ongregational hanting of ,r!na5! name and thi! #ro e!! in l'de! all the other #revio'! #ro e!!e!+ Therefore) in ,ali Y'ga hanting the hol% name i! the e!!ential religio'! #rin i#le and no other religio'! #ra ti e an hel# one ro!! over the material o ean of ne! ien e+ Con!tantl% hant the "ord5! name in an% !it'ation+ @ven the Veda! fail to !'ffi ientl% de! ribe the !'#er e* ellent <'alitie! of hanting of the hol% name of the "ord+6 6"i!ten m% dear &i!ra) in ,ali Y'ga there i! no need for !evere #enan e! or #erforman e of o#'lent !a rifi e!A whoever wor!hi#! the S'#reme "ord ,r!na he will be rowned with fort'ne and !' e!!+ So go ba k to %o'r home and wor!hi# "ord ,r!na with 'ndeviating faith and attention) giving '# fal!ehood and #reten!ion!+ B% hanting the hol% name of "ord Hari) ,r!na) %o' will !im'ltaneo'!l% obtain both the #ro#er !#irit'al #ra ti e and the 'ltimate goal+ In thi! age of <'arrel and h%#o ri!% the onl% mean! of deliveran e i! hanting the hol% name of the "ord+ There i! no other wa%+ There i! no other wa%+ There i! no other wa%+ I am re#eating thi! great hant for deliveran e to %o'+ Thi! on!i!t! of !i*teen name! of the S'#reme "ord with thirt% two !%llable!8 Hare ,r!na Hare ,r!na ,r!na ,r!na Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare+ B% on!tantl% hanting and wor!hi#ing thi! &aha &antra) %o'r heart will feel the fir!t blo!!oming of love and GodA then grad'all% %o' will 'nder!tand the tr'th abo't the #ro#er !#irit'al #ath and the 'ltimate !#irit'al goal+6 Having re eived !' h !'blime in!tr' tion! from the "ord) Ta#an &i!ra offered re#eated obei!an e! at Hi! lot'! feet and then !aid) 6- "ord) with %o'r #ermi!!ion) I wo'ld like to a om#an% Yo'+6 The "ord re#lied) 6Yo' !ho'ld go immediatel% to Varana!iA there I !hall reveal the an!wer! to %o'r re<'e!t+6 The "ord then embra ed him) and the brahmana felt hi! entire bod% !'rge with horri#ilation! and !#irit'al e !ta!%+ The "ord5! embra e filled Sri &i!ra with immea!'rable ha##ine!!+ A! the "ord #re#ared to leave) &i!ra held Hi! feet tightl% and onfidentl% narrated hi! entire dream+ After hearing it the "ord !aid) 6Yo' m'!t be ver% aref'l not to reveal thi! to an%one+6 He re#eated the !ame in!tr' tion to the brahmana) and then !en!ing that the a'!#i io'! moment had arrived for Him to leave) He la'ghed lo'dl% and #ro eeded to Navadvi#a+ Th'! the "ord #'rified the entire tra t of @a!t Bengal and then ret'rned home+ The "ord rea hed Navdvi#a in the evening) laden with the gift! He had re eived+ He offered f'll obei!an e! at hi! mother5! lot'! feet and gave her all the gift!+ Then the "ord and Hi! !t'dent! left to bathe in the Gange!+ Altho'gh her heart wa! breaking with #ain) &other Sa i b'!ied her!elf #re#aring a meal for her !on+ Nimai (andita a ted a! the in!tr' ting !#irit'al ma!ter to all hi! !t'dent!+

He ;oined them in offering dee# and re#eated obei!an e! to the Ganga) and then !#orted for !ome time in the water+ 4hen Hi! bath wa! om#lete He ret'rned home) #erformed Hi! dail% religio'! rit'al! and then !at down to eat+ The "ord of the Vaik'ntha #lanet!) Sri Ga'ra Hari) ate with great !ati!fa tion and then went to the tem#le room+ -ne b% one Hi! relative! ame forward to greet Him after Hi! long ab!en e+ The% !at aro'nd Him a! He ;oked and la'ghed while de! ribing Hi! !ta% in Banglade!h+ Nimai imitated the !trange habit! of the #eo#le of @a!t Bengal and ever%one had a good la'gh+ None of them mentioned the #a!!ing of "ak!mi 3evi) knowing that the !ho k wo'ld a'!e the "ord grief+ After !ome time) the relative! all ret'rned to their home!) and the "ord !at <'ietl% hewing on the betel #an and refle ting on the h'moro'! onver!ation+ &other Sa i avoided meeting the "ordA !he !ta%ed in her room) affe ted b% the #ain of "ak!hmi5! death+ 4hen Nimai fo'nd Hi! mother He !aw the mark! of dee# !orrow whi h lined her fa e+ In a !weet) omforting voi e He !aid) 64hat i! the rea!on for %o'r !orrow mother? I have ret'rned from &% ;o'rne% in good health) !o %o' !ho'ld be ha##%) b't I !ee onl% !adne!! on %o'r fa e+ Tell me the tr'th &other) what i! the rea!on?6 Her !on5! word! !im#l% in rea!ed her #ain and !he we#t !ilentl%) 'nable to !#eak+ 6&other) I know ever%thing)6 !aid Nimai+ 6Tell &e what ha! ha##ened to %o'r da'ghter/in/law+6 Some relative! !te##ed forward to !#eak) 6"i!ten Nimai (andita) Yo'r mind m'!t have rea hed the lot'! feet of the "ord+6 The S'#reme "ord Sri Ga'ra Hari remained !ilent) a!ting Hi! head down a! He ontem#lated the death of hi! eternal on!ort and wife Sri "ak!mi 3evi+ He allowed the #ain of !e#aration to eng'lf Him) and altho'gh He wa! the #er!onifi ation of all Vedi tr'th!) He remained !ilent+ "ike an% ordinar% h'man being) He di!#la%ed the emotion! of dee# !orrow) b't after ontrolling Him!elf) He !#oke) 6Be a'!e of bodil% atta hment one i! regarded a! a h'!band or !on+ The!e ill'!or% relation!hi#! are a'!ed b% mi!'nder!tanding!+ - mother) wh% do %o' feel !ad? How an %o' ho#e to hange that whi h i! ordained b% the "ord5! de!ire? No one an he k the #a!!age of time) and all relation!hi#! in thi! world are tem#orar%+ Thi! i! the verdi t of the Veda!+ 6The a tivitie! of the entire o!mi reation re!t in the hand! of the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead+ 4ho b't o'r "ord an bring #eo#le together and then !e#arate them? 4h% !ho'ld the!e arrangement! of the S'#reme "ord) make %o' !o 'nha##%? It i! fort'nate for the wife if !he an leave before her h'!band+ Thi! i! #roof that !he wa! a ver% #io'! woman+6 The "ord tried to on!ole Hi! mother b% the!e #hilo!o#hi al tr'th!) and ever%one felt the veil of !adne!! di!!i#ate b% the !oothing word! of the S'#reme "ord+ In thi! wa% the "ord of Vaik'ntha) Sri Ga'ra Hari) #erformed wonderf'l #a!time! in the mood of a ! holar+ Sri ,r!na Caitan%a and "ord Nit%ananda (rabh' are m% life and !o'l+ I) Vrndavana 3a!a) h'mbl% offer thi! !ong at Their lot'! feet+

Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter $D All glorie! to "ord Ga'ra andra and all glorie! to "ord Nit%ananda+ ,indl% offer &e %o'r lot'! feet !o that I ma% hold them in the inner re e!!e! of m% heart+ All glorie! to "ord Ga'ranga and Hi! a!!o iate!A one a hieve! devotional !ervi e to the S'#reme "ord ;'!t b% hearing the wonderf'l #a!time! of Sri Caitan%a+ The "ord ontin'ed to #erform Hi! #a!time! a! a ! holar witho't an%one dete ting Hi! real identit%+ He ro!e earl% ea h morning #erformed Hi! dail% religio'! d'tie!) offered obei!an e! to Hi! &other and went to tea h Hi! !t'dent!+ &'k'nda San;a% wa! an eternal !ervant of the "ord and hi! !on wa! ('r'!hottam 3a!a+ He wa! !o fort'nate that the "ord went to hi! ho'!e ever%da% to tea h+ Nimai wo'ld !it alone in the o'rt%ard in front of the tem#le of 3'rga and grad'all% Hi! !t'dent! wo'ld a!!emble+ - a!ionall% !ome !t'dent wo'ld forget to mark hi! forehead with 'rdha#'nda tilaka+ A! the #ro#agator and maintainer of Santana 3harma) Nimai felt om#elled to #rote t the onditioned !o'l! from deviating from the #ath of religion+ Therefore He never negle ted to re tif% Hi! !t'dent! when ne e!!ar%+ He wo'ld ha!ti!e the forgetf'l bo% to !' h a degree that the !t'dent wo'ld a <'ie! e in !hame and ertainl% never again forget to a##l% hi! tilaka+ 6&% dear bo%) I !ee that %o' have not #'t on tilaka+ 4hat i! the rea!on for thi!?6 demanded Nimai+ The Vedi literat're !a%! that the forehead whi h doe! not bear the mark of tilaka i! a! good a! a rematori'm+ I an al!o 'nder!tand from thi! over!ight that %o'r brahmani al #ra ti e! have been rendered '!ele!!+ Go home and #erform %o'r brahmini al d'tie! again) and then with tilaka on %o'r forehead %o' ma% ret'rn to the ! hool+6 In thi! wa% the "ord ta'ght all Hi! !t'dent! to maintain the #ro#er !tandard! of brahmini al and religio'! #ra ti e+ The "ord did not modif% Hi! arrogant !#irit) nor did He !#are an%one Hi! riti i!m+ 4hoever wa! negligent wa! eligible for the "ord5! !tri t orre tion+ Nimai5! hara ter wa! alwa%! e*em#lar%A He never made ;oke! or la'ghed in the om#an% of women+ In fa t) He ke#t Hi! di!tan e from women and avoided meeting them+ Nimai e!#e iall% liked to ta'nt and find fa'lt with the re!ident! of Sri Hatta) imitating their #e 'liar #ron'n iation+ The inf'riated re!ident! of Sri Hatta wo'ld retort) 6-h "ord) whi h land do Yo' hail from? Tell '! where Yo'r father and mother and Their de! endant! ome from+ 4hi h one of %o' wa! not born in Sri Hatta? Yo' %o'r!elf are a de! endent of Sri Hatta+ So wh% do Yo' make !' h f'n of '!?6 The more the% tried to ha!ti!e the "ord) the more f'n He had imitating their #ron'n iation and making ;oke! at their e*#en!e+ It re<'ired little #rovo ation to inf'riate

them f'rther and o a!ionall% one of them wo'ld ha!e the "ord with #'!illanimo'! intention!+ The ha!e wa! '!'all% f'tile) for the "ord o'ld not be a'ght ea!il%) and 'ltimatel% the angr% fellow wo'ld !im#l% !tom# the gro'nd in fr'!tration and !ho't inve tive!+ - a!ionall% !omeone managed to a#t're Him and drag Him to the lo al &'!lim &agi!trate to regi!ter a om#laint+ Hi! friend! wo'ld arrive in time to #a if% the angr% #artie! and rea h !ome m't'al 'nder!tanding+ The "ord wo'ld al!o !ear h o't the ho'!e of a #er!on from ea!t Bengal+ He wo'ld break in) de!tro% the food!t'ff! and r'n awa% in mo k fear+ In thi! wa% He reated havo in Navadvi#a) b't He never had an% in ident whi h involved women+ He never even looked at a woman+ In thi! in arnation) the S'#reme "ord did not even hear the name of a woman+ Therefore) tho!e reali=ed !o'l! who are fi*ed in the ! ri#t'ral on l'!ion! never glorif% "ord Caitan%a a! Ga'ranga Nagara) the "ord in the mood of a #aramo'r+ Altho'gh ever% kind of e'log% i! a##li able to the "ord) knowledgeable #'re devotee! glorif% the nat're that the "ord manife!t! in a #arti 'lar in arnation+ In Navadvi#a the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead wa! Nimai (andita) the ! holar+ The "ord of the Vaik'ntha #lanet! en;o%ed Hi! tran! endental a tivitie! a! a tea her in the ho'!e of Sri &'k'nda San;a%a+ All Hi! !t'dent! !at aro'nd Him and He ta'ght them with great #lea!'re+ Sometime! He #retended to have a heada he and ordered medi ated oil ma!!aged into Hi! head+ Then He ontin'ed Hi! di! '!!ion) !'bmerged again in Hi! intimate !#irit'alit%+ >rom earl% morning till afternoon He ta'ght Hi! !t'dent! and then went to the Ganga for Hi! bath+ Then again) from earl% evening to late evening He ontin'ed Hi! di! '!!ion! and tea hing+ If an% !t'dent !t'died 'nder Nimai for a %ear) he left Hi! t'telage a! a f'll fledged ! holar well ver!ed in ! ri#t'ral on l'!ion!+ 4hile the "ord wa! ab!orbed in Hi! a tivitie!) &other Sa i on!tantl% tho'ght of the "ord5! marriage+ She !ear hed all of Navadvi#a for a da'ghter/in/law !'itable for her Nimai+ Sri Sanatan &i!ra wa! a #io'! and haritable brahmana) a benevolent and #'re/hearted devotee of "ord Vi!n'+ He lived in Navadvi#a and engaged him!elf in !erving g'e!t! and a!!i!ting le!! fort'nate #eo#le+ Born of a noble famil%) he wa! tr'thf'l and !elf ontrolled+ A! a ! holar he earned the title Ra;a (andita and a! a gentleman in Navadvi#a he #er!onall% maintained man% need% #eo#le+ Sanatan &i!ra5! da'ghter wa! like "ak!mi 3evi in bea't% and hara ter+ A! !oon a! &other Sa i !aw her) !he wa! onvin ed that thi! girl wa! the be!t hoi e to be her !on5! wife+ >rom earl% hildhood the %o'ng girl bathed reg'larl% in the Ganga two or three time! a da%+ She wa! dedi ated and obedient to her #arent! and !he had no other intere!t than devotion to "ord ,r!na+ @ver%da% when !he met &other Sa i at the bathing #la e in the Ganga) !he h'mbl% offered her re!#e t!+ &other Sa i re i#ro ated and ble!!ed her !a%ing) 6&a% ,r!na ble!! %o' with a !'itable h'!band+6 B't a! &other Sa i bathed !he tho'ght) 6Thi! girl !ho'ld marr% m% !on+6 Sri Sanatan &i!ra and all hi! near relative! were e<'all% eager to have the "ord a! a !on/in/law+ -ne da% &other Sa i !ent for ,a!inath (andita and told him) 6&% dear Sri) I have a #ro#o!ition+ Go tell the Ra;a (andita that if he !o de!ire! he ma% offer hi! da'ghter5! hand in marriage to m% !on+6

,a!inath (andita #ro eeded immediatel% to Sri Sanatan &i!ra5! ho'!e) re#eating the "ord5! name in !ilent ;o%+ 4hen the Ra;a (andita !aw ,a!inath (andita at hi! door he immediatel% offered him a !eat with d'e re!#e t+ 64hat bring! %o' here) m% dear Sir?6 a!ked Sri &i!ra+ 6I have ome with a #ro#o!al) and if %o' !o de!ire I will reveal it to %o'6) re#lied ,a!inath (andita+ 6Yo' !ho'ld offer %o'r da'ghter Vi!n'#ri%a in marriage to Vi!vambhara (andita+ I think it i! a #erfe t mat h+ He i! a divine #er!onalit%) !'itable in all re!#e t! for %o'r da'ghter+ Yo'r da'ghter) who i! ha!tit% #er!onified) will be the be!t for Him+ Vi!n'#ri%a and Nimai (andita remind me of the divine o'#le ,r!na and R'kmini) !o #erfe tl% !'ited The% are for ea h other+6 Ra;a (andita di! lo!ed the new! to hi! wife and near relative! and waited for their advi e and omment!+ 7nanimo'!l% the% agreed) 64hat i! the need for f'rther debate? Thi! i! a #erfe t #ro#o!ition+ J'i kl% make all the ne e!!ar% arrangement!+6 The Ra;a (andita ha##il% re#lied to ,a!inath (andita) 6I have de ided to marr% m% da'ghter to Vi!vambhara (andita !o I will #ro eed with all the arrangement!+ If the "ord de!ire! m% famil% and an e!tor! will be greatl% ble!!ed b% thi! marriage for m% da'ghter+ ,indl% go to their ho'!e and tell them ever%thing) I am f'll% in favor of thi! marriage+6 Sri ,a!inath (andita wa! e*tremel% !ati!fied with the o't ome of hi! mi!!ion and he #rom#tl% told &other SA i ever%thing that had tran!#ired+ &other Sa i wa! relieved that ever%thing had gone !moothl%+ 4itho't wa!ting f'rther time !he began the #re#aration!+ Nimai5! !t'dent! were ;'bilant when new! of Hi! marriage rea hed them+ A ri h gentleman named B'ddhimanta ,han immediatel% offered) 6I !hall bear the o!t of the entire marriage+6 B't &'k'nda San;a%a ob;e ted) 6&% dear brother and friend) if %o' take all the re!#on!ibilitie!) then what am I !'##o!ed to do?6 6"i!ten m% dear friend)6 !aid B'ddhimanta ,han 6I will not allow thi! marriage to be ome another #oor brahmin5! wedding) I will make !' h arrangement! for Nimai (andita5! wedding that ever%one will think a #rin e i! getting married+6 Adhiva!) a im#ortant eremon% before the da% of the marriage wa! held at an a'!#i io'! time amid!t great ;o% and fe!tivit%+ The area !et a!ide for the a t'al marriage eremon% wa! de orated with olorf'l hanging! aro'nd the !ide! and a ro!! the to#!+ 4ater #ot! with intri ate de!ign!) ghee lam#!) grain!) %og'rt) and !tring! of %o'ng mango leave! were all aro'nd+ 3ifferent a'!#i io'! ingredient! re<'ired for !' h an o a!ion were #la ed on the floor whi h had been bea'tif'll% de!igned with olored ri e #a!te+ The Vai!nava devotee! of the "ord) the brahmana! and all the gentlemen of Navadvi#a attended the a'!#i io'! o a!ion+ Invitation! had been !ent to all of them re<'e!ting them to attend the fea!t in the evening of the da% of the adhiva!+ B% earl% afternoon the m'!i ian! had alread% arrived and began to #la%+ "o'd and melodio'! !o'nd! of mrdanga and other dr'm!) !hani) and %mbal! were

arried in all dire tion!+ The #rie!t! began to hant the Vedi mantra! and the ladie! 'l'lated) adding to the fe!tive mood+ The re!t ;ewel of the brahmana ra e) Nimai (andita) !eated Him!elf in the mid!t of the Vedi hanter!+ The #rie!t! and brahmana! aro'nd Him felt a !'rge of ;o% in Hi! #re!en e+ 3ifferent ob;e t! re<'ired to formall% re eive the g'e!t! were bro'ght to Nimai (andita+ He garlanded the re!#e table gentlemen with flower! and a##lied !andal wood #a!te on their forehead!) offering ea h of them a betel n't and betel leaf a ording to the '!tom of the time+ The brahmin #o#'lation in Navadvi#a wa! large in tho!e da%!) !o o'ntle!! gentlemen ame and went with no one kee#ing tra k+ Some among!t them were ver% greed% and ret'rned again and again) mi*ing with the rowd and #retending the% had ;'!t arrived in order to re eive another gift+ Having re eived invitation!) #eo#le ame from di!tant lo alitie! and were 'nknown to ea h other) b't de!#ite !' h anon%mit% there wa! a !trong fe!tive !#irit+ The "ord wa! in a ;o%f'l mood and He #la%ed the #erfe t ho!t+ 6Give all the flower garland!) !andal wood #a!te and other gift! to the g'e!t! at lea!t three time!)6 ordered Nimai+ 63o not think abo't the o!t) ;'!t give freel% to ever%one+ The greed% brahmin! who were endeavoring to take the free gift! !everal time! were !'ddenl% he ked and felt a!hamed be a'!e of the "ord5! genero!it%+ The brahmana! were dear to the "ord and He wanted to #rote t their religio!it%+ Some men were ommitting offen!e! b% de eitf'll% olle ting e*tra gift!) therefore He gave the in!tr' tion to give the gift! three time! to an% #er!on+ After re eiving the gift! three time!) no one wanted an%more+ The% were !ati!fied+ No one among!t the milling g'e!t! knew that the flower garland!) !andalwood #a!te and betel leaf the% had re eived were a t'all% e*#an!ion! of "ord Ananta Se!a) !erving hi! ma!ter the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) Nimai (andita+ In the #rof'!e di!trib'tion of gift!) !ome flower!) !andal #a!te and betel leaf fell to the gro'nd) and the <'antit% of tho!e remnant! wo'ld have !'ffi ed for five o#'lent wedding!) not o'nting tho!e gift! whi h were taken home b% the g'e!t!+ @ver% vi!itor wa! im#re!!ed b% the arrangement! and left the wedding #rai!ing the o#'len e of the eremonie!+ @ven the wealthie!t men of Navadvi#a were im#re!!ed for their father5! had not !#ent !o lavi!hl% for their wedding!+ The #rof'!it% of flower!) !andal #a!te) betel leaf) betel n't and other gift! had never been !een in Navadvi#a+ Ra;a (andita) Sri Sanatana &i!ra) wa! e*tremel% ha##%+ He and hi! lo!e relative! attended the Adhiva!) laden with val'able gift!+ At an a'!#i io'! moment) he ;o%f'll% a##lied tilaka to the "ord5! forehead) ;'!t a! the Veda! re ommended+ The e* itement of the moment wa! heightened b% the lo'd hanting of "ord Hari5! name a om#anied b% the m'!i ian! and the 'l'lating ladie!+ Having om#leted all of hi! eremonial d'tie! Ra;a #andita ret'rned home+ The relative! of Nimai (andita then went to Ra;a (andita5! ho'!e to #erform the !ame adhiva! eremon% for Vi!n'#ri%a+ 4hatever wa! '!tomar% for a marriage in tho!e da%! wa! #erformed in the mid!t of great fe!tivit%+

@arl% the ne*t morning the "ord went for hi! bath in the Ganga) and on ret'rning he went dire tl% to the tem#le to wor!hi# the S'#reme "ord Vi!n'+ Thereafter He !at with hi! lo!e relation! to offer obei!an e! to their forefather! for their !ati!fa tion+ The fe!tive mood wa! maintained b% the m'!i ian!) dan er! and !inger! #erforming lo'dl% eno'gh for ever%one to hear+ @ver% orner of the ho'!e wa! de orated) there were bea'tif'l de!ign! on the floor) water #ot!) grain!) %og'rt) lam#! and !tring! of a'!#i io'! mango leave! h'ng ever%where+ Colored fe!toon! fl'ttered like flag! in the wind) and the air wa! filled with fe!tive e* itement+ The ha!te ladie! of Navadvi#a a om#anied &other Sa i while #erforming all the '!tomar% and traditional rit'al!+ >ir!t the% went to the Ganga for their bath and then) followed b% m'!i ian!) the% vi!ited the village deit% Sa!ti where the% #ra%ed for her ble!!ing!+ >rom the tem#le the% vi!ited the ho'!e of different relative! and then ret'rned home+ She di!trib'ted khoi) banana!) oil) betel n't) betel leaf) and vermillion to the ladie! who had a om#anied her and !ati!fied them in ever% re!#e t+ B% the will of the omni#otent S'#reme "ord) there wa! no dearth of an%thing !o mother Sa i genero'!l% di!trib'ted her gift! to the ladie! !everal time! over+ Not a !ingle lad% wa! di!!ati!fied+ The% ha##il% r'bbed oil on their bodie! and bathed+ "ak!mi 3evi5! ho'!e wa! al!o in a !tate of great e* itementA her mother b'!tled with ha##ine!!+ Ca'ght in the waver of e !ta!%) Ra;a (andita !#ent lavi!hl% and offered hi! da'ghter wholeheartedl% to "ord Ga'ra!'ndara+ After om#leting all of Hi! rit'al! the "ord !at down to re!t and from that #la e He h'mbl% di!trib'ted food and lothe! to all the a!!embled brahmana!+ He offered re!#e t! to ea h #er!on a ording to hi! #o!ition and gave in harit% to !ati!f% ea h #er!on5! need+ The brahmana! ble!!ed the "ord and ret'rned to their ho'!e! f'll% !ati!fied+ In the afternoon the relative! ame to dre!! "ord Ga'ra!'ndara for Hi! marriage that evening+ The% de orated Hi! entire bod% with !andalwood #a!te and a##lied aromati #erf'me! on different #art! of hi! bod%+ -n Hi! forehead the% drew a half/moon !ha#ed tilaka with !andalwood #a!te) #la ed a bea'tif'l rown lightl% on Hi! head and dra#ed Hi! ne k with fragrant flower garland!+ A fine) e*#en!ive !ilk dhoti wa! tied e*#ertl% aro'nd Hi! hi#!A it !hone golden %ellow like the !etting !'n+ Hi! #ink lot'!/!ha#ed e%e! were !meared with kaa;al ointment) bla k a! the b'mblebee+ He held the a'!#i io'! three bladed gra!! and the #it of a banana tree) while e*<'i!ite and e*#en!ive golden earring! !wa%ed from hi! ear! and other val'able ;ewelr% de orated Hi! '##er arm! and Hi! ne k+ @a h of the relative! de orated the "ord a ording to hi! won ta!te) hanging different t%#e! of ;ewelr% on different #art! of Hi! bod%+ &en and women both marveled at the "ord5! e*<'i!ite bea't%+ The% forgot them!elve! fi*ed a! the% were on the bea't% of the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead+ Almo!t an ho'r before the time of marriage the relative! de ided that the "ord !ho'ld #ro eed to the ho'!e of the bride+ 6"et '! begin the ;o'rne%)6 the% anno'n ed+ 6>or an ho'r the bridegroom will #arade thro'gh the town before arriving at the bride5! ho'!e+6 B'ddhimanta ,han a##eared !'ddenl% with a bea'tif'l #alan<'in+ The m'!i ian! !tarted '# afre!h and the #rie!t! began hanting Vedi mantra!+ Singer!) dan er! and g'e!t! all ;oined in a ;'bilant lamor+ The "ord fir!t

ir 'namb'lated &other Sa i and offered her re!#e t!) then offered re!#e t! to the brahmana! and !at on the #alan<'in in the mid!t of the ;o%f'l onf'!ion whi h in l'ded the 'l'lating ladie!+ It wa! earl% evening and the marriage #ro e!!ion went fir!t to the bank of the river Ganga+ The wa*ing moon h'ng nearl% f'll above their head! and !himmered in the water of the Ganga+ H'ndred! of lam#! were lit and m'!i #la%ed on with 'nd%ing enth'!ia!m+ In front of the "ord5! #alan<'in were two long row! of Sri B'ddhimanta ,han5! e!tate em#lo%ee! followed b% the fe!toon holder! bearing olored flag!+ In their mid!t were the ;e!ter!) ;oking and evoking la'ghter+ There were a variet% of dan er! #erforming man% different dan e !t%le!) while the o'ntle!! m'!i ian! #la%ed at lea!t five kind! of dr'm!) %mbal!) on h !hell!) fl'te!) bell!) kettle dr'm! and a variet% of horn!+ @* ited %o'ng hildren dan ed among!t the m'!i ian! and a'ght in the fe!tive atmo!#here) even older #eo#le abandoned their re!erve and ;oined the hildren while the "ord !miled at the ha##% !ight+ -n the bank of the Ganga the% !to##ed for a while !inging) dan ing and #la%ing the in!tr'ment! before #ro eeding to the bride5! ho'!e+ After offering flower! to &other Ganga) the entire #ro e!!ion t'rned toward! town+ 4hoever witne!!ed the #arade wa! !tr' k with wonder at it! o#'len e+ 6I have !een man% e*travagant marriage!) b't I have never witne!!ed an%thing like thi! one before6) !aid one #er!on+ The re!ident! of Navadvi#a were fort'nate to !ee the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead in #er!on a! He !wa%ed #a!t them in Hi! #alan<'in+ The brahmana! who had bea'tif'l) 'nmarried da'ghter! in their home! all lamented+ 6It i! a great #it% and ertainl% m% mi!fort'ne that I o'ld not give m% da'ghter in marriage to thi! hand!ome %o'ng man+ B't what an l do?6 I offer m% obei!an e! at the feet of all the re!ident! of Navadvi#a who witne!!ed thi! tran! endental ;o%f'l #a!time of the "ord+ After the #ro e!!ion had #a!!ed thro'gh all the different lo alitie! of Navadvi#a the% arrived at the ho'!e of Sri Sanatana &i!ra) the Ra;a (andita+ @ver%one ame o't of the ho'!e) 'l'lating and making other lo'd !o'nd! of wel ome for the #ro e!!ion+ Ra;a (andita ame forward to re eive the "ord from the #alan<'in) hel#ed Him !te# down and took Him in!ide where a !eat had been #re#ared+ The ;o% Ra;a (andita felt wa! inde! ribable and the love and re!#e t he felt for the "ord wa! vi!ible on hi! fa e a! he e! orted Nimai (andita into hi! ho'!e+ He !howered flower! on the "ord a! a ble!!ing and wel ome+ The re e#tion #art% from the bride5! !ide on!i!ted of relative! and #rie!t! who ame forward with fine lothe!) ;ewelr% and other #re io'! gift! for the "ord+ The bride5! mother #la ed the a'!#i io'! three/bladed gra!! on the "ord5! head and then wor!hi#ed Him with !even ghee lam#!+ At that time "ak!mi 3evi) who had been dre!!ed e*<'i!itel% took her !eat+ The relative! of Nimai (andita were both im#re!!ed and !ati!fied to !ee !' h a bea'tif'l bride+ The% lifted the "ord onto Hi! !eat a ording to the marriage rit'al+ The% h'ng a 'rtain aro'nd the "ord) and "ak!mi 3evi ir 'mamb'lated Sri Ga'ra!'ndara !even time!+

Then fa ing Him with folded hand!) !he offered her re!#e tf'l obei!an e!+ The relative! threw flower! on the o'#le) and the air filled with lo'd m'!i and the 'l'lation! of the ladie!+ "ak!mi 3evi #la ed a flower garland at the lot'! feet of her "ord offering Him her life and !o'l+ The "ord #i ked '# the flower garland and !miling !weetl%) #la ed it aro'nd her ne k+ Again the divine o'#le wa! drowned in a !hower of flower #etal!+ 7n!een b% the ommon men) demigod! like "ord Brahma al!o !howered flower! on Sri "ak!mi 3evi and Sri Ga'ra!'ndara+ "ord Ga'ra S'ndara5! gro'# om#eted with "ak!mi 3evi5! gro'# in !howering flower! and making ;o%o'! !o'nd!+ Ab!orbed in the onte!t) ever%one forgot their own are! and worrie!+ Sometime! the "ord5! !ide !eemed to be vi torio'! and at other time! "ak!mi 3evi5! !ide !eemed more enth'!ia!ti + The "ord wa! #lea!ed to !ee ever%one en;o%ing him!elf in !' h a wonderf'l wa%+ Tho'!and! of lam#! !hed bright light ever%where and the lo'd and ;o%o'! !o'nd! of !ong and in!tr'ment! filled the !k%+ B% the time the moment ame for the bride and bridegroom to e* hange glan e!) the 'niver!e !eemed in'ndated b% t'm'lt'o'! and ;o%f'l !o'nd!+ Then the divine o'#le !at down and Ra;a (andit !at with Them to offi iall% offer hi! da'ghter to "ord Ga'ra!'ndara+ In the mid!t of all rit'al! and hanting of &antra!) the marriage began with Ra;a (andit offering hi! da'ghter and #ra%ing for the "ord5! #lea!'re+ Along with hi! da'ghter Ra;a (andita al!o gave ni e ow! f'll of milk) a lot of land and #ro#ert%) bed! and f'rnit're) maid! and !ervant!) and other val'able gift!+ "ak!mi 3evi !at on the left of the "ord a! the Brahmin! lit the fire and began the 5Homa5+ After all the '!tom! and traditional rit'al! were om#lete) the bride and the bridegroom went into a well de orated re e#tion room+ Ra;a (andita5! ho'!e wa! tran!formed into Vaik'ntha) and the g'e!t! ame in to en;o% the marvelo'! fea!t+ Co'ntle!! #eo#le ame and all left f'll% !ati!fied+ The newl%wed bride and groom !#ent the night in "ak!mi 3evi5! ho'!e amid!t great ;o%+ The ha##ine!! Sanatana (andita felt an not be de! ribed+ He reveled in the !ame in on eivable good fort'ne whi h befall great !age! !' h a! Nagaa;it) 0anaka) Bhi!ma and 0amb'van who al!o be ame the father!/in/law of "ord ,r!na or "ord Rama andra+ The divine o'#le #a!!ed the night and ne*t morning till midda% in Sanatana &i!ra5! ho'!e+ Then the Ra;a (andit and hi! relative! bid farewell to "ord Ga'ra!'ndara and Vi!n'#ri%a+ In the mid!t of m'!i ) kirtan) the ble!!ing! of the brahmana! and the hanting of mantra! a##ro#riate for !' h a ;o'rne%) Nimai offered Hi! re!#e t! to the elderl% member! of Hi! father/in/law5! famil% and left with "ak!mi 3evi on a #alan<'in for Sa i &ata5! ho'!e+ The #eo#le The% met on the wa% all ble!!ed them and ongrat'lated Them) ladie! !#oke re!#e tf'll% of the good fort'ne of the bride !a%ing) 6She i! ver% fort'nate) !he m'!t have wor!hi#ed "ak!mi 3evi for man% birth!+6

-ther! ommented) 6Thi! o'#le i! ;'!t like "ord Siva and Ga'ri+6 Still other! !aid) 6The% m'!t be "ak!mi and Sri Hari+6 6The% are C'#id and Rati) or Indra and Sa i) or the% m'!t be Rama andra and Sita 3evi+6 Tr'l%) the good fort'ne of the re!ident! of Navadvi#a i! 'nfathomable) for the% were able to !ee the S'#reme "ord and Hi! eternal on!ort+ S' h wa! the e*tent of their #iet%+ The whole of Nadia wa! ble!!ed and the re!ident! e*#erien ed 'nre!trained ;o% b% being able to !ee "ak!mi 3evi and "ord Ga'ra!'ndara) Nara%ana+ >inall% the divine o'#le arrived in the ho'!e of &other Sa i+ A om#anied b% other ladie!) &other Sa i went o't to ;'bilantl% wel ome the divine o'#le into her ho'!e) where !he !eated Them amid!t ;o%o'! !o'nd! and m'!i + How an one e*#re!! the ;o% &other Sa i and ever%one el!e felt at the #re!en e of Vi!n'#ri%a and Ga'rahari? So magnanimo'! i! the S'#reme "ord that one be ome! om#letel% free from all !inf'l a tivitie! and their rea tion! ;'!t b% looking at the tran! endental l'!ter of the "ord+ &oreover) he be ome! eligible to enter the !#irit'al !k%) the Vaik'ntha #lanet!+ @ver%one from all walk! of life o'ld !ee the "ord and Hi! !#irit'al eff'lgen e+ Therefore He ha! been alled the mo!t om#a!!ionate) the onl% friend of the fallen !o'l!+ Nimai (andit freel% di!trib'ted lothe! and gift! to all the #erformer!) dan er! and the beggar! who had ome to the ho'!e of &other Sa i+ To the brahmana relative! and friend!) He gave !'ffi ient gift! to !ati!f% then all) and !ati!f% Him!elf a! well+ To B'ddhimanta ,han the "ord gave a tight and affe tionate embra e) leaving B'ddhimanta ,han in inde! ribable e !ta!%+ A ording to the Vedi "iterat're) there i! no end to the tran! endental #a!time! of the "ord+ Tho!e divine a tivitie! whi h tran!#ired in onl% a few ho'r! an not be de! ribed b% h'ndred! and h'ndred! of %ear! of di! o'r!e+ A! for m%!elf I am !im#l% giving brief de! ri#tion!) and that onl% b% Hi! mer %+ I am 'nable to f'll% de! ribe Hi! wonderf'l #a!time!+ 4hoever hear! or read! the!e tran! endental a tivitie! of the S'#reme "ord an ertainl% re!ide in "ord Ga'ra andra5! eternal a!!o iation+ "ord Sri ,r!na Caitan%a and "ord Nit%ananda (rabh' are m% life and !o'l+ I) Vrndavana 3a!a) h'mbl% offer thi! !ong at Their lot'! feet+ Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter $E

All glorie! to "ord Ga'ra!'ndara) the friend of the meek and #oor+ All glorie! to the h'!band of Srimati "ak!mi 3evi+ He i! the omni#otent S'#reme "ord) the maintainer and ontroller of ever%one and ever%thing+ All glorie! to Yo') Sri Ga'ra Hari) for Yo' de! ended to #rote t Yo'r devotee!+ All glorie! to Ga'ra andra+ He i! the #er!onifi ation of the hol% name) the !'#reme friend and the ab!ol'te tr'th+ All glorie! to "ord Ga'ra andra and Hi! devotee!+ -ne i! elevated to the #latform of #'re devotional !ervi e !im#l% b% hearing Hi! tran! endental #a!time! !in erel%+ The tran! endental to#i ! narrated in the Adi ,handa of thi! book are like a !tream of #'re ne tar) for the% de! ribe "ord Ga'ra andra5! en hanting #a!time!+ The S'#reme "ord of the Vaik'ntha #lanet! lived in Navadvi#a a! a ho'!eholder tea hing Hi! !t'dent!+ He had a##eared !#e ifi all% to reveal and #ro#agate the #ro e!! of #'re devotional !ervi e to the S'#reme "ord) b't it wa! Hi! wi!h that no one !ho'ld know Hi! tr'e identit%+ The entire h'man !o iet% wa! totall% devoid of an% !#irit'al a!#iration!A the% were immer!ed in ba!e and #erverted en;o%ment! of the bod%+ Tho!e who held di! o'r!e! on the Bhagavad/gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam were ! ar el% better for the% did not in!tr' t #eo#le on the e!!en e of tho!e ! ri#t're!) the ongregational hanting of the hol% name of the "ord+ Seeing the ho#ele!! #light of the living entitie!) the Vai!nava devotee! of the "ord often met together) awa% from the #'bli view) to la# their hand! and hant the hol% name in e !ta!%+ The materiali!ti #eo#le of Nadia ontin'all% riti i=ed the devotee! !a%ing) 64hat i! the #'r#o!e of howling !o lo'dl%. After all) I am Brahma and the ab!ol'te re!ide! within me) !o wh% di! riminate between ma!ter and !ervant?6 -ther! angril% !aid) 6The% beg food to fill their bellie! and the% all o't Hari. Hari. "et '! break down their door! and !ma!h their ho'!e!.6 The devotee! were di! o'raged b% the!e derogator% remark! and the fa t that the% had no one to om#lain to made their di!ma% even greater+ 4herever the% looked) the devotee! fo'nd the #eo#le devoid of devotion to the S'#reme "ord+ The% !im#l% ried to "ord ,r!na and lamented the #light of h'man !o iet%+ Abo't thi! time) Srila Harida!a Thak'ra ame to Navadvi#aA hi! bod% glowed with #'re devotion for the S'#reme "ord+ Now I will narrate the wonderf'l a tivitie! of Srila Harida!a Thak'ra+ 4hoever hear! thi! narration will re eive the f'll !helter of "ord ,r!na+ Srila Harida!a Thak'ra wa! born in a village alled B'ron) and be a'!e of hi! #re!en e there) man% #eo#le be ame #'rified and took '# the hanting of the hol% name+ After !ome %ear! he left

hi! village and traveled to a #la e near the river Ganga+ He finall% !ettled in the village of (h'lia near Santi#'ra+ Advaita A ar%a (rabh' wa! over;o%ed to meet Srila Harida!a Thak'ra in Navadvi#a and e*#re!!ed hi! ;o% b% roaring lo'dl%+ Harida!a Thak'ra wa! !imilarl% !we#t awa% b% the wave! of e !tati love of Godhead in the tran! endental om#an% of Advaita A ar%a (rabh'+ Srila Harida!a Thak'ra #a!!ed hi! time wandering on the bank! of the Ganga hanting the name of the S'#reme "ord ,r!na+ Harida!a had ab!ol'tel% no attra tion for material en;o%ment+ The hol% name of "ord ,r!na ontin'o'!l% vibrated on hi! tong'e) reating an e*traordinar% bea't% abo't hi! mo'th+ Never for a moment did he feel an% a#ath% toward! hi! hanting of the hol% name of ,r!naA he remained ab!orbed) ta!ting the ne tar of devotional !ervi e+ He o a!ionall% dan ed in e !ta!% or ried in lamentation while other time! he la% !till in a !tate of 'n on! io'!ne!!+ Sometime! he !#oke in m%!terio'! lang'age!) and later e*#lained the meaning of hi! word!+ All the e !tati !%m#tom! of love of ,r!na were manife!t in him / #rof'!e r%ing) horri#ilation) la'ghing) fainting) #er!#iring) et + It wa! ommon to !ee Srila 3a!a Thak'ra dan ing while he !ang the glorie! of "ord ,r!na5! name+ (eo#le wo'ld gather aro'nd him ;'!t to !ee the 'nre!tri ted tear! of love of Godhead that flowed #rof'!el% from hi! e%e!) dren hing hi! entire bod%+ @ven the !tri te!t athei!t! marveled at hi! behavior+ Horri#ilation! !welled a ro!! hi! bod% like tho'!and! of blooming flower! and even "ord Brahma and "ord Siva were ama=ed b% hi! devotion+ In the village of (h'lia even the rit'ali!ti brahmin! were !in erel% im#re!!ed if not a!toni!hed b% Srila 3a!a Thak'ra5! !#irit'al e !ta!ie!+ The !aint wa! held in f'll re!#e t b% the #eo#le of the village) and having won their tr'!t) he lived there <'ite #ea ef'll%+ He bathed dail% in the Ganga and roamed freel%) hanting the "ord5! hol% name+ The lo al &'!lim a'thorit% known a! the Ja=i be ame envio'! of Harida!a Thak'ra5! #o#'larit% and re#orted to the Nawab) 6Thi! man i! a ting like a Hind'A arre!t him and #'ni!h him a##ro#riatel%+6 The envio'! word! of the !inf'l Ja=i !#arked an immediate re!#on!e from the e<'all% !inf'l Nawab) and Harida!a Thak'ra wa! arre!ted and bro'ght forth+ Having re eived the mer % of "ord ,r!na) Harida!a had no fear of the &'!lim a'thoritie! nor even of death it!elf+ 4ith the name of the "ord on hi! li#!) Harida! a##eared before the Nawab+ 4hen devotee! and other #io'! #er!on! in the lo alit% of the Nawab5! #ala e heard that the !aint Harida!a wa! oming) the% were e*tremel% ha##%) b't when the% !'b!e<'entl% learned that he wa! oming a! a a#tive of the &'!lim r'ler) the% were horrified+ (revio'!l% man% religio'! #eo#le had been terrori=ed and in ar erated b% the &'!lim!A tho!e #ri!oner! were ha##% to learn that Harida!a might be ;oining them+ Hi! #re!en e in their mi!erable !it'ation wo'ld ertainl% eradi ate their !'ffering+ The #ri!oner! even re<'e!ted the #ri!on warden! to allow them 'nre!tri ted a!!o iation with Srila Harida!a+

4hen Srila Thak'ra wa! bro'ght into the #ri!on) he looked om#a!!ionatel% at all the #ri!oner! who immediatel% #ro!trated them!elve! at hi! lot'! feet+ Hi! long gra ef'l arm! whi h e*tended to hi! knee!) hi! lot'! e%e!) and hi! harming moon/like fa e en hanted ever%one+ The% offered their mo!t !in ere re!#e t! to the !aint) and love for ,r!na !tirred in their heart!+ Srila Harida!a Thak'ra wa! #lea!ed with the tremendo'! devotion whi h had grown in the heart! of the #ri!oner! and he ble!!ed them) 60'!t remain a! %o' are+6 B't the mi!erable #ri!oner! o'ld not gra!# the de#th of that ble!!ing and the% felt <'ite de;e ted+ Harida!a o'ld !ee the mi!'nder!tanding and om#a!!ionatel% e*#lained him!elf) 6&% ble!!ing to %o' i! that %o' will remain a! %o' are) b't #lea!e do not feel de;e ted+ I o'ld never wi!h %o' an% mi!fort'ne+ I !im#l% de!ire that the love %o' now feel for ,r!na !ho'ld alwa%! remain the !ame+ >rom now on hant "ord ,r!na5! name and on!tantl% remember Hi! #a!time!) in!#iring one another to retain hi! devotion+ 6Violen e and t%rann% are ab!ent in the !#irit'al world) !o !in erel% r% o't for ,r!na5! hel# and on!tantl% think of Him+ 4hen %o' are relea!ed from thi! #ri!on do not ret'rn to %o'r old materiali!ti wa%! nor a!!o iate with degraded or !inf'l #eo#le be a'!e one an never 'ltivate love for the S'#reme "ord ,r!na b% living a m'ndane life+ Yo' !ho'ld know for ertain that ,r!na i! 'nobtainable b% the materiali!ti #er!on+ 6A materiall% engro!!ed mind i! !ha#ed b% 'nwanted) mi! hievo'! de!ire!A the atta hment for wife) hildren) famil% and other !' h ill'!ion! bring! abo't de!tr' tion+ If b% divine arrangement an% #er!on rea he! the #latform of #'re devotion toward ,r!na) ertain reali=ation! dawn on him and he grad'all% be ome! deta hed from material life) giving him!elf in!tead to the wor!hi# of the S'#reme "ord+ If that #er!on ret'rn! again to hi! materiali!ti life) hi! mind will be ome ontaminated b% a#ri io'!) mi! hievo'! de!ire!+ 6I ertainl% do not want %o' to remain #ri!oner! forever) b't I do #ra% that %o' develo# a di!ta!te for material #lea!'re!+ (lea!e hant the hol% name of the "ord+ &% ble!!ing wa! meant to free %o' from %o'r #re!ent mi!erable ondition and to in!'re that %o' remain ha##% in love of ,r!na+ I look '#on ever%one e<'all% and wi!h the be!t for all living entitie!+ I #ra% that %o' ma% develo# 'nflin hing devotion for ,r!na+ 3o not be !adA %o' will be freed within two or three da%!+ Yo' ma% believe me+ -n e %o' leave the #ri!on %o' ma% live in the fore!t or %o' ma% live in %o'r home) b't alwa%! think of ,r!na and tr% to 'ltivate !#irit'al life+6 Having !howered hi! 'nre!tri ted mer % '#on the #ri!oner!) Harida!a went before the Nawab+ Be a'!e of hi! #'rit%) Srila Harida!a Thak'ra radiated a ertain eff'lgen e whi h the Nawab o'ld not fail to noti e+ He ro!e re!#e tf'll% when Harida!a entered and offered the !aint a !eat+ Altho'gh he him!elf had be ome <'ite onf'!ed) the Nawab a!ked Harida!a) 64hat !ort of mentalit% ha! over ome %o'? ,nowing %o' have the good fort'ne to be ome a &'!lim) wh% do %o' behave like a Hind'? 4e do not even a e#t ri e to' hed b% a Hind'+ Yet %o' want to ignore %o'r high birth and be ome a low/ a!te Hind'? To di! ard %o'r own ra e) land and religion for another i! #erverted+ How do %o' e*#e t to attain the liberated #latform if %o' behave like thi!? I have de ided to #'ni!h %o' a ording to the mandate! of the ,oran !o that %o' will be freed from %o'r !in!+6

Srila Harida!a Thak'ra #atientl% li!tened to the threat! and a '!ation! of the Nawab) re ogni=ing hi! word! a! the ill'!or% #oten % of the S'#reme "ord Vi!n'+ 4itho't an% a##rehen!ion) Harida!a !im#l% !miled at the Nawab and !#oke in a !weet) !oothing voi e) 6&% dear Sir) there i! onl% one God for all living entitie!+ The differen e between the &'!lim God and the Hind' God i! in name onl%+ A ording to knowledgeable Hind'! and &'!lim!) and a ording to ever% ! ri#t're) be it ,oran or ('ran) God i! one+ He i! the non/d'al) eternal) tran! endental and ab!ol'te Tr'th) infallible and #erfe tl% om#lete) and in that a#a it% He re!ide! in ever%one5! heart+ 6The omni#otent "ord i! the !'#reme ontroller of ever%thing+ The living entit% i! moved b% the de!ire of the S'#reme "ord) and he a t! and work! onl% a ording to the "ord5! de!ign+ The S'#reme "ord5! tran! endental name) a tivitie!) <'alitie!) a!!o iate! and abode) et + are glorified a ording to different la!!e! of !#irit'al in!tr' tion+ B't irre!#e tive of the manner in whi h He i! wor!hi#ed) the "ord a e#t! ever%one5! individ'al mood of !'rrender toward! Him+ However) if one living entit% feel! hatred or env% toward another) he 'ltimatel% refle t! tho!e emotion! in hi! relation!hi# with the "ord+ 4hatever %o' !ee of me and m% a tivitie! are dire t manife!tation! of the "ord who g'ide! me from within+ 6"ooking at it from another #er!#e tive) a #er!on ma% be born in a famil% of brahmana! b't de!#ite hi! high birth he demon!trate! the #erverted behavior of a fo'rth/ la!!) 'n 'lt'red #er!on+ 4hat an the Hind'! do with !' h a #er!on? He i! for ed to a t in degrading wa%! be a'!e of hi! innate #ro#en!itie!) and he a ordingl% !'ffer! or en;o%! the rea tion! of hi! a tivitie!+ 4hat o'ld be a hieved b% #'ni!hing him for a tivitie! whi h are an intrin!i #art of hi! nat're? &% dear re!#e ted Sir) #lea!e on!ider the!e #oint! !erio'!l%) and if %o' !till find me g'ilt% then #'ni!h me+6 The &'!lim o'rtier! were !in erel% moved b% the hone!t% of Harida!a Thak'ra5! word! and #re!en e+ B't hi! wi!dom o'ld not #enetrate the envio'! and !inf'l heart of the Ja=i who t'rned to the Nawab and in!tr' ted) 6Yo' m'!t #'ni!h thi! man. He i! evil and mi! hievo'!+ -ther! will fall 'nder hi! infl'en e and be ome e<'all% !inf'l+ He will di!gra e o'r &'!lim religion and omm'nit%+ Therefore he m'!t be a##ro#riatel% #'ni!hed+ If he want! to be e* '!ed) then let him #rea h from hi! own ! ri#t're+6 The Nawab tried again) 6&% friend) ;'!t !#eak from %o'r own ! ri#t're and a e#t the #ath+ Then %o' will have nothing to fear+ -therwi!e) the Ja=i! #re!entl% will for e me to #'ni!h %o'A the% will revile and in!'lt %o'+ 4h% !ho'ld %o' let that ha##en?6 64hatever the S'#reme "ord de!ire! i! de!tined to ha##enA there i! no one who an he k it)6 re#lied Harida!a+ @a h one of '! !'ffer! a ording to the degree of hi! #revio'! offen!e!+ Yo' !ho'ld know witho't a do'bt that %o' are merel% an in!tr'ment of the "ord5! de!ire+ @ven if m% bod% i! 't into #ie e! and I loo!e m% life) I will never give '# hanting the "ord5! hol% name+6 The Nawab heard the fearle!! re#l% of Srila Harida!a Thak'ra and t'rned to the Ja=i) 6Now what i! %o'r de i!ion abo't him?6

6"a!h him in twent%/two market #la e! 'ntil he die!)6 re#lied the envio'! Ja=i+ 6There i! no other ;'dgment I find a##ro#riate+ If he live! de!#ite the #'ni!hment) then I will on l'de that o'r big ! holar ha! !#oken the tr'th+6 The !entrie! were alled in and the order! boomed o't) 6"a!h him 'ntil he breathe! hi! la!t breath. The !in a &'!lim in 'r! b% be oming a Hind' an onl% be #'ni!hed b% death.6 The Ja=i5! envio'! de!ign! had fr' tified in the heart of the Nawab and Srila Harida!a wa! dragged awa% b% the !entrie!+ >rom one market #la e to another the% beat him mer ile!!l%) their bla k heart! on!'med b% hate for the #'re devotee of the "ord+ B't Harida!a wa! a #'re !o'l) om#letel% !'rrendered to the S'#reme "ord) !o he faithf'll% hanted "ord ,r!na5! hol% name+ So ab!orbed wa! hi! in the fervent hanting that he did not feel an% #ain+ Goodhearted and #io'! #eo#le o'ld not bear to !ee the tort're infli ted on !' h an inno ent #er!on+ Some begged the !entrie! to !to# while other! #redi ted) 6If the% ontin'e to tort're thi! good man) the entire kingdom will be r'ined+6 &an% of them 'r!ed the king to die) while !ome tried to !to# the !entrie! #h%!i all%+ -ne #er!on threw him!elf at the feet of the !entrie! and #leaded) 6I will give %o' an% reward %o' like if %o' !to# thi! mer ile!! beating+6 B't none of the!e #rote!t! evoked the !lighte!t mer % from the !entrie! who ontin'ed to drag Srila Harida!a Thak'ra from one market #la e to another) la!hing him relentle!!l%+ B% the gra e of "ord ,r!na) Harida!a felt little #ain in hi! bod%+ 0'!t like (rahlada in the Srimad Bhagavatam who wa! tort'red b% demon!) Harida!a never !'ffered at all+ Not onl% wa! Harida!a freed from hi! #ain) whoever remember! thi! !tor% of Srila Harida!a will al!o be !aved from the mi!erie! of life+ Thro'gho't hi! ordeal) Harida!a5! one emotion wa! #it% for the !entrie!+ 6- "ord ,r!na) #lea!e be mer if'l '#on the!e #oor !o'l! !o the% ma% not be #'ni!hed be a'!e of me+6 Nothing o'ld !to# the in!en!itive !entrie! who were determined to !ee their a!!ignment thro'gh to it! deathl% end+ Yet for all their beating) Harida!a !howed no !ign! of di!tre!! a! he wa! ab!orbed in remembering the hol% name of "ord ,r!na+ At la!t the g'ard! had to !to# in ama=ement+ 6How an a h'man being !'rvive !' h a br'tal beating? An% ordinar% man wo'ld have died after the beating we gave in the fir!t two or three market #la e!+ 4e have la!hed him ontin'o'!l% thro'gh twent%/two market #la e! and he !till !how! no !ign of either #ain or death+ - a!ionall% he look! '# to !mile at '!+6 The% on l'ded that he m'!t be a !aintl% #er!on+ 6-h Harida!a)6 the% #leaded+ 6Be a'!e of %o' we !hall ertainl% be #'ni!hed+ 4hen the Ja=i !ee! that de!#ite o'r beating %o' are !till alive) he !hall ertainl% kill '! in!tead+6 6If m% !'rvival bring! !' h terrible mi!fort'ne to %o')6 re#lied Harida!a) 6then I !hall definitel% give '# m% bod%+ 0'!t !ee how I die+6 Srila 3a!a Thak'ra immediatel% fell into tran e+ A #'re devotee of the S'#reme "ord #o!!e!!e! all m%!ti #ower !o witho't an% he!itation) Srila Hari da!a fell lifele!!) witho't a tra e of breath+ The &'!lim !entrie! were a!toni!hed b't gladl% bro'ght the bod% of Srila Harida!a to the Nawab+ 4hen the Nawab ordered the !entrie! to b'r% him) the Ja=i #rote!ted) 6No) if he i! b'ried he will

be !aved and 'ltimatel% gain entran e into heaven+ Altho'gh he got the high birth of a &'!lim) he behaved like a low Hind') therefore it i! #ro#er for him to be thrown in the Ganga to !'ffer eternall% like the other lo!t Hind'!+ B% being b'ried he will be ome elevated and freed from hi! !in+6 -n the Ja=i5! order the !entrie! #i ked '# the bod% of Harida!a Thak'r and arried him to the Ganga+ Hari da!a remained in hi! deathl% tran e) meditating on the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead+ The !#irit of the "ord ,r!na then de! ended into the bod% of Srila Thak'ra and he be ame !o heav% that it wa! im#o!!ible to move him+ The !tronge!t !entrie! ame forward to #'!h him into the water!) b't he remained in dee# tran e and o'ld not be moved+ Harida!a had alread% drowned in the o ean of love of "ord ,r!na) and he had no #er e#tion of the world aro'nd him+ He knew not if he were !till embodied) or wandering !omewhere in the 'niver!e) or dee# in the water of the Ganga+ 0'!t like (rahlad &ahara;a) Harida!a Thak'r had the !#irit'al abilit% to on!tantl% remember the S'#reme "ord+ S' h an e*traordinar% a#abilit% wa! not !'r#ri!ing for Harida!a5! heart wa! the #ermanent re!iden e of "ord Ga'ra andra+ Thi! entire e#i!ode with Srila Harida!a Thak'ra i! a re#li ation of the heroi a tivitie! of Sri Han'man in Sri "anka+ Indra;it) Ravana5! !on) had !ent the Brahma!tra) a wea#on given to him b% "ord Brahma) to a#t're Han'man+ Han'man o'ld ea!il% have e! a#ed it) b't to !how re!#e t to the #oten % of "ord Brahma) Han'man allowed him!elf to be bo'nd b% the Brahma!tra+ Similarl%) Srila Harida!a Thak'ra o'ld have e! a#ed the #'ni!hment of the &'!lim!) b't b% allowing them to tort're him) he ta'ght the world a le!!on8 de!#ite the e*treme mi!erie! of life) one m'!t never !to# hanting the name of ,r!na+ 3a!a Thak'ra wa! dire tl% #rote ted b% the S'#reme "ord ,r!na) Govinda) therefore who o'ld harm him? If one !im#l% remember! the name of Harida!a / not to mention hi! terrible ordeal at the hand! of the &'!lim! / he be ome! free from hi! own #ain and mi!er%+ &o!t ertainl% Srila Harida!a Thak'ra wa! one of the lo!e!t and mo!t im#ortant a!!o iate! of the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) Sri Caitan%a Candra+ Harida!a floated down!tream on the 'rrent! of the Ganga) and after !ome time he be ame on! io'!) b% the "ord5! de!ire+ >'ll% awakened and overwhelmed with e !ta!%) he limbed the bank of the Ganga and #ro eeded toward (h'lia) lo'dl% hanting the name of ,r!na a! he walked+ 4hen the &'!lim! !aw Srila Harida!a the% were onvin ed that he #o!!e!!ed e*traordinar% m%!ti #ower!+ ('re) ha##% feeling! re#la ed the env% and hate in their heart!+ The% offered him obei!an e!) wor!hi#ing him a! a ver% !aintl% #er!on+ B% thi! wor!hi# the &'!lim! be ame free from material entanglement+ In the #re!en e of the Nawab) Harida!a !to##ed hanting and !miled om#a!!ionatel% at the &'!lim r'ler who wa! !tanding re!#e tf'll% with folded hand!+ In a h'mble and meek voi e the Nawab !aid) 6I an now 'nder!tand that %o' are tr'l% a !aintl% #er!on+ Yo' have reali=ed the ab!ol'te tr'th) and %o' have !een the one S'#reme "ord ever%where and in ever%one+ Ab!ol'te knowledge and liberation / whi h the m%!ti %ogi! and #hilo!o#her! #ro'dl% boa!t / ha! been ea!il% attained b% %o' be a'!e %o' are a #erfe t h'man being+ I have

ome ;'!t to !ee %o') !im#l% to beg forgivene!!+ ,indl% forgive me for the offen!e! I have ommitted again!t %o'+ Be a'!e %o' !ee ever%one e<'all%) %o' have neither friend! nor enemie!A there i! no one in the entire world who an a t'all% gra!# %o'r e*traordinar% #o!ition+ Yo' are a free man in ever% re!#e t+ Yo' ma% !ta% wherever %o' wi!h / in a lonel% h't or a ave on the bank of the river Ganga+ B't #lea!e be mer if'l '#on tho!e of '! who have ommitted thi! great offen!e again!t %o'+6 @ver%one / whether elevated or wret hed / a'tomati all% forget! abo't m'ndane life when he !ee! the lot'! feet of Srila Harida!a Thak'ra+ The &'!lim! had been angr% eno'gh to kill him) %et the% were tran!formed and the% wor!hi#ed hi! feet) a e#ting him a! a hol% man+ After forgiving and ble!!ing them Harida!a went to (h'lia+ 4ith the hol% name re!o'nding from hi! li#!) he rea hed an a!!embl% of brahmana! near (h'lia+ The brahmana! were over;o%ed b% hi! arrival and the% ;oined him in a roaring kirtan+ A! he dan ed in their mid!t) he felt e !tati ;o% !wee# thro'gh hi! bod%A r%ing) !hivering) la'ghing) falling 'n on! io'!) !welling with horri#ilation) and roaring lo'dl%) he fell to the gro'nd totall% immer!ed in love of God+ The brahmana! o'ld not ontain their 'nbo'nded ;o%+ After !ometime Srila Hari 3a!a almed him!elf and !#oke to the brahmana! who !at aro'nd him) 6&% dear brahmana friend!) do not feel !ad be a'!e of what ha##ened to me+ Thi! #'ni!hment wa! ertainl% d'e me+ I !tood in the o'rt and li!tened to the &'!lim! bla!#heme m% "ordA for thi! the "ord ha! #'ni!hed me !'itabl%+ I am reall% ver% ha##% be a'!e m% #'ni!hment !ho'ld have been more !evereA the "ord let me off ver% ea!il%+ -ne goe! to hell if he hear! bla!#hem% of the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead+ &% !inf'l ear! were filled with !' h bla!#hem% and the "ord ha! given me the #ro#er #'ni!hment !o that I ma% never ommit thi! offen!e again+6 Srila Harida!a #a!!ed hi! time reli!hing the ne tar of the hol% name and giving hi! enlightened a!!o iation to the brahmana!+ Tho!e &'!lim! who tort'red 3a!a Thak'ra) and their familie! a! well) were all event'all% de!tro%ed+ Harida!a left the village and moved into a ave on the bank! of the river Ganga where he maintained him!elf on the !weetne!! of the hol% name and the memor% of the #a!time! of the S'#reme "ord+ 3ail% he hanted a minim'm of three h'ndred tho'!and name! of the ,r!na+ B% the infl'en e of the tran! endental !o'nd of the hol% name and the hol% #re!en e of Srila Harida!a Thak'ra) the ave wa! tran!formed into a Vaik'ntha #lanet of the !#irit'al !k%+ In Harida!a5! ave lived a large and #oi!ono'! !nake who emitted !' h !trong va#or! that not a !o'l o'ld remain in the ave for more than a moment+ (eo#le from the village ame ever% da% to vi!it Harida!a) b't the% o'ld not !ta% long eno'gh to !#eak with him+ Altho'gh the vi!itor! were all driven awa% b% the #oi!ono'! air) Harida!a wa! om#letel% oblivio'! to the #re!en e of the !nake+

The brahmana! on!'lted one another abo't the fo'l air in the ave and then di! '!!ed the matter with !ome A%'rvedi #h%!i ian! in (h'lia+ After !ome re!ear h the% determined that a #oi!ono'! !nake had indeed b'ilt it! home 'nder Harida!a5! ave+ The #h%!i ian! felt !trongl% that Harida!a !ho'ld va ate hi! ave) for living with !' h a !nake wa! im#ro#er+ The% ;oined the brahmana! and a##roa hed Harida!a to e*#lain the !it'ation+ 6Be a'!e of the va#or! from a #oi!ono'! !nake living 'nderneath %o'r ave) no one an remain here)6 the% e*#lained+ 5Yo' !ho'ld al!o va ate thi! #la e and find a !'itable ave to live in+6 6I have been living in thi! ave for a long time) and I have never been in onvenien ed b% the!e va#or! %o' !#eak of)6 re#lied Harida!a+ 6B't if none of %o' an remain in the ave and it a'!e! %o' !' h di!tre!!) then I !hall leave here tomorrow+ If it i! tr'e that a !nake live! here) and if he doe!n5t leave b% tomorrow) then I !hall ertainl% go+ I an a!!'re %o' that one of '! will leave thi! ave b% tomorrow+ (lea!e do not worr% abo't thi! #roblem an% longer+ I am on erned that all of %o' not wa!te %o'r time in f'tile) m'ndane talk!A ever% moment !ho'ld be 'tili=ed di! '!!ing to#i ! on ,r!na on! io'!ne!!+6 In the o'r!e of thi! di! '!!ion) a mira le o 'rred+ @vening had grad'all% de! ended aro'nd the brahmana! and Harida!a when the !nake !lithered o't of it! hole+ It! h'ge) frightening bod%) ro!!ed with eff'lgent red) %ellow and bl'e !tri#e! and rowned with a brilliant gem) !lid <'ietl% #a!t the brahmana! and left the ave forever+ It! a##earan e wa! both awe!ome and attra tive) and a! it !lithered #a!t) the brahmana! remembered ,r!na a! their onl% !helter+ After the !nake left) the b'rning !en!ation from the #oi!ono'! air al!o vani!hed and all the brahmana! were !ati!fied+ Their faith in the e*traordinar% !#irit'al #oten % of Harida!a Thak'ra !welled for the% 'nder!tood that the !nake had left be a'!e of Harida!a5! a!!'ran e to the vi!itor!+ Sim#l% the !ight of Harida!a di!!i#ate! one5! innate ne! ien e and material entanglement!+ -'t of Hi! love for Harida!a) the S'#reme "ord never minimi=e! or negle t! Harida!a5! word!+ There i! another !imilar in ident related b% a !nake harmer+ -ne da% in the o'rt%ard of a ri h man5! ho'!e thi! !nake harmer wa! #erforming a !nake dan e+ He wa! hanting a !#e ial mantra a om#anied b% m'!i ian! #la%ing the mrdanga and mandira+ Harida!a wa! #a!!ing b% and !tood to one !ide wat hing the !nake dan e+ Altho'gh the !nake harmer wa! an ordinar% h'man being) b% the infl'en e of hi! mantra he o'ld dan e a! tho'gh he were #o!!e!!ed b% the !#irit of the king of the !nake!) Ananta Se!a+ 4ith an en hanting melod% he !ang abo't the #a!time of "ord ,r!na in the lake alled ,alida!ha where the "ord van<'i!hed an evil !er#ent alled ,alia+ Harida!a li!tened intentl% to the #a!time of hi! beloved "ord ,r!na) and !'ddenl% moved b% e !ta!%) he fell 'n on! io'! to the gro'nd+ 4hen he regained on! io'!ne!!) he ;'m#ed to hi! feet and roared like a lion) dan ing in e !ta!% a! he babbled with ;o%+ The !nake harmer wa! im#re!!ed b% Harida!a5! manife!tation of e !tati !%m#tom! and !tood re!#e tf'll% to the !ide+ A! the vario'! !%m#tom! of horri#ilation) r%ing and !hivering traver!ed hi! bod%) he rolled in the

d'!t) r%ing in love for ,r!na+ He remembered how hi! beloved "ord had mer if'll% !aved the !nake ,alia) and a! he floated in e !tati tran e) the #eo#le aro'nd him obliged b% !inging !ong! abo't the wonderf'l #a!time! of the "ord+ The !nake harmer !im#l% !tood to the !ide) over ome b% awe and reveren e for Harida!a+ 4hen hi! e !ta!% !'b!ided) Harida!a left and the !nake harmer re!'med hi! #erforman e+ @ver%one who witne!!ed the e !ta!% of Harida!a felt !#irit'all% e*hilarated and the% !meared their bodie! with d'!t from hi! feet+ However) one 'nning and de eitf'l brahmana in the rowd de ided to heat the #eo#le+ 6I will al!o dan e here)6 he told him!elf+ 6I an !ee that the #eo#le are not ver% intelligent+ The% are offering !o m' h re!#e t to thi! low/born Harida!a ;'!t be a'!e he dan e! and rie!A if I) a brahmana) al!o dan e and r% the% will ertainl% wor!hi# me a! well+6 The brahmana threw him!elf on the gro'nd and feigned 'n on! io'!ne!! a! tho'gh he had fallen into tran e+ B't a! !oon a! he to' hed the gro'nd) the dan ing !nake harmer be ame f'rio'!) #i ked '# a !ti k and began beating the brahmana relentle!!l%+ He !tr' k him again and again on ever% #art of hi! bod% 'ntil the brahmana) howling in agon%) got '# and ran awa% ;'!t to !ave hi! life+ The !nake harmer then re!'med hi! dan e while the entire rowd !tood d'mbfo'nded+ At la!t) a man with folded hand! h'mbl% re<'e!ted the !nake harmer to e*#lain wh% he had !tood re!#e tf'll% to the !ide while Harida!a dan ed) %et he had beaten the brahmana for what !eemed to be the !ame a tivit%+ The !#irit of Ananta Se!a who dwelt within the !nake harmer then !#oke in glorifi ation of Srila 3a!a Thak'ra+ 6The !'b;e t matter of %o'r in<'ir% i! ver% onfidential+ Altho'gh !' h a to#i i! rarel% di! '!!ed be a'!e of it! highl% e!oteri nat're) I !hall neverthele!! an!wer %o'r <'e!tion+ 4hen Srila 3a!a Thak'ra wa! dan ing in e !tati tran e) ea h one of '! felt o'r re!#e t and affe tion for him !#ontaneo'!l% in rea!e+ B't the de eitf'l brahmana wa! !im#l% imitating Harida!a in order to get !ome hea# adoration from the rowd+ 6Not o't of love for ,r!na) b't o't of envio'!ne!! toward a #'re devotee) the brahmana threw him!elf on the gro'nd and feigned e !ta!%+ >'rthermore) he interr'#ted m% dan ing+ Be a'!e he di!t'rbed me and tried to imitate the #'re devotee) I #'ni!hed him !everel%+ 6Thi! arrogant and de eitf'l brahmana ha! no love for ,r!na+ To re eive the !helter of devotional !ervi e at the lot'! feet of "ord ,r!na) one ha! to be ome #'reA free from de eit+ B% !eeing Srila Harida!a Thak'ra dan e one be ome! liberated from material bondage+ @ven the S'#reme "ord ,r!na him!elf dan e! when He !ee! Srila 3a!a Thak'ra dan e+ The entire 'niver!e be ome! lean!ed of all !inf'l rea tion! ;'!t b% !eeing Srila Harida!a dan e+ He i! tr'l% worth% of hi! name / Harida!a Thak'ra) the !ervant of the S'#reme "ord Hari ,r!na) who !hine! eternall% like a f'll moon in the heart of Hi! devotee+ 6Harida!a i! affe tionate and om#a!!ionate toward! all living entitie!) and he de! end! a! the eternal !ervant of the S'#reme "ord in ea h of the "ord5! in arnation!+ He i! totall% free from an% fa'lt or offen!e toward! the S'#reme "ord or Hi! devotee!+ @ven in hi! dream! he never ommit! an offen!e+ A moment5! a!!o iation with Harida!a an #'rif% an% living entit% and a!!'re him the

eternal !helter of "ord ,r!na5! lot'! feet+ @ven "ord Brahma and "ord Siva on!tantl% de!ire hi! a!!o iation+ 6Harida!a a##eared in the famil% of a lowl% &'!lim on the order of the S'#reme "ord) ;'!t to tea h h'man !o iet% that material de!ignation! like a!te) reed) birth !tat'!) and famil% #o!ition are all ill'!or% and #'r!'ing them i! f'tile+ If a #'re devotee of the "ord i! born in a low/ la!! famil%) he i! no le!! worth% of wor!hi#A that i! the in;'n tion of the ! ri#t're!+ -n the other hand) if !omeone i! born in a !o#hi!ti ated famil% b't doe! not wor!hi# the lot'! feet of Sri ,r!na) then hi! high birth i! '!ele!! for he live! ;'!t like a re!ident of hell+ 60'!t to #rove the tr'th of the!e ! ri#t're!) Srila Harida!a took birth in a low/ a!te famil%+ (rahlad &ahara;a) one of the greate!t devotee! of the "ord) had #revio'!l% a##eared in a famil% of demon!) and Han'man) the greate!t devotee of "ord Rama andra) took birth in the monke% !#e ie!+ Similarl%) Srila Harida!a a##eared in a famil% of &'!lim!+ 6The demigod! de!ire the to' h of the #'re and tran! endental form of Srila Hari da!a Thak'ra) and &other Ganga al!o #ra%! that her water will be !an tified b% hi! #re!en e+ B't one need not to' h Srila 3a!a Thak'raA !im#l% b% !eeing him) one i! a'tomati all% freed from the eternal % le of birth and death+ >'rthermore) one who !ee! a devotee who ha! taken !helter at the lot'! feet of Srila Harida!a Thak'ra i! al!o granted freedom from material bondage+ Neither a tho'!and mo'th! nor a tho'!and ear! wo'ld be !'ffi ient to de! ribe and hear the wonderf'l <'alitie! of Srila Harida!a+ Yo' are a fort'nate !o'l for %o'r in<'ir% gave me an o##ort'nit% to glorif% the #'re devotee and gave %o' the o##ort'nit% to hear the tran! endental to#i + >rom the moment a #er!on !#eak! the name of Srila Harida!a Thak'ra) hi! a! en!ion to the !'#reme abode of "ord ,r!na i! g'aranteed+6 Nagara;) the !nake harmer) then fell !ilent+ The a!!embled brahmana! and #io'! gentlemen felt thoro'ghl% !ati!fied b% hi! glorifi ation of Srila Harida!a+ -f o'r!e) Ananta Se!a i! a #'re Vai!nava devotee of the S'#reme "ord and i! alwa%! engaged in glorif%ing the "ord and Hi! devotee!A thi! wa! not hi! fir!t o a!ion to de! ribe the o't!tanding <'alitie! of Harida!a+ The a!!embl% a e#ted the Nagara;a5! a##rai!al of Harida!a) and the love ea h #er!on felt for Harida!a in rea!ed+ Srila Harida!a wa! a #'re devotee of "ord Caitan%a and altho'gh Sri Ga'ra andra wa! %et to reveal the #ro e!! of devotional !ervi e to the S'#reme "ord) Harida!a ontin'ed to demon!trate hi! love for Sri ,r!na+ (eo#le in general were di!intere!ted in the #ro e!! of devotional !ervi e) and the% o'ld not 'nder!tand the #'r#o!e behind hanting the hol% name of God+ Be a'!e of a general a#ath% toward the hol% name) the mood of devotional !ervi e wa! ab!ent+ (eo#le ta'nted and ;eered at the Vai!nava! who engaged in kirtan) !o the !aintl% devotee! a!!embled in a <'iet !#ot awa% from ever%one where the% o'ld !ing and dan e 'ndi!t'rbed+ @ven then) athei!ti #eo#le angril% ondemned them+ 6The!e degraded brahmana! will om#letel% de!tro% thi! entire o'ntr%)6 the% om#lained+ 6All thi! lo'd) !entimental !inging and dan ing will #robabl% a'!e a famine in the land+ The!e emotionali!t! !ing like thi! ;'!t to fill their bellie!) not reali=ing that "ord Vi!n' take! re!t d'ring the!e fo'r month! of the rain% !ea!on+ The% will ;'!t

di!t'rb Him) and in irritation He will !end !ome nat'ral alamit%+ Can5t the!e fool! 'nder!tand the di!a!ter the% o'ld a'!e?6 Another man threatened) 6If there i! an in rea!e in the #ri e of food grain! then I will at h them one b% one and beat them !o'ndl%+6 6It ma% be #ro#er to hant lo'dl% on the night of @kada!i) b't what i! the '!e of thi! dail% re itation of Govinda5! name!?6 <'e!tioned another irritated athei!t+ The devotee! felt gen'ine om#a!!ion for the athei!ti #eo#le) and de!#ite their hara!!ment) the devotee! ontin'ed the kirtan!+ Srila Harida!a wa! one of tho!e !in ere devotee! who felt !orr% to !ee that the ma;orit% of the #eo#le in !o iet% were not the lea!t in lined toward devotional !ervi e+ He ontin'ed hi! lo'd hanting of ,r!na5! hol% name whi h the e*tremel% !inf'l #eo#le in !o iet% fo'nd 'nbearable+ -n e in a village named Hari Nadi) an arrogant brahmana offended Srila Harida!a+ He !ho'ted angril%) 6He% Harida!a) wh% do %o' behave like thi!? 4h% m'!t %o' hant !o lo'dl%? The a t'al in;'n tion i! to hant !oftl% in %o'r mind+ 4hi h ! ri#t're in!tr' t! %o' to hant lo'dl%? 4ho ha! ta'ght %o' thi! t%#e of religio'! #ra ti e? Here i! an a!!embl% of ! holar!A %o' an a!k them abo't the orre t method of wor!hi#+6 Srila Harida!a h'mbl% re#lied) 6I do not know the ! ri#t'ral on l'!ion! abo't the glorie! of the hol% name of God+ Yo' m'!t ertainl% know more than I+ I an onl% re#eat what I have heard from ! holar! like %o'r!elf+ The #rin i#le effe t of hanting the name of God lo'dl% i! that it #'rifie! the !o'l one tho'!and time! more than an% other form of wor!hi#+ Nowhere in the ! ri#t're! i! lo'd hanting of the hol% name ondemnedA on the ontrar%) there are e* ellent benefit! whi h have been de! ribed in man% #la e!+ In one ! ri#t're it !a%!8 "o'd hanting of "ord ,r!na5! name i! a tho'!and time! better than !ilent hanting+6 64h% i! the re!'lt of lo'd hanting magnified a tho'!and time! over an% other #ro e!!?6 demanded the brahmana+ 6&% dear Sir) #lea!e li!ten to the on l'!ion! of the Veda! and Srimad Bhagavatam+6 A! Srila Harida!a !#oke) he floated in the o ean of love of ,r!na and hi! e*#lanation! a#!'li=ed the e!!en e of all ! ri#t're!+ 6- brahmana) #lea!e tr% to 'nder!tand that when an% living entit% / be it h'man) animal) in!e t or bird / hear! the hol% name hanted b% a #'re devotee of the "ord) he goe! dire tl% to the !#irit'al world) Vaik'ntha) after leaving thi! bod%+ 6In the Srimad Bhagavatam) tenth anto) ha#ter thirt%/fo'r) ver!e eighteen) it !a%!8 5- "ord when %o'r name i! hanted b% the 'nallo%ed devotee who ha! been #'rified b% the to' h of %o'r lot'! feet) and that hol% name i! heard even on e b% an% living entit%) it an immediatel% #'rif% both the hanter and the li!tener+5 There i! nothing di!#'table in the matter of the 'nallo%ed devotee #'rif%ing other living entitie!+ "ower !#e ie! whi h do not #o!!e!! the abilit% to hant the "ord5! name an be liberated !im#l% b% hearing the name hanted b% a #'re devotee+

6-ne who hant! the hol% name to him!elf liberate! him!elf onl%) b't one who hant! the "ord5! name lo'dl% liberate! an%one who hear! him+ The !o'nd of the "ord5! name i! benefi ial for ever%one+ Therefore the ! ri#t're! all a!!ert that lo'd hanting of the "ord5! name i! a tho'!and time! more effe tive then an% other religio'! #ro e!!+ 6Again) in the Naradi%a ('rana there i! a <'ote from (rahlada &ahara;a !a%ing) 5I !ee #erfe t logi in the fa t that a #er!on who hant! the "ord5! name lo'dl% i! a tho'!and time! more #io'! that the #er!on who hant! to him!elfA one who hant! !oftl% liberate! onl% him!elf b't one who hant! lo'dl% liberate! him!elf and an% other living entit% who hear! him+5 6- brahmana) li!ten aref'll%+ It i! ea!% to 'nder!tand that a #er!on who a t! for the benefit of the entire !o iet% in l'ding the lower animal! i! ertainl% on a higher religio'! #latform than a #er!on who i! !im#l% on erned with hi! own liberation+ -nl% the h'man being ha! been endowed with the a#a it% to 'tter the "ord5! nameA an animal annot+ 6If lo'd hanting an liberate the!e 'nfort'nate animal! who otherwi!e have no ho#e for liberation) then what i! the harm in hanting lo'dl%? A !elfi!h #er!on i! intere!ted in hi! own welfare) b't a !elfle!! devotee i! on erned with ever%one5! welfare+ If %o' 'nder!tand thi!) %o' an ea!il% determine who i! on the higher #latform+ I m'!t em#ha!i=e that lo'd hanting of the "ord5! hol% name i! the mo!t effi ient t%#e of hanting+6 The fooli!h brahmana be ame even more inf'riated b% the 'ne<'ivo al in!tr' tion! of Srila Harida!a+ He angril% retorted) 6- Harida!a) %o' have now be ome the ma!ter of the Veda!+ It !eem! %o' have #ro#o'nded the !eventh #hilo!o#hi al tho'ght) the other !i* having been de!tro%ed with the #a!!ing of time+ It ha! been #ro#he!ied in the Veda! that at the end of ,ali %'ga) a low born S'dra will #ro#agate the Veda!+ B't I !ee it alread% ha##ening right before me+ 4hat i! the need to wait for the end of the ,ali Y'ga? Yo' de eive ever%one b% a ting like a hol% man) b't all %o' do i! vi!it the home! of ho'!eholder! and fill %o'r bell%+ If I find %o'r e*#lanation! 'na'thori=ed or 'nbonafide a ording to !ha!tra) then I will 't off %o'r ear! and no!e+6 Com#letel% e<'i#oi!ed) Srila Harida!a !im#l% !miled at the har!h) revengef'l word! of the fallen brahmana+ 4itho't another word) he walked awa%) hanting lo'dl% the "ord5! hol% name+ The ! holar! of the a!!embl% were a! !inf'l a! that vi io'! brahmana for the% neither a e#ted the orre t) bonafide e*#lanation! of Srila Thak'ra nor did the% ondemn the offen!ive word! of the wret hed brahmana+ Tho!e men were brahmana! in name onl%) while in a t'alit% the% were demon!A their re!iden e wa! Hell and the% !'ffered 'ntold mi!er% in the hand! of Yamara;a) the god of death+ In ,ali %'ga the demon! will be born a! brahmana! who hara!! and offend #io'! #eo#le+ The Varaha ('rana !a%!) 6In the ,ali %'ga) demon! find !helter in brahmana familie! and tort're the tran! endentali!t! who are rare !o'l!+6 All the ! ri#t're! have !tri tl% forbidden '! to to' h) hear or wor!hi# #er!on! who live in the g'i!e of a brahmanaA one !im#l% be ome! ontaminated b% their onta t+ In the (adma ('rana it i! mentioned) 6There i! no need for a detailed e*#lanation8 tho!e brahmana! who are not devotee! of the "ord !ho'ld neither be re!#e ted nor to' hed b%

an%one+6 &eeting a non/devotee brahmana i! a! ontaminating a! meeting a low/born dog eaterA on the other hand) a #'re devotee of the "ord) born in an% famil% or an% la!!) an #'rif% the entire 'niver!e+ A few da%! after thi! in ident with Srila Harida!a) the fallen brahmana ontra ted !' h a !evere a!e of !mall#o* that hi! no!e fell off+ He wa! ;'!tl% #'ni!hed b% ,r!na for hi! offen!e! again!t the Vai!nava !aint+ Harida!a !ighed in dee# de#re!!ion over the !ad !tate of the h'man !o iet% whi h wa! engro!!ed in m'ndane life+ >or a long time he had de!ired the a!!o iation of other #'re devotee!) !o he went to Navadvi#a where the Vai!nava! were over;o%ed to !ee him+ Sri Advaita A ar%a (rabh' gra!#ed him to hi! he!t in a loving embra e) and the other devotee! !howered their affe tion on him) ;'!t a! he re i#ro ated their emotion!+ The athei!t! ontin'ed their offen!ive riti i!m of the devotee!) while the Vai!nava! ontin'ed their tran! endental di! '!!ion! of the !'b;e t! in the Bhagavad/gita and Srimad Bhagavatam+ An%one who li!ten! with faith and devotion to the!e narration! will find eternal !helter at the lot'! feet of the S'#reme "ord Sri Ga'ra andra+ Sri ,r!na Caitan%a and Nit%ananda (rabh' are m% life and !o'l+ I) Vrndavana da!a) h'mbl% offer thi! !ong at Their lot'! feet+ Ne*t Cha#ter SRI CAITANYA BHAGAVATA Adi "ila Cha#ter $G All glorie! to Sri Ga'ra S'ndara) the S'#reme "ord of all lord!) he #o!!e!!e! an eternal tran! endental form and i! ver% dear to Sri Nit%ananda (rabh'+ All glorie! to the "ord for He i! the life and !o'l and the mo!t #re io'! ob;e t of love of all the Vai!nava!+ ,indl% be!tow Yo'r mer if'l glan e on all the living entitie! !o that the% ma% be ome liberated from material entanglement+ Now li!ten aref'll% to the narration! of "ord Ga'ra S'ndara going to Ga%adham+ The "ord of the Vaik'ntha #lanet! now re!ided in Navadvi#a a! the re!t ;ewel tea her and ! holar+ The ondition of h'man !o iet% had deteriorated to !' h an e*tent that there wa! an in rea!e of athei!ti #eo#le) and the #ro e!! of devotional !ervi e had be ome ver% rare+ (eo#le in general were attra ted b% the tem#orar% and ill'!or% #lea!'re! of the !en!e! and thi! greatl% !addened the devotee!+ Another rea!on wh% the Vai!nava devotee! were de!#airing wa! be a'!e "ord Ga'ra S'ndara wa! !o engro!!ed in ! hola!ti #'r!'it!+ The mi! hievo'! and !inf'l #o#'lation ontin'ed to h'rl ab'!e! at the Vai!nava devotee!) and the% !im#l% bore the in!'lt! <'ietl%+ S'#reme "ord Ga'ra S'ndara de!ired within Hi! heart that now the time wa! ri#e to reveal Hi! tr'e identit% and

manife!t Hi! tran! endental #a!time! b't fir!t He de ided to vi!it Ga%adham) !' h wa! the de!ire of the f'll% inde#endent S'#reme (er!onalit% Ga'ra S'ndara+ He #erformed the la!t rite!) !raddha eremon% of Hi! father a ording to the ! ri#t'ral in;'n tion! and then a om#anied b% Hi! di! i#le! #ro eeded to Ga%adham+ The "ord wa! in a ver% bli!!f'l mood at the tho'ght of being able to !ee Ga%adham !o taking leave of &other Sa i He left for Ga%a+ He #a!!ed thro'gh man% town! and village! and b% the to' h of Hi! tran! endental lot'! feet the% have be ome #la e! of #ilgrimage+ -n the wa% He di! '!!ed man% !#irit'al to#i ! and e*#lained diffi 'lt on l'!ion! to Hi! di! i#le! !ometime! ;oking with them) !ometime! in a !erio'! mood) finall% He arrived in &ondata+ In the &andar hill there i! a ver% famo'! #la e) the "ord vi!ited the tem#le! on the hill) the tem#le of "ord &adh' S'dan+ -ne da% while traveling) the "ord #retended to have fever+ The "ord of Vaik'ntha) the S'#reme (er!onalit%) in order to tea h the living entitie!) #retended to have fever ;'!t like an ordinar% mortal+ Half wa% to Ga%adham the "ord got fever whi h bro'ght an*iet% to Hi! di! i#le!+ The% tried vario'! medi ine! and mean! to bring the fever down) b't !' h wa! the de!ire of the "ord that Hi! fever #er!i!ted+ At la!t the "ord Him!elf !'gge!ted a remed%+ 6The remed% for all !'ffering i! drinking the water that ha! wa!hed the feet of a #'re brahmana+6 To tea h the world of the 'ni<'e #o!ition of a #'re brahmana the "ord drank the water that had wa!hed the feet of the brahmana+ Immediatel% '#on drinking that water) the "ord be ame health% and Hi! fever wa! gone+ S' h a tivitie! of the "ord are Hi! real nat're) thi! ha! been de! ribed in all the Vedi ! ri#t're!+ In the Srimad Bhagavad/gita it i! !aid) 6All of them) a! the% !'rrender 'nto &e I reward a ordingl%+ @ver%one follow! m% #ath in all re!#e t!) - !on of (ratha+6 4hen the devotee !in erel% de!ire! to be ome a !ervant of the "ord then the mer if'l "ord grant! him eternal !ervit'de+ Therefore He i! known a! Sevakvat!al or one who i! ver% affe tionate to Hi! !ervitor!+ The "ord readil% a e#t! defeat if it in rea!e! the name and #o!ition of Hi! !'rrendered devotee+ How an devotee! who have totall% !'rrendered them!elve! to the lot'! feet of the "ord even think of leaving the !helter of the "ord5! lot'! feet+ The "ord ontin'ing Hi! ;o'rne% now 'red of Hi! fever) ame to the #ilgrimage of ,'kk'm+ The "ord took Hi! bath and offered wor!hi# to the de#arted !o'l of Hi! father and then He entered Ga%a 3ham+ -n entering Ga%a 3ham the "ord offered Hi! obei!an e! with folded hand! to the hol% #la e of #ilgrimage+ He ame to Brahma ,'nda and took Hi! bath and wor!hi#ed Hi! father in the #ro#er wa%+ The "ord then went to Cakartier+ He went in!ide to !ee the im#re!!ion! of the lot'! feet of "ord Vi!n'+ All the brahmin #rie!t! !at !'rro'nding the lot'! feet of "ord Vi!n') flower garland! offered to the lot'! feet were #iled aro'nd+ -ne o'ld never take a o'nt of all the in en!e) flower!) #erf'me!) lothe!) and ornament! whi h were offered to the lot'! feet and whi h now la% all aro'nd+

The brahmana! looked like divine being! and !at there de! ribing the wonderf'l glorie! of the lot'! feet of the "ord+ The% !aid) 6"ord Vi!hve!hnar) Siva) hold! the!e lot'! feet alwa%! lo!e to hi! heart) and the% are the life and !o'l of Srimati "ak!mi 3evi) the Godde!! of fort'ne+ The S'#reme "ord ble!!ed Bali &ahara;a b% #la ing the!e feet on hi! head) now all of %o' #io'! !o'l!) !ee Hi! ver% !ame lot'! feet+ 0'!t a moment of !in ere meditation on the!e lot'! feet will immediatel% !ave %o' from hell+ The!e lot'! feet that are !o rarel% attained even b% great m%!ti %ogi!+ Yo' have the good fort'ne to !ee them+ 6&other Ganga !#rang forth from the!e lot'! feet and !'rrendered !o'l! of the "ord alwa%! hold the!e lot'! feet dee# in their heart!+ All %o' fort'nate !o'l! #lea!e !ee the!e lot'! feet that lie on the head of Ananta Se!a+6 Hearing the wonderf'l glorie! of the lot'! feet of the S'#reme "ord) "ord Ga'ranga merged into an o ean of e !tati bli!!+ Tear! flowed #rof'!el% from Hi! lot'! e%e!) and e !tati !%m#tom! like horri#ilation and !hivering manife!ted on Hi! tran! endental bod% at the !ight of the lot'! feet+ >or the benefit of the entire h'man !o iet%) for the good fort'ne for all living entitie!) the S'#reme "ord Ga'ra Candra now began to manife!t the #ro e!! of devotional !ervi e) love of Godhead+ All the brahmana #rie!t! marveled at the !ight) a! an 'nre!tri ted !tream like mother Ganga #o'red from the "ord5! lot'! e%e!+ B% divine arrangement) Srila I!vara ('ri wa! al!o #re!ent there at that time+ 4hen "ord Ga'ra Candra !aw Srila I!vara Candra ('ri) He offered Hi! obei!an e! with great affe tion+ I!vara Candra ('ri wa! al!o over;o%ed to !ee "ord Ga'ra Candra and he embra ed Him ver% lovingl%+ The% o'ld not ontrol their inten!e ;o% of meeting ea h other and tear! flowed #rof'!el% from their e%e! dren hing ea h other+ "ord Ga'ranga !aid) 6Now that I have !een %o'r lot'! feet) &% vi!it to Ga%a ha! be ome !' e!!f'l and worth%+ -blation! offered in a #la e of #ilgrimage for the liberation of the de#arted !o'l! of forefather!) effe t onl% tho!e who the% are intended for) b't ;'!t b% %o'r #re!en e %o' have liberated !o man% inn'merable !o'l! of de#arted forefather!+ Therefore no #la e of #ilgrimage an be om#ared to %o') in fa t %o' are the #'rifier of even the #la e! of #ilgrimage+ So kindl% !ave me from drowning in the o ean of material e*i!ten e) be a'!e I am !'rrendering m% heart and !o'l and bod% to %o'r feet+ The onl% benedi tion that I de!ire from %o' i! that %o' make me drink the ne tar from Sri ,r!na5! lot'! feet+6 Then I!vara Candra ('ri !#oke) 6"i!ten to me) (andita. I know ver% well that Yo' are an e*#an!ion of the S'#reme "ord+ -therwi!e how i! it #o!!ible to #o!!e!! va!t learning like Yo'r!elf or !' h a tran! endental nat're a! Yo' have? I had a dream la!t night of meeting the S'#reme "ord and now meeting Yo' that dream ha! been f'lfilled+ 6To tell Yo' the tr'th) - (andita) ever% moment I am feeling in rea!ing e !ta!% in Yo'r #re!en e+ @ver !in e I !aw Yo' in Navadvi#a) there ha! been nothing el!e on m% mind e* e#t for Yo'+ 4hatever I have !#oken i! ertainl% the tr'th+ I have no other motivation for !#eaking thi!+ The bli!! one e*#erien e! in "ord ,r!na5! #re!en e / I am e*#erien ing that f'll% in Yo'r #re!en e+6

The "ord wa! ver% #lea!ed to hear the!e !in ere word! from Hi! beloved I!vara ('ri+ He !aid) 6It i! &% good fort'ne that I have met %o'+6 The% were ver% ha##% with ea h other5! om#an% / talking onfidential to#i ! of ,r!na on! io'!ne!!+ Srila Veda V%a!a in the f't're will de! ribe in detail the!e di! '!!ion! between "ord Caitan%a and I!vara Candra ('ri+ The "ord then left I!vara ('riA taking #ermi!!ion to go and take Hi! bath and #erform !a rifi e in honor of Hi! father) the !raddha eremon%+ After om#leting Hi! ne e!!ar% rit'al! of offering oblation! to Hi! father) He left for Srinagar in Bedga%a+ In Bedga%a "ord S+++++++ again #erformed a !raddha eremon% and He !ati!fied the attending #rie!t! with ver% h'mble and !weet word! / thi! wa! Hi! wa% of #lea!ing the #rie!t!+ >rom there He #ro eeded to 3ak!hir &am'!a then to Rama Ga%a+ In Rama Ga%a) the "ord offered the in arnation of "ord Rama Candra) !raddha+ He then #ro eeded to Y'dhi!thir Ga%a and offered oblation! to Y'dhi!thir &ahara;a+ @a h time the "ord #erformed a !raddha eremon%) the brahmin #rie!t wo'ld !it aro'nd Him and hant mantra!+ After the !a rifi e when the oblation! were offered into the water) the brahmana #rie!t! were almo!t !woo#ing down '#on Him for fee! and other gift!+ The "ord !im#l% !miled at !' h behavior and mer if'll% 't the knot! of material entanglement in their heart!+ Then from +++++++++ the "ord Sri Ga'ranga then went to Bhima ga%a) then to Sva ga%a and Brahma Ga%a and vario'! other hol% #la e!+ 4hen He arrived in So'ra!a ga%a He offered a !#e ial !a rifi e with $E !#e ial ingredient! and offered ever%one oblation! ver% re!#e tf'll%+ In Brahma ,'nda the "ord took Hi! bath then in Ga%a!hir oblation!+ There the "ord offered bea'tif'l flower garland! and !andalwood #a!te with Hi! own hand! and wor!hi#ed the lot'! feet im#re!!ion! of "ord Vi!n'+ Com#leting Hi! #ilgrimage in all the #la e! and !ati!f%ing all the brahmana #rie!t!) He ret'rned to Hi! #la e of re!iden e+ He re!ted for a while) then feeling refre!hed from re!t) He made #re#aration! for ooking+ A! He om#leted the la!t #re#aration) Srila I!vara Candra ('ri ame to vi!it Him+ Into*i ated from hanting the hol% name of ,r!na and feeling e !tati love for the "ord) he walked into the room !wa%ing a! if dr'nk+ The "ord immediatel% left Hi! ooking and the kit hen and offered Hi! re!#e tf'l obei!an e! and !at him down omfortabl%+ "a'ghing Srila I!vara Candra ('ri !aid) 6- (andita) I have ome ertainl% at the right time+6 The "ord re#lied) 64hen good fort'ne ha! !miled '#on &e toda% b% !ending %o' here) I #ra% that %o' will #lea!e a e#t !ome ri e #ra!ada+6 Srila ('ri#ada !miled and !aid) 6B't then what will Yo' have?6 The "ord re#lied) 6I will ook !ome ri e for &e now+6 Srila ('ri#ada a!ked) 64hat i! the '!e of ooking again? 4hatever Yo' have alread% ooked) let '! !hare that among!t o'r!elve!+6 Smiling the "ord re#lied) 64hatever i! alread% #re#ared that i! all for %o') in no time I an #re#are !omething afre!h) #lea!e do not feel he!itant) %o' eat fir!t+6 -ffering to I!vara ('ri what He had ooked for Him!elf the "ord went ba k into the kit hen and began #re#aring food on e again+ >eeling great ha##ine!! the "ord e*hibited !o m' h mer % to I!vara Candra ('ri+ And Sri#ada ('ri al!o had no other tho'ght in mind other than ,r!na+ The "ord !erved Sri#ada ('ri with Hi! own

hand! and Sri#ada ('ri reli!hed the "ord5! ooking with great delight+ 4hile thi! wa! going on) Roma 3evi) "ak!mi 3evi) the Godde!! of fort'ne #er!onall% a##eared and ooked for the "ord 'n!een b% an%one in the kit hen+ Seeing !o that Sri#ada ('ri wa! f'll% !ati!fied) the "ord !at down to eat+ The!e tran! endental a tivitie! of the "ord and Hi! devotee! are !o wonderf'l that an%one who hear! them with faith and !in erit% i! immediatel% granted 'nallo%ed devotional !ervi e at the lot'! feet of "ord ,r!na+ After the meal) the "ord arranged for Sri#ada ('ri to re!t+ A! a di! i#le wo'ld !erve a !#irit'al ma!ter) the "ord began ma!!aging Sri#ada ('ri with ! ented oil+ 4ho an de! ribe the elevated #o!ition of Sri I!vara Candra ('ri+ Sri Caitan%a) the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) a ting like an ideal di! i#le) went to !ee the #la e of a##earan e of Sri I!vara Candra ('ri+ The "ord !aid) 6I offer m% obei!an e! to the village ,'mar++ where Sri I!vara ('ri a##eared+6 The "ord wa! !o !#irit'all% moved b% thi! #la e that He !hed #rof'!e tear! of love for I!vara ('ri and ontin'o'!l% re#eated hi! name+ He #i ked '# a handf'l of earth and tied it to the orner of Hi! loth+ The "ord !aid) 6Thi! handf'l of earth from the #la e of Sri I!vara Candra ('ri5! a##earan e i! &% mo!t #re io'! #o!!e!!ion+6 -nl% the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead i! a#able of in rea!ing the glorie! of Hi! devotee!) whi h wa! e*em#lified b% "ord Caitan%a5! inten!e love for Sri I!vara Candra ('ri+ The "ord !aid) 6B% being able to a!!o iate with %o' I have f'lfilled a rea!on for oming to Ga%a+6 The ne*t da% the "ord went to meet I!vara ('ri and a##roa hed him for an initiation mantra with !weet and h'mble word!+ Srila ('ri#ada !aid) 6How i! it that Yo' a!k for an initiation mantra from me? I an give Yo' m% ver% life and !o'l+6 The S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead Nara%ana) the S'#reme in!tr' ting !#irit'al ma!ter of ever%one) a e#ted initiation from Sri#ada ('ri) with an initiation mantra on!i!ting of ten !%llable!+ The "ord ir 'mamb'lated Sir#ada ('ri) and !aid) 6I have !'rrendered &% life to Yo') #lea!e alwa%! look '#on &e with a mer if'l glan e) !o that I ma% alwa%! float in an o ean of love of ,r!na+6 Sri ('ri#ada wa! moved b% the "ord5! word! and he embra ed the "ord holding Him lo!e to hi! brea!t+ The #rof'!e tear! of love flowed like torrent! from their e%e!) dren hing ea h other+ The omni! ient S'#reme "ord remained in ga%a for !ometime di!trib'ting Hi! mer % to Srila ('ri#ada !o #rof'!el%+ The time wa! !lowl% a##roa hing for the "ord to reveal to the world the rea!on for a e#ting thi! in arnation+ Hi! love for ,r!na manife!ted in rea!ingl% da% b% da%+ -ne da% the "ord !at in a !olitar% #la e hanting and meditating on Hi! !#e ifi mantra+ The "ord wa! lo!t in the e !tati world of meditation on the S'#reme "ord) and when Hi! on! io'!ne!! ret'rned He began lamenting and alling o't to the "ord) Hi! ob;e t of meditation+ 6- m% ,r!na) &% dear "ord) - "ord Hari) Yo' are &% life and !o'l. Yo' have !tolen m% heart) now whi h wa% have Yo' r'n awa%? In whi h dire tion an I find &% beloved "ord?6 The "ord ried o't in inten!e !e#aration from Hi! beloved "ord and we#t bitterl%+ The "ord wa! totall%

ab!orbed in reli!hing the ne tar of love of ,r!na and rolling on the gro'nd / Hi! bod% wa! overed with d'!t+ He ried o't a! if greatl% affli ted) 64here i! &% beloved ,r!na and where ha! He gone leaving me?6 "ord Nimai) !o long a grave and !erio'! ! holar tea her) now e*hibited e*treme re!tle!!ne!!) be oming !t'nned b% the arrow of love of God+ He rolled abo't on the gro'nd and ried o't lo'dl% and floated on the wave! of e !ta!% from inten!e !e#aration from Him!elf+ Soon Hi! !t'dent! ret'rned and treated the "ord with great are) the% bro'ght Him ba k to normal ondition+ The "ord !aid) 6All of %o' ret'rn to %o'r home!) I do not want to go ba k to &% famil% an%more+ I am going to &ath'ra to find the beloved "ord of &% heart) Sri ,r!na Candra+6 The !t'dent! '!ed all their intelligen e) and in vario'! mean! the% ke#t the "ord alm and !till+ The "ord of Vaik'ntha wa! now in the mood of an 'nallo%ed devotee) and He wa! on!tantl% ab!orbed in love of God+ Hi! heart wa! all re!tle!! in !e#aration from the "ord+ He o'ld not remain an%where !till+ In the ver% earl% ho'r! of one morning the "ord !li##ed o't of the ho'!e witho't an%one5! noti e wanting to go to &ath'ra+ He wa! in a !tate of e !tati tran e+ He ried to ,r!na a! He walked on) 6- "ord ,r!na) &% dear "ord) where an I find Yo'?6 After !ome di!tan e He heard the divine voi e !a%ing) 63o not #ro eed to &ath'ra now+ The time will ome when Yo' will go to &ath'ra) b't for now ret'rn to Navadvi#a) to Yo'r ho'!e+ Yo' are the S'#reme (er!onalit% of Godhead) the "ord of the Vaik'ntha #lanet!+ Yo' have ome into thi! material world with all Yo'r eternal a!!o iate! to liberate the entire world+ Yo' will #ro#agate the ongregational hanting of the hol% name of God all over the 'niver!e and di!trib'te freel% to ever%one the mo!t trea!'red ob;e t) love of Godhead+ Yo' are omni! ient+ Yo' alread% know ever%thing+ 4e know the rea!on wh% Yo' have de! ended to thi! material world+ 6Yo' have ome to di!trib'te the mo!t de!ired ob;e t who!e ne tarine ta!te bewit he! the mind of even "ord Brahma) "ord Siva) Senatka and the other !age!) and of who!e glorie! "ord Ananta Se!a ontin'o'!l% !ing!+ 4e are Yo'r eternal !ervant! / it i! o'r d't% to remind Yo' of Yo'r in arnation+ 4e #la e thi! re<'e!t at Yo'r lot'! feet+ Yo' are the maintainer of all living entitie!) the S'#reme inde#endent tr'th+ No one an ob!tr' t Yo' from arr%ing o't Yo'r own #'re de!ire!+ So m% "ord #lea!e ret'rn to Yo'r home and ver% !hortl% Yo' !hall go to &ath'ra+6 The "ord Sri Ga'ra S'ndara ret'rned home feeling ver% ha##% after hearing the divine me!!age+ Hi! #ilgrimage over in Ga%a) the "ord ret'rned ba k to Navadvi#a with all Hi! di! i#le!) for He wa! to begin the #ro#agation of the hol% name of God) and di!trib'te love of Godhead to ever%one+ After Hi! ret'rn from Ga%a a definite hange had ome over the "ord+ He felt e !tati !%m#tom! of "ove of Godhead in rea!ing in Him da% b% da%+ 4hoever hear! thi! narration abo't the "ord going on a #ilgrimage to Ga%a with devotion and faith) "ord Ga'ra Candra will a##ear in hi! heart+ -ne an a!!o iate with "ord ,r!na !im#l% b% hearing the tran! endental a tivitie! of "ord ,r!na and thi! a!!o iation with the "ord i! eternal be a'!e the "ord will never leave !' h a #'re devotee+

I am able to de! ribe !ome of the tran! endental #a!time! of "ord Caitan%a in thi! book ;'!t be a'!e m% beloved "ord and ma!ter) Nit%ananda (rabh') i! !itting on the throne in m% heart and di tating all thi! to me+ It i! onl% b% Hi! mer % that I an write the!e wonderf'l tran! endental a tivitie! of "ord Caitan%a+ Inde#endentl% it wo'ld be im#o!!ible to write all thi!+ I am ;'!t a wooden doll made to dan e b% the magi !#ell of a S'#reme magi ian) the S'#reme "ord Ga'ra Candra) for He i! making me !#eak abo't Hi! tran! endental #a!time!+ "ord Caitan%a5! tran! endental a tivitie! are eternal and limitle!!) witho't beginning and witho't end+ So it i! 'nfathomable for me+ I am !im#l% writing !omehow+ -n the other hand) m% #o!ition i! like that of a bird who flie! in the limitle!! a='re+ It flie! a! far a! it i! a#able of fl%ing+ "ord Caitan%a5! #a!time! and glorie! are like a !horele!! o ean+ -ne i! a#able of narrating to that e*tent a! the mer % he ha! re eived from the "ord allow! him to+ In the Srimad Bhagavatam 1$+$H+:B2 it ha! been de! ribed) 6Bird! an fl% a! far a! the% are a#able of fl%ing+ Similarl%) ! holar! a ording to their intelligen e) de! ribe the tran! endental #a!time! of the "ord a! m' h a! the% know+ I offer m% fallen obei!an e! at the feet of all the Vai!hnava devotee! of the "ord !o that I ma% be ome #'rified from all m% offen!e!+ If an%one i! of the de!ire of ro!!ing thi! o ean of ne! ien e and drowning in the o ean of ne tarine love of Godhead then let him take om#lete !helter of the lot'! feet of "ord Nit%ananda (rabh'+ The greate!t ho#e that eternall% kee#! alive in m% heart i! that "ord Caitan%a &aha#rabh' i! the "ord of m% mo!t beloved "ord Nit%ananda (rabh'+ &an% #eo#le !a% different thing! abo't m% "ord Nit%ananda+ Some !a% that "ord Nit%ananda (rabh' i! "ord Balarama+ -ther! !a% that He i! the mo!t beloved of "ord Caitan%a+ Still other! !a% that He i! the ma!ter of S'#reme (ower+ Still other! !a%) 6I annot 'nder!tand who He reall% i!+ "et Him be a !ann%a!i !#irit'al ma!ter or a highl% knowledgeable devotee of the "ord) or let Him have an% !ort of relation!hi# with "ord Caitan%a) let an%bod% !a% an%thing abo't m% "ord a! the% de!ire) b't I will hold Hi! lot'! feet forever in m% heart+ And a! for tho!e !inf'l wret hed agno!ti !) who in !#ite of ever%thing el!e) riti i=e m% "ord) then I will ki k them on their head!+ All glorie! to "ord Nit%ananda (rabh' who i! the life and !o'l of "ord Caitan%a &aha#rabh'+ &a% I re eive the eternal !helter of Yo'r lot'! feet+

Yo' are on!tantl% !inging the glorie! of "ord Caitan%a+ &a% I al!o be able to a!!i!t Yo' in "ord Caitan%a5! glorifi ation+ &% one and onl% de!ire i! that I ma% have Yo'r a!!o iation birth after birth+ 4hoever hear! the!e narration! of "ord Caitan%a a! de! ribed in the Adi ,handa of thi! book will ertainl% re eive the f'll benedi tion of Sri Ga'ra Candra+ Before leaving Ga%a) Nimai (andita went to I!vara ('ri and begging leave of him) ret'rned ba k to Navadvi#a dham+ All the re!ident! of Navadvi#a dham were mad with ;o% at the "ord5! ret'rn) like a dead bod% oming !'ddenl% alive+ "ord Sri ,r!na Caitan%a and "ord Nit%ananda (rabh' are m% life and !o'l+ I) Vrndavana da!a) h'mbl% offer thi! !ong to Their lot'! feet+ Ne*t Cha#ter

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