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ONE The weight of a soil and its container is 7N. After oven drying, the weight reduced to 5.9N.

If weight of the container is 1N, s is !.7 and the volu"e of the soil is #!7.$c"#, deter"ine %ater content &oid ratio 'ul( unit weight )aturated unit weight Effective unit weight *ry unit weight +ercentage air voids *egree of )aturation )olution, -alculations'ul( unit weight . weight of soil / volu"e of soil 0see calculation 1elow under 1ul( unit weight2&olu"e of soil solids . %s 3 1444/0 3 gw2 . 5.9 3 1444 / !.7 3 9.$ . 1$5.1$c"#&olu"e of voids . volu"e of soil 6 volu"e of solids . #!7.$ 6 1$5.1$ . 15!.7$c"#&olu"e of water . %w 3 1444 / gw . 1.1 3 1444/9.$ . 11!.!5c"#&olu"e of air . volu"e of voids 6 volu"e of water . 15!.77 6 11!.!5 . #4.5#c"# %ater contentw . 1.13 14/ 5.. !!.558. &oid ratioe . volu"e of voids/volu"e of drysoil . 15!.77/ 1$5.1$ . .77 'ul( unit weight. 0 1.19 5.92 3 144/ #!7.$ . 1$.!9(N/"#. )aturated unit weight. 19.!(N/"#. 0use e:uation !.112 Effective unit weight. 9.5(N/"#. 0use e:uation !.1#2 *ry unit weight. 15.95(N/"#. 0use e:uation !.1!2 +ercentage air voids. volu"e of air 3 144/volu"e of voids . !1.##8. *egree of )aturation. volu"e of water 3 144/volu"e of voids . 7$.778. T%O The wet weight of a saturated soil and its container is 7N. After oven drying, the dry weight of the soil and its container is 5N. If the weight of the container is !N. *eter"ine %ater content &oid ratio 'ul( unit weight )aturated unit weight Effective unit weight *ry unit weight %ater contentw . !3 144/ # . 77.778.&oid ratioe . .773 !.7/ 1 . 1.$'ul( unit weight. !.73 9.$301 9 .772/01 9 1.$2 . 15.75(N/"#.)aturated unit weight. 15.75(N/"#. 0use e:uation !.1120)a"e as 1ul( unit weight as soil is saturated2Effective unit weight5.95(N/"#. 0use e:uation !.1#2*ry unit weight9.55(N/"#. 0use e:uation !.1!2

T;<EE A sieve analysis of a soil sa"=le of "ass 54gra"s gave the following results. )ieve Nu"1er O=ening0""2 >ass <etained0gra"s2 5 5.75 14 !.44 1# !4 4.$5 97 54 4.5!5 $7 144 4.15 179 !44 4.475 145

+an 6 !4 +lot the =article si?e distri1ution curve. *eter"ine the @)-) classification of the soil. *eter"ine the effective si?e 0*142 and the average si?e 0*742. *eter"ine the unifor"ity coefficient and the coefficient of curvature. )olution,+artial )olution0see e3a"=le !.52 )ieve O=ening +ercentage Ainer 5.75 144 !.44 97.5 4.$5 7$ 4.5!5 74.7 4.15 !5.$ 4.475 5 4

AO@< The results o1tained fro" a li:uid li"it test on a clay using the -asagrande cu= device are Nu"1er of 'lows 7 1! !4 !$ #! %ater -ontent 082 55.51 5#.$ 5!.55 51.7! 51.#9 The natural water content is 548 and the =lastic li"it is !58. *eter"ine Bi:uid li"it li:uidity inde3 *o you e3=ect 1rittle ty=e of failure for this soilC %hyC )olution0see e3ercise !.152Bi:uid li"it . 5!8Bi:uidity inde3 . .$$

AI&E A constant head test was conducted on a sa"=le of soil 15 c" long and 74c"! cross sectional area. In 15 seconds, the :uantity of water collected was #9c"# under a head difference of !7c". -alculate the coefficient of =er"ea1ility. If =orosity of sand were 558, deter"ine average velocity and see=age velocity. Esti"ate coefficient of =er"ea1ility for a si"ilar soil with =orosity of #98 fro" the results of this test )olution,-oefficient of =er"ea1ility ( . 0 #93 152/073 15 3 !72 . .4!5c"/sAverage velocity & . #9/ 073 152 . .45c"/s)ee=age velocity . .4! 3 !7/15 3 4.55 . .47c"/s-oefficient of =er"ea1ility of second sa"=le . 1.77!7c"/s

)IDA falling head =er"ea1ility test was carried out on a fine6grained soil of dia"eter 144"" and length 154"". In 5 "inutes, the head in the stand=i=e of dia"eter 5"" dro==ed fro" 795 to 555"". -alculate the coefficient of =er"ea1ilty. -oefficient of =er"ea1ility . 04.5! 3 1523 ln0 7952/ 555 /014! 3 5 3 742 . .4444#c"/s

)E&EN A =u"=ing test was carried out in a sand de=osit !4" thic( overlying i"=er"ea1le clay. The discharge fro" the =u"=ing well was 1!E6# "#/s. *rawdowns in the o1servation wells located 15" and #4" fro" the centerline of the =u"=ing well were !" and 1.5" res=ectively. round water ta1le was located at #.!" 1elow the ground surface. *eter"ine the coefficient of =er"ea1ility of the sand. Esti"ate the effective grain si?e using ;a?enEs e:uation. -oefficient of =er"ea1ility . .44#!c"/s 0use e:uation !.512Effective grain si?e *1. .45 0use ;a?enEs e:uation2

EI ;T The load on a concrete sla1, #" 3 5.5", resting on the surface of a soil is !419(N. *eter"ine the vertical stress increase at a de=th of #". @nder the center of the sla1 @nder the center of edge of the sla1 @nder the corner of the sla1 @nder the =oint 1.5" away fro" center of the sla1. )olution,0see e3a"=le #.142)tress under the center of the sla1 s?1 . 7!.$1(+a.)tress under the center of edge the sla1 s?! . 57.!5(+a.)tress under the corner of the sla1 s?# . !9.$$(+a.)tress under the =oint 1.5" away fro" center of the sla1 s?5 . 1#.55(+a

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