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A ssam NABIL

des domaines periodiquement perfores avec des trous de la m^ eme taille que la periode. La demonstration est essentiellement basee sur la convergence forte des energies vers celle du probleme limite. A cette n quelques restrictions sur les donnees initiales sont necessaires.
We give here a corrector result for the wave equation in a periodically perforated domains with holes of the same size as the period. The proof is based on the strong convergence of the energy to that of the limit problem. To prove the result some restrictions on the initial data are needed.

Resume: Nous donnons ici un resultat de correcteur pour l'equation des ondes dans


0. Introduction.

In this paper we give a corrector result for the wave equation with oscillating coe cients in a perforated domain " = =S". The set S" is a set of "-periodic holes of size ". The corresponding homogenization result has been studied by D. Cioranescu and P. Donato in 3]. The homogenization and corrector results for the wave equation with oscillating coe cients has been studied by S. Brahim-Otsman, G. A. Francfort and F. Murat in 1] for a xed domain and by D. Cioranescu, P. Donato, F. Murat and E. Zuazua in 4] for a perforated domain with "- periodic holes of size r" ". We refer also to F. Murat 7] and L. Tartar 9] for general corrector results for the elliptic case. It is known that a corrector result is related to the convergence of the energy to that of the limit problem. It can be easily checked that this is not true for any initial data. This is why we suppose that the initial data satis es assumptions (3.1) and (3.2). In particular (3.1) implies that the initial data converges to a state which is solution of the corresponding (elliptic) homogenized problem. This assumption seems to be a structural one. In fact, this kind of phenomenon was already observed in 1] and 4] when studying To appear in the Proceedings Homogenization and Applications to Material Sciences, Nice 1995, Advances in Math. Sc. and Appl., Gakkotosho,Tokyo. 1

A corrector result for the wave equation in perforated domains a corrector problem in the cases quoted above. In Section 1 we give some preliminaries. Section 2 is devoted to a priori estimates for the energy. In Section 3 we introduce the special assumption on the data and we give the corrector result. In Section 4 we prove how in the general case we can decompose the solution in two components u" = z" + v" . The rst one has a corrector, and the second one is weakly convergent to zero.

1. Some preliminaries.

Let be an open set in Rn; n 2, with a smooth boundary @ . Introduce the representative cell Y = 0; l1 0; ln , and denote by S an open subset of Y with smooth boundary @S , such that S Y . Let " be the general term of a sequence of positive numbers which converges to zero. Denote by ("S ) the set of all translated images "(kl + S); k 2 Zn; kl = (k1 l1; ; knln) of "S. By this way Rn is periodically perforated by holes of size ". We make the following assumption: (1:1) the holes ("S ) do not intersect the boundary @ :

De ne now the perforated domain

n ("S ):

Assumption (1.1) implies that

where S" is the subset of ("S) contained in : In the sequel we use the notations: - Y = Y nS; - j!j = mesure of ! (for any mesurable set ! of Rn); - = jY j=jY j; - ! = the characteristic function of the set !; - v ~ = the extension by zero on of any function v de ned on "; - = ( i)i=1;n the unitary external normal vector with respect to " . Let us recall that (1:2)
8 > > > > > > > <

@ "=@


L1 ( ) weak :

Let us give a n n matrix-valued function A(y) = (aij (y))ij , de ned on Rn such that


A 2 (L1 (Rn))n ; aij = aji ; 8i; j = 1; n; A Y periodic, there exists > 0 such that >
> n > X > > > > :

i;j =1

aij (y) i j

k k2 y a.e. in Rn; 8 2 Rn;


A. Nabil and let us denote for any "

A" (x) = A x "

Let introduce the space equipped with the H 1 ( " ) norm. Consider now the problem
8 > > > > > > > > <

a.e. in Rn:

V" = fv 2 H 1 ( ") : vj@ = 0g

in " (0; T ); on @ (0; T ); on @S" (0; T ); in "; in ";


u00 " div (A" ru") = f" u" = 0 @u" = 0 @ A" > > > > > u"(x; 0) = u0 > " > > : 0 u"(x; 0) = u1 "

@' (here and in the following we adopt the sommation convention ) where @@u" = aij ( x " @xj i A" on repeated indices). Assume that the initial data are such that
8 > <

i) u0 " 2 V" ; 2 ii) u1 " 2 L ( " ); > : iii) f" 2 L2( " (0; T )):

Classical results provide the existence of a unique solution u" of (1:4), such that u" 2 C ( 0; T ]; V") \ C 1( 0; T ]; L2 ( " )): Let us recall the following Lemma (see 5], 9]): Lemma 1.1 ( 5] 9]) There exists an extension operator Q" from V" to H01 ( ) such that (1:6)
8 > > <

1( ) ; Q" 2 L V"; H0 (Q" v)j " = v 8v 2 V"; > > : kr (P v )k 2 " (L ( ))n C krv k(L2 (


))n ;

8v 2 V" ;

where C is a constant independent of ". In the following we will suppose that:


8 > <

0 1 i) Q" u0 " * u weakly in H0 ( ); f 1 ii) u * u1 weakly in L2( ): " > : iii) f" 2 L2( (0; T )) and f" ! f strongly in L2(

(0; T )):

A corrector result for the wave equation in perforated domains

Remark 1.2 i) Hypothesis (1.7)iii implies that

fg "j " =

f" * f weakly in L2 (

(0; T )):

We introduce also the adjoint Q" of Q" , de ned from H 1 ( ) to V"0 , by setting for any g in H 1 ( ) : Q" g : v 2 V"0 !< g; Q"v >H 1( );H01( ) : The following Lemma is given in 3](see also 2]): Lemma 1.3 ( 3] 2]) There exists an extension operator

ii) Observe that in view of Lemma 1.1 assumption (1.7)i it is satis ed (up to a subsequence) if there exists a positive C independent of ", such that ku0 " kV" C:

P" 2 L L1 (0; T ; H k ( " )); L1 (0; T ; H k ( )) ; k = 0; 1

such that, for any ' 2 L1(0; T ; H k ( " )) \ W 1;1(0; T ; L2 ( ")) one has (i) P" ' = ' in " (0; T ) (ii) P" '0 = (P"')0 in (0; T ) (iii) kP" 'kL1(0;T;L2( )) C k'kL1(0;T;L2( " )) (iv) kP" '0kL1 (0;T;L2( )) C k'0kL1 (0;T;L2( " )) (v) kr(P"')kL1 (0;T; L2( )]n) C kr'kL1(0;T; L2( " )]n) where C is a constant independent of ". Let us recall the following homogenization result given in 3]: Theorem 1.4 3] Suppose that (1.7) holds, and let P" be an extension operator given by Lemma (1.3).Then


1 ( )) weak ; P" u" * u in L1 (0; T; H0 P" u0" * u0 in L1 (0; T; L2 ( )) weak ;

where u is the solution of the homogenized equation


8 > > > > > < > > > > > :

u00 div(A0 ru) = f in (0; T ); u = 0 on @ (0; T ); u(x; 0) = u0 in ; 1 u0 (x; 0) = u in ;

Z 1 ij = jY j Y 4

where the homogenized matrix A0 is given by


A0 =


ij i;j =1;n ; with


i aij akj @ @yk dy;

A. Nabil
and where the functions i are solutions of
8 > > > > > <


@ a @ ( i yi ) = 0 in Y ; @yl kl @yk @ ( i yi ) n = 0 on @S; > a kl @y l > > k > > : i Y-periodic : P"u0" * u0 in L1(0; T; L2 ( )) weak :

Remark 1.5 It easy to check (see 3]) that

(1:13) (1:14)

Moreover by using a compactness result proved in 8] one has that

P" u" ! u strongly in C ( 0; T ]; L2( )):

2. A priori estimates.

Choosing u0" as test function in the variational formulation of (1.4), we have 1 Z ju0 (t)j2 dx + 1 Z A" ru (t)ru (t)dx = 1 Z ju1j2dx + 1 Z A"ru0ru0dx " " " " 2 " " 2 " 2 " " 2 " +



f" u0" dx ds:

If we denote by e"(t) the energy associated to problem (1.4), i.e. (2:1) and (2:2) we have (2:3) 1 ku1k2 1 E" = 2 " L2 ( " ) + 2
Z 1 1 0 2 e"(t) = 2 ku"(t)kL2 ( ") + 2 A" ru"(t)ru"(t)dx; 8t 2 (0; T ); " Z

0 A"ru0 " ru" dx;

e" (t) E" =


f"u0" dx ds:

We have the following strong convergence: Proposition 2.1 Under the hypothesis of Theorem (1.4), e" (t) is relatively compact in C 0; T ] and there exists a function e(t) such that, up to a subsequence (2:4)

e"(t) ! e(t) in C 0; T ]:

A corrector result for the wave equation in perforated domains

Proof: Let us prove the following two points: (i) sup je" (t)j C where C is independent of "; t2 0;T ] (ii) sup je"(t + h) e" (t)j (h) uniformely with respect to h;
for any positive real number h: The rst point is a direct consequence of (2.3), (1.7), (1.3), and (1.9). Let us prove (ii): let h > 0, h 2 R. We have
t2 o;T h

e"(t + h) e" (t) =

t+h Z

f" u0" dx ds;

From (1.9) and Remark 1.2(i) we deduce that

je" (t + h) e"(t)j kP" u0"kL1 (0;T;L2( ))kfe" kL1 (t;t+h;L2( )):

1 je"(t + h) e"(t)j Ch 2

which gives (ii). Hence (2.4) is a straightforword application of Arzela-Ascoli's Theorem. Remark 2.2: The energies e0 (t) and E 0 associated to the solution u of the homogenized wave equation (1.10) are de ned by (2:5) (2:6) with (2:7) In general e(t) 6=

e0(t) =

1 ku0 (t)k2 + 1 Z A0 ru(t)ru(t)dx L2 ( ) 2 2 1 k u1 k2 + 1 Z A0 ru0ru0dx L2 ( ) 2 2


E0 =

e0(t) = E 0 + e0 (t)
since the term



fu0 dx ds:

0 A"ru0 " ru" dx does not converge a priori to

This means that assumptions (1.7) is not enough to provide the existence of a corrector for problem (1.4). This is why, in the next section, we will make an additional assumption on the initial 1 data (u0 " ; u" ), which seems in some sense as a structural one. This phenomenon was already observed by B. Otsman, G. A. Francfort, F. Murat in 1], when studying the homogenization of the wave equation with oscillating coe cient in a xed domain. 6


A. Nabil

3. A corrector result for a class of initial data.

As mentioned in Remark 2.2 and in the same spirit of 1], in this section we give a 1 corrector result for problem (1.4) with initial data (u0 " ; u" ) satisfying some additional assumptions. More precisely, we make the following hypothesis: 8 0 divA0u0 in " ; > > div A" ru" = Q" (3:1)
> < > > > :

@u0 " = 0 on @S" ; @ A" u0 " = 0 on @ ;

1 1 u1 " = u = ";


with u0 and u1 given respectively by (1.7)i and (1.7)ii. 0 Proposition 3.1 ( 9] 6]): Let u0 " be the unique solution of problem (3.1) and A be given by (1.11). Then, as " tends to zero, it results (3:3)
8 > > <

0 1 Q" u0 " * u in H0 ( ); 0 0 2 n g A" r u0 " * A ru in L ( )] ; > > : 0 0 0 0 g g A" r u0 u0 "r " * A ru ru in D ( ):

Proposition 3.1 implies that if (u0 " ; u1 " ) satis es (3.1) and (3.2), then it satis es in particular (1.7)i and (1.7)ii. Hence, Theorem 1.4 can be applied. Let us introduce the n n corrector matrix-valued function C (y) = fCij gi;j=1;n de ned by (3:4) where wj = yj
j @wj Cij = ij @ @yi = @yi a.e. in Y S; j and the function j is given by (1.12). Denote for any ",

f 1 Remark 3.2. From (3.2) it is easy to see that u " * u1 in L2 ( ): This, together with

i (x) = " Qwi ( x ) = xi "Q i ( x ) a.e. in w" " " where Q is a linear extension operator from H 1 (Y ) into H 1 (Y ). Then, for i = 1; : : : ; n


i (x) = 0 in " ; divA" rw" i (x):n = 0 on @S" ; A" rw"

for any ", and as " tends to zero (3:6)

i * xi weakly H 1 ( ); w" 0 " i 0 A rw"(x) * A ei weakly (L2( ))n : "

A corrector result for the wave equation in perforated domains We denote for any " (3:7)

C "(x) = C x "

a.e. in ":

Remark 3.3 Since the solution


constant C independent of ", such that for any "

j of problem (1.12) belongs to

H 1 (Y ), there exists a

kC "k(L2 (




Proposition 3.4 Under assumptions (3.1), (3.2) and (1.7)iii one has the strong convergence of the energy e" (t) to the energy of the limit problem (1.10) i.e.


e" (t) ! e0 (t) strongly in C 0; T ]

where e0 (t) is given by (2.7). Proof : Proposition 2.1 gives the existence of e(t) such that

e" (t) ! e(t) strongly in C 0; T ]: Then to prove (3.9) it is su cient to prove that e(t) = e0(t). From (2.1) it follows that Z Z Z tZ 1 u 1 1 2 g g u0r u0 + (3:10) e (t) = j j + Ar fu e0 dx ds:





" "

If we take u0 " as a test function in (3.1), we can easly prove that, when " tends to zero

A ru" ru" dx !
0 g0 "g

A0ru0ru0 dx:

This, together with (1.2), (1.7)iii and (1.13) gives,

Z Z Z tZ 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 (3:11) " lim e (t) = 2 ju (0)j dx + 2 A ru ru dx + fu0 dx ds = e0 (t): !0 " 0

The unicity of the limit allows us to conclude that e(t) = e0(t): The main tool in order to give the corrector result is the following Theorem which will be proved at the end of this section: 1( Theorem 3.5 Assume that (3.1), (3.2) and (1.7)iii hold. Let 2 C0 (0; T )), and set Z 1 1 0 0 2 (3:12) X" (t) = 2 ku" kL2 ( ")(t) + 2 A" (C "r ru") (C "r ru") (t)dx; "
where C " is given by (3.7). Then we have


X" (t) ! X (t) strongly in C 0; T ];


A. Nabil


0 X (t) = 1 2 ku

0 k2 2 (t) + 1 L( ) 2

A0 (r

ru) (r

ru) (t)dx:

Theorem 3.6 (a corrector result) Assume that (3.1), (3.2) and (1.7)iii hold, we have
8 <

We can state now our main result (i) : (ii)


lim ku0" u0kC( 0;T ];L2 ( ")) = 0 lim kru" C "rukC( 0;T ]; L1 ( " )]n) = 0 "!0

where u and C " are given by (1.10) and (3.7) respectively. Proof: From (1.3) and (3.12) we have

1 ku0 2 "

0 k2 2 (t) + kC "r L ( ") 2

ru"k2L2 (

" n


X" (t) 8t 2 0; T ]:

Thus, from (3.13)-(3.14) it follows that: lim sup 1 ku0" 0 k2 2 ( " )) + kru" C "r C ( 0 ;T ] ;L 2 2 "!0 (3:15) kX (t)kC 0;T ] 1 ku0 0 k2 0 C ( 0;T ];L2 ( )) + kA k L1 ( )]n2 kr 2

k2 C ( 0;T ]; L2 (

" n

)] ) )]n ) :

ruk2 C ( 0;T ]; L2 (

1( On the other hand, the regularity of u implies that 8 > 0; 9 2 C0

(0; T )) such that


(i) (ii)

ku0 kr

0 k2 ; C ( 0;T ];L2 ( )) ruk2 C ( 0;T ]; L2( )]n )

By writing u0" u0 = (u0" 0 )+( 0 u0 ) and ru" C "ru = (ru" C "r )+ C "(r from (3.15), (3.16) and the Holder inequality we deduce that 0 0 2 " 2 lim sup 1 2 ku" u kC( 0;T ];L2 ( " )) + 2 kru" C rukC( 0;T ]; L1 ( ")]n )


C1ku0 0 k2 C ( 0;T ];L2 ( )) + C2 kr where the constants C1 and C2 are given by C1 = 1 + (1 + j j) C2 = 2(1 + j j)kA0k L1 (


ruk2 C ( 0;T ]; L2(

)]n ) ;

+ lim sup kC "k L2 ( ")]n2 "!0

A corrector result for the wave equation in perforated domains

Proof of Theorem 3.5 : We adapt to the case of a perforated domain some well known techniques introduced by F. Murat 7] and L. Tartar 9](see also 5] and 1]). We consider the quantity X "(t) de ned by (3.12), and we develop X " (t) as
" (t) X " (t) + X " (t) X "(t) = X1 2 3


1 " (t) = 1 ku0 (t)k2 2 X1 + " L ( ) " 2 2

" (t) = X2


Z 1 1 " 0 2 X3 (t) = 2 k kL2 ( ") + 2 A" C "r C "r dx: " " (t) as " goes to zero, is given by Proposition 3.4. The quantity X3 " (t) as well The limit of X1 as its time derivative is bounded in L1(0; T ), because of the smoothness of . Thus, up to " (t) strongly converges in C 0; T ] to some limit function to be identi ed. a subsequence X3 Let us prove that

u0" 0dx +

A" ru"(t)ru"(t)dx;


A"C "r ru"dx;


X " (t)


Z 1 0 2 ! 2 k kL2( ) + A0 r r dx; in C 0; T ]:

From (1.2) it follows that (3:18) 1 k 0k2 1 k 0 k2 2 ( ") ! L L2 ( ) 2 2 and from the de nition of C " we can write

C" =
Hence, by using (3.5) one has

n X

@ rw"; 8 2 C 1 ( i 0 i=1 @xi

(0; T )):

A" C "r

C "r

dx =

@ rw" @ dx A" rwi" @x j @xj i " Z Z @ @ " " " " r( @ @ )dx = A rwi r(wj @x @x ) A" rwi"wj @xi @xj i j " Z " " r( @ @ )dx: = A" rwi"wj " @xi @xj C "r dx =

By using (3.6), we can pass to the limit in this equality. We have (3:19)



A" C "r

A0 ei xj r( @

@ )dx = Z A0 r r dx; @xi @xj

A. Nabil which together whith (3.18) and (3.19) gives (3.17). Now let us prove that (3:20)

X "(t)

! X2(t) =

u0 0dx +

A0r rudx in L1(0; T ) weak :

" (t) as To do that, let us rewrite X2

X "(t) =

= =

i ru" @ dx A" rw" @xi Z " Z @ 0 0 i i r( @ )u" dx P u dx + A r w r ( u ) dx A r w " " " " " " " " @xi @xi " Z " 0 0 dx i r( @ )P" u" dx: P u A r w " " " " " " @xi

P"u0" 0dx + "

" (t) is clearly bounded in L1 (0; T ). Observe that in view (1.13), (1.9) and (3.6), the term X2 Hence, to prove (3.20) it su ces to prove that
8 > > <



P"u0" 0 dx * "

u0 0 dx in D0 (0; T )

> > :(


i r( @ )P" u" dx * A rw" " " @xi

@ )udx in D0 (0; T ): A0ei r( @x


Fix 2 D(0; T ). We have

P" u0" 0 dx; iD0 (0;T );D(0;T ) = "


P"u0" 0 dx dt :

Letting " ! 0, and using (1.13) in the last equality we have lim h "!0

P" u0" 0 dx; iD0 (0;T );D(0;T ) = "


u0 0 dx dt


u0 0; iD0 (0;T );D(0;T );

In fact, by virtue of (1.4)

which shows that (i) holds. A similar argument, by using (1.14) and (3.6) gives (ii). We want now to prove that convergence (3.20) take place in C 0,T]. To this purpose, let us prove that @ X " (t) @t 2 L2 (0;T ) C:

@ Z u0 0 dx = Z u0 00 dx + Z f 0dx " " @t " " " "



A" ru"r 0dx; in D0 (0; T ):

A corrector result for the wave equation in perforated domains

@ Z A rwi r( @ )P u dx = Z A rwi r( @ 0 )P u dx + Z A rwi r( @ )P u0 dx; " " @x " " " " @x " " @t " " " @xi " " i i " " which from (3.6) and (1.9) is bounded in L2 (0; T ). " (t) as well as its time derivative are bounded in L2 (0; T ). Hence we have proved that X2 " (t) is relatively compact in C 0; T ], which implies that up to a subsequence the Thus X2 convergence (3.20) take place in C 0; T ].
Finally convergence (3.13) is obtained from the convergence (3.10), (3.17) and (3.20).

Then the left hand side of last equality is bounded in L2(0; T ) in view of (1.7), (1.3) and (1.9). On the other hand

This section describe the behaviour of the wave equation (1.4) under assumption (1.7). We follow a method introduced by B. Otsman, G. A. Francfort and F. Murat in 1]. It 1 consists on decomposing the initial data (u0 " ; u" ), which implies that u" is also split into two terms z" and v". The decomposition is done in a manner such that the corrector result given in section 3 can be applied to z" . The term v" converge weakly but not strongly to zero. To do that let us set 0 0 u0 " = z" + v" 0 is solution of the problem (3.1), with u0 given by (1.7)i, and where z" 1 1 u1 " = z" + v" 1 is de ned by where z" 1 = 1 u1 j z" " with u1 given by (1.7)ii. De ne z" and v" as the solutions of the following problems: 8 00 z" div (A"rz") = f" in " (0; T ); > > > > > z" = 0 on @ (0; T ); > > > > @z" = 0 on @S (0; T ); < " (4:1) @
> > > > > > > > > :

4. The general case.

0 in " ; z"(x; 0) = z" 0 (x; 0) = z 1 = 1 u1 j z" in "; " "


and (4:2)

8 > > > > > > > > <

00 div (A" rv" ) = 0 v" v" = 0 @v" = 0 @ A" > > > > 0 > v" (x; 0) = v" > > > : 0 (x; 0) = v 1 v" "

in " (0; T ); on @ (0; T ); on @S" (0; T ); in "; in ":


A. Nabil Obviously u" = z" + v" . Remark 4.1 From (3.2), Proposition 3.1, (1.7) and (1.2), we deduce that
8 < :

0 = Q" u0 Q" z 0 * 0 in H 1 ( ); Q" v" " " 0 1 u1 * 0 in L2( ): 1=u v" e e1 " "

Then, from Theorem 1.4 we have


Observe now that Theorem 3.6 applies to problem(4.1). This, together with Remark 4.1 gives immediately the following statement: Theorem 4.2 Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.6, we have

1 ( )) weak ; P"v" * 0 in L1(0; T; H0 0 * 0 in L1 (0; T; L2 ( )) weak : P"v"

0 + r" ; u0" = u0 + v" ru" = C "ru + rv" + R" :

0 u0 , R" = rz" C "ru, and we have the following strong convergence where r" = z"
8 <

lim kr" kC( 0;T ];L2 ( ")) ! 0 : lim kR" kC ( 0;T ]; L1 ( " )]n ) ! 0: "!0

Remark 4.3 From Remark 2.2 it follows that in general one can not avoid the presence 0 and rv" in the decomposition given by the Theorem 4.2. of the terms v" References.
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A corrector result for the wave equation in perforated domains 8] J. Simon., 1987, Compact set in Lp(0; T ; B), Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (4), 146, 65-96. 9] Tartar L., 1977, Cours Peccot au College de France. A ssam Nabil Universite de Rouen UFR des Sciences-Mathematiques URA CNRS 1378 76821 Mont Saint Aignan cedex France e-mail:


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