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Waverly Community Schools

Classroom Technology Options

Option 1 Interactive Whiteboard: Promethean Option 2 Slate: ActivSlate Option 3 Teacher iPads with Doceri/ Splashtop (Option 3 and 4 work together) Devices Needed: Interactive board Teacher Computer Projector Slate Teacher Computer Projector iPad Teacher Computer Projector Can be accessed from any device. 1 device per student and teacher Mobile carts Software Needed: ActivInspire Comes with Promethean Board Functions: Computer image is projected onto the interactive board. ActivInspire (Could use with this software to maximize its use) The slate controls the computer image which is projected onto the interactive whiteboard. With the support of the Doceri software, the ipad connects to the desktop computer and this computer image is projected on a white space. The teacher can lead interactive lessons from anywhere in the room. Students can pass around the iPad from their seats to answer Doceri ( license required) Nearpod (Free with limitations. Options to upgrade.) Option 4 1 device per user with Nearpod

Students log into a teachers Nearpod lesson with a wireless device to participate in a whole group, interactive lesson. The teacher sets the pace of the lesson which shows up on each student's device. All students are working on the same lesson at the same time

Interactive Features Teacher:

Teacher can lead interactive lessons from the board.

Teacher can lead interactive lessons from anywhere in the room. Students can pass around the slate from their seats to answer

Interactive Features Student:

One student at a time can come up to interact with the board.



and are able to answer questions simultaneously. Responses are sent directly to the teacher. Nearpod software can be used to create interactive lessons from computer or iPad.

Classroom Uses/ Lessons:

ActivInspire software can be used to create interactive lessons.

The slate can be use to create interactive lessons.

Doceri software can be used to create interactive lessons.

Any files/ lessons Any files/ lessons created by the Any files/ lessons created by the teacher on the created by the teacher on the computer, teacher on the Lessons must be computer, including computer, published as a including powerpoints, including PDF to import powerpoints, worksheets, etc. powerpoints, into worksheets, etc. can be projected worksheets, etc. to can be projected and written on, or can be projected make a lesson. and written on, or even made into and written on, or even made into interactive even made into Lessons can interactive lessons using the interactive lessons include lessons using the ActivInspire using the Doceri interactive ActivInspire software. software. elements such as software. polls, short Teachers have Teachers have answer Many free access to any access to any responses, lessons are lesson they lesson they multiple choice provided on choose which choose which can questions, and Promethean can be be manipulated in drawings. Planet, Pinterest manipulated in front of the class. and Teachers front of the class. Pay Teachers. Drawbacks: Only one person can participate with the board at a time. The desktop image doesnt show up on the slate. Small screen. Each student must have access to a wireless device.

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