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The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing Information

Manage the Gigabytes of Dis-organized IM Information On Your Hard Drive!

By Alex Goodall The Internet Marketing Knowledge Manager

!""#$ !""% Alex Goodall and Oxford & Bo'ton

Your (ight'
This is a FREE eBook, which means... You may Give it away, Offer it as a bonus, Offer it to customers on your Thank You a!e Offer it as an incentive for eo "e to si!n u to your "ist #$$ it as a free $own"oa$ to your membershi site %nc"u$e it within a acka!e of other ro$ucts or Otherwise make it avai"ab"e to anyone with an interest in %nternet &arketin!

' (RO)%*E* you $o not chan!e or mo$ify it in any way. The one e+ce tion is that you may customi,e it as a""owe$ for by the customi,ation ri!hts. You nee$ to be a customer or an affi"iate to customi,e this eBook. -n$er .O circumstance are you a""owe$ to se"" this eBook as a stan$'a"one ro$uct.

Want to see a great organizational tool in action?

Check out the videos here: IM Index Mind Map

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation

Table of Contents
/ Before 0e Be!in.......................................................................................1
/./ Get The Bi! (icture, #n$ Get # Gift2.................................................................1 /.3 Give #way This Gui$e #n$ &ake &oney2...........................................................4 /.50hat To E+ ect from this Gui$e.......................................................................4 /.1 Brief Bio of the #uthor...................................................................................6 /.7 .ote To %& %n$e+ &in$ &a Owners.................................................................8

3 %ntro$uction.............................................................................................9
3./ :ow %t #"" ;tarte$.........................................................................................9 3.3 % Fee" Your (ain2........................................................................................../< 3.5 Get Or!ani,e$ ' Get Em owere$2..................................................................// 3.1 ;ee 0hat % &ean.........................................................................................//

5 Or!ani,in! Your =ontent........................................................................../3

5./ Or!ani,ationa" *imensions............................................................................/3 5.3 Or!ani,ationa" (rinci "es ' %ntro$uction.........................................................../5 5.5 The (rinci "es in (ractice ' *esi!nin! Your Fo"$er ;tructure.............................../1

1 *esi!n *ecisions in the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a ................................................/8

1./ ;ub>ect....................................................................................................../8 1.3 Ty e........................................................................................................../9 1.5 ;ource.......................................................................................................3/ 1.1 #uthor.......................................................................................................3/ 1.7 Ri!hts........................................................................................................33 1.4 *ate..........................................................................................................35

7 *esi!nin! a Ta+onomy of %nternet &arketin!..............................................37

7./ %ntro$uction...............................................................................................37 7.3 0hat &akes # Goo$ Ta+onomy?....................................................................34 7.5 Granu"arity.................................................................................................36 7.1 ;tructure...................................................................................................38 7.7 ;ynonyms..................................................................................................5< 7.4 =ross References an$ Re"ate$ Terms..............................................................5/

4 =ontent mana!ement rocesses................................................................55

4./ %ntro$uction...............................................................................................55 4.3 #$$in! =ontent...........................................................................................51 4.5 -sin! =ontent.............................................................................................57 4.1 #rchivin! =ontent........................................................................................57 4.7 *e"etin! =ontent.........................................................................................54

6 =ontacts @ Ainks.....................................................................................56


) Before *e Begin+++
1.1 Get The Big Picture, And Get A Gift!
Gettin! your %& $own"oa$s or!ani,e$ is >ust one art of im rovin! the efficiency of your %nternet &arketin! o eration.

To be successfu" in %nternet &arketin! you nee$ to #ork s!arter, not harder! That means bein! efficient, effective, or!ani,e$ an$ focuse$ in a"" your activities.

The bi! mistake so many %nternet &arketers make is that they think

$ctivit% & 'ro it

0e"", sometimes it is an$ sometimes it isnBt. &ore often than notC

$ctivit% & %our li e #asting a#a% #ith no visi(le results

The eDuation that you nee$ to un$erstan$ isC

)ocussed* E icient* E ective* In or!ed $ctivit% & 'ro it

Think about it..... :ow many to earners $o YO- know who are inefficient, ineffective, $irection"ess, $istracte$ or $isor!ani,e$? .one2 They are a"" hi!h"y efficient an$ or!ani,e$.

#n$ many of them ay E1<< er month to eo "e such as Rich ;chefren to !et mentore$ on e+act"y that to ic. %f you can affor$ that fee Fan$ if you can wait unti" there is a s"ot in RichBs ro!ramG, then % wou"$ recommen$ you si!n u with him.

%n the mean time, or as a "ower cost a"ternative, you can re!ister for my ree

IM Organized+ =oachin! Emai"s

which cover a"" as ects of runnin! a s"ick, rofitab"e an$ focusse$ business.

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation Obvious"y, free emai"s cannot be com are$ to the sort of ro!ram Rich offers for E1<< er month. :owever, % do have e+ erience in a"" the key areas that Rich i$entifies Fcreatin! business systems an$ metho$s, rocess ma in!, ro>ect mana!ement, metrics an$ measurement H a"on!si$e my unriva""e$ Inow"e$!e &ana!ement e+ erienceG, an$ the =oachin! Emai"s incor orate those to ics.

#"so note that the =oachin! Emai"s cover !an% other to ics that are re"evant to eo "e who are at an ear"ier sta!e of business $eve"o ment than RichBs ro!ram is $esi!ne$ for. %n fact, most eo "e are at that ear"ier sta!e.

:ere is how it worksC ;im "y re!ister for free, an$ youB"" start receivin! a seDuence of short, $irecte$ emai"s, each one containin! a !em of information to he" you work smarter. Each emai" is time$ to take you at most 5 minutes to rea$ % te"" you ri!ht at the be!innin! who it is aime$ at Fe.!. com "ete novice, be!inner, someone with an estab"ishe$ businessG so you $onBt waste your time rea$in! irre"evant materia" % !ive you !iven recise instructions for the recommen$e$ activities There are re!u"ar anonymous one'c"ick surveys about the content of the emai"s so that % can constant"y im rove the service base$ on the nee$s of my rea$ers Every so often % !ive you a free !ift that wi"" he" you im rove yourse"f or your business #t any time you can unsubscribe if you fin$ the =oachin! Emai"s are no "on!er re"evant to you

#n$ ta"kin! of free !ifts, at the time of writin! this, % am rovi$in! a"" my new coachin! subscribers with a very s ecia" Free Gift. To fin$ out if it is sti"" avai"ab"e an$ what it is, !o to the Re!istration #rea now.

% have a re utation for thinkin! Joutsi$e the bo+J, an$ % know that youB"" look forward to receivin! the IM Organized+ =oachin! Emai"s, instea$ of resentin! them as yet more %nBo+'fi""ers2

Re!ister for free now. This wi"" take you "ess than 7 minutes, so a "y the do it no# rinci "e. %tBs not worth sche$u"in! a se arate activity for such a short task an$ youB"" most "ike"y never !et back to it "ater. ;o Re!ister .ow2

;tay in =ontro". Don't Work Harder Work Smarter!


1.2 Give Away This Guide And Make Money!

*o you know anyone who cou"$ benefit from this Gui$e? %n other wor$s ' $o you know any %nternet &arketer? Then you can make money by sim "y !ivin! this Gui$e away2

Kust re!ister as an affi"iate an$ youB"" be "e$ to the !ui$ance a!es containin! the sim "e instructions. %tBs a very easy >ob. Five minutes an$ youBre $one.

%t wonBt cost you a cent, so you may as we"" $o it now before you for!et2


hat To !"#ect fro$ this Guide

0hat %Bve attem te$ to $o in this Gui$e is to rovi$e you with instructions on how to create your own system for or!ani,in! your %nternet &arketin! $own"oa$s.

#s internet marketers, we a"" hit this rob"em sooner or "ater.

&ost eo "e start with a sin!"e J*own"oa$J fo"$er For worse sti"" ' >ust $um everythin! onto their $eskto G, an$ then start creatin! cate!ories to s "it this sin!"e fo"$er u into sub'fo"$ers.

There are many $ifferent ways of $oin! this, an$ %B"" systematica""y cover a"" the main ones in this Gui$e.

But very few eo "e come u with a system that fu""y a$$resses their nee$s. On the surface, it seems Duite a sim "e rob"em to so"ve, but in ractice, it is com "e+, time' consumin! an$ reDuires consi$erab"e know"e$!e Fof %nternet &arketin!G an$ ski"" Fin Inow"e$!e &ana!ementG.

*e en$in! on how you obtaine$ this Gui$e, you may or may not know that %Bve so"ve$ this rob"em an$ acka!e$ u the so"ution in a ro$uct ca""e$ the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a .

#"thou!h the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a uses a &in$ &a to rovi$e an attractive visua" interface onto the un$er"yin! fo"$er structure Fan$ which a""ows a$$itiona" features to be im "emente$G, the issues concerne$ with the $esi!n of that fo"$er structure are more'or'"ess in$e en$ent of that fact.

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation This means that the a$vice an$ !ui$ance % rovi$e in this eBook is base$ on rea" e+ erience an$ not >ust theory. #t its core, this Gui$e is about $esi!nin! a suitab"e fo"$er structure for storin! your %& $own"oa$s.

#s % cover $ifferent as ects of creatin! your own system, %B"" be re!u"ar"y referrin! to the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a as a reference mo$e". Obvious"y, % think your best o tion is to sim "y buy that ro$uct rather than !o throu!h the effort of bui"$in! your own system.

But even with that no'so'covert a!en$a, %B"" $o my best to !ive you a"" the information an$ !ui$ance % can to he" you bui"$ your own system.

Be warne$, thou!h. %f you are !oin! to $o this ro er"y, itBs not !oin! to be a trivia" task. %f it were, there wou"$nBt be a nee$ for this Gui$e2

1.% Brief Bio of the Author

0hat Dua"ifies me to write this Gui$e?

First"y, %Bve stu$ie$, ractise$ an$ written about Inow"e$!e &ana!ement since before the term was even invente$ in the ear"y /98<s. % atten$e$ the first conference on I& in /981 Fin :o""an$, as it ha ensG, an$ ub"ishe$ an$ e$ite$ one of the very first news"etters on the sub>ect. %n to$ayLsB money, % was char!in! aroun$ E/,<<< er year to subscribers. % am a"so a >oint atent'ho"$er for one of the most com rehensive metho$o"o!ies for creatin! Inow"e$!e =ommunities.

#s re!ar$s %nternet &arketin!, % have s ent aroun$ five years stu$yin! Fan$ a "yG it, an$ si+ months systematica""y researchin! an$ or!ani,in! a"" the conce ts into a massive &in$ &a . %Bm convince$ that what % create$ is the most com "ete an$ com rehensive ana"ysis of %nternet &arketin! anywhere.

%n fact, that ana"ysis turne$ out to be too $etai"e$ for the ur ose of or!ani,in! $own"oa$s, but it $i$ rovi$e me with a hu!e"y va"uab"e an$ uniDue startin! oint for the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a ro>ect.


1.& 'ote To (M (nde" Mind Ma# )wners

%f you own the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a , the sections that wi"" be of most interest to you areC *esi!n *ecisions in the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a *esi!nin! a Ta+onomy of %nternet &arketin! =ontent &ana!ement (rocesses.

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation

! Introdu,tion
2.1 *ow (t A++ ,tarted
&y overa"" ob>ective as re!ar$s my %& %n$e+ business is to he" my fe""ow %nternet &arketers achieve !reater success throu!h im rove$ efficiency an$ or!ani,ation.

The story of how % !ot here starts back at schoo" when % was stu$yin! for e+aminations.

% !enera""y $i$ OIish in most sub>ects, but % was never a to erformer. Aookin! back, % can create a convincin! e+cuse Fconvincin! to me, at "east2G why that was the case. Aea$in! u to e+aminations...

% ha$ the te+t books. % ha$ my Foften incom "eteG notes taken $urin! c"ass. % ha$ my homework books. #n$ % was about to start a fourth source of information ' my revision notes.

#n$ thatBs where % !ot stuck.

:ow shou"$ % or!ani,e my revision notes? % a"rea$y ha$ three structures Ffour if you count the sy""abusG. ;hou"$ % ick one of them? Or create a new one?

:ow much $etai" shou"$ % inc"u$e? ;hou"$ % sim "y co y out what % ha$ written before? ;hou"$ % inc"u$e Duotes from the te+tbook? ;hou"$ % >ust use keywor$s ' or even >ust hea$in!s? Or sim "y inc"u$e references to the other sources?

#n$ shou"$ % even bother makin! revision notes at a""? #fter a"", in most cases %B$ never "ook at them a!ain, so why !o to a"" that effort?

% now know the answers to a"" those Duestions, but at the time, % s ent too much time an$ ener!y a!oni,in! over how to structure an$ or!ani,e the information, an$ not enou!h absorbin! it2 #n$ thatBs the reason Fin my min$G why % never achieve$ my Jfu"" otentia"J. FBein! "a,ier than an$Mor not as bri!ht as the to erformers ha$ no bearin! on it, of course.G 9"(a!e

The oint of this story is that, from an ear"y a!e, %Bve been fascinate$ by how information is or!ani,e$, store$ an$ resente$. #n$ so it was a"" but inevitab"e that % wou"$ en$ u workin! in the fie"$ of Inow"e$!e &ana!ement FI&G ' the art an$ science of or!ani,in!, mana!in! an$ sharin! know"e$!e.

2.2 ( -ee+ .our Pain!

#n$ so, back to my state$ !oa" of brin!in! some efficiency an$ or!ani,ation into the "ives of my fe""ow %nternet &arketers.

#s % mentione$ above, %Bve been stu$yin! %nternet &arketin! "on! enou!h to have a $etai"e$ know"e$!e of most to ics, an$ to have !athere$ hun$re$s ' even thousan$s ' of $own"oa$s.

#n$ %Bve atten$e$ many seminars an$ taken co ious notes.

#n$ %Bve visite$ thousan$s of websites an$ save$ hun$re$s of -RAs.

#n$ %Bve receive$ bi""ions of emai"s For so it seemsG, an$ foun$ near"y a $o,en that contain usefu" information % want to save for future reference. FOI ' so itBs more than a $o,en, but you !et my oint.G

#n$ with a"" that information, % hit %nformation Over"oa$.

#roun$ two years a!o, % $eci$e$ that % ha$ to $o somethin! about this. % ha$ to use my I& ski""s to or!ani,e my %nternet &arketin! %nformation Over"oa$.

There were two core rob"ems % nee$e$ to fi+ for myse"fC

/. :ow to or!ani,e my $own"oa$s F urchase$ ro$ucts, bonuses, rese"" ri!hts ro$uctsG in a way that enab"e$ me to fin$ thin!s a!ain re"ative"y easi"y in the future. an$ 3. :ow to store sni ets of information Fe.!. emai"s, forum osts, seminar notesG an$ -RAs that % mi!ht want to reference a!ain in the future.

% wonBt bore you with the $etai"s of the ath % took to so"ve these rob"ems, but in this Gui$e % wi"" e+ "ain >ust how you can fi+ these rob"em for yourse"f.

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation

2.3 Get )rgani/ed 0 Get !$#owered!

Before finishin! this intro$uction, % wante$ to say somethin! about the who"e to ic of Jbein! or!ani,e$J.

The rea"ity is that Jbein! or!ani,e$J is not somethin! that is norma""y hi!h on the a!en$a when your focus is on Jbui"$in! a businessJ an$ Jmakin! moneyJ. The RO% Freturn on investmentG on time s ent !ettin! or!ani,e$ is har$ to ca"cu"ate an$ somewhat in$irect.

% canBt se"" you on these i$eas by sayin! J!et or!ani,e$ an$ earn E15,634 er month within 4 monthsJ. FAet me Dua"ify that statementC when you are Bbein! or!ani,e$B aroun$ the to ic of the strate!ic o erations of your business H the sort of to ic that Rich ;chefren covers an$ that % inc"u$e as art of the IM Organized+ =oachin! Emai"s H then you can make a stron! case for it mu"ti "yin! your revenues an$ rofits many times over2G

:owever, a"on!si$e the obvious benefits of savin! time an$ bein! more effective by havin! the best information to han$ e+act"y when you nee$ it, there is a"so a Jsur riseJ benefit.

Bein! or!ani,e$ creates a very em owerin! fee"in! of contro" an$ frees u a !reat $ea" of menta" an$ emotiona" ener!y. Bein! $isor!ani,e$ resu"ts in a continuous yet unnotice$ $rain of menta" ener!yN !ettin! or!ani,e$ stems that "oss.

%Bve ha$ eo "e comment on this as soon as they start usin! the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a C it is a very rea" a$$e$ benefit.

2.% ,ee

hat ( Mean

The fastest way to un$erstan$ what %Bm !ettin! at is to sim "y watch the vi$eos on the %& %n$e+ site, if youBve not a"rea$y $one so.

#s % sai$ above, you $onBt nee$ to have a co y of the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a in or$er to benefit from this Gui$e, but by stu$yin! how %Bve ut the &in$ &a to!ether, youB"" be ab"e to much more Duick"y un$erstan$ the oints %Bm makin! in the rest of this Gui$e an$ !et some i$eas for when you $esi!n your own system.

Take a few moments now to watch the vi$eosC htt CMM%&'%n$

// " ( a ! e

- Organizing Your .ontent

3.1 )rgani/ationa+ 1i$ensions
The first ste in or!ani,in! any bo$y of know"e$!e is to $etermine the Jor!ani,ationa" $imensionsJ you are !oin! to use.

The Jor!ani,ationa" $imensionsJ are those thin!s that are "ike"y to be im ortant to the user when searchin! for or $escribin! some item of know"e$!e. The two most common $imensions are an$ Ty e ;ub>ect

%n the %nternet &arket wor"$, e+am "es of su(,ect are Traffic Generation #rtic"e &arketin! Goo!"e #$wor$s

E+am "es of t%pe in %nternet &arketin! are eBook scri t vi$eo -RA

The su(,ect te""s us what the item of know"e$!e is about, or Fin the case of a scri tG what it does whereas the t%pe te""s us what the item is. ;o, for e+am "eC JThe $own"oa$ Fthe item of know"e$!eG is an eBook Fits ty eGN an$ it is about Traffic Generation Fits sub>ectG.

&ore e+am "esC

J%t is a !"# Fits ty eG to a site which is about $rticle %arketin& Fits sub>ectG.J

JThe bonus is a scri t Fits ty eGN what it does is $ffiliate %ana&ement Fits sub>ectG.J

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation

Other common or!ani,ationa" $imensions that cou"$ be re"evant in the fie"$ of %nternet &arketin! areC

-ource Fi.e. where the item of know"e$!e came fromG $uthor Fi.e. who create$ itG .ights Fi.e. whether the item is for your own use on"y or whether you can !ive it away, se"" it etc.G /ate Fi.e. the $ate you acDuire$ the itemG

To summarise, therefore, we wi"" be $ea"in! with the fo""owin! 4 Or!ani,ationa" *imensionsC

-u(,ect T%pe -ource $uthor .ights /ate

3.2 )rgani/ationa+ Princi#+es 0 (ntroduction

The ne+t ste is to $eci$e how you are !oin! to use these $imensions to structure your information an$ know"e$!e.

%tBs at this oint that you nee$ to take into account the hysica" stora!e of the information the amount of effort you wish to e+ en$ in fi"in! away items of know"e$!e or information

%f you have access to, an$ wish to use, a fu""y re"ationa" $atabase, you cou"$ a$o t some very !enera" rinci "es an$ ta! a"" your items in mu"ti "e ways.

/5 " ( a ! e

:owever, for the ur ose of this Gui$e, % am !oin! to assume you have nothin! more so histicate$ than the basic 0in$ows fi"in! systems an$ &icrosoft Office For O en OfficeG $ocuments.

Even if you $i$ have access to a re"ationa" $atabase an$ cou"$ ta! each item in mu"ti "e ways, the benefit of $oin! so wou"$ not >ustify the time nee$e$ to $o it.

This means you wi"" have to make some com romisesC an$ much of the ski"" in Inow"e$!e &ana!ement is not so much in knowin! an$ a "yin! the ure theory, but in knowin! how an$ when to make ra!matic com romises.

YouB"" see e+act"y what % mean in the ne+t section.

3.3 The Princi#+es in Practice 0 1esigning .our -o+der ,tructure

Given that you have a sim "e fo"$er structure, you are force$ to make a $ecision an$ chose O.E of your $imensionsC ;ub>ect Ty e ;ource #uthor Ri!hts *ate as your 'rimary $imension.

To he" you make your choice, you nee$ to think about the most common way in which you are "ike"y to be searchin! for information.

/. 0i"" you want to find all items about a (articular sub)ect ' such as Traffic Generation, for e+am "e? 3. 0i"" you want to find all items of a (articular ty(e ' such as a"" )i$eos? 5. &i!ht you want to find all items that you obtained from a (articular source ' such as a articu"ar Rese"" Ri!hts site? 1. 0ou"$ it be im ortant to easi"y find all items by a s(ecific author? 7. 0i"" you nee$ to be ab"e to access all items with (articular ri&hts ' such as a"" ro$ucts with &aster Rese"" Ri!hts? 4. &i!ht you want to access all items added within a certain time (eriod ' such as J"ast monthJ?

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation You mi!ht be inc"ine$ to answer JyesJ to a"" those Duestions, but you nee$ to $eci$e which O.E is the most im ortant. This is your first $esi!n $ecision. 0hichever one you choose, that wi"" $etermine the to '"eve" structure of your fo"$ers.

For e+am "e, if you $eci$e$ that 3. was most im ortant, Ty e wou"$ be your 'rimary $imension an$ you wou"$ create a fo"$er for each of the $ifferent Ty es Fi.e. an JeBooksJ fo"$er, a J;cri tsJ fo"$er, a J)i$eosJ fo"$er etc.G.

You then nee$ to $eci$e which is the ne+t most im ortant $imension Fyour Secondary $imensionG, an$ then sub'$ivi$e each of the to '"eve" fo"$ers accor$in! to the Secondary $imension.

For e+am "e, if you $eci$e$ that 7. was the ne+t most im ortant, Ri!hts wou"$ be your Secondary $imension, an$ each of your Ty e fo"$ers wou"$ have subfo"$ers for each of the $ifferent Ri!hts Fe.!. JOwn -seJ, JGive'#wayJ, JRese""J, J&aster Rese""J, J(ARJG.

;o, your fo"$er structure wou"$ beC eBooks Own'-se Give'#way Rese"" &aster Rese"" (AR ;cri ts Own'-se Give'#way Rese"" &aster Rese"" (AR )i$eos Own'-se Give'#way Rese"" &aster Rese"" (AR etc. 0hen $esi!nin! a structure such as this, a number of factors have to be taken into account. These areC

/7 " ( a ! e

The !ost co!!on #a% %ou are likel% to #ant to look up or ind in or!ation. This is the most im ortant factor an$ %Bve shown how you take this into account above.

The 0size0 o each o the di!ensions1

1 measure$ by the number of va"ues it can take. Aater on you wi"" nee$ to $eci$e on the e+act va"ues for each of your se"ecte$ $imensions, but for now you >ust nee$ to know rou!h"y how bi! each of them is.

For e+am "e the Ty e $imension has 4 or 6 va"ues Fe.!. eBook, ;cri t, )i$eo, #u$io, Too", Tem "ate, Gra hicG an$ the Ri!hts $imension has aroun$ 7 va"ues Fe.!. Own'-se, Give' #way, Rese"", &aster Rese"", (ARG.

On the other han$, the ;ub>ect $imension is more rob"ematic. You are !oin! to have to $eci$e at some oint how !ranu"ar you want this to be. You cou"$ $eci$e to on"y cate!orise thin!s at a very hi!h "eve" an$ "imit ;ub>ect to fewer than /< va"ues. OR, you mi!ht $eci$e that you rea""y nee$ to be much more !ranu"ar, an$ en$ u with /<< or even 3<< va"ues for ;ub>ect.

The reason the si,e of the $imensions is im ortant is because it affects the number of fo"$ers you create, an$ cou"$ $etermine the number of "eve"s that is racticab"e.

For e+am "e, in the fo"$er structure above, su ose you wante$ to intro$uce a thir$ "eve" an$ sub'$ivi$e each of the Ri!hts fo"$ers into ;ub>ects. 0ith >ust two "eve"s FTy e + Ri!htsG you have 6 + 7 O 57 fo"$ers. %f you intro$uce a thir$ "eve" usin! ;ub>ect, then you have either 57 + /< O 57< fo"$ers Fwith /< ;ub>ectsG or 57 + /<< O 5,7<< fo"$ers Fwith /<< ;ub>ectsG.

You can see how you can be!in to e"iminate some of the o tions as bein! im ractica".

The nu!(er o ite!s %ou need to organize 2 and ho# (ig this #ill gro# over ti!e.

%f you on"y have /<< items of information Ffi"es, -RAs, .otes etc.G an$ itBs never !oin! to !row much bi!!er, you wonBt nee$ a very com "e+ fo"$er structureC in articu"ar you wonBt nee$ a very !ranu"ar ;ub>ect $imension. But if you have, or wi"" have, thousan$s of items, then youB"" nee$ a much more !ranu"ar ;ub>ect $imension.

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation

3o# %our ite!s are distri(uted across the di!ensions.

For e+am "e, if you have thousan$s of eBooks, but on"y /7 scri ts Fan$ this ba"ance is not !oin! to chan!e in the futureG, you cou"$ ut a"" your scri ts in a sin!"e ;cri ts fo"$er, but create a more com "e+ structure un$er your eBooks fo"$er.

To summariseC takin! a"" the above factors into consi$eration, your $esi!n $ecisions areC /. *etermine your (rimary $imension 3. *etermine your ;econ$ary $imension 5. *eci$e whether you nee$ a thir$ "eve" Fan$ whether it is ractica"GC if so, $etermine your Tertiary $imension 1. *eci$e whether you want to have $ifferent structures un$er $ifferent $imensions.

But before you $o your own $esi!n, rea$ the ne+t section that e+ "ains my thinkin! behin$ the $esi!n of the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a .

/6 " ( a ! e

/ 0e'ign 0e,i'ion' in the IM Index Mind Map

%n one of the %nternet &arketin! forums, % ha$ a $iscussion with a member about $ifferent or!ani,ationa" structures. :e was usin! the e+act e+am "e % mentione$ in the revious sectionC

Ty e Ri!hts ;ub>ect

0e $i$nBt !o into $etai"s, so % $onBt know how !ranu"ar his J;ub>ectJ $imension wasC % sus ect it was not very !ranu"ar. %f you take a "ook at the vi$eos in %& %n$e+ &in$ &a , you wi"" see how % have structure$ the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a . %n essence, it isC

;ub>ect Ri!hts

but with some variations.

:ere are my ana"ysis an$ $esi!n $ecisions on each of the $imensions.

%.1 ,u23ect
-u(,ect Fwhat the item is aboutC such as E'mai" &arketin!, Ainkin!, (o '- s etc.G

% have ma$e ;ub>ect the 'rimary $imension an$ ma$e it !ranu"ar Fa"thou!h not e+cessive"y soG.

The ar!ument for makin! this the 'rimary $imension is that, in my view, the most common mo$e of access to information is to Jfin$ everythin! % know or haveJ about some to ic. For e+am "e, if you want to "ook for new ways to moneti,e your site, you want to Duick"y access a"" the eBooks an$ scri ts an$ vi$eos an$ au$ios an$ save$ -RAs an$ notes youBve save$ about J&oneti,ationJ.

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation Because % have use$ a &in$ &a as the access metho$ to the information, %Bve been ab"e to create Duite a !ranu"ar ;ub>ect $imension an$ a"so create a structure within that $imension. This makes it consi$erab"y easier to choose e+act"y the ri!ht to ic Fva"ueG within ;ub>ect when there are many ossib"e to ics.

#"thou!h it is ossib"e to create a fo"$er structure for ;ub>ect simi"ar to the one % have create$, % wou"$ not recommen$ $oin! so because it wi"" create more confusion without usin! the &in$ &a as a means of accessin! the fo"$ers.

%B"" cover this in more $etai" in the Ta+onomy section.

%.2 Ty#e
T%pe Fwhat an item isC such as eBook, ;cri t, )i$eo, #u$io etc.G %B"" e+ "ain how % $ea" with each of the ty esN

e4ook* 5ideo* $udio

#"" these ty es contain information about some to ic so % havenLt inc"u$e$ any way of se aratin! them out. %f you are after information about a to ic, you usua""y $onBt care much whether itBs an eBook, )i$eo or #u$io. You are much more intereste$ in the sub>ect matter.

Te!plate* Graphic

Tem "ates an$ !ra hics are not associate$ with an %nternet &arketin! ;ub>ectC you $onBt !enera""y have a tem "ate JaboutJ Traffic GenerationN you $onBt !enera""y have a !ra hic JaboutJ E+ ire$ *omains.

%nstea$, you have co""ections of Tem "ates an$ co""ections of Gra hics.

;o, % have actua""y treate$ Tem "ates an$ Gra hics as s ecific %nternet &arketin! ;ub>ects, rather than Ty es, an$ treat them in the same way as Traffic Generation an$ E+ ire$ *omains ' i.e. there is a fo"$er for each of them.

%f you have a "ar!e number of Gra hics, you may want to cate!orise them base$ on the s ecific niche to which they re"ateC %nternet &arketin! may be >ust one of those niches, an$ % have not attem te$ to create a structurin! of a"" niche markets.

/9 " ( a ! e


;cri ts is somethin! of a hybri$.

% inc"u$e ;cri ts as a ;ub>ect in its own ri!ht. %t is ossib"e to store #AA scri ts un$er that sin!"e sub>ect, a"thou!h % wou"$nBt recommen$ it.

On the other han$, ;cri ts are about or for some %& ;ub>ect Fe.!. a scri t for #utores on$ers, or a scri t for (o 'u s etc.G. ;o, if a scri t re"ates to one of the $efine$ ;ub>ects, it shou"$ be fi"e$ in the re"evant fo"$er. %f it $oesnBt re"ate to a s ecific ;ub>ect, it can !o in the ;cri ts fo"$er as a Jcatcha""J.

6otes and 7.8s

% have intro$uce$ two a$$itiona" Ty esC .otes an$ -RAs.

*otes ... ...are short items of information that $onBt warrant havin! their own fi"e. This cou"$ be a ost in a forum that you want to kee , or an e+tract from an e'mai" that you fee" is very insi!htfu", or some rea"isation or insi!ht of your own that you wish to reserve.

# -RA is ... ... >ust a -RA2

For each of these two Ty es, % have inc"u$e$ a se arate fi"e within each of the ;ub>ect fo"$ers so that a"" your .otes an$ a"" your -RAs re"atin! to a s ecific ;ub>ect can be foun$ ri!ht a"on!si$e a"" the other information re"ate$ to that ;ub>ect.

;ome eo "e wou"$ refer to store their -RAs in their Favorites ' an$ that is fine. But there are !oo$ reasons not toC

The -RAs for a s ecific ;ub>ect wonBt be in the same "ace as a"" the other information for that ;ub>ect. You wi"" have to recreate the com "e+ ;ub>ect structure thatBs art of the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a within your Favourites. Either that, or create a sim "er structure an$ resurrect a"" the rob"ems that arise with havin! a structure thatBs not rich enou!h.

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation

;torin! -RAs in Favourites $oes not a""ow you to store any information about them ' such as what the website is about an$ why itBs of interest to you.

%.3 ,ource
-ource Finformation about where the item came fromG

%t can often be im ortant, articu"ar"y with rese"" ri!hts ro$ucts, to kee track of where you ori!ina""y obtaine$ the ro$uct from.

Rather than create a sub'fo"$er for each ro$uct source, % ersona""y em "oy the sim "e trick of renamin! the fi"e.

For e+am "e, su ose$ % $own"oa$e$ an eBook whose fi"e was ca""e$ 37<*o""ars#*ay. f$ from a site ca""e$ Rese""&e!a; % wou"$ store the fi"e in the correct fo"$er base$ on its ;ub>ect an$ sim "y rename it to


The J'R&;J te""s me e+act"y where % obtaine$ that eBook from.

%f you nee$ to fin$ a"" ro$ucts that you obtaine$ from a articu"ar source, you can sim "y use a $eskto search too" an$ "ook for a"" fi"es that match, for e+am "e P'R&;.

%.% Author
$uthor Fwho created the itemG For most eo "e, it is rare for them to nee$ to fin$ a"" fi"es create$ by a s ecific author. :owever, if you think it is !oin! to be im ortant for you to Duick"y i$entify the author of a ro$uct, you can a!ain use the renamin! techniDue.

For e+am "e, the fi"e for this Gui$e isC Or!ani,in!%&%nfo. $f but you mi!ht $eci$e to store it as Or!ani,in!%&%nfo'By#"e+Goo$a"". $f

3/ " ( a ! e

%.& 4ights
.ights Fwhat you are a""owe$ to do with the ro$uctG

%t is certain"y im ortant to know whether you can use a ro$uct on"y for your own use, or whether you can !ive it away or se"" it to others, etc. # key $esi!n rinci "e of the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a is that Ri!hts is the Secondary $imensions.

;ort of.

% know that some eo "e have se arate fo"$ers for each of the ossib"e Ri!hts Fe.!. JOwn -seJ, JGive'#wayJ, JRese""J, J&aster Rese""J, J(ARJG, an$ in fact % use$ this a roach in the e+am "e fo"$er structure in the revious section.

But rea"ity is more com "e+. You cannot $ivi$e u Ri!hts in such a sim "e way.

;ome ro$ucts can O.AY be !iven away. Others can be !iven away OR reso"$. ;ome ro$ucts can be reso"$ but .OT !iven away. Then we have a"" the above ossibi"ities, but with &aster Rese"" ri!hts as we""...

%f that were the en$ of it, we cou"$ >ust e+ten$ our ossib"e va"ues for Ri!hts toC

Own -se Give'#way On"y Give'#way OR Rese"" Rese"" On"y &aster Rese"" Give'#way On"y &aster Rese"" Give'#way OR Rese"" &aster Rese"" On"y (AR

ThatBs retty unwie"$y but )ust about mana!eab"e. -nfortunate"y, thatBs not the en$ of it. Often there are a$$itiona" restrictions, such as ' a minimum rice

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation ' restrictions on bein! so"$ as art of a acka!e ' restrictions on bein! use$ as a bonus ... an$ others.

Rather than try an$ $evise a cate!ori,ation mechanism that embo$ie$ a"" the above com "e+ity, % $eci$e$ that, for 99Q of eo "e, a very sim "e a roach is sufficient.

The most im ortant $istinction is Jis this for my own use on"y, or $o % have a$$itiona" ri!hts?J

;o, within each ;ub>ect fo"$er in the %& %n$e+ is a sin!"e sub'fo"$er ca""e$ RRese"" (ro$ucts

%nto that fo"$er, a"" ro$ucts re"atin! to the ;ub>ect that can be !iven away or re'so"$ are store$. To $etermine the e+act ri!hts of a ro$uct you nee$ to "ook insi$e the ro$uct itse"f an$ rea$ the con$itions.

#nythin! .OT in the RRese"" (ro$ucts fo"$er is for your own use on"y.

% be"ieve this is a >ustifie$, ra!matic sim "ification.

Of course, any user of the &in$ &a can e+ten$ this by creatin! sub'fo"$ers be"ow the RRese"" (ro$ucts fo"$er an$ erform more $etai"e$ cate!orisation if they wish.

One fina" oint about rese"" ro$ucts.

.ot everyone has "ar!e numbers of rese"" ro$ucts an$ may not wish to have them $ivi$e$ u amon!st a"" the ;ub>ect fo"$ers. For these users, % create$ two fo"$ers un$er &y ;tuff ca""e$ &y Give#way (ro$ucts an$ &y Rese"" (ro$ucts. For eo "e with re"ative"y few rese""M!iveaway ro$ucts, they can sim "y store them in those fo"$ers without further cate!orisation.

%.5 1ate
/ate Fwhen you obtaine$ the itemG

35 " ( a ! e

% know that some eo "e or!ani,e their information base$ on the month they obtaine$ it. #"thou!h this has some use Fe.!. you can Duick"y see how o"$ it is, an$ when youBre "ookin! for a s ecific fi"e or eBook, you !enera""y have some notion of when you $own"oa$e$ itG, % $onBt think it is im ortant enou!h to warrant bein! an or!ani,ationa" $imension.

For those occasions when it is im ortant to view information from a articu"ar time erio$, you can a!ain use a $eskto search too" to achieve this.

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation

1 0e'igning a Taxonomy of Internet Marketing

&.1 (ntroduction
#n informa" $efinition of the term ta+onomy isC

$ #a% o organizing in or!ation9

%Bve a"rea$y covere$ the first ste in $efinin! a ta+onomy, which is to $eci$e on the or!ani,ationa" rinci "es or $imensions.

Once youBve $eci$e$ on the $imensions youBre !oin! to use, you then nee$ to !et into the $etai"s.

0hat are the Jto icsJ or Jva"uesJ that make u each of these $imensions of %nternet &arketin!?

%n other wor$sC

0hat, recise"y, are the $ifferent JRi!htsJ, an$ what e+act terms are you !oin! to use in your ta+onomy? 0hat, recise"y, are the $ifferent JTy esJ of content, an$ what e+act terms are you !oin! to use in your ta+onomy? ... an$ so on.

%n fact, %Bve retty much covere$ this for a"" the $imensions e+ce t the most im ortant oneC -u(,ect

%n the remain$er of this section %Bm !oin! to be ta"kin! about an %nternet &arketin! ta+onomy as if it were ure"y about the ;ub>ect $imension.

37 " ( a ! e


hat Makes A Good Ta"ono$y6

There is no sin!"e ta+onomy for %nternet &arketin! Fas there is not for most other fie"$sGC there is on"y the Duestion of how we"" any articu"ar ta+onomy fits its $efine$ use.

For e+am "e, in most %nternet &arketin! forums, there are >ust 3'7 sections, an$ a"" $iscussions about %nternet &arketin! have to be ut into one of those cate!ories.

Genera""y this works we"" ' a"thou!h you cou"$ ask how much better it wou"$ work if there were more cate!ories.

The o$$ thin! about a !oo$ ta+onomy is that no'one notices that itBs !oo$2 The amount of work that went into $efinin! an$ refinin! it >ust is not obvious.

# !oo$ ta+onomy rovi$es you with a menta" mo$e" of the sub>ect area Fin this case, %nternet &arketin!G that fits we"" with its ur ose.

0ith a !oo$ ta+onomy, you a "y that Jmenta" mo$e"J to new content that you want to store, an$ it near"y a"ways has a natura" home within your mo$e". You a"so a "y the same mo$e" when you search for content, an$ it Duick"y "ea$s you to one or two ossib"e "ocations ' one of which is where youB"" fin$ your content.

%n other wor$s, a !oo$ ta+onomy is not norma""y somethin! you notice. %t sim "y a""ows you to $o your >ob efficient"y.

# ba$ ta+onomy, on the other han$, is somethin! you notice because it causes en$"ess frustration. You store content away in "aces that you know are not ri!ht, but they are the best the ta+onomy a""ows. #n$ you know in the back of your min$ you are un"ike"y to be ab"e to fin$ that content a!ain when you want to.

#n$ when you come to "ook for it a few months "ater ' sure enou!h ' you canBt fin$ it2

Before % starte$ work on the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a , % searche$ the Bnet for a suitab"e ta+onomy as a startin! oint. % fe"t sure someone ha$ worke$ this out before. Of course, % foun$ many a roaches to cate!orisin! %& information Fe.!. or!ani,ations of forums, structures of resource "ists etc.G, but none of them ha$ sufficient $etai" or ri!our in their construction.

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation ;o, % can on"y conc"u$e that what % create$ in the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a is the first ta+onomy of %nternet &arketin! create$ by a rofessiona" know"e$!e mana!ement e+ ert.

.ot on"y $oes it embo$y !oo$ I& rinci "es, but it a"so inherent"y contains a !reat $ea" of $etai"e$ %nternet &arketin! information, even thou!h it is Jon"yJ a structure. #s an e+am "e, here is what .ick Barton sai$ in the =onDuer Your .iche forum about the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a Fsee the un$er"ine$ te+tGC

+an't say enou&h nice thin&s about $le,'s (roduct. -'m testin& it at the moment. and am ra/in& about it. - can't wait to see what it e/ol/es into. -t has so many features and as well as bein& a useful or&aniser. it is also like an aide memoire. 0ou &o to a to(ic and it e,(ands out. and you realise what you are missin&. 1or e,am(le you &o to traffic &eneration and it o(ens out to 23 subto(ics. and you think -'m only doin& 4 of those. *ot only is a fanatstic or&anistaional tool. it also hi&hli&hts all the &a(s in your knowled&e. +ertainly - would rate it the most useful tool -'/e come across since came online! +heers *ick

The %& ta+onomy in the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a took me a "on! time to create, an$, as you can see, it is one of the features that make eo "e JraveJ about it2

% cannot therefore !ive it away by re ro$ucin! it here. But what % can $o is rovi$e you with hints an$ ti s that wi"" he" you if you wish to create your own ta+onomy.

&.3 Granu+arity
%Bve mentione$ !ranu"arity beforeC itBs to $o with the "eve" of $etai".

Granu"arity is on"y an issue with the ;ub>ect $imension because the other $imensions are a"" re"ative"y much sma""er.

You wi"" nee$ to $etermine how !ranu"ar you nee$ to make the ;ub>ect 36 " ( a ! e

$imension, base$ on the number of items of information For fi"esG you current"y have, an$ e+ ect to have in the future.

%f you never e+ ect to have more than /<< or so items, you can robab"y !et away with a very sma"" number of ;ub>ects. Two core sub>ects are "ike"y to beC Traffic Generation an$ Traffic =onversion

but beyon$ that ' since you have on"y /<< or so items ' the actua" ;ub>ects shou"$ be $etermine$ by the items themse"ves rather than by any ana"ysis of the $omain of %nternet &arketin!.

%f you have, or e+ ect to have, 3<< or more items Finc"u$in! -RAs an$ notesG, you then nee$ to think about creatin! a forma" ta+onomy that can accommo$ate retty much the who"e area of %nternet &arketin!.

Base$ on my e+ erience in creatin! the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a ta+onomy, e+ ect to create aroun$ /<< ;ub>ects. &any fewer than that, an$ youBve robab"y not !ot enou!h $etai". &any more than that, an$ youBve robab"y !ot too much $etai".

% arrive$ at the s ecific ta+onomy in the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a by startin! with somethin! consi$erab"y more com "e+, then sim "ifyin! it base$ on my own nee$s for or!anisin! many hun$re$s of fi"es, an$ further refinin! it base$ on a $etai"e$ ana"ysis of hun$re$s of sites an$ ro$ucts to ensure everythin! cou"$ be cate!orise$ ro er"y.

%f you have a very !oo$ !ras of the wor"$ of %nternet &arketin!, this task shou"$ take you / ' 3 weeks with no $istractions. F%t took me a "ot "on!er, but % was "ess c"ear where % was hea$e$ than you shou"$ be after rea$in! this Gui$e.G %f you $onBt know much about %nternet &arketin!, you nee$ to fin$ someone who $oes2

&.% ,tructure
The Duestion of JstructureJ arises when you think about how to access the ;ub>ects.

' '

%s the user resente$ with a sim "e a" habetica" "ist of ;ub>ects Fe.!. the "ist of ;ub>ect fo"$ersG? =an a ;ub>ect have sub';ub>ects?

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation

For e+am "e, consi$er the sub>ect of #ffi"iate &arketin!.

' ' '

;ome items wi"" be about #ffi"iate &arketin! in !enera" ;ome wi"" be about #ffi"iate &arketin! for #ffi"iates Fi.e. bein! an affi"iateG, an$ ;ome wi"" be about #ffi"iate &arketin! for &erchants Fi.e. !ettin! an$ mana!in! affi"iatesG.

;o, when creatin! your fo"$er structure, you have to $eci$e whether to have three se arate fo"$ers, or one fo"$er with two sub'fo"$ers.

This may seem "ike an insi!nificant oint, but actua""y, it makes a bi! im act on how easi"y you !et to the ri!ht ;ub>ect. Furthermore, if you $onBt use sub' fo"$ers, you have to be very carefu" about the names you use for your sub>ects to ensure that re"ate$ sub>ects a ear near each other when "iste$ a" habetica""y.

% ha$ to make simi"ar structurin! an$ namin! $ecisions for the to ic structure of the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a .

# secon$ as ect of JstructureJ is the i$ea of the .ine *isci "ines that % intro$uce$ in the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a . Rather than e+ "ain that i$ea here, itBs much easier for you to view the vi$eos on the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a site.

=onsi$er our o"$ frien$ JTraffic GenerationJ.

%f you have a ro$uct consistin! of /1 vi$eos, each coverin! a $ifferent as ect of Traffic Generation, you c"ear"y want to store that in the JTraffic GenerationJ fo"$er.

%f you have a Gui$e to #rtic"e &arketin!, isnBt that a"so about Traffic Generation? Yes it is, but more s ecifica""y, it is about #rtic"e &arketin!, an$ that is For shou"$ beG one of your ;ub>ects. ;o ' that Gui$e shou"$ be store$ in the #rtic"e &arketin! fo"$er.

The troub"e is, weBve now "ost the "ink between that Gui$e an$ Traffic Generation.

%n the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a %Bm ab"e to make that "ink e+ "icit by usin! Re"ate$ 39 " ( a ! e

"inks in the &a Fsee be"owG. %f a"" you have is a fo"$er structure itBs rather har$er to make that "ink.

One ossib"e a roach wou"$ be to have a"" sub'sub>ects of Traffic Generation as sub' fo"$ers of the Traffic Generation fo"$er, an$ simi"ar"y with Traffic =onversion an$ other Jhi!h "eve"J sub>ects Fana"o!ous to my J*isci "inesJ ;ub>ects.G

%n ractice...

this wonBt work Fbecause some J"ower "eve"J sub>ects re"ate to more than one J*isci "ineJ sub>ectG, an$ it is im ractica" Fbecause you "ose the very va"uab"e a" habetica" "ist of a"" sub>ectsG

% canBt see a ractica" way to re "icate the i$ea of the .ine *isci "ines by usin! >ust a fo"$er structure. This means that if youBre bui"$in! your own system usin! 0in$ows fi"es an$ fo"$ers, the eDuiva"ent of my J*isci "inesJ have to be art of the a" habetica" "ist of sub>ects.

&.& ,ynony$s
0hen you !et c"ose to /<< ;ub>ects it starts to be $ifficu"t to remember what terms you are usin! Fif your memory is anythin! "ike mine, that is2G.

For e+am "e, su ose you >ust bou!ht a re ort about creatin! an$ romotin! your own .ews"etter. You search throu!h your fo"$er structure un$er J.J an$ rea"ise you $onBt have a .ews"etter fo"$er. Rather sur rise$ that you misse$ such an im ortant sub>ect, you create a new fo"$er an$ "ace your re ort insi$e it.

Four months "ater, you fina""y !et roun$ to settin! u your own eSine an$ you $eci$e to "ook throu!h your won$erfu""y or!ani,e$ system to u"" out everythin! you have about eSines. You scan throu!h your fo"$ers a" habetica""y, see the JeSinesJ fo"$er an$ are $isa ointe$ how "itt"e information you have.

The !reat re ort you ai$ for sits, for!otten about, in your J.ews"ettersJ fo"$er. The rob"em is the JeSinesJ an$ J.ews"ettersJ are both common terms, an$ mean >ust about the same thin!.

To !et roun$ this, you nee$ to think about a"" the ossib"e synonyms for your ;ub>ects an$ inc"u$e $ummy fo"$ers for them. %nsi$e those fo"$ers you shou"$ inc"u$e a 0in$ows shortcut to the fo"$er for the main ;ub>ect.

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation

% $i$nBt nee$ to $o that with the fo"$er in the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a , but instea$, %Bve inc"u$e$ e+tra to ics in the &in$ &a for the synonyms, that "ink $irect"y to the main to ic.

&.5 7ross 4eferences and 4e+ated Ter$s

=ross References an$ Re"ate$ Terms is another form of structurin!.

0eBve a"rea$y seen this at work in the *isci "ines, but it is a"so use$ e+tensive"y in most of the other ;ub>ects Fto icsG in the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a .

=ross References an$ Re"ate$ Terms are $ifferent from sub';ub>ects.

For e+am "e ' J#ffi"iate &arketin! for #ffi"iatesJ is a sub5Sub)ect of J#ffi"iate &arketin!J but ' J-RA ="oakin!J is a "elated Sub)ect of J#ffi"iate &arketin!J

The oint of havin! =ross References an$ Re"ate$ Terms F;ub>ects, in this caseG is that they he" you !et to the e+act ;ub>ect by makin! it c"ear what a"ternatives e+ist.

For e+am "e, if you ha$ an eBook ca""e$ JGettin! the Best from ="ickBankJ, your first instinct mi!ht be to store that in your J#ffi"iate &arketin!J fo"$er. But ' if your Ta+onomy was simi"ar to the %& %n$e+ one ' you mi!ht have a s ecia" J="ickBankJ ;ub>ectMfo"$er because of its s ecia" im ortance which youB$ for!otten about.

0hat you nee$ is to have a "ist of a"" ;ub>ects that are related to each of the ;ub>ects, so that you can be remin$e$ of them when you !o any s ecific fo"$er.

Once a!ain, without a &in$ &a , robab"y the best way to im "ement that is to use 0in$ows shortcuts.

#!ain, to $o this we"", you nee$ a $etai"e$ un$erstan$in! of %nternet &arketin! an$ how a"" the ;ub>ects inter're"ate. There are severa" $ifferent ways in which one ;ub>ect cou"$ Jre"ateJ to another, an$ you nee$ to $eci$e which ones are worth inc"u$in! in each case. E+am "es areC

5/ " ( a ! e

Bein! more s ecificC e.!. JGoo!"e #$senseJ is more s ecific than J=onte+tua" #$vertisin!J

Bein! more !enera"C e.!. J#$vertisin!JJ is more !enera" than J=onte+tua" #$vertisin!J

Bein! use$ forC e.!. J#utores on$ersJ are use$ for JE'mai" &arketin!J Bein! an im ortant as ect ofC e.!. J="ickBankJ is an im ortant as ect of J#ffi"iate &arketin!J


This takes a lot of thinkin! throu!h, but it is critically im ortant to !et it ri!ht, otherwise you cou"$ easi"y fi"e information away in the wron! "ace an$ not be ab"e to fin$ it when you nee$ it ur!ent"y.

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation

2 .ontent management pro,e''e'

5.1 (ntroduction
From my e+ erience as a Inow"e$!e &ana!ement consu"tant, % can te"" you that this as ect of know"e$!e mana!ement is the "east interestin! to 99Q of eo "e, an$ more often than not, it !ets a"most com "ete"y i!nore$.

Yet without it, a"" the Jinterestin!J work of $esi!nin! an$ bui"$in! a re ository or orta" or community !ets waste$.

#n$ yes ' more often than not, a"" that Jinterestin!J work *OE; !et waste$ because eo "e sim "y i!nore the rocess as ects. YouB$ think "ar!e cor orations wou"$ be smarter than to waste bucket "oa$s of money "ike that. Or maybe you wou"$nBt2

But % $o not want YO- to waste your money Fif you bou!ht the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a G or your time Fif youBre $esi!nin! your own systemG, so % $o stron!"y encoura!e you to rea$ this section carefu""y an$ a "y what you "earn2

One of the most common rob"ems in the cor orate wor"$ is not assi!nin! ro er res onsibi"ities to eo "e for mana!in! their Inow"e$!e &ana!ement environments. %n your case thou!h, the "ike"ihoo$ is that itBs !oin! to be YO-R res onsibi"ity, so that rob"em wonBt arise, wi"" it?

0e"", yes it wi"", actua""y. Because you have to menta""y acce t that mana!in! your %& information is one of your res onsibi"ities, an$ you must take it serious"y.

*onBt !et me wron!. Kust because know"e$!e mana!ement is my Jthin!J, it $oesnBt mean % think eo "e shou"$ s en$ a "ot of time on it. On the contrary, the "ess time eo "e s en$ on I&, the better, because it means they have everythin! set u to work efficient"y.

That means $ivertin! some of your recious revenue' earnin! time to set u your system, an$ then s en$in! as "itt"e time as ossib"e when you nee$ to use it an$ maintain it.

% create$ the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a recise"y so that eo "e such as you wou"$ .OT have to $ivert weeks of effort to create an or!ani,ationa" system, but >ust

55 " ( a ! e

minutes of time to $own"oa$ it.

#n$ % wrote this Gui$e for those of you who, $es ite the effort nee$e$, refer to J$o their own thin!J an$ bui"$ one themse"ves.

Back to =ontent &ana!ement (rocesses...

There are four main rocesses associate$ with =ontent &ana!ement $dding Content 7sing Content $rchiving Content /eleting Content

%B"" $ea" with each of these in turn in the remain$er of this =ha ter.

%Bm not !oin! to cover the mechanics of these rocesses. Rather, % sha"" ta"k about the rinci "es invo"ve$, so this =ha ter wi"" be re"evant whatever or!ani,ationa" system you use ' the %& %n$e+ &in$ &a or one you create yourse"f.

5.2 Adding 7ontent

This is where it a"" be!ins2

&ost of us are in the %nternet &arketin! business because we "ove the otentia" of what is ossib"eN because there is a"ways so much o ortunityN an$ because there is a"ways somethin! new to "earn an$ try out.

#n$ backin! u a"" that otentia" are !i!abytes of $own"oa$s ' an$ who"e "ibraries'worth of information avai"ab"e to us at a"" times.

0ithout some form of $isci "ine, we cou"$ en$ u s en$in! our who"e "ife !atherin!, rea$in! an$ or!ani,in! a"" this information. ;o % recommen$ you make the fo""owin! assessments each time you have a new item to store awayC

.elevance The first check to make is on the re"evance of the content to you an$ your business.

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation

%f it is $irect"y re"evant to what you are $oin! .O0, c"ear"y you shou"$ kee it.

%f it is somethin! that mi&ht be re"evant in future, be rea"istic about how re"evant itBs !oin! to be, an$ when it mi!ht become re"evant. %f youBre un"ike"y to nee$ it for another /8 ' 31 months, then consi$er the Jtime"inessJ factor. 0i"" it be out of $ate before youBre "ike"y to use it?

Ti!eliness :ow o"$ is the content?

%n the %nternet &arketin! wor"$, a "ot of ' but not a"" ' information !ets out$ate$ in 31 months.

:ualit% Aook at the raw Dua"ity of the content. There is much materia" that is not even worth the stora!e s ace on your $rive. %f the Dua"ity is very oor, you mi!ht as we"" not store it away un"ess the content is tru"y uniDue.

/uplication *oes the content contribute anythin! si!nificant"y .E0 to your store of information? %f not, re>ect it ' or use it to re(lace what you current"y have if the new content is of better Dua"ity.

5.3 8sing 7ontent

ThereBs "itt"e to say here ' e+ce t remember to "ook in your information store2 % know of cases where eo "e s en$ hours carefu""y or!ani,in! an$ structurin! their information, then when the time comes to fin$ somethin! out, they i!nore their ersona" information store an$ !o strai!ht to Goo!"e2

5.% Archiving 7ontent

You $o back u a"" your critica" information on a re!u"ar basis, $onBt you? #n$ that $oes inc"u$e your information store, $oesnBt it? Goo$. %Bm re"ieve$ to hear it.

57 " ( a ! e

5.& 1e+eting 7ontent

% recommen$ a re!u"ar J ur!in!J of out'of'$ate or out'of'conte+t content. You cou"$ $o this Duarter"y, si+'month"y or year"y. The sim "est a roach is to use a $eskto search uti"ity to $is "ay a"" content o"$er than, say, 3 years, an$ then sim "y scan throu!h it an$ $e"ete materia" that you fee" is Out of $ate, or that YouBre never !oin! to nee$, or that YouBre never !oin! to !et roun$ to rea$in!2

The Expert Guide To Organizing Your Internet Marketing In or!ation

# .onta,t' & 3ink'

)eed(ack ; -uggestions via Our Co!!unit% %f you have fee$back, su!!estions or Duestions about this re ort, or su!!estions for im rovements, or reDuests for re orts on other re"ate$ to ics, >oin our forum an$ have your say2

htt CMMO+for$#n$Boston.comMForum

-upport ; Contact %f you have technica" Duestions or have other Duestions or nee$ to contact me, use our ;u ort *esk.

htt CMMO+for$#n$Boston.comM;u


#ffi"iate (ro!ram

htt CMMO+for$#n$Boston.comM#ffi"iates

That<s the end o the Guide

Happy Organizing and Stay In Control!

$lex Goodall The -nternet %arketin& 6nowled&e %ana&er %& %n$e+ &in$ &a IM Organized+ =oachin! Emai"s %& ;trate!y @ ("annin!

O+for$, -I 3<<8

56 " ( a ! e

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