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The Nam Ch Dzogchen Lineage Prayer

OM AH HUNG CH YING NAM PAR DAG PAI PHO DRANG NA OM AH HUNG In the perfectly pure palace of the Dharmadhatu (Sphere of Truth) !N "ANG YA# YUM LA $L %A D&# To Samantabhadra Yab Yum! I pray" T$H& CHIG $ANGY& DRU# PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to accompl$#h &uddhahood $n th$# 'ery l$fet$me" OM AH HUNG OG MIN LH!N DRU# DAM PAI PHO DRANG NA OM AH HUNG In the #acred palace of the #pontaneou#ly accompl$#hed A(an$#tha! DOR'& CHANG CH&N LA $L %A D&# I pray to the %reat )a*radhara" NANG $&M D"IN PA TONG PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to empty th$# m$nd that %ra#p# to appearance#"




OM AH HUNG +rom the &uddha,# -ure .ealm of e/pan#$'e pure lum$no#$ty!

DOR'& $&MPA LA $L %A D&# I pray to the %reat )a*ra#att'a" NYN MONG DRI MA DAG PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to pur$fy the #ta$n# of delu#$on#" OM AH HUNG PO TA LA YI N& CHOG DAM PA NA

OM AH HUNG In the #upreme #acred place of -otala THUG '& CH&N PO LA $L %A D&# I pray to A'alo($te#h'ara" TONG NYID NYING '& 'ONG %AR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to tra$n $n the nature of 0mpt$ne## and 1ompa##$on" OM AH HUNG THA DR&L LO L& D& PAI PHO DRANG DU OM AH HUNG In the -alace that ha# tran#cended all l$m$tat$on# of the m$nd! GARA# DOR'& LA $L %A D&#

To Garab Dor*e! I pray" CH U NGN $UM TOG PAR CHIN GYI LO#

Grant ble##$n%# to d$rectly real$2e the Dharma(aya" OM AH HUNG DUR TRD $O $A LING GI N& CHOG TU OM AH HUNG In the #upreme #acred place! the charnel %round of So#a 3$n%! $HIRI $INGHA LA $L %A D&# To Shr$ S$n%ha! I pray" 'A L! D UR DRL %AR CHIN GYI LO#

Grant ble##$n%# to be l$berated $n the .a$nbo4 3$%ht &ody" OM AH HUNG "ANG DOG PAL GYI RI%OI "HAL Y& NA OM AH HUNG In the cele#t$al palace of the 1opper colored Mounta$n! P&D 'UNG YA# YUM LA $L %A D&# To -adma#ambha'a Yab Yum! I pray" RANG "H&N DN NYI DRU# PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to accompl$#h the t4o purpo#e#! that of #elf and other#" OM AH HUNG T&N PA D"IN YONG P&L %AI PHO DRANG N&

OM AH HUNG In the -alace that uphold#! protect# and $ncrea#e# the &uddha,# Doctr$ne! DOR'& DRAG PO T$AL LA $L %A D&# To Dor*e Dra%po T#al (the 5rathful )a*ra Man$fe#tat$on)! I pray" ATII T&N PA DAR %AR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to propa%ate the Doctr$ne of At$ Yo%a" OM AH HUNG RIG T$AL CH&D T$D T$OM PAI PHO DRANG N& OM AH HUNG In the pure a4arene## -alace of d$#cour#e! lo%$c and compo#$t$on! RA GA AH $YA LA $L %A D&# To .a%a Ah Sya! I pray" NYN MONG YN DANG DR&L %AR CHIN GYI LO#

Grant ble##$n%# to be #eparate from the fault# of delu#$on" OM AH HUNG T$L DR&L TOG PA THAR CHIN PHO DRANG N& OM AH HUNG In the -alace of completely perfected real$2at$on! free from act$'$ty! !N"ANG $H&RA# LA $L %A D&#

To 6un2an% Sherab! I pray" RANG RIG CH UR TOG PAR CHIN GYI LO#

Grant ble##$n%# to real$2e #elf a4arene## a# the Dharma(aya" OM AH HUNG OM AH HUNG HOR D& D& CH&N NYAM NYID PHO DRANG N&

In the -alace of the e7ual nature of the Great &l$## of Sam#ara and N$r'ana!

LH!NDRU# GYAT$HO LA $L %A D&# To 3hundrub Gyat#ho! I pray" HY&N NYI Y&$H& GY& PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to $ncrea#e the t4o Omn$#c$ent #tate# of -r$mord$al 5$#dom" OM AH HUNG U $UM LONG YANG D& CH&N PO DRANG N&

OM AH HUNG In the -alace of the %reat bl$##ful e/pan#e of the Three 6aya#! P&MA NOR#U LA $L %A D&# To -ema Norbu! I pray" LUNG $&M NANG %A DAG PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to pur$fy the appearance# of '$tal a$r and m$nd" OM AH HUNG RANG NANG TRUL PA A DAG D $AL LONG

OM AH HUNG In the e/pan#e of one,# o4n phenomenal pro*ect$on#! the or$%$nally pure 1lear 3$%ht! ARMA TA$HI LA $L %A D&# To 6arma Ta#h$! I pray" MA RIG TRUL NANG DRL %AR CHIN GYI LO#

Grant ble##$n%# to be l$berated from the $%norance of $llu#ory appearance#" OM AH HUNG A DAG CH U DAG PAI LONG YANG N&

OM AH HUNG +rom the e/pan#e of the or$%$nally pure Dharma(aya! ARMA DN DAM LA $L %A D&# To 6arma Don Dam! I pray" CHIR NANG $&M $U DRL %AR CHIN GYI Grant ble##$n%# to l$berate 4hat ar$#e# $n my m$nd" OM AH HUNG RANG RIG DAG PA CH&N POI T$AL D"OG PA OM AH HUNG In the perfect$on of the %reat d$#play of pure pr$mord$al a4arene##! ARMA GYUR M&D LA $L %A D&# To 6arma Gyurme! I pray" LO#

NANG YING 'I "HIN TOG PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to real$2e the $nnermo#t &uddha nature! *u#t a# $t $#" OM AH HUNG T&N DR&L "A# MOI N& LUG NGN GYUR PA OM AH HUNG In the profound! $nterdependent nature of real$ty actual$2ed! DO NGAG T&N D"IN LA $L %A D&# To Do N%a% Tend2$n! I pray" "UNG D"IN TR!L PA DAG PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to pur$fy the confu#$on of dual$ty" OM AH HUNG D $AL D& %A CH&N POI PHO DRANG N&

OM AH HUNG +rom the -alace of the 1lear 3$%ht of Great &l$## CH YI NYIMA LA $L %A D&# To 1ho(y$ Ny$ma! I pray" RANG $&M TR!L PA DAG PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to pur$fy the confu#$on of my o4n m$nd" OM AH HUNG A T&R MIN DRL CH YI PHO DRANG N&

OM AH HUNG In the r$pen$n% and l$berat$n% Dharma -alace of 6ama and Terma! PALCH&N D!PA LA $L %A D&# To -alchen Dupa! I pray" RIM NYI T&N PA THO# PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to ach$e'e #tab$l$ty $n the T4o Sta%e#" OM AH HUNG GANG $HAR "H&N M&D CH UI PHO DRANG NA

OM AH HUNG +rom the Dharma(aya -alace of nonattachment to 4hate'er ar$#e#! GAR%ANG T&ND"IN LA $L %A D&# To Gar4an% Tend2$n! I pray" RIG T$AL $HAR DRL TOG PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n% to real$2e l$berat$on upon the ar$#$n% of the d$#play of pure a4arene##" OM AH HUNG CHI T$UG NYI DA P&MAI D&N T&NG NA

OM AH HUNG Upon the lotu#! #un and moon #eat abo'e the cro4n of my head" T$A %AI LAMA LA $L %A D&# To the .oot Guru! I pray" NANG "HI THA RU CHIN PAR CHIN GYI LO#

Grant ble##$n% to completely perfect the +our )$#$on#" OM AH HUNG TH&G PA RIM GUI YANG T$& DAM PA NA OM AH HUNG +rom the #acred p$nnacle of the N$ne )eh$cle#! D"OG PA CH&N PO LA $L %A D&# To the Great -erfect$on! At$ Yo%a! I pray" "AG M&D 'A L! DRU# PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to accompl$#h the $ne/hau#t$ble ra$nbo4 body" OM AH HUNG RANG L! T$A HAM DAG PAI "HAL Y& NA

OM AH HUNG In the cele#t$al palace of the pure nature of the channel# and element# of one,# body! YIDAM HANDRO LA $L %A D&#

To the med$tat$onal de$t$e# and Da($n$#! I pray" PHUNG PO LHAG M&D DRU# PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to accompl$#h the d$##olut$on of the a%%re%ate# 4$thout rema$n#" OM AH HUNG H& CH&N DHA NAI DUR TRD CH&N PO N& OM AH HUNG +rom the %reat charnel %round of Hechen Dana! $H&NPA MAR NAG LA $L %A D&# To .ed blac( Shenpa! I pray" D"OG CH&N T&N PA DAR %AR CHIN GYI LO Grant ble##$n%# to propa%ate the Doctr$ne of the Great -erfect$on! At$ Yo%a"



OM AH HUNG +rom the pure land of the pur$f$ed percept$on of d$#cur#$'e thou%ht#! DAM CH&N GYAT$HO LA $L %A D&# To the Ocean of Dharma -rotector#! I pray" GAL Y&N #AR CH&D "HI %AR CHIN GYI LO#

Grant ble##$n%# to pac$fy nonconduc$'e c$rcum#tance# and ob#tacle#" OM AH HUNG HOR %AI THR&NG THAG CHD PAR CHIN GYI LO#

OM AH HUNG Grant ble##$n%# to #e'er th$# cha$n of Sam#ara" %&N N& RI TRD DRIM PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to rema$n only $n an $#olated place $n retreat" "& G "H&N PA DR&L %A CHIN GYI LO#

Grant ble##$n%# to be free from attachment to food and cloth$n%" OM AH HUNG CH LA NYING R! N! PAR CHING GYI LO# OM AH HUNG Grant ble##$n%# to ha'e #tren%th and coura%e $n my Dharma pract$ce" NYAM NANG $AL DRI# M&D PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# that my e/per$ence# ('$#$on#) may be luc$d 4$thout ob#curat$on" TRI %A TING LHONG N! PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# for the #tren%th to abandon attachment from the ba#e" OM AH HUNG $&M NYID RANG "HAL THONG %AR CHIN GYI LO# OM AH HUNG Grant ble##$n%# to #ee my true face! the m$nd,# actual nature" NAM TOG DRI MA DR&L %AR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to be free from the #ta$n of d$#cur#$'e thou%ht#" DRI M&D A DAG TOG PAR CHIN GYI LO#

Grant ble##$n%# to real$2e the #ta$nle## or$%$nally pure Nature" OM AH HUNG DAG "H&N NYI D"IN DR&L %AR CHIN GYI LO# OM AH HUNG Grant ble##$n%# to be free from the dual$ty of #elf and other#" NANG $ID CH UR TOG PAR CHIN GYI LO#

Grant ble##$n%# to real$2e phenomenal e/$#tence to be the Dharma(aya" T&N DR&L THA# LA H& PAR CHIN GYI LO#

Grant ble##$n%# to be (no4led%eable $n the method# of $nterdependent or$%$nat$on" OM AH HUNG NYI NANG T$&D N& CHD PAR CHIN GYI LO# OM AH HUNG Grant ble##$n%# to cut dual appearance# from the root" YH&N NYI Y&$H& GY& PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to $ncrea#e the t4o Omn$#c$ent #tate# of pr$mord$al 4$#dom" T$H& CHIG $ANGY& THO# PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to ach$e'e &uddhahood $n th$# 'ery l$fet$me" OM AH HUNG CH NYID NGN $UM TOG PAR CHIN GYI LO# OM AH HUNG Grant ble##$n%# to d$rectly real$2e the Dharmata (Nature of Truth)" NYAM NANG GONG DU PH&L %AR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# that the e/per$ence of d$rect real$2at$on may be e'er $ncrea#$n%" RIG PA T$H&D LA PH&# PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# that pure a4arene## may reach $t# fulle#t ma%n$tude"



OM AH HUNG Grant ble##$n%# to actual$2e the e/hau#t$on of all Dharma# $nto the Dharmata (Nature of Truth)" D&NG CH&N "HI DANG D&N PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to f$rmly accompl$#h the four profound .eal$2at$on#" UN "ANG GONG PA TOG PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to real$2e the 0nl$%htened M$nd of Samantabhadra" '& LAMA $ANGY& CH YI U LA $L %A D&#

3ord Guru! Dharma(aya &uddha! to you I pray" MA RIG M!N PA $ANG %AR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to clean#e the dar(ne## of $%norance" LAMA LONG CHD D"OG PAI To the Sambho%a(aya Guru! I pray" TING D"IN GY!D LA Y& %AR CHIN GYI LO# U LA $L %A D&#

Grant ble##$n%# that med$tat$'e ab#orpt$on 4$ll de'elop $n my m$nd" LAMA THUG '& TR!L PAI U LA $L %A D&#

To the compa##$onate Man$fe#tat$on &ody of the Guru! I pray" NYAM DANG TOG PA CHAR %AR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# that e/per$ence and real$2at$on may ar$#e $n my m$nd" LAMA GYAL %A GYA T$HOI U LA $L %A D&#

To the &ody of the Guru! Gyal4a Gyat#ho! I pray" DAG "H&N DN NYI DRU# PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to accompl$#h the t4o purpo#e# of benef$t$n% #elf and other#" LAMAI U LA $L %A D&#

I pray to the 3ama,# &ody" L! LA D& DRD #AR %AR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# that bl$## and heat may bla2e $n my body" CHI M&D T$H& YI NG DRU# T$L &e#to4 the S$ddh$ of Immortal 3$fe" LAMAI $UNG LA $L %A D&# I pray to the 3ama,# Speech" NGAG LA N! PA 'UNG %AR CHIN GYI LO#

Grant ble##$n%# that the po4er of my #peech may $ncrea#e" T$HANG PA $UNG GI NG DRU# T$L &e#to4 the S$ddh$ of -ur$ty of Speech" LAMAI THUG LA $L %A D&# I pray to the 3ama,# M$nd" $&M LA TOG PA CHAR %AR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# that real$2at$on may ar$#e $n my m$nd" CHAG GYA CH&N POI NG DRU# T$L &e#to4 the S$ddh$ of the Great Mahamudra" YN T&N TRIN L& T$HOG LA $L %A D&# &e#to4 upon me all pure 7ual$t$e# and m$raculou# act$'$t$e#" %ANG "HI YONG D"OG THO# PAR CHIN GYI LO# Grant ble##$n%# to fully real$2e the +our 0mpo4erment#" TRIN L& NAM "HI DRU# PAI NG DRU# T$L &e#to4 the S$ddh$ of accompl$#hment of the +our 1oncerned

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