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Paper Template for Preparing a Paper for the International Journal of Research in Engineering and Advanced Technology
First-Name Last-Name1, First-Name Last-Name2 and First-Name Last-Name3

Department, University/Institute/Company Name, City, State ZIP/Zone, Country Email address Department, University/Institute/Company Name, City, State ZIP/Zone, Country Email address Department, University/Institute/Company Name, City, State ZIP/Zone, Country Email address

The abstract should summarize the content of the paper. Try to keep the abstract below 150 words. Do not have references or displayed equations in the abstract. It is imperative that the mar ins and style described below be adhered to carefully. This will enable us to maintain uniformity in the final printed copies of the !ournal. "apers not made accordin these uidelines will not be published althou h its content has been accepted for publication. "aper form is a necessary condition for its publication# as well as its content . Keywords: ut#or $uide, rti"%e, Camera-&eady Format, Paper Spe"i'i"ations, Paper Su!mission(

2( )eadin*s and Footnotes

-a.or headin s are to be column centered in a bold font without underline. They need be numbered. /0. 1eadin s and 2ootnotes/ at the top of this para raph is a ma.or headin .

0.1 ,ubheadin s
,ubheadin s should be as the above headin 30.1 ,ubheadin s4. They should start at the left(hand mar in on a separate line. The top of this para raph illustrates a sub(subheadin . +it%e, The title should be centered across the top of the first pa e and should have a distinctive font of 15 points 6entury. It should be in a bold font and in lower case with initial capitals. ut#ors- Names and ddresses, The authors7 names and addresses should be centered below the title. These lines should be 8 points Times *ew +oman. .ey/ords, 2rom 9 to : keywords should follow the abstract 'as a subheadin ; Key words# of the &bstract). I%%ustrations or pi"tures, &ll illustrations or pictures should be clear black and white<color prints. ,upply the best quality illustrations or pictures possible.

1( Introdu"tion
The te$t must be in %n lish. &uthors whose %n lish lan ua e is not their own are certainly requested to have their manuscripts checked 'or co(authored) by an %n lish native speaker# for lin uistic correctness before submission and in its final version# if chan es had been made to the initial version. The submitted typeset scripts of each contribution must be in their final form and of ood appearance because they will be printed directly. The document you are readin is written in the format that should be used in your paper. This document is set in 10(point Times *ew +oman. If absolutely necessary# we su est the use of condensed line spacin rather than smaller point sizes. ,ome technical formattin software print mathematical formulas in italic type# with subscripts and superscripts in a sli htly smaller font size. This is acceptable.

3( +a!%es, Fi*ures and 01uations

=.1 Tables and 2i ures
To insert 3Tables4 or 32i ures4# please paste the data as stated below. &ll tables and fi ures must be iven sequential numbers '1# 0# =# etc.) and have a caption placed below the fi ure '3FigCaption4) or above the table'3FigTalbe4) bein described# usin 5pt font and please make use of the specified style caption from the drop(down menu of style cate ories
Table 1; -ar in specifications

ppendi3 &ppendi$es# if acknowled ment. "4no/%ed*ments Insert acknowled ment# if any. ,ponsor and financial support acknowled ments are also placed here. needed# appear before the

B1C &. &. *ame# and D. D. *ame# Dook Title# "lace; "ress# Eear. B0C &. *ame# and D. *ame# /!ournal "aper Title/# !ournal *ame# Fol. @# *o. @# Eear# pp. $$$($$$. B=C &. *ame# /Dissertation Title/# -.,.'or "h.D.) thesis# Department# >niversity# 6ity# 6ountry# Eear. B9C &. &. *ame# /6onference "aper Title/# in 6onference *ame# Eear# Fol. $# pp. $$$($$$.

Margin ?eft +i ht

A4 Paper 15.5 mm 15mm

replica signal generators !"#

>, ?etter "aper 19.5 mm '0.55 in) 1= mm '0.51 in)

weight power threshold

r2 rp
arri,ing preset signals amplit de distrib tion $%&


0 or 1 C' !+L
r1b1* $+L r1b2* $+L LPF Control LPF

replica/data timing

b0 b1


y1 y2 yp

array antenna $%&





beam*ormer 1 beam*ormer 2

beam*ormer p

array o tp t

2i . 1 "roposed beam former.

=.0 %quations
&ll equations must be typed or written neatly in black. They should be numbered consecutively throu hout the te$t. %quation numbers should be enclosed in parentheses and flushed ri ht. %quations should be referred to as %q. '@) in the te$t where @ is the equation number. In multiple(line equations# the number should be iven on the last line.
y i ' N ) = wn ' N )bn ' N )
n =0 m 1

= b ' N )ri ' N ) bn ' N )

n =0 A n

m 1


2( Con"%usions
The better your paper looks# the better the !ournal looks. Thanks for your cooperation and contribution.

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