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English Scope and Sequence K-6

Stage 2 Stage 3 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Even Year Odd Year Even Year Odd Year Even Year Language Variation and Change (Language) Language variation and change: How English varies according to context and p rpose incl ding c lt ral and historical contexts (Contextual knowledge) ENe-1A EN1-6B EN1-6B EN2-6B EN2-6B EN3-4A EN3-1A !nderstand that !nderstand that !nderstand that !nderstand that !nderstand that !nderstand that the !nderstand that English is one o" people se di""erent spo$en' vis al and lang ages have Standard % stralian pron nciation' di""erent social and #any lang ages syste#s o" written "or#s o" di""erent written English is one o" spelling and geographical spo$en in % stralia co## nication to lang age are and vis al #any social dialects #eanings o" words dialects or accents and that di""erent cater to di""erent di""erent #odes o" co## nication sed in % stralia have histories and are sed in % stralia lang ages #ay &e needs and p rposes co## nication with syste#s' di""erent and that while it change over ti#e in addition to spo$en &y "a#ily' and that #any di""erent "eat res oral traditions and originated in (Language forms Standard % stralian class#ates and people #ay se and their se varies di""erent ways o" England it has &een and features) English co## nity sign syste#s to according to the constr cting in"l enced &y #any co## nicate with a dience' p rpose' #eaning other lang ages others context and c lt ral &ac$gro nd Language for Interaction (Language) Language for social interactions: How lang age is sed "or di""erent "or#al and in"or#al social interactions is in"l enced &y the p rpose and a dience (Contextual knowledge) ENe-6B EN1-1A EN1-1A EN2-1A EN2-1A EN3-1A EN3-1A Explore how !nderstand that !nderstand that !nderstand that !nderstand that !nderstand that !nderstand that lang age is sed lang age is sed in lang age varies s ccess" l social interactions patterns o" strategies "or di""erently at ho#e co#&ination with when people ta$e cooperation with in"l ence the way lang age interaction &eco#e and school other #eans o" on di""erent roles in others depends on people engage with interaction vary #ore co#plex and depending on the co## nication' eg social and shared se o" social ideas and respond across social de#anding as levels relationships "acial expressions classroo# conventions' to others eg when contexts and types o" "or#ality and &etween people and gest res interactions and incl ding t rn( exploring and o" texts and that social distance how the se o" $ey ta$ing patterns' and clari"ying the ideas they help to signal increase !nderstand that interpersonal "or#s o" address o" others' social roles and there are di""erent lang age reso rces that vary according s ##arising relationships ways o" as$ing "or varies depending on to the degree o" st dents) own views in"or#ation' #a$ing context "or#ality in social and reporting the# o""ers and giving sit ations to a larger gro p co##ands (Language forms and features) Evaluative language: How lang age is sed to express opinions and #a$e eval ative * dge#ents a&o t people' places' things and texts (Contextual knowledge) ENe-6B EN1-1A EN1-6B EN2-7B EN2-11D EN3-8D EN3-5B !nderstand that Explore di""erent +denti"y lang age Exa#ine how !nderstand !nderstand how to !nderstand the lang age can &e ways o" expressing that can &e sed "or eval ative lang age di""erences &etween #ove &eyond ses o" o&*ective sed to explore e#otions' incl ding appreciating texts can &e varied to &e the lang age o" #a$ing &are and s &*ective ways o" expressing ver&al' vis al' &ody and the , alities o" #ore or less opinion and "eeling assertions and ta$e lang age and &ias needs' li$es and lang age and "acial people and things "orce" l (Lang. f and and the lang age o" acco nt o" di""ering (Lang. f and f) disli$es expressions f) "act al reporting or perspectives and recording points o" view (Lang. f and f) Te t Structure and !rganisation (Language) "urpose audience and structures of different t#pes of te ts: How texts serve di""erent p rposes and how the str ct res o" types o" texts vary Year 1 Odd Year

Early Stage 1 Kindergarten Odd and Even Year

Stage 1

E a$ining Literature (Literature) %eatures of literar# te ts: -he $ey "eat res o" literary texts and how they wor$ to constr ct a literary wor$' s ch as plot' setting' characterisation' #ood and the#e (Lang. forms and features) ENe-8B 0isc ss "eat res o" EN1-7B EN2-8B EN2-10C EN3-8D EN3-7C +denti"y so#e plot' character and 0isc ss the 0isc ss how 0isc ss how .ecognise that +denti"y' descri&e "eat res o" texts setting in di""erent characters and lang age +s sed to a thors and ideas in literary and disc ss incl ding events types o" literat re settings o" di""erent descri&e the ill strators #a$e texts can &e si#ilarities and and characters and and explore so#e texts and explore settings in texts and stories exciting' conveyed "ro# di""erences &etween retell events "ro# a "eat res o" how lang age is explore how the #oving and di""erent viewpoints' texts' incl ding text characters in sed to present settings shape the a&sor&ing and hold which can lead to those &y the sa#e ENe-10C di""erent texts these "eat res in events and readers) interest &y di""erent $inds o" a thor or ill strator' .ecognise so#e di""erent ways in"l ence the #ood sing vario s interpretations and and eval ate di""erent types o" o" the narrative techni, es' eg responses (engage characteristics that texts and identi"y character personally with de"ine an a thor)s so#e characteristic develop#ent and texts) individ al style "eat res eg plot tension (Contextual &eginnings/endings (Contextual knowledge) in traditional texts knowledge) and rhy#e in poetry Language devices in literar# te ts (inc& figurative language': 1ang age devices a thors se and how these create certain #eanings and e""ects in literary texts' esp2 devices in poetry (Lang. f & f) ENe-1A EN1-6B EN1-1A EN2-8B EN2-2A EN3-3A EN3-7C .eplicate the 1isten to' recite and +denti"y' reprod ce 0isc ss the nat re !nderstand' !nderstand' +denti"y the rhyth#s and so nd per"or# poe#s' and experi#ent and e""ects o" so#e interpret and interpret and relationship patterns in stories' chants' rhy#es and with rhyth#ic' lang age devices experi#ent with a experi#ent with &etween words' rhy#es' songs and songs' i#itating and so nd and word sed to enhance range o" devices so nd devices and so nds' i#agery poe#s "ro# a range inventing so nd patterns in poe#s' #eaning and shape and deli&erate word i#agery' incl ding and lang age o" c lt res patterns incl ding chants' rhy#es and the reader)s play in poetry and si#ile' #etaphor patterns in alliteration and songs reaction' incl ding other literary texts' and personi"ication' narratives and rhy#e rhyth# and eg nonsense words' in narratives' shape poetry s ch as ono#atopoeia in spooneris#s' poetry' songs' &allads' li#eric$s poetry and prose neologis#s and anthe#s and odes and "ree verse p ns Creating Literature (Literature) Creating literar# te ts: 3reating their own literary texts &ased on the ideas' "eat res and str ct res o" texts experienced (Respond to and compose) ENe-10C EN1-10C EN1-2A EN2-2A EN2-10C 3reate literary texts EN3-7C .etell "a#iliar .ecreate texts 3reate events and 3reate i#aginative 3reate literary texts sing realistic and 3reate literary texts literary texts i#aginatively sing characters sing texts &ased on that explore "antasy settings and that adapt or thro gh drawing' writing' di""erent #edia that characters' settings st dents) own characters that co#&ine aspects o" per"or#ance' se o" per"or#ance and develop $ey events and events "ro# a experiences and draw on the worlds texts st dents have ill strations and digital "or#s o" and characters "ro# st dents) own/other i#agining represented in texts experienced in i#ages co## nication literary texts c lt res sing vis al st dents have innovative ways "eat res' eg experienced perspective' distance and angle E peri$entation and adaptation: 3reating a variety o" texts' incl ding # lti#odal texts' adapting ideas and devices "ro# literary texts (Respond to and compose) -his se, ence starts at Year 3 level EN2-2A 3reate literary texts EN3-2A EN3-2A 3reate texts that &y developing 3reate literary texts Experi#ent with adapt lang age storylines' that experi#ent text str ct res and

Interpreting( )nal#sing( Evaluating (Literacy) "urpose and audience: .ecognising and analysing di""erences &etween di""erent types o" texts (Language forms and features) ENe-7B EN1-7B EN1-7B EN2-8B EN2-8B EN3-5B EN3-3A +denti"y so#e 0escri&e so#e +denti"y the +denti"y the +denti"y +denti"y and explain %nalyse how text di""erences &etween di""erences &etween a dience o" a dience and characteristic characteristic text str ct res and i#aginative and i#aginative' i#aginative' p rpose o" "eat res sed in str ct res and lang age "eat res in"or#ative texts in"or#ative and in"or#ative and i#aginative' i#aginative' lang age "eat res wor$ together to pers asive texts pers asive texts in"or#ative and in"or#ative and sed in i#aginative' #eet the p rpose o" (Contextual pers asive texts pers asive texts to in"or#ative and a text knowledge) (Contextual #eet the p rposes pers asive texts to knowledge) o" the text #eet the p rposes o" the text *eading processes: Strategies "or sing and co#&ining context al' se#antic' gra##atical and phonic $nowledge to decode texts incl ding predicting' #onitoring' cross(chec$ing' sel"(correcting' s$i##ing and scanning (Respond to and compose) ENe-4A EN1-4A EN1-4A .ead an increasing EN2-4A EN3-3A EN3-3A .ead predicta&le .ead s pportive .ead less range o" di""erent .ead di""erent types 4avigate and read Select' navigate and texts' practicing texts sing predicta&le texts types o" texts &y o" texts &y texts "or speci"ic read texts "or a phrasing and developing with phrasing and co#&ining co#&ining p rposed applying range o" p rposes "l ency and #onitor phrasing' "l ency' "l ency &y context al' context al' appropriate text applying #eaning sing context al' co#&ining se#antic' se#antic' processing appropriate text concepts a&o t se#antic' context al' gra##atical and gra##atical and strategies' eg processing print and e#erging gra##atical and se#antic' phonic $nowledge' phonic $nowledge predicting and strategies and context al' phonic $nowledge gra##atical and sing text sing text con"ir#ing' interpreting se#antic' and e#erging text phonic $nowledge processing processing #onitoring str ct ral "eat res' gra##atical and processing sing test strategies' eg strategies eg #eaning' s$i##ing eg ta&le o" phonic $nowledge strategies' eg processing #onitoring' #onitoring and scanning contents' glossary' prediction' strategies' eg predicting' #eaning' cross chapters' headings #onitoring #eaning #onitoring con"ir#ing' chec$ing and and s &headings and rereading #eaning' rereading' reading reviewing predicting' on and sel"( rereading and sel"( correcting correcting Co$prehension strategies: Strategies o" constr cting #eaning "ro# texts' incl ding literal and in"erential #eaning (Respond to and compose) ENe-4A !se co#prehension EN1-4A !se co#prehension EN2-4A !se co#prehension EN3-3A !se co#prehension strategies to & ild !se co#prehension strategies to & ild !se co#prehension strategies to !se co#prehension strategies to literal and in"erred strategies to & ild literal and in"erred strategies to & ild interpret and strategies to nderstand and #eaning a&o t $ey literal and in"erred #eaning and &egin literal and in"erred analyse in"or#ation' interpret and disc ss texts events' ideas and #eaning and &egin to eval ate texts &y #eaning to expand integrating and analyse in"or#ation listened to' viewed in"or#ation in texts to analyse texts &y drawing on growing content $nowledge' lin$ing ideas "ro# a and ideas' or read listened to' viewed drawing on growing $nowledge o" integrating and variety o" print and co#paring content independently and read &y $nowledge o" content' text lin$ing ideas and digital so rces "ro# a variety o" drawing on growing context ' lang age str ct res and lang2 analysing and text al so rces $nowledge o" and vis al "eat res "eat res eval ating texts incl ding #edia and context' text in print and digital texts str ct res and # lti#odal text lang age "eat res str ct res )nal#sing and evaluating te ts: %nalysis and eval ation o" how text str ct res and lang age "eat res constr ct #eaning and in"l ence readers/viewers (Respond to and compose) -his se, ence starts at Year 6 level EN3-5B %nalyse strategies

Creating te ts: 3reating di""erent types o" and compose) ENe-2A 3reate short 3reate short texts i#aginative and to explore' record in"or#ation texts and report ideas that show e#erging and events sing se o" appropriate "a#iliar words and text str ct re' phrases and sentence(level &eginning writing gra##ar' word $nowledge choice' spelling' p nct ation and appropriate # lti#odal ele#ents' eg ill strations and diagra#s

Creating Te ts (Literacy) spo$en' written and # lti#odal texts sing $nowledge o" text str ct res and lang age "eat res (Respond to 5lan' dra"t and p &lish i#aginative' in"or#ative and pers asive texts de#onstrating increasing control over text str ct res and lang age "eat res and selecting print' and # lti#odal ele#ents appropriate to the a dience and p rpose EN2-2A 5lan' dra"t and p &lish i#aginative' in"or#ative and pers asive texts containing $ey in"or#ation and s pporting details "or a widening range o" a diences' de#onstrating increasing control over text str ct res and lang age "eat res (Lang. f and f) 5lan' dra"t and p &lish i#aginative' in"or#ative and pers asive print and # lti#odal texts' choosing text str ct res' lang age "eat res' i#ages and so nd appropriate to p rpose and a dience EN3-2A 5lan' dra"t and p &lish i#aginative' in"or#ative and pers asive texts' choosing and experi#enting with text str ct res' lang age "eat res' i#ages and digital reso rces appropriate to p rpose and a dience

EN1-2A 3reate short i#aginative' in"or#ation and pers asive texts sing growing $nowledge o" text str ct res and lang age "eat res "or "a#iliar and so#e less "a#iliar a diences' selecting print and # lti#odal ele#ents appropriate to the a dience and p rpose (Lang. f and f) Editing: Editing texts "or #eaning' str ct re and gra##atical "eat ENe-2A .eread st dent)s EN1-2A 5articipate in own texts and .eread and edit shared editing o" disc ss possi&le text "or spelling' st dents) own texts changes to i#prove sentence(&o ndary "or #eaning' #eaning' spelling p nct ation and spelling capital and p nct ation text str ct re letters and " ll stops

res (Respond to and compose) EN2-2A EN2-2A .e read and edit EN3-2A .eread and edit .eread and edit "or st dent)s own and .eread and edit texts "or #eaning' #eaning &y adding' others) wor$ sing st dents) own and appropriate deleting or #oving agreed criteria "or others) wor$ sing str ct re' words or word text str ct res and agreed criteria and gra##atical gro ps to i#prove lang age "eat res explaining editing choices and content and choices p nct ation str ct re +and,riting: 0eveloping a "l ent' legi&le handwriting style' &eginning with n*oined letters and #oving to *oined handwriting (Respond to and compose) ENe-3A 6rite sing EN1-3A 6rite sing *oined EN2-3A 0evelop a EN3-2A 5rod ce so#e lower n*oined lower case 6rite legi&ly and letters that are 6rite sing clearly handwriting style 0evelop a case and pper and pper case with growing clearly "or#ed and "or#ed *oined that is &eco#ing handwriting style case letters sing letters "l ency sing consistent in si7e letters and develop legi&le' "l ent and that is legi&le' "l ent learned letter n*oined pper case increased "l ency a to#atic and a to#atic and "or#ations and lower case and a to#aticity varies according to letters a dience and p rpose -se of soft,are: !sing a range o" so"tware applications to constr ct and edit print and # lti#odal texts (Respond to and compose) ENe-3A 3onstr ct texts that EN1-3A !se so"tware EN2-3A !se a range o" EN3-2A 3onstr ct texts incorporate 3onstr ct texts incl ding word !se a range o" so"tware incl ding !se a range o" sing so"tware s pporting i#ages "eat ring print' processing so"tware incl ding word processing so"tware' incl ding incl ding word sing so"tware vis al and a dio progra#s with word processing with "l ency to word processing processing incl ding word ele#ents sing growing speed and progra#s to constr ct' edit and progra#s' learning progra#s processing so"tware' incl ding e""iciency to constr ct' edit and p &lish written text new " nctions as progra#s word processing constr ct and edit p &lish written text' and select' edit and re, ired to create progra#s texts "eat ring and select' edit and place vis al' print texts vis al' print and place vis al' print and a dio ele#ents

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