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LxcavaLlons Cvervlew / kazi Sonulari...................................4
Worklng ln a World PerlLage SlLe / 8lr uunya Mlrasi Alaninda ali;mak..............6
1he lleld Walklng Survey / ozey Ato,tttmost .............................7
resenLlng a World PerlLage SlLe / 8lt uooyo Mltostot 1okJlm tmek ...................7
*+,- .'")/0 1'23'(
Oot oewslettets olm to ptovlJe o btlef ootlloe of eocb seosoos octlvltles ot otolboyok os well os sommotles of some of tbe teseotcb
toke ploce oo slte. Mote JetolleJ lofotmotloo ls ovolloble ftom oot webslte ot
1hls season excavaLlons were conducLed
ln Lhe norLh and SouLh ShelLers, ln Lhe 1C
area, wlLhln Lwo small LesL Lrenches ln Lhe
norLhern sklrL of Lhe LasL mound, and
flnally wlLhln 1rench 3 ln Lhe WesL Mound.
lurLher, a Leam from newcasLle unlverslLy
conducLed a survey ln Lhe flelds
surroundlng boLh mounds Lo locaLe laLer
(8oman and Larly 8yzanLlne) seLLlemenLs.
Cver 120 people, from 22 dlfferenL
counLrles worked from !une 13 Lo AugusL
1he good preservaLlon condlLlons aL Lhe
slLe led Lo a number of remarkable
dlscoverles ln 2013. lor example, ln
8ulldlng 32, a plece of cloLh LhaL was
placed wlLhln a burlal was preserved due
Lo Lhe conflagraLlon of Lhe bulldlng. 1hls
cloLh, whlch was analyzed wlLhln Lhe
laboraLorles on slLe, has been ldenLlfled
as llnen made from flax. 1he flnely
woven maLerlal ls llkely Lo have been
Lraded from Lhe LevanL all Lhe way Lo
cenLral AnaLolla. ArchaeologlsLs have
long known of Lhe long-dlsLance Lrade of
obsldlan and shells aL Lhls Llme perlod ln
Lhe Mlddle LasL, buL Lhls ls Lhe flrsL
lndlcaLlon LhaL cloLh or LexLlle may have
been parL of Lhe Lrade, perhaps
exchanged for Lhe obsldlan from
ln 2013 we also sLarLed excavaLlng
neollLhlc bulldlngs ln Lhe 1C area. Pere
we found bulldlngs LhaL lndeed dld dlffer
very much from earller bulldlngs (wlLh,
for example very Lhlck walls bullL wlLh
large flaL brlcks) and whlch had noL been
burned on abandonmenL. Cne of Lhe
bulldlngs aL Lhls laLe phase had walls
palnLed wlLh deslgns noL seen before.
normally Lhe palnLlngs aL aLalhyuk are
made uslng dark palnL (red or black
mosLly) on a whlLe background, buL ln
Lhls case very regular whlLe llnes had
been palnLed on a darker background.
1hls palnLlng conLlnued along aL leasL Lhe
easL and norLh walls of Lhe maln room: lL
musL have been a very brlghL and vlbranL
loo noJJet
"#$#% &'()%'$$'* +)),' -./ 0'1'23'* -.45
8o sezoo boyooco kozt olt,molott kozey,
Cooey, 1lc Aloot, uoqo noyokoo kozey
eteqloJe lkl kook omo, ve 8ott noyokte
Amo 5te qetekle,tltllml,tlt. Ayttco,
Newcostle 0olvetsltesloJeo blt eklp lkl
boyoqoo ettoftoJo Neolltlk Jooem sootost
komo ve tkeo 8lzoos Jooeml yetle,lml
soptomok omolt blt yozey oto,tttmost
qetekle,tltml,tlt. 15 nozltooJoo 25
Aqostoso koJot soteo kozt sezooooJo 22
olkeJeo 120yl o,kto kl,l olt,moloto
kotktJo boloomo,tot.
201Jtekl eo ooemll bolootolot boyoqoo
oyqoo kotomo ko,ollott soyesloJe ele
qeml,tlt. Otoeqlo, 8loo 52 Neolltlk
JooemJe yoomt, oloo blt blooJtt. ooqto,
bloooto zemlolol ve plotfotmlottot tsttotok
ftttolomo etklsl yototmt, boylece zemlolo
olttoJokl qomoletl ve qomoletle bltllkte
yetle,tltlleo blt komo, potostot
kotomo,tot. 8o komo, potost kozt
evloJekl lobototovotlotJo loceleoml, ve
komo,to keoJltJeo Jokoomo, keteo
olJoqo tesplt eJllml,tlt. 8o JooyoJokl llk
komo, potolottoJoo bltl olmoklo bltllkte
oyot zomooJo eo lyl kotoomo,
otoekletJeo Je bltlJlt. ok loce Jokoomo,
*+,* 4"56 .'5/07070 8'9':$'0;3:<')3
Above, overvlew of excavaLlons ln Lhe SouLh Area.
okottJo, uoqo noyok ozetloJe 201J kozt sezooooJo yoptloo olt,molot.
LefL, Lhe llnen cloLh found wlLhln burlal l. 7127 lnslde 8ulldlng 32.
5olJo, 8loo 52 letlsloJe qomot l.7127 Jeo ele qeeo keteo komo,t.
hoLo !ason Culnlan
hoLo ScoLL Paddow
oloo bo keteo potost boyok lbtlmolle Otto
AooJoloyo uoqo AkJeolzJeo qelml,tlt.
Neolltlk JooemJe Otto uoqoJo qetekle,eo
ozoo mesofell tlcotette obslJyeo ve Jeolz
kobokottoto Jeql, toko, yoptlJtqt oktoo betl
blllomekteyJl. Aocok bo komo, potost
tlcotetlo blt bo,ko letlqlol ottoyo tkottmt,
oloblllt. 8elkl Je Jeql, toko,o kopoJokyo
obslJyeol kot,tltqtoJo yoptlmt,tt.
201J kozt sezooooJo oyttco 1lc oJtot
vetJlqlmlz uoqo noyokoo qooey eteqloJekl
olooJo Jo Neolltlk Jooeme olt bloolotto
koztstoo bo,lootlmt,ttt. 1lc olootoJo
bolJoqomoz bloolot qetekteo Je etkeo
Jooem bloolottoJoo fotklt ozelllklete
soblptllet. 8loolotto qotece kolto Jovotlott,
Jovot otmeJe kollootloo ketplletlo Jobo
boyok olmost, ve bloolotto tetkeJllme
sttostoJo yoktlmomt, olmost bo Jotomo blt
otoektlt. 8otoJo otqo tkotttloo blt bloooto
Joqo JovottoJo boloooo Jovot tesml Jobo
ooce beozetloe tostlomoJtqtmtz blt otoektlt.
Ceoelllkle otolboyoktekl teslmlet beyoz
zemlo ozetloe kttmtzt ve slyob qlbl koyo teok
sotoletek yoptlmt,ttt. Aocok bo otoekte koyo
teok zemlo ozetloe beyoz lzqlletJeo olo,oo
qeomettlk ,eklllet betlmleoml,tlt. 8o tesmlo
bloooto Joqo ve kozey Jovotlott boyooco
Jevom ettlql Jo,ooolmekteJlt. Ceml,te
coolt blt otmosfete soblp oloo bo oJoyt
ottoyo tkotmok blzlet llo beyecoolt blt
Jeoeylm olJo!
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"#$#% &'()%'$$'* +)),' -./ 0'1'23'* -.45
9*:;'1$ 08*'1$:* ........................................ lan Podder
9*:;'1$ <::*=86#$:* .................................. ?ildiz ulrmlL
>))8)$#6$ 08*'1$:* ..................................... Serap Czdl
?:@'*62'6$ A'B*')'6$#$8@' ................... lahrl Ayln
<#2B C#6#D'* ......................................... LevenL Czer
E8$' >))8)$#6$ ............................................ Pakan Czer
E8$' <,)$:=8#6) ......................................... lbrahlm Lken, MusLafa
1okyagsun, Pasan 1okyagsun
F8'%= E,B'*@8):*) ...................................... !ames 1aylor, 8urcu 1ung
A'G%'H8@' C'$7:=:%:DI ............................ sa 8erggren
J#)$ C:,6= JH1#@#$8:6) .......................... numan Arslan, Malwlna L.
8rachmanska, !ohanna M. 8ergkvlsL, Macle[ Chylenskl, AgaLa Czeszewska,
MaLeusz uembowlak, Sophle LksLrand, aLrycla llllpowlcz, 8eml Padad,
kaLarzyna W. Parabasz, 8raxLon M. Pood, !edrze[ Pordeckl, Susan Pyden,
!usLlne lssavl, Lrlk !ohansson, krlsLlna !onsson, Arek kllmowlcz, SLella
Macherldls, Arek Marclnlak, Alllson Mlckel, Alexandra neumann, 8enaLa
edroso de Arau[o, Weronlka SLoslk, Cnur ?uksel
50 08DD86D 9*:;'1$ .................................... Lllsa 8lanclflorl, nlcolo uell'unLo,
Maurlzlo lorLe, nlcola Lercarl, Chlara MoLLolese, MaLLeo llaLl
K')$ L*'617 M JH1#@#$8:6) ...................... uanlela A. 8arranLes, eLer l.
8lehl, aLrlck 8oll, !acob 8rady, CalLlln L. CurLls, uavld Lbner, naumov Coce,
1uukka kalkkonen, 1lll S. kappus, !acquelyn kyle, Asli Cflaz, Camlle
llllouglne, !ana 8ogasch, nolwen M. 8ol 1alu Lmre 1unLa;, aLrlck 1.
E$#6G:*= F8'%= E17::% ............................... nlklLa 8ogdanov, Lucla Perrero,
klersLyn SmlLh, 8rlghL Zhou
E'%N,O P68@'*)8$I F8'%= E$,='6$) .............. Selma Lfeler, kerlm L. Lrgen,
ugurcan C. Seluk, 8ecep ?unus Serln
E,*@'I ....................................................... Marek 8aranskl
?+E ............................................................. Camllla MazzucaLo/ L. lraye
<:6)'*@#$8:6 ............................................ Sophle Alcock, Lllf S. iplak, Leyla
L. iplak, ChrlsLopher Cleere, Cassy CuLulle, llllz ulrl, Ay;e 5. ulner, uuygu
Lrgen, Lmllle ulngler, nerlman Sahln Cuhan, Laurle klng, Ashley M. Llngle,
MehmeL MerLek, hlllp arker, !ohanna 1hunberg
+L EI)$'2) ................................................. AhmeL 8ozgeylk
0#$#3#)' 0'@'%:B2'6$ ........................... Claudla Lngel
+2#D' #6= C'=8# ..................................... !ason Culnlan
+%%,)$*#$8:6 ................................................ kaLy klllackey
F86=) ......................................................... kyle CrosseL, Llsa Cuerre
Q'#@I A')8=,' .......................................... uragana llllpovlc, !ovana
1rlpkovlc, Mllena vaslc
=3'$; >'"< *+,-
hoLo !ason Culnlan
C81*:2:*B7:%:DI .................................... Aroa Carcla-Suarez
F#,6#% L'#2 ............................................. Pannah !. 8owden, !ulle
PamllLon, !ennlfer !ones, uavld CrLon, 8lchard u. W. Madgwlch, !acqul
Mulvllle, kamllla awlowska, Adrlenne owell, kaLhryn 1wlss
Q,2#6 A'2#86) ...................................... 8arbara 8eLz, 8onnle A. Clencross
Michelle Gamble, ScoLL u. Paddow, ChrlsLopher knusel, Cansu kurL,
Clark Larsen, Selln L. nugenL, !esslca earson, !oshua W. Sadvarl
9#%#':'$76:3:$#6I ................................. Llenl AsouLl, Amy 8ogaard, Mlke
Charles, Lmma uevereux, CharloLLe ulffey, uorlan luller, Laura Creen,
Ceren kabuku, xuelel Ll, hlllppa 8yan, LllzabeLh A. SLroud, Amy SLyrlng,
eLra valglova, Allce Wllllams
<78BB'= E$:6' .......................................... ueanna AuberL, 1rlsLan CarLer,
uavlde u'errlco, Sean uoyle, 1rlanLafyllla L. uoglama, Adam nazaroff,
ChrlsLlna Lemonlrl, Anda eLrovlc
?*:,6=)$:6' ............................................ AsLrld 8ormann, 8arney Parrls,
Ceorge kambouroglou, !udre SapranauskalLe, MarkeLa SLovlckova,
ChrlsLlna 1sorakl,
9:$$'*I ...................................................... MarLa 8arLkowlak, nurlye Cke,
8amazan Cunduz, lngmar lranz, Serap Czdl, uuygu 1arkan
F8D,*86') #6= <%#I R3;'1$) ....................... Carolyn nakamura Aldrlch,
Llndsay uer, Lynn Meskell
Q'#*$7) ..................................................... Sheena keLchum
0#$86D ....................................................... Alex 8ayllss
E8$' S8),#%8T#$8:6 ..................................... Angellkl ChrysanLhl, Lrlca Lmond,
kaLrlna loxLon, 1om lrankland, Lmlly !ohnson, Slan !ones, lan klrkpaLrlck,
llorence Lalno, Camze Me;e, Pembo agl, Sara erry
F8'%= K#%O86D ............................................ Eniko Hudak, Sophie Moore,
1om SLucllffe
>*17#':%:DI K:*O)7:B ........................... umuL 8ayram, Cumhur LrLuzun,
Culay SerL, PaLlce 1okyagsun
<:22,68$I >*17#':%:DI ......................... Sonya ALalay, Sema 8agci kaya,
uonna 8ae Could
E8$' ?,8=') ............................................... 1un llada, Czgur Can uslu
Q:,)' E$#GG ............................................... MehmeL AlLinay, Culsum Lken,
nevrlye 5ener, Mavlll 1okyagsun, kezlban Slvas
E8$' K:*O'*) ............................................. Pasan Akay, MusLafa AkyurL, lsa
8llgl, lsmall 8ulu, MahmuL ellk, Pa;lm lerahkaya, Crhan ku;uoglu,
MuhammeL Sken, Pasan ?a;li, Puseyln ?a;li, MeLln ?a;li, MusLafa?a;li,
Csman ?a;li, Lokman ?a;li
A')8=,' E:*$'*) ........................................ PaLlce ellk, kupra Cuven, Lbru
Slvas, Sallha Slvas, PaLlce ?a;li, 5enay ?a;li
"#$#% &'()%'$$'* +)),' -./ 0'1'23'* -.45
#$%& '()*+*,-./0 1+23+-24 5 !"#$ &'() *+,-./'0)
1hls season, excavaLlon Look
place wlLhln slx maln areas LhaL conLalned a number of spaces and
bulldlngs: Lhe parLlally exposed 8.102 ln Lhe norLheasL corner of
Lhe shelLer, 8.112 and lLs predecessor 8.119 lmmedlaLely wesL of
8.102, 8.77, 8.114 locaLed Lo Lhe easL of 8.77, 8.108 souLh of 8.77,
and flnally, 8.32. lurLher, Lwo small LesL Lrenches, C11 and C12,
were excavaLed furLher down Lhe slope on Lhe norLhern end of Lhe
easLern mound Lo ground-LruLh some of Lhe resulLs presenLed
Lhrough Lhe geophyslcal survey conducLed ln 2012.
An lmporLanL accompllshmenL Lhls season was reveallng 8.119 aL
Lhe norLhern end of Lhe shelLer. 8.119 consLlLuLes a qulLe Lyplcal
aLalhyuk house and has qulLe a few parallels wlLh 8.3, whlch slLs
lmmedlaLely Lo lLs wesL. 1he maln space, Sp.313, conLalns mulLlple
plaLforms, benches, and flre lnsLallaLlons.
8enewed work wlLhln 8.32 uncovered a burlal conLalnlng a cloLh
made from flax. 1hls cloLh was acLually wrapped around an lnfanL
and was preserved due Lo lLs parLlal carbonlzaLlon. ln Lhe same
burlal, a wooden bowl was preserved, placed on Lhe head of
anoLher lnfanL. lurLher, afLer dlsmanLllng Lhe bench wlLh Lhe bull
horns wlLhln Lhe maln space of Lhe bulldlng we dlscovered a
Lhlnner smaller bench beneaLh lL, Lhls Llme afflxed wlLh wlld sheep
8o kozt sezooooJo, koztlot
e,ltll bloo ve oloolott bottoJttoo oltt ooo bolqeJe Jevom
etml,tlt. kotoqooto kozey JoqosooJo ktsml olotok Jobo ooceJeo
ottoyo tkotttlmt, 8loo 102, 8loo 112 ve oocoso 8loo 119, 8loo
77, 8loo 114, 8loo 108 ve 8loo 52. Ayttco 2012Je
qetekle,tltlleo jeoflzlk oto,tttmostoto sooolott test etmek llo
kotoqooto Jt,toJo boyoqoo kozey eteqloJe C11 ve C12 oloolott
8o ytlkl ooemll blt bo,ott kotoqooto kozey ocooJokl 8loo 119oo
ottoyo tkotttlmostJtt. nemeo bottstoJo boloooo 8loo 5le
beozetllklet qosteteo yopt, seklletl, ocoqt, ve ftttot lle tlplk blt
otolboyok evlol otoekleoJltmekteJlt.
1ektot koztlmoyo bo,lootloo 8loo 52Je boloooo blt qomotoo
letlsloJeo blt keteo komo, potost ele qeml,tlt. 8lt bebeqe sottlt
oloo komo,, bloooto yoomost lle ktsmeo komotle,mesl soyesloJe
kotoomo,tot. Ayot qomotte bo,ko blt bebeqlo bo,too
yetle,tltllml, oloo blt tobto kop ele qeml,tlt. 8loooto ooo
oJostoJo boloooo boqo boyoozlo oyto/yokseltlolo koztlmost
soocooJo lse bloooto Jobo etkeo blt evtesloe olt bo,ko blt oyto
ottoyo tkottlmt,ttt. 8o oytoco vob,l ko boyoozlott
norLh Area / kuzey Alani
8urcu 1ung
lar lefL, orLhophoLo of 8ulldlng 118.
5olJo, 8loo 118lo otto-fotoso.
Mlddle, wooden bowl placed on head of lnfanL, burlal l.7127.
Otto, qomot l.7127, bebek bebek bo,too yetle,tltlleo tobto kop.
Above, bench wlLh wlld sheep horns, 8ulldlng 32.
okottJo, vob,l koyoo boyoozlo oyto/yokseltl, 8loo 52.
SouLh Area / Cuney Alani
!ames S. 1aylor
Work ln Lhe SouLh Area Lhls year focussed upon slx operaLlons, flve
of whlch were dlrecL conLlnuaLlons of work begun ln prevlous
seasons: Lhese lncluded 8ulldlngs 43, 80, 89, 96 and 97. A new
operaLlon was begun ln 8ulldlng 118. 8ulldlngs 80, 89, and 96 all
conLalned a number of burlals assoclaLed wlLh Lhe bulldlngs and
much of Lhe work Lhls season wlLhln Lhe SouLh Area focused on
hoLo !ason Culnlan hoLo !ason Culnlan hoLo !ason Culnlan
excavaLlng Lhese burlals. ln 8.89 Lhe earllesL sequence of
occupaLlon was reached. 8ulldlng 118 was prevlously called
Pouse 23 by MellaarL and was ldenLlfled by hlm as a Level xll
sLrucLure. 1he bulldlng was cleaned and recorded ln Lhe 1994/3
seasons by members of Lhe currenL pro[ecL, alLhough no furLher
excavaLlon Look place aL LhaL Llme. 1hls season, Lhe bulldlng was
"#$#% &'()%'$$'* +)),' -./ 0'1'23'* -.45
1hls season, work wlLhln Lhe 1C area
focused on uncoverlng neollLhlc
archlLecLure and resulLed ln Lhe
dlscovery of a number of exclLlng
bulldlngs. lor example, ln 1rench 3,
8.120, a Hellenistic house was
excavaLed ln order Lo reach Lhe
neollLhlc levels. We were able to date
the building through the vessels
found. ln Lhe same Lrench, Lo Lhe norLh,
8.122, a burnL bulldlng from Lhe laLe
neollLhlc was uncovered. Cne of lLs
spaces conLalned Lhree well preserved
blns and an oven. A large amounL of
boLanlcal maLerlal was ldenLlfled and
excavaLed. ln parLlcular clusLers of
barley and wheaL gralns were
preserved as phyLollLhs. 1hese
clusLers make Lhe largesL number of
phyLollLhs ever dlscovered ln a
prehlsLorlc slLe ln Lhe reglon.
ln 1rench 2, 8.121, a relaLlvely large
sLrucLure wlLh a sulLe of ln-bullL
feaLures and complex hlsLory of
occupaLlon was uncovered. A
sequence of Lhree subsequenLly bullL
plaLforms, a hearLh and bln were
revealed, buL noL yeL excavaLed. 1he
easLern wall of Lhe bulldlng ls
plasLered and conLalns a specLacular
geomeLrlc palnLlng made wlLh whlLe
palnL over a dark grey background.
unforLunaLely, Lhe bulldlng ls only
parLly preserved as lL has been badly
LruncaLed by laLer acLlvlLles.
WesL Mound 1rench 3 / 8aLi Pyuk Ama 3
eLer 8elhl
1hls season's work on Lhe ChalcollLhlc WesL Mound wlLhln 1rench 3 focused on
solvlng quesLlons concernlng Lhe layouL and sLraLlgraphy of Lhe four houses
and Lhelr predecessors locaLed wlLhln Lhe Lrench. AL Lhe end of Lhe season,
1rench 3 was closed permanenLly, marklng Lhe end of excavaLlons ln Lhe
WesL Mound.
kolkolltlk Jooeme olt oloo 8ott noyoktekl olt,molot, 5 oolo omo letlsloJe ele
qeeo Jott bloooto bltbltletlyle oloo sttotlqtoflk lll,klletlol tom oolomtylo
otottmok ozetloe yoqoolo,mt,ttt. 5ezoo sooooJo, Amo 5 tomomlyle
kopottlotok 8ott noyokte qetekle,eo kozt olt,molottoto sooooo qetltml,tlt.
8o kozt sezooooJo 1lc
omolottoJokl olt,molot llqlo
vetllet soqlomt,ttt. Otoeqlo Amo
Jte Hellenistik oqtoo olt blt ev
(8loo 120) boloomo,tot. Neolltlk
tobokolot ozetloe lo,o eJllml, oloo
8loo 120, ierisinden ele geen
kaplar sayesinde tarihlendirilmitir.
Ayot omooto kozeyloJe, yooqto
qeltml, oloo blt Neolltlk yopt ele
qeml,tlt. 8loo 122 olotok
tootmloooo bo yoptoto blt yoo
oJostoJo qooomoze kotoooqelml, o
sllo ve blt fttto ele qeml,tlt. 5llolot
letlsloJeo boyok mlktotJo otpo ve
boqJoy koltottlott boloomo,tot. 8lt
ktsmt fltollt olotok kotoomo, oloo bo
koltottlot, Neolltlk Jooeme olt
,lmJlye koJot ele qeml, eo boyok
fltollt otoek toploloqooo temsll
Amo 2 letlsloJeo lse yetle,lmlo qe
Jooemloe olt, mlmotl oqeletlyle blt
botoolok qosteteo ve letlsloJe ozoo
zomoo yo,ootlmt, olJoqo oolostloo
blt bloo ele qeml,tlt. oo yooo lo,o
eJllml, o sekl, blt ocok ve blt sllo
otqo tkottlmt,so Jo beooz
koztlmomt,ttt. uoqo Jovottoto
ozetloJe ,lmJlye Jek otoeql
qotolmeml, oloo blt teslm
boloomo,tot. uovot tesml, qtl teokll
zemlo ozetloe potlok beyoz lle
boyoomt, lzqlletJeo olo,oo blt
qeomettlk JeseoJeo lbotettlt.
Moolesef bloooto boyok blt ktsmt
Jobo qe Jooem foollyetlet
yozooJeo tobtlp olmo,tot.
Area 1C / 1C Alani
Arek Marclnlak
hoLo !ason Culnlan
LefL, a parLlal vlew of Lhe wall palnLlng found ln 8ulldlng 121 aL 1C 1rench 2.
5olJo, 1lc Amo 2Je boloooo 8loo 121 letlsloJe boloooo Jovot tesml.
8elow, an overvlew of Lhe flnal sLage of Lhe WesL Mound 1rench 3 excavaLlons.
A,oqtJo, 8ott noyok Amo 5 koztlottoto soo Jotomo.
hoLo !ason Culnlan
reopened, and cleaned wlLh a vlew Lowards
excavaLlng lL fully. Cur alm here ls Lo esLabllsh Lhe
presence, or noL, of earller archlLecLure below ln
order Lo lncrease our overall undersLandlng of Lhe
earllesL levels of Lhe slLe. 8y Lhe end of Lhe season,
we were able Lo esLabllsh evldence for an earller
sLrucLure beneaLh 8ulldlng 118.
8otoJokl koztlot oltt fotklt ooktoJo yoqoolo,mt,ttt.
8e,l Jobo oocekl ytllotJo bo,lootloo olt,molotto
JevomtJtt. 8loo 4J, 80, 89, 96 ve 97. Alttoctst
koztlottoo yeol bo,lootloo 8loo 118Jlt. 8o sezoo 80,
89, ve 90 oolo bloolotJo soteo olt,molotto
oqooloqo bloolotto letlsloJe boloooo qomotlet
ozetloJe yoqoolo,mt,ttt. 8loo 89oo eo etkeo
evtesloe olo,tlmt,, oocok qe evtelete olt oloo Jovot
teslmletl koztlmomt,ttt. Melloott, noose 25.\ll
olotok tootmloJtqt 8loo 118lo \ll. tobokoyo olt
olJoqooo Jo,oomekteyJl. 1994/5 seoeletloJe
yeolJeo otqo tkotttloo bloo bo seoe koztlmoyo
bo,loomt,ttt. 8otoJokl omoctmtz Jobo Jo etkeo
Jooemlete olt blt mlmotl yoptoto tesplt eJllmesl ve
yetle,lmlo eo etkeo tobokolott lle llqlll Jobo ok bllql
eJlomektlt. Neteklm, 8loo 118lo olttoJo bo,ko blt
bloooto votltqt bo sezoo tesplt eJllml,tlt.
"#$#% &'()%'$$'* +)),' -./ 0'1'23'* -.45
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ln many ways Lhe lmpacL of Lhe unLSCC lnscrlpLlon onLo Lhe
World PerlLage llsL was very poslLlve. 1he cusLodlans of Lhe
slLe counL Lhe number of forelgn and 1urklsh vlslLors every
day, whlch has lncreased dramaLlcally slnce !anuary 2013.
8usloads arrlved dally durlng Lhls fleld season. Clearly,
unLSCC's lnscrlpLlon has made a blg dlfference and local and
reglonal communlLles wlll beneflL. lnscrlpLlon has also meanL
Lhe slLe has aLLracLed greaLer lnvesLmenL by naLlonal and
reglonal herlLage organlzaLlons. lor example, MLvkA
(Mevlana uevelopmenL Agency) has provlded fundlng for four
new experlmenLal houses LhaL wlll Lhemselves aLLracL more
LourlsLs when Lhey are consLrucLed nexL year. Cn Lhe oLher
hand, Lhe lncreaslng numbers of LourlsLs creaLe dlfferenL
problems, such as puLLlng pressure on Lhe parklng faclllLles or
causlng fasLer eroslon on Lhe paLhs across Lhe mound. Lucklly
we have had a wonderful new managemenL Leam wendlng lLs
ways beLween Lhe lncreaslng demands of bureaucracles and
admlnlsLraLlons. ?ildiz ulrmlL has Laken over as a very
effecLlve pro[ecL manager, supporLed ln Lhe fleld by Lhe
wlsdom of LevenL Czer and by Lhe help of our AsslsLanL
kozt oloototo uooyo Mltost llstesloe ekleomeslolo pek ok otJoo
olomlo etklletl olmo,tot. AlooJokl beklletlo koyttlottoo qote Ocok
201J totlbloJeo ltlboteo zlyotetl soytstoto boyok otooJo ottttqt
qozleoml,tlt. kozt sezooo boyooco ok soytJo totlzm ,ltketl kozt
olootoo zlyotetl qetltJl. uN5cO uooyo Mltost llsteslolo bem yetel
bem Je bolqesel olotok bolk ozetloJekl etklletl otko
qotolmekteJlt. kozt oloototo llsteye ekleomesl bem olosol bem Je
bolqesel olotok Jobo ok spoosot Jesteql soqlomoyo bo,lomt,ttt.
Otoeqlo Mevlooo kolktomo Ajoost kozt olootoJo yoptlocok Jott yeol
Jeoeysel ev llo moll Jestek soqloJt. 8o evletlo lo,oott blttlqloJe
kozt oloototo qotsel olotok Jobo Jo fozlo zlyotetlyl ekeceql
Jo,ooolmekteJlt. ulqet totoftoo, zlyottel soytstoJokl ottt, ofok
sotooloto yol omoktoJtt. Otoeqlo potk yetl yetetslzllql yo Jo boyok
ozetloJe zlyotetlletlo lzleJlql potlkoJo ottoo etozyoo sotooo qlbl.
Neysekl ottoo botoktotlk ve yooetlmsel sotelete kot,tltk
vetebllecek yeol blt yooetlm eklblmlz boloomoktoJtt. ltojeolo
yototolmesloJeo sotomlo yeol yooetlclmlz tlJtz ultmlt, otozlJe
Jeoeylmll ve etklo leveot Ozetlo Jesteql lle olt,moktoJtt. Ayttco
kozt bo,koo yotJtmctmtz otJ. uo. ut. 5etop OzJoloo yotJtmlott
kozt olootoJo yototolmesl qetekeo l,letl koloylo,tttmoktoJtt.
LxperlmenLal houses cuLaway. lllusLraLlon kaLhryn klllackey. ueoeysel evletlo l ploot. lzlm, kotbtyo klllockey.
"#$#% &'()%'$$'* +)),' -./ 0'1'23'* -.45
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A Leam from newcasLle unlverslLy was presenL aL aLalhyuk for Lwo
weeks Lo underLake a ceramlc survey ln Lhe area surroundlng boLh
mounds. Cf parLlcular lnLeresL was Lhe posslblllLy of locaLlng Lhe
seLLlemenL daLlng Lo Lhe flrsL or second mlllennlum Au relaLlng Lo Lhe
cemeLerles presenL on Lhe mounds. An addlLlonal ob[ecLlve was Lo
noLe any evldence of Lhe ChalcollLhlc cemeLery, whlch ls expecLed Lo
be locaLed ln Lhe vlclnlLy of Lhe WesL mound - no evldence was found
of Lhls cemeLery.
lleldwalklng and ceramlc collecLlon was [udged an approprlaLe means
of aLLempLlng Lo locaLe seLLlemenL of Lhe flrsL and second mlllennla
Au. 1he poLLery souLh of Lhe dellneaLed exLenL of Lhe WesL Mound
was almosL unlversally composed of neollLhlc and ChalcollLhlc sherds.
1he denslLy of poLLery and Lhe shape of Lhe flelds, whlch follow Lhe
Lopography here, conflrm LhaL Lhe WesL Mound exLends sllghLly
furLher souLh Lhan Lhe fenced area. LasL of Lhe LasL Mound Lhere ls a
hlgh concenLraLlon of body sherds, feaLure sherds and Llle. 1he
poLLery ln Lhls area ls largely wheel made and prellmlnary analysls
suggesLs LhaL lL ls mosLly 8oman and 8yzanLlne wlLh a mlnlmal
quanLlLy of laLer Creen Clazed ware. 1he hlgh concenLraLlon of pltbol
and Llles ln addlLlon Lo Lhe presence of cooklng wares and flne wares
suggesLs LhaL Lhls ls a domesLlc assemblage raLher Lhan a conLlnuaLlon
of Lhe flrsL and second mlllennlum Au cemeLery presenL on Lhe LasL
Newcostle 0olvetsltesloJeo blt qtop lkl bofto boyooco
otolboyok uoqo ve 8ott boyokletlolo evtesloJe blt yozey
oto,tttmost qetekle,ttlml,tlt. evteJeo tkoo setomlk
potolottoto locelemesl sooocooJo otozlJe M.5. 1. veyo 2.
bloytlloto olt blt yetle,lmlo olop olmoJtqtoto oolo,tlmost omlt
eJllml,tlt. 8o olost yetle,lmlo boyoklet ozetloJe boloooo qe
Jooeme olt mezot koltottlottylo lll,klleoJltllmesl
omoloomoktoJtt. Ayot zomooJo, 8ott noyok evtesloJe
kolkolltlk Jooeme olt blt mezotltqto boloomost olostltqt omlJ
eJllml,se Je bo yooJe betbooql blt vetl ele qememl,tlt.
8ott noyokoo qooeyloJekl setomlk otoekletl tomomeo
Neolltlk ve kolkolltlk letlkllyJl. 5etomlk yoqooloqooo
boktlocok olotso, 8ott noyok stottlottoto ltletle belltleoml,
olooto otesloe, Jobo qooeye Joqto ozooJtqt Jo,ooolmekteJlt.
uoqo noyokoo JoqosooJo zeoqlo blt setomlk yoqooloqo
tesplt eJllml,tlt. 8o olooJokl setomlkletlo oqo otklo
yoptlmt,ttt. llk ooollzlete qote boyok otooJo komo ve 8lzoos
Jooemletloe olt olJqoqo oolo,tlmt,, oocok Jo,ok mlktotJo ele
qeeo ye,ll sttlt setomlklet Jobo qe Jooemlete olt bolqolotto
olJoqooo Jo qostetml,tlt. loce mollot yoot stto ele qeeo
pl,ltme koplott, Jepolomo koplott ve kltemlt otoekletl, bo
olooJo boyokletJekl qlbl blt mezotltk yetloe M.5. 1. veyo 2.
bloytlo olt blt yetle,lmlo olJoqo flktlol JesteklemekteJlt.
resenLlng a World PerlLage SlLe / 8lt uooyo Mltostot 1okJlm tmek
Sara erry eL al.
Slnce 2004, vlslLor numbers have exceeded 10,000 people per year, wlLh a consplcuous lncrease ln 2010, when annual aLLendance
began Lo hover around 13,000. 1he pasL year has also seen a shlfL ln Lhe lnLernaLlonal versus local vlslLor demographlc, osLenslbly
llnked Lo aLalhyuk's World PerlLage SlLe deslgnaLlon. Whlle local vlslLors slgnlflcanLly ouLnumbered lnLernaLlonal vlslLors unLll 2012
Above, prehistoric zoomorphlc spouL.
okottJo, prehistorik zoomotflk lbtlk oqtzt.
LefL, ceramlc counL resulLs of Lhe fleld walklng survey.
5olJo, yozey oto,tttmost sooocooJo ele qeeo toplom oook omlek Joqtltmt.

"#$#% &'()%'$$'* +)),' -./ 0'1'23'* -.45
Lhe daLa for 2013 lndlcaLe LhaL Lhese proporLlons are slowly beglnnlng Lo converge. WlLh Lhe lncreaslng number of LourlsLs ln mlnd, we
have a Leam LhaL alms Lo elaboraLe aLalhyuk's lnLerpreLaLlve and presenLaLlonal approaches boLh wlLhln Lhe walls of Lhe vlslLor's
CenLre and across Lhe slLe overall. 1hey work on developlng concepLs for dlsplays Lhrough fully collaboraLlve pracLlce wlLh vlslLors,
guards, scholars, sLudenLs and oLher lnLeresLed parLles. 1hls season, new slgns were deslgned for Lhe norLh and SouLh shelLers. 1he
slgnages for boLh areas were deslgned Lo maLch Lhelr excavaLlon phllosophles. ln Lhls sense, Lhe norLh Area slgns alm Lo provlde a
snapshoL of a speclflc nelghbourhood aL aLalhyuk, whllsL Lhose ln Lhe SouLh Area aLLend Lo Lhe slLe's Lemporal depLh and
sLraLlgraphlc/archaeologlcal complexlLy.
2004 ytltoJoo betl otolboyoko zlyotet eJeoletlo soytst 10.000l qeml,tlt. Ozelllkle 2010 ytltoJo qozlemleoeo btzlt ottt,lo kozt olootoo
qeleo zlyotetl soytst 15.000e olo,mt,ttt. Cetlqlmlz ytl, kozt olootoo qeleo yobooct ve yetll zlyotetl otoolottoJo Jeql,lkllklet
qozlemleoml,tlt. otolboyokoo uN5cO uooyo Mltost llstesloe qltml, olmost boooo ooo sebeblJlt. 201J ytltoJokl vetllet yobooct ve
yetll zlyotetl otooto bltbltloe yoklo,mokto olJoqooo qostetmekteJlt. 2lyotetl MetkezloJe ve kozt olootoJo otolboyokoo
yotomloomo ve qotselle,tltllmesl ozetloJe olt,molot ottoo zlyotetl soytst qoz ooooe olotok qetekle,ml,tlt. kozt oloototo
qotselle,tltllmesl llo otetlleo flkltlet zlyotetllet, bekllet, oto,tttmoctlot, oqteocllet ve Jlqet llqlll kl,lletle qoto,oletek yoptlmt,ttt. 8o
kozt sezooooJo kozey ve Cooey kotoqoolot llo yeol tobelolot Jozeoleoml,tlt. 1obelolot lkl olooto koztlmo omoctoo oyqoo olotok
betlmleoml,tlt. kozey kotoqootoJokl tobelolot Neolltlk yetle,lmlo tek blt evteslol yoosttocok ,ekllJe tosotloomt,keo, Cooey
kotoqootoJokl tobelolotJo kozt oloototo zomoo lloJe Jeql,eo yoptst, sttotlqtoflsl ve otkeolojlk olotok kotmo,tkltqt qoz ooooe oltootok
Lxamples of panels deslgned by Lhe vlsuallzaLlon Leam. Cotselle,tltme eklbl totoftoJoo tosotloooo pooelletJeo lkl otoek.

"#$#% &'()%'$$'* +)),' -./ 0'1'23'* -.45
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L,*O8)7 $*#6)%#$8:6) ('*' 1:2B%'$'= 3I ^_%=_T 082*8$ #6= \,*1, L,6D]
We would llke Lo Lhank Lhe ulrecLoraLe
Ceneral ln Ankara for Lhelr supporL and
Lhe 8rlLlsh lnsLlLuLe aL Ankara under
whose ausplces Lhe pro[ecL works ln
1urkey. We would also llke Lo exLend our
Lhanks our Lemsllcl lahrl Ayln. An
lnLernaLlonal Leam now based ln SLanford
unlverslLy (uSA) has underLaken
archaeologlcal research aL aLalhyuk
slnce 1993, wlLh a permlL granLed by Lhe
MlnlsLry of CulLure and 1ourlsm, and
under Lhe ausplces of Lhe 8rlLlsh lnsLlLuLe
aL Ankara. We are especlally graLeful Lo
Lhe Ceneral ulrecLor of MonumenLs and
1he maln sponsors of Lhe pro[ecL are ?api
kredl, 8oelng and koLa;. CLher sponsors
are Shell, 1Av, and konya 5eker. lundlng
for Lhe pro[ecL ln 2013 has also been
recelved from Lhe 1empleLon loundaLlon,
8rlLlsh lnsLlLuLe of Archaeology, lmlLaLlo
(1he 1hlel loundaLlon), Lhe uS Lmbassy
ln Ankara, Lhe 8rlLlsh Lmbassy ln Ankara,
1urklsh CulLural loundaLlon, loundaLlon
for ollsh Sclence, Sun? 8uffalo, SLanford
unlverslLy and Lhe SLanford Archaeology
1he lnsLlLuLlonal parLners of Lhe pro[ecL
are Seluk unlverslLy, SLanford unlverslLy,
unlverslLy of London, Cxford unlverslLy,
lsLanbul unlverslLy, SouLhampLon
unlverslLy, ?ork unlverslLy, Mlddle
LasLern 1echnlcal unlverslLy, Lge
unlverslLy, Sun? 8uffalo, uuke
unlverslLy, Cardlff unlverslLy, and
newcasLle unlverslLy
ltojemlze JestekletloJeo ototo koltot
votltklott ve Mozelet Ceoel MoJotloqooe
ve ptojemlzl blmoyesloJe Jevom
ettltJlqlmlz Aokoto loqlllz Atkeolojl
ostltosooe te,ekkot etmeyl bot bllltlz.
Ayttco, 201J ytltoJo kozt temsllclmlz oloo
lobtl Aylo ve kooyo Mozesloe Je
te,ekkotletlmlzl soooyotoz. 199Jteo betl,
otttk A8u 5toofotJ 0olvetsltesl oJt olttoJo
oloslototost eklblmlz otolboyokte
otkeolojlk oto,tttmoloto 1.c. koltot ve
1otlzm 8okooltqtoto vetJlql kozt lzolyle
Jevom etmekteJlt.
201J ytltoJo ptojemlzlo ooo spoosotlott
opt kteJl 8okoost ve 8oeloqlo yoot stto
koto, ve 1Av olmo,tot. ulqet
spoosotlottmtz 5bell ve kooyo eketJlt.
Ayttco, 1empletoo vokft, Aokoto loqlllz
Atkeolojl ostltoso, koploo vokft, lmltotlo
(1blel vokft), A8u Aokoto 8oyokellllql,
loqlltete Aokoto 8oyokellllql, 1otk koltot
vokft, lolooyo 8lllmsel Ato,tttmo
AkoJemlsl, 5uN 8offolo 0olvetsltesl,
5toofotJ 0olvetsltesl ve 5toofotJ
0olvetsltesl Atkeolojl Metkezl totoftoJoo
Jo moJJl Jestek soqloomt,ttt.
kotomsol olotok ptojemlze kottloo eklplet
5elok 0olvetsltesl, 5toofotJ 0olvetsltesl,
looJto 0olvetsltesl, OxfotJ 0olvetsltesl,
lstoobol 0olvetsltesl, 5ootbomptoo
0olvetsltesl, otk 0olvetsltesl, Otto uoqo
1ekolk 0olvetsltesl, qe 0olvetsltesl,
5uN 8offolo, uoke 0olvetsltesl, cotJlff
0olvetsltesl ve Newcostle
R$7'* EB:6):*) -.45

"#$#% &'()%'$$'* +)),' -./ 0'1'23'* -.45

1he frlends of aLalhyuk was seL up Lo promoLe Lhe
pro[ecL's endeavors ln excavaLlon, conservaLlon and
herlLage managemenL aL Lhe slLe, Lo promoLe publlc
lnLeresL ln Lhe slLe, boLh local and lnLernaLlonal, and
Lo promoLe sclenLlflc research lnLo Lhe
undersLandlng of Lhe slLe and lLs seLLlng. Members
recelve newsleLLers, whlch cover recenL acLlvlLles of
Lhe pro[ecL and resulLs of Lhe excavaLlons. We also
keep our members lnformed on relevanL lecLures
and evenLs. lf you are lnLeresLed ln [olnlng please
compleLe Lhe form aL Lhe boLLom of Lhls page and
reLurn lL Lo Lhe address lndlcaLed. lf you would llke
any furLher deLalls please conLacL Lhe aLalhyuk
G/3030A #D' =:3'0;) /J !"#"$DKEL@

lleose moke cbecks, poyoble to 5toofotJ uolvetslty, lo u5u.
LQJ FA+J&0E RF ">L>aQb^cd
! Annual Membershlp mlnlmum.....$40
! SLudenLs and concesslons........$20
! l wlsh Lo make a donaLlon for $___.


1elephone: Lmall:

*+,$-. ,/0 L7' F*8'6=) :G "#$#%7eIfO
ueparLmenL of AnLhropology
Maln Cuad, 8ulldlng 30
430 Serra Mall
SLanford unlverslLy
SLanford, CA 94303-2034
8eads found wlLhln burlal l.7120 ln
8ulldlng 32. hoLo ScoLL u. Paddow
covet pboto ovetvlew of Nottb 5beltet excovotloos. kopok tesml, kozey Aloototo qeoel qotooomo. Iosoo Oololoo.

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