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Sample HISAS Paper for A4 Page Size

First Author#1, Second Author*2, hird Author#!


First-Third Department, First-Third University Address Including Country Name

1 3
* econd Company Address Including Country Name

Abstract This document gives formatting instructions for authors preparing papers for publication in the Proceedings of an HISAS conference. The authors must follow the instructions given in the document for the papers to be published. You can use this document as both an instruction set and as a template into which you can type your own te t. Keywords" Include at least ! "eywords or phrases

itle must +e in 24 pt %egular font# Author name must +e in 11 pt %egular font# Author affiliation must +e in 14 pt Italic# 0mail address must +e in : pt )ourier %egular font#
A?10 I F&$ SIB0S F&% PAP0%S

I# I$ %&'() I&$ his document is a template# An electronic cop* can +e do,nloaded from the conference ,e+site# For -uestions on paper guidelines, please contact secretariat as indicated on the conference ,e+site# Information a+out final paper su+mission is a.aila+le from the conference ,e+site# II# PA/0 1A2&( An eas* ,a* to compl* ,ith the conference paper formatting re-uirements is to use this document as a template and simpl* t*pe *our te3t into it# A! "age #ayout 2our paper must use a page size corresponding to A4 ,hich is 214mm 56#2789 ,ide and 2:7mm 511#;:89 long# he margins must +e set as follo,s< op = 1:mm 54#7>89 ?ottom = 4!mm 51#;:89 1eft = %ight = 14#!2mm 54#>;89 2our paper must +e in t,o column format ,ith a space of 4#22mm 54#1789 +et,een columns# III# PA/0 S 210 All paragraphs must +e indented# All paragraphs must +e @ustified, i#e# +oth leftA@ustified and rightA@ustified# A! Te$t Font o% &ntire Document he entire document should +e in imes $e, %oman or imes font# *pe ! fonts must not +e used# &ther font t*pes ma* +e used if needed for special purposes# %ecommended font sizes are sho,n in a+le 1# '! Title and Author Details

#ont Si$e 6

: 14 11 24

Appearance %in Time &ew 'oman or Times( 'egular )old Italic ta+le caption 5in reference item Small )aps9, 5partial9 figure caption, reference item author email address a+stract a+stract heading 5in )ourier9, +od* 5also in ?old9 cell in a ta+le le.elA1 heading 5in le.elA2 heading, Small )aps9, le.elA! heading, paragraph author affiliation author name title

All title and author details must +e in singleAcolumn format and must +e centered#* ,ord in a title must +e capitalized e3cept for short minor ,ords such as CaD, CanD, CandD, CasD, CatD, C+*D, CforD, CfromD, CifD, CinD, CintoD, ConD, CorD, CofD, CtheD, CtoD, C,ithD# Author details must not sho, an* professional title 5e#g# Eanaging 'irector9, an* academic title 5e#g# 'r#9 or an* mem+ership of an* professional organization# o a.oid confusion, the famil* name or last name must +e ,ritten as the last part of each author name 5e#g# Pan@aitan, Hasan9# 0ach affiliation must include, at the .er* least, the name of the compan* and the name of the countr* ,here the author is +ased 5e#g# Pusat Penelitian Fimia 1IPI Indonesia9# 0mail address is compulsor* for the corresponding author# C! ection (eadings $o more than ! le.els of headings should +e used# All headings must +e in 14pt font#* ,ord in a heading must +e capitalized e3cept for short minor ,ords as listed in Section IIIA?# )* #evel-) (eading< A le.elA1 heading must +e in Small )aps, centered and num+ered using uppercase %oman

numerals# For e3ample, see heading CIII# Page St*leD of this document# he t,o le.elA1 headings ,hich must not +e num+ered are CAcGno,ledgmentD and C%eferencesD# +* #evel-+ (eading, A le.elA2 heading must +e in Italic, leftA@ustified and num+ered using an uppercase alpha+etic letter follo,ed +* a period# For e3ample, see heading C)# Section HeadingsD a+o.e# -* #evel-- (eading, A le.elA! heading must +e indented, in Italic and num+ered ,ith an Ara+ic numeral follo,ed +* a right parenthesis# he le.elA! heading must end ,ith a colon# he +od* of the le.elA! section immediatel* follo,s the le.elA ! heading in the same paragraph# For e3ample, this paragraph +egins ,ith a le.elA! heading# D! Figures and Ta.les Figures and ta+les must +e centered in the column# 1arge figures and ta+les ma* span across +oth columns# An* ta+le or figure that taGes up more than 1 column ,idth must +e positioned either at the top or at the +ottom of the page# /raphics ma* +e full color, +ut it should +e recogniza+le as ,e print the proceeding in blac" and white#

Fig# 2 03ample of an unaccepta+le lo,Aresolution image

Fig# ! 03ample of an image ,ith accepta+le resolution Fig# 1 A sample line graph using colors ,hich contrast ,ell +oth on screen and on a +lacGAandA,hite hardcop*

Fig# 2 sho,s an e3ample of a lo,Aresolution image ,hich ,ould not +e accepta+le, ,hereas Fig# ! sho,s an e3ample of an image ,ith ade-uate resolution# )hecG that the resolution is ade-uate to re.eal the important detail in the figure# Please checG all figures in *our paper +oth on screen and on a +lacGAandA,hite hardcop*# Hhen *ou checG *our paper on a +lacGAandA,hite hardcop*, please ensure that< the colors used in each figure contrast ,ell, the image used in each figure is clear, all te3t la+els in each figure are legi+le# &! Figure Captions Figures must +e num+ered using Ara+ic numerals# Figure captions must +e in 6 pt %egular font# )aptions of a single line 5e#g# Fig# 29 must +e centered ,hereas multiAline captions must +e @ustified 5e#g# Fig# 19# )aptions ,ith figure num+ers must +e placed after their associated figures, as sho,n in Fig# 1#

F! Ta.le Captions a+les must +e num+ered using uppercase %oman numerals# a+le captions must +e centred and in 6 pt %egular font ,ith Small )aps#* ,ord in a ta+le caption must +e capitalized e3cept for short minor ,ords as listed in Section IIIA?# )aptions ,ith ta+le num+ers must +e placed +efore their associated ta+les, as sho,n in a+le 1# /! "age Num.ers, (eaders and Footers Page num+ers, headers and footers must not +e used# (! #in0s and 'oo0mar0s All h*perte3t linGs and section +ooGmarGs ,ill +e remo.ed from papers during the processing of papers for pu+lication# If *ou need to refer to an Internet email address or (%1 in *our paper, *ou must t*pe out the address or (%1 full* in %egular font#

I! 1e%erences he heading of the %eferences section must not +e num+ered# All reference items must +e in 6 pt font# Please use %egular and Italic st*les to distinguish different fields as sho,n in the %eferences section# $um+er the reference items consecuti.el* in s-uare +racGets 5e#g# I1J9# Hhen referring to a reference item, please simpl* use the reference num+er, as in I2J# 'o not use C%ef# I!JD or C%eference I!JD e3cept at the +eginning of a sentence, e#g# C%eference I!J sho,s KD# Eultiple references are each num+ered ,ith separate +racGets 5e#g# I2J, I!J, I4JLI;J9# 03amples of reference items of different categories sho,n in the %eferences section include< e3ample of a +ooG in I1J e3ample of a +ooG in a series in I2J e3ample of a @ournal article in I!J e3ample of a conference paper in I4J e3ample of a patent in I>J e3ample of a ,e+site in I;J e3ample of a ,e+ page in I7J

e3ample of a data+ooG as a manual in I6J e3ample of a datasheet in I:J e3ample of a masterMs thesis in I14J e3ample of a technical report in I11J e3ample of a standard in I12J IN# )&$)1(SI&$S he Eicrosoft Hord templates are selfAcontained# )ausal Productions has used its +est efforts to ensure that the templates ha.e the same appearance# A)F$&H10'/E0$ he heading of the AcGno,ledgment section and the %eferences section must not +e num+ered# %0F0%0$)0S
I1J I2J S# E# Eete. and N# P# NeiGo, #aser Assisted 2icrotechnology, 2nd ed#, %# E# &sgood, Or#, 0d# ?erlin, /erman*< SpringerANerlag, 1::6# O# ?recGling, 0d#, The Analysis o% Directional Time eries, Applications to 3ind peed and Direction , ser# 1ecture $otes in Statistics# ?erlin, /erman*< Springer, 1:6:, .ol# ;1#

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