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What attributes are associated in Satire? Purpose of satirist? How does a satirist intent an audience to respond? Target? In what ways do satiric texts shape responses?

Sample Essay Texts and targets of satire and main techniques used to achieve the composers purpose Para 2: One of the main techniques that highlights media manipulation of the viewing public is parody. The composer creates a parody of a TV show. Caput Apri What is the writer doing to position the reader? Feminism Helen Simpson positions us to not like him through the use of negative descriptions: emotional ruthlessness, fit, fat barrister and the sarcasm present in the phrase if often called charisma. This describes the way he treats his family. His physical description is also not complementary. The writer states that Ideas conveyed in Caput Apri Patriarchal society Womens roles Family values Societys values Satirical elements/techniques Characterisation Tale within a tale (structure) Exaggeration Humour Language devices Cosmic irony Moral Evidence Everard/unattractive Magic/characterization/events Descriptive /sensory Fate Effects How the techniques make the audience feel/think/be challenged and changed Poem Beleaguered cities by Frank l. Lucas Repetition in first line

Test Prep Reading and Comprehension -Printed text -visual text -Language techniques -parts of speech

-figures of speech -poetic devices>effects on audience -Visual language , techniques that create meaning Visual Language Framing Vectors Reading path Centre (most important) Salience=visual weight (achieved through colour, size, focus distance) Lighting and colour Social distance (image and responder) (close up shot=intimate, medium shot=close, personal, long shot=far social distance Gaze Composition (arrangement of objects in picture) How does the composer convey his message/ideas in the visual text? What is he saying? How is he saying it? Writing a response to satire Thesis/Intro First idea/as topic sentence. Explain Evidence Poem Human destruction of the natural landscape Arrogance of humans who destroy and build what they think looks good and satisfies their selfish needs. Ignorance of developers and city planners

Extended Response
Explain how Helen Simpson creates satire in Caput Apri. What lesson is provided for the audience at the end of the story? Provide textual evidence in your response and be sure to explain the way the authors message is conveyed to the audience. Provide textual evidence in your response and be sure to explain the way the authors message is conveyed to the audience. Helen Simpson created a satiric atmosphere in Caput Apri through the use of irony and exaggeration. She also investigates and questions the family values and the personal lives of the upper class. She also uses humour and descriptive language to assist in conveying her ideas and messages to the audience.

The inclusion of the quote :His eyes where little and squinty foreshadows the fact that Everard turns into a boar. It prepares and hints to the reader of what is to come later on in the story. It occurs when Everards vegetarian daughter who relates to what everard looks like in likeliness to a boar. It also shows the audience the extent of the hatred that Natasha has towards her father, because she compares him to a boar. Furthermore, she ends up ridiculing him, shouting at him and tries to hurt him. Another example of Helen Simpsons use of satire in Caput Apri can be seen through her use of descriptive language and alliteration throughout the text. In the quote: A fit Fat Barrister, he felt cruelty was warranted even salutary , a fathers way of keeping them up to scratch, the point of the animalistic-like image that Helen Simpson has portrayed Everard to be is being emphasized by saying he is fat and fit. She also hints that Everard hasnt been treating his children and his family well. When a father thinks that cruelty is warranted let alone valued for a salute, we know that something is out of the usual. In this case, we are being told that Everard isnt being a good father or a good husband.

Compose a page explaining why beleaguered cities is a satirical text.

Discuss two texts that are satirical in content and style. Explain how the composers achieve their purpose In the texts ______ and ____ both composers target ______ and _______. In the first text, the composers uses ____ and ____ to position the audience to consider the issue/problem of _____. Similarly, in ____, the director/composer highlights the foolishness/folly/social ill of _____ through ____, ______ and ___devices Sample paragraph structure P-Point/topic sentence E-Explanation/elaboration of point E-evidence/quotes/techniques

L- LinkThe target of the satire-what is being lampooned/ridiculed? (vice, folly, social values/conventions/expectations) Reading and Comprehension Section Revise 1. poetry techniques/terms 2. Prose techniques >language devices that create meaning 3. Visual Language Read a text Idea? Techniques/quotes? Effect on responder? Sample One area that the writer is exposing for ridicule is the arrogant and insensitive behavior of the character, Everard. While he holds te respect of the community due to his repuatation as one of the top barristers in the country, he behaves badly towards his wife and children in the home. The writer, Helen Simpson uses effective imagery to convey a negative picture of Everards aggressive manner in order to position tohe reader to dislike the character and all that he symbolizes in some patriarchal households. As the storyteller, Yvonne, commences her description of Eveard, we visualize a cruel family head: he flashed his sarcastic phrases like scissors the use of the simile enhances our understanding of the cutting effect of Everards words on his family and we are immediately repulsed by his presence. The writer also uses irony t further our disrespect for him. Everard offers advice to Natasha and Charlie about the need to read Nichomarchean Ethics, an ancient Greek philosophical text about the rules of good living. Ironically, Everard is promoting a book about a code of conduct he certainly doesnt practice, and the responsder is again aware of his hypocrisy as well as his bullying behavior towards his family. Hence, the writer is able to position her audience to disapprove of Everards behavior and question the society that values position and status above respectful family relationships Eg. One example of Simpsons satire in Caput Apri is gender inequity. The composer conveys the powerlessness of some women and the empowerment of men, as husbands and patriarchs in society.

Through clever characterization of Everard and other family members, the audience is positioned to see the composers criticism. Everard, the father and successful barrister is portrayed as ________

The animated comedy film Shrek is thought by many to be a simple childrens film, however if you look closely, it is obvious that the composer has challenged the traditional fairytale genre through the uses of many different satirical devices throughout the film, particularly parody, role reversal and parody. Firstly, and most notably, the movie portrays Princess Fiona as a strong character, which is the complete opposite of the typical fairytale texts. In the traditional fairytale, the princess is portrayed as an innocent and somewhat weak character who gets rescued by their knight in shining armour. However, in Shrek, Princess Fiona is portrayed to be a strong character whos skilled in martial arts and has a great personality. For example, in the Robin Hood scene, Robin Hood and his men are portayed as Also, the typical knight in shining armor is being satirized, as Princess Fiona is actually rescued by an ogre dressed in armour. To summarise, the film Shrek parodies the typical fairytale, and this is the most recurring satirical device in the film. There are also many examples of role reversal throughout the film, for example, at the end of the movie, Princess Fiona and Shrek are rescued by a ferocious dragon that just happened to fall in love with Donkey. This is extremely strange because usually in fairytales the dragon is portrayed as the villain and also because dragons are meant to be ferocious firebreathing beasts. Another example of a role reversal in Shrek is Princess Fiona falling in love with Shrek-an ogre instead of the Prince. Through this, the audience is Another example of the satirical devices used in Shrek is exaggeration. Exaggeration is used throughout the film to create a contrast of Shrek with other fairytales. For example,

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