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2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787

Ben Warrens
Fat Switch Manual

How to lose at least 3-5 KG in 3 weeks

Presented by Ben Warren and BePure

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787
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The Fat Switch achieves weight loss thiough focusing on the inteinal
mechanisms that cause weight gain. It is uesigneu as an inteivention uiet
anu although long teim use of this uiet piesents no haim. It is
iecommenueu that on completion of the thiee week piogiamme you
move onto Ben Waiien's Life Changing 0nline Piogiamme to establish the
best baseline uiet foi you anu youi inuiviuual genetic anu enviionmental

Scientific ieseaich has now ie-enfoiceu what many long teim uieteis have
known foi yeais.

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What Bi. Richaiu }ohnson anu colleagues of the 0niveisity of Coloiauo
anu the Coloiauo 0besity Reseaich Institute have founu is that the !"#$ of
foou pioviueu to the cell is the key to long teim weight gain anu weight
loss. No longei is it %&' )*+% "&* $,! but '%,! "&* $,! that uiives
weight gain anu weight loss.

What we have been tolu until now is that we oveieat anu theiefoie
become oveiweight. Bowevei, Bi. }ohnson's ieseaich has shown that
what in fact happens is; because we aie tiieu we oveieat to tiy to
inciease oui eneigy but because the switch is tiippeu to fat stoiage we
gain weight. Leaving oui waistlines incieasing anu oui bouies still feeling

Sugai is making us tiieu anu when we aie tiieu oui cells cannot function
effectively. This means insteau of using caloiies foi eneigy we stoie them
as fat. Sugai tiips the fat switch. Sugai, oi moie piecisely fiuctose (one of
the two components of table sugai) uamages the cells' 'engine'. This
means on a cellulai anu whole bouy level we have less eneigy. It is this
ueciease in eneigy that tiiggeis oui bouy's 'Fat Switch' to then stoie
eneigy as opposeu to buining it.

Fiuctose is the numbei one culpiit, yes this is the main sugai founu in
fiuit. But uon't woiiy the fiuctose in fiuit is quite low, compaieu to how

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787
much weie aie consuming as table sugai oi high fiuctose coin syiup. Plus
most fiuit aie high in vitamin C which blocks the fat gaining effects of

The key to ieveising the fat switch involves stopping the continueu
uamage fiom excessive sugai consumption. Then ieveising the uamage
thiough a uiet high in micionutiients anu antioxiuants. Which basically
means eating lots of colouiful vegetables insteau of sugai.

The Fat Switch Piogiamme is uesigneu to achieve this.

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It is iecommenueu that you spenu the next few uays eating out of youi
pantiy to get iiu of any foous that aie not alloweu on the Fat Switch.
Each Fiiuay night foi the next S weeks you will be emaileu foui files
which contain all the bieakfast, lunch anu uinnei iecipes. As pait of these
foui files you will also ieceive two shopping lists one foi the bieakfasts
anu lunches anu anothei foi the uinneis.
These meals neeu not be followeu exactly anu as long as youi uiet is
within the Fat Switch Piinciples gieat iesults can be expecteu.
Also feel fiee to exchange some of the ingieuients foi fiesh, local seasonal
ingieuients pioviueu that they still fall within the Fat Switch Piinciples.

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If you finu you aie hungiy shoitly aftei eating then the next time you eat
be suie to eat moie fat anu piotein anu less caibohyuiates.
If you aie tiieu aftei eating then eat less fat anu piotein anu moie
caibohyuiates the next time you eat.

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787
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The Fat Switch Piogiamme is essentially a low glycemic inuex uietaiy piotocol
- Which means the foous you eat will have a minimal effect on bloou sugai
levels. As such if you know that some foous have a high glycemic inuex then
they shoulu be avoiueu.

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All full fat uaiiy piouucts incluuing:
Nilk, yoghuit, all types of cheeses, cieam cheese, cottage cheese, buttei, almonu
meal anu cocnut floui.
Eggs fiom a fiee iange (iueally oiganic) souice
All meat, incluuing:
Beef heart
Beef liver
Beef tongue
Bone soup from
allowable meats
Buffalo, Bison
Calf liver
Marrow soup
Organ Meats
Pork, Bacon
List of Poultry:
Chicken Liver
Cornish Game Hen
Duck Liver
Goose Liver
Guinea Hen

All Seafoou:
All fiuit, incluuing:
Acai Beiiies
Apple, uianny
Apple, Reu
Apple, Yellow
Caiissa, Natal
Cuiients, Black
Cuiients, Reu
uogi, Wolfbeiiy

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787
Cape uoosebeiiies,
}ack -6*/!
Nelon, Bittei
Nelon, Canang
Nelon, Cantaloupe
Nelon, Casaba
Nelon, Cassava
Nelon, Chiistmas
Nelon, Cienshaw
Nelon, Boneyuew
Nelon, }uan
Nelon, Nusk
Nelon, 0iange-
flesh Boneyuew
Nelon, Pepino
Nelon, Peisian
Nelon, Santa Claus
Nelon, Spanish
Nelon, Yellow-
flesh Wateimelon
0iange, Bloou
0iange, Nanuaiin
0iange, Navel
Passion !"#$%
Paw Paw
Peai, Asian
Piickly Peai
Sago Palm
Stai fiuit,

All vegetables except (potatoes, kumeia anu sweet coin) incluuing:
Alfalfa Spiouts
Aloe veia
Aspaiagus Peas
Balsam Peai, Bittei
Bamboo Shoots
Beet Leaves
Bens, uieen
Bok Choy, Pak Choi
Bioccoli Leaves
Bioccoli Raab,
Bioccoli, Chinese
Biussels Spiouts
Cabbage, Chinese
Cabbage, Reu
Cabbage, White
Cactus Leaves
Chaiu, Swiss
Chayote, Pipinella,
8$2$!,9:$ Peai
Chinese Kale, Kai-
Collaiu uieens
Baikon Rauish
Banuelion uieens

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787
Fiuuleheau Fein
uiape Leaves
Beait 0f Palm
}ew's Eai, Pepeao
}ute, Potheib
Kale, Chinese (Kai-
Kanpyo, Biieu
uouiu Stiips
Lettuce, Buttei
Lettuce, uieen
Lettuce, Icebeig
Lettuce, Reu Leaf
Lettuce, Romaine
Lima Beans
Namey Sapote,
Nammy Apple
Nountain Yam
Nushioom, Black
Nushioom, Enoki
Nushioom, 0ystei
Nushioom, Stiaw
Nushioom, Tiee
Nushioom, White,
Silvei Bollai
Nustaiu uieens
0lives, Black
0lives, uieek
0lives, uieen
0lives, Spanish
0nions, uieen
0nions, Reu
0nions, White
0nions, Yellow
0ystei Plant,
Peas, Snap
Peas, Snow
Peppeis, Chili
Peppeis, uieen
Peppeis, }alapeo
Peppeis, Reu
Peppeis, Yellow
Pickle, Biine
Pickle, vinegai
Pumpkin Flowei
Rauish Spiouts
Rauishes, Baikon
Rauishes, Reu
Sea vegetables
Sea vegetables
(Kelp, Kombu,
Sea vegetables,
Iiish Noss
Sea vegetables,
Sea vegetables,
Spiouts, Alfalfa
Spiouts, Bioccoli
Spiouts, Clovei
Spiouts, Nung
Spiouts, Rauish
Spiouts, Spicy
Squash Chayote
Squash Flowei
Squash, Banana
Squash, Butteinut
Squash, Banish
Squash, Kabocha
Squash, Spaghetti
Squash, Summei
Squash, Wintei
Squash, Yellow
Swamp Cabbage,
Skunk Cabbage
Swiss Chaiu
Taio Leaves,
Tomato Reu Roma
Tomato, Yellow
Tuinip uieens
Watei Chestnut
Watei Chestnut,
Wax uouiu
Pieseiving Nelon)

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787
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Theie aie no limitations on seiving size in the Fat Switch, howevei paiticipants
aie askeu to chew theii foou to a liquiu that will natuially limit the amount of
foou consumeu by impioving the biofeeuback mechanisms of the bouy. Plus
only eat when you aie hungiy.
Paiticipants aie askeu to exeicise Su minutes a uay. Iueally this exeicise will
be in the moining anu will be muscle builuing (iesistance tiaining) exeicise.
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0ptimal watei intake is ciitical foi peimanent weight loss anu incieuible
health. Watei incieases eneigy piouuction anu aius all piocesses of
uetoxification. Biink the iight amount of watei oi moie foi you..
The coiiect amount of watei is:
Biink u.uSS lities of watei foi eveiy Kg of bouy weight eg, 6ukg=2 lities,
9u kg=S lities
0nly high quality filteieu watei (unless you live in Napiei!) counts as
watei, tea, coffee uon't count!

If you aie having to uiinate a lot you might neeu moie mineials to help actually
ietain the watei. (Tiy taking BePuie 0NE to see if this helps),

Beibal teas, gieen tea anu black tea aie alloweu on the Fat Switch Piogiamme.

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The following fats anu oils shoulu be useu fieely.
Please use uhee, coconut oil, laiu, uiipping foi high heat cooking
Please use Extia viigin 0live 0il, avocauo oi sesame oil foi salau uiessings
Feel fiee to auu oiganic buttei to any vegetables oi gieens

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All iaw nuts can be consumeu as a snack as well as ciuuits with humus anu
some fiuit pioviuing that piotein is also consumeu at the same time as the fiuit.

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787

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Buy the best quality foou you can affoiu, I highly iecommenu oiganically giown
foous as they have less toxic iesiuues anu often have moie micionutiients. If
you aie unable to puichase oiganic fiuits anu vegetables please wash the fiuits
anu vegetables befoie cooking oi eating. Puichase oiganic, fiee iange eggs anu
oiganic buttei as a minimum.

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Some people may expeiience uetox ieactions fiom this uiet (heauaches, flu like
symptoms etc). These shoulu only last a few uays. This occuis most commonly
as the unfiienuly bacteiia that have been feeuing on sugai begin to uie off. It is
iecommenueu that you suppoit youi bouy with Biokult - a piobiotic
supplement shoulu this occui to you. Click heie to view online.

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The Fat Switch Piogiamme can be appiopiiate foi chiluien, howevei as
chiluien aie giowing anu have gieatei eneigy neeus, some piopeily
piepaieusoakeu, cookeu whole giains can be auueu to the uiet. Please see foi moie uetails.

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Bieakfast - Supei Fiitatta
Lunch - Chicken Bium sticks with Seeuy Slaw
Afteinoon snack - Almonus
Binnei - Chicken bieast stuffeu with iicotta anu baby spinach

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787
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Any foou that has been piocesseu oi comes in a packet such as cakes, meusli
bais, chips, giavy (homemaue giavy is fine), sauces, tinneu fiuit etc.
uiains anu flouis fiom giains aie caloiie uense foous that aie piimaiily
staiches, glucose molecules joineu togethei. As such they aie not allow on the
Fat Switch Piogiamme.
uiains anu piocesseu giains incluue:

Biown Rice
Biown Rice Bieau
Biown Rice
Bulgui (Ciackeu
Faiio Emmei
Kamut uiain
0at Bieau
0at Ceieal
Whole Wheat
Ceieal Flakes
Rolleu 0ats
Whole uiain
Wheat Beiiies
Whole uiain
Whole Rye
Whole Wheat
Wheat Couscous
Whole Wheat
Whole Wheat
Whole Wheat Pita
Whole Wheat
Sanuwich Buns
Anu Rolls
Whole Wheat
Wilu RicCoinbieau
Coin Toitillas
Floui Toitillas
Nacaion Reauy-
To-Eat Bieakfast
White Bieau
White Sanuwich
Buns Anu Rolls
White Rice

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787
As all foims of sugai the potential to tiiggei the bouy's Fat Stoiage Switch,
sugai is not alloweu on the Fat Switch Piogiamme

Sugais incluue:
Biown sugai
Coin syiup
Bemeiaia Sugai
Fiee Flowing
Biown Sugais
Bigh Fiuctose
Coin Syiup
Inveit Sugai
Naple syiup
Nuscovauo oi
Baibauos Sugai
Powueieu oi
Rice Syiup
Sugai (gianulateu)
Tuibinauo sugai

Aitificial Sweeteneis aie also not alloweu on the Fat Switch uue to ieseaich
showing they inciease weight gain fastei than sugai.
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Since the staich in potatoes, kumeia anu sweetcoin tuins to glucose veiy
quickly in the bouy, they aie not alloweu on the Fat Switch Piogiamme
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Beei, uue to it's ability to iaise uiic aciu levels is not alloweu on the Fat Switch.
Wine anu othei alcoholic beveiages aie also not alloweu uue to the empty
caloiies they contain.
Chocolate - Although it is not encouiageu uue to the sugai content, if sugai
ciavings cannot be oveicome then 2 squaies of 8S% cocoa chocolate may be
Coffee - Bue to the effect of caffeine on the neivous anu hoimone system, only
one coffee shop coffee can be consumeu a uay.
Soua, Coke, eneigy uiinks, fizzy uiinks anu fiuit juice aie all uisalloweu uue to
sugai content. Biet anu aitificially sweeteneu uiinks aie also not alloweu uue
to links to obesity anu cancei.

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787
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If aftei seeing the iecipes anu what's iequiieu of the piogiamme you uo
not wish to follow the piotocol then you may get a full iefunu at that time.
If you aie attenuing an evening seminai you will be offeieu this
oppoitunity uuiing the seminai.

If upon, following the iecommenuations* of this piogiamme foi thiee
weeks you have not lost at least S-S Kg then you may apply foi a 'no
questions askeu' iefunu. You will be given the iefunu anu also be offeieu
fuithei help in iesolving youi weight management issues as the chances
aie youi pioblem is hoimonally ielateu.

* Following the piogiamme means applying the Fat Switch Piinciples of
the piogiamme to youi life to a minimum uegiee of 9S%. Foi example, a
piinciple of the Fat Switch is that you exeicise foi Su minutes a uay, if you
miss one uay (ovei 21 uays) then you still have applieu the Piinciple
above 9S% of the time anu you aie entitleu to the iefunu. If howevei, you
have misseu two uays exeicise then you have not applieu the Fat Switch
Piinciples at 9S% anu have not followeu the iecommenueu piogiamme
anu as such aie not entitleu to the iefunu unuei the guaiantee.

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2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787
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Anything that uamages the mitochonuiia, the cells eneigy factoiies, can
tiiggei the switch that makes youi bouy stoie fat iathei than buin it..

Bamage can be causeu by:
Not enough vitamins anu mineials
Inflammation anu oxiuative stiess
Foou intoleiances - often wheat anu uaiiy
Pooi livei function
Leptin Resistance
Boimone uysfunction

The key to ieveising the fat switch involves:
Stopping the continueu uamage of the mitochonuiia fiom excessive
sugai (anu iesulting fiuctose) consumption
Suppoiting the whole health of the bouy thiough coiiect uiet anu
lifestyle choices (see my Life Changing Piogiamme foi uetails)
Suppoiting mitochonuiia iegeneiation thiough a uiet high in
micionutiients anu nutiitional supplementation.

Let's look at the iole of micionutiients in the iole of incieasing eneigy anu
tuining off the Fat Switch.
Iouine - Thyioiu function - Boimones aie
chemical messengeis that tell youi cells what to
uo.. Thyioiu hoimones aie some of the most
impoitant foi weight loss anu eneigy. The
thyioiu hoimones have been likeneu to the
'acceleiatoi' foi youi bouy, contiolling eneigy
metabolism, weight gain anu loss. Theiefoie
maintaining optimal thyioiu function is key to
uiiving eneigy metabolism at a cellulai level.
To this enu one of the key nutiients youi bouy neeus is iouine, as without
auequate iouine youi bouy cannot make thyioxine the main thyioiu
hoimone. Consiueiing that 99% of people testeu in New Zealanu have
testeu ueficient foi iouine, it's especially impoitant that people eithei
consume seaweeu oi take a supplement with iouine in (BePuie 0NE
contains extia iouine).

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787
Auienal glanus makes many of youi hoimones -
Incluuing the main uaytime hoimone (chemical
messengei) that enables eneigy piouuction,
coitisol. Without auequate coitisol you aie
going to be tiieu anu suffeiing with a lot of
inflammation (coitisol is also oui piimaiy anti-
inflammatoiy). With continueu stiess oui
bouies auienal glanus can become 'fatigueu' as
they stiuggle to maintain hoimone piouuction.
Theiefoie ovei time we can lose the chemical message that tells oui cells
to make eneigy. The auienal glanus iequiie vitamin C, vitamin E (mixeu
tocopheiols) BS, BS, B6 anu a syneigistic ielationship with othei B
vitamins. Also the mineials, calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese,
selenium, molybuenum, chiomium coppei anu iouine aie iequiieu. These
aie all vital in oiuei to function optionally anu theiefoie ieuuce the
tiieuness anu allow us to be able to hanule stiess effectively without
compiomising oui bouy's. (BePuie 0NE contains all of these).

B vitamins - B1, B2, BS, BS, B6 anu biotin aie uiiectly utilizeu in the
mitochonuiia foi eneigy piouuction anu as such aie uiiectly involveu in
the fat switch. (BePuie 0NE contains all of these)

Selenium - Selenium is a co-factoi foi many enzymes ieactions theiefoie
vital foi hoimone piouuction in the auienal glanus anu thyioiu. Selenium
is also involveu in the constiuction of selenopioteins - 0ne gioup of
selenopioteins calleu glutathione peioxiuises is the piimaiy base
antioxiuant piouuceu in the bouy. Beficiency in selenium can then iesult
in incieaseu oxiuative uamage anu mitochonuiia uysfunction tiiggeiing
the bouy's fat switch. (BePuie 0NE contains selenium as selenium kiebs
complex foi maximum absoiption.)

Coppei anu Iion - Aie uiiectly utiliseu by the mitochonuiia in eneigy
piouuction anu theiefoie ueficiencies aie involveu in the tiiggeiing of the
fat switch. (BePuie 0NE contains coppei but not iion as the BePuie
iecommenueu uiet contains auequate iion).

Nagnesium - Is heavily utiliseu by the mitochonuiia anu theiefoie
uiiectly effects the fat switch in the bouy. Nagnesium is also heavily useu
in enzyme function anu theiefoie not only impoitant foi uetoxification

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787
thiough the livei but also in the making of hoimones both in the auienal
glanus anu thyioiu. Nagnesium also plays a iole in fat oxiuisation - youi
bouy's ability to buin fat as an eneigy souice anu theiefoie it is veiy
impoitant foi weight loss anu eneigy. (BePuie 0NE contains a chelateu
magnesium foi optimal absoiption.)

vitamin E - vitamin E is the piimaiy fat soluable antioxiuant anu piotects
the mitochonuiia phospholipiu cell membiane fiom the uestiuctive
effects of fiee iauicals. Again suppoiting mitochonuiia health, incieaseu
eneigy anu weight maintenance. (BePuie 0NE contains natuial vitamin E
with mixeu tocopheiols.)

vitamin B helps stabalise the effects of insulin meaning that fiuctose is
not uiiven into the cell as quickly anu as a iesult less mitochonuiia
uamage occuis. (BePuie 0NE contains BS, the animal active foim of
vitamin B.)

Antioxiuants - Belp mop up the fiee iauicals which if left unattenueu will
cause oxiuative stiess anu mitochonuiia uamage,
iesulting in uecieaseu eneigy piouuction anu
tiiggeiing the bouy to stoie eneigy anu fat.
(BePuie 0NE contains a bioau iange of

vitamin C - Reseaich is showing that vitamin C
blocks the absoiption of fiuctose by the cell anu
helps piotect against the activation of the Fat
Switch by fiuctose. This also helps explain why fiuit geneially uoes not
make people fat as most fiuits aie also high in vitamin C. (BePuie 0NE
contains vitamin C in a buffeieu foim).

Chiomium anu vanauium both facilitate the uptake of glucose by the
muscles anu assist in stabilising bloou sugai levels. Bigh sugai uiets have
been founu to ueciease chiomium levels combineu with the fact that most
soils aie ueficient in chiomium anu vanauium, theie is gieat benefit to be
hau fiom supplementing these tiace mineials. (BePuie 0NE contains both
vanauium anu chiomium in a highly bio-available foim)

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787
Some othei antioxiuants beneficial to incieasing eneigy anu speeuing up
weight loss incluue:

uieen Tea - uieen tea has been shown to inciease
weight loss in scientific ieseaich. (BePuie 0NE
contains uieen Tea Extiact)

uieen Papaya - Is often useu to help weight loss
thiough the ieuuction of uiic aciu, a bye piouuct of
the fat switch being activateu (BePuie 0NE contains
uieen Papaya Extiact).

Apple Pectin is shown to help piotect against metabolic synuiome -
ieuucing bloou sugai levels, total cholesteiol, tiiglyceiiue levels anu
weight. (BePuie 0NE contains Apple Pectin)

Anothei key nutiient to mitochonuiia function is CoQ1u. CoQ1u is not in
BePuie 0NE as CoQ1u is veiy unstable anu easily oxiuises when mixeu
with othei nutiients. I woulu iecommenu 1Sumg of natuially feimenteu
C0Q1u like this one.

So. To ieally inciease eneigy anu speeu up weight loss you want to
supply the micio nutiients neeueu to iebuilu the mitochonuiia anu the
othei systems which contiol eneigy piouuction within youi bouy. As the
moie eneigy you have, the highei youi metabolism, the moie caloiies you
buin anu moie weight you lose. that's just anothei ieason why it's so
impoitant to take a supei high quality supplement like BePuie 0NE.

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2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787

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Week 1
Sunday Preparations Lunch Day 1 and Day 2 Chicken Drumsticks and
Rainbow Salad

Monday Day 1
Breakfast Dairy free Smoothie
Lunch Chicken Drumsticks and Rainbow Salad
Dinner Moroccan Fish Skewers
Preparations Salmon and Green Frittata

Tuesday Day 2
Breakfast Salmon and Green Frittata
Lunch Chicken drum sticks and Rainbow Salad
Dinner Apple and Pork Stir Fry

Wednesday Day 3
Breakfast Salmon and Green Frittata
Lunch Left over stir fry
Dinner Chicken breast stuffed with soft ricotta
Preparations Greek Salad for lunch Day 4 and Day 5

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2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787

Thursday Day 4
Breakfast Bacon and poached eggs on spinach
Lunch Tuna in Spring water with Balsamic Vinegar and Olive oil and Greek
Dinner Crispy almond Chicken Tenderloins with Broccoli

Friday Day 5
Breakfast Cheese and herb omelette
Lunch Tuna in Spring water with Balsamic Vinegar and Olive oil and
Greek Salad
Dinner Sunny Frittata with Zucchini and Spinach

Saturday Day 6
Breakfast Banana Pancakes
Lunch Chicken Caesar salad
Dinner Basil Seasoned chicken Ratatouille with mozzarella

Sunday Day 7
Breakfast English Cooked Breakfast Bacon, eggs tomato, mushroom and
Lunch Breadless burger with carrot and cumin salad
Dinner Juicy Pork and Wine Tomato Soup
Preparations Make meat loaf and almond carrot crunch

!"#$% '%(')

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787

Week 2
Monday Day 8
Breakfast Green smoothie
Lunch Meat Loaf and almond carrot crunch
Dinner Golden grilled fish fillet with Bean Salad and pineapple Lime Salsa
Preparations Make Asparagus and cheese frittata

Tuesday Day 9
Breakfast Asparagus and cheese frittata with side salad
Lunch Meat Loaf and almond carrot crunch

Dinner Fancy Chicken and thyme Stew

Wednesday Day 10
Breakfast Asparagus and cheese frittata with side salad
Lunch Fancy Chicken and Thyme Stew (left overs)
Dinner Succulent Steak Fajita Salad
Preparations Prepare Chilli con carne and Colourful Coleslaw

Thursday Day 11
Breakfast Spinach mushroom egg and bacon stack
Lunch Chilli con carne and Colourful Coleslaw
Dinner Grilled Basil Chicken with Spring Vegetables

!"#$% '%(')

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787

Friday Day 12
Breakfast Poached eggs on rocket with baked beans and avocado
Lunch Chilli con carne and Pacifica coleslaw
Dinner Tender rump steak stir fry with Almonds and Broccoli

Saturday Day 13
Breakfast Mushrooms with garlic butter, bacon and sauted greens
Lunch Grilled haloumi with pear and walnut rocket salad
Dinner Baked Orange and lemon Chicken

Sunday Day 14
Breakfast English Cooked Breakfast Bacon, eggs tomato, mushroom and

Lunch Salt and pepper chicken thighs with broccoli and green bean salad
Dinner Juicy Beef and red wine casserole
Preparations Cleopatras tomato soup

!"#$% '%(')

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787

Week 3
Monday Day 15
Breakfast Garlic mince with tomatoes and courgette
Lunch Tomato Soup
Dinner Freshly Grilled Mahi Mahi
Preparations Make bacon and courgette and cottage cheese fritters

Tuesday Day 16
Breakfast Bacon, cheese and zucchini (courgette) fritters with grilled
Lunch Tomato Soup
Dinner Fragrant sesame orange stir-fry

Wednesday Day 17
Breakfast Bacon, cheese and zucchini (courgette) fritters with grilled cheesy
Lunch Left over stir-fry
Dinner Spanish White wine and Balsamic beef
Preparations Beef Kebab and Israeli salad

Thursday Day 18
Breakfast Banana pancakes
Lunch Beef Kebab and Israeli cabbage salad
Dinner Cheese and bacon Cordon Bleu

!"#$% '%(')

2013 Ben Warren BePure Health Revolution 0800 873 787

Friday Day 19
Breakfast Herb omelette with creamy mushrooms
Lunch Beef Kebab and Israeli cabbage salad
Dinner Crispy Chicken Fingers

Saturday Day 20
Breakfast Green Crepe and Salsa
Lunch Fajitas with cabbage leaves
Dinner Oregano Crumbed Chicken

Sunday Day 21
Breakfast English Cooked Breakfast Bacon, eggs tomato, mushroom and
Lunch Thai fish cakes with salad
Dinner Sheppards Pie with Tomato Beef and Creamy Mash

As seen on

Nutrition is the foundation of health.
Somehow medical schools seem to skip over
nutrition and doctors graduate with a very
limited knowledge of the role of food in health
and healing, and also its role in disease
I think of doctors as 'disease practitioners' not
health practitioners. Ben is a health
I have to be careful though; if people follow
Ben's advice, I'll be out of a job!
Dr. Alison Goodwin G.P

As seen on
Ben Warren Founder of BePure Health Revolution
BA (Hons), CHEK 3, EFT 2, TFH 2
A bit about me...
A bit about me...
How I came to this...
From Golf to
A bit about
My personal experience with
weight loss and incredible health
Hows our weight in New Zealand?
Our weight is getting
There's been a rise in obesity in New Zealand in recent
decades - from 9% in 1977
to 22% in 2003 and 26.5% in 2007
The 2006/07 New Zealand Health Survey found that:
One in three adults were overweight (36.3%)
Weight and Health
Research has shown that as weight increases the risks for the following
conditions also increases:

Type 2 diabetes
Coronary heart disease
Cancers (breast, and colon)
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Dyslipidemia (for example, high total cholesterol or high triglycerides)
Liver and Gallbladder disease
Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
Osteoarthritis (a degeneration of cartilage and its
underlying bone within a joint)
Gynecological problems (abnormal menses, infertility)
Research shows that muscle mass is the
number one indicator of health
#1 Muscle Mass
#2 Strength
#3 Basal Metabolic rate
#4 Fat percentage
#5 Aerobic capacity
#6 Blood sugar tolerance
#7 Cholesterol HDL levels
#8 Blood pressure
#9 Bone density
Dr. Rakowski, 2002, Canadian Institute of
Current paradigm regarding weight
Calories in = calories out

We just need to eat less...

We just need to exercise more...

Fat has more than double the calories of

protein and carbohydrate. Therefore reduce fat
to reduce calories...
Not all calories are the same...
588 grams broccoli 570 grams carrots
70grams Bagel 68 grams Tootsie Pops
200 calories is not just 200 calories!
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and
weight loss
Basal Metabolic Rate is the amount of calories you burn
doing nothing. It is directly related to your muscle mass
and metabolism.
Raising your Basal Metabolic Rate increases the amount
of calories your body burns and also increases the
energy available to you
1he laL SwlLch aradlgm...
!"#$ # &'(()(#* +,-$&" -+ *'+./0+-1(' 2/* 2#$ 3#-0 #04 2#$ (/++5
!"-+ +,-$&" -+ &/0$*/(('4 16 ,"#$ ,' '#$ 78! "/, 9)&" ,'
ur. 8lchard !ohnson - unlverslLy of Colorado and Le Colorado CbeslLy 8esearch lnsuLuLe.
Anlmals have a faL swlLch...
The low fat diets of the early
eighties are NOT working!
The Fattening of a Nation
No More Fat!
Less Fat
More Carbohydrates
Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, CDC.
Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adults
BRFSS, 1985
(*BMI !30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4 person)
No Data <10% 10%14%
Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, CDC.
Obesity Trends* Among U.S. Adults
BRFSS, 2010
(*BMI !30, or ~ 30 lbs. overweight for 5 4 person)
No Data <10% 10%14% 15%19% 20%24% 25%29% !30%
The Story is the same for
New Zealand...
In the Late 1970s Obesity in New Zealand
sat at 9! of the population
In 2007 26.5! of the population were obese
So, its nearly tripled in 3 decades!
In the same time period carbohydrate consumption increased by
Insulin increased
Increased fat storage
In another 30 years nearly 90! of
New Zealanders will be Obese!
Level 1 of the Fat Switch " Insulin
Let me explain how Level one of the Fat Switch is
going to help...
Stabilising blood sugar levels
High blood sugar levels cause an insulin release
Insulin drives the sugar into the cells, and if you are not
exercising it will be driven into fat cells!
Stabilising blood sugar levels is the rst key to losing
body fat and getting healthier.
Let me show you how this works
7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 1 1:30 2:00 2:30
Unstable Blood Sugar levels
Your blood sugar levels rise according to what you
have eaten...
Unstable Blood Sugar levels from Orange Juice
More stable blood sugar levels from an Orange
Most stable
7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00
7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00
7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00
Simple Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates Carbon based molecule chains, most
abundant in nature and especially in the supermarket
Ranging from complex to simple
Main energy source for the body (for most people)
Examples of carbohydrate dominant foods All fruit and
vegetables, grain based foods, high sugar content foods
Protein/fat/carbohydrate ratios
Simple carbohydrates make you FAT!
Glycemic Index, Calories
What is glycemic index?
How can it be useful to us?
Calories and their role - basic energy content of food
The body is no where near as simple as calories in =
Calories out. If this was the case everyone at the gym
would have the body they want!
Total calories in is not a good measure for health Most
people are over fed and undernourished
Protein usually comes from something with eyes, Most often
found with fat (exceptions nuts and lentils)
Basic chemistry Amino acids joined into chains to make a protein,
eg - whey protein (one of the proteins contained in milk)
Common sources Many foods have amino acid content, however
only foods that comes from something with eyes have what is
called complete proteins. Generally when it comes to meat, the
darker the meat the more protein they contain
Importance to body - Amino acids provide the raw materials for all
of your hormones and building blocks for repairing your body and
for building muscle
Macronutrients - Protein
Macronutrients - Proteins

Basic chemistry Fatty acids termed by the number of hydrogen
atoms attached to the chain, eg saturated eg egg yolk, butter, fats
from an animal. Monounsaturated Olives, Polyunsaturated
Common sources Saturated fat is usually found with protein with
the exception of tropical oils. Mono-unsaturated olive and
sesame oils. Poly-unsaturated vegetable oils ie sunflower
Importance to body Fatty acids like protein provide the raw
materials for all of your hormones and the building blocks for
repairing your body, plus are vital for the development of the
central nervous system in children
Macronutrients - Fat
Macronutrients - Fat
Unstable Blood Sugar levels from Orange Juice
More stable blood sugar levels from an Orange
Most stable
7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00
7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00
7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00
1he Second rlmary Lrlgger of Lhe laL
SwlLch - MlLochondrla Lhe energy
facLorles of our body
Cellular Lnergy roducuon
lrucLose and Sugar
lrucLose damages mlLochondrla and
Lrlps Lhe swlLch Lo sLore faL and Sugar
1he laL SwlLch ls a cellular swlLch LhaL
conLrols wheLher your body sLores faL
or burns faL
WlLh Lhe faL swlLch on your body shuules
energy ouL of Lhe blood sLream lnLo Lhe cells
for sLorage maklng you ured
Sugar ls Lhe prlmary problem...
If its an .ose - its a sugar eg. fructose, dextrose,
maltose, sucrose
In nature, high sugar content is correlated with high
nutrition content
Pure carbohydrate, and high GI
Sucks calcium out of bones and magnesium out of cells to
buffer acidity, Suppresses immune system
Empty calories, in fact, takes nutrition away from body
The Fructose triggers your bodies Fat Switch!
8eer and wlne
1rlggers of Lhe laL SwlLch
Plgh Clycemlc lndex foods - poLaLoes, gralns
rlmary Lrlggers
MenLal SLress
Pormone lmbalance
lood lnLolerances
CuL dysblosls/bacLerlal lmbalance
oor llver funcuon
Cxldauve sLress and lnammauon
Secondary Lrlggers
Stress and your Thrifty Gene
When your body experiences stress it thinks
there is a faminine and turn on the fat Switch to
store fat and energy.
The primarily long term stressor our bodys have
evolved with is not enough food...
Stress summates, and as your body has only one
response to all stressors you have to weigh up your
stressors and change your life accordingly
Mental, Nutritional, Chemical, Physical, Electro magnetic
Adrenal Fatigue
Prolonged stress will cause the adrenal
glands to become fatigued as your body
runs out of the raw materials to continue
hormone production
Adrenal fatigue results in a reduction in the following
Fight or ight response, energy production, tissue repair,
sexual and reproductive function, anti-inammatory
responses, blood sugar regulation, regulation of sodium,
potassium and uid volume, altered thyroid function and
indirectly melatonin and serotonin levels
Thyroid Function
Due to low cortisol 80% of those suffering adrenal
fatigue will be suffering from low thyroid function.
Indicators of low thyroid
Basal body temp taken before rising in the morning is
below 98.2F (oral) or 97.2F (underarm)
Stamina does not improve with exercise
At 9:30pm you hit a wall but dont get a second wind
Gain weight easily around waist, hips and thighs
Energy does not improve after your evening meal
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
Fat Switch Principles
No Sugar
No Grains
No Potatoes
Lots of water
Chew your food
30 minutes exercise a day
Applying the Fat Switch - Water
We should chew until liquid
Focus on tasting the food as much as

Get your family and friends to remind you to chew
Try putting your knife and fork down between bites
Fat Switch Fine Tuning
If you get hungry eat more fat and protein,
Gall Bladder - If you dont have a gall bladder and eating some of the meals
make you feel sick you will have to supplement with ox bile to help you
absorb the fat soluable nutrients in the meal.
If you get tired after eating eat more vegetables and less fat
and protein
Serving size?
Water- Why water is so important
Body composition over 78% solvent in water
Cellular function, 3 billion cellular functions a second require
Aids digestion and detoxification, 4 ways of detoxifying (breath,
sweat, urine, faeces) all require water.
Water is a universal solvent and one of the strongest antioxidants
Health problems associated with dehydration, asthma, hay fever,
headaches/migraines, constipation, Alzheimer's, peptic ulcers
Basic dehydration test, skin pinch
Ref: You are not sick you are thirsty Dr. Batmanghelidj
Exercise - building muscle
Building muscle is the number one thing you want to do!
Why? Muscle mass is #1 indicator of health, increases
calories burned (BMR)
Increases bone density
Hypertrophy of ligaments leads to less injuries outside the
Increased metabolic rate for longer!
How to build muscle
Whole body exercises get the biggest bang for your buck!
Free weights makes you more functional (less likely to injure
yourself outside of the gym), increases self esteem!
Reps - use a weight you can lift 10-12 times with good form at a
pace which allows a time under tension of 40 to 70 seconds
Sets - complete 2 or 3 sets with at least a minute rest in between
to allow the muscles to recover
In and out of the gym in under an hour
More rest after working out building muscle needs your
parasympathetic nervous system to be working!
Fat Switch Exercise
30 minutes exercise a day
Ideally whole body resistance training to build muscle
Best time to train is in the morning when your bodys
natural cortisol levels are high and glucose is low
Week One Sample Menu
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Body Composition Testing

Muscle Mass (#1 indicator of health)

Basal Metabolic Rate (#3 indicator of

health) - Related to age

Body Fat Composition (#4 indicator of

health) - Visceral Fat Score

Bone Mass

Cellular Hydration Level

Fat Switch Guarantee
Follow my recommendations and lose at least 3-5 Kg in 3
Opportunity to get your money back now....
Let us know if you followed the programme and
dont get the results so we can refund your money
and point you in the direction of why you didnt get
the results you wanted....
After the break....

Motivation Plan
Why Lose weight?
Super boosting your fat
Supporting your fat switch with micronutrients
Super boosting the Fat
Anything that damages the mitochondria,
the cells energy factories, can trigger the
switch that makes your body store fat
rather than burn it.
This can include -
Micro nutrient deciencies
Inammation and oxidative stress
Food intolerances
Poor liver function
Leptin Resistance
Hormone dysfunction
;-&*/0)$*-'0$ 4'<&-'0&-'+ #04 $"' =#$
8uA - of nuLrluonal lnLakes were orlglnally seL
as Lhe MlnlMuM we need noL Lo have a
vlLamln u - 8uA 400 lu - ls seL aL Lhe
mlnlmum a chlld needs Lo noL geL rlckeLs.
lodlne - 8uA 130 mcg a day - Lhls was seL as
Lhe mlnlmum lodlne we need Lo noL geL a
SuggesLed Cpumal nuLrluonal
Allowance (SCnA)
i)ueveloped from a sLudy aL Lhe unlverslLy of
Alabama Medlcal School ($2M, 13,300 sub[ecLs,
13 years, 49,000 pages of records). PealLhlesL
people were Lhe ones wlLh Lhe hlghesL
mlcronuLrlenLs per calorle.
ii) ur. Schauss and nauonal College of naLuropaLhlc
medlclne presenLs Lhe SCnA sLandard for
iii) uo we geL everyLhlng we need from our dleL?
new Zealand nuLrluonal ueclencles
vlLamln u - 84 of new Zealanders were declenL ln vlLamln u. (1)
lodlne - 99 of people LesLed for whole body lodlne sumclency were declenL. (2)
812 - 40 of new Zealanders over 63 had some degree of 812 declency.
Selenlum - new Zealand 8lood selenlum levels are 1.1.
lolaLe, lron, Zlnc, and Lrace mlnerals LhaL are declenL ln new
Zealand solls (8oron, chromlum)
1. Serum 23-hydroxyvlLamln u concenLrauons of new Zealandersaged 13 years and older CsLeoporos lnL (2006) 17: 1382-1389
2. ur. kamal karl. Wellness CenLre, Paweks 8ay
3. Creen 1!, venn 8!, Skea CM, Wllllams SM. Serum vlLamln 812 concenLrauons and aLrophlc gasLrlus
ln older new Zealanders. Lur ! Clln nuLr 2003,39:203-10.
Iodine Test
Iodine is one of the most important nutrients required for
thyroid function
Also very important for breast health, cellular metabolism,
control of cholesterol levels and metabolism of estrogen
New Zealands soils are deficient in Iodine, hence the
government iodize salt
Iodine test - Does anyone know if they are allergic to
Turn bottle upside down on arm and let dry
A faint outline of where the iodine was should still be
visible in 24 hours
Nutrition Analysis
"#$%&' ( ) *& +,-%.'$/&0# 1$%'
Early Morning
Vege/Apple Juice (homemade) with Grated Ginger 20 mins before breakfast.
1c cooked rolled oats w 1 dspn Soy Yoghurt, 1T LSA, 1 tsp Chia seeds
Soy Milk
1 cup of weak black tea
Morning Tea 1 Tea and 6 almonds
2 c Vegetable and Chicken Soup
2 Thin Ricebreads w Avocado and Tuna
2 Mandarins
Afternoon Tea
1 Green Tea
1 Carrot
2 Ricebreads with Tahini spread
2 Fillets Terakihi, steamed with lemon wedges
Spinach/Silverbeet mix
Carrot/Parsnip/Onion mashed
1 cup peas
1 Licorice tea
Nutrition Analysis - Client Y
2$'03$& 1 4%5$-$%&' 0' 67689 3-: ;<$-< $= >%#/;'<% 10$#? @%-/33%&4%4 A&'0B% C@1AD E/F G$'03$& 1 0&4 >%#/;HIJ*
2$'03$& + 4%5$-$%&' 0' K7KLM 3-: ;<$-< ;0= /&#? 8LN /E '<% @1A 0&4 0 #/&: ;0? =</F' /E '<% =O::%='%4 /.'$30# 40$#?
&O'F$'$/&0# 0##/;0&-%= CHIJ*D 7
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H%#%&$O30' P687Y 3-: $= >%#/;'<% @1A E/F ;/3%& 0' P86)9663-: 0&4 >%#/;'<% HIJ* /E 9663-:7
[$&-U %,0-'#? '<% @1A 0' K3: >O' >%#/;'<% HIJ* /E PQ3:
"<F/3$O3U 3/#?>4%&O3U $/4$&% 0&4 G0&04$O30#'</O:< &/' ;$'<$& '<% -/&'%,' /E '<% &O'F$'$/& 0&0#?=$= =/E';0F%U
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ercenL uS Women consumlng lnadequaLe quanuues of nuLrlenLs
Arab L, Carrlqulry A, SLeck-Scou S, CaudeL MM. LLhnlc dlerences ln Lhe nuLrlenL lnLake adequacy
of premenopausal uS women: resulLs from Lhe 1hlrd nauonal PealLh Lxamlnauon Survey. ! #$
%&'( #))*+ 2003, 103:1008-14.
ln a recenL sclenuc sLudy publlshed ln Lhe
!ournal of Lhe Amerlcan Medlcal Assoclauon
'vlLamlns for chronlc ulsease revenuon ln AdulLs.'
8esearchers recommended..
LhaL all adulLs Lake one MuluvlLamln dally."
1hey wenL on Lo say.
mosL people do noL consume an opumal amounL
of vlLamlns by dleL alone."
8ef: !AMA, 2002, 287, 3127-3129
?ou can Lrace every slckness, dlsease, and every
allmenL Lo a mlneral declency"
, -&./) 01/2&.3 456* 7$' 8*9'2 0:&;' 6&..':<
8lo- AvallablllLy of mlnerals..
Puman nuLrluon - Mlnerals
Mlneral depleLed solls ls anoLher ma[or lssue ln
human nuLrluon
uSuA daLa shows LhaL Lhere ls up Lo a 38
decllne ln proLeln, calclum, vlL C, phosphorus,
lron and rlboavln.
lrom 1941 -2001 lL was found LhaL lron, zlnc,
copper, magneslum and selenlum levels have
decllned 63.
Pullng, uecember 13 2001.
Puman nuLrluon - Mlnerals
lrom 1940-1991
Mineral Vegetable Fruits
Copper Down 76% Down 19%
Sodium Down 49% Down 29%
Calcium Down 46% Down 16%
Iron Down 27% Down 24%
Magnesium Down 24% Down 15%
Potassium Down 16% Down 22%
uavld 1homas, Analysls of u.k composluon of foods 1940-1991,
nuLrluon and PealLh 2003, vol17, pp83-113.
MlcronuLrlenLs and Lhe laL SwlLch
Llver luncuon
?our llver ls dependanL on 83, 86,
89, 812, vlLamlns A, L and u, plus
many mlnerals, amlno aclds and
MlLochondrla funcuon
81, 82, 83, 83 86 and
( Lnergy for Llfe - MeLagenlcs CcL 2009)
MlcronuLrlenLs and Lhe laL SwlLch
Adrenal glands
vlLamlns - vlLamln C, vlLamln L (6
enzymes ln Lhe adrenal cascade
requlre vlL L - mlxed Locopherols, 83,
83, 86, and synerglsuc relauonshlp
wlLh oLher 8 vlLamlns,
1. Adrenal laugue - Lhe 21sL cenLury
sLress syndrome - ur. !ames Wllson nu,
uC, hu, SmarL publlcauons, 2001.
Mlnerals - Magneslum, calclum, Lrace mlnerals - parucularly
zlnc, manganese, selenlum, molybdenum, chromlum, copper,
AnuoxldanLs from our dleL.
Many vlLamlns acL as anuoxldanLs such as vlLamln
A, C, u, L, C (CC 10).
Mlnerals also acL as anuoxldanLs ln your body,
selenlum, zlnc, copper, manganese, lron Lo name a
Many chemlcals ln our dleL acL as elecLron donors
and anuoxldanLs and commonly go under Lhe
umbrella of phyLonuLrlenLs and lnclude caroLenolds,
avanolds and polyphenols.
Cne of Lhe besL sources of anuoxldanLs ls green
leafy vegeLables, colours ln food
Supercharglng your energy and welghL
MlcronuLrlenLs are aL Lhe hearL of welghL loss.
?ou can'L geL everyLhlng you need from your dleL
LxLra nuLrluon from hlgh quallLy supplemenLs
l'm a 'loodle' and Lhls ls whaL l used Lo Lake
lnLroduclng 8eure CnL
Why cheap supplemenLs don'L work!
Cheap forms LhaL cannoL be absorbed
noL enough Lo make a dlerence
Paven'L goL whaL's mlsslng ln new Zealand's solls
Mlnlmal anuoxldanLs
no whole food base
no superfoods
uncerued manufacLurers and so you can'L be
sure of whaL's ln Lhem
5 Star Rating Manufacturer

Manufactured By Douglas Laboratories - USA
!Consistently in the top three manufacturers in the world
!cGMPs for nutritional supplements in accordance with USP
!NSF International has GMP Registered Douglas Laboratories
manufacturing facility
!ISO 9001 certication of in-house laboratories performing
Chemical, Physical, and Microbial testing
! ISO 17025 accreditation of in-house laboratories
!Veri-Match electronic label match to formula system to ensure
content accuracy
!VCP (Vendor Certication Program) to ensure raw material quality
!FDAAudit Compliant
!Approved facility to produce Organic Certied products

Specic Micronutrients in BePure ONE
that support the Fat Switch and fat loss
Aco-factor for many enzymes reactions therefore vital for
hormone production in the adrenal glands and thyroid.
Selenium is also involved in the construction of
selenoproteins One group of selenoproteins called
glutathione peroxidises is the primary base antioxidant
produced in the body. Deciency in selenium can then result
in increased oxidative damage and mitochondria dysfunction
triggering the bodys fat switch.
(BePure ONE contains selenium as selenium krebs complex
for maximum absorption.)
Specic Micronutrients in BePure ONE
that support the Fat Switch and fat loss
Without adequate iodine your body cannot make thyroxine
the main thyroid hormone.Thyroid hormones are also some
of the most important for weight loss and energy. The
thryroid hormones have been likened to the accelerator for
your body, controlling energy metabolism, weight gain and
loss. Therefore maintaining optimal thyroid function is key
to driving energy metabolism at a cellular level.
BePure ONE contains extra iodine from the natural source of
Specic Micronutrients in BePure ONE
that support the Fat Switch and fat loss
Is heavily utilised by the mitochondria and therefore
directly effects the fat switch in the body. Magnesium
is also heavily used in enzyme function and therefore
not only important for detoxication through the liver
but also in the making of hormones both in the adrenal
glands and thyroid. Magnesium also plays a role in fat
oxidisation your bodys ability to burn fat as an
energy source and therefore it is very important for
weight loss and energy.
(BePure ONE contains a chelated magnesium for
optimal absorption.)
Specic Micronutrients in BePure ONE
that support the Fat Switch and fat loss
B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and biotin are directly utilized in the
mitochondria for energy production and as such are directly
involved in the fat switch. B12 is also heavily utilised for
oxygen carrying capacity and energy production.
(BePure ONE contains all of these, in highly stable, active
B vitamins
Directly utilised by the mitochondria in energy production and
therefore deciencies are involved in the triggering of the fat switch.
(BePure ONE contains copper as as an amino acid chelate)
Specic Micronutrients in BePure ONE
that support the Fat Switch and fat loss
The primary fat soluble antioxidant and protects the mitochondria
phospholipid cell membrane from the destructive effects of free
radicals. Again supporting mitochondria health, increased energy
and weight maintenance.
(BePure ONE contains natural vitamin E with mixed tocopherols.)
Vitamin E
Vitamin D
Stabalises the effects of insulin meaning that fructose is not driven
into the cell as quickly and as a result less mitochondria damage
(BePure ONE contains D3, the animal active form of vitamin D.)
Specic Micronutrients in BePure ONE
that support the Fat Switch and fat loss
Both facilitate the uptake of glucose by the
muscles and assist in stabilising blood sugar levels.
High sugar diets have been found to decrease
chromium levels combined with the fact that most
soils are decient in chromium and vanadium,
there is great benet to be had from supplementing
these trace minerals.
(BePure ONE contains both vanadium and
chromium in a highly bio-available form)
Chromium and Vanadium
Specic Micronutrients in BePure ONE
that support the Fat Switch and fat loss
Help mop up the free radicals which if left
unattended will cause oxidative stress and
mitochondria damage, resulting in
decreased energy production and triggering
the body to store energy and fat.
(BePure ONE contains a broad range of antioxidants,
like Red Wine Proanthocyanidins, Lutein, Zeaxanthin,
Pine Bark Extract, Lemon Bioavanoids, Rose Hips).
Specic Micronutrients in BePure ONE
that support the Fat Switch and fat loss
Research is showing that vitamin C blocks the
absorption of fructose by the cell and helps protect
against the activation of the Fat Switch by fructose.
This also helps explain why fruit generally does not
make people fat as most fruits are also high in vitamin
(BePure ONE contains vitamin C in a buffered form).
Vitamin C
Specic Micronutrients in BePure ONE
that support the Fat Switch and fat loss
Green tea has been shown to increase weight loss in scientic
research. (BePure ONE contains Green Tea Extract)
Green Tea Extract
Green Papaya
Is often used to help weight loss through the reduction of uric acid,
a bye product of the fat switch being activated (BePure ONE
contains Green Papaya Extract).
Apple Pectin
Is shown to help protect against metabolic syndrome reducing
blood sugar levels, total cholesterol, triglyceride levels and weight.
(BePure ONE contains Apple Pectin)
Specic Micronutrients in BePure ONE
that support the Fat Switch and fat loss
Key amino acids used in liver function
(BePure ONE contains Methionine and N Acetyl L-Cysteine)
Methionine and N Acetyl L-Cysteine
Chlorella has been shown to reduce heavy metals within the body
that block cell function. (BePure ONE contains Chlorella).
Have been shown to support phase 2 of liver function, helping
remove toxins from our body. (BePure ONE contains organic
Cabbage, Broccoli and Cauliower)
Praise for BePure ONE
PS. I am loving the new ONE pills! I have recently suffered from a cold, and found
that the symptoms weren' nearly as bad as they usually are! I usually get chest
infections as well, but I've hardly notice being sick at all!! And no antibiotics this
time! Amazing! Best money I've ever spent!! - Audrey W.
Have really noticed marked improvement in my vitality and am sleeping very well
while taking BePure One. Its great!! - Marie Be
Are you sure this stuff is legal? It!s like rocket fuel and it!s really helped me have a
clear mind and nail my business meetings. Mr. Laloli (Laloli group)
Your BePure One are amazing I can really feel it if I have forgotten to take them in
morning. Cheryl P. Day 15 email
Hi, just to let you know that this supplement is FANTASTIC!!!! Haven!t felt so t and
full of energy for a long time Jane R.
Hi cant tell you how much I love my BePure ONE, my husband and I are both on
them. I now have more energy and I feel 10yrs younger.- Sandra R.
8easons Lo Lake 8eure CnL
l belleve everyone should be Laklng a muluvlLamln/mlneral
supplemenL especlally lf someone ls wanung Lo lncrease energy
and lose welghL
lL's lmporLanL Lo keep Laklng a muluvlLamln/mlneral
supplemenL because many of Lhe vlLamlns, mlnerals and
anuoxldanLs wlll geL used up and Lherefore you wlll need Lo
keep replenlshlng Lhem.
WlLh 8eure CnL you Lake Lwo capsules ln Lhe mornlng and
Lwo capsules aL nlghL as a malnLenance dose

8eure CnL allows Lhls for only $1.46 a day Lo proLecL your
mosL lmporLanL asseL. WlLh convenlence of 'AuLo Shlp'

A Llfe Changlng CpporLunlLy
Order BePure ONE on 'Autoship' today I will get:
Receive a new bottle of BePure ONE every two months
Be charged the low price of $88 every two months
Save $17 on every bottle (from the 'one off' purchase price of
$105 per bottle)
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Never have to worry about reordering or running out
Have no obligation and cancel at any time
A massive 240 capsules of BePure ONE (that's a 2 month supply)
FREE access to your Life Changing Online Programme (value:
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u8uu 87S 787

Why Lose Weight.
Keep asking youiself this question anu answeiing it uiffeiently each time.
#1: ___________________________________________
#2: ___________________________________________
#S: ___________________________________________
#4: ___________________________________________
#S: ___________________________________________
#6: ___________________________________________

You in the futuie.
Close youi eyes anu imagine that you have the bouy you want now
What uoes it look like.
#1: ___________________________________________
#2: ___________________________________________
#S: ___________________________________________

What uoes it feel like.
#1: ___________________________________________
#2: ___________________________________________
#S: ___________________________________________

Besciibe the feelings you have.
#1: ___________________________________________
#2: ___________________________________________
#S: ___________________________________________
u8uu 87S 787

Now in the futuie you have the bouy you want
What uoes that make available to you.
#1: ___________________________________________
#2: ___________________________________________
#S: ___________________________________________

What othei aieas of youi life woulu this change.
#1: ___________________________________________
#2: ___________________________________________
#S: ___________________________________________

What can you now uo.
#1: ___________________________________________
#2: ___________________________________________
#S: ___________________________________________

Bow uo you feel about youiself anu youi life now (with this new bouy).
#1: ___________________________________________
#2: ___________________________________________
#S: ___________________________________________

So you now have the possibility of this
bouy, if you have it oi not...
Is up to you!

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