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Specialties: Demand Planning (DP), Supply Network Planning (SNP), Production Planning/Detailed Scheduling (PP/DS) Profile Summary:

Around 7 years of experience in SAP SCM this includes 4 years diverse experience in SAP APO and 2 years of experience in production planning. In particular, the Production Planning and etailed Scheduling !PP S", e#and Planning ! P" and Supply $et%or& Planning !S$P" 'unctionality and APO/BW. (ands)on experience of ASAP #ethodology %ith experience in all phases of Pro*ect i#ple#entation)Preparation, +usiness +lueprint, ,eali-ation, Pre)go .ive, /o .ive and Post live Support Maintained CIF Integration Models for Master and 0ransaction ata transfer 1et%een R/3 and APO Maintained 0i#e 1uc&et profiles, Forecast profiles, planning versions, life cycle
#anage#ent %ith Realignment and 2Like3 Modeling, Mass Processing and Process C ain.

Created !"P Master Profile and %or&ed on !"P #e$ristics% Optimi&er and
Capa1le to #atch !C'M", (eplo)ment and 'ransport Load B$ilder !'LB", *A'P, Con+ersion of !"P planned orders to PP/(!.

Maintained CIF Integration Models for Master and 'ransaction (ata transfer
1et%een R/3 and APO.

Clear understanding of 1usiness process and #odeling using ARI! and ,I!IO
esigned and tested the core APO PP/(! functionality that included planned Independent re4uire#ents li&e production and production in PP/(!-

5or&ed %ith PP Planning Procedure, Production Planning ,un, Interactive Planning,

(euristics, etailed Scheduling Planning +oard, and Opti#i-er.

Perfor#ed !$pport activities in PP/(! such as running logs, provide sol$tions to

the errors% strateg) profile, create an order in (! /oard , PP(! interacti+e reports, Pegging !etting% Optimi&er profile-

6xperience in creating test scenarios, #anage testing, developing user docu#ents

and training of ne% solution using 4uality center 7.2.

Involved in Pro*ects utili-ing the !AP R/3 Prod$ction Planning !PP" #odule %ith
thorough &no%ledge of !0OP% (emand Management% Capacit) Planning , MRP% MP!, Bill of materials !BOM", Work Centre, and Ro$tings etc.

eveloped Process c ains for various standard P activities and effectively used Process c ains for daily P loads and several ad hoc loads and thus provided

greater control to the I0 tea# over the Batc


yna#ic, detail oriented, results)producing professional %ith a proven record of acco#plish#ent in configuring and i#ple#enting solutions in support of 1usiness goals and o1*ectives for Fort$ne 122 clients.

6xcellent analytical 8 co##unication s&ills and a1ility to interact %ith 1usiness users.
A1le to translate 1usiness re4uire#ents into deploya1le 1usiness solutions and %or& in tea#s.

Technical Skill Set:

S P !"" +(,, )(, S P S"-

: S P # $/% &ersion '()", '(*, !"" : S"P. '(,, '(/, +(,, )(,, *(, : 0indows 1P, 2ista, 0indows : -S Pro3ect, -S .ffice Suite, -S :.racle, S67 ser&er 8,,+,

.perating Systems * Pro3ect -anagement 4 $eports 2isio Data5ases D98
Professional 9ualifications

: C, C++

+achelor of Science: Ma*or in Psychology Minor in 6lectrical 6ngineering (oftra ;niversity) (e#stead, $e% <or& Master of Science: Manage#ent of 0echnologies $ey <or& ;niversity) $e% <or&, $<

Professional Experience:

"lient: "oca "ola ""$, ;e5 8,//<Present $ole: S P P. DP, PPDS "onsultant 2ersion: S P S"- *(,, !"" )(, $esponsi5ilities:


Involved %ith design and i#ple#entation of e#and Planning, Product Planning and etailed Scheduling pro*ects using SCM=.>

Analy-ed the AS)IS condition of the de#and planning process. Carried out the 0O)+6 and /AP analysis, 1usiness process re)engineering and configuration. iscussed specific and critical re4uire#ents %ith the client tea# and discussed %hat can 1e done and %hat data to 1e #apped fro# their legacy syste# to ,?@. Actively designed and refined integration ata Specifications. Involved in the #onitoring of proper transfer of Master ata fro# legacy syste# %ith ,?@ through CIF. Set up APO +5 Source syste#, info area, info so$rce and info c$/e. Maintained !torage B$cket and 'ime B$cket Profiles. Set up the (emand Planning /ook, Planning O/3ect !tr$ct$re% Planning area and macros in the interacti+e demand planning. Conducted ;ser Manage#ent exercises 1ased on Industry %ide +ench#ar&s and assigned users to Planning +oo&. /enerated planned independent re4$irements 1ased on the custo#ers historical sales data using various statistical forecasting #ethods of (emand Planning and developed #ethodology for evaluating the 1est forecast 1ased on +est Practices in the industry. Maintained !tatistical forecast profiles and various data vie%s as per 1usiness 1lueprint. Monitored exceptional or critical situations using Alert monitor Perfor#ed Life C)cle Planning through Like Profile, P, and P ased.o$t Profile. Maintained CIF Integration models for Master and 0ransaction ata transfer 1et%een R/3 and APO Maintained etailed scheduled Planning /oard profile. Maintained strateg) profile, Maintained time profile, Maintained optimi&ation profile% defined propagation range and PP(! /lock planning Perfor#ed Support activities in PP? S such as r$nning logs% create an order in (! /oard, PP(! interacti+e reports, PP(! online reports, Con+ert planned orders into process order, Pegging !etting eveloped user training docu#ents and conducted Ano%ledge 0ransfer. Involved in coordinating 1et%een 0esting tea# and Apo tea# to conduct unit testing, integration and functional testing using #P 5$alit) Center. (elped in defect management. Provided post i#ple#entation support.
"lient: Nephron Pharmaceutical, ;7 ;e5 8,// DP/SNP/PPDS (Support) "onsultant !n&ironment: S P !"" )(,, S"- )(, -arch 8,/,< $ole: S"- P.

$esponsi5ilities: Co#pleted BW O1*ects li&e Info Cu1es, Info Source, and Source Syste# to .oad Allocation ,estrictions. Maintained Master Planning O1*ect Structure, Planning Areas, Characteristic Balue Co#1inations !CBCs", Master ata and 0i#e Series O1*ects, Storage +uc&et Profile and Planning +uc&et Profile for #onthly 1uc&ets and %ee&ly 1uc&ets. Maintained Statistical 'orecast Profiles and various (ata ,ie6s as per +usiness +lueprint. efined Forecast Models for 'ime !eries ForecastingCreated Proportional Factors to disaggregate C,Cs fro# Aggregate to the .evel. etail

Perfor#ed Life C)cle Planning through .i&e Profile, P and P ase.O$t Profiles. Perfor#ed Pro#otion Planning using !tatistical #ethod. efined Macros to perfor# calculations to carry out tests and to create alerts. Maintained CIF Integration Models for Master and 0ransaction 1et%een R/3 to APO. ata transfer

Set up S$P Master Profile and configured S$P Master ata C Location and Prod$ct Master% 'ransportation Lane and Prod$ction Process Model 7PPM8Created a !$ppl) C ain Model to represent the !$ppl) C ain "et6ork %ith all relevant locations !vendors, plants, distri1ution centers and custo#ers", resources !storage, handling and supply capa1ilities" and relationships ! 'ransportation Lanes". Support activities in PP? S such as running logs% strateg) profile% create an order in (! 1oard, Con+ert planned orders into process order , and issues solved using S planning 1oard% PP(! interacti+e reports and online reports.

"lient: 9=.S!NS! 0!9ST!$ =N", " 8,/, $ole: S"- P. DP, SNP "onsultant 2ersion: !"" +(,, S"- +(, $esponsi5ilities: Integration of

;e5 8,,><-arch

e#and Planning !(P" %ith Supply $et%or& Planning !!"P".

eveloped product and product location forecasts to drive S$P, istri1ution ,e4uire#ents Planning. 6xperience in forecast realign#ent, proportional factors #aintenance. Config$ration of info c$/es% planning areas% planning /ooks and macros- /enerated planned independent re4$irements 1ased on the custo#ers historical sales data using various statistical forecasting #ethods of (emand Planning and developed #ethodology for evaluating the 1est forecast 1ased on +est Practices in the industry. Maintained !tatistical forecast profiles and various data vie%s as per 1usiness 1lueprint. Monitored exceptional or critical situations using Alert monitor Perfor#ed Life C)cle Planning through Like Profile, P, and P ased.o$t Profile. Maintained CIF Integration models for Master and 0ransaction ata transfer 1et%een R/3 and APO-

Created S$P Master Profile and %or&ed on !"P #e$ristics, Optimi&er and Capa/le to matc 7C'M8% (eplo)ment and 'ransport Load B$ilder 7'LB8% and Con+ersion of !"P planned orders to PP/(! Involved in unit testing, integration testing and defect #anage#ent using #P 5$alit) Center, ,e#edy. "lient: ?yundai -otors, 7 8,,> $ole: S"- P. DP 4 SNP/: TP "onsultant 2ersion: S P !"" +(,, S"- +(, $esponsi5ilities: Perfor#ed S<=S/T.<9! Study with core team members and presented reports after completing : P nalysis 5or&ed as a functional consultant in i#ple#enting SAP SCM at (yundai. Carried Roll O$ts across other geographical locations esigned and configured co#plete data model !Info o1*ects?Info sources?Source syste#s? ata sources" Configured Info cu1e and defined Planning Books and Macros for interactive planning Created Master Planning o/3ect !tr$ct$res% Planning Area% C aracteristic Com/ination Master (ata% !torage B$cket Profile and Planning /$cket profile for mont l) /$ckets and 6eekl) /$ckets% Alert monitor Maintained !tatistical forecast profiles and various data vie%s as per 1usiness 1lueprint -ay 8,,@<;e5

Created Proportional Factors to disaggregate CBCs fro# Aggregate to the level


Perfor#ed Life C)cle Planning through Like Profile, P, and P ased.o$t profile Set up ,elease of e#and Plan to S$P ata transfer

Maintained CIF Integration models for Master and 0ransaction 1et%een R/3 and APO Set up of !"P master profile and configured S$P Master Masters, ,esource and Production Process Models!PPM"

ata .ocations, Product

Maintained planning calendar, Planner Responsi/le and Creating variant for S$P 0ransaction ata eletion Set up the s$ppl) c ain model !%or& areas)location, products, resources, PPM, transportation lanes and 4uota arrange#ents" Perfor#ed !"P r$ns using !"P profile for !"P Optimi&er e$ristics, created cost and Optimi&ation

efined ! ipping and !torage Calendars for each location and perfor#ed Ro$g .C$t Capacit) C eckPerfor#ed S$P ,uns using S$P (euristics and S$P Opti#i-er and #aintained 9uota Arrange#ents in !$ppl) C ain 9ngineer 7!C98 for the use of S$P (euristics and Creation of Opti#i-er Profile and S$P Cost Profile. Configuration for R$les./ased A'P c eck. 0esting of Backorder Processing% Prod$ct Allocations and R$les./ased A'P c eck 1y creating scenarios using sales orders in ,?@. 0rou1leshooting configuration issues in *A'P and its integration %ith ,?@. Created 6nd ;ser ocu#ents and 0raining Materials.

"lient: llen ;amily ugust 8,,*< -ay 8,,@ $ole: S P P. DP, SNP "onsultant 2ersion: S P S"- '(,, !"" +(, $esponsi5ilities:




Involved in the creation of Info o/3ects% Info c$/es% Info so$rces , Info pac&ages, Characteristic Balue Co#1inations 7C,Cs8, Master Planning O1*ect Structure,

Planning areas, Planning 1oo&s % (ata +ie6s, !tatistical forecast profiles, !torage B$cket profile and Planning +uc&et Profile for #onthly 1uc&ets and %ee&ly 1uc&ets Phase)in, Phase)out and .i&e Profile, Backgro$nd 3o/s and Maintained Process C ain. (efined planning /ooks and Macros for interactive planning and to perfor# calculations to carry out tests, and created Alerts. efined Macros

esigned and eveloped the Supply $et%or& Model incorporating all the plants, distri1ution centers, Custo#ers and Suppliers 1ased on the supply chain process. esigned 8 Configured the Optimi&ation Planning, #e$ristic eploy#ent and 'ransport Load B$ilder 7'LB8 'unctionalities Planning,

0ransported the Configurations to 'esting and Prod$ction !er+er. Manually created the non)transporta1le activities. !+ac&ground *o1s, variants etc".

"lient: 2isteon "orporation, -= ug8,,* $ole: S P PP "onsultant 2ersion: S P !"" '(,, S"- '(,


Config$red Material Master% BOM% Ro$ting and Work Center for the old and ne% e4uip#ent in large volu#e (iscrete Man$fact$ring en+ironment. 5or&ed on MM functionalities) Material Masters, Info ,ecords, Source .ists, Consu#ption +ased Planning, Purchasing and Inventory. 6xtensively %or&ed on Prod$ction Order creation, Release% A+aila/ilit) C eck% Confirmation of orders% A$tomatic *oods Receipt and *oods Iss$eConfigured Prod$ction production orders. !c ed$ling Profile and !c ed$ling Parameters for

Maintained Planning 6it products.

Final Assem/l) strategy for various

Configured Plant Para#eters for Materials ,e4uire#ent Planning such as M,P groups, M,P controller, M,P types, Planning #ori&on% Proced$re and availa1ility chec& for co#ponents. Config$red and executed the ! op Floor Acti+ities 1ased on ;ser %hich included release of Production Order and Printing of Shop 'loor ocu#ents. 7'ime 'icket/Pick 'icket8 5or&ed on isplay 'ilters for Stoc& ,e4uire#ent .ist and M,P list.

Maintained Control cycle ,ecord %ith respect to #aterial, plant and supply area.

Configured Material Master to #aintain 9uality Manage#ent Bie%, Inspection types as per 1usiness Inspection ,e4uire#ents.

"lient: ;enwal =nc, "hicago, =7 8,,+<3une8,,) $ole: ;unctional P. DP/SNP "onsultant (=mplementation) 2ersion: S P $/% $elease '()", S"- +(, $esponsi5ilities: Studied and analy-ed the clientDs 1usiness process re4uire#ents.


Configured and custo#i-ed Material Master, +ill of Material, 5or& Center and ,outing. Custo#i-ed planning strategies, re4uire#ent type and re4uire#ent classes. 5or&ed on Ma&e to stoc& Planning strategy. ,esponsi1le for Custo#i-ing various M,P types, M,P /roup, lot si-e calculation, scheduling #argin &ey and procure#ent proposals. ,esponsi1le for ocu#enting configuration in the IM/, finali-ing and reporting re4uire#ents, #aintained Planned Independent ,e4uire#ents 1y transferring data fro# Sales and operation Planning. Involved as a E)#e#1er tea# for i#ple#entation of !AP APO. Prepared and set up supply chain #aster data !product para#eters, statistical forecast profiles, storage and transport resources, PPM". Created planning versions to find opti#i-ation para#eters that give #ost accurate results. Created cost and opti#i-ation profile for !"P optimi&er. 5or&ed on the set up of the supply chain #odel !%or& areas)location, products, resources, PPM, transportation lanes and 4uota arrange#ents". Integration of P and S$P.

Creation of !"P prod$ct master +ie6s, lot si-es, production hori-on etc. Period)Oriented planning in the product planning ta1le. Configuration of S$P propagation range, strategy profile, #e$ristic profile, planning 1oard. S

Active participation in setting up the S$P #aster profile !de#and and #aster"

profile. Setting up etailed Scheduling S)Alert Profile and Setting up CI' Integration #odels for transfer of Master ata, transaction data. !"P Optimi&er. planning r$n in !"P , Opti#i-er Capacity .eveling, Opti#i-er eploy#ent and 0.+ run. Active participation in gathering the #aster data re4uired for S$P (euristic. 5or&ed on Consistency Chec& ,eport or ,econciliation and +est Practice ,eports.

"lient: -iteB =nc, ?auppauge, NC .ct( 8,,+ $ole: Pro3ect -anager / 7ead Technical !ngineer $esponsi5ilities:

Aan( />>'<

Pro*ect Manager for full product develop#ent life cycle. As a tea# lead assigned and designated tas&s to all personnel fro# technician to engineer. ,esponsi1le for procure#ent of necessary #aterial to reduce cost of a pro*ect. Coordinated activities regarding fa1rication, operation, application, installation, and repair of all test e4uip#ents. Overloo&ed technical support to production tea# for release of ne% test progra#s?procedures. ,esearched all aspects of electrical?#echanical co#ponents including a#plifiers, #ixers, parts, etc. Coordinated activities regarding fa1rication, operation, application, installation, and repair of all test e4uip#ent. Provided technical support to production tea# for release of ne% test progra#s?procedures. Perfor#ed so#e #icro asse#1ly of hy1rid #icro%ave a#plifiers including co#ponent attach#ent, ther#o)co#pression %ire 1onding, and parallel gap %elding. Aligned and tested #icro%ave lo% noise a#plifiers to custo# specifications. 0esting included s#all signal gain, input?out return loss, noise figure, PFd+, saturated po%er, and IP@. ocu#ented ne% a#plifier designs using AutoCA and prepared for production release.

References available on request

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